Benny Abraham Bungasalu 1706988604

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Based on observing Shot Point Display it will be known that the surface wave (Rayleigh
Wave) consist of 2 functions which have frequency 5 Hz and 10 Hz; interval trace = 30 m.

 If we have 12 geophones, determine geophone spacing on particular attenuation

based on spatial sampling of (4xd1)*(3xd2)
 Drawn each attenuation response !!
 Drawn and determine spatial convolution of those 2 types of spatial sampling

Dik : f1=10Hz, 4. Panjang gelombang (𝜆)

f2=5Hz, 𝑣1 540 𝑚/𝑠
𝜆1 = = = 54 𝑚
t=1000 ms=1 s 𝑓1 10 𝐻𝑧
𝑣2 750 𝑚/𝑠
𝜆2 = = = 150 𝑚
1. Mencari jarak S1 dan S2 𝑓2 5 𝐻𝑧
5. Bilangan gelombang (k)
S1= (116-98) x 30 m = 540 m 1 1
𝑘1 = = = 0,02
S2= (116-91) x 30 m = 750 m 𝜆1 54
1 1
𝑘2 = = = 0,01
2. Mencari kecepatan, panjang 𝜆2 150
gelombang, bilangan gelombang, 6. Jarak geophone
dan jarak geophone 1 1
𝑑1 = = = 12,5 𝑚
Dik : N= jumlah geophone = 12 buah 𝑛1 𝑘1 4 . 0,02
Konvolusi 4d1*3d2 1 1
𝑑2 = = = 33,3 𝑚
𝑛2 𝑘2 3 . 0,01
3. Kecepatan (v)
𝑆1 540 𝑚
𝑣1 = = = 540 𝑚/𝑠
𝑡 1𝑠
𝑆2 750 𝑚
𝑣2 = = = 750 𝑚/𝑠
𝑡 1𝑠

7. Mencari atenuasi Array 𝑑2 = 33,3 𝑚

 sin(𝑁𝑘2 𝑑2 )𝜋
sin(𝑁𝑘𝑑)𝜋  sin(12.0,01.33,3)𝜋 = 0,22
𝑅(𝑘) =
𝑁 sin(𝑘𝑑)𝜋
a) Untuk frekuensi pertama (f1)  𝑁 sin(𝑘2 𝑑2 )𝜋
 12 sin(0,01.33,3)𝜋 = 0,24
N= 12 geophone
𝑘1 = 0,02 sin(𝑁𝑘2 𝑑2 )𝜋 0,22
(𝑅(𝑘))2 = =
𝑑1 = 12,5 𝑚 𝑁 sin(𝑘2 𝑑2 )𝜋 0,24
 sin(𝑁𝑘1 𝑑1 )𝜋 =0,92
 sin(12.0,02.12,5)𝜋 = 0,16 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑛𝜋𝑘𝑑)
𝑅𝑘(𝑑𝐵) = 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔
𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜋𝑘𝑑)
 𝑁 sin(𝑘1 𝑑1 )𝜋 = 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔 0.92
 12 sin(0,02.12,5)𝜋 = 0,156 = -0.7242

sin(𝑁𝑘1 𝑑1 ))𝜋 0,16

(𝑅(𝑘))1 = =
𝑁 sin(𝑘1 𝑑1 ))𝜋 0,156 c) (R(K) Total) = (R(k)1)+(R(k)2)
= 1,025 = 0.2144 + (-0.7242)
sin(𝑛𝜋𝑘𝑑) = -0.5098
𝑅𝑘(𝑑𝐵) = 20 log 𝑛 sin(𝜋𝑘𝑑)
= 20 log 1,025
= 0.2144
Berdasarkan data dan hasil perhitungan
b) Untuk frekuensi kedua (f2)
data di atas dilakukan pengolahan data
selanjtnya dengan Microsoft excel.
N= 12 geophone
𝑘2 = 0,01

k 1 2
sin(Nπk N R(k) R(k) dB sin(Nπk N R(k) R(k) R(k)
d) sin(πkd d) sin(πkd) dB total
0.00 0.033922 0.03392 0.999820 - 0.02355 0.023561 0.999917 - -
01 691 879 135 0.001562 976 703 755 0.000 0.002
425 71 28
0.00 0.067806 0.06785 0.999280 - 0.04710 0.047121 0.999671 - -
02 335 515 647 0.006250 645 952 04 0.002 0.009
466 86 11
0.00 0.101611 0.10177 0.998381 - 0.07062 0.070679 0.999259 - -
03 928 662 854 0.014066 699 295 917 0.006 0.020
419 43 5
0.00 0.135300 0.13569 0.997124 - 0.09410 0.094232 0.998684 - -
04 557 076 287 0.025014 831 277 486 0.011 0.036
114 43 45
0.00 0.168833 0.16959 0.995508 - 0.11753 0.117779 0.997944 - -
05 445 515 686 0.039098 74 447 889 0.017 0.056
928 87 97
0.00 0.202171 0.20348 0.993536 - 0.14090 0.141319 0.997041 - -
06 992 733 005 0.056327 123 352 31 0.025 0.082
795 74 06
0.00 0.235277 0.23736 0.991207 - 0.16418 0.164850 0.995973 - -
07 822 487 408 0.076709 685 54 97 0.035 0.111
219 04 75
0.00 0.268112 0.27122 0.988524 - 0.18738 0.188371 0.994743 - -
08 829 534 267 0.100253 131 559 134 0.045 0.146
295 78 03
0.00 0.300639 0.30506 0.985488 - 0.21047 0.211880 0.993349 - -
09 217 629 166 0.126971 176 958 105 0.057 0.184
733 96 93
0.00 0.332819 0.33888 0.982100 - 0.23344 0.235377 0.991792 - -
1 545 529 893 0.156877 536 287 227 0.071 0.228
881 59 46
0.00 0.364616 0.37267 0.978364 - 0.25628 0.258859 0.990072 - -
11 77 991 446 0.189986 937 097 884 0.086 0.276
759 66 64
0.00 0.395994 0.40644 0.974281 - 0.27899 0.282324 0.988191 - -
12 293 771 027 0.226315 111 94 5 0.103 0.329
091 18 49
0.00 0.426915 0.44018 0.969853 - 0.30153 0.305773 0.986148 - -
13 994 627 043 0.265881 796 367 54 0.121 0.387
344 15 03
0.00 0.457346 0.47389 0.965083 - 0.32391 0.329202 0.983944 - -
14 281 316 102 0.308705 742 933 508 0.140 0.449
772 59 29
0.00 0.487250 0.50756 0.959974 - 0.34611 0.352612 0.981579 - -
15 126 595 014 0.354810 706 192 947 0.161 0.516
463 49 3
0.00 0.516593 0.54120 0.954528 - 0.36812 0.375999 0.979055 - -
16 106 223 787 0.404219 455 701 441 0.183 0.588
391 85 07
0.00 0.545341 0.57479 0.948750 - 0.38992 0.399364 0.976371 - -
17 447 956 628 0.456958 769 016 612 0.207 0.664

477 7 66
0.00 0.573462 0.60835 0.942642 - 0.41151 0.422703 0.973529 - -
18 056 554 936 0.513055 436 696 124 0.233 0.746
649 02 08
0.00 0.600922 0.64186 0.936209 - 0.43287 0.446017 0.970528 - -
19 563 775 308 0.572540 258 302 677 0.259 0.832
911 83 37
0.00 0.627691 0.67533 0.929453 - 0.45399 0.469303 0.967371 - -
2 361 378 525 0.635446 05 395 011 0.288 0.923
423 14 59
0.00 0.653737 0.70875 0.922379 - 0.47485 0.492560 0.964056 - -
21 636 122 561 0.701806 639 54 906 0.317 1.019
579 95 75
0.00 0.679031 0.74211 0.914991 - 0.49545 0.515787 0.960587 - -
22 406 766 575 0.771658 867 301 179 0.349 1.120
097 26 92
0.00 0.703543 0.77543 0.907293 - 0.51578 0.538982 0.956962 - -
23 557 071 906 0.845040 59 246 687 0.382 1.227
118 1 14
0.00 0.727245 0.80868 0.899291 - 0.53582 0.562143 0.953184 - -
24 872 797 078 0.921994 679 944 324 0.416 1.338
31 46 46
0.00 0.750111 0.84188 0.890987 - 0.55557 0.585270 0.949253 - -
25 07 704 787 1.002564 023 966 022 0.452 1.454
983 36 93

Bilangan Gelombang (k)

-10 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

Atenuasi (dB)

-30 R(k) F = 5 Hz
-40 R(k) F=10 Hz
-50 R(k) Superposisi

Grafik Bilangan Gelombang (K) Vs Atenuasi (dB)

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