Importancia de La Quimica

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Chemistry in materials education

Chemistry itself is a materials science and has to do with many thousands of

materials of different structures.
Traditionally, chemist taught courses on materials such as cement and steel to
students of engineering and industrial chemistry. However, this situation has
changed. Today, materials chemistry is part of the mainstream of chemistry forms
an important part of materials science.
Without chemistry, it’s really difficult, but possible, to synthesize and design a wide
variety of materials. Let’s us not forget that chemicals have discovered several new
and innovate materials of great importance and also several to enrage o synthesis
strategies. Clearly, a proper background to chemistry is essential for every
materials and engineering scientist.
Whether for corrosion on for high magnetoresistence, superconductivity, chemistry
plays a crucial role.

Tomado de:
C.N.R. Rao
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore 560
064, India.

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