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CRIME BUSTERS Description: Participants use tests to identify unknown powders, match fingerprints and use paper chro- matography to identify a note found at a crime scene Number of Participants; 2 Approximate Time: 60 minutes 1. The powders used will come from the following list: salt, granulated sugar, Plaster of Pans, salt, flour, cornstarch, baking soda, limestone and sand Each team will be given seven wals each containing one substance and two wals con- taining a mucture of two substances. Teams will be supplied with the following materials to aid in the identification of the powders. water, 1M hydrochlonc acid (or vinegar), ocine solution (KI3), a magnifying glass, and several plastic cups. Students will be pro- vided with a lst of the possbie powders. Touching, tasting or feeling of the substances 1s not allowed Students must bing and wear their own chemical splash-proof goggles and a lab apr OF coat. Students will be gven a set of fingerpnnts from several suspects. They will be asked to match the fingerprints found at the scene Students wall be asked to make a chromatogram from a pen and use this to help ident» fy the cimunals. Chromatograms will be turned in with the test sheet. After all the evidence is collected the students will be asked to identity who comm the cnme and why they believe this is the cnminal Scoring: The score wall be based on the following formula Identification of powders - 50%, chro- matography - 15%, fingerpnnts - 10%, and identification of the cnminais 25% SE Sctenct OLypun SCIENCE OLYMAPAD, HC © 2010 4 SS ene

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