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Archaeological Prospection

Archaeol. Prospect. 7, 231±240 (2000)

Investigation of Underground
Resistivity Structures using
the VLF±MT Method
Institute of Applied Earth Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science,
Akita University, Akita 010-8502, Japan

ABSTRACT The very low frequency, magnetotelluric (VLF±MT) is a widely used technique for investigating
underground structures. This method utilizes an arti®cial electromagnetic ®eld of very low
frequency range for the purpose of investigating the resistivity of an underground structure. The
measurement is simple, and can provide details on electric ®eld intensity, magnetic ®eld
intensity, apparent resistivity and phase difference promptly on the spot. In this study I inspected
the effectiveness of the VLF±MT method in archaeological prospecting. I applied it to keyhole-
shaped mounded tombs to de®ne the position of the stone chamber. From the survey of the
Nishi-Norikura mounted tomb, located in Tenri city, I clearly show the position of a high resistivity
area. This position may be the stone chamber. A VLF±MT survey is an effective method to
obtain a view of the position of a high resistivity area or a stone chamber in a mounded tomb.
Copyright * c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Key words: VLF±MT method; resistivity; underground structure; mounded tombs; stone

Introduction VLF radio fields. The magnetotelluric (MT)

method utilizes two mutually vertical compon-
The very low frequency (VLF) wave has been ents, an electric field and a magnetic field. The
defined as a wave with a frequency from 3 kHz VLF±MT method is a form of the MT method.
to 30 kHz. An electromagnetic wave in the VLF Whereas the general MT method uses the natural
band is used for submarine communication, as electromagnetic field, VLF±MT utilizes an artifi-
this band displays little scattering and few decay cial electromagnetic field. Very low frequency
characteristics as it propagates through seawater. transmission centres are distributed widely
Very low frequency signals are monitored for the throughout the world and they constantly trans-
purpose of predicting earthquakes (Rodger, 1996; mit high power radio waves. Consequently, when
Molchanov, 1998), predicting volcanic eruption we investigate underground resistivity structures,
(Kauahikaua et al., 1996) and monitoring under- artificial VLF waves can be used more easily than
ground nuclear explosions (Mikhailov et al., 1998). natural waves.
The effect of the VLF on organs also has been The frequency 22.2 kHz is available in Japan. It
studied (King and Sandler, 1996). Mcneill and is transmitted from Ebino highland (32.05N,
Rabson (1991) describe geological mapping using 130.87E) in Miyazaki Prefecture. Measurement
equipment is small and operation is easy. We can
obtain the necessary information promptly on the
*Correspondence to: Dr Tadashi Nishitani, Institute of spot, that is, the electric field intensity, the
Applied Earth Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Resource
Science, Akita University, Akita 010-8502, Japan. E-mail: magnetic field intensity, an apparent resistivity and a phase difference between the electric and

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 6 July 1999
Accepted 2 November 1999
232 T. Nishitani

the magnetic fields. The VLF±MT method is of a deeper layer is smaller than that of the
commonly used for study around 100 m depth, surface layer, the phase difference is greater than
and it is possible to find subsurface water, to 458. The phase difference has the potential to
reveal geological structures, and to find active estimate the outline of an underground structure.
faults (Goldman and Neubauer, 1994; Guerin A standard depth of investigation is skin depth
et al., 1994). The main purpose of this paper is to and it can be expressed by the expression
reveal the position of a stone structure using the r
VLF±MT method. The subject of inspection is a r
d ˆ 503
mounded tomb. This study deals mainly with f
estimating the position of the inside structure in
the mounded tomb. where d is skin depth in metres, r is the resistivity
in ohm-m, and f is the frequency in Hz. This
expression shows that the skin depth depends on
Theory of the VLF±MT method the frequency and resistivity of the ground. In
the case of a frequency of 22.2 kHz, skin depth
The VLF±MT method surveys a subterranean becomes 35 m if r is 100 ohm-m and 107 m if r is
structure by means of a horizontal electric field 1000 ohm-m.
and a horizontal magnetic field at right angles
to each other, in the same manner as the MT
method, which uses natural electromagnetic Measurement method
fields. We measure the intensity of the electric
and magnetic fields, and phase difference We can receive VLF waves in many parts of the
between the two fields. Apparent resistivity can world, as shown in Figure 1. A frequency com-
be obtained according to the equations derived by ponent of 22.2 kHz, abbreviated designation JJI,
Cagniard (1953). dominates in Japan. In the field we initially
2 specify the direction of the transmitter of VLF
E waves and establish electrodes for an electric field
r ˆ 0.2T
H in this direction (Figure 2). An electrode interval
of 10 m is set as a standard. We measure a
where r is an apparent resistivity in ohm-m, T is magnetic field component, which is at right
period in seconds, E is an electric field in angles to the electric field component. The
mV km ÿ1, and H is a magnetic field in nT. We measuring instrument, VL-101 made by Tierra
can express underground structure using this Tecnica Co., shows the intensity of the magnetic
resistivity value. Apparent resistivity becomes a field in picotesla, and the intensity of the electric
true resistivity if the underground structure is field in microvolt per metre, the apparent resist-
uniform. If some part has a resistivity different ivity in ohm-m and the phase difference in
from uniform inside the area surveyed, a change degrees (Nishitani, 1998). There is an advantage
appears in the electric and magnetic fields. As a that we are able to find anomalous components
result, apparent resistivity shows a change. Con- immediately on the spot. Special skill is not
sequently, if we map the pattern of apparent necessary for measurement and observed values
resistivity, it will show the distribution of under- are provided by digital numbers. Therefore any-
ground structures. A phase difference between one can measure and acquire reliable and stable
the electric and the magnetic fields is also an data everywhere.
effective way of estimating the detail of a sub-
surface resistivity structure. If an underground
structure is homogeneous and uniform, a phase Reproducibility
difference of 458 is indicated. When the resistivity
of the deep layer is large compared with the Noise is naturally included in the measure-
surface layer, the phase difference indicated is ment and it is necessary to remove it in the
less than 458. On the other hand, if the resistivity data processing. However, we cannot always

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
The VLF-MT Method 233

Figure 1. Location of VLF stations.

distinguish between measurement noise and a concluded that the pattern shown in Figure 3 is
true signal. To judge a signal or a noise, it is not the effect of noise but a faithful reflection of
desirable to compare the values observed, which the underground information. Therefore the
are measured at the same point, with the same results of the VLF±MT method reflect the under-
condition many times. Figure 3 is an example ground structure. There is no correlation between
measured at Imashirozuka mounded tomb in resistivity changes and the topography and the
Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture. I performed a resistivity variation appears more pronounced.
VLF±MT survey along N10 lines, the solid line From this fact, the effect of the topographic
shown in Figure 3, twice with the same measur- change on the resistivity may be disregarded in
ing condition in order to compare the results the VLF±MT survey.
obtained. Figure 3a shows the apparent resist-
ivity of N10 lines measured in autumn of 1994,
and measured again in the summer of 1995 Exploration of mounded tombs
(Figure 3b). Change tendencies of the apparent
Iwatoyama mounded tomb
resistivity and the position of peaks are almost
the same in both. The reproducibility therefore Iwatoyama mounded tomb is the largest keyhole-
is extremely good, even though the second shaped mounded tomb in the Kyusyu area of
measurement was performed 1 year later. It is Japan. It is located in Yame city in Fukuoka

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
234 T. Nishitani

Figure 2. Schematic VLF waves.

Prefecture. The total length is approximately was built for Iwai in Tsukusi-no-kuni at the
135 m. The diameter of the rounded rear part of beginning of the sixth century (Iwatoyama Hist-
the keyhole tomb is approximately 60 m with a orical Museum, 1988).
height of approximately 18 m: the width of the I explored this Iwatoyama mounded tomb
square front part of the keyhole tomb is approx- using the VLF±MT method. The main purpose
imately 92 m, with a height of 17 m. There is a of this investigation is to find the position of the
moat surrounding the mounded tomb, which is stone chamber. Figure 4 represents an example of
situated in a greenbelt area. Haniwa and many the data recorded. The line profile of apparent
anthropomorphic stone images of horse were resistivity and its position is shown by a solid line
excavated from the burial mound. It is written in in the top figure. The positions of the rounded rear
the literature that Iwatoyama mounded tomb part and the square front part of a keyhole tomb

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
The VLF-MT Method 235

Figure 3. Reproducibility check at Imashirozuka mounded tomb. (a) Measured in the autumn of 1994; (b) measured in the
summer of 1995.

are shown on the x-axis at the base of the figure. indicate a high value around 65 m in the square
We can see low resistivity parts around 12 m and front part of the keyhole tomb, and the same
25 m. Flat part of the curve between them takes tendency can be seen in the electric component.
the attention. In addition, apparent resistivity data As a result of compilation with another 21 lines, I

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
236 T. Nishitani

Figure 4. The VLF±MT survey of Iwatoyama mounded tomb.

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
The VLF-MT Method 237

Figure 5. High resistivity parts in the Iwatoyama mounded tomb.

have determined the resistivity anomalies shown keyhole-shaped mounded tomb. The total length
in Figure 5. The high resistivity part in the is approximately 118 m and the diameter of the
southwest of the rounded rear part of the keyhole rounded part of the tomb is 66 m, with a height of
tomb is possibly a stone chamber. The ground sur- 15.5 m. The width of the square front part of the
face in this anomalous part is depressed slightly. It tomb is 88 m, with a height of 16 m. The burial
may be evidence to suggest a stone chamber. A mound is surrounded by a moat and another bank
sharp rising curve of apparent resistivity in the was established on the outside. In the narrow
square front part of the keyhole tomb indicates waist of the keyhole-shaped mounded tomb there
that the cause of anomalous resistivity comes from are square projections. This mounded tomb was
a comparatively shallow portion. Consequently, a constructed at the beginning of sixth century or in
high resistivity object or space exists at the centre the first half of the sixth century. Figure 6 is a
of the square front part of the keyhole tomb to the surveyed map of Nishi-Norikura keyhole
southwest direction. This result is consistent with mounded tomb.
the findings of Mizunaga and Ushijima (1996). Because a stake that was used at the actual
They applied the Schlumberger electric sounding survey was not left, I set a new coordinate. The
method to the rounded rear part of the Iwatoyama x-axis is defined as the principal axis direction to
mounded tomb and showed a high resistivity the square front part of the keyhole tomb and the
anomalous part in almost the same position and y-axis is defined as the direction that crosses at
direction as the present result. right angles to the x-axis. This mounded tomb
was explored previously by ground-penetrating
radar, but it did not show the position of a stone
Nishi-Norikura mounded tomb
chamber. I applied the VLF±MT method within a
Nishi-Norikura mounded tomb is situated in survey area of 15 m  15 m. Measurement was
Tenri city of Nara Prefecture, Japan. It is a performed at 0.5 m intervals, on the crossing

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
238 T. Nishitani

Figure 6. Nishi-Norikura mounded tomb.

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
The VLF-MT Method 239

Figure 7. Change of apparent resistivities. Top: west±east direction. Bottom: south±north direction.

points of 0.5 m-mesh lines. Figure 7 is a change of the resolution of estimation is about 0.5 m. The
apparent resistivity along the line of x ˆ 8 m, size of stone chamber is probably 2 m wide and
and lower part shows the results at y ˆ 4 m. 5 m long and it is a corridor-style stone chamber.
The position of stone chamber is estimated Near this mounded tomb is the Higashi-
synthetically considering all observed data. Mesh Norikura mounded tomb, which has been exca-
data at 0.5 m intervals were smoothed by the vated and a corridor-style stone chamber was
kriging method and shown in Plate 1. Therefore confirmed. It is thought that the construction

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
240 T. Nishitani

age for both mounded tombs is almost the same. Goldman M, Neubauer FM. 1994. Groundwater
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resistivity anomaly areas. We can specify in plan ground nuclear explosion on October 24, 1990.
view the high resistivity area or stone chamber by Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 39 66±72.
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the VLF±MT method is effective for investigating electrical methods. The 4th Symposium of Archaeolo-
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a large structure in a comparatively deep Technology, Vol. 4, 231±257.
position. Measurement equipment is small, and Molchanov OA, Hayakawa M, Oudoh T, Kawai E.
operation is easy. We can obtain the necessary 1998. Precursory effects in the subionospheric VLF
information promptly in situ. This method could signals for the Kobe earthquake. Physics of the Earth
become an indispensable technique for archaeo- Planetary Interiors, 105 239±248.
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605±635. Research, 101 13369±13378.

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Archaeol. Prospect., 7, 231±240 (2000)
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Archaeol. Prospect., Vol. 7, (2000)
Plate 1. Estimation of high resistivity area in Nishi-Norikura mounded tomb.

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