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ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering

HND in Mechanical Engineering

Code Title Assessor / Examiner
ME406 Energy Science and applications Mr. Udidtha Meewalaarachchi

Title : Weighting :
Conducting an energy audit 40%
Submit to: Deadline
Office Blackboard Other
Late submissions will incur a penalty according to the regulations
Additional submission details:


 Characterize appropriate energy sources and conversion technologies

 Calculate basic parameters of energy conservation mechanical systems
 Explain the concepts of energy audit and energy management

Weighting (%)

Report 100
Total 100%

Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering

Assessed By(Name):

Signature: Date:

Student Signature & Comments:

Assessment has been internally verified for use.

Internal Verifier
Dr. Dharshana Mudhalige

Signature : Date Verified : 01.14.2018

Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering

 Module:
 Student:
 Assessor:
 Assignment:

Strong features of your work:

Areas for improvement:

Marks Awarded:

Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering

Important Information for Students

 The criteria each task relates to are shown against that task where possible.

 Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you
produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some
instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).

 All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a

reference list/Bibliography should be included at the end of the assignment.

 Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that
you can hand over the assignment. A one week grace period maybe extended with
prior approval from the Program Manager – Undergraduate.

 Assignments returned to students for re-working must be re-submitted within 10 days

(Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission).

 Failure to re-submit the previously marked assignment with the re-submitted

assignment will mean that results cannot be released for the respective unit.

 Please read, follow and reference both the contents of the unit outline and the grading
criteria of the assignment before completing this assignment.

Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering


While research and discussion are an essential part of an assignment, the deliberate copying of
someone else’s work or unacknowledged copying from printed or electronic sources is NOT
permitted. You may be subject to disciplinary procedure if you do this. You should sign this
sheet to show that you comply with these regulations.

Student’s Signature: ……………………………….. Date: .…………………

Student’s Comments:



Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering

Report Structure

Paper Size A4

Printing or hand written Single Side

Font Times New Roman

Font size 12

Line spacing 1.5 pt.

Diagrams Where diagrams are need draw them clearly and to a sufficiently large

Colors No limitation

Presenting format As a report. However, give brief answers in point form wherever possible.

Referencing Use Harvard style of referencing (A software package such as zotero can
help you to reduce repetitive work significantly)

Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering


An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows, for energy
conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the
system without negatively affecting the output. In commercial and industrial real estate, an
energy audit is the first step in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expense and carbon

Task 1
Select a suitable industrial premises (site), develop a data capturing template to suite the
selected site. The site should be selected as such at least it contains the followings.
1. Motor application / or HAVC application greater than 10 kW / Thermal application like
a boiler.
2. Lighting applications.

Your data capturing template should be design as such it capture all the necessary
information such as the component, location of the component, number of such components in
the premises, name plate data of the component, the actual load connected to the component if
applicable and any information collected by talking to the system users.
You should attach your actual filled data capturing format you used in the survey.

Task 2
Find out the tariff applicable for the electricity supply to the site.
1. The total electrical load in kW.
2. Maximum KVAR demand and total electricity units used last month.
3. The load factor of the site.
4. Power factor of the incoming power
5. Efficiency and load factor of the largest motor Or of the largest thermal application
6. What is the maintenance policy

Task 3

Suggest an energy management system to improve the energy efficiency of the site. All
the calculations and cost effectiveness calculations should be included in the report.

Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

ICBT HND in Mechanical Engineering


Andrews, J, 2007. Energy Science: Principles, Technologies, and Impacts. 2nd ed. UK: Oxford
University Press


Communication Circuits- Assignment International College of Business and Technology

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