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Appointed Times of Yahwah (Moadi Yahwah) (some of) which you shall proclaim as holy
assemblies (asher tiqreoo otam miqrei qodesh)
(1) Aleph Rosh Chodesh (New Moon, Aviv)

(2) Beth Pesach (Passover 14th day, full moon, Aviv)

(3)Gimel Chag Matza Holy (Feast of Unleavened Bread 15th day to 21st day Aviv, Waning

(4)Daleth Omer ( Wave first Sheaf(et omer reshit) of your harvest(ketzircem), Day after
Shabbat Matza, 16th Aviv)
HaCohen Veheniph et-haomer liphnei Yahwah (The priest and he shall wave the
Sheaf before Yahwah)

(5)Heh Ad Mimcharat (Counting the Seven Complete Shabbaths the 50 days Aviv 16 to
Sivan 5) Ad Mimacharat hashabat hashvi-it tispro chamishim yom (You shall count
seven complete shabbats to the day after the seventh shabbat the fiftieth day)

(6)Vav Chamashim Yom (the fiftieth day, Shavuot, Pentecost, Sivan(6)) Bring a new grain
offering to Yahwah –mincha chadash leYahwah. Leave the corners of your harvest
for the needy and the stranger (non-Jews in the land).

(7)Zayin Shabaton Zicron Troah (A rest of remembrance by blowing) On the first day of
the seventh month a holy assembly offering by fire to Yahwah-hiqravtem isha

(8)Chet Yom HaKippurim (Yom Kippour the day of atonement on exactly the tenth day of
the seventh month humble your souls- Initem et naphshoteicem)

(9)Teth Chag HaSuccot (Succot, feast of tents or ingathering at the end of the year, 15 th of
the Seventh month to 23rd of the Seventh Month, fruit harvest)

(10)Yod Chanukah (Feast of the Dedication of the Temple 25th of the 12th
(20) Caph Yahwah Shamah (371) A Structure like a city.
(30) Lamed The Outer Court (40:17)
(40) Mem The Inner Court (40:27- 47 :100 amah by 100 amah)
(50) Nun The Most Holy (41:4: Kodesh haKadashim 20 amh by 20 amh)
(60) Samech The House (41:15 100 amah by 100 amah)
(70) Ayin The faces of Cheruvim and the Palm Trees (A young lion and a man)
(80) Peh The Table before Yahwah :The Altar (Wooden 3 amah high 2 amah
(90) Tzadhik The Holy Rooms (Where the cohenim near Yahwah eat the most holy
things the grain offering(hamincha, the sin offering (hachatat and the
guilt offering( haasham)
(100) Koph The Wall dividing the holy from the profane (500 kanim by 500
(200) Resh Cavod Elohei Yisrael (The glory of the God of Israel from the east)
(300) Shin The Altar for Burnt offerings and it Chuqqim
(400) Tav Chuqqim of the house of Yahwah (44:5)
(500) Mem The Land for inheritance divided by lot (Yahwah’s portion)
(600) Nun The Princes and offerings (nasi 361) Portion
(700) Samech The River and the Trees giving life, food and healing
(800) Peh Boundary by which to divide the land
(900) Tzadik The Gates of Yahwah Shamah

The Book of the Forty Days
(1) Through Healing to Health 1-5
(2) I am a man who has seen affliction 9-15
(3) War no War, Peace no Peace 16-19
(4) Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem 20-23
(5) Record the Vision 24-25
(6) The Prince 26-30
(7) The Covenant Revelation 31-32
(8) From Shanti to Sivan 33-36
(9) Cornerstone of light- Repentance 37-45
(10) The Promise I was given 46-49
(11) Death of the Unrighteous 50-51
(12) Gospel 52-52
(13) Great Pain 53-54
(14) Now I am in your presence 55-58
(15) Prepare the way of Yahwah 59-63
(16) The Day of Yahwah draweth nigh 64-66
(17) The Prophets to the Goim 67-68
(18) The Sepherim of Yahwah 69-73
(19) The Times of the Prince 74-77
(20) We are Grateful Oh Lord 78-80
(21) Why is judgement is decreed? 81-83

(22) The Torah of God and the Kingdom of God 84-86

(23) Yeshua the Nazarene 87-91
(24) The Marriage of the Redeemer 92-93
(25) The Secrets of the Kingdom of God 94-96
(26) Sometimes it’s dancing out there 97-99
(27) The New Covenant 100-104
(28) The Promise I was given (Leq leqah) 105-109
(29) Israel returning to the Covenant 110-117
(30) The Oneness of God as revealed in the Tanakh 118-128
(31) We Believe Yeshua is the Mashiach 129-135
(32) What would Yeshua say? 136-140
(33) The tabernacle of the revelation of Yahwah 141-144
(34) Apocryphal Bar Mitzvah 145-146
(35) The Forty Days 147-147
(36) The Final Return of Israel 148-148

Article 1
Through Healing to Health. 1 Nisan 14, 6000. April 19th 2000

This little paper is a meditation on healing. I am interested in healing because I have a

friend I am praying will receive a complete healing. We have made it a project to seek
Yahwah (Rapha), the great healer for our flesh to become soft and well like a new
born baby’s. Everything I write in this paper will be helpful to you if you are sick or
want to know about God's ways of healing and health. I myself am not a Physician,
but I know a great Physician and it is to him who we turn to seek health from healing.
A first step to your healing.
Understand this, Yahwah is your Heavenly Father, he cares for you and your health
more than you care for yourself. He cares for the health of your spirit, soul and body.
So the first thing we must do in dealing with our situation is to understand that the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Yahwah, is kind and compassionate. He operates
using certain principles, which he delights in. He operates these principles throughout
the entire planet earth and the heavens. He loves to do this and his attitude toward you
is partly governed by the operation of some of these characteristics.
He is righteous (all his actions are right).
If Yahwah has permitted you to get sick, and nothing in the entire universe happens
which he does not permit in his perfect knowledge and eternal compassion, more
specifically nothing in your entire life happens outside of his will, especially if you
are born again and spirit filled(See Psalm 139). He is the supreme organiser of your
life and circumstances and all his works are done in faithfulness with righteousness,
mercy, truth, and justice all playing their respective roles. The devil can not touch you
unless Yahwah permits it. And he will only permit it for a very good reason(See Rom
8;28). So you must come to the all-powerful Yahwah and thank him that he has
brought your attention to him through this sickness. You can do this for your friends
You might say to him.
“Heavenly Father,
Thank you that your mercy lasts forever and your anger is but for a moment. Thank
you that you have good plans for my life. Thank you that you have permitted this
sickness in my life. Thank you that you are also my healer. Please have mercy on me
for your name's sake and for your glory, give me complete recovery from this
sickness. I hand the entire sickness over to you. Your will be done in my spirit, soul
and body and in my life. I know your will is good acceptable and perfect.
In the Name of the great Physician, the Son of David, Yehoshua the Nazarene
(Also read Job 33 and James 5;13- it will bless you( sickness and dreams are
sometimes God trying to get our attention))
When we are sick (or praying for someone who is) we really need to lift our eyes to
the heaven from where our help comes from. We need to know him who is the giver
of life. We know him most perfectly through his Son, The word of Yahwah, Yeshua
the son of David, the Nazarene of Nazareth, Messiah, son of the living God. .
Knowing the Healing ways of the Father through the work of the Son.
You will notice that I am not being all intellectual and telling you all the meanings of
the words for healing and health in the Tanakh and the Brit Chadasha. There is a very
simple reason for this. Your healing flows out of the merciful and compassionate
nature, power, wisdom and character of our Heavenly Father (See Exod 34 for
Yahwah’s character which is his glory). Your future healing, too, is completely

dependent, on his grace. Whether he gives you a miracle or wisdom regarding which
leaves (Ezekiel and John say leaves are for healing, that is they are medicine), to use
to aid your recovery. Whether he leads you to a wonderful doctor or simply takes your
sickness away through the prayers of the saints. It is his good pleasure to see you well
in spirit, soul and body and following his will for your life, that which is good and
acceptable and perfect (See Ps 91).
So let your hope and faith be in him, and be faithful in that, do not become anxious or
worried, cast your cares on Yahwah for he cares for you.

Hezekiah son of David was once told to put his house in order for he was going to
die(2 Kings 20). Instead of running off and following the prophet’s advice he moved
straight to the Father himself. His prayer and approach, can become a model for your
situation or perhaps someone you know. Why did he not just follow the prophet’s
advice? He was a righteous king so that is what we would expect? Maybe because he
knew the character of the Father, it is for life and not for death? Maybe he knew our
years are three score and ten and he hadn't reached that yet?
Hezekiah's Prayer
Remember Now
Oh Yahwah, I beseech you,
How I have walked before you
In truth and with a whole heart
and have done what is good in your sight"
He wept bitterly. See how simple his prayer is. He is not given to long pretentious
And notice, too, how his prayer is a private affair between him and Yahwah. And his
tears were sincere, he like most of us did not want to die. The scripture records that he
was "sick unto death". The scripture records that it was the word of Yahwah, which
came to Hezekiah, decreeing his death saying:
"Set your house in order for you shall die and not live". Now if Yahwah has spoken
thus, isn't that the final word on the matter? Is it all over for Hezekiah? The answer is
No. And why not ? For the same reason that Nineveh was not destroyed after Jonah
gave it 40 days to destruction, Nineveh through its repentance found mercy and
because Hezekiah knew Yahwah, that he is merciful and compassionate. Hezekiah
knew the secret of the compassionate nature of Yahwah. He will have compassion on
whom he will have compassion. He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy.

Would not Isaiah have been praying for sick Hezekiah, he was a righteous King who
did what was right in the sight of Yahwah, like his father David, and now he was sick
unto death? And would not all the righteous in the land be praying for Hezekiah , they
were blessed during his reign ?
With all these combined prayers what was Yahwah's answer? Isaiah received from the
mouth of Yahwah himself "Thus says Yahwah put your house in order for you shall
die and not live" So to the nation's prayers' the answer was NO. But what happened
when the prayers and tears of Hezekiah himself went up before the throne? The
answer went from no to yes from sickness unto death, through secret prayer unto life.

Yehoshua the Nazarene taught us to pray as Hezekiah prayed.

He taught us "When you pray go into your inner room and when you have shut
the door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who is in secret
will repay you"(Matt)

Hezekiah prayer was secret or private.
We see Hezekiah, in the sick bed, he never said a word to Isaiah. What could he say
to Isaiah? It was him, the great prophet, who had spoken Yahwah's decree. The only
option was an appeal to Yahwah himself. An appeal to the living God who is the God
of the living, a God of faithfulness and with out injustice, who is good and upright.
We need to heed Yehoshua's advice and Hezekiah's example. Why?
Because does not secret prayer guard against praying to be heard by men. If you are
praying to be heard by men, it may well be that you are not engaging the Father's
attention at all. You may just be talking to impress other human beings and not to
show your complete trust in the Father.
If you pray in front of others your motives may be mixed. They may not be mixed, as
in the case of Yehoshua's prayer for Lazarus, but they may be mixed. And maybe it's
that mixture of pride with your faith, which could cause your prayer to go unheard.
When your situation is desperate, when you have great need, go to Yahwah. He cares
more than any other that you should be saved. And you must know it. Praying in
secret shows Yahwah, you are sincere.
Hezekiah's prayer was short and sincere.
Yehoshua taught us not to pray like the nations of his time who used meaningless
repetition and felt they were heard for their many words. Hezekiah's prayer was
simple and straightforward and honest. We need to use his prayer as an example for
us. He did not use many words and nor did he use vain repetitions. 9 For a good
example of powerful short prayers see Elijah and Elisha, they knew Yahwah so well
that a sentence could blind an army and a sentence could open an armies eyes.)

So we see from this example of Hezekiah, that his sickness which was unto death,
became a sickness that lead to life. And what changed the situation. Short, Secret,
Sincere Prayer, the SSS prayer.
I don't think there is necessarily a connection between the shortness of the prayer and
the short time it took for Yahwah to answer it.
But observe and be astonished. Before Isaiah was out of the middle court, having
faithfully fulfilled his divine commission, (which must have been one of the most
difficult tasks for a man to undertake, to tell such a great king he was to die before his
time), the "Word of Yahwah came to him saying
"Return and say to Hezekiah, the leader of my people"
Thus says Yahwah, the God of your Father David.
I have heard your prayer
I have seen your tears,
behold I will heal you.
On the third day
you shall go up to the house of Yahwah"
We note now that Yahwah having promised the healing also gives Hezekiah more
than he asked for include outlining more of his destiny, his call in life. We can also
observe that Yahwah does not just hear our voice but he sees our actions, our tears
and our joy.

And I will add 15 years to your days,

And I will deliver you and this city
from the hand of the King of Assyria;
And I will defend this city
for my own sake

and for my servant David's sake"

Now we see that The Father does superabundantly more than we ask or think.
Hezekiah turned to Yahwah and not men he received the compassionate and grace
filled answer of Yahwah. We must look to Yahwah and not men also. All the men
around maybe giving there own ideas. ‘You will be healed’, “You will be healed if’
“You will be sick for so long’, ‘We believe it is not your time yet’. But the only one
who really knows what is going to happen is Yahwah. He holds the reins of your life
so seek him. Listen to his voice. Seek for him to answer your prayer and not another.
Let men and congregations and brothers and sister sympathise with you. Let them
encourage you. But only Yahwah can give you the balm and the medicine you are
looking for, so trust him. Even if someone has prophesied death to you, go to
Yahwah, alone.
When we model our prayers on the way of Hezekiah's prayer we do well. Secret,
sincere and to the point. However we need to look at the content as well. What moved
the heart of compassionate Yahwah to answer so swiftly and so overabundantly?
The Content that move the heart of Yahwah
(1) Remember, Now.
We see Hezekiah reminding Yahwah, and he asks the Father to remember the good of
his past, NOW. We may say Yahwah does not need reminding of any good we have
done for the Kingdom. But we do! It may build our faith. We need to understand that
the purpose of our life is his Kingdom. If we or our friends who are sick have done
good for the Kingdom. Let the Father know about it. The Father said to Hezekiah, I
have heard your prayer. He did not object to any of it. Hezekiah puts a real emphasis
on NOW. His prayer was urgent.
He wants the Father, to remember, NOW, before he dies, now before the sickness gets
worse, before it was too late. Anna is the word in Hebrew meaning seeking God's
attention now, in the present. As we can see it didn't take long for Yahwah to
remember because Isaiah hadn't finished leaving the building before the answer came.
What should we remind our Heavenly Father about? Well Hezekiah reminded him
(a) That he walked before Yahwah and not some false deity, no idolatry was in the
heart of Hezekiah. We too need to remind Yahwah how long we have been in
Messiah, in the true God and eternal life. Remember we are not judging by the
opinions of men as to what we should say to the Father. We are following the
example of a man who knew Yahwah and saw prayers answered, and miraculous
signs done which most of us could only gape at. Yehoshua the Nazarene said our
righteous acts should be done in secret, but that our good acts should shine before
men so that they would see them and glorify our Father in heaven. In the sight of the
Father both the righteous and the good are seen and should shine.
(b) That he walked before Yahwah in truth with a whole heart.
Do we love truth? Where is our heart?
If we truly desire to do his will, and we confess our sins, this brings us in our heart
towards God. We must always remember that in the New Covenant, any good we
have accomplished, we did not accomplish it at all. For Yehoshua the Nazarene said
"Without me you can do nothing". So when we are reminding Yahwah we are really
reminding him of what he has done in us. We have nothing to boast about. If we
sincerely desire to see Yahwah's Kingdom established in all the earth, and love him
and are growing, we will have the relevant things to remind him of. It is also helped
that these prayers are only prayed in the sight of God, a strong guard against
insincerity and pride.

Remember the days when he spoke clearly to you to speak to that person and you did.
Remember, the moments we sincerely prayed for others to come into his Kingdom or
for the Kingdom to be increased in our lives. Remember all the morning prayers and
the times you spoke for hours in tongues. Remember the acts you did because you are
in the Kingdom, because you love the Father, in the Son.
Suffice to say Hezekiah pointed to his heart and his sincerity, as those things he
wanted to remind Yahwah of. Did Hezekiah have sins and faults?
Well the scripture is clear on the matter "All have sinned and fallen short of the
glory of God". This was not the time to be reminding God of all his sins. It was a
time to remind God of how he helped the plan of God go forward or rather allowed
himself to be God's instrument.
And why did God heal him? Because he heard his prayer and saw his tears, but in the
destiny laid out afterwards it is all to do with the city and ultimately the failure of the
enemy and the honour of David , servant of Yahwah and for Yahwah' s sake.
So let our prayer be to do with the sake of the son of David, Yehoshua and the
Father’s sake. Let us pray that he answers for his sake and that our goal is his glory.
Are we living for the Kingdoms sake?
(c) He called Yahwah by name. He knew and used his name. It is important that you
pray to the true God and not some idol or man invented God. Psalm 91 says:
"Because he has loved me
therefore I will deliver him
I will set him securely on high
because he has known my name"
We need to love Yahwah and to know his name. Indeed the scriptures goes so far as
to say we should not mention the names of the so called gods of the nations who are
really demons making out they are gods. All idols are nothing and will be pulverised
in the future. "As for the god's who did not create the heavens and the earth they will
disappear from under the heavens and the earth" (Jeremiah).
How did that man in Psalm 91 love Yahwah?
He said to Yahwah "My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust"
Because he made Yahwah,.. the Most high his Dwelling place"
This is how he loved him.

We note finally for now that Isaiah is given specific instructions for dealing with the
sickness. He begins to play the role of Physician. He said:
"Take a cake of figs" This was the ‘medicine” prescribed. For it says they took and
laid it on the boil, and he recovered."
So it was Yahwah who healed and he used a prescription of treatment to do it.
Yahwah can work with or without medicine or Doctors. As we have seen.
Finally it is very important in a time of affliction, such as sickness produces, that we
hear the voice of Yahwah and not the voice of men. We need to know what is
Yahwah saying to us at this time. Why has he permitted the affliction? Why has he
permitted the plague to come nigh our tent? Seek his face in those times listen for his
voice. Friends want you to live and so will say all sorts of things with that end in
mind. But we need to ask Yahwah for wisdom, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. If
Yahwah does not answer immediately or immediately give the yes answer of the
prophet, at least he will instruct you in the way that you should go he will guide you
with his eye upon you. So listen carefully for that still small voice and seek the will of
the Father only.

And pray in the Spirit, in tongues, on all occasions, for God loves those who worship
him in spirit and truth, and tongues are the voice of the spirit of truth.
So may this little meditation help bring you closer to Yahwah's compassion shown
most perfectly through his Son Yehoshua, son of David, son of God, Messiah.

Article 2
I am the man who has seen affliction.

These words of Jeremiah, tell us something of the character of his ministry. And were
brought to me as a reality after I had a toothache which lasted three days and three
nights. To me my affliction under the toothache was severe and yet looking at
Jeremiah’s suffering I can not say it was as severe as that.
The lesson of the toothache, I hope to draw out and hope it will encourage us to cry
out for mercy from the living God.
I am in a period of forty days of receiving revelation from Yahwah as to his plan of
the Kingdom and as to Yeshua in the scriptures. This period is the period historically
when Yeshua, following his resurrection taught his disciples just how he was and
where he was revealed in the Tanakh. The period which this article will cover will go
from Friday, 12th May 2000 and extend to Wednesday 17th May 2000. I hope the
relating of these experiences will in some way allow the Holy Spirit to teach you
more about Yeshua and the present plan of god’s Kingdom in the earth.
(1) Friday 12th May (7 Iyar 3460/6000)
I awoke and prayed my prayer for the day. I was then given Micah 7 as my reading
for the day. The verse I drew on particularly for the day was verse 15
“As in the days when you came out of Egypt I will show you miracles”
However through meditation and reflection it is clear that Micah 7 is vital and
fundamental to the situation in Israel today. How is that the case? You may ask. Well
we all wonder what is going to happen to Israel and the Arabs and the nations around
about. We all wonder how will the border disputes be sorted out? We all recognise
that in this little tract of land there is no way you can fit two hostile nations. We all
wonder how is Yahwah going to establish his covenant of peace in this land? How is
he going to deal with the nations who would seek to put a strange god over Israel and
to oppress the Israelites like the Midianites did about 3300 years ago when they used
to cover the land like locusts, in the days of Gideon. And Micah seven limits our
wondering with a number of marvelous promises for this great redemption to come.
The Rabbis think it is the final redemption. However it is clear that the final
redemption is the redemption of our bodies. However this redemption will not be too
far preceded by the redemption spoken about in Micah 7.
I can not go into detail now but I will list some of the promises Micah 7 gives
regarding how the situation in Israel will be sorted out.
(1) Micah says he will bear the indignation of Yahwah because he sinned against
him. However when he has borne this he knows Yahwah will plead his case. He
being a representative of Israel.
(2) Yahwah will plead Israel’s case and execute justice for Israel. What is Israel’s
case? It is the covenant Yahwah made with Abraham to give him the land and to
make his seed as numberless as the stars in the heaven and finally to ensure that
all the nations of the earth will be blessed in the seed of Abraham (Gen. 12, 15,
and 22). Now the last of these Genesis 22 is the gospel, And through Yeshua this
part of the case has been blessing all nations of the world for 1970 years since
Yeshua was resurrected and ascended and his disciples began to turn the nations
away from Idolatry to the living God. How wonderful it is that it is an undeniable
fact that it was Yeshua’s disciples and their testimony who first went and
challenged the bastions of false god’s and idols and it is through them that most of
the world has received knowledge of the true God. Idolatry falls where Yeshua is
exalted and this process will continue until every idol is gone and we are back in

the days after the flood when there was no worship of any idol under heaven.
Even that apostasy of Islam and the man who started that religion was taught by
Christians and Jews, unfortunately he was playing with the powers of the occult
and so ended up going into a violent apostasy. Having synchretistically mixed the
truth of the Tanakh and the Brit hadasha with occult practices and intercourse with
demons. He was led astray by Spirits he was in connection with and his people
with him.
(3) Shame will cover the enemy of Israel. When she sees God execute Israel’s
case she will have nothing to say and her and all her false worship will be
trampled under foot. This is Assyria, Babylon and all their children, including
(4) Israel will build walls and extend her boundaries: “It will be a day for building
your walls. On that day your boundary will be extended. So here we have a very
clear promise as to Yahwah extending the boundaries of his people and the next
promises tells us to what extent they will be extended. So we see that Israel will
be building their defenses and extending their boundaries at the same time. If we
look at the world today and consider its state, only a Yehoshua, sent from Yahwah
could accomplish any permanent extension of the land. It was Yehoshua who lead
them into the land in the first place, perhaps it is fair to say that a Yehoshua will
be necessary to complete the taking of the land to the boundaries Yahwah has
(5) A day when they will come to you from Assyria and the cities of Egypt, from
Egypt even to the Euphrates. Even from Sea to Sea and mountain to mountain. So
we see that the boundaries are the boundaries that Yahwah promised to Abraham.
We see that it covers the land, which includes part of Egypt and part of Iraq. For
example the promises say “they will come to you” Obviously we assume they
refers to the people. But could it not also mean lands? Now we see a promise in
this portion which promises that they will come from cities of Egypt. Well in
Isaiah who was a contemporary of Micah, he also has a promise for cities of Egypt
“In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking in the language of
Canaan and swearing allegiance to Yahwah Tzavaot; one will be called “Air
Haherem” In that day there will be an altar to Yahwah in the midst of the land of
Egypt, and a pillar to Yahwah near its border and it will become a sign and a
witness to Yahwah Tzavaot in the land of Egypt.” So we see that part of Egypt
will be connected to Israel in that day and will speak the language spoken in the
land of promise. Perhaps this is something to do with the fact that part of Egypt
was given to Jacob and his sons back there in around 1762 BC. And Yahwah sees
that that land still belongs to them. We could also ask the question from which sea
to which sea and from which mountain to which mountain? All I can say is Syria
must be worried because part of the land is in her territory and Lebanon has
already called for Israel’s support and will be under her jurisdiction in the future.
Egypt we have mentioned already. What does all this mean? It means we have to
understand that Yahwah will have to defend Israel’s cause before the nations and
as we will see, it is going to be as it was in the days of her coming out of Egypt.
There will be a period of plagues on the lands around about, where the land is due
to Israel and his sons. A messenger sent by Yahwah, perhaps Elijah, like Moses
will direct these plagues. Yeshua promised Elijah would come and restore all
things. After the restoration of all things, then Yeshua will return as it is noted in
Acts by Peter. So here Elijah will take on the role of the Prophet like unto Moses,
bringing a vitally clear revelation of the Torah along with power to judge world

communities who refuse to acknowledge Yahwah’s sovereignty over his own
earth. This will culminate in the heads of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, called in the
book of Daniel, the kings of the south and the north giving permission for Israel to
take up residence in the lands under dispute. Which will at that time include
Damascus, Tyre, Sidon and some of the East bank of the Jordan. It will also
clearly include the Gaza strip and the West Bank of the Jordan or the area called
Judea and Samaria by the Israeli’s. Now we have seen Israel giving land away
which they won, having been attacked. So it is clear that Israel is a model for the
world as to how Yahwah will perhaps in the end sort out the many border
disputes. Even as Israel sow seed of landgiving in the present so they will receive
a harvest of return in the lands in the near future. It is in the laws of Yahwah that
every seed produces a harvest of seed of its own kind. Giving a land away will
mean a land will be returned, but a land of greater measure than that which was
given. So the future is hopeful and in the end the rulers of the bordering nations
will, after the plagues give permission to Israel to live in these lands and have
jurisdiction over them. This will be a wonder but the process is already in place.
(6) “And the land will become desolate because of her inhabitants.” So here we
see why it will be possible for Israel to take control of parts of Syria all of
Lebanon and parts of Egypt. Because the behaviour of these nations will cause the
earth to become desolate. “On account of the fruit of their deeds’. So the deeds of
those living in these lands will cause the lands around and perhaps partly in Israel
as well to become desolate. Those Muslims in the countries around are called by
the prophet, inhabitants. We read in Daniel about an abomination, which will
cause desolation. So we see it will probably be something in the worship of the
people which will be the cause of the land becoming desolate. We can meditate on
the words of the prophets who prophesied to the nations to see what kind of
idolatry and behaviour lead to the desolation of a land. We see that Yeshua
warned Bethsaida, Chorazin and Capernahum that they, because they refused to
repent despite all the signs he did in their midst, that they would be brought down
to Hades on the day of judgement. They had no one to plead their cases. These
cities all became desolate. So it will be in the case of the lands which are due to
transfer their ownership back to the God ordained owner. However to look at this
as being a simple Israeli/Muslim divide is not true to the scripture. Isaiah was a
contemporary with Micah and many of their prophecies parallel each other. And
Isaiah is very clear. He notes in his call that he is sent to preach as a missionary to
the people of the land. He will keep preaching and they will keep refusing. He will
preach until the land is desolate. Why does the land become desolate? Because the
people refuse to “Hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and return and
be healed” When Isaiah asked how long should he speak to the people he was told
“Until the cities are devastated and without inhabitant, houses are without people,
and the land is utterly desolate. Yahwah has removed men faraway and the
forsaken places are many in the midst of the land” Now we only need to ask the
question what happens during a modern war? What happened to the cities during
World War II? Were there not evacuations, the emptying of cities? Did not cities
become desolate and houses empty? Did not the forsaken places become many in
the lands of the war? Look even at the War of independence and some of the
villages, which were populated by Arabs. In wartime did not many of these
villages end up empty? Now Israeli’s lives them in. Did not the Jewish quarter of
Jerusalem end up being emptied of Jews and no doubt for 20 year Arabs lived in
these places. So we see that the desolation comes because Yahwah permits war.

War is permitted because the people refuse to repent and be healed. The same
thing happened in the time of Yeshua. He warned that Jerusalem would be
surrounded by armies and that at this sign his disciples should flee when they saw
this sign. He also quoted the Isaiah passage speaking of the peoples refusal to
repent and be healed. And when he ascended he sent his disciples to continue the
spread of his message, even as Isaiah, until the land became desolate. However the
Israelites as a whole refused to repent at the preaching of the disciples. When now
the Romans began to surround Jerusalem, the disciples of Yeshua were reminded
of his warning. They also according to some accounts received divine revelation
at the time. The Romans backed off for a little while, the whole church
administration moved its head out of Jerusalem and went to Pella which is East of
the Jordan river and today is located a few kilometers in to Jordan, opposite Beth
Shean next to what was Mount Gilead in the land of Manesseh. This location is
important in the prophecy of Micah and we will mention why later. This was
where the community set itself up at that time. In the map “The Israel that Jesus
Walked” They had a note on the movement of the disciples of Yeshua to Pella. It
says “Jerusalem’s first Judeo- Christian community fled to Pella and the
surrounding countryside during the war against Rome 66-70 AD. They returned in
75 AD to Mount Zion where they built their own synagogue. (Later misinterpreted
as the tomb of David.)” So we see war again produced land evacuation and
emptying. We need to continue our theme of being Israeli and Jewish is not
enough to save in these times. You need to be repentant and healed by the
Messiah sent by Yahwah. You need to be among his disciples. It was in the same
in the day of Isaiah and Micah and in the time of Yeshua, which also saw the
downfall of a state, filled by Jews. We will look into these distinctions in the
Israelite communities now.
“Shepherd your people with your scepter”. Here we see that Yahwah’s scepter will
rule over his people. Which in these lasts days will perhaps include all the followers
of the Mashiach Yeshua. After Israel sees many of the signs God will perform on their
behalf through this Mashiach, as a nation they will say “Blessed is he who comes in
the name of Yahwah” And all the followers of Yeshua will be shepherded by
Yahwah’s scepter, with Yeshua as the head judge. Perhaps the twelve Apostles will
judge the nation of Israel and each nation by the elders appointed in their respective
nations. Perhaps each one of the seventy elders will be responsible for one nation.
And each nation will send representatives to Jerusalem for counsel for Yahwah,
through his Messiah Yeshua and his saints. Perhaps the world will be split into
seventy portions. One of which will be Israel as promised to Abraham and his
descendants through Isaac and Jacob. Now the flock here is said to dwell in a
woodland or a fruitful field. They are said to feed in Bashan and in Gilead. So perhaps
while the land is being made desolate because of the deeds of its inhabitants a
community of believers and followers of Yahwah’s scepter will go to live in Bashan
and Gilead. This area today is under the jurisdiction of Jordan. It runs east of the Sea
of Galilee covering both the north and the southeast regions. It was in the old days
partly the land of East Manesseh. As we noted above this is exactly the region, which
the first community of the disciples moved to in 66AD when the war with Rome
began. They clearly gave at least one fulfillment of the prophecy. However they were
moved by the Spirit to move out of Jerusalem. They survived having heard of wars
and rumours of wars. At that time the are was a countryside and so the conditions of
their life style were the same as prophesied by Micah. Then we parallel again with
Isaiah and we see that during this time to “Bind up the testimony and seal the Torah

among my disciples. And I will wait for Yahwah who is hiding his face from the
house of Jacob” So we see that in
Israel there is the remnant as were Isaiah and his disciples, then there are the mass of
the population. Those who will be saved from the judgement of Yahwah are the
repentant and group of disciples that are listening. As in the case of those who listened
to Jeremiah, regarding the judgement through Babylon. Jeremiah lived and was given
freedom in the land. And the Messianic community as in the case of the war with
Rome. They went to Gilead as Micah prophesied and they were like Isaiah’s disciples.
Signs and wonders in Israel. A sign of God’s deliverance for his obedient community.

Article 3

War or No War Peace or No Peace Blessing or Curse, Life or Death chooses Life
Blessing, Peace and No War 20 Iyar 3460/6000. 25/5/2000
“It is not by might nor by power but by my spirit says Yahwah” Zechariah
“As in your days of coming out of Egypt I will show you miracles” Micah
He rested on the seventh day but we will give him no rest until he makes Jerusalem a praise in all the
earth. The creation may be finished but it is not fulfilled.
Dear Saints, Israeli’s or Gentiles of the Seventy nations.
Praise Yah for he is good. Pray for Jerusalem.
Your decision, on this letter could determine the future history of Jerusalem, Israel and the 70 Nations.
This letter is written with one sole intention, to encourage repentance. Why? Because without returning
to Yahwah (Hashem), there will be great wars and desolations upon this nation and the nations around
about. War means death, destruction, pillage, bloodshed, theft, rapes and murders and floods. It means
lawlessness to a terrible degree and suffering to the same extent. We do not want that now nor do we
ever want it. Your decision as to whether to repent or not could play a decisive factor in determining
whether Yah’s promises to Israel and the nations is fulfilled in a peaceful wondrous manner by
Messiah’s intercession or a violent destructive manner with the wrath of Messiah as Psalm 2 talks
about. Will you turn back to Yahwah? Will you begin again to listen to his voice? Will you obey his
voice and hence keep his covenant? Will you follow once again his Torah (instruction) by his Spirit, as
did Yehoshua bin Nun and the 70 elders? Or will you continue to do your own thing as Ahab and
Manesseh, kings of Israel?

Wonderful plans of Yahwah

Yahwah has some wonderful plans for this nation and the nations our response to his call to repentance,
through his Messiah, will determine whether the birth of the coming godly kingdom will be smooth or
the contractions extremely violent. We are entering and have entered the 7 th millenium. Tanna Debe
Eliyahu taught in the Talmud, that the world would exist only 6000 years, now we have reached that
destiny year. He thought the years were lost but Messiah came and he did not recognise him. As he
taught the last 1970 years having been Messianic, spreading repentance unto the true God to the nations
in the name of Messiah (as partially understood by Rambam). The R Joshua in the Gemara (Talmud)
taught that Messiah could come, one of two ways. Humbly on a donkey, this would mean he would
come slowly (Zechariah). Or he could come powerfully on the clouds of heavens as in Daniel. They
were trying to understand the prophetic data and reconcile the two pictures. But the disciples of the
Messiah revealed by the Spirit, that these two pictures were not contradictory but complementary, they
are one. Messiah, who asked life of Yahwah, is eternal. Like Elijah, he still lives today. Even as Elijah
came once and will return to restore all things, so Messiah came once and will return to fulfil the rest of
prophecy. God’s word is eternal. Messiah being eternal is capable of fulfilling it. So Messiah came and
will come. Both prophetic pictures are positive, therefore according to the Rabbis, must be fulfilled.
The Sanhedrin moved out of the chamber of hewn stone on temple mount in 30 AD. This was the year
Messiah rode in on a donkey, was condemned to death by the Sanhedrin, majority vote, and was
crucified by Pontius Pilate. Three days later he was resurrected from the dead and on Shavuoth that
year repentance and forgiveness of sins was preached in his name in Jerusalem first and sped to the
world’s end.
So now is our time of repentance, as one Rabbi said in the Gemara “All the predestined dates (for
redemption) have passed, and the matter now depends on repentance and good deeds” (Sanhedrin).
Will you listen to the Rabbi? Have you been created in Messiah to walk in good deeds?
In the end we know that the followers of Messiah will be one. They will serve God, in love and unity,
Israel and all 70 nations. God will be all in all. But what now? What of the near future? What of Egypt
and Syria? What now?
So we desire peace. Are we willing to repent for it? This repentance is a moral imperative on both Jew
and Gentile. Now what will the world look like after we all come back to Yahwah? It will be a world of
righteousness. Yahwah will even make a covenant with nature and the animals. All will work in perfect
harmony as in the early days of Adam. We in Israel are wondering what will happen to Israel and her
neighbors. Before I give a pointer as to this let the call for repentance go out.
This time is no different to that of Isaiah and Micah. Micah prophesied that Judah would be plowed as
a field. However when Hezekiah turned to Yahwah and entreated favour his generation was saved from
the judgement. Jerusalem stood because Hezekiah turned to Yahwah. This generation is no different to
the generation of Jeremiah, where those who listened to Yahwah’s voice got safe to Babylon. Those

who refused caused the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem and many died. Early repentance
would have saved the temple and so many lives. Are you listening?
Israel and the nations (Especially the Arab nations at this time) are called to obey God’s present voice.
But what is that voice saying? Repent. If Israel will listen to Yahwah’s voice and keep his covenant;
they will be his Kingdom of Priests for the nations. They will be his own special possession. When this
happens the rest of the nations, who haven’t already turned to Yahwah through his Messiah, will turn to
him and the gospel preached to Abraham will be completely fulfilled. “ In your seed all of the nations
of earth will be blessed”.
The Gemarah (Sanhedrin 96+) teaches that Elijah said to one Rabbi “Today, if you hear his voice”
Whose voice was he talking about? He was talking about Messiah’s voice. Messiah would come today
if you would listen to his voice. Now we know that the voice referred to in the Tanakh at this verse, is
the voice of Yahwah. So Messiah’s voice is Yahwah’s voice and you are called not to harden your
heart but to believe as Abraham. In the present age Messiah has come and comes, to those who hear his
voice. Messiah himself said, “My sheep know my voice". A voice of a stranger they will not follow.
Are you one of Messiah’s sheep?
Listen now to the voice of Messiah through his apostle speaking over 1970 years to Israel
“Repent and let each of you be immersed in the name of Yehoshua the Messiah for the forgiveness of
your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit). For the promise is for
you and your children, and for all who are far off as many as Yahwah our God will call to himself…Be
saved from this perverse generation” Are you willing?
In this generation repentance also means Israel will receive the promises of Yahwah with as little
destruction, death and desolation as possible. Yahwah doesn’t even desire the death of the wicked let
alone those who are religious and yet refuse his voice.
And we can ask what about the non-Israelite nations (goim)? What about Egypt, Syria, Jordan and
These are the neighbours of Israel and Yahwah also has promises for them. For a start in Abraham’s
seed they will all be blessed. His seed is Messiah. Are you blessed yet? Have you turned to Yahwah?
Then of course we have the rest of the nations, spread out over the whole earth. Whom the Rabbis
teach should be keeping the 7 Mitzvoth of Noah (No Cursing God, No Idolatry, No Adultery or Incest,
No Stealing, No Bloodshed or Murder, No eating the limb of a living animal and establishment of law
courts). Every true Gentile follower of the Messiah already keeps these Mitzvoth). All 70 nations are
called to repentance. If they will not respond Yahwah has ways of bringing his will to pass. It is said of
Egypt that they will be given a “cruel master and a mighty king will rule them” and after other
judgements what will be the result? “They will cry to Yahwah because of oppressors and he will send
them a saviour and a champion will deliver them”
So repentance is required of all nations. This being from about 30-40 CE. Oh Nations listen to the
voice of the Apostle spoken to you over 1950 years.
“Therefore having overlooked the times of Ignorance God is declaring to men that all everywhere
should repent because he has fixed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness through a
man whom he has appointed having furnished proof to all men by raising him from the dead” You too
oh nations are called to immersion in the name of Yehoshua (Jesus the Nazarene) the Messiah. You too
will receive forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit. You too will be saved from this perverse
generation. Your acceptance of the good news the Messiah died for our sins, as prophesied, and he
rose from the dead, as prophesied and your confession of Yehoshua the Messiah, son of the living God,
Lord of all, and especially of the believers, will lead to your salvation. For a gentile to become a Jew he
had to be immersed and was called born again. For anyone to enter into the Kingdom of God he will
have to be born again by the Holy Spirit. You can not enter this spiritual kingdom any other way. God
is Spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth? Are you willing to receive
the Holy Spirit from the Messiah as the 70 elders received him from Moses?

The Boundaries of Israel and her neighbours:

The coming redemption will be completed when Israel inherits all the land Yahwah promised to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The land will stretch from Assyria or Iraq and stretch down south to parts of
Egypt. It will go from the Mediterranean to east of the Jordan River. And from Euphrates down to the
river of Egypt. This is the day for extending the boundaries of the nations. It will not just be Israel who
gets the land promised to them. It will also be all nations. It will be the great jubilee of history.
When they have the temple in place and everything functioning according to the instruction of
Yahwah, through Moses, the Prophets, David and Solomon and Yeshoshua the Nazarene, his Apostles
and the Holy Spirit. Elijah will come and restore all things, including turning the people back to
Yahwah. All the sons of Israel will be gathered and their hearts will be soft to Yahwah. He will give

them of his Spirit and they will worship him in one accord. Elijah will turn the fathers to the sons and
vise versa. That which Yahwah promised the fathers will be granted to the sons. And the heart of
obedience, which was in the fathers, will be given to the sons, by the spirit. And they will begin to keep
the covenant and listen to the voice of Yahwah just like Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Do you have the Holy Spirit? Are you willing to pray for it?

What will happen to Syria since almost all their land belongs to Israel?
Syria used to be called Aram. We can see from the activities of Prophet Elijah that Syria was
considered to be under his jurisdiction although a prophet from Israel.
Elijah was told “Go return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus and when you have arrived you
shall anoint Hazael King over Syria and Jehu the Son of Nimshi you shall anoint King over Israel”
So we see Elijah operating in the same prophetic authority over Syria as over Israel. We see also in the
New Covenant writing that the Apostle to the Goim was called and appointed in the wilderness of
Damascus and received the Holy Spirit in the city of Damascus. He was on his way to Damascus with
authority to imprison the followers Messiah. This was for nothing more than being a faithful follower.
Ring any bells? Even under the idolatrous King Ahab Israel had some authority in Damascus. For Ben
Hadad and Ahab made a covenant. Ben Hadad ruler of Damascus said “ The cities which my father
took from you I will restore and you shall make for yourself streets in Damascus as my Father made in
Samaria” So we see that even Ahab’s father had relations with the rulers of Syria. However Ahab’s
covenant was a rebellion. The king of Syria was devoted for destruction. The point is Aram and Israel
were very close like in a marriage covenant. We have a clearer picture under King David. The scripture
records that Syria (Aram) and Jordan (Ammonites) joined together to fight Israel. The Jordanians had
called on the Syrians to help however David defeated them. Then it is written "When all the Kings,
servants of Hadedezer, saw that they were defeated by Israel, they made peace with Israel and served
them.” That process sounds very simple. It will happen again Israel will defeat Syria, finally, and as
under the rule of David will serve Israel like Israel will serves Yahwah through Yehoshua.
Perhaps this is why Ezekiel calls the ruler of this future period David.
The clear prophecy that Syria will be married or in covenant with Israel and will serve them, as
subjects, is contained in Isaiah 17, the Oracle concerning Damascus. Here it says “ the fortification will
disappear from Ephraim and royal power (or sovereignty) from Damascus and the remnant of Syria;
they will be like the glory of the sons of Israel. Declares Yahwah Tzevaoth”
Now we know that the glory of the man is the woman or his wife. So the glory of the sons of Israel will
be their wife. Syria will then be like the wife of Israel. A wife is a helper suitable for her husband. And
really was taken out of his side at the beginning. So it is that the land of Syria has been taken out of the
Israel promised to Abraham. It will return.
How can we date this prophecy? Well Isaiah was writing in the 8 th century BCE. Ephraim was
destroyed as a nation in that same period. So Syria didn’t really have much time to be Israel’s help
meet. However the prophecy goes on to say” In that day man will have regard for his maker and his
eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel. So we have two criteria for man’s worship at the time of this
prophecy. First he will worship the creator and he will understand the creator to be the holy one of
Israel. Well from Israel’s destruction to Messiah was about 752 years. Then Messiah came and man, en
mass began to look to their maker the holy one of Israel. So we are lead to our days. Israel has not
existed as Israel until 1948. From 722 BCE to 1948 CE Israel has not been a nation as a whole. Even
now it is not complete.
So we need to look to our time to see the fulfilment of this prophecy. The prophecy gives us another
pointer to it being the Messianic times which began 1970 years ago “And he will not regard the altars
the work of his hands nor will he look at that which his fingers has made” This is definitely after
Messiah Yehoshua came, for it was his disciples who took up the baton against idolatry, with the
authority from Yahwah to destroy it. It also talks about nations coming to plunder Israel and Yahwah
says he “Will rebuke them and they will flee away… At evening time behold there is terror and before
morning they are no more” A bit like the crossing of the red sea. In the evening Israel was scared,
crossed the sea in the morning and that same day the Egyptian army was gone.
So Syria will be no longer an independent nation but ruled from Israel.

What about Egypt?

Here I will be shorter. But the prophecy is in Isaiah 19.
Here we see that five cities in Egypt will speak the language of Canaan. We know that that language is
Hebrew. These cities will probably be located in Goshen where the Israelites used to live. These five
cities will swear to Yahwah Tzavaoth and one city will be called Haherem.

We see that Egypt will turn to Yahwah and he will make himself known to Egypt and they will worship
with sacrifice and offering, and will make a vow to Yahwah and perform it. They will return to
Yahwah, suggesting that at some point in the past they had turned to Yahwah. This time will refer to
when the Egyptians followed the Messiah in the early centuries of the common era. They later turned
to idolatry and then to Islam, but they will return, again according to the prophecy.
How will Yahwah ensure Egypt accepts the boundaries he has given Israel?
Firstly if they consider fighting Israel they will be caused to have a civil war. They will fight one
But also “In that day Egypt will become like women, and they will tremble and be in dread because of
the waving of the hand of Yahwah Tzevaoth, which he is going to wave over them.”
And the land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt; everyone to whom it is mentioned will be in dread
of it, because of the purpose of Yahwah Tzevaoth which he is purposing against them”
Egypt has, along with Israel, a powerful spiritual future. These along with Iraq will be called a blessing
in the midst of the earth. Why is there only mention of these three nations? Could it be because all the
other nations between Iraq and Egypt will be subsumed in one great Israel?
The nations who will be under Israel’s supremacy and will come into friendship with Israel, will on
their rebellion, be facing Moses type judgements. Probably executed by Elijah. They will like Pharoah
before them, cause them to fall into line with Yahwah’s great plan for the blessing of all the nations.
The method is outlined in Micah 7 and Isaiah 6-12. Elijah will point to Yehoshua and Israel and her
neighbors will listen to Elijah and follow Yehoshua. When Israel is ready to say Blessed is he who
comes in the name of Yahwah, then and only then will he come.

The ministry is a faith ministry and the needs are, to publish books with revelations on the Jewishness
of the Message of the New Covenant. Many things have been written and with your help can be spread
around the Charismatic Church to encourage prayer and repentance in the earth. We would like also to
make mailings of these writings around the world for the blessing of the church. The blinds will only
come off Israel and the nations with the prayer of the whole church and prophecy of the Charismatic
Church. So if you’ve been blessed feel free to write and tell us what the Spirit has shown you. We are
not infallible we just try to be good listeners to his voice, and faithful transmitters of the gospel. “In
your seed (messiah) all of the nations of the earth shall be blessed”(Galatians). This is not a
professional journal so all quotes are not referenced. Think of the scriptures where they just wrote “It is
written somewhere”.
Talmud quotes came from Tractate Sanhedrin around sections 96-99.
Well Yahwah bless you and please read, copy and distribute freely.
A Prayer for your life. Pray as you wake and as you go to sleep (adapted) God will bless you. After
praying open the Bible at random and learn.
Heavenly Father,
Your will be done in my life today.
I pray that I will go where you want me to go
See what you want me to see
Say what you want me to say
Hear what you want me to hear
Live as you want me to live
Love as you want me to love
Walk as you want me to walk
I bind, break and destroy
Any plan, scheme or work of the evil one
Which would seek to hinder your will being
Done in my life today
In the name of Yeshua Amen.

Article 4
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
For in Jerusalem’s peace is the peace of the nations.
The world is full of problems, violence and strife. We can ask ourselves the question Why is this so?
What is the solution to the world’s violence, lawlessness and destruction? There are so many fires
going on, out among the nations. How can we put these violence fires out once for all?
The answer is profoundly deep and yet simple. The answer is that there will be
no peace around among the seventy nations until Jerusalem the City of the Great
King has peace. So we are commanded very specifically to pray for the peace of
Jerusalem. It is not the case that Jerusalem is the only city Yahwah has
commanded us to pray for. When Judah were sent out into exile by Yahwah
because of their continued refusal to listen to his voice and to keep his covenant,
Jeremiah enjoined the people, under his prophetic authority.
“ Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to Yahwah on its behalf for in
its peace you will have peace”. So we see peace is a fundamental prayer of the people of Yahwah. We
are always out there seeking for and praying for peace. “He who would love life and see good days let
him keep his tongue from speaking evil and do good, let him seek peace and pursue it” Ps 34
What effect did the exile of Judah have?
When the people were going into exile they could no longer fulfil the Torah. The mitzvoth regarding
the appointment of the King and the worship at the place Yahwah would choose, were all nullified by
the coming of the exile. They could no longer fulfil the whole counsel of Yahwah.
So what should they do in this situation? It was the prophet who had authority to lay down mitzvoth
and they had to listen to Yahwah’s voice in him. Among other things he said seek the peace of
Babylon’s cities!
Does Messiah proclaim peace?
In the same way Messiah when he sent his disciples out to proclaim the Kingdom of Yahwah to Israel,
sent them out proclaiming peace, not just on a city basis but on a house to house basis.
“And whatever house you enter first say “Peace to this house.” And if a man of
peace is there, your peace will rest upon him; but if not, it will return to you”
“How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who bring good news (gospel)
who announces peace” Is 52.
So the sent ones of the Messiah were carriers of peace just as the exiles in the time of Jeremiah.
Is Peace before the Kingdom of God?
We see also that peace was the first thing these messengers were to proclaim. It
being very fundamental to Yahwah’s plan for the world. That all 70 nations
should live in peace with one another and that this peace should be in every
household. We note that the peace of Messiah would only rest in a house if a man
of peace resided there. So we can see a parallel here with the cities and
specifically the city of Jerusalem. We seek the peace of Jerusalem and the city
where we are living. However the peace will only rest on that city if a people of
peace live in that city. If not the peace will return to the peace giver. With the
peace of Messiah came the presence of the peacemakers called sons of God his
disciples. They stayed in the house. We call all men to repentance that the may
receive the Spirit of the Messiah which will transform them into men of peace
through the blood of his cross. First they need forgiveness, then they can receive
Why are Peacemakers called Sons of God? It is almost too obvious to state but is worth stating. A
true son does what pleases his father. Indeed a son reflects the very image and character of his father.
This means simply God loves to make peace. God is the true father of the peacemakers. When we seek
peace and pursue it we are fulfilling the good pleasure of our Father in heaven.
What else did the sent ones of the Messiah do and proclaim alongside peace?
They would heal the sick and say “The Kingdom of God has come near to you”.
So we see that the proclamation of the Kingdom of God is preceded by the

proclamation of peace. When peace is established so the Kingdom of God comes
in its wake. We need now seek the peace of Jerusalem.
Why pray firstly for the peace of Jerusalem? Because this is where the Kingdom of God will be
first established on earth, on Mount Zion, we seek the peace of Jerusalem for the sake of the house of
God. This is where the Son of David who rules in peace will establish his rule. This peace and this
Kingdom will then spread its way to the ends of the earth, to all 70 nations. So yes we have troubles all
over the earth. Yes fires are burning of violence hatred and strife, but the fundamental, the root of the
problem, is the peace of Jerusalem which is missing from Jerusalem, the rule of Messiah.
From King David to the Great King Yeshua peace is the foundation of the Kingdom. The peacemakers
are called the sons of God the first and greatest peacemaker, Yeshua said to his sent one Peter, when
Peter confessed of Yeshua “You are the Messiah the Son of the living God”
“Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my Father who is in heaven. And I say also to you, you
are Petros (stone) and on this Petra (Rock) I will build my Community and the gates of hades will not
overpower it. I will give you (plural) the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever you shall bind
on earth will have been bound in heaven and what you loose on earth will have been loosed in heaven”
(Matt 16)

What was the foundation of the community?

The confession of the revelation “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
We could paraphrase this “You are Messiah, the living Peacemaker”
Who were the ones we discovered earlier would be called sons of God? The peacemakers.
If then Messiah is the special and unique Son of God as revealed in Psalm 2, we can see that he has the
role as the unique and special peacemaker. He will be the first and greatest of the peacemakers on
earth. We can ask the question why the confession of Peter is linked with the Keys of the
Kingdom? We have already seen that when the sent ones went out to the cities and villages they
preceded the proclamation of the Kingdom with the proclamation of peace. If Israel had received
Messiah’s peace at his first coming, then when they had come up three times a year to Jerusalem to
appear before Yahwah at his house, it would have been the time for the inauguration of the full
Kingdom of God just before and during Passover of 30 AD. The forty years from that date to 70 AD
instead of seeing the removal of the Sanhedrin from the chamber of Hewn stone and the continual
spread of arrogance and haughtiness in Judah and Israel, would have perhaps seen the spread of
Messianic peace from Jerusalem and Mount Zion, to the ends of the earth. It would have finally led to
the absolute fulfilment of the words of the prophet, Isaiah “There will be no end to the increase of his
government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his Kingdom, to establish and to uphold
it with justice and righteousness for then on and forever more”
So the governemnt and peace again are in operation together. The throne of David is the throne upon
which the Son will reign and the first Son of David to rule on that throne was Solomon. His name
means peaceful and the name Yahwah gave him was Yedidiyah which means the friend of Yah. He
who is peaceful and peace loving is a friend of God, or that which is of peace is friendly to Yah.
Now Solomon was the first Son of David to rule in Jerusalem on the throne of David. Before his
Kingdom could be established in peace he had to kill off some opposition. And he changed the priestly
family. He had Adonijah, his brother killed, for seeking to undermine his authority. He dismissed
Abiathar son of Eli from the priesthood again for sedition. He deserved to die but Solomon showed
mercy. This fulfilled a word spoken over Eli’s family and shows an interesting relationship between the
priestly and kingly messianic authorities. Joab the head of the military was also killed and replaced by
Beniah son of Jehoaida who killed him.
Now the reason for the death of Joab is very important in helping us see Solomon’s attitude to peace, as
first Son of David to rule. For clearly he is a sign of the coming Messiah. Here are Solomon’s words
“Do as he has spoken and fall upon him and bury him, that you may remove from me and my father’s
house the blood which Joab shed without cause. And Yahwah will return the blood on his own head,
because he fell on two men more righteous and better than he and killed them with the sword, while my
father David did not know : Abner the son of Ner, commander of the army of Israel, and Amasa the son
of Jether, commander of the army of Judah. So shall their blood return on the head of Joab and on the
head of his seed forever;
But to David and his descendants and his house and his throne, may there be peace from Yahwah
So we see here Solomon establishing the Kingdom on Justice.
(1) While the death of Abner and Amasa, righteous men, was unpunished their blood cried out for
(2) Peace seems to be dependent on that justice being carried out.

(3) Now the blood is said to return on the head of Joab and his descendants, forever.
(4) Before Joab was punished the blood was on the house of David. Because they knew about
Joab’s crime but it was not punished. The implication being the blood represented a source of
potential trouble for Solomon’s kingdom.
(5) However when the blood was avenged, then David’s house could be established in peace.
Joab’s main crime was killing two men more righteous than he was, without cause. And that blood
perpetually would come back on his seed, crying for violent vengeance.
(6) The cycle of blood crying out for justice is stopped when the guilty culprit is punished. When
this happens instead of the blood going out look for vengeance it would return on the head of him
who had murdered in the first place.
(7) Solomon brought the day of judgement for Adonijah (a usurper or pretended Messiah) ,
Abiathar (a treacherous priest), Joab (a murderer who shed the blood of war in peace) and Shimei
( who cursed the Messiah, David, with a violent curse. Now each one received his judgement in a
different way some immediate and direct, some who because of their character it fell to them in the
time God appointed. But Solomon as a sign of Messiah brought about, through his wisdom their
judgement day.
We can ask the question what was Solomon’s intention in all of this?
Firstly he was fulfilling the will of his father. His father at the end of his life gave a
list of commendations and condemnations or judgements which needed to be
executed after he died. Barzillai the Gileadites and his seed were commended
(there blessing was establishing the Kingdom on righteousness). In the same way
that Solomon on this small scale carried out the will of his father David, so
Yeshua has been handed judgement by his father and he too will execute justice
and bring peace to the Kingdom of God. The first way he did this was on the
cross. So that God could be just and the justifier of the ungodly, Yeshua carried
the iniquites and sins of many. They would have an opportunity to live and
change, like Abiathar, Shimei and Adinijah. But there is a difference, Yahwah
gives us his Spirit to help us. We must be those who do not just live in peace, nor
those who just receive peace of Messiah and men of peace. We must be those who
seek peace and pursue it. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which is the rule
of Yeshua, as it was pointed to by the rule of Solomon. So Solomon was fulfilling
the will of his father in executing justice.
Secondly he was seeking peace.
Look at his mother’s question to Adonijah. Do you come peacefully? He
answered with a deceptive tongue “Peacefully” For he asked for something
which would undermine Solomon’s authority. This love of peace in Solomon’s
mother was no doubt taught to her son from childhood. Then we have his own
words after making judgement on the case of Joab
“To David and his seed there shall be peace from Yahwah forever (or
He executed justice to establish peace.

So what do we pray for Jerusalem?

The prayer or confession is from Psalm 122:
Heavenly Father
“May they prosper who love Jerusalem
May peace be with in her walls
And prosperity with in her palaces
May peace be with in her”
We seek the good of Jerusalem for the sake of your house oh Yahwah.
In the name of Yeshua.

We need to look further into Psalms to gain an understanding of the importance
of peace and why the peace of Jerusalem?
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of Yahwah”.
Our feet are standing with in your gates, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
That is built as a city that is compact together; to which the tribes go up
Even the tribes of Yahwah, an edoot (testimony/witness) for Israel,
To give thanks to the name of Yahwah.

For there the thrones were set for judgement, the thrones of the house of David.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

They shall prosper who love you.
Peace be with in your walls and prosperity within your palaces.
For my brothers and companions sakes, I will now say
Peace be with in you
Because of the House of Yahwah our God I will seek your good”

Article 5

Record the Vision

It is now the 16th of Aviv 6000 or 21st April 2000. We are fast approaching the Shabbat of this feast of
unleavened bread. It is also celebrated as Good Friday by the Christians. Although it is the day after
Passover which was remembered yesterday on the 15th Aviv.
Over the last few days Yahwah by the gracious spirit and method he has taught me has given me
another of scriptures of judgement. Let us call them the “Woe” scriptures. Woe sayings and scriptures
tend to be spoken over cities and peoples who refuse to listen to the word of Yahwah and whose ways
are simply contrary to the faithfully just, righteous, merciful and compassionate ways of Yahwah.
Indeed in the case of the scriptures I have been given, I believe the kinds of the Woe cities and peoples
in the Prophets and the Kingdom of God, represents kinds of generations and cities which exist even
today. Yes the Woe was spoken by Habukuk, Nahum or Yehoshua the Nazarene to the generation or
cities or the kinds of people of their times, However the Woes being Woes spoken by God, over cities
of men, apply to the men today who live the same way. I will seek to record the vivion as it unfolded
over the last few days.
The way I received each of these scriptures is by a combination of the Word of Yahwah and prayer. I
would either wake up having had a dream or not. I would then proceed to pray in two ways. The first
prayer is very simple.
Heavenly Father,
please give me the scripture which goes with the dream I just had.
In the name of Yeshua.
I would simply then open the scripture at random and read.
The second prayer is my daily morning prayer and is as follows:
Heavenly Father
Your will be done in my life today
May I go where you want me to go
See what you want me to see
Hear what you want me to hear
Live as you want me to live
Love as you want me to love
Walk as you want me to walk
Your will be done in my life today
I bind, break and destroy
Any plan scheme or work of the enemy
Of the evil one
Which would seek to hinder your will
Being done in my life today.
In Yeshua’ name
The second prayer is based on Yeshua’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the teaching that
we should submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from us.
So this was the practice followed by which I received the following scriptures and gradually began to
comprehend that they apply to any of the nations, not just the nation of Israel, and they apply at any
time, not just the time they were written.
Beware of the Chametz of the Scribes and the Pharisees.
The woes are spoken at a certain time and in a certain place but they carry authority in
all times and place. It happens to be year 6000 from Adam and it happens to be the
second day of the feast of Matza or unleavened bread. Leaven is that which makes
bread rise. Yeshua the Nazarene warned his Jewish disciples saying Beware of the
Chametz of the Scribes and the Pharisees. It is clearly not the scribes and the
Pharisees we are to beware of but their Chametz. They are gone but until the kingdom
of God is established all over the earth their Chametz remains. What is the Chametz
of these to religious groups who were the teachers and the priests of Israel in the days
of Yeshua. They did not agree with each other and yet Yeshua warned his followers

against the Chametz of both. They were at two ends of the religious spectrum. The
Pharisees were very Orthodox in their religious approach. The scribes rejected the
miraculous, angels and the resurrection and so were far more rationalistic in their
What then was their common Chametz?
Yehoshua said it was hypocrisy. The chametz of the scribes and the Pharisees was
Do not do according to their deeds
For they say things and do not do them
“They do all there deeds to be noticed by men”

He said to the Pharisees, but we all need to take heed:

“Even so you too outwardly appear righteous to men but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and
lawlessness” The comparison is with tombs which look beautiful but inside are full of dead mens
bones. Clearly this warning against hypocrisy applies for all the nations, not just the leaders of Israel at
that time. Indeed this hypocrisy will play a role in judgement and considering the nature of the charge it
will be applicable especially to religious societies where men are trying to look good. We need to heed
Messiah Yeshua’s advice and beware. On judgement day Nazarene Yeshua is the main judge. So his
words will be there as a testimony against each person who has ever heard them and not heeded. The
titles Messiah Yeshua uses in his judgement of the Pharisees and Scribes are also applicable to
religious leaders of our day. And we do note that the judgements apply to leaders especially:

The Prince Mashiach

The weight of Mashiach

Is the weight we carry,
His burden is light
His yolk is easy.
We walk in his humility,
We live his meekness,
We seek in his grace to be
Light to the world.

The prince Mashiach,

Has gone to receive a Kingdom,
The Kingdom Ezekiel saw
Which has a place and a temple
For the prince Mashiach to worship

The Burden Ezekiel saw in chapter 34.

Where David, Yahwah’s servant
Would rule as King over them.

Is this not the burden we carry?

Do not ask me why?
Do not ask me how?
Just understand that Yahwah
Lays the light burden on whom he will

Let us with joy allow Yahwah

To teach us the meaning of this burden
What does it mean to bear the burden
Of Prince Mashiach
Is the Prince the same as the King Mashiach ?

What is his life style on a daily basis?

How does he pass his years.
Let us ponder the time of Prince Mashiach.
Does he not rest every Shabbat keeping
It holy as Yahwah his God has taught him?
Will he not also sanctify the New Moon,
With celebration. So every week and
every month he will sanctify a special day for
Does he not appear with the males
Three times a year before Yahwah,
At the place which Yahwah has chosen?
Let us see now, First in Nisan
Prince Messiah will celebrate the Passover,
He will remember the deliverance from Egypt

And in Mashiach from bondage to sin and death
He will remember redemption from Aleph to Tav
And the feast of Matza in sincerity and Emet
Seven days he will have no Chametz in his palace.
Then on the 16th of Aviv Prince Mashiach
With the rest of the people will present
The first fruits of the barley harvest.
He will begin to count seven shabbats and then
On the 6th Sivan he will celebrate Shavuoth.
That is the feast of the 50th day.
Here will he not offer two loaves of bread
With Chametz included. Will not this celebrate
The collection of the wheat harvest,
The giving of the Torah and
The Giving of the Messianic Torah, the Holy Spirit?

Then will come his long hot summer,

Over which the King’s used to go to war, may be,
He will serve Yahwah by judging his people,
He will meditate daily in the Torah,
He will perhaps listen to the sons of Asaph
The levitical songsters who will sing the praises
To Yahwah before Yahwah’s throne.
They will sing psalms glorifying Yahwah in his
Holy Temple

Evening and morning the service will go on

In the temple, perhaps the bread and wine,
The care of the altar of Incense
The lighting of the Menorah,
The temple is full of the beautiful
Smell of incense arising up before the
Throne of Yahwah

The Ark with the Cherubim and the Shekinah

Glory of Yahwah hovering between the
Wings of the Cherubim which are of course
The wings of Yahwah

The King will judge the people with his saints

Who are gathered to gather from over the ages
And the generations from Adam to Ben
Adam the Son of Man Mashiach
This final Adam who redeemed man once and for all
through his death and his resurrection
and his entrance into glory.

The Prince will continue to bring peace

To all the 70 nations. He will keep
Peace through his execution of justice

And his spreading of righteousness.
For he will spread prayers and generousity
Prayers, lovingkingness and mercy
To the ends of the 70 nations
And all the earth will be filled with
The Knowledge of the glory of Yahwah
Because this King will work to this end

The wicked will perish in this time and

All will be everlasting righteousness,
The nations will not learn war any more
But will come to the Mountain of Yahwah
To the House of the God of Jacob

There they will learn how to put the energy

Of war in to economy and the working of the land

There they will learn, in universities or educational

Institutions of praise and prayer of giving glory to Yahwah.
There they will learn how to love their enemies
How to pray for their old persecutors,
For persecution and its Spirit will be put to an end,
The oppressor will cease and enemies will be friends,
Righteousness will be spread in every nation.

So the long hot summer will end with the blowing

Of the trumpet on the first of the seventh month
Each Rosh Chodesh for months four, five and six
Will have the blowing of the trumpet and will
Be sanctified. All mankind will come before
Yahwah and the New Moon of every month,
They will celebrate before Yahwah for he is
Good. The prince and his people will
Attend to the temple at this new moon and
Will gather before Yahwah.
In this time the righteous will shine like
The stars in the firmanent

The earth will be ruled by the saints

All those righteous men who preceded
The first coming of the Son of Man
And those who were sanctified by faith
In the name of Yeshua the Nazarene
These will be ready to take up their
Roles as the judges of the nations
Immediately the Kingdom is inaugurated
They had received many years of training
In the schools of faithfulness and listening
To the Holy Spirit and making spiritual
Judgement on all things.

Through walking with the Spirit of Messiah
And pleasing him they had become like the
Son of Man, who is the light of the world
Now would come their time for shining
in the firmanent of heaven

The Messiah will seated on the throne of his Father David,

He will also be seated on the throne of his Father Yahwah,
He will have his mother seated on his right hand,
She will be honoured before Yahwah because she brought
Up her son in the way of peace.
His twelve Apostles will be seated in their respective thrones,
But one throne will be empty, initially
But it will be filled perhaps by a man called Matthias
Who was also an apostle and saw the baptism of John
And the resurrected Messiah

James and John will be their Peter also.

They will be judges in Israel among the people
To help people to live in peace with one another

Each day perhaps three times a day

At sunrise, midday and sunset, or the
Hours in between all the males will
Pray before Yahwah their Elohim
All mankind will face toward Jerusalem
When they pray.

And Yahwah will answer the prayers of the nations

All 70 of the or at least the representatives
Of all 70
The seventh month will come and the trumpet will
Be blown.
All nations will begin to read of the book of
Yahwah’s Spirit.
They will read of that which Yahwah gave to mankind
For their instructions

They will come together and celebrate Yahwahs presence

Among them and renew it for the next thousand generations
They will be so obedient to Yahwah, that there will be no
Need to cleanse the temple from all the uncleanness of the people
For their will be no uncleanness.

They will celebrate the feat of Tabernacles

With representatives coming from the 70 nations
To Jerusalem, to glorify Yahwah for his
Wonderful provision of the harvest and of food
And drink and rain and sunshine and all the
Wonderful provisions he had given them.

In those days the animals too will celebrate the
The feast of tabernacles, for did not Yahwah feed
Them also?

On the last and greatest day of the festival they will draw from the wells of Yeshua
And they will rejoice and sing before Yahwah in away which
Will be greatly pleasing before him.

The nations will return to their lands and will report

To their nations all the good things Yahwah
Did for them at the festival.

And life will go on, nations multiplying.

Increasing, spreading lovingkindness
justice, mercy, faithfulness and righteousness
between themselves.
Getting to know more and more about Yahwah,
Through his Holy Spirit inside them
And the earth shall be full of the knowledge
Of the glory of Yahwah as the waters cover
The sea
All false gods and idols will have been
Long forgotten and all unclean spirits banished
The earth will bring harvests in abundance
And great will be the rejoicing in that day
Shalom will be in all and between all,
Shalom of heaven and earth,
Nation and nation, man and beast
Man and nature, beast and beast
No harm or destruction but Shalom
In all and through all through Mashiach
In that time all will be praise, prayer
And adoration of Yahwah
All will know Yahwah and all
Will be pleasing to him.
In that time life and no death
Joy and no woe
Blessing and no curse

Article 7
The Covenant Revelation.
The purpose God has in the earth is to fulfil his covenant. The gospel is the message
that God is fulfilling the covenant or brit which he promised. God is faithful to his
word and when he first called Israel to himself he said to then “if you will obey my
voice and keep my covenant you will be for me a Kingdom of Priest and a Holy
nation. Now whenever God’s acts with his people it is to fulfil this covenant he
referred to. We have then the question what is the covenant referred to and how does
it operate in the generations?
The way we will discover which covenant Yahwah refers to is by looking at the
commentary of later generations and see what they of the righteous, who are in the
plan of God understand So clearly the latest generations to receive the revelation of
Yahwah were the church generation. The voice of Yah was sent to have the gospel
preached to all the world but the question is what was the gospel , what was the good
news ? and when was it first preached and who to and by whom?
The Apostle Paul (Gal 3) is very clear about one of the early preaching of the gospel
He says “the Scripture (Genesis) foreseeing (hearing already) that God that God
justifies nations by faith”
Before we continue we can ask where did the scripture hear already that God justifies
the nations by faith? The answer is given before hand by Paul he had just stated:
“Abraham Believe God , and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”
So the subject of Pauls explanation of the gospel is Abraham. The work God was
doing with Paul had its source and root in a man who had lived 50 generations earlier.
When Paul is explaining to the Galatians the validity of the gospel he proves it with
the life of Abraham. We also see that two key elements are seen in the relation of
Abraham to God . the first is that he expressed faith, (emuna) He believed God, and
the second is that as a result of this he was accounted righteousness.
Now before we get to what the message of the Gospel was. We can ask what did
Abraham believe God regarding? We can tunr here to the scripture Paul is
commentating on Gen15:
Abram said , O Adonai Yahwah what wilt thou give me since I am childless ?…
Since thou hast given no seed to me one son of my house is my heir.”
Then behold the word of Yahwah came to him saying
This man will not be your heir but one who shall come forth from your own body, he
shall be your heir”
And he took him outside and said
Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them”
And he said to him “So shall your seed be”
Then he believed in Yahwah and He reckoned it to him as righteousness”
And he said to him,
I am Yahwah who brought you out of the Ur of Chaldees, to give you this land and to
possess it”
Now we can see immediately that at this early stage of relation between Yah and
Abraham we are speaking with the language of covenant. These words of Yahwah
remind us of the words Yahwah spoke to the sons of Israel 430 later at Mount Sinai
“I am Yahwah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house
of bondage”
So we are hearing covenant language in both cases. In the second case, Yahwah
outlines the 10 words of his covenant with Israel. He delivered them from Egypt to

fulfill a word spoken to Abraham and a covenant made with Abraham as we shall see

So Yahwah was talking to Abraham about his heir and about the numberlessness of
his seed and Abraham believed Yahwah and so was credited Tzedekah.
So Faith in expressed in Yahwah promise concerning his seed was the means of
righteousness for Abraham. So now we come back to our question What is the gospel,
who preached it first and to whom?
Paul answer us The Scripture hearing already that God justifies nations by faith (as
above) preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham “All nations shall be blessed in
you” So again we see that the message of the gospel in the blessing of all nations in
Abraham. We can ask when was this preached to Abraham?

Article 8
From Shanti to Sivan.

I would like to relate a testimony regarding how Yahwah sometimes organises our life
and our plan in accordance with his perfect plan for our lives.

On Sunday the first of Sivan, the day of the new moon, a friend of mine called Shanti
came to meet me in the Christ Church in Jerusalem. I was very happy and very
surprised to see her because she had left Jerusalem some month before. She was
important to me because back in December 1999 she had discovered Yeshua as the
Messiah of Israel.
How did this happen?
Well I was staying at the Al Arab youth hostel. One girl had a dream about me taking
her to a church. The next day she met me for the first time. She said she felt she had
dreamt of me the night before. Through this conversation I ended up taking her to
Mount Zion fellowship in Jerusalem. I also ended up being invited by her and her
boyfriend to stay in the Al Arab hostel a few weeks later. I had been thrwn out of the
hostel by the owner. She went and spoke to him. Then I met her and her boyfriend
one Friday at the Kotel. They said I could come back and stay. I said I can’t I have no
money. They said “We will pay for you. Over the next fourteen days Gustavo the
manager of the hostel personally paid for me to stay at this hostel. This was cleared up
in my mind that I was supposed to stay there. For Yahwah had given me the scripture
about the disciples being on a mission, so I had felt I was on a mission. However I had
a choice between a place in Bethlehem, which at the time was free. Or this hostel.
Through Gustavo’s action it was clear to me the hostel was the place.
I meet Shanti
Shanti was also staying in the hostel. She was a young Israeli girl brought up on a
kibbutz seeking truth in many places. She spoke with the Muslims and believed in
New age things. A few of us in the hostel were continuosly going to Churches and
worshipping Yahwah. We used to go along to a worship service in Christ Church on a
Monday night. One Monday night, we were there. It was a bit awkward between
Shanti and I because of my attitude toward false religions especially Islam. She was
very open, but I saw the Islamic spirit as a violent spirit which will be removed from
the earth in Yahwah’s time. Well that night I asked if I could pray with her. Well we
prayed the will of the father over her life. She prayed everything I said after me.
That week she received a testimony book of a Jewish believe. It has a picture of a lion
on front and is stored in the back of Christ church. On the friday she spoke to me and
siad. Tony, I finally realise Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel. It was wonderful to hear
these words. She immediately became a kind of peaceful evangelist, with a desire to
pray for others to understand. However we were continually arguing because of her
openness to all kinds of Spirit and my opposition to such spirits.
Shanti meets Philip
Shanti had a strong desire to find the will of God. We went one day up to mount Zion
fellowship. I had told her some people live their and worship Yahwah daily. Maybe it
was a possibility for her. She needed a place to live. We went to mount Zion and all I
remember from the conversation is shanti said she wanted the will of God.
We left and we went to a Shabbat meal. The guy she was sitting next to virtually
quoted the whole first two chapters of Ephesians. We were all impressed. He and
Shanti later spoke and he gave her some money. They later agreed that she would
travel north with him

The last I saw of her was when she was leaving the hostel to meet Philip.
I wondered what would happen to her and her new found faith, but I knew that if any
one prays for and seeks sincerely the will of the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel,
they will find it.
Rumours of Shanti
Well over the next few months I bumped into Philip who told me Shanti was living up
north somewhere with a family of believers. This pleased me. She had met a Bedouin
who was also a believer and they were to marry but they would not touch before the
marriage. Then Gustavo gave me Shanti’s email address. We placed it on my list, but
I never wrote personally to her. However because she was on my list she got my
public mailings, which I do not know if anybody reads because most of my e mail
contacts are dead.
But the stories I hear were exciting or interesting.

The Dream of the First of Sivan

Now we come to that Sunday the first of Sivan 6000/ 3460 or June 4th 2000. The
Phillipino congregation in Christ Church Jerusalem is just finished. I was walking out
the back and there was sitting Shanti. Wow that was amazing we greeted one another
joyfully and I invited her to join for our eating after the service. We went to the Christ
Church lounge. We had many things to talk about. I was telling someone about my
messages which I had began to write and give out. I was giving Shanti one and she
said she felt I should not put the name of God (Yahwah) in the newsletter. I asked her
Why did you say that? How did you know I put the name of Yahwah in the
When she said this I span round like a ballet dancer doing a piroette, because I had
dreamt the following dream on May 15th, Iyar 10, 21 days before:
A little discussion about using God’s name. A Jewish girl overheard me using it. She
said it’s dangerous to use it. I said it’s only dangerous to use it if I was with 250000
Jews and no one knew where I was. Then I said it’s not vain to use it in prayer or if I
prayed for a sick person and they recovered , this can’t be vain either. In prayer it
could never be vain I said” (Jeremiah 1, Isaiah 66)
I was amazed that Shanti had started that conversation, because she is a Jewish girl.
The dream was fresh in my mind because during the days I had had it I was having a
terrible toothache and I was reading my dreams to see if they could shed some light
on why Yahwah had permitted me to have a toothache, this was considered as a
possibility. After I had said to her the dream and the part about prayer, she said that
she was just about to say that in prayer it is not vain. So I was amazed and realised
that our meeting was in our perfect destiny. I was also drawn to look more closely at
the dreams I had been given over that period from Sunday May 14th to Tuesday May
17th. I will mention these later.
After the fellowship was completed Shanti and I spoke for a little while. We were in
far more agreement now than when she left Jerusalem. She said that she now agreed
with me regarding Islam she had had many experiences with muslims and the spirit of
Islam in the last few months and realised they needed to be saved to come to Yeshua
for salvation.
We left the Church and went to find Shanti somewhere to stay. We had a discussion
about using the term Christian. She had been living among Jewish believers who are
religious orthodox, but believe in Yeshua. She wanted perhaps to stay in the heritage
house, a place for Jews to stay in Jerusalem. We went to look for it, but I tried not to
be to obviously with her because I being Afro Caribbean am assumed by the Jews not

to be Jewish. We got to the male heritage house and a group of girls were their to ask
about the female house. We followed them. In the house they challenged as to
whether she was a Christian. She was among five or six Jewish girls. They only
challenged her. She said she was Jewish from her heart.
Shanti goes to the Kotel to Pray Maariv
It was late for evening prayer but Shanti wanted to pray. I said we’ll go to the Kotel,
then we’ll go to a lecture in heritage house, then we’ll go to Al arab. As I said this my
spirit indicated, this would probably not be the plan. So I said I think the plan could
change according to God’s will. She went to pray. I thought it would only take a few
minutes. However she was there, in my terms for a long time. So I got a seat and
opened the Bible at random. I was given Habakuk. So I read through Habakuk. I
thought after I finished that she would be ready. Was that not a long time?
I think I also looked at some of the dreams around that day when I had the dream of
the Jewish girl speaking to me. On the Sunday night I had had the following dream.
“I was visiting a school, I was seeing some of the activities going on with the students
and teachers. I was just observing. One day I went to watch school begin. One teacher
started with their part. Then they had to pray. They prayed and a new teacher
mentioned they had just read from the prayer book. The children began banging and
saying “Boring boring”. The teachers seem to agree that it was boring that they had
read from the prayer book.
They arranged a day when they would leave at 7 am and go to another school to play
volleyball. For this we other teachers were invited to join and make a team. (Is
This dream I had the day before the dream about the Jewish girl. In Isaiah 14 it says
“When Yahwah will have compassion on Jacob , and again settle them in their own
land , then strangers will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob. And
peoples will take them along and bring them to their place and the house of Israel will
possess them as an inheritance in the land of Yahwah as male servants and female
servants ”
In my context and with the scripture given with the dream the dream perhaps could
mean the following. I am visiting Israel, for I was told I would once for 7 years. I am
specifically sent to the Charismatic Church in Israel. The school could then represent
the Charismatic Church in Israel. The teachers are clearly the leaders, Pastors and
teachers in the church. The Church is continually praying and they pray
spontaneously but they also pray from the Psalms. So the Charismatic Church is
happy to say it prays from the Psalms but more happy to pray spontaneously based on
the prophets. The new teacher is the rabbinic part of the Church. Who understands
that what the Church is praying is so Jewish it is in their traditional prayer book. This
teacher represents the part of the Church which calls itself a Synagogue. When they
point out to the rest of the Church, the pastors and the believers or disciples
(children), that they are praying from the prayer book their response It is religion, it is
tradition and we don’t believe in that. In other words the idea of doing ritual prayer is
boring in the eyes of the Charismatic Church. In fact the believers protest vigorously
at this whole idea and most of the teachers seem to agree, that the whole ideas was
boring or too traditional.
The day for the volleyball match, is a day for Spiritual warfare. They will invite us
“strangers” or visiting teachers to join them in evangelism. Volley ball is representing
either evangelism, spiritually through prayer and through witnessing. The Jewish
teachers are inviting we goyim teachers (strangers) to join with them in the final thrust
of world evangelism. 7 am could represent the end of 7 years. After 7 years of being

in this school of Israel, I could be invited with other goyim to go out and win the
world for Yeshua. This will be in the month of Shevat the year 2005.

I have understood from my dreams of the past that the Church is a school. Now I
understand that teachers are the pastors in the Church. Competition represents

Article 9
Dear friends
The Cornerstone of the light is repentance (returning to God)
Are we willing to do this daily?

I hope all is well with you. Shalom from Jerusalem.

Well I really hope that you are praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
YAHWAH has been teaching me so much over the last few weeks, and especially
since last Sunday (June 4th 2000,1 Sivan 6000) that I am constantly amazed.

You may ask what happened last Sunday?

Well a young Israeli girl who had a revelation that Yeshua was the Messiah
(December1999) came to visit me after a number of months. When I knew her before
she went by the name of Shanti, which is some Hindu name. However when she left
Jerusalem she was going by the name of Sivan.

Change of name is a change of family or position

For me this is a vital change. Perhaps she was going by the name Sivan over the last
few months, but to me the change took place after I saw her passport. Names as you
know are very important and more than that once Yahwah changes a name of a person
it reflects his changed planned destiny of that person. Abram (exalted father) became
Abraham (father of a multitude). Abraham was promised that a multitude of Goyim
(nations) would come out of him. And we believers in Yeshua are according to
scripture the seed of Abraham. We are those Goyim who come from Abraham.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the sons of Israel and Jewish people also come under this
title of Goyim(nations), for they are one of the Goyim (nations) which came out of
Abraham. Jeremiah was called a prophet to the Goyim (nations). If we enquire which
nations he was a prophet too, we find the following nations in the list of Jeremiah 25
"For thus Yahwah the God of Israel says to me "Take this cup of the wine of wrath
and cause all the Goim, to whom I send you to drink it.”
And they shall drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send
among them"
....Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, and its kings and princes, to make them a ruin , a
horror ,a hissing and a curse, as it is this day;
Pharoah King of Egypt, his servants, his princes and all his people
and all the mixed multitude ,
all the kings of the land of UZ, all the kings of the land of Palestine
(Philistines) ...Edom, Moab and the sons of Ammon (Jordan)
and all the kings of Tyre and Sidon (Lebanon)"etc
They received the cup of wrath because they refused to return to Yahwah, in the case
of Judah, Jeremiah had been saying for 23 years and says to you and I today
“Turn now everyone from his evil way and from the evil of your deeds, and dwell on
the land which Yahwah has given you and your forefathers forever and ever and do
not go after other gods to serve them and to worship them, and do not provoke me to
anger with the work of your hands and I will do you no harm.”
Yet you have not listened to me says Yahwah, in order that you might provoke me to
anger with the work of your hands to your own harm”
We see Jeremiah is referring to commandment 1 and 2 of the 10 words
He goes on

Therefore thus says Yahwah Tzavaoth “Because you have not obeyed my words,”
The 10 words are the 10 commandments and Judah had not listened to them from the
tablets of stone or in the voice of the mouth of Jeremiah. Thus that generation broke
the covenant Yahwah had made with their forefathers at Sinai about 875 years before.

Twenty three years is a long time not to be listened to, Yet Yeshua the ultimate voice
of Yahwah has not been listened to for more then 19 centuries. And during that whole
time Israel has been chasing other Messiahs than the one appointed by Yahwah (From
Bar Kochba whom their greatest Rabbi of the Talmud, espoused as Messiah, until he
died and did not rise again, so it was shown beyond a shadow of a doubt he was not
the Messiah. This clearly meant that Rabbi Akiva the greatest talmudic Rabbi caused
many of Israel to believe a lie when he encouraged them to believe Bar Kochba was
the Messiah. Although this Rabbi Akiva was and is greatly respected, this blemish on
his record has to be taken into account when assessing his qualifications for pointing
out who is the Messiah. We can listen to his advice on areas regarding the knowledge
of the Oral Torah but he clearly is unqualified to give us the criteria to decide who is
the Messiah. Many Jews walked a false way and left the truth due to this Rabbi’s
teaching. To summarise he may be an expert in the Oral Torah, but he is not an expert
as to who is the Messiah. Even as Elijah was a wonderful prophet, but when Yahwah
knew there were 7000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal, Elijah was unaware of
that fact because Yahwah chose to not tell him until a certain time. Yahwah clearly
closed Rabbi Akiva and his generations eyes regarding who was the Messiah (Apart
from the notzrim ).
And what was the result of their false belief?
The people ended up being scattered to the four corners of the earth and away from
the land of Israel completely. The land of Palestine came into existence and we know
what a thorn this idea of a land and a people called Palestinian has become in the side
of Israel.
As the true Messiah once prophesied in 30 AD, the year he was condemned by the
Sanhedrin: “For there will be great distress upon the land and wrath to this people,
and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations;
and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Goim until the times of the Goim be
So we see that as a result of the actions of Bar Kochba who set up a Kingdom in
Jerusalem and the teaching of Rabbi Akiva and his fellow Rabbi’s, except an obscure
Rabbi who is mentioned in the Gemara but was and is given little honour, because the
Oral torah espouses principle of following the majority, the sad words of Messiah
happened, every jot being fulfilled.

Now we can respect the authority of the Mishna and the Gemarah because of the
learning of the Rabbi’s contained in it. Yahwah teaches us by his prophets yet when
the Torah and the prophets have been written the Davidic King is required to meditate
in the Torah and to do it in doing justice and righteousness. However his authority
really derives from it. Not it from him. If he refuses the covenant he is removed by
God from ruling on the throne, as with Saul and Zedekiah and Coniah.
The Mishna too must derive its authority from the covenant Yahwah, made with Israel
on the mount Sinai. Before Moses received the rest of the Torah on mount Sinai he
already received, along with the people, the 10 words of the covenant. These words
were initially Oral, from Yahwah to the people. Later Yahwah himself wrote only
these words down. This covenant for the nation of Israel is the foundation of Torah. If

the Mishna or Gemarah departs from this teaching it must be ignored.

There was even a time when “The popularity of the Mishna worried the rabbi’s. They
were afraid that the Mishna would eventually rival the Torah in authority and that the
people might in time forget the source and venerate the deduction. To prevent this
from happening it was forbidden to write down any Mishna. It had to be memorized,
and therefore became known as the Oral Torah” (Dimont p165 God, Jews and

As we can see this was what Isaiah was concerned about saying
“Because this people draw near to me with their mouth
and honour me with their lip service”
We see hear the whole basis of the Oral torah the mouth and the lips. The King is told
to write a copy of the written Torah, not memorise an Oral toral.
“But they remove their hearts far from me and their reverence for me consists of
tradition learned by rote”
So we see here the whole basis and principle of the Oral Torah challenged as early as
Isaiah. And if we compare today the words of the prophets and the practices of those
who love the Gemarah, they differ makedly and the accusation of altering the Torah
falls not on the Messianic community but the anti Messianic Rabbis.

The fear of the Rabbis came exactly to pass. For now not only is the derivative
Mishna honoured more than the Written Torah and the prophets, but its derivative, the
Gemarah is honoured more than both. Any person sharing the message of repentance
and turning back to Yahwah in the name of Messiah Yeshua, encounters greatest
opposition from those who transgress written Torah in order to uphold the Oral
derivatives, Mishna and Gemarah. Now do not get me wrong. Advice given by a
Rabbi, spoken Orally based on his learning of the written Torah and his love for
Yahwah is good. We learn much from the godly Rabbi’s of our generation even if
they do not know the Messiah. For the Torah is the Torah and the Holy Spirit is the
teacher and Yeshua works his plans in all communities to bring the nations to serve
Yahwah in unity.
However why should the Oral people become the greatest opposition to the Messiah
turning the people of Israel back to the life of the written Torah in practising justice
and righteousness? To practice justice and righteousness you need authority. Abraham
had authority over his family and so taught them to practice justice and righteousness
by practicing in his household. We as individuals and families can also do this.
However for the communities we appoint elders to practice justice in the gate. They
have authority to do this. And the Davidic King has the ultimate authority for this in
the nation and in the earth. He was appointed by Yahwah, in the case of David. He
was selected by looking at his heart, as did Yahwah. The priest then anointed him as
King. Then David selected Solomon and Solomon, Rehoboam etc. So the rule is
handed down from father to son.
Each son is supposed to practice and teach justice and righteousness in the land. In
doing this they will be blessed and fulfill the true intent of the Torah and enable
Yahwah to bring on Israel the promises he made to Abraham and later promises to
David and Zion. When the son practices justice and righteousness then Yahwah is
enabled to fulfil his promises and make Israel a kingdom of priests. They will teach
the other nations how to worship Yahwah in faithfulness.
But we are seeking to turn all mankind back to Yahwah . But what happens now when

the attempt is thwarted because many present Rabbi’s have set the Oral Torah as
equal authority to the Covenant written by Yahwah and Torah by Moses?
When they did this in the time of Isaiah, Yahwah made a very clear promise to these
lovers of Oral Torah
“Therefore I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously
And their wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the discerning of their
discerning men shall be concealed”
And so it happened that the greatest Rabbi of the Talmud could point to a false
Messiah. So it happened that Maimonides a great Rabbi could return to Akiva, the
espouser of a false Rabbi to decide criteria as to how to identify the Messiah.
So it is that while accusing the followers of the Messiah of altering the Torah,
The Rabbi’s can hold Shavuot on a Friday instead of the day after the seventh
Shabbat, whilst the Messianic community hold Shavuot on the day after the seventh
Shabbat in accordance with the written Torah.
So it is that although Abraham bowed down to and serve 3 men one of whom was
Yahwah, and Lot bowed to and served the two men who came to visit him. And all
nations will bow down to and serve the Son of Man in Daniel and of the Messiah it
says in Psalm 72 “And let all the kings of the earth bow down to him, all nations serve
The Rabbis managed to construe that this bowing down to and serving the Messiah by
more than a billion people over the earth including people from all nations and kings
from many parts of the earth, is idolatry according to the 10 commands.

So it is that Yahwah has indeed acted marvellously with those who refuse to turn back
to him and his voice ,the written Torah and the prophets for love of the Mishnah and
the Gemarah and the interpretation of Rabbi’s who have constantly espoused false
Messiah’s or supported wholeheartedly those who have. Even to the extent that they
would fight one another, as to who was right but when it came to the true Messiah
they would join together in their opposition.

The Parable of the Mathematician.

How can you listen to the man who although a brilliant mathematician, who deigns to
leave his field of expertise and goes off and starts to make announcements on
medicine, an area he is clearly unqualified to make judgements.
There was once a mathematicain who knew nothing about medicine. One day the
community came to him and said we are sick please tell us what to do. The
mathematician felt very honoured by the community and really didn’t want to let
them down. So he tried to think of a cure for their sickness. A man came to him. He
was an expert doctor. He showed the mathematician the hundreds of people he had
helped and told the Mathematicain to send the people to him and he would heal them.
The mathematician not wanting to lose honour before the people, researched a little
about the Doctor’s methods and then called the people to himself. He espoused his
cure. The people began to apply his medicine. As a result 24000 of the community
died from the sickness and the rest had to leave their homes and become wanderers
because the land was producing an allergic reaction in them.

True repentance.
We are seeking to bring all mankind to repentance and to follow the true way of

Yahwah in justice and righteousness, and a key ingredient this is receiving the
Messiah son of David as our guide, authority and help in this process. David,
Hezekiah, Josiah are just three of the messianic kings who pointed to the way of
Yahwah in justice and righteousness.
Israel has espoused may interesting Messiah’s, from Bar Kochba, through Shabbethai
Zvi to Rabbi Sneerson who many still await a resurecction so he can finish the job, all
experts in Oral Torah and /or Kabbalah all died, failing to finish the task or rise from
the dead to complete it.
According to Maimonides none of these guys could be the Messiah because his
definition of Messiah is
“If a King will arise from the house of David who is learned in the Torah and
Observant of the Mitzvot, as prescribed by the Written law and the Oral law, as
David, his ancestor was, and will compel all Israel to walk in (the way of Torah) and
reinforce the breaches (in it’s observance); fight the wars of God, we may with
assurance consider him the Messiah.”
None of them succeeded in the above. Yet he has more qualifications, building the
temple in its place, gathering the dispersed of Israel, then he would be definitely the
“If he will the improve the entire world, (motivating ) all the nations to serve God
together as states “I will make the peoples a pure of speech that they will call upon
the Name of G and serve him with one purpose”
“If he did not succeed in this degree and was killed he is surely not the redeemer
promised by the Torah”
Now Rambam then ilustrates his belief that Yeshua did not qualify. However he also
says later on
“The intent of the Creator of the world is not with in the power of man to
Here he admits that really he doesn’t understand what is going on.
“For his ways are not our ways, nor are his thought, out thoughts.
All the deeds of Yeshua the Nazarene…will only serve to prepare the way of the
Messiah’ coming and improvement of the entire world (motivating) all the nations, to
serve God together as states “I will make the peoples of pure speech that they will call
upon the Name of god and serve him with one purpose”

Notice the corespondence between what he says Messiah will do and what he says the
deeds of Yeshua the Nazarene will do.
I will note the following. What Rambam relegates to the end of the acts of Messiah.
Yeshua began to do as soon as Israel refused him as King. He began to spread the
knowledge of the Creator to the ends of the earth. Even a heresy from the Messianic
community produced the destruction of Idols as in the case of Islam. And when now
the times of the Goim is complete then Mesiah will return to the actions of gathering
the dispersed of Israel. We can actually now see that much of what Rambam
expected is taking place in reverse. The promise of Yahwah to bless the nations in the
seed of Abraham has gone far. Now he is moving back to the issue of the land and the
The true king is all about righteousness and justice, which is not dependant on a
geographical place. This has been spreading among the nations through Yeshua’s
disciples sine he was sat at the right hand of God the Father. Now Yahwah is making
the his enemies (injustice and unrighteousness) a footstool of his feet.

We can notice that the land of Jews is listed in as one of the lands of the Goim to
which Jeremiah was sent.
The Jews according to scripture are GOYIM.
So let us understand this without a shadow of a doubt
"God is not one to show partiality but in every Goy (nation)the man who fears him
and does what is right is welcome to him"
Are you one who fears God and does what is right?
Do you pray daily to Yahwah?
Do you give to the afflicted and hence do righteousness?
Jews may have Torah and Goim not, But all are called to righteousness (kindness to
all especially to the afflicted, distressed, the righteous and the stranger, prayers,
fasting as Is 58). The wicked can be Jewish or Gentile and so the righteous. Abraham
was called righteous before his Jewish seed began to call him the first Jew (Although
he was a son of Noah).
The message of this letter is that we need to as men of all nations to return to God and
to produce deeds worthy of this return, in faithfulness (emuna) to God.
It is not enough to think we are Christian, we are Jewish therefore we are safe. No No
No. Yahwah is calling all men to return to him.
He is calling us to execute justice in our lifestyle as nations and righteousness
(prayers, fastings and gifts to the poor) in our individualt lives.)
Abraham was a righteous. He bowed at the feet of God and his angels. He showed
hospitality to strangers he was an example of righteousness in action. He even fed
Yahwah milk and meat together. For us who are non Jewish Goyim this is Kosher for
us. It was Kosher for Abraham it was Kosher for Yahwah it is Kosher for us. Indeed
the Kingdom of God really is not a matter of meat and drink but of righteousness
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, when we fall short of this we need the execution of
justice and judgment between the brothers with the purpose of reconciliation.

In fact in Jewish tradition Abraham is seen as a son of Noah which is what the rest of
us Goim are excluding Israel. Once Israel were betrothed to Yahwah on Mount Sinai
they are considered in their tradition as Jews or we might say students of Moses and
the Torah.

So you see All people on earth are Goyim. When a man uses the term Goyim
derogatorily he speaks against himself. However each part of mankind has a special
role to play.
Our repentance our turning to Yahwah will be decided by who we are and what is our
There are four major calls on earth.
The first is the call of the Priesthood. This went to Aarons family back at the time of
For a priest to return to Yahwah he will have many Chuqqim (Statutes)
Mishpatim (Judgements), Edut (testimonies) and Mitzvoth (commandments) to
perform which none of the rest of Israel will ever be permitted to perform. We hear a
lot of talk about 613 mitzvoth which the torah is supposed to contain. Well assuming
this is true, which it is only in Jewish Rabbinical tradition (no prophet, priest or king
who lived during the writing of the tanach ever wrote that there were 613 mitvoth to

do, nor do we hear prophet Jeremiah walking around Jerusalem crying out keep the
613 Mitzvoth see what he said above) But let's say IT IS TRUE because a Rabbi in
the talmud said so and many of the Rabbi's since then have been studying hard to
work out which 613 he was talking about. Well a portion of the 613 will belong only
to the priesthood. Now if a king who had his own mitzvoth, started performing
priestly mitzvoth he ends up losing his kingdom as did Saul or a leper as did Uzziah.
The Aaronic priesthood was only for the sons of Aaron.
The same applies for the other four groups of mankind
The Levites, sons of Levi had a proportion of the 613 and finally Israel the people had
their portion. If an Israelite not from the tribe of Levite wondered into the Holy of
Holies he would end up wholly dead. For the wages of sin is death and only the high
priest had a mitzvoth to go into the Holy of Holy and that being once a year on Yom
Kippour. (The Melchizedek priesthood does this once in the history of the universe,
but this is not our present subject).
These three groups make up the nation of Israel and if they listen to Yahwah's voice
and keep his covenant, they will be a kingdom of priests ministering on behalf of
Yahwah for the nations.

What is Yahwah's voice and what is his covenant?

Well the voice of Yahwah is firstly what he used to speak on Mount Sinai. If Israel
return from there own ways and listen to what Yahwah proclaimed to them all, on
Sinai, this is the repentance we are looking for.

What did Yahwah proclaim on Sinai ?

He spoke the covenant. The covenant was the 10 words commonly known as the 10
commandments. If Israel had listened to this teaching and kept it they would have
taught the nations of Yahwah. (They did through Yeshua and his disciples who were
for signs and wonders in Israel, but the plan was that the whole nation should have
done the job. When they refused to repent, return to God, at the teaching of Yeshua,
the privilege of teaching the nations and fulfilling the gospel which Yahwah preached
to Abraham (in your seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed) fell as a
burden on the Messianic community of Yeshua. They challenged Idolatry and the
pagan Gods of the nations, and they won, these Gods of Ancient Europe are confined
to history books and ruins. Thus the first and second commandment began to spread
over the earth. They taught nations, "Thou shalt not: steal; commit adultery; murder or
covet your neigbour’s wife etc.
Through the Zeal of this community the world has never been the same.

The Gemarah (Talmud) teaches that Messiah can come slowly or fast. His speed and
glory depends on the merit of Israel. Well the slow way is when he comes riding an
ass to Zion. This is how Yeshua came. And slowly, slowly the Messiah calling people
to repentance has been spreading over the nations. But even as the judgment in the
Jeremiah Message first went to the Jew then to the rest of the Goim, so it is with the
Peace of the Messiah. First it was proclaimed in Jerusalem among the Jews and to
Israel. (Yeshua specifically told his disciples not to go to the non Jewish Goim in their
early circuits). However when he was about to go to effect this redemption as the
Pesach lamb, he said "I if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me"
At least this is what the song says.

Jerusalem was forced to drink the cup of the wrath first and then others. So it has and
will drink the cup of peace of Messiah first and then the other nations.
So you as a Jew are called to return to the 10 words. Are you willing?
Are you willing to listen to the voice of Yahwah in his Messiah?
Are you willing in all days to seek the will of the Father of Glory first?
Yes you can get to your portion of your 613 mitzvoth later, but now will you give
your life to Yahwah?
Will you seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness?
Will you listen to what Yahwah your God is saying to you today?

The last part of mankind is the rest of the nations. So mankind is four parts. This
fourth parts receive blessing from the other three parts. In Abraham’s seed all nations
are blessed. He is commanded to bless they are recipients of the blessing. Yet they
have power to bless for it says he will bless them that bless Abraham.
Are you blessing the seed of Abraham in general?
More specifically are you seeking the blessing which comes from Messiah the
greatest seed of Abraham and his Church the greatest daughter of Zion and
This blessing comes on you by repentance. That is turning to God from your own
ways through the Messiah Yeshua and crying out to Yahwah to give you the Holy
You as a non Jewish Goy (national) Will you put Yahwah first in your life?
Are you listening to his voice?
Are you seeking his mercy and forgiveness for your sins?
Messiah died on the cross in order that all mankind might not have to die. Yahwah is
holy and has to judge sin. However in his love an mercy he found away of judging sin
and permitting you who should die to live. This way is his Son. He became a curse
because Israel couldn’t keep the law. Now Israel can be forgiven their transgression.
He died because Adam sinned and brought death on all. He bore the curse and rose
from death and now ever lives to intercede on our behalf before Yahwah. Are you

Every day we refuse to return to Yahwah we are filling up our own personal cup of
Will you forgive all who have offended you and seek forgiveness of your father in
Will you turn to Yahwah above tradition, above rules above your ideas of his torah?
The torah is Spiritual for Yahwah is Spirit, do you listen to his Holy Spirit?

Or will you continue to refuse to give your will to Yahwah?

Will you let man’s tradition make your living relationship with Yah a matter of
commandments of men?

In Yeshua is proclaimed your need to turn back to Yahwah today are you willing?

So you know Yahwah do you pray his will over your life every day?
Or do you insist on saying today I will go to this city and do business instead of
handing your will into his hands?

The cornerstone of redemption and light is repentance?

Are you continually repentant?
David was.
Where are you?

Return is this message. Return and you will receive the light of life who is Yeshua.

Article 10
The Promise I was given.

Get out from your country from your kindred, from your fathers house, to the land that I will show you.
I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a
blessing, I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you, and I you will all the nations of
the earth bless themselves.
Now Yahwah had said to Abram.
(1) From your country, your kindred and your fathers house.
“And it came about when God caused me to wander from my father’s house….everywhere we go say
of me “He is my brother””
I was born and brought up in Great Britain. I was born in London, England, on February the 8 th 1965.
On October the 15th 1995, I was on my knees in the back of a church in Blackpool, England. I was
worshipping Yahwah and was in ectasy. Then I wondered to myself: Why am I so satisfied? The
answer came from the Holy Spirit “Because I am about to speak to you”. Then the minister got up and
prayed a prayer and read the call of Abram recorded hear. I wondered to myself “Why would God say
this to me.
On November 29th 1995, I was seated in Manchester, in a Pentecostal Bible college, with a preacher
called Geroge, teaching us on Henry 8th and Thomas Cranmer and the start of the Church if England.
He made some comments to which I responded. He then read Genesis 12:1-3 as recorded hear. He then
preached on that instead of teaching on Church of England.

On February 1st 1996, I was in a service in the Bible School of Swansea Wales. I had been officially
accepted into that school, that day. I was sent there from Manchester when the Spirit told me to “Move
to Swansea I will do the rest” on Tuesday 23rd Jan 1996. My testimony was that I was called to
Muslims and I had received Gen 12:1-3 as recorded above. The missionary speaker was Martin from a
group called frontiers. A group specifically called to ministry to Muslims. He preached on Genesis
12:1-3 and Gen 11which is the list of the 70 nations whose seed now fill the earth. So he spoke on the
passage the Holy Spirit had given me twice. He then had a word of knowledge saying Yahwah wanted
to speak to one young man in particular who was sat on the left. I went to him afterwards and said “I
know you spoke on my badge (Gen 12:1-3) and you are called to Muslims, and you had a word of
knowledge” All of this thoroughly impressed me. But I said “ The Lord keeps speaking to me about the
Macedonian call of Paul”. He said “Maybe he is giving you a Macedonian call” I said “What do you
mean?” He said that when he became a missionary the lord had said to him “I’m giving you a
Macedonian call” His friend had then called him on the phone and said “Martin I don’t know what this
means but the Lord says “Macedonian call”

I was amazed and ran to my bag where I had a book called “The challenge of the Macedonian call”, I
had been carrying it around for a couple of days. The Lord had been speaking so clearly about it. I then
saw a copy of the mission’s pamphlet. The title was “The Challenge”. So I was amazed with five
“Godincidences” coming together in one session.

So I had left England my country of birth on January 23 rd 1996 a Tuesday. After the Bible college I
went to various Christian camps one called Hillsborough, in Northern Ireland near Belfast(A bomb
exploded the day I arrived after a two year cease fire(no connection).
Then I went to Eagle camp at Lackham, near Calne in Wiltshire. Yahwah had spoken to me about this
camp firstly on february 17th 1996. He gave me four words, “Camper Lackem Anha Yshem” I asked
Mr Richard Mayton where Lackam Camp was. He told me it was in Calne in Wilstshire. I went there
with the expectation to meet a camper called “Anha Yshem”. Yahwah gave me a dream where I saw
the face of an Asian girl with long black hair and some greek writing on a tombstone. I was also given
a flash of a greek word “Iota”.
So I went to the Camp expecting to meet this Asian girl with long black hair, whose name was Anha
Yshem. Well I went to the camp. There was only one Asian girl on the campsite, with long black hair.

Her name was Christina and she had a call to Muslims. How did we meet? I was in a service with a
preacher called Johnathan. He prayed for me “Lord may he see what he came here to see”. Well she
was standing in front of me in the tent. He prayed for her and she fell into my arms. I laid her to the
ground. A man told me to pray for her, so I did. Afterwards I spoke with her and she told me her name
was Christina. And she was called to Muslims. She had been ministering out in Marseille, france
among the North Africans. I spent lunch with her and her Korean mother. I then went to my room to
ponder how this fitted with whom I was supposed to meet.
Well I pondered and on the surface the name Anha Yshem and Christina have no connection. However
when I looked a little bit further the riddle was explained. The bible was written in two languages.
Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew is written from right to left and Greek from left to right. So if we read the
letters Anha Yshem in the hebrew way we get Mesyah na. Which is in English transliteration Messiah
na. We put this next to Christina and the only difference is the I, which in Greek would be IOTA, the
word I was given also before I arrived. So the name I was given and the name the girl bore could be
seen as the same name. Then my question was, “Why did I meet her?” I went through many
wonderings, errors and corrections from Yahwah on this point. The summary was I had to give her
Isaiah 62 and where it says “You shall be called by a new name that the mouth of Yahwah would
bestow. The new name the Spirit told me to give here was Hannah. This was also a name I was given
before I arrived at the camp. Hannah in the Old testament was a women of prayer. In the New
Testament Anna which is the same name in Greek, was also an intercessor. Christina said she was an
intercessor and received the name as did her parents.
So the army of Yahwah which he will use to bring in the Muslim harvest was encouraged. And we
need them brought in because the spirit of Islam is wreaking havoc among the nations all over the
world. Fulfilling that word spoken over Ishmael. “His hand will be against everyone”.

After the truly amazing events of that camp I moved on to Stoneleigh camp and helped in a bookshop. I
then went to a WEC camp, where I met a person from Dundee, Scotland. I left the camp and returned
to London and was given the scripture to remain in Jerusalem until endowed with power and the
promise of the Father was given. Through dreams I then moved to Dundee, Scotland, in October.
I had a dream during the last camp of being in a Church and it being somehow linked with the
Dundonian I met on the camp. Well in Dundee, the Pastor of the full gospel Church arranged for me to
stay in the room with the Assembly of God, minister. It was also exactly the same street that the friend
I met in the Camp lived on. I later moved into the AOG Church as in the Dream.
I stayed in Dundee from November to the next September 3 rd when I left to Denmark. So I left the
British finally. I had already left my father’s house and kindred, now you could say I had left the
I stayed in Denmark for a year and a bit. I travelled to India overland visiting believer in Pakistan
where I preached in four Christian colonies. I also visited the tombs of Daniel, Esther and Mordechai in
Iran. I visited the sight of the Church of Antioch where the believers were first called Christians. I
learned many things in this trip.
Around October I got a sense through dreams that I would be leaving the organisation I was attached
to in Denmark. Yahwah had blessed me with fellowship with a wonderful Church called Amager
Christian Centre a mixed congregation with Phillipino’s Danes and others. A very gracious leader
called Joseph and the Spirit gave me grace in his eyes. I considered working with him on an English
speaking magazine. However Yahwah changed the plan.

(2) To the land that I will show you

“I am Yahwah who brought you out of Ur of Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit”
Now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward
and westward for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and your descendants forever”
It happened on this wise. I went to visit my friend, Kerstin, in Sweden, over my Christmas holidays.
We met for the first time in perhaps 8 years. I was planning to leave from here to go to London for
Christmas. However my flight reference was “MY 6666” I decided I wasn’t going to get that flight. I
perceived in my Spirit that Yahwah was speaking to me through the number.
That night, December 20th 1998, a new moon, I had an amazing dream. I went flying high high high
into the sky. It was night time and I went really high. I came to a place and a voice said to me “You
will go somewhere for 7 days, then you will return, then you will go back for 7 years. Go and help the
Charismatic Church”. Now we all know the words of the Macedonian call of the Apostle Paul. He saw
a man in a vision saying “Come over and help us”. Well this was not exactly the same but the phrase
help is in both visions. And Paul was going to a place where there was no church. Clearly I was being

sent to a place where there was a Church. Well as is my custom, I prayed to Yahwah to give me a
scripture to go with the dream. “So David gave orders to gather the foreigners who were in the land of
Israel, and he set stone cutters to hew out stones to build the house of God”…And David said “My Son
Solomon is young and inexperienced , and the house to be built for Yahwah shall be exceedingly
magnificent, famous and glorious, throughout all lands. Therefore now I will make preparation for it”
After this I said to myself “May be I am going to Israel for Christmas”. The next day, the Monday I
pray that Yahwah would lead me to the right flight, which to me was the cheapest! Well I found a flight
and flew, on December 22nd 1998. I arrived in Israel the day after Hanukah was complted, which is the
feast of the Dedication of the second temple. So I went for one week to Israel. As I understood I was
spying out the land. I arrived to Ovda, an airport in the wilderness in the south 1 hour from Eilat. I
arrived at night time so it was like in the dream. I met an African guy in the street who gave me a room
, for nothing for the whole week. I headed north to Jerusalem after a couple of days in Eilat. In
Jerusalem. I spent Christmas at Mount Zion fellowship and went to the real Mount Zion and
prophesied, with a friend. I then returned to Sweden, from there I went to Denmark and said good bye.
And from there to England. Where I was moved on the principle, that which is functionless must
become functional, so I gave away a lot of my books. Then on, January 17th, I flew into Ovda again.
The next day I moved to Jerusalem.
Here I was in a land that Yahwah had shown me. The rest of this paper is about what some of the
scripture says about the promises Yahwah has given me.
(3) I will make of you a great nation
What is a great nation?
“Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, since Abraham will surely become a great and
populous nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed?
For I have chosen him in order that he may command his children and his after him to keep the way of
Yahwah by doing righteousness and justice; in order that Yahwah may bring on Abraham what he has
spoken about him”
Abraham was an intercessor who believed in justice and righteousness
“And Abraham came near and said “Wilt thou indeed sweep away the righteous and the wicked?
Suppose there are fifty righteous with in the city; wilt thou indeed sweep it away and not spare the
place for the sake of fifty who are in it?
Far be it from thee to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and
wicked are treated alike. Far be it from thee. Shall not the judge of all the earth do justice (Mishpat)?
So Yahwah said if I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare the whole place on
their account”
Abraham inteceded through 45,40, 30, 20 and down to 10.
Abraham pleased Yahwah because he interceded on behalf of the city and the grounds of his
intercession was the justice of Yahwah and the righteous people of the city.
Now the Church is made up of righteous people. We in Messiah have become the righteousness of
God, are we not then the ground of inercession to save so much destruction about to come upon this
nation and the nations?
Lot showed respect to the men or angels by bowing down to them, as did Abraham when he saw all
three of them. This respect to Yahwah and his messengers must be the first level of righteousness.
Lot also showed himself righteous by hospitality to the strangers, As did Abraham. He insisted these
strangers have a place to sleep and something to eat. In the same way they who received the disciples
of Messiah received the blessing of the Kingdom of God by showing hospitality to the disciples who
were also angels or messengers. How are we treating strangers in Jerusalem, in our nations?
The righteous show bow to Yahwah and his messengers and show hospitality to strangers and they
insist on it.

The wicked abuse strangers for the men of Sodom came to have relations with the Angels and Lot said
do no do wickedly.
Lot showed righteousness by trying to protect his guests. These guests had come under the shadow of
his roof, his covering.
Through Lot, his whole family was saved. They were given opportunity to escape from the destruction
of the town. The righteous saves all in his house hold. He listens to the voice of God’s messengers and
takes heed of the warning. As did the early church of Yeshua’s warning of the destruction of Jerusalem.
They moved to the countryside of Gilead and Bashan, during the Roman war in 66 to 70 AD.
Why were the angels going to destroy Sodom?
“Because the outcry has become so great before Yahwah that Yahwah has sent to destroy it”
What is the prestn outcry against Jerusalem? What is the present outcry against this land?

Who are the present Abrahmic intercessors?
The message of the angels went through righteous lot, who was an alien in Sodom, to his family. Some
listened some did not. Thos how listend were saved , those who laughed, and did not heed , were
caught up in the destruction. The righteous tells his family the message of Yahwah.
The righteous had the compassion of Yahwah upon him so even if he hesitates Yahwah will help him.”
In judgement is not the message
“Escape for your life ! Do not look behind you , do not stay anywhere in the valley, escape to the
mountains, lest you be swept away”?
As it was in the days of Lot so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.
When I had visited Swansea Bible college and returned to Blackpool, I realised I was being sent to
Swansea. I asked Yahwah When? The next morning I was given a dream. After I asked him when, I
felt the Spirit of Yahwah come upon me to prepare me for the message. The next morning I dreamt that
I was in a Christian meeting. Suddenly men with Nazi flags walk into the room and blocked all exits.
The flags were red white and blue. I shouted “oh no”! I ran up to the Nazi’s and shouted “In the name
of Jesus I bind you” Then something like a drop of watered put me outside the building and a voice
said flee for your life. Then the Spirit continued to speak saying go and do not come back. At that time
I was living in livingstone road blackpool. I left that house and town that day. Our deliverance is in
following the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The righteous had his prayer requests answered. Lot asked for the small town to escape to and his
request was granted. He saved the lives of the people of that town as a result. The righteous then brings
the blessing of life with him.

Abraham got rich by God giving him favour with men they blessed with gifts. Yahwah spoke to
Abimelch in a dream about Abraham and taught him that Abraham was a prophet and could pray for
him. Abimelech gave him sheep , oxen and male and famale servants, land and a 1000 shekels.

What did Abraham teach his children in accordance with the word above?
(1) He taught them to call on the name of Yahwah the Everlasting God.
(2) He taught his Son to offer burnt offerings
(4) He taught his sons to prostrate (shacah), bow down
(5) He taught his Son that God will provide.
(6) He taught his son how to build an altar.
(7) To

(8) And I will bless you

“And Melchizedek, King of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was priest of God most High
and he blessed him and said
“Blessed be Abram of God Most High
Possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be God Most High
Who has delivered your enemies into your hand”
And he gave him a tenth of all”
“And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if any one can number the dust of the
earth then your descendants can also be numbered ” Gen13
Do not fear Abram, I am a shield to you
Your reward shall be very great” Gen 15
Now look toward the heavens and count the stars, if you are able to count them…so shall your
descendants be”
Then he believed in Yahwah and he reckoned it to him as righteousness” Gen15
I am El Shaddai , walk before me and be complete
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly.
And Abraham fell on his face, and god talked to him saying
As for me, Behold my covenant is with you,
And you shall be the father of a multitude og gotim.
No longer shall you be called Abram,
But your name shall be Abraham;
For I will make you the father of a multitude of goim”
And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you
And kings shall come forth from you.
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed

After you through their generations for an everlasting covenant,
To be God to you and your descendants after you.
And I will give to you and your descendants after you
The land of your sojournings
All the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession
And I will be their God”
As for Sarai your wife
“I will bless her and indeed give you a son by her.
Then I will bless her and she shall be
A mother of goim.
Kings of people shall come from her.
…Sarah your wife will bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac
and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant
for his seed after him.
“And as for Ishmael I have heard you, behold I will bless him
and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly
he shall become the father of twelve princes
and I will make him a great nation
But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah
Will bear to you…
(9) And make your name great
(10) And you shall be a blessing
(11) I will bless them that bless you
(12) And curse him that curses you
And in you will all the nations of the earth bless themselves.

Article 11
Death of the Unrighteous

Death came on me like a leech

And it wouldn’t let go
Finally I managed to pull that leech off
But it took a lump of my skin with it.

I started bleeding profusely,

My blood flowed like a river
I managed to get some bandages
And I dammed up that river.

But the bandages weren’t clean

So I got infected with a deadly disease
I passed out,
Passed away out of my body.
I watched my body freeze, turn to stone
And then to dust.
Suddenly grief came over me
And all the lights went out
A voice started howling
“Outer darkness Outer darkness”
I got cold , like my body
And my teeth began to gnas

Article 12
All over the world from Greenland to Antartica and from Japan to North America,
people are calling on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to bring them into his
covenant on life and blessing and to save them from death and the curse. How did it
come to be that so many millions have become followers of the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob?
This happen by a historical process it happened in history. These people are both
Jewish and Goim, Arab and Jew, Black and White, Irish and English, Afro American,
Euro American and Native American. They all believe that they approach the God of
Abraham Isaac and Jacob through the same way Abraham connected to him, by faith.
But where did this faith come from? It came when they heard a message of God’s
love to mankind in the Messiah of Israel Yeshua the Nazarene.

Article 13
Great Pain

I am in great pain before Yahwah,

I believe my pain in my tooth is due to
Disobedience to the bidding of Yahwah
And yet my spirit is not grieved with in me,
But my spirit is at peace.
So this extreme pain is in the will of the Father
For me at this time.

I wonder what to do to gain relief from my pain

And I am given the story of Jonah.
Yes wrath and judgement have been declared on this land.
I saw on May the fifth
Two dreams of wars
The first was a civil war
I and some others became a target of a group who wanted us dead
In a city.
These people began shooting at us from a very high building
In the distance on a certain road.
I saw a couple of bullets, hit the ground and I realised they were shooting at us.
We ran behind a big building and realised those people were getting
Ready to fight.
We got to a room where those of us under threat were
And police began to prepare to evacuate.
Police went in units getting between us and these enemies.
There was one person who was not one of us but I think he had a weapon
and was fighting on our side.
We sensed that we were waiting specifically waiting for a group
Out on a sports field to come and rescue us
We felt this was going to be a civil war.
We felt safe and were joking about the size of our stomachs.
One said to me you were born that way
I received 2 chronicles 26 twice and had a pain in my neck.

Then I had a second dream and this dream was the preparation for war
In a scene where the Armies of Egypt and Israel and not just Egypt are preparing for war. There is a
build up of armies happening at the border s and in Israel.
All of the nations are watching on TV.
They seem to be all talking and smiling all the reporters I saw were white.
Then I see a scene with a man and a group of men around him
Someone says he’s a poet and starts to narrate what he was going to say
The poet or army officer says
BLOOD and all the soldiers like drunk men repeat BLOOD
MONEY and they all repeated money and fell into a drunken laughter
“GURGLES” said in a drunken drawn out American way and really sounded
They all laughed after each word.
I am watching this scene Before this scene there were two girls and a man. He seemed to have been
holding hands with both of them at different times.
But now one of them said something or refused to give him something which made him very angry.
They were talking to him like he wasn’t angry but he talked as though he was.
The scripture was 1 Chronicles 7: 20-29 and Micah 7.

I also had an interesting dream on the 6th of May.
A couple of guys wanted me to go to America and speak about the work in Israel.
When we got there I found that I was talking at meetings by the Berger brothers
Benjamin and Reuven.
They said they’d heard me speak publicly and hadn’t heard anything
Fraudulent In what I said. The plan was to go to the states and share at various meetings. I guess the
guys I was working with were really fundraisers.
We arrived on a Wednesday in the evening, but were going to stay for more than a week.
It wasn’t Owen but my sister we had arrived in Israel separately, both going then leaving then going
back again but separately. I mentioned this to the Bergers in one of the services and we were going to
share it in the main group, but in the Berger service I don’t think we were preaching. We agreed that
we should flow together and not contradict one another.
The scripture was Dan 9-10.

Meditation 14
Now I am in his presence.

Yahwah I thank you for the sweetness of your presence

Thank you that there are times when we are so overcome
With the wonder of your presence that it becomes difficult to do anything
Other than to be still and meditate on your love.

Thank you Yah that at times you arrest us

You arrest our hearts and our minds.
You show us that there is nothing more important in this world
Than to sit at your feet.

Your beautiful presence warms us

As we hear the worship of Yah going on in our ears
We are caught up and material things fall away.

Yes we desire to work the things which are supposed to be

But in your presence when you warm us with the
fires of your love the fires of your glory
Our attention becomes yours and what can we do Yah?
What can we do but admire you ?

We remember the days you rescued us from troubles

We remember the days oh Yah when you answered our prayers
We remember upright Yah, the days when you lead us as a shepherd his sheep
Into pastures green into waters clean and fresh.

You have guided us oh wonderful Yah,

In amazing ways. So great are your ways oh Yah.

How is it that we as sinful as we are are permitted,

to walk in the way behind Yah?
How is it that he who created all things by his mere words
Could care so deeply about each individual as to make wonderful
plans for their lives if only they will listen?

You Oh Yah have shown me immense love

Love and forgiveness of sins immeasureably awesome.
You have made the knowledge of you certain.
You have lead me from in front.
We who are so weak and frail, so
fragile and easily straying you have led,
Yes by the hand you have led us.

I thank you Yah.

You have revealed the secret of the perfect will of God.
Listening to the voice of Yah.
We hear the intellectual chatter of those
Who perhaps have not been granted such an intimate knowledge of Yah
As we who are in the Prince Beloved
And we wonder how is it that your people could stray so far from your voice?

How is it that a Rabbi could spend years studying the letters of the Torah
And miss the heart of God?
How can one know so much and yet appear to know God so little?
Oh Yah we do not desire to be arrogant
We do not desire to be proud
For all we have comes from you.
All we are is from you
What do we have which we did not receive?
What do we know which we were not taught?

We are indeed blessed in your Son.

We are blessed beyond measure in your Son.
For he taught of thee oh Yah
He taught of your perfect ways
He showed us in our daily lives your works

We are not theoreticians

We are not great thinkers
We are not great scholars
We do not know all the Tanakhm by heart
Some of us have never read the whole book once
And yet we have felt your touch.
And yet oh Yah we have heard your voice
You said “if you would obey my voice
Things would be well with you”
Yahwah I thank you that you keep your promises.
That when we read your words
You show us wondrous things out of you Torah
You show us wondrous things out of you prophets
You open up your word to us
You open up the history of your people to us.
You show us marvellous coincidences
You show us marvellous providences in the lives of your people.
Yes indeed when we listen to your voice thing go well with us.
How is it that with out your revelation we do not see these things?
How is it that you can show us new treasures every day from your Torah.

I am sorry Heavenly Father

That my words are so poor and so weak
I am sorry that my words are so far from giving you the
Glory that your are due.
I am sorry that my life does not give you the full glory you are due
But only you Yah, you only can take the poor
And sit them with princes.
You only can take him who has nothing and exalt him to the throne of the King

Thank you that King David wrote the Psalms and showed his love toward you in this manner
Thank you that Elisha called for a minstrel when it was time to prophesy
So that we could know that Prophesy can come with singing to Yah.
Thank You that some Psalms turn into prophesy so that we can know that
In the heart of worship the Almighty speaks his own words.

How is it Yah, that people can be so ignorant of your voice.

How is it that they think it will be difficult to hear the voice
Of him who created the vocal chords?
How is it that he who created the ear could not know how to speak?
How is it that they who have little faith dare to rationalise away your miracles
And for what, for no miracles and a pathetic concept.
We thank you oh Yah that you make the blind see.
We thank you Yah that you make the dumb speak, the lame walk and the deaf hear.

Thank you Yah that your miracles are limitless and always
Somewhere on earth you are answering somebody’s prayer.

Thank you Yah that your are faithful to your word

That when you speak you do just as you have promised.
Thank you Yah that you are righteous
All your works ways are righteous
And we bless you Yah for we have Yahwah Tzidkenu
And we are made righteous in him.
Thank you Yah that you are full of justice and mercy,
That your anger is but for a moment and you mercy everlasting

We thank you Yah for the double portion of goodness given to the
Third day,
We thank you that on that day you raised Yeshua from the grave
On the day you gave permission to Esther before King Ahaseurus
On that day you made the dry land appear and formed the seas.
On that day you gave us the healing leaves of the trees
And you gave us the herbs bearing seed and the fruit trees
With the fruit and the seed with in the fruit.
Thank you Yah that the third day is the day of first life, seed and fruit life.
Thank you Yah that it is the day of resurrection day when once again the
Righteous will rule the earth as in Adams early days and Noahs late days

You Oh Yah are worthy to be praised

You are a great delight to us
There is none comparable to you
You are the destroyer of idols
You are the enlightener of my face
You are the glorious being beyond all description
You are the lightener of my light
You wave your hand and the universe is created
You breath in and all things are taken away
You give all good things to your creation
The birds and the bees
For the song and honey
The light that we may live
The darkness that we may sleep
We are yours oh Yahwah
We are yours
You created us for your glory
And we thank you for that.
Enlightener of our being
Who is there to compare with you?
Great and awesome God
Who is like unto you
You give us connection
With your whole church in all the ages
What we say has been said before
Yet each time we say it has a different nuance
For you are the Awesome God
Beyond all description
Beyond all light
Who has indeed clothed himself in light

We are enclosed in your glory

For you have clothed us in your graciousness

How wonderful you are oh Lord

You are the maker of heaven and earth

The sea the dry land and all that in them is
We love you
Because you have furnished this universe
So perfectly
We can only give you all glory honour and praise.
Our lover when we are loveless
Our hope when we are hopeless
Our light when we are shrouded in darkness
Of depression despondency and death
You are the one who lightens our way

All creation gives you glory

All the beings in the heavens above
All the being in the earth below
All the beings under the earth
They all join together and give you praise.
For you are indeed a great and awesome God
There is none like you
There is indeed none like you.

Hope is the light of our pathway

The hope of the resurrection
We walk in that hope
Knowing oh Lord
That you are guiding our path
To streams of living water
Light is the glorious array of your being
Set out before us so that we might live
Live in the light of your glorious being
You give us a banquet oh lord
Of good things to eat in your presence
You do not hold back
But release all good things to your children
Who are we that you care for us.
Who are we that you give us light
Who are we that you guide our pathways
In straight ways
You are the upright God
You are the righteous God
You are the just God
You are the wickeds’ destroyer
You are the wickeds’ trampler
In your presence the wicked does not stand
No in your presence the sinner does not stand

Oh lightener of my path
Let me see your face
That I may love you dearly
Even as Moses saw your face
Let me see your face
I know I will not die for you are my life
You are the wakener of my dreams
The light of my path
The righteous one
Who teaches me the way I should go
To come into your presence

Meditation 15
Prepare the Way of Yahwah
The cornerstone of the way of Yahwah is repentance. The end of the way of Yahwah is the Kingdom of
of God. It is the rule on earth of the Son of Man.
Are you willing to walk the way of Yahwah with the Son of Man in order to have an inheritance in the
eternal Kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of heaven is ruled from the New Jerusalem who is now above being prepared as a bride
for the marriage to Messiah. She is on her way down from heaven but the first key to her gates is
repentance. Return to God for the kingdom of God is near at hand. Will you listen or is sin dulling your
What we speak now is but a rerun of a message spoken 1970 years ago. Since that time more than a
billion souls have received this message. But now we have the nation of Israel in existence once again.
Now the nation is run by Israel. So now there is a fitting place for the Kingdom to return to. But that
beautiful bride, awaits your repentance. Every repentance brings us a step closer to her marriage with
Messiah. Will you start the path of return along the way of Yahwah?
Or will you be like the remnant of Israel at the time of Jeremiah who called him lier and a servant of
man. We who in Messiah Yeshua proclaim repentance unto the forgiveness of sin and the filling of the
Holy Spirit for the extension of the Kingdom of God are called by the so called “Orthodox” “servants
of a man”. The forefathers of the orthodox who insisted on going into Egypt, called Jeremiah the
servant of Baruch Son of Neriah. They accused him of lieing.
Whose side are you on Jeremiah’s and Yeshua the Nazarene or the people who refused to listen to the
voice of the prophets and went their own way thinking this would protect them. They went to Egypt for
protection from Babel’s violence. Now the descendants of these people refuse the yolk of Messiah and
go the way of their own shepherds, not the Davidic Nasi but the sons of Jeroboam Son of Nebat who
did evil in the sight of Yahwah.

Who will you side with?

The voice of Yahwah in his Messiah or a perversion of tradition which continually rebels against the
voice of Yahwah in his prophets. The men who opposed Jeremiah were called the arrogant men. Are
you for the kingdom of God or the arrogant men. The Messiah is meek and humble hearted and will
give you rest for your souls, but will you receive his yolk or no?
Today is set before you life or death, blessing or curse, Messiah or false shepherds. Choose life,
blessing and Messiah, and maybe all the innocent bloodshed in Jerusalem and the nations will be
satisfied and no more will have to be shed to avenge the righteous. If you will refuse then the sword of
judgement is truly on the way and many will be the tears you will shed. So do not refuse. Accept the
yolk of the Kingdom of God it is the purpose and goal of the Torah and the Prophets and the Psalms.
The question is not will it come or no. The question is when will it come and will you have an
inheritance in it or no?

Who will inherit the Kingdom of God?

And you whether Jew of Goyim, cannot enter unless you are spiritually reborn.
Have you been born again? Or are you still dead in your transgressions and sins?
There is no one righteous, if God were to mark iniquity who would stand?
So turn today and receive the yolk of God’s kingdom so that when the Son of Man comes, as in Daniel
7, he will find faithfulness (emuna) in you.

The two ways.

Before Jerusalem, before Israel, before the nations, before you oh man
There are two ways standing. But can you see them.
Why not? Because of bloodshed.
Because of violence done in the city
Because of the cries of distress from the afflicted.
You oh man are seen in the sight of Yahwah? But do you have knowledge of God?
Are you obedient to his voice?

Friend the attitude of the righteous is obedience to Yahwah the God of Israel. Do you have the attitude
of the righteous?
Do you pass strangers and show them kindness or do you wish the stranger will get out of your
Do you respect the Goyim as did Abraham, Gerar, Moses, Pharoah, Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar or do you
look down on them because they are Goyim? Although they have for 48 generations believed in the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and sought his Kingdom in prayer daily for over 19 centuries.

Do you respect the Jew oh Goyim because :

“they were entrusted with the oracles of God” and they gave the earth her greatest Son, the Messiah,
they gave Jerusalem her greatest daughter the community of Messiah?
Or do you look down on your neighbour because you are so holy?

Oh friends you need to forgive, You need forgive your neighbour as you would have them forgive you?
You need to cry out for deliverance to Yahwah?
Do you have people on earth you hate? Do you have grudges against people?

Oh yes I’m sure you can give me a thousand reasons why you hate and I’m sure you can give a
hundred reasons why that person, people, that nation should be destroyed.
But do you think Yahwah, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can not give you a thousand reasons why
you should be dead yesterday?
But he rains on the righteous and the wicked, he grants his sunshine to the evil and the good.
So then if Yahwah can feed and clothe his enemies Why can’t you forgive yours?

The way of Yahwah is found through returning. And Yahwah says if you will return (to the land),
return to me.
Return to Yahwah first and foremost
Return to the knowledge of God and obedience to his voice the Spirit of Messiah.
Return to helping the distressed. Return to showing hospitality not hatred to strangers.
Remember you were strangers in Egypt. Return to lovingkindness not the despising of Yahwah’s
What do you think that by persecuting the Messengers and children of the Messiah you get browny
points with Yahwah?
Do you think when you bear false witness to uphold a manmade tradition Yahwah looks down and says
Ah! Wonderful my little orthodox has made homeless another child of Messiah?
No my friends. Our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. It is only Yahwah’s everlasting righteousness
through his Messiah which had Kingdom of God’s endurability?
Return to respecting all God’s children and stop despising the creations of God who are in his image.

He who would love life and see good days let him keep his tongue from speaking evil and do good let
him seek peace and pursue it.
Do you love to slander the Messiah and his community with words?
Do you love to accuse followers of the One God, who bow to no idol and serve no idols of idolatry?
And then when they share with a drugged out, disco swinging, lieing, stealing secular Jew, the good
news that Yahwah forgives, and saves from sin, you spend all your resources to make them homeless,
to foster hatred, to cause these righteous men distress?
Ah! do you think God is blind?
Do you think the Holy one of Israel does not see?
Are you so foolish as to think that the judge of the whole earth will not do right?
Will he, like you condemn the righteous with the wicked and with a word make the righteous appear
You know it is not so but you are storing up the wrath of God against yourself for the day of wrath,
you who refuse the gently flowing waters of siloah?
You who break the torah to uphold your interpretation of the torah, on the cries and distresses of people
who have just escaped the sword?
On the cries and distress of a people who loved the God of Israel so deeply they made aliyah while
your brothers and sisters are dancing in the discos of America and Tel Aviv?
And what are you doing to help them?
You don’t have time to help them for you are giving a Yad lachim? You are giving a hand of
persecution to your afflicted brothers.

You are giving a hand at burning down the tent of mercy of the righteous.
You blind fool God sees your corrupt heart and because he remained silent you thought he was like
you. But to you God says
“What right have you to tell of my Chuqqim (statutes) and to take my covenant in your mouth?”
Did you really think because you go around saying “Jewish men wear tefillin” that Yahwah does not
see how you persecute the weakest and the poorest in society? Those who are disciples of the despised
one whose name you blaspheme continually?
What right have you? Are you the present Sanhedrin? Are you the king? Are you a prince in Israel, a
prophet or levite? What right have you to persecute the disciples of the righteous one?
“For you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you. When you see a thief you are pleased
with him, and you associate with adulterers”
As long as they haven’t turned from their sin through the message of him who was abhored by the
nation, who was despised by you and your forefathers and will be by your children if you refuse to
You say to the atheist Jewish adulterer stay an adulterer and Jewish but do not repent in the name of the
despised one. Do not turn to Yahwah by listening to the servant of “Yehezki’”
Foolish man do you think Yahwah is unjust? Do you think you heart is hidden from him?
Do you think that you cannot repent and remain Jewish at the same time?
Take me to all the Messianic communities in Israel and show me one Idol in all their communities.
Show me where one Messianic Jew has made for himself an image of something in the heavens above
or one the earth below or under the earth and has bowed down to it?
You can not for he has not. It is the Messianic Jew who has taken the bastion of the kingdom of God to
the ends of the earth and challenged the bastions of idolatry. Are you so blind that you, unlike
Rambam, and Eliyahu Benemozegh, can not see these things.
Return to Yahwah today before the outcry against you and your brothers is so great it merits a personal
vistation of Yahwah and his angels as your forefathers in Sodom did (Is 1).
Rambam “ The entire world has already become filled with the mention of Messiah , Torah and
mitzvot. These matters have been spread to the futhermost islands, to many stubborn hearted
nations, and they discuss these matters and the mitzvot of the Torah. They say “these mitzvot are
Are you listening to Rambam. It was the disciples of Messiah who started this. If you
are so right and Messiah is so wrong how is it you are neither doing this nor did your
forefathers did it. Yes Rambam does not think they are speaking complete truth, but
he sees the work of this community as preparation for the coming of his understood
Do you not think that when the scriptures teach “Sit thou at my right hand until I make your enemies a
footstall for you feet” to Yeshua, it means we too among the servants of Messiah, recognise that he is
coming in glory? The Messianic King Rambam expects will be far greater than he expects. He will be
like Elijah his predecessor a man who sat in heaven alive for the last 1970 years and until he returns.
Let us look a little further into the thought of Rambam. He says can there be a greater stumbling block?
All the prophets spoke of Messiah as a redeemer of Israel and its saviour, who would gather their
dispersed and strengthen their obeservance of the Mitzvot, (but instead),
These statements are all true. However the key element missing from the analysis is the corner stone of
light , repentance. If Messiah comes and man refuses to believe him, what is the result?
What happened to Adoniyahu, Joab, Shimei and Abiathur at the ascension of Solomon? When the
Messiah of their time came, Solomon, they ended up having their judgement day? Will you be like
Shimei or Barzillai the Gileadite. Shimei cursed his Messiah, David, Barzillai fed him in his affliction.

Then we can ask who is the greatest stumbling block? It has to be said that the greatest stumbling block
has to be Yahwah “ It is Yahwah Tzevaoth whom you should regard as holy and he shall be your fear,
and he shall be your dread. Then he shall become a sanctuary”
So if we regard Yahwah as holy he will become to us a sanctuary. But what if we refuse him? We do
not trust in him. We fear men and their traditions instead
“But to both houses of Israel, a stone to strike and a rock to stumble, and a snare and a trap for the
inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many will stumble over them and they will fall and be broken, they will
even be snared and caught.”(Is 8)
So Messiah and his community may be a stumbling block to both houses of Israel but only if they
reject God’s plans for their own for truly he Yahwah becomes the stumbling block.

“Behold I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone. A costly cornerstone for a foundation firmly
placed. He who believes will not be disturbed. And I will make justice the measuring line and
righteousness the level.”(Is28)
Friend your return to God is going to be tested against righteousness and justice, these are foundations
of the throne of Yahwah and the throne of the Messianic kingdom
“Thus he looked for justice, but behold bloodshed, for righteousness but behold a cry of distress”(Is 5)
And remember man looketh on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart. Is your heart
perfect toward God? Or Are you full of hatred to his Messiah and unrighteousness to his people?
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne, lovingkindness and truth go before thee”
(Ps 89)
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne, fire goes before him and burns up his
enemies around about”Ps 97.
The throne of his Kingdom began to spread to the ends of the earth 1970 years ago on Shavuoth. On
that day the students of Messiah were in one room in one accord, on Mount in Jerusalem, then was
Zion’s greatest daughter born.
“And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole
house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves
and they rested on each one”
Fire goes before him and burns up his enemies around about. What is this fire? These students of
Messiah were lit up by this fire. It says they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with
other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance. The fire was the word of God in the mouth of
the Apostles spoken by the power of the Holy Spirit. And it is this word which began to proclaim
repentance to Israel and the nations and began to burn up God’s adversaries of injustice and
unrighteousness and produce God’s lovingkindness and truth in the earth. Abraham believed Yahwah’s
word and it was credited as righteousness.
Are you willing to return to God and become one of the builders of the Kingdom whose throne is
founded on justice and righteousness?
Peter declared “Be saved from this perverse generation”. He was not like the sweet talking prophets of
Jeremiah’s time who were strengthening the hand of evil doers, which you do also when you resist the
message of repentance proclaimed by the Messengers of Messiah.
“Do not listen to the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you to fultility. …They
keep saying to those who despise me, Yahwah has said you will have peace. And as for every one who
walks in the stubborness of his own heart “Calamity will not come upon you”
Not so Yeshua and his community “Yeshua said”Unless you repent you like wise shall perish” Apostle
Shaul says “Do you think lightly of the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience not
knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?
But because of your stubborness and unrepentant heart you are STORING UP WRATH FOR
YOURSELF in the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgement of God, who will render
to every man according to his deeds, to those who through perseverance in doing good, seek for glory
honour and immortality, eternal life. But to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth
but obey unrighteousness wrath and indignation. There will be tribulation and distress for every soul
who does evil, of the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory honour and peace to every man who does
good….For there is no partiality with God.
For all who have sinned without the Torah will perish without the Torah and all who have sinned under
Torah will be judged by Torah, for not the hearers of the Torah are righteous before God, but the doers
of the Torah will be justified.”Rom 1

So the fire of his word goes forth and went forth out of Zion to the ends of the earth from Shavuah
30AD. This is the year the Sanhedrin judged and condemned Yeshua the Nazarene Rambam says
“Yeshua the Nazarene who aspired to be Messiah and was executed by the court” This was the same
year the Sanhedrin had to move out of the Chamber of Hewn stone where they had been judging cases
adjacent to the temple. A coincidence? There are no coincidences in the Kingdom of God. The true
judge of Israel the Messiah was executed, thay hated him and killed him without cause. Joab did this to
to men more righteous than he and their blood cried out against him and his descendants and still isw to
this day.
The court who did this lost their true home. This was indicating a transference of power from that
present leadership based on arrogance to the humble leadership of the Messiah, which started that year
when the proclamation of the repentance, forgiveness of sins and the receiving of the Holy Spirit and
the Kingdom of God began to spread over the earth. Will you ask for the Holy Spirit obtainable from
the Messiah, by repentance and faith?

Even as Moses gave of his Spirit to the elders. So Messiah gives of his Spirit to all his followers. This
being in accordance with the prayer of Moses and the prophesy of Joel and started on Shavuah 30AD.
The intention being to turn us back from our evil way, will you turn or refuse?
“let him who has my word speak my word in truth. What does straw have in common with grain?
Declares Yahwah. Is not my word like a fire? Declares Yahwah.
Do not kindle your own fire, walk in the light of the fire of Yahwah which is love.
“There will be no end to the increase of his government and peace, on the throne of David and over his
Kingdom to establish it and uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forever more.
The Zeal of Yahwah Tzevaoth will accomplish this.”
Today if you his his voice do not harden your heart by seek Yahwah with repentance and prayer.

“You let your mouth loose in evil and you tongues frames deceit”
And you know exactly what Yahwah is talking about. You say one thing with your tongue but you
mean another thing in your heart.
Do you sneak in among the of the afflicted one and speak words of peace, while all the time you are
plotting how to uproot the sons of the righteous one out of house and home? Do you not call the
peacemakers the mad and wage a war of deception against your neighbour? Do you not speak evil by
blaspheming the righteous one? Have you nothing righteous to do with your time? Are you so holy that
you need not pray more, give more to the poor, love to your wife?

“You sit and speak aqgainst your brother, you slander your own mother’s son.
These things you have done and I kept silence;
You thought that I was just like you;I will reprove you
And state the case in order before your eyes.
Now consider this you who forget God
Lest I tear you in pieces and their be none to deliver.

He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honours me;

And to him who orders his way aright I will show the Yesha (salvation)
Of God”
Give thanks in everything for this is the will of God for you in Messiah Yeshua.
Oh listen to the voice of Messiah and return, be baptised and wash your sins away. Be filled with the
Holy Spirit and produce deeds worthy or repentance, wake up from the dead you who walk in death
and Messiah’s light will shine on you.

Meditation 16
The Day of Yahwah Draweth Nigh.

Is that right, I hear you say,

The Day of Yahwah draweth nigh,
But have not men been saying this
For many a decade,
Many a new moon has come and gone
And yet this day has not come.
Speak to us of men and their lives,
Not of the many days of Yahwah.

Last night I heard from the lips of a scholar

A reform rabbi and a doctor, the wonderful name of God
You may think why the surprise, why do you remember?
Well let us first make sure we do remember.
It was sometime in March or was it second Adar?
At Mt Zion fellowship a word was shared the
Rekindle the fire, the gifts that you received by the
Laying on of hands. So we were all about kindling the fire.
Then my hand moved in the way of kindler
It was as though it was kindling a fire in my mouth
And out flowed the name Yahwah, Yahwah Yahwah
Yahwah Yahwah Yahwah Yahwah,
Many times repeated in quick succesion
From this day forth it was the name I called on
Through his son Yeshua ha Adonai

In this great time I was about discovering and using the

Precious name of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob,
Not according to superstition and mans tradition
Which he made up in light of God’s judgement
But in light of redemption where Yeshua the Nazarene
Paid the price for our salvation and brought us into
The promises of God.

And one of these wonderful promises was

And my people shall know my name.
Well to know is intimate to know is real
To know his name is not to know a substitute.
To call on the name of Yahwah is not to call on
Some other Name decided on by man.

A man once said to a child,

You shall call me “Living”
And the child grew up always called his Father
“Living” Over a long period of time the child
started to rebel against his Father,. He used to
run to all the men around about and say
I have no Father will you be my Father
Will you feed me and clothe me.
These men saw the child and pitied
Especially as he had now come of age
He knew right form wrong and was no
Longer physically a child.
They asked him who is your Father,
He replied “my Father is “Dead”.
Will you help me. After a long time
his father heard of what his Son was doing
and he called him saying My Son I am
still “Living” why do you call me “Dead”
Why do you dishonour me so.
His Father tries to reason with his Son.
In the end the Son so resisted the Father
That since he had come go age
His Father said. Go away from my
House since you insist upon calling on
All these other men who are indeed
Not your Father , and since you insist
I am “Dead” so to you I am Dead,
Leave and do not come back.
But I say this to you the time will come
When your sons will returns to me and they
Will know me truly and they will know my name.

So the Son left the Fatther and he went far way.

He got into many troubles. He had many children
And he taught that their Father was “Dead”
And they continued the to teach the same thing
To their children and their childrens children.
After forty nine generations, the children
Were looking over their history and the annals
Went back so many generation even to before
The child who left the true Father.
And in his search the child discovered that there
Was a time when the first Fathers called the true
Father “living”. The child went to his immediate
Father and asked him about it. The immediate
Father replied. I have heard rumours of it
But no one really knows and besides
Our fathers for the last forty eight generations
Have forbidden us from calling him “Living”
It is a tradition which has been handed down from the
First generation of our exile.

But the Son was not satisfied. He asked further
Well is our Father “Living” or “Dead”
Well his immediate father you should ask my father.
So the son went to the grandfather and asked him,
Is our Father of the beginning “Living” or “Dead”
Well my Son he was once called by “TheName”
You mention but now TheName is to holy
So we call him “Dead” this way we don’t use
TheName wrongly. We show our Father
Great respect in this way.

The Son was not satisfied for The Father had

Put with in him a desire for truth. He began to research
Who was the Father and here he came across some very
Ancient writings relating the character and name of the
Father. In them he heard that the Father promised that if any one
Wanted to know the truth they could speak to the Father
Directly for was “Living”
So he cried out “Father show me the truth are you “Living”
Do you want us to know you and your name?
The Father was very pleased when he heard the cry of the Son
And sent him His Spirit to lead him into all truth.
When the son had learned a littled. He cried out
“Living” Father I want to know you.
And the Father hearing the cry of the son came to him.
And when the Son beheld the Face of his Father he wept
For he had finally found what he had been looking
For all these years.
And he lived with his Father and taught his children the
True name of the Father that he is “Living”.

Meditation 17
The Prophets to the Goim.

The prophets were given authority to write prophect against or about the Goim. The
prophets were both gardeners and builders of communities and they spoke to nations,
their cities and their leaders.
Is 39-43,44
Ephraim- Samaria
8th century Isaiah 7-9
Is 28 “Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim”
Aram- Damascus
8th century Isaiah 7-9,
Is 17-The Massa concerning Damascus
Damascus is about to be removed from being a city
(2) Judah
-House of David
Is 22 “The Oracle concerning the valley of vision”
What is the matter with you now , that you have gone up to the house tops?
Isaiah 8th cetury Bce 7-9, 10
Is 26
“In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah”
Is 28:14-29,30,31,32,33,35 “O scoffers who rule this people who are in Jerusalem”
(3) Assyria (Assur)
8th century Isaiah 10
Chapter 14 To break Assyria.
Is 20 Sargon King of Assyria, Yahwah’s judagement on Egypt and cush
Is 36 :22 “ The word that Yahwah has spoken against him”
(4) Babylon (Babel)
8th century Isaiah 13 “The Oracle concerning Babylon”
Is 21 “The Massa concerning the wilderness of the sea
Isaiah 43:14 “For your sake I have sent to Babylon”
(5) The Medes
Isaiah 8th century , 13.

(6) Philistia (Palestine)

Isaiah 14:29-32

(7) Moab.
Isaiah 15-16 The Oracle (Massa) concerning Moab
Surely in the night….of Moab is devastated and ruined.

(8) Cush (Ethiopia)

Isaiah 18, Is 20 along with Egypt.
“Alas oh land of whirring wings beyond the rivers of Cush.”

(9) Mitzraim (Egypt)
Isaiah 19 “The Massa concerning Egypt
“Behold Yahwah is riding on a swift cloud, and is about to come to Egypt”.
Is 20: Egypt
Is 30, 31 “Who proceed down to Egypt”

(10) Elam
Isaiah 21:The Massa concerning the sandy wastes and the sea country.
“As windstorms in the negev sweep on, it comes from the wilderness from a
terrifying land”

(12) Dumah (Edom).

Isaiah 21:11
The Oracle concerning Dumah.
“One keeps calling to me from Seir “Watch how far gone is the night?”

(13) Arabia.
Isaiah 21 “The oracle about Arabia”
“In the thickets of Arabia you must spend the night O caravans of Dedan”

(14) Tyre
Isaiah 23 “The massa concerning tyre.
“Wail o ships of Tarshish”

(15) TheEarth
Isaiah 24-27
“Behold Yahwah lays waste the earth”

(16) The Nations (Goim)

Isaiah 34 “Draw near oh nations”

(17) Persia

Meditation 18
The Sepherim (Books of) of Yahwah.

Is it not a wonder that King David understood that all his days were written in a sefer before one of
them came to pass? Writing is in God’s plans for all of our lives. Maybe David was referring to the
sefer which Yah had Moses write and when he told the people of the appointment of a future King in
the land. But when David writes in Tehillim 139 it is quite clear he is talking about a day by day
account of his life, from his conception to his death, they were written in a Sefer. And it is Yah’s spirit
which is everywhere and sees everything to ensure they happen. For David asks the question :Where
can I go from your Spirit? Yahwah’s Spirit is everywhere and guiding David wherever he may be in
the earth, the heaven or under the sea. There is nowhere Yahwah’s Spirit is not. There is a Sefer of the
days of the life of David and Yahwah’s Spirit is everywhere to help it come to pass. Since the book is
Yahwah’s book. For David said all his days were written in “Your sefer” referring to Yahwah, it must
in the first place be a Spiritual book or a book written in Spirit by Spirit. Then if we see God’s call on
the prophet Jeremiah “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. And before you were born I set
you apart, I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations”.
This call of Jeremiah’s was planned and known before he was conceived. That is, again this must apply
to the status of Jeremiah’s Spirit, since clearly the body did not yet have form. (We know that at death
we commend our Spirit, to the Father, as did Yeshua at the cross). Yah knew him and set him apart no
doubt like a David his days were written in a book before one of them came to pass. Jeremiah’s call is a
very important one. He is a prophet sent first to the Goyim or the nations. Yes he spoke to Israel but it
is clear from his call that he is set apart by God as a prophet to the nations. His role:
Every where I send you , you shall go.
And all that I command (Tzavah) you, you shall speak.
Do not be afraid of them for I am with you to deliver you.
Behold I have put my words in your mouth.

See I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the Kingdoms,
To pluck up(lintush) and to break down (lintutz)
To destroy (lehaavid) and to overthrow (lehaaroum)
To build (libnut) and to plant (Lintua).

We see here the role of a prophet to the nations. His days were planned before one of them came to
pass and his role is authority over nations. For us goyim we need to see how Jeremiah built and planted
for he was appointed a prophet unto us. We need as sons of Noah to hear the voice of the Prophet
Jeremiah for he has lessons for the nations from the heart of Yahwah.
What does Jeremiah pluck up in the days of his Sefer?
What does he break down?
What does he destroy?
What does he overthrow?
What does he build?
What does he plant?
Let us observe his words and actions. Then just as important are
How does he accomplish these things?
We know that the main tool he is given is the words of Yahwah. Yahwah says to him Behold I have put
my words in thy mouth. Hineh natati dvarai bephika (I have given(put) my words in your mouth).Now
this is what we call powerful. By receiving the words of Yahwah in his mouth Jeremiah had authority
to become a gardener and a builder among the nations. He was required by the word of Yahwah to
build a building and to plant and tend a garden.
We see then that the nations are in a gerden before Yahwah. Each nation or people are like a tree or
plant in that garden of God. And as Yeshua said any tree which his father did not plant would be
plucked up. Now in this garden Jeremiah is appointed as God’s gardener among the nations. He has the
authority to plant and to pluck up. In a sense we are see Jeremiah in the role of Adam in the garden
which was planted in Eden. He, too, was put into the garden to tend the plants. This garden also in
some sense included nations as we find out in the visions of Ezekiel, where Assur is seen as a tree in
the garden of God, who got too proud and so was pulled down. We also know that the righteous man
who mediatates in the torah of Yahwah is like a tree planted by the waterside. Now a tree has a specific
role to bear fruit and with in that fruit there is the seed for the reproduction of that tree. A plant has
seed and the seed reproduces the plant after its kind. So what we see is that God’s sees individuals as
nations. He doesn’t just see masses of people as nations but each individual man is seen as at his end.
At his end he can produce enough seed to produce a nation. We have the table of nations in Genesis 11.
It is clear that when they were called the nations they were individuals. They could then take wives and
produce seed after their own kind. The wives are in a sense seen as one with the husbands. God created
man, male and female. A man is not complete unless he is male and female, because Eve was in Adam
when he was created. She was taken out of him, and that which belonged to him was brought back to
him. In knowing each other they became one flesh and he cleaved to her who was from him in the first
place. The main female aspect of Adam was taken out of him and given her own life. But her desire is
for him and he seeks always to cleave to her. A male with out his female counterpart is continually
seeking to find her and to cleave to her. They produce children and in three generations you have a
nation. In the first generation you have a family. Like Noah and his three sons and their wives. This is a
family. However these had children. And these children are called nations. If from different nations
people take on a way of life and begin to worship a god or the true God these become a people. So
Jeremiah is given authority in the garden of the nations and the garden of the peoples. We are all
potential nations. There are 70 original nations. We could call these the 70 seed of the nations. The
earth initially had four families after the flood. Noah and his three sons family. One into three. Abram
is promised that in his seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed. The blessing was essentially to
turn then from false hood to truth from idol worship to the worship of the true God, Yahwah, through
his Spirit. We have a glimpse of this promise being fulfilled in the prophets. Jeremiah prophesied that
Babylon would be given dominion over the nations for a certain period of time. Specifically he said
Babylon would rule over Israel for 70 years, because of the rebellion of the people of Judah. He then
told Judah to submit to the yolk of Babylon. He told them to pray for the peace of the nation they
would go to, to marry and to build houses. All of this could be seen as Jeremiah planting a community
of Israelites in a foreign land. If they had listened to him there would have been no need for the
destruction of the temple. No need for the complete destruction of Judah. No need for so many deaths
among the Israelites. So Jeremiah, by his word uprooted the kingdom of Judah and transplanted it to
Babylon. The Babylonians rulers also heard Jeremiah’s prophecies. When the Captain of the Guard
Nebuzaradan came he spoke with Jeremiah about his prophecies. Nebuchadnezzar also had contact

with Daniel and his friends and saw some amazing miracles. So Jeremiah’s counsel was used to plant a
community of Israeli’s in exile and to pull down the Kingdom Judah because they were refusing to
repent and turn to Yahwah. Now time passed and the exile progressed along the lines Jeremiah had
taught. Then the scripture says Yahwah stirred up the spirit of Cyrus to make a decree for the building
of a temple in Jerusalem. He gave many materials and commisioned the sons of Israel to go back to the
land and build the temple. Now we see how Yahwah sometimes fulfils his word. He stirs up a spirit of
a man he has given the power to do it. Cyrus knew he was commanded by Yahwah to build the temple.
How was this? It was the prophecies of Isaiah which had been written even before the exile. They
included Cyrus’ name. So Yahwah spoke by Yahwah through Jeremiah. He used the Babylonian rulers
and empire to fulfil the first part of Jeremiah’s words. He then used the Persians to complete another
part of Jeremiah’s word. These were actually the word’s of Yahwah in Jeremiah’s mouth and they
built the rule of Babylon and destroyed the rule of Babylon. They destroyed the Kingdom of Judah and
the temple and rebuilt the kingdom of Judah. All depending on the response of the people to the word
of Jeremiah. These words determined the destinies of world empires. We have, as saints the power also
to carry the word of Yahwah. We have Yahwah prophesy through the church continually. Almost the
entire New Covenant is prophecy as to what is going to happen. The whole prophetic word is all in
accordance with the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David. These promises
are still being fulfil today. Moses, fulfilled some Cyrus took up one portion and fulfilled it.
Nebucadnezzar another. Yeshua , being the very word itself used all these rulers to fulfil the Father’s
counsel. Now he is fulfilling the prophecies himself. He has given the entire church his Spirit and when
the Church prophesies it plants and build uproots and destroys. Jeremiah was given authority over the
nations, he used it too a limited extent. They did what he said but he did not turn them from Idolatry.
Yeshua was given all authority with no restrictions. So he through the Spirit and his Body is destroying
all idolatry, and spreading the knowledge of the true God his Father to not just all the nations but to all
the families in accordance with the promise given to Abraham, which is the gospel . “In your all
nations of the earth will be blessed.” The prophecies we as individuals have over our life enable us like
Jeremiah to take up our position in bringing about the full transfer of the Kingdom of this world into
the hands of the saints. We should prophecy the New Covenant promises at all times. We prophecy
God stirs up the Spirits of rulers to fulfil. There is no limit to what God can and will do through us to
fulfil his word. Because God is faithful and as he has promised so he will do.
How awesome is the word of Yahwah?
Now we can ask how did Yahwah put his devarim (words) in Jeremiah’s mouth?
The scripture says Jeremiah saw Yahwah stretch out his hand and touch his mouth. After he saw the
hand and felt the touch of Yahwah on his mouth, he was appointed a prophet to the nations, not just to
Israel. This is important for how are we goim to learn what Yahwah requires of us if not by the
prophets of Yahwah who were sent to us?
So we ask further What is the hand of Yahwah? (Clearly to us who know the Messiah Yeshua the
Nazarene, we know that it was he who appeared to Jeremiah. He is Yahwah whenever he seen by man.
No man has seen God at any time but the Son of the Father who is in the bosom of the Father he has
declared him. When Yahwah appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob he appeared under the name El
Shaddai. Shad in hebrew means bosom or breast. So the reference is to the provision a mother’s breast
gives to her child. The milk of the mother is all sufficient for the child. Since under this title Yahwah
appeared in the form of a man (Gen 18) it is clear this was Yeshua, since Moses was told no one could
see Yahwah’s face and live.)
It still begs the question What is the hand of Yahwah? We can jump back to Tehillim 139 again to get a
clearer idea. David says in the Psalm:
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from your presence?
…If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
even there thy hand will lead me
and thy right hand will lay hold of me.”
So David is wondering how can he get out of the presence of the Spirit of Yahwah. He imagines all
different places on the earth where he might go and yet he understands that the Spirit of Yahwah
reaches all these places. He uses different terms to describe the Spirit of Yahwah’s omnipresence and
one of them is the Hand of Yahwah. Yah’s hand leads and his right hand holds or protects. So we see
that one of the titles of the Spirit of Yahwah is the hand of Yahwah.
So what was the experience Jeremiah had? Was it not that his mouth was touched by the Spirit of
Yahwah and hence forth he had Yahwahs words in his mouth. Then through speaking the words he was
able to change the natures of the 70 nations and garden them and build or rebuild them depending on

the state of the particular nation. He, no doubt left principles for building and planting righteous nations
and for destroying wicked nations.
This work of Jeremiah as gardener and builder is all in the Spirit. Yahwah we know. Yahwah knew
Jeremiah as Spirit before his substance or body was formed. Adam was first formed from the dust and
then Yahwah breathed into him and he became a living Soul. In Ezekiel with the valley of bones the
bones were first assembled. Then flesh was given to them then finally the Spirit was called from the
four winds and the bodies began to live. So with the formation of the substance the Spirit is sent into
the Body and the Body lives.

We might ask what does a Sefer of Spirit look like and how do we read it?
For this it is clear that we need to understand the language of the Spirit and see if we can see if we have
any examples in the scripture of a Spiritual sefer being read.
We can say first of all that a key characteristic of the language of the Spirit is that it must be a language
of life. As we have seen in the case of the formation of the substance of Adam and Ezekiels valley both
had bodies without life. However when the Spirit came life came. Yeshua the Nazarene said the words
that I speak are spirit and they are life. So the words of which the language of the Spirit will consist
will be living words and words of life. That is they in themselves live and in living they multiply,
reproducing or increasing themselves. They are not static. As Apostle Paul said the “letter killeth but
the Spirit giveth life”
Then we can consult to find out how God, who is Spirit speaks to men, his Church and the prophets. In
this we will discover more about the forms which the language of Spirit comes in. clearly such a
language will be the language which the Sefer of our Days will be written.
So what are some of the ways God speaks to men in general?
We consult Elihu who was the young man, perfect in knowledge who entered into the discussion
between Job and his three friends just before God himself spoke. He says this of the language of God:
“Indeed God speaks once or twice yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision (Chizzayown a revelation)
of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, when they slumber in their beds, then he opens the ears of
men, and seals their instruction”
So the ears of men are opened during the night hours to complete the instruction for their lives. These
ears are clear Spiritual ears because the man is a sleep and the room may be silent and yet he hears
things. But since it is a dream we know he is also seeing things. However his eyes are closed, so again
it is a Spiritual or inner seeing. Perhaps it could be said he is reading from Yahwah’s Serfer of Spirit or
Sefer of life. He is according to Elihu, having his instruction completed. That means he is being taught
something and that something completes something that has already began, perhaps in the day time.
We have example of Yahwah speaking to men in dreams right throughout the Bible. We have the
example of the Baker and the Cupbearer who were in prison with Joseph. These were not prophets, nor
did the dream say “Thus says Yahwah”. The scripture records:
Then the cupbearer and the baker for the king of Egypt, who were confined in jail, both had a dream
the same night, each man with his own dream and each dream with its own interpretation”
The subject of the cupbearer’s dream was Pharoah’s cup in his hand, in other words the routine matters
of his career. The subject of the bakers dream was baked food, and he was a baker.
Now it is clear that these two men were depressed. It is clear that they were concerned about the plight
of their lives before Pharoah. So one man will say “These are just dreams they had because they were
worried. It’s life if I ate Pizza or watched a film, then I think about the subject and get a dream about
that subject.” And I would say that this is correct. They were worried and their careers were on the line
and so they dreamed these dreams. All people all around the world have similar experiences and it is
assumed that because this is the case the dreams are not God, who is Spirit, speaking to the man’s
Spirit, since his body is asleep it must be the Spirit, but just the meanderings of an overworked brain.
But we need to listen carefully to what Elihu says above. God speaks but man does not perceive it.
Now we will listen to what Joseph says about these specific types of run of the mill dreams. He says to
the cupbearer ; Does not interpretation belong to God? These dreams needs God’s interpretation to be
understood. We too have such dreams. We too need interpreations from God. If we make up our own
interpretaion and go spouting, we can deceive the people and deceive ourselves and will wander around
in darkness. But if we have an Angel or somehow allow God to show us the interpretation then we
walk closer to our spiritual destiny in Messiah because dreams are spiritual and so their interpretation
will be also. The Bible is written by prophets. Most of them were dreamers of dreams. There was a
prophetic order as the Moses order but most prophets were the Numbers 12 kind.
The continual voice of Prophecy.
David set Levites up and they would sing the praises of Yahwah and prophesy using the Psalms. So we
had all the time in the temple people prophesying the end of the wicked and the establishment of the

righteousness of God throughout the seventy nations. In the temple the call was going out constantly to
the nation “Rejoice with his people”. All the prophecies about Messiah were being constantly presented
before Yahwah. In other words day and night the words of the Yahwah were going forth from
Jerusalem. Then you had the Torah scholars studying the Torah. David as King was responsible to keep
that word going forth day and night to be meditating in it and reading it. He also would be listening to
the voice of Yahwah whenever ha had to make a major decision. All the time the court system was in
play and the judges were judging the case of the people the voice of Yahwah was going out into the
nation. Why? Because when a judge judged justly, it was God who judged. The 70 elders were only
able to beginning judging the people of Yahwah because God took a portion of the Spirit which was on
Moses and placed it on the seventy. The same happened in the case of Elijah and Elisha. Saul was at
one point taken over by the Spirit of prophecy and David said that the Holy Spirit spoke by him, his
words were on his mouth. Now when Saul lost the Kingdom, the Spirit which was on him left him and
went into David. He could not rule but by the Spirit of Yahwah. The anointing of oil is a picture of the
anointing which comes from the Spirit. The Spirit was their at creation, was recognised to be in Joseph
by Pharoah and his entourage. Abraham was said to be a prophet by Yahwah so he must have had the
Spirit and passed it on to his Son, Isaac, he too Jacob and he too Joseph. As Yeshua said, the wind
blows where it wants to. A King could not rule Israel righteously without this anointing, a prophet
could not prophesy and priest could not minister and teach. The tabernacle was designed and built by
men filled with the Spirit of wisdom understanding and knowledge. The temple was designed by David
through the Holy Spirit. Yeshua is building the ultimate temple of God by the Spirit and he put the
Spirit on the church. Paul then began to pray for the church of Ephesus that “ the God of our Lord
Yeshua Mashaich, the Father of Glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the
knowledge of him” For the Colossian church he prays that they “may be filled with the knowledge of
his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” .
As Yahwah said it is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit”.
In this generation we need to be filled with the Spirit. We walk around singing Psalms hymns and
Spiritual songs making melody in out hearts. Since our bodies are now the temples of the Holy Spirit
this is where the continual prophesyings of the end needs to take place. In the old days Jerusalem used
to be filled with the sound of the singing levites, praising Yahwah and prophesying the Psalms in his
sight day and night. Now we in the Church take these same Psalms and fill the world with the sound of
his praise. These songs become intercession. These songs become prophesy. These songs become the
sound of the footsteps of the Messiah for each time we sing of his coming Yahwah comes a little closer
to stirring up the Spirit of another Cyrus to fulfil his words. We are the voice of Yahwah to a wicked
and perverse generation. We fill that earth with the word of Yahwah, like Jeremiah, like Isaiah. Then
we will see as Isaiah said Suddenly Yahwah acted and it came to pass. He even tells us new things
then, suddenly he acts and it comes to pass. Suddenly. God is doing it we need to join him.

Meditation 19
The Times of the Prince.
In the time of the Prince the harmful beasts who used wander about the land caused no more harm.
The songs of the people took this up as a wondrous theme.
In the times of the Prince Yah made a covenant of Shalom.
In the times of the Prince, in the times of the Prince.
Yah made a covenant on our behalf.
He made a covenant of shalom
A sweet covenant of shalom,
The beast no longer bit
No the beast no longer bit
Bacause God mad a covenant in the times of the prince.

In the times of the prince justice was perfected,

The fat sheep could no longer bully the lean sheep,
No more bullying,
For Yahwah has judged between the fat and the lean sheep.

The lean sheep used to sing little ditties in the time of the
We have enough to eat for Yah judged us in righteousness,
We have what we need Isn’t Yah good.
Yahwah has come Yahwah has sent his Servant Beloved
And he has rescued us.
He rescued us from the false shepherds,
They used to leave sick and wounded,
They brought no leaves to heal our sicknesses,
They did not give us the balm of gilead,
Or fig cakes for our boils,
They left us to die in our sickness.
But Yahwah, he saw all of these and
He searched us out, he rescued,
He strengthened our feeble knees
With his all encompassing Spirit,
He put his spirit with in us an taught of his wonderful was.
Thank you Yahwha , Thank you Yahwah,
For your Servant Beloved who has fed us
With you Spirit of life, your Spirit of joy
Your Spirit of protection, Your Spirit of Health.

In the old days the false shepherds used to eat us

They would feed us except to eat us,
They ate all out energies and all our trust,
They ate all our minds and out hearts,
They didn’t care about us.
They didn’t tell us about Yahwah and his kind ways,
They did tell us about his Servant Beloved,
They tolld us his servant beloved hadn’t come,
They told us his servant beloved was a bad man
That his servant beloved had been a transgressor
And had no resources with which to help us.

They told us Yahwah wasn’t there,

And if he was there why didn’t he help us?
They told us that what Yahwah would do was
What they said he would do
And they withheld the balm of Yahwahs servant beloved.
Digging there daggers in to his side.

But now we know his servant beloved,
Now we know his life giving spirit,
He has poured in the oil and the wine
And we are healed and full of his joy,
For Yahwah has poured on us the oil of gladness
And we are glad.

When we were helpless and without strength

When we were weak and sickly and couldn’t not fend
For our selves, the false shepherd of Israel
Used to kill us and eat out meat,
They used to sell our wool and make money for themselves

But the we got wind of Yahwah caring for us

He was sending servants of his beloved to live among
They used to come to our land and pray for us.
Yes many of the servant of the beloved used to
Come to our land and they would shed tears for our sakes
They would pray night and day and they would seek Yahwah
On our behalf.
They used to give up house and home and money
And come to a land where often they were rejected
Often they were hated, they had there houses
Burnt down and were placed in prison because the false shepherds
Didn’t want us to know that Yahwah care so much
That he had raised up watchmen who were not even our nation
Watchmen from the four corners of the earth to come among
And to pray and fast on our behalf,
All this we did not know because the false shepherds used
To accuse them of being madmen
All this we did not know because the false shepherds
Used to accuse them of trying to destroy a peace
Which actually did not exist.
The false shepherds used to feed us false infomration
About the servant beloved and those he used to send
To help us.

The false shehperd killed us and ate our meat,

They used to sell our wool and make money
For themselves and became fatter and fatter.
They had lots of bows and arrows and
If any of us protested they used to remove us,
They used the sword and the quill,they used to destroy.

But now we are aware.

Yahwah is our help and strength
He is our ever present help in times of trouble.

We heard that Yahwah was hearing our bleating

Of the lean sheep, he heard the prayers of the
Servants of the servant beloved the Prince.
He finally came to a decisions of his righteous justice.
We had suffered enough under Ahab, under Jeroboam of Nebat,
We had suffered enough under Manneseh and Omri,
The Baal had had there time and he sent forth a spirit
He sent forth a double edged spirit.
He came against the shepherds of that time
He who said “Let there be light” and in
24 hours there was 24 billion miles of universe
He who said “Let the waters bring forth” and within

Hours there were millions of fish swimming around the oceans
He who created the seas and the vegetation,
The beast and the birds,
And who created the sun and the moon by saying
“Let there be lights in the firmanent”
He spoke again. He spoke from between the Cherubim
He spoke again in the midst of the Seraphim and the
Sevenfold Spirit Yahwah.
He who created the whole universe in ten statements
And sustains it with those same ten statement multiplying and
Moving between heaven and earth he spoke again.
He spoke saying “I am against the Shepherds”
He who made the universe in ten statements,
Who does all things in justice, righteousness and truth
Spoke saying “I am against the shepherds”
Yahwah who will fill the whole earth with his glory spoke
Saying I am against the shepherds.
Yahwah who said Let him who boasts boast in this
That he knows me, that I am Yahwah, and I work
Justice on earth with righteousness and loving kindness
For in these things I delight,
In his justice he spoke saying
I am against the shepherds,
In his loving kindness he spoke saying
I am against the shepherds,
In his mercy he spoke saying
I am against the false shepherds
In his faithfulness he spoke saying
I am against the false shepherds.

And like the mighty men who

overheard David
Wishing he could have a drink of water from the
His home town Bethlehem

So the Spirit of Yahwah, so the angels of Yahwwah

Overheard Yahwah, Lord of Heaven and earth speaking
As he spoke saying
‘I am against the false shepherds’
was not the word of Yahwah sent forth
immediately to the heart of the Prince
the Beloved?
Did it not immediately ring around the
Earth in the hearts of the Servants of the Beloved ?
Whose heart beat is his heart beat,
In whose veins the blood of his eternal
Life flows?
Did they not hear a faint whisper of the
Still small voive saying
Pray for the deliverance of the sheep?
Did they not behold in their minds’
Eye the plight of the shepp of Yahwah
Pasture beating for help in the presence of the lion
Bleating for help in the present of the wolf
Bleating for help in the presence of the
Lion the bear and the leopard ?

Did they not see in their hearts eye

The sheep wounded and staggering for help
Sheep who had seen sights which cause even the

Strongest of men to halt to limp?

Did they not see that the shepherds were

so busy killing and eating the sheeping with
their false words and opposition to
the beloved ?

Yes they who knew the heart beat of the Beloved,

As he heard the desire of the Father
Who was against the shepherds,
They began to intercede to the Father,
Have mercy on you sheep
Protect them,
Bring them to your beloved
Remove the lion, the bear and the leopard,
Remove the serpent and the scorpion from the land
Oh Yahwah.
Execute oh Yahwah your covenant of peace.
Send the Spirit of your Prince Beloved, send you spirit
And heal.
Oh Yahwah “You yourself search for you sheep
Oh Yahwah “Care for your sheep as a shepherd among his scattered sheep
Oh Yahwah Deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered
On a cloudy and gloomy day”
If you will not bring them back who will you send to bring them back?
If you will not go yourself and bring them do not bring them up from there.
For how will it be know that they are your people and have found favour in your
Sight, your Prince and your people, so that he and your people will be distinguished from
All people who are upon the face of the earth.

And did not Yahwah set the bound of the land of his promise?
Did he not them like the in the days of Noach
When he called all the animals to the ark
And they responded two by two the harmful and the harmless
March to the ark. Did they not march in peace to the ark.
So Yahwah sent out his Covenant of peace to the harmful beasts.
And they heard the words of his covenat and realised their time in the land
Was over. They marched in families outside of the borders of Israel
And all their threat went with them
And the sheep were left to graze in peace.

Meditation 20
We are grateful Oh Lord.

We are grateful oh Lord for your goodness and your mercy

We look to you Oh Yahwah , for life and light and love.
Knowing that all you give us is good and just an true.
You oh Yahwah are all we need , all we need.
You are so great and wondrous, in your good things, toward us.
Bless your Holy Name.
Righteous King who cared for us in our time of need,
When you saw us fatherless and helpless
you became our father and our helper.
When you saw us in destitution,
you moved your sovereign right hand and strengthened us.

Oh Beloved, How I have loved you.

I have seen in you my family of the future.
Children and childrens children,
I have seen in you even to perpetual generations.
The generation of the upright, I have seen in you.
I have seen in you my glory reflected back to me.
This is why I love you.
For is not my glory the best thing for all things?
When my glory, which is life, enlivens it enlivens forever.
For I am life and my glory (glory) is life shed abroad.

My Children, Be My Children.
My Children, Be My Light.
My Children, my hope givers, Be.
That those around you will see in you light.
Will see in you my glory shed abroad.

For indeed I have spoken concerning you,

that you will be conformed to the image of My Son.
In his heart is justice,
My justice is in your heart too, by my Spirit.

In My Son’s heart is righteousness,

And in your heart also is righteousness through my Spirit.

My Son is full of loving kindness through My Spirit.

In you also is loving kindness through My Spirit.

What then do you need to do to allow My Spirit to flow through you?

What do you need to do to allow my Spirit to spread my justice,
Righteousness, faithfulness and loving kindness to the world around you?
What do you need to do?

Children, What did Adam do to be given the garden of God?

What did Adam do to be given Eve?
I tell you my children
He was who I created him to be.
He was my child.
He trusted me, he tended the garden.
Pruning the vine, tending the figs, caring for the Olive tree.
He was who I created him to be.

My children, you who are born of My Spirit,
You in whom I have shed abroad my love in your hearts,
Be in the Spirit.
Pray in the Spirit.
Sing in the Spirit.
Speak in the Spirit.
Love in the Spirit.

Be to my sheep those who bring a word that sustains the weary.

Pray in the Spirit for my Covenant of Peace to be established.
Pray that I might gather my sheep from the ends of the earth.
Pray that I might deliver my sheep from the hands of them
who are killing the sheep and eating their flesh
through evil speech against my Prince Beloved.
Who are eating their flesh by speaking evil things over this nation,
Evil things against the Lord of Israel.

Pray that I would deliver.

Pray that I would heal.
Pray that I would strengthen the sickly,
Comfort the wounded, the hurt and the bruised.
Pray that I would hear the pains of my people
As they rise to my throne from the broken hearts, the wounded children.
Pray my children, my bride, be their intercessor.

For my children perish for lack of knowledge,

My children perish for lack of knowledge of my Son.
For he is the obedient one,
He is the merciful one,
He is the physician,
He is the good shepherd,
He gathers the chicks under his wings.

Pray for my sheep, my children,

That they might know where to turn for their healing
That they might know where to turn for their strengthening.

I have sent you here my children,

That you might be to my sheep,
My Prince Beloved.
The shepherds of Israel kill the sheep
By keeping them away from the key of knowledge
Even the Prince Beloved Messiah and his Spirit.
The fat sheep, my children, are taking the clean water
For themselves and muddying the waters,
That when my needy and lean ship cometo drink,
There is but muddy water.
These fat sheep are bullies.
They know not compassion,
They know not who their neighbour is,
They know not how to love
My Prince Beloved.
He said Because of lawlessness the love of many will grow cold.
My children you have the law of the Spirit of life
Operating in your souls. Yield to it.
Let the Spirit of Life , enable you to become a life giver.
Yes a giver of life .
For indeed the Father has granted to The Son that he might give life
To whom he will.
As Messiah is so you are in the world.

Pray that life will be given.
Pray for the Old Jew who knows not that I am there and I care.
Pray for the young Jew who is being taught not to know
Whether I am there or not.
Pray for the middle aged Jew, who believes I am there
But does not understand my Prince Beloved sits at
My right hand and awaits for his heart and mouth to say
Baruch ha ba be shem Adonai
Awaits his welcome.

For, my children, it is necessary that my people

Appoint for themselves he who will be their King.
For this charge I have given them Appoint for yourselves elders.

Pray, my children, that they will choose him whom I choose.

I gave them the choice life or death, blessing or cursing.
In Joshua I gave them the choice :
Choose this day whom you shall serve.
At the time of Elijah I gave them the choice:
How long will you halt between two opinions?
If Yahwah is God worship him, if Baal him.
So it is today today, my children.
I give my sheep the choice.
If Yeshua the Nazarene is Messiah, take his yoke upon you
And he will feed you and he will heal you
And he will guide you be living waters and will
Establish the Covenant of Peace, so that all the
Harmful beasts will leave the land and you may go in
And out and enjoy safe pasture.
So that the fig tree will blossom
And there will be fruit on the vine,
So that the olive tree will not fail
And the cattle will give forth their milk
And the sheep their wool.

If Yehoshua the Nazarene be your King,

Serve him even as I have chosen him.
Look into the light of the countenance of my
Prince Beloved and see the justice of his heart,
The compassion of his ways,
the faithfulness of his disposition.
Look into his eyes and see the fiery love of his care,
The cleansing purity of this same fire.
Love him for he is your husband.
You will no longer call him master but Husband,
For you are his bride and he is your Beloved,
My Servant Beloved.

Meditation 21
Why is a judgement of war decreed over this nation and those around about?

“Thus he looked for justice but behold, bloodshed; for righteousness, but behold a cry of distress”

Yahwah looks across the nations for these two qualities in the nations. He looks especially at Israel for
Israel is his vineyard. It would be his special possession among the nations, if the people had listened to
his voice and kept his covenant which was the 10 words spoken from Sinai. As we can see he is
looking firstly for justice. But what does he see, bloodshed.
What is the significance of bloodshed?
When the scripture talks about bloodshed as opposed to justice it is talking about the sheeding of bllod
without cause. This blood then makes the land unclean and cries out for justice. It will not stop crying
out for justice, first against the culprit who shed it and then against his seed and also against the nations
where it was shed. Until the righteous blood shed without cause is avenged the whole nation is without
Yahwah’s peace. The nfirst exaple of the blood crying out for vengeance is the blood of Abel. He was
more righteous that his brother Cain, but Cain shed is blood. He shed it where no one could know it,
secretly. However Yahwah heard the blood crying out for justice. The land, and that generation lost
any peace they had because blood had been shed and unavenged. The land was then unclean. So to deal
with that situation Cain was judged by Yahwah as each man will be on judgement day.
Yahwah “Where is Abel your brother?”
Cain I do not know. Am I my brothers keeper?
Yahwah What have you done?
Cain (silence)
Yahwah The voice of your brothers blood is crying to me from the ground.

So we see Cain was given an opportunity to confess and even perhaps repent. Instead he refused to take
responsibility, for his action. He may have thought he had gotten away with murder, but the blood
sppoke. The blood had a voice and it spoke out of the ground. This will be the same for every murderer
throughout history. From Abel to Zechariah and beyond. All the blood shed without cause or all the
blood of war shed in peacetime, perhaps in riots, or the murders of the Mafia or gang warfare, or the
Arabs killing Jews or the Jew killing Arabs all cause the ground to become louder and louder. Imagine
the number of killings withiout cause in all the places where Christian villages are being slaughtered
wholesale in Indonesia, Sudan, Somalia, all of this creates more and more of a din. In Israel all the
blood shed during Arab riots and any bloodshed by an unstable Jew all of this will cause a din in the
ears of heaven. Peace is removed from the atmosphere around each city and Messiah’s, peace returns to
him because there is no man of peace in the town. We must be aware that innocent blood doesn’t
quieten itself until it is satisfied with justice. Let us see the approaches justice can take to cleanse the
land and allow peace an opportunity to enter and stop a just blood bath having to occur.
How did God judge Cain for shedding innocent blood?
First we see that Yahwah gave Cain an opportunity for confession and repentance. This is what is done
to all mankind by the spreading of the Gospel of the Messiah Yeshua. Every man is given an
opportunity by God to answer the questions “Where is your brother ? This question does not indicate
that we have acted criminally to our brother. However since we know we have Yahwah gives us a
chance to volunteer the information. Here he does not even ask us directly about our wrongdoing. If we
are sorry for our wrong. At this point we might confess to God and beg his mercy and forgiveness. This
could even be seen as our conscience

The Torah of God and the Kingdom of God
The New Covenant comes as a fulfilment of the prophecy of Yahwah through Jeremiah. The prophecy
states : “I will put my Torah within them, and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and
they shall be my people”. So clearly under the New Covenant the status of the Torah changes. It is a
Torah written by God on the heart of Israel and Judah and it is a Torah “put with in them.
So we could fairly ask the question, if this event is planned to take place after Jeremiah’s time, what is
the relation of Israel and Judah with the Torah, before this New Covenant compare that with the
relationship with the Torah of God after this New Covenant.

Well we can see where the Torah of God was at the time of Yeshua son of Nun. For it says in Joshua
24 “So Yehoshua made a covenant with the people that day. And made for them a Chuq and a Mishpat
in Shechem. And Yehoshua wrote these things in the Book of the Torah of God”
So here we have another covenant linked with the Torah of God. Only this time the writer is Yehoshua
and the medium is not the heart of the Israelites but some medium external to the people. So we see the
relation between the Torah of God and the people is different to that under the New Covenant.

Now the New Covenant was made after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven, by Yeshua the
Nazarene and his disciples. Of this Kingdom it is said “Unless a man is born from above he can not see
the Kingdom of God and it is also said by Mashiach that unless a man is born of water and Spirit he
can not enter the Kingdom of God. So the Kingdom of God like the Torah under the New Covenant is
The Kingdom of God has a number of secrets which are revealed only to the lovers of Mashiach, those
who are willing to do his Mitzvoth.
These secrets of the Kingdom of God are called mysteries (sod(ot) 70+406) and the Mashiach said to
his disciples “To you it is granted to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not
been granted”
To those who were not granted permission to know the secrets everything came in parables. So the
permission for the disciples was to have explanations of the parables. However in the New Covenant
we do not have recorded the explanations of all the parables. Now the Mashiach goes on to explain that
“For whoever has, to him shall more be given, and he shall have an abundance, but whoever does not
have, even what he has shall be taken away from him”.
In the context it appears that the things possessed is the permission to know. The knowledge given of
some parables appears to help to give understanding of others for of one parable the Mashiach said to
his disciples regarding the parables of the sower “Do you not understand this parable? And how will
you understand all the parables?
So we see this parable would appear to be the most basic of the parables and to contain with in it basic
principles to help us to understand the other parables.

Torah of God.
The Rabbis teach that the Torah can be expounded on four levels. These are Peshat, the simplest level
of meaning, Remaz, where the Torah makes allusions to other things, Derash, which is understanding
which comes through investigation and Sod, secrets or mysteries. As we can see the Kingdom of God
was being reveled to the disciples as the deepest of four level, the level of secrets. The Rabbis consider
that the secrets of the Torah are contained in the Oral Torah “the structure and way of study are not
given to everybody” It is contained in a system they call the Kabalah. This word is siad to be linked to
two roots. The first is to receive and the second is to make correspondences. This second meaning fits
with the development of the understanding of the secrets of the Kingdom of God.

We can know some of the secrets because the gospels tell us the explanation of some of the parables.
However the Apostles Paul show us that to understand secrets of the Kingdom we need the Spirit of
Wisdom, revelation and understanding. Then with the method of corespondences we can begin to
understand on this deep level of the Kingdom of God. Because the Kingdom is Spiritual most of the
teaching is on this deep level. For this level is Spirit even as the Kingdom and the Torah of God are
Principles for understanding secrets (Sodot) of the Kingdom of Heaven”
(1) Nothing is hidden(satom 506), except to be revealed(igaleh 48). So by the spirit of revelation
we can get knowledge of hidden things. To receive this Spirit we need to pray. Mashiach said the
Spirit of truth willlead us into all truth. In some senses dreams and visions come under this
category of revelation.

(2) Nor has anything been secret(nelam 190), but that it should come forth (galoy 49).
(3) Explanation of parables by the Mashaich openly in the text of the gospels
(4) Comparisons of images in different parables. For examples the use of seeds as the word of
God in different parables
(5) Prayer for the interpretation of dreams, visions, pictures and tongues. We have the examples
of Daniel and Joseph, to see this principle at work. They both maintain that interpretation belongs
to God.
(6) We do speak a wisdom among those who are mature, a wisdom, however not of this age, nor
of the rulers of this age, who are passing away, but we speak God’s wisdom in a secret (sod 70),
the hidden (hanistarah (720) which God predestined before the ages to our glory;…which none of
the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified
the Lord of Glory. So we see the wisdom needs to be understood. We can ask how are we to
understand this wisdom? the Apostle answers “For to us God revealed the Spirit.
(7) Now we have received not the spirit of this world but the Spirit who is from God. That we
might know the things freely given to us by God. Which things we speak not in words taught by
human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit. To judge of one thing in connection with another
or comparing spiritual with spiritual
(8) The Spirit searches all things even the depths of God …Even so no one knows the thoughts
of God except the Spirit of god

(9) Here is wisdom, let him who has understanding compute the number of the beast, for it is a man’s

The Positive Torah relations to the Kingdom of God

(1) 1 and 2 Thessalonians, the Torah is not mentioned.
(2) He who effectually worked for Peter with the gospel of the circumcision, efeectually worked
for me also to the goim. And recognizing the grace that had been given to me Yacov and Cephas
and John who were reputed to be pillars , gave to me and barnabus the right hands of fellowhip,
that we might go to the Goim, and they to the circumcision.
(3) If you being a Jew, live like the Goim and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the
Goim to live like Jews?
1 We are Jews by nature, and not sinners from among the Goim
2 Nevertheless knowing that a man is not rendered just or innocent by works of a Torah
3 but through faith in Mashiach Yeshua. (Yeshua said “You shall die in your sins; for unless
you believe I am, you shall die in your sins”
4 Even we have believed in Mashiach, that we may be rendered just or innocent by faith in
5 and not by works of a torah;
6 since be works of a torah shall no flesh be rendered just or innocent. ( Yeshua said “Did not
Moses give you the Torah? But none of you carries out the Torah
7 But if , while seeking to be rendered just or innocent in Mashiach, we ourselves have also
been found sinners,
8 is Mashiach then a minister of sin? May it never be!
9 For if I rebuild what I have once destroyed, I prove my self to be a transgressor
10 For through a torah I died to torah, that I might live to God. (Comment; Ps 32 states How
blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” Ezek 18 “the soul that sins
shall die” Jeremiah 31 “Every one will die for his own iniquity…Behold days are coming when I
will make a new covenant…I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more” So
in the new our sins are both punished and forgiven and we die but we live and the secret is
reconciled in Mashiach. Any one who sins under torah, is sentenced to death, however in
Mashiach the death sentence is reversed and the immersion in the mikveh bring forgiveness and
the new life is in Mashiach.)
(5) I do not nullify the grace of God; for if tzedekah is through a torah then Mashiach died
(comment Isaiah 53 states “In his knowledge my Tzadik shall make many Tzadiks, as he will bear
their iniquities” “He himself bore the sin of many and interceded for transgressors”
(6) Did you receive the Spirit by works of a torah or by hearing with
emunah? Are you so foolish? Having begun with the Spirit are you now
ended with the flesh?

(Yeshua comments Truly I say to you among those born of women there has not
arisen greater than John the immerser, yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is
greater than he” “Whoever annuls one of the least of these mitzvoth, and so teaches
others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven” God comments on Cornelius
who is uncircumcised “Your prayer has been heard and your deeds of tzedekah have
been remembered before God.” Peter :I most certainly understand the God is not one
to show partiality but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is
welcome to him.”

The issue is not Torah or no Torah , the issue is, is a man rendered just or innocent by
works of the Torah or by hearing the word of God and believing? Both deeds of the
Torah and being rendered just or innocent by faith are taught on the authority of the
Torah. So it imperative that when we say Torah we know what we are talking about.
Today’s Judaism renders the Chumash, Genesis through Dueteronomy as torah. But
Paul is not speaking of this when he says Torah. However Paul draws his
understanding the way to become just from the Torah (Genesis to Duetoronomy).
The Spiritual reasoning goes:
(7) Does he then , who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles
among you, do it by the works of the Torah or by hearing of faith? We can
comment. He is saying (I) The promise of the spirit was made to Joel and prayed
for by Moses. The Spirit is a great gift from God and very precious. Taking the
reciever on to a high level of righteousness. Indeed it is a guarantee of the future
inheritance in the Kingdom of God. Now the question is did God give the Spirit to
the Galatian churches because the people were doing works required by the
Torah or because they heard the word of God preached and believed it or listened
to God’s voice ? (Cornelius received the Spirit on hearing the word of the gospel
preached). The answer is clear. However many works of the Torah they had done
before did not bring the Spirit on to them. It was because they heard the Word of
God preached and believed. In other words God responded to the faith of the
(8) Even so Abraham believed God and it was granted unto him as
Now the fact that Paul quotes this straight out of Bereshit means that he is quoting
what Jewish tradition now says is the Torah. (I) By quoting this passage as example
he is giving full authority to the Torah, as it is understood in Jewish tradition today.
He is quoting the five books of Moses which the Jews read through in 54 Sedra’s
every year. He is quoting Sedra Leq leqa. This in itself points to the fact that he is not
rejecting the Torah as it is understood today. However by citing it as his example he is
accepting its authority, in the Kingdom of God.
(II)From the Torah he points out that it was Abraham’s faith which was reckoned to
him for Tzedekah. Abraham believed God’s word. (iii) Following this through we can
say if we believe God’s word as Abraham did, as said Mashiach “If you were
children of Abraham you would do the deeds of Abraham.” (
And the scripture (Today Chumash), foreseeing that God would render just or innocent the Goim by
faith (emunah) preached the good news to Abraham before hand saying “All nations shall be blessed in
you”. So here we have the good news of the blessing of the Goim. In contrast to Noah, Abaham is
chosen as the vessel. Noah may have a covenant and 7 mitzvoth but it is in Abraham son of Shem, that
Yahwah will bless the goim. Again he quotes the Chumash. Again he uses the orthodox Torah as his

Yeshua the Nazarene

The Ministry of Yehoshua the Nazarene of Nazareth Son of David, Messiah, Son
of God
According to the Apostle Peter one criteria for apostleship, in replacing Judas was that
the one to be ordained should have been present during the whole time the Lord
Yehoshua of Nazareth went in and out among the disciples. . He dated the ministry as
“beginning with the baptism of John, until he was taken up from us”. (Acts) They
looked for a person who could be a witness of the resurrection. So for Peter,
immersion, represented the initiation of the ministry, the resurrection the key point
and the Taking Up the end point.
The exact dates of the birth, death and resurrection of Yehoshua are uncertain.
However we know he was crucified on Nisan 14 sometime between AD 29 and AD
33. He ministered until that point. If we take the three and half years away from
Passover we come to a Rosh Ha Shana, between the years ACE 26 and ACE 30. We
know from John’s gospel that Yehoshua the Nazarene attended four Passovers the
final one being his crucifixion and resurrection. His first recorded sermon in a
synagogue was relating the Year of Jubilee, which would have fallen in the month of
Tishrei on Yom Kippur.
Yehoshua of Nazareth is known for his death and resurrection more than any other
part of his life. The Apostle Paul has said “If Mashiach is not risen then our faith is
futile and we of all men are to be most pitied” (1Cor 15). This then was the major
contribution of Yehoshua of Nazareth, to the destiny of the planet, its inhabitants and
the destiny of the heavens the earth and the sea and the dry land and all that in them
is, the conquering of death once and forever. All creation wears out like a garment,
whether in a day or in a million years. However not so Yehoshua of Nazareth, he had
the character of an indestructible life and because of his righteousness, nay his
goodness even death itself could not hold him. Apostle Peter said it was impossible
for death to hold him (Acts).
How is this so? Because death came through sin, so the sting and cause of death is sin.
Yet this Yehoshua of Nazareth, the Nazarene, is said to have been tempted in all ways
as we, the rest of mankind, and yet was without sin. He became the seed of a new
humanity. A humanity of men imperishable, containing in them the seed of God, the
seed that grows into life everlasting.
Perfect Obedience
So his ministry was characterised by one distinct quality which no one else has ever
lived up to. It was characterised by a completely perfect obedience to God, his Fathers
will, his good, acceptable and perfect will, in every detail and in every respect,
thoughts, words and actions. He was described in one place as being “mighty in word
and deed” Acts.
Thus Yehoshua Ben David unlike the children who are sons and daughters of Adam
never missed the mark of the glory of God, but is called the express image of His
person (Heb). He never transgressed a command given by God for him to fulfil. Even
to the point that when his Father commanded Yehoshua the Nazarene to show
compassion to the dead and to give them life, it was in his ability to fulfil that
command. (Showing us that if God commands us nothing in all creation can stop us
fulfilling that command, for with the command goes God’s ability, if we are willing).
And to give people not just abundant life for the present, but everlasting life stretching
in length beyond the years that the sun will exist, beyond the years of the moon and
the stars, in obedience to his Father he began to do just that. More than one dead

person, whom Yehoshua saw as sleeping, saw the light of life as he obeyed his
Fathers commandment to give life to whom he would.
All for the greater glory of God the Father
Yet at times he had to hold human feeling at bay for he knew the tears of Mary and
Martha, his close friends. Their tears flowed as they saw their brother grow sick and
die, yet for the sake of the will of his Heavenly Father and the glory of God, he had to
stand by while their tears flowed and their hope of the present healing of their brother
flickered and died. They did not know he had the power even to raise a rotting body
from the grave and to return its life to it. And yet this is exactly what Yehoshua the
Nazarene did. And was this not to the greater joy of Mary and Martha? Was this not
to the greater glory of his Father?

His words are truth, everlasting, all-powerful and never failing.

The same is true of his ultimate victory. Even after he raised Lazarus from a stinking
grave, his disciples could not comprehend, that the Physician to whom the crowd
cited the proverb “heal thyself”
could raise himself from the dead. Why if Yehoshua of Nazareth died, who would be
left alive to raise him up? Certainly not Peter, he was too busy denying Yehoshua, nor
John, love greatly as he would, Judas is shooting out the back door heading for
perdition and Thomas is in loyalty, crying “let us go and die with him”(Luke).
Had not this Yehoshua the Nazarene gone to quiet and secret places when they
threatened his life?
Why should he suddenly be able to muster the power to raise himself from the dead?
He no longer walked in public? But he had stated clearly “No one takes my life from
me, I will lay it down, and I will take it up again.” This is the same speaker who said
to a little dead girl, in one place, “Talitha Kumi” “Little girl I say to you arise” and
she did. This is the same prophet who said to Lazarus, whose body was rotting and
stinking “Come forth”(John) and he did.

This prophets words to an even a greater degree than Samuel’s never fell to the
ground. Every word carried the weight and eternal power of deity in them. He never
lied, he never gossiped, he never used his words to deceive, his mouth was the
overflow of his heart in perfect harmony. When he spoke, he spoke and each and
every person was hearing what they needed to hear. He spoke truth, in all its great
variation and depth. He was a man who spoke like no other man.

His emotions and affections correspond exactly to the Fathers emotions and affections
Moses gets angry and displeased the Father, but when the Son of Man Yehoshua the
Nazarene gets angry it is in perfect correspondence to the will of the Father, Zeal for
thy house has consumed, was the motto. So that his heartbeat and his words are in
complete harmony with the heart and will of the Father. This is his great and unique
characteristic, as stated above, a life which was in total harmony with the destiny the
Father, assigned for his incarnation. But his glory in truth was so far above the
comprehension of his disciples, that although they knew he had the words of eternal
life and
Although they knew he could speak to the dead, and they would live,
To the blind and they would see,
To the demon, and it would obey,
To the dumb and he would speak,
To the deaf and they would hear (!)

That he spoke words to sustain the weary,
And he spoke words to set the captive free.
He spoke words to silence the scoffer,
Outlaw the lawyers,
Calm the sea
And to turn a child’s lunch into a feast for 5000
To value the outcast
To convert an entire Samaritan village in a day
And to gain the respect of those who crucified him,
Both judge and soldier,
Yet they could not comprehend that when he said “No one takes my life from me. I
lay it down and I will take it up again, when he spoke saying “after three days he
would rise”(Luke, Mark), they could not see that his truth was stronger than death
itself. It was with words that God created all things. Yehoshua the Nazarene was so in
tune with the heart beat of the Father that his very words could go down into the grave
and speak to his beaten and broken body, put it together, put the life, which only three
days before he committed to the Father, and put it back into his newly transformed
body. Each truth he spoke in his ministry, which came to pass added to the weight and
power to the thought, this mans words are truth. They indeed will never pass away.
The Torah may pass away when heaven and earth pass away and all is fulfilled, but
his words never pass away. This is how we can know that all his prayers and words
will happen, because they abide and they work to fulfil their task even as his decree “I
will take it up again,” went into the grave and did exactly that.
He moved in obedience to the expressed and unexpressed will and desire of the Father
of glory. His thoughts, as well as his actions and words were in complete harmony
with his Father’s will.

He completes, fulfils and exceeds the promises, precepts and teachings of all the
All the prophets came bringing aspects of God’s, will, his heart for creation and man,
they were preceded by and in accordance with the Torah. Yehoshua the Nazarene
comes and crowns them all. He brings all the diverse words and expressions into one
complete and whole picture of the will of God. His teaching was in accordance with
and exceeded that of the Torah and the prophets.
He comes and he magnifies the Torah and makes it honorable.
He says of the Moses, the greatest of the prophets, “He wrote of me”(John) “If you
don’t believe Moses you won’t understand me”. He points to the highest aspiration of
the prophets. “Go and learn what this means “I desire mercy not sacrifice”” He tells
the Pharisees, drawing from Hosea. He is not interested in the rote obedience to mans
outward commands so much as the reverence for and desire of the Father. Yes keep
minute details of Torah, tithes of mint and dill, as commanded but what of justice,
mercy, and faithfulness the heart beat of Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Habukuk. Do not in
seeking to keep the ritual of Torah (instruction) forget the purpose of Torah that the
man who does these things might live by them, and fulfill God’s desire for
lovingkindness (Chesed), justice (Mishpat) and righteousness (Tzedekah), the things
which are worked by Yahwah all over the earth and the very things in which he
delights. This is what man is permitted to boast in, that he knows Yahwah works these
characteristics in all the earth, not just among the Israelites (Jeremiah).

Yehoshua the Nazarene, said to John the Baptiser, “Let it be so for now that we may
fulfil all righteousness, He said to the people “Judge right judgements” and “All
judgement (Mishpat) has been given to the Son because he is the Son of Man”.
And in his compassion to the leper, the women bent over for 18 years, the outcast
harlots and tax collectors we see true chesed expressed. He said to the Pharisees “Go
and learn what this means “I desire mercy not sacrifice” If you knew what this means
you would have not condemned the innocent”

He is the Everlasting righteousness of Yahwah promised by the prophets.

He is the supreme pinnacle of the righteous and is called the Just one. Of Abraham he
says: If you were sons of Abraham you would do the works of Abraham….before
Abraham was I AM.” Of Solomon the wisest man who ever lived he simply says “one
greater than Solomon is here”. Of the temple so dear to the Jewish heart he says “one
greater than the temple is here’.
To the broken reed in accordance with Isaiah he is gentle and compassion. “Come to
me you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon
you and learn of me. For I am meek and lowly of heart”
And ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
To the women caught in adultery, he applies the Torah perfectly and forgives her who
was condemned by unjust, unbalanced and unmerciful judges ( For the Torah calls for
the death of male and female caught in adultery, where was the male?) But in this
compassionate forgiveness we see the true stretch of God’s heart. The Torah
condemned not for malice but for man’s best, and the heart of God is life. She
received her life back as though from the dead and was told “Go and sin no more”.
And yet all her accusers being part of that wicked and perverse generation were now
exposed to their own sin. But were they willing to repent, as no doubt she would?
The Samaritan women, perhaps because she spoke the truth saying “I have no
husband” Yehoshua commends her “Ye have well said” And then reveals to her the
entire heart of the Father for mankind “the true worshippers shall worship the Father
in spirit and truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
For one true statement she is rewarded with the greatest of living waters flowing from
the meek and lowly heart of the Nazarene. She being an outcast (5 husbands) a
woman (it was not normal for a strange woman and man to consult in private) and a
Samaritan (a race despised by the Jews).

He is the Judge of Mankind

Gentle as a dove with the bruised and wounded, the crushed and hurting, he was yet
firm and truthful, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, with those who put burdens on the
people. He decried those who unlike him “bind heavy burdens and grievous to be
borne on men’s shoulders: but they themselves will not move them with one of their
fingers”(Matt). These dangerous people he would act with as wisely as a serpent. He
would not move where they would wait to kill him, and with surprise he would turn
up and send forth the truth. He joined with Isaiah, and Habukuk, in decreeing the
woes on the wicked the unrepentant resisters of the truth. That is he judged in no
uncertain terms, each case, and proclaimed his right judgements (hilchot), not
according to the hearing of the ears but “with righteousness” he judged the poor and
reproved with equity for the meek of the earth”.
And he indeed smote the earth with the rod of his mouth.
With John the Baptiser he judges the Pharisees and a Saducees as a group, especially
in Jerusalem, to be a brood of vipers. Yet some Pharisees were not of that order. To

one Pharisee his judgement was “You are not far from the kingdom of Heaven’. He
smote the earth of Bethsaida, Capernaum and Chorazin. With the perfect judgement
of him who knows the result of judgement day before it happens.
Habukuk says “Woe to him”, Yehoshua says “Woe to the village or city”. Chorazin
and Bethsaida are compared to Tyre and Sidon, however unfavorably. They are in the
Woe category of judgement day.
Capernaum is judged even worse and compared to Sodom; Capernaum on the day of
judgement will end up in Hades.
All three of these towns are no longer thriving and are merely sights for tourists to
So Yehoshua upheld true justice. He exercised continual mercy and compassion, to
those cast out by society, lepers, beggars, harlots, tax collectors those on the edge of a
wicked and perverse generation maintained by religious leaders who were lining their
pockets, by long and pretentious prayers and very holy looking activities. He judged
that they turned the temple, his Fathers house, firstly into a merchant’s house and by
the last months of his ministry they had turned this same temple into a den of thieves.
His love for his Father and his will was so great that he who could raise the dead by a
word, knock down soldiers by just saying who he was, allows himself to be judged by
them, and crucified by gentiles. Just three and a half years after he began his ministry.

Yes this was no doubt the most perfect three and a half years ever lived on the planet
earth. When he nears the end of his ministry he exemplifies his humility. He washes
his disciple’s feet and tells them, effectively, it’s better for you if I leave you now.
The Spirit of truth is better for you than me. He, with all the power to raise the dead
and control nature, to move mountains if he so desires or curse a fig tree, allows
himself to be spat on mocked, his beard ripped out and his body destroyed.
All that his Father’s will might be done. In the end we see the end of his life,
resurrection from the dead and ascension to the highest place in the universe. He is
indeed the most supreme example of humility given to men and his name the highest
and most powerful in this age and the one to come. Will you receive your Mashiach?

The Marriage of the redeemer, Shem Yahwah

I pondered the question

What does it mean to be called by the name of Yahwah? I called Yahwah for understanding
of this most important idea. In the mouth of Yahwah’s prophets, Israel as a people are called
by Yahwah’s name, Jerusalem is the city called by his name and Amos goes as far as to say
there are a group of Goim or Gentiles or nations called by his name.
So I pondered this question. I thought well the name Israel contains El which is one of the
names of God but not really his specific name. The name Yehudah again includes the
shortened version of his name “Yah” and yes he is exalted by his name Yah but Yehudah
doesn’t contain all of Israel. So even this didn’t seem to cover the case.
Then I pondered well may be the Name of Yahwah is a person? And this person is the one
who calls people to repentance and salvation. So if one is part of the people who are called by
the Name of Yahwah then it is as though that person called “The Name of Yahwah”,
identified in the early Nazarene faith as the Mashiach Yeshua. To be called by the Name of
Yahwah is to be called to repentance and the Kingdom of God by Yeshua the Nazarene. To
be called by the Name of Yahwah into his glorious light. To be called by The “Name of
Yahwah’s” voice in the mouth of his apostles and prophets.

Could the Name of Yahwah be a person?

“Behold the Name of Yahwah comes from a distance;
Burning is His anger and heaviness is his uplifting (dense is his smoke);
His lips are filled with indignation
And his tongue is like a consuming fire
And his breath is like an overflowing torrent
Which reaches to the neck
To shake the nations back and forth like a sieve
And to put in the jaws of the peoples the bridle
Which leads to ruin”

Isaiah 30 tells us the Name of Yahwah comes he has anger, indignation a language or a
tongue and breath. Like the living and true God, Yahwah, his Name lives.
He comes from afar and what does he come to do? He comes to shake the Goim back and
forth like a sieve or in another translation he comes “To sift the nations with the sieve of
And secondly he comes to “lead the peoples to ruin” by putting a bridle in the jaws of the
So the Name of Yahwah at the time of Isaiah 30 was abiding in a remote place. At a specified
time he would go forth from that place and come to take actions on the Goim (nations) and
the Amim (peoples). One group he would sift and the other lead to ruin.
He would appear in this passage to be most definitely a person. He being called “Shem
Yahwah”. His number being 366.
We can understand why Shem Yahwah would want to sift the nations. He would look for the
righteous among mankind.
However why would the name of Yahwah want to lead the peoples to ruin?
The context of the passage may help us. The verses preceding and following the introduction
of Shem Yahwah indicate it is a time of redemption, healing and deliverance of the people in
Zion, inhabitants of Jerusalem. We need remember that Jerusalem is the city called by his
name (Shem).
It is said in verse 18 “Therefore Yahwah waits on high to have compassion on you” On
high is clearly a great distance from the earth. It is said of the servant of Yahwah “ He will be
high and lifted up and very high”(Is 52). In the Talmud, tractate Sanhedrin this servant is
identified as Mashiach. This is also in agreement with the New Covenant (Brit Chadasha).

And in another place it is written of the Mashiach, David’s Lord “Sit at my right hand until
I make your enemies a footstall for your feet” So Yahwah sits on high and there is a
servant of Yahwah who is seated with him in this high place.
The earlier verses state that Yahwah is a God of Mishphat (justice) and how blessed are they
who wait for him. So with patience those who wait for the justice of the God of Justice will
see it done. And when we see the action of Shem Yahwah when he goes forth we see justice
being acted on the Goim and the Amim the nations and the peoples. He sifts to sort the just
from the unjust and he leads the unjust to ruin. The follower of Messiah prays every day
“Lead us not into testing deliver us from evil” However the first petition of the disciples
(talmidim) of the Mashiach is “Our Father in Heaven thy name be sanctified”. So they are
showing a respect and a desire for the name of Yahwah to be set apart as Holy on earth.

We see from the earlier verses that the Shem Yahwah is coming as a deliverer to the people of
(1) Verse 20: O people of Zion, inhabitant in Jerusalem, you will weep no longer. He
will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it he will
answer you”. We know from earlier on in Isaiah that “The Torah will go forth from
Zion, and the word of Yahwah from Jerusalem”. So immediately we can begin to see
that the people of Zion are the people of the Torah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem are
linked with the word of Yahwah. This idea of Yahwah seeing their tears and hearing their
cry reminds us of the previous redemption under Moses. “And Yahwah said I have
surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Mitzraim and have given heed to
their cry because of their taskmasters, for I am aware of their sufferings” (Ex 3)
These cries gave birth to the redemption under Moses. “So I have come down to deliver
them from the power of the Egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a
good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey”. So we see that the
process for the sons of Israel was through suffering to glory, this was planned by Yahwah
in the first place when he said to Abraham “Know for certain that your descendants
will be strangers in a land that is not theirs , where they will be enslaved and
oppressed…But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve and afterwards
they will come out with many possessions” Then he says “To your seed I will give this
land” This seed who were to be enslaved and oppressed are the same seed which Yahwah
spoke of saying “In you will all the families of the earth be blessed” “And in your
seed all the Goim shall be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice” So we see that
the pattern of Yahwah was through the suffering of the seed to the glory of the seed,
through privation to prosperity. From slavery in a foreign land to freedom in a land of
their own Canaan. So Shem Yahwah comes to deliver the sons of Zion from affliction.

Now this pattern is repeated and is also seen as the pattern for the Mashiach. We see in the
case of Joseph that he first enters service of a man and then the suffering of prison and finally
his glory as being the ruler of all Egypt. Abraham left his country and kindred and fathers
house to come to Canaan. But what did he find when he got there? A famine, so he too went
down into Egypt. However again when he left Egypt he left wealthy. The Mashiach Yeshua
suffered at the hands of his brethren and was crucified by the nations, he then entered his
glory in the heavens. However he has yet to come in the glory of the Father and his angels to
the earth in the future. At that time he will come as Shem Yahwah mentioned above in Isaiah
30. So to be called by his name is to be married through the New Covenant to Shem Yahwah
the Mashiach.

The Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Some thoughts from August 2000.

(1) The level of the Holy Spirit which the Charismatic Church walks in through
the operation of the gifts of the Spirit, it the level which the whole Jewish
community of Israel will walk in when they finally admit Yeshua is the Messiah.
(2) The closest Jewish community to this level at present, excluding the Messianic
Jews, as far as I can see, are those who follow the teaching of Rabbi Nachman of
Bratslav. Rabbi Nachman teachings seek to enable people of all levels to come
close to got. Not just in religious form but in relation with God through secret
prayer. This secret prayer consists of the outpouring of the soul to God for at least
an hour a day. Rabbi Nachman teaches that when one is insulted he should bear it
and not respond.
(3) All Jewish community who have not yet appointed Yeshua as their Messiah
will have to go through an immersion in the name of Mashiach Yeshua and a
circumcision not made with human hands. This is the putting off of the sinful
nation Yetzer hirah and the putting on of the New man in Mashiach.
(4) Orthodox Jews need to repent of rebellion towards God’s Mashiach, wrong,
ungodly and disrepectful towards other nations who are not idolators but
upholders of the true revelation of the nature of God in the Tanakh. The word
Notzrim, is the Hebrew equivalent of Christian. We are not to be ashamed of the
Name Christian but rather to sanctify it for the scripture says “if anyone suffers as
a Christian, let him not feel ashamed but in that name let him glorify God.” So our
works are to so shine before men that they will see them and glorify out father in
heaven. The word Notzrim means a watchman or a guardian. One hebrew teacher
said a Notzrim is a guardian of the word of God.
(5) Jeremiah prophesies about Notzrim or Christians, in regard to the final
redemption. He prophesies Notzrim by name saying “For there shall be a day
when Notrim on the hills of Ephraim shall call out, “Arise let us go up to Zion to
Yahwah our God” For thus says Yahwah “Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob,
And shout among the heads of the goim. Proclaim give praise and say “O Yahwah
save thy people, the remnant of Israel” Behold I am bringing them from the north
countryand I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth. Prophetically this
points to Christians and historically this has and is happening all around the earth
(6) The Saving referred to in (5) is the aliyah back to Israel on the basic level. It
also includes salvation through the gospel.
(7) The Orthodox Jews have to repent for not being a light to the nations.
(8) The return or repentance of all Jews will include the baptism of the Holy Spirit
and the speaking with other tongues. Rabbi Nachman said no new teaching will be
brought into the world until Mashiach comes. He died in 1810 and said his light
will burn until Mashiach comes. The Mashiach he is expecting will be the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is on the deepest level of revelation of the Torah
as the Jews understand it. They teach that the Torah can be understood on four
levels called Pardes. The gift of tongues and the Spirit of wisdom and
understanding operate at the level of the secrets of the Torah. We understand
actually the mysteries or secrets of the Kingdom of God for this has been granted
to the Church.
(9) There will be a massive revival in the Church bringing it back to its Jewish
roots. This revival will take place primarily in the Charismatic Churches who
move in the prophetic. Hence the Gentilised Church will return to is Israelite roots

and the rebellious Jewish orthodoxy will stop fighting the plan of Yahwah and
align with it.
(10) What at present takes a Jews years to study out will come by the revelations of
the Holy Spirit in minutes. They will be astonished.
(11) The gift of Tongues is given to the church for the purpose of speaking the
mysteries of Mashiach and as a sign to the Jewish community of the reality of the
Mashiach Yeshua. Tongues are for a sign.
(12) The prophet has six roles: To pluck up, and to break down, to destroy and to
overthrow, to build and to plant. Tongues are Gods word in the mouth of the
Church. Every time we pray and speak in tongues, aware or unaware we are about
the prophetic business of the father.
(13) We need to pray daily for the Spirit of Yahwah, of Wisdom and
understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of Yahwah. When we
pray of them God begins to grant them to the Church.
(14) From a dream I learned that the words we speak cause various spirits to come
into us and cause us to act in certain ways. If we want to be filled with the Holy
Spirit then we should be “Speaking to one another in Psalms, Hymns (of thanks
giving) and spiritual songs (these are songs in tongues and can just be melodies)
singing and making melody with your heart to Yahwah; always giving thanks for
all things in the name of our Lord Yeshua Mashiach to God the Father.
(15) As Rabbi Nachman says It is a great Mitzvah to be happy. He also taught that
the greatest weapon of Mashiach is prayer. And we know already that what is new
in Judaism through Rabbi Nachman is as old as Abraham and was taught perfectly
by Mashiach Yeshua 1970 years ago.
(16) When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and worshipping in the Spirit we will
often find that the Spirit will do prophetic actions through our bodies. Our
understanding can be helped if we begin to understand the composition and
clothing of the spiritual body. A basic help will be if we understand that out head
is cover with Salvation. Our left hand has in it the sword of the Spirit which is the
Word of the Lord. We need to understand that our tongues and our left hand are
linked in the spirit. By Speaking the word of the Lord we released the hand of
God to act. The scripture says the arm of Yahwah is not too short to save. Well
with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. When we need deliverance of
salvation we can confess Yeshua is Lord under the oppressing spirit understands
us and then they will have to leave. We can bind in his name and this will need to
help from above. The right hand contains the shield of faith or faithfulness. If we
are faithful and stable in confessing the word of Yahwah it will deliver. Our Chest
which covers the heart and lungs are covered by righteousness. Our waist and
loins by the belt of truth. And our feet the sandlas of the gospel of peace. When
we do prophetic actions in prayer or worship understand what part of our body the
spirit is using.
(17) The Scriptures says with outstretched arm a high hand Yahwah delivered
Israel. Note Yeshua’s arms were outstretched on the cross. His hands were peirced
for our trangressions. So in the Spiritual body of Mashiach, the left hand of the
word of Yahwah has a whole in it. That whole means we are forgiven of our
transgressions. That hand can be seen as having a light coming out of it because
his word is a lamp to out feet and a light to our path.
(18) If we want the gift of the interpretation of a tougue, the language of spirit
spoken or a dream the language of spirit in pictures we need to pray for it until
Yahwah gives us it

(19) In tongues, dreams and visions we see or speak the word of God in a mystery.
If we write down and consider the dreams and pray for interpretations we get tools
to helps us be a apart of the building up of the church. So these can be cement or
nails etc.
(20) With consideration and reflection on dreams or interpreted tongues we receive
a revelation, some knowledge, a prophecy or a teaching. These apply just as much
to dreams as for tongues since they are both the language of the Holy Spirit.
(21) We need to get out mind out of the realm of the physical and into the realm of
the spirit. What is a spiritual building in our dreams? What is the spiritual person
in our dreams?

Sometimes its dancing out there
Dancing because you feel like you’re understanding
And you feel it’s for a purpose
And understanding the purpose brings joy.

The joy of living in the eternal presence

Of the Almighty God
Who loves you and has done so much for you
This relationship which carries with it
The eternal light of redemption
The redemption of the human body
From sin and death

And sometimes you’ve just got

To shout that hallelujah
You’ve got to sing the song of
Praise to God.

Sometimes he’s with you

So unsparingly, so overflowingly
That all you can say is thank you Lord.

Whispered tones,
That reach the highest heavens
Whispered tones,
That transform lives,
Torn in two
By the ugly rocky wilderness
Of a suffering
And dilapidated world
To the eternal richness
And abundant revitalising of
God’s own Kingdom.

Times come
When spontaneously your soul sings to God
Sings to God that new song,
Brought into the world
There and then,
A new creation
Here and now
In the twentieth century.

Mashiach’s was the ultimate death

And the ultimate resurrection
But his children
They die and rise again
Innumerable times,
Dying to death

And rising to eternal life
And finally, ultimately
They die and rise in Mashiach
With Mashiach forever more.

I would love to write
In beauty and inspiration
Of this sweet relationship
Of Mashiach to companion

But my words they lack

In so many ways they lack,
You can’t describe
In accurate words
That which happened in the heart
In the soul in eternity.

But if you, my dear reader

Know the one of whom I speak
This great and awesome love,
Then you will know of that which I speak.

For you
Seeing my words
As the painting of my experience
Will have experienced the truth
Behind the painting
The landscape behind the canvas

And how much more

Depth and breadth
Height and width
Does the real have over the appearance.

In a landscape
There are birds and wind
Moving clouds and fluttering leaves.

In a painting but image of bird

No wind and but inanimate leaf.

In a landscape there are four dimensions

In the painting but two

No wonder the unbeliever doesn’t understand

The believer.
No wonder darkness doesn’t understand light.

How can you explain to a person who lives

In a painting
What it’s like to live in the real world?
Can a bird explain to a worm
What it is to soar the heaven
Neath cloud and sky
In wind and sun?
Will not the worm say
It is warm and secure in here
I see no reason for wanting to leave this mud
Which warmeth my body,
And gives me space to hide from you
And your murderous friends?

But my worm,
Would you not like for one moment
To soar in freedom
To see the wonders of this here
Beautiful earth.
All manner of beautiful scenes
From the stretching oceans
To the ranging mountains
To the ugly cities where man lives,
To the green carpets of the countryside
With their beckoning, welcoming trees.

The New Covenant.
"They shall not teach one another know Yahwah
for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest"

In the New Covenant it is clear that our job is not to teach a man "know
Yahwah once some one is in the covenant they "know Yahwah". They can then
grow in the knowledge of Yahwah. We can all approach God because we all
have the Spirit. The Spirit knows the deep things of God and reveals
them to us. Hence we come into a knowledge of the Son of God. A
knowledge of the love of Mashiach which surpasses knowledge. However
this knowledge is Spirit taught. I can teach a person about Yahwah. I can
teach a person about the means and methods the Holy Spirit uses to
reveal Yahwah to them. However only the Holy Spirit can reveal the
knowledge of Yahwah to the heart of that person.

There is a parallel to this universal access to God in the law. In

Leviticus when people approached God via the tabernacle of Moses and
their offerings, they were not restricted because they couldn't afford
the sheep or the bull. YHWH organized the sacrificial system in such a
way that the poor could approach the Yahwah for forgiveness with the gift
he could afford, usually pigeons or turtle doves. The rich could afford
a lamb, so he offered a lamb. They were both given access to Yahwah. Not
according to what they had not, but according to what they had, the
poor, little, the rich, more. Rabbi Paul says that the gifts in the New
Covenant is accepted according to the willingness of the giver. If you
are willing what you have is acceptable.

As in the Old Covenant of Horeb, the people of Israel could have access
to forgiveness hence atonement and reconciliation, via the means they
could afford, so in the New Covenant, we all gain access to the Father
via Yeshua Mashiach, and the forgiveness that comes through his name. We
all come with the measure of faith we have, but the faith in the means
of reconciliation. Yeshua Mashiach and the redemption effected through
his death and resurrection, will bring us to the Father.

Each man is baptised, each man receives the Spirit, each man knows
Yahwah, from the least to the greatest. In a sense passages in scripture
give us two angles on the progress of the New Covenant relationship
between God and man. The first is this "all knowing Yahwah" from the
least to the greatest. The second is Joules prophecy where YHWH said "I
will pour our my Spirit on all flesh" It is the same Spirit which is
poured out on all flesh, which enables each one to come to the glory of
the knowledge of the Son of God. Yeshua said eternal life was to know The
Father, the only true God, and to know him Yeshua Mashiach. Any one who
believes in or hears Yeshua, believes in, or hears the one who sent him,
the Father.
A third passage is where Yeshua says "If I be lifted up from the earth,
I will draw all men unto me. It is his death, which effected the removal
of the Cherubim from in front of the Garden of Eden or Paradise. This
then opened up access to the tree of life in paradise, which is the Holy

Spirit. As one proverbs says, "the Holy Spirit is a tree of life."
Through the Holy Spirit we receive a leading into all truth and hence a
true knowing of the deep things of Yahwah. As Rabbi Paul says the glory
which is being worked out for us in the New Covenant makes the glory
which was on Moses under the Old Covenant fade into insignificance.
In the Old Covenant Moses knew YHWH. A number of the community received
the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and hence could make judgements on the
Torah of Moses, for the people of Israel. They having the Spirit of
Wisdom could use the word of God, which is living and powerful and
could discern between the thoughts and intents of the heart. They could
decide cases of disagreement among the people of Israel and share the
burden of judgement, which was on Moses.
The glory of the New Covenant excels that of the Old Covenant. For every
person under the New Covenant, receives this same gift of the Holy
Spirit. They also will have a time when they will judge, not just the
people of Israel, as will the Apostles, but they will judge the
whole world, by means of this spirit of justice. They will also judge
angels which is an incredible honour and yet it is reveled to the
Church and written for our instruction by Rabbi Paul.
(All judgement has been handed to the Son of Man, Yeshua Mashiach. He
was proved to be the judge of mankind, by his resurrection from the
dead. In his Kingdom, when he comes in his Kingdom and sits on his
throne of judgement in front of all the nations, there will be a person
sat on his right and on his left. As Yeshua explained to James and John
when they asked for these thrones. The 12 Apostles, will be assigned
Israel as their jurisdiction of judgement. The Church as a whole will be
assigned the world.

If then the tabernacle of Moses was the place where the people of
Israel came to receive forgiveness, atonement and reconciliation, to
God, how much more does the Church become the place where people come to
be reconciled to God and through the work of Mashiach, to receive
forgiveness of sins and atonement. The Church in the world, as Yahwah
tent in the wilderness among the tents of Israel. The glory of the Church
far exceeds the glory of the Old Covenant because it was the Church,
which the tabernacle was pointing to. The Church is the body of
Mashiach. It is not so much that, at present, the Church, is a place
where people run to, to find God, rather that the people become a part
of this Church, and a light to the rest of the world. We believe in the
light and we become sons of the light.

This glory is shown forth in that those sacrificing and giving offerings
under the Old Covenant, joined to the tabernacle, by means of their
sacrifice. The sacrifice entered into the outer court. The animal was a
substitute for the person presenting it. It was burnt on the bronze
altar, in his place. Therefore he is identified with the animal. The
blood of the animal brought atonement and reconciliation.
In the New Covenant we are identified with the sacrifice, Mashiach, by
faith. By our reception of his Holy Spirit, we literally become the body
of Mashiach. We, like the animal (i.e the substitute for man) become part

of the tabernacle. Our tabernacle is invisible and visible. For our
bodies become a holy place. And together we are built into a dwelling
place for God in the Spirit.

Even as the Spirit of Wisdom came on Oholiab and other workers, so that
they were able to design and make the furnishing for the tabernacle in
the wilderness. So the Spirit of YHWH is building the Church on behalf
of Mashiach. We are strengthened in our inner man by the Spirit, so
that Mashiach can dwell in our hearts by faith. The Spirit cleanses and
edifies us, then Mashiach increases and grows in us by faith " I have
been crucified with Mashiach" Rabbi Paul is not only speaking of his
faith identification with Mashiach on the cross of Calvary, wherein by
faith he died with Mashiach, was buried, with Mashiach and was
resurrected , with Mashiach, this all happened at baptism and reception
of the Holy Spirit, he is also referring to the "putting to death" of the
members of our bodies upon the earth, by the Spirit.
Because the Spirit is pure, and a cleansing water, it will, when
submitted to, begin a mortifying work.
As the Spirit works on strengthening us in the inner man, so that we
can be led of the Holy Spirit and be called literally Sons of God, by
walk as well as by birth, so Mashiach increasingly dwells in our hearts,
by faith. As it says in 2 Corinthians, "We are transformed from glory to
glory as we behold with open face, the glory of the Lord." It is merely
beholding the glory of the Lord, with open face, that brings about the
transformation. We behold, we are changed. How we behold is given in the
same passage.
When Moses is read without the Spirit, without the Lord, there is a veil
over the hearts of the people, the hearers. In other words they do not
see the glory of the Lord and so are not changed from glory to glory.
But if the heart turns to the Lord, who is the Spirit, the Spirit begins
to effect transformation. The transformation is helped when by the
Spirit we read Moses. Yeshua first opened up the scriptures to his
disciples by the Holy Spirit, in the forty day period after the
resurrection. The apostles were granted forty days of continual
revelation of the Mashiach in the scriptures by the Holy Spirit. Moses
spent forty day periods on the mountain of God, receiving the law of
Yahwah. This began an immense transformation in the disciples. From a
hidden group of fearful believers or rather people who Yeshua had to
rebuke because of their unbelief after the resurrection , to a group of
bold who allowed the Spirit to use their tongues to wield the word of
Yahwah on the day of Pentecost. They opened the Kingdom of God to
three thousand souls on the first day of the unveiling of the full
gospel of the Lord Yeshua Mashiach on that day. Each person received the
Spirit and hence became a holy place wherein their hearts were first
purified by faith.
Then the Spirit came in and began to strengthen then in their inner man,
then began that Mashiach dwelling in their hearts, by faith.
As the disciples began to speak with other they began to magnify the
Lord and speak of the wonders of God. This was initially the whole
purpose of the ministry of the Old Covenant, to magnify the Lord and to

speak he wonders of God. By our Lord Yeshua magnifying the law and making
it honorable, he would automatically, magnify the Father.
When the Spirit came this same Mashiach began to take up residence in
the disciples and hence to magnify the law and make it honourable. The
ministry of magnifying and honouring begun by Mashiach is continued in
his body the Church.

We can note hear that each man received the Spirit by faith. Some were
more righteous, some less righteous, all unrighteous in God's sight,
but even as the sacrifices brought all to God by blood and substitution
, so the blood and substitution of Mashiach, the lamb of God brought all
those people, greater and lesser sinners (e.g. some Kings were said to do
right in the eyes of the Lord other evil) to the presence of God. The
extension, of the gospel, to the non Jewish nations, continued the
process. They too received the Spirit by faith, while still
Isaiah clearly makes the distinction between the two elements of the
ministry of the Mashiach.
It is too light a thing for you just too restore Jacob, but I will give
you as a light to the nations, that you may be my salvation to the ends
of the earth."
The process outlined in Isaiah is the process the Church followed and
Yeshua outlined.
First the preserved of Israel were being restored, and the tribes of
Jacob touched as on Pentecost, but Yeshua and his body were to be Yahwah
salvation (Yeshuah) to the ends of the earth.

On the day Cornelius received the spirit, God's salvation began to

speed its way to the ends of the
earth. Cornelius although being, along with many others after him,
uncircumcised, still received the Holy Spirit by simple faith. The glory
of the reception of the Spirit by the nations, exceeds that by the Jews,
considering that the nations had no idea about the Holy Spirit. Peter
had no idea what the Spirit was about to do. The Spirit then lead the
disciples into the truth that he was for the uncircumcised gentile as
well as the circumcised Israelite. This was a truth not understood by
the Church until this point in history. Therefore it came as a
fulfillment of what Yeshua had said in the Garden of Gethsemane, that the
Spirit would guide the apostles into all truth. This was another big
step forward in the truth realm having a divine impact on the personal
life of the disciples and the corporate life of the Church. The whole
event of the infilling and entrance into the Kingdom of God of Cornelius
and his family was Spirit lead from beginning to end. Peter concluded
from it "Now I know that God is no respecter of persons, but accepts men
from any nation who fear him and what is right". To us this seems
obvious but it was not obvious to the Apostolic lead Church of that day.
We have learned from the revelations they received at that time.

We can also see the wisdom shown by the Spirit, as to how He transforms
a persons attitudes and ideals. Peter is Spirit taught that men are not
to be called common or unclean merely because they are Gentile or
uncircumcised. The Spirit taught Peter that Gentile prayer and alms is
equivalent to the most holy of the temple offerings, even the meal
offerings which was offered partly as a memorial to God, and had to be
eaten by the sons of Aaron in the holy place.
In John’s gospel it is written that Yeshua gave us grace for grace. It is
clear that the New Covenant's grace has more glory than the Old
Covenants grace. In the Old Covenant man was bringing sacrifices,
physical, to the Lord and were cleansed by visible, physical
activities which were outside of the man. But God had made it clear to
Samuel that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the

The Promise I was given.

Get out from your country from your kindred, from your fathers house, to the land that I will show you.
I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a
blessing, I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you, and I you will all the nations of
the earth bless themselves.
Now Yahwah had said to Abram.
(13) From your country, your kindred and your fathers house.
“And it came about when God caused me to wander from my father’s house….everywhere we go say
of me “He is my brother””
I was born and brought up in Great Britain. I was born in London, England, on February the 8 th 1965.
On October the 15th 1995, I was on my knees in the back of a church in Blackpool, England. I was
worshipping Yahwah and was in ectasy. Then I wondered to myself: Why am I so satisfied? The
answer came from the Holy Spirit “Because I am about to speak to you”. Then the minister got up and
prayed a prayer and read the call of Abram recorded hear. I wondered to myself “Why would God say
this to me.
On November 29th 1995, I was seated in Manchester, in a Pentecostal Bible college, with a preacher
called Geroge, teaching us on Henry 8th and Thomas Cranmer and the start of the Church if England.
He made some comments to which I responded. He then read Genesis 12:1-3 as recorded above. He
then preached on that instead of teaching on his topic the Church of England.

On February 1st 1996, I was in a service in the Bible School of Swansea Wales. I had been officially
accepted into that school, that day. I was sent there from Manchester when the Spirit told me to “Move
to Swansea I will do the rest” on Tuesday 23rd Jan 1996. My testimony was that I was called to
Muslims and I had received Gen 12:1-3 as recorded above. The missionary speaker was Martin from a
group called frontiers. A group specifically called to ministry to Muslims. He preached on Genesis
12:1-3 and Gen 11which is the list of the 70 nations whose seed now fill the earth. So he spoke on the
passage the Holy Spirit had given me twice. He then had a word of knowledge saying Yahwah wanted
to speak to one young man in particular who was sat on the left. I went to him afterwards and said “I
know you spoke on my badge (Gen 12:1-3) and you are called to Muslims, and you had a word of
knowledge” All of this thoroughly impressed me. But I said “ The Lord keeps speaking to me about the
Macedonian call of Paul”. He said “Maybe he is giving you a Macedonian call” I said “What do you
mean?” He said that when he became a missionary the lord had said to him “I’m giving you a
Macedonian call” His friend had then called him on the phone and said “Martin I don’t know what this
means but the Lord says “Macedonian call”

I was amazed and ran to my bag where I had a book called “The challenge of the Macedonian call”, I
had been carrying it around for a couple of days. The Lord had been speaking so clearly about it. I then
saw a copy of the mission’s pamphlet. The title was “The Challenge”. So I was amazed with five
“Godincidences” coming together in one session.

So I had left England my country of birth on January 23 rd 1996 a Tuesday. After the Bible college I
went to various Christian camps one called Hillsborough, in Northern Ireland near Belfast(A bomb
exploded the day I arrived after a two year cease fire(no connection).
Then I went to Eagle camp at Lackham, near Calne in Wiltshire. Yahwah had spoken to me about this
camp firstly on february 17th 1996. He gave me four words, “Camper Lackem Anha Yshem” I asked
Mr Richard Mayton where Lackam Camp was. He told me it was in Calne in Wilstshire. I went there
with the expectation to meet a camper called “Anha Yshem”. Yahwah gave me a dream where I saw
the face of an Asian girl with long black hair and some greek writing on a tombstone. I was also given
a flash of a greek word “Iota”.
So I went to the Camp expecting to meet this Asian girl with long black hair, whose name was Anha
Yshem. Well I went to the camp. There was only one Asian girl on the campsite, with long black hair.
Her name was Christina and she had a call to Muslims. How did we meet? I was in a service with a
preacher called Jonathan. He prayed for me “Lord may he see what he came here to see”. Well she was
standing in front of me in the tent. He prayed for her and she fell into my arms. I laid her to the ground.
A man told me to pray for her, so I did. Afterwards I spoke with her and she told me her name was
Christina. And she was called to Muslims. She had been ministering out in Marseille, france among the
North Africans. I spent lunch with her and her Korean mother. I then went to my room to ponder how
this fitted with whom I was supposed to meet.

Well I pondered and on the surface the name Anha Yshem and Christina have no connection. However
when I looked a little bit further the riddle was explained. The bible was written in two languages.
Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew is written from right to left and Greek from left to right. So if we read the
letters Anha Yshem in the hebrew way we get Mesyah na. Which is in English transliteration Messiah
na. We put this next to Christina and the only difference is the I, which in Greek would be IOTA, the
word I was given also before I arrived. So the name I was given and the name the girl bore could be
seen as the same name. Then my question was, “Why did I meet her?” I went through many
wonderings, errors and corrections from Yahwah on this point. The summary was I had to give her
Isaiah 62 and where it says “You shall be called by a new name that the mouth of Yahwah would
bestow. The new name the Spirit told me to give here was Hannah. This was also a name I was given
before I arrived at the camp. Hannah in the Old testament was a women of prayer. In the New
Testament Anna which is the same name in Greek, was also an intercessor. Christina said she was an
intercessor and received the name as did her parents.
So the army of Yahwah which he will use to bring in the Muslim harvest was encouraged. And we
need them brought in because the spirit of Islam is wreaking havoc among the nations all over the
world. Fulfilling that word spoken over Ishmael. “His hand will be against everyone”.

After the truly amazing events of that camp I moved on to Stoneleigh camp and helped in a bookshop. I
then went to a WEC camp, where I met a person from Dundee, Scotland. I left the camp and returned
to London and was given the scripture to remain in Jerusalem until endowed with power and the
promise of the Father was given. Through dreams I then moved to Dundee, Scotland, in October.
I had a dream during the last camp of being in a Church and it being somehow linked with the
Dundonian I met on the camp. Well in Dundee, the Pastor of the full gospel Church arranged for me to
stay in the room with the Assembly of God, minister. It was also exactly the same street that the friend
I met in the Camp lived on. I later moved into the AOG Church as in the Dream.
I stayed in Dundee from November to the next September 3 rd when I left to Denmark. So I left the
British finally. I had already left my father’s house and kindred, now you could say I had left the
I stayed in Denmark for a year and a bit. I travelled to India overland visiting believer in Pakistan
where I preached in four Christian colonies. I also visited the tombs of Daniel, Esther and Mordechai in
Iran. I visited the sight of the Church of Antioch where the believers were first called Christians. I
learned many things in this trip.
Around October I got a sense through dreams that I would be leaving the organisation I was attached
to in Denmark. Yahwah had blessed me with fellowship with a wonderful Church called Amager
Christian Centre a mixed congregation with Phillipino’s Danes and others. A very gracious leader
called Joseph and the Spirit gave me grace in his eyes. I considered working with him on an English
speaking magazine. However Yahwah changed the plan.

(14) To the land that I will show you

“I am Yahwah who brought you out of Ur of Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit”
Now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward
and westward for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and your descendants forever”
It happened on this wise. I went to visit my friend, Kerstin, in Sweden, over my Christmas holidays.
We met for the first time in perhaps 8 years. I was planning to leave from here to go to London for
Christmas. However my flight reference was “MY 6666” I decided I wasn’t going to get that flight. I
perceived in my Spirit that Yahwah was speaking to me through the number.
That night, December 20th 1998, a new moon, I had an amazing dream. I went flying high high high
into the sky. It was night time and I went really high. I came to a place and a voice said to me “You
will go somewhere for 7 days, then you will return, then you will go back for 7 years. Go and help the
Charismatic Church”. Now we all know the words of the Macedonian call of the Apostle Paul. He saw
a man in a vision saying “Come over and help us”. Well this was not exactly the same but the phrase
help is in both visions. And Paul was going to a place where there was no church. Clearly I was being
sent to a place where there was a Church. Well as is my custom, I prayed to Yahwah to give me a
scripture to go with the dream. “So David gave orders to gather the foreigners who were in the land of
Israel, and he set stone cutters to hew out stones to build the house of God”…And David said “My Son
Solomon is young and inexperienced , and the house to be built for Yahwah shall be exceedingly
magnificent, famous and glorious, throughout all lands. Therefore now I will make preparation for it”
After this I said to myself “May be I am going to Israel for Christmas”. The next day, the Monday I
pray that Yahwah would lead me to the right flight, which to me was the cheapest! Well I found a flight

and flew, on December 22nd 1998. I arrived in Israel the day after Hanukah was complted, which is the
feast of the Dedication of the second temple. So I went for one week to Israel. As I understood I was
spying out the land. I arrived to Ovda, an airport in the wilderness in the south 1 hour from Eilat. I
arrived at night time so it was like in the dream. I met an African guy in the street who gave me a room
, for nothing for the whole week. I headed north to Jerusalem after a couple of days in Eilat. In
Jerusalem. I spent Christmas at Mount Zion fellowship and went to the real Mount Zion and
prophesied, with a friend. I then returned to Sweden, from there I went to Denmark and said good bye.
And from there to England. Where I was moved on the principle, that which is functionless must
become functional, so I gave away a lot of my books. Then on, January 17 th, I flew into Ovda again.
The next day I moved to Jerusalem.
Here I was in a land that Yahwah had shown me. The rest of this paper is about what some of the
scripture says about the promises Yahwah has given me.
(15) I will make of you a great nation
What is a great nation?
“Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, since Abraham will surely become a great and
populous nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed?
For I have chosen him in order that he may command his children and his after him to keep the way of
Yahwah by doing righteousness and justice; in order that Yahwah may bring on Abraham what he has
spoken about him”
Abraham was an intercessor who believed in justice and righteousness
“And Abraham came near and said “Wilt thou indeed sweep away the righteous and the wicked?
Suppose there are fifty righteous with in the city; wilt thou indeed sweep it away and not spare the
place for the sake of fifty who are in it?
Far be it from thee to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and
wicked are treated alike. Far be it from thee. Shall not the judge of all the earth do justice (Mishpat)?
So Yahwah said if I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare the whole place on
their account”
Abraham inteceded through 45,40, 30, 20 and down to 10.
Abraham pleased Yahwah because he interceded on behalf of the city and the grounds of his
intercession was the justice of Yahwah and the righteous people of the city.
Now the Church is made up of righteous people. We in Messiah have become the righteousness of
God, are we not then the ground of inercession to save so much destruction about to come upon this
nation and the nations?
Lot showed respect to the men or angels by bowing down to them, as did Abraham when he saw all
three of them. This respect to Yahwah and his messengers must be the first level of righteousness.
Lot also showed himself righteous by hospitality to the strangers, As did Abraham. He insisted these
strangers have a place to sleep and something to eat. In the same way they who received the disciples
of Messiah received the blessing of the Kingdom of God by showing hospitality to the disciples who
were also angels or messengers. How are we treating strangers in Jerusalem, in our nations?
The righteous show bow to Yahwah and his messengers and show hospitality to strangers and they
insist on it.

The wicked abuse strangers for the men of Sodom came to have relations with the Angels and Lot said
do no do wickedly.
Lot showed righteousness by trying to protect his guests. These guests had come under the shadow of
his roof, his covering.
Through Lot, his whole family was saved. They were given opportunity to escape from the destruction
of the town. The righteous saves all in his house hold. He listens to the voice of God’s messengers and
takes heed of the warning. As did the early church of Yeshua’s warning of the destruction of Jerusalem.
They moved to the countryside of Gilead and Bashan, during the Roman war in 66 to 70 AD.
Why were the angels going to destroy Sodom?
“Because the outcry has become so great before Yahwah that Yahwah has sent to destroy it”
What is the prestn outcry against Jerusalem? What is the present outcry against this land?
Who are the present Abrahmic intercessors?
The message of the angels went through righteous lot, who was an alien in Sodom, to his family. Some
listened some did not. Thos how listend were saved , those who laughed, and did not heed , were
caught up in the destruction. The righteous tells his family the message of Yahwah.
The righteous had the compassion of Yahwah upon him so even if he hesitates Yahwah will help him.”
In judgement is not the message

“Escape for your life ! Do not look behind you , do not stay anywhere in the valley, escape to the
mountains, lest you be swept away”?
As it was in the days of Lot so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.
When I had visited Swansea Bible college and returned to Blackpool, I realised I was being sent to
Swansea. I asked Yahwah When? The next morning I was given a dream. After I asked him when, I
felt the Spirit of Yahwah come upon me to prepare me for the message. The next morning I dreamt that
I was in a Christian meeting. Suddenly men with Nazi flags walk into the room and blocked all exits.
The flags were red white and blue. I shouted “oh no”! I ran up to the Nazi’s and shouted “In the name
of Jesus I bind you” Then something like a drop of watered put me outside the building and a voice
said flee for your life. Then the Spirit continued to speak saying go and do not come back. At that time
I was living in living stone road Blackpool. I left that house and town that day. Our deliverance is in
following the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The righteous had his prayer requests answered. Lot asked for the small town to escape to and his
request was granted. He saved the lives of the people of that town as a result. The righteous then brings
the blessing of life with him.

Abraham got rich by God giving him favour with men they blessed with gifts. Yahwah spoke to
Abimelch in a dream about Abraham and taught him that Abraham was a prophet and could pray for
him. Abimelech gave him sheep , oxen and male and famale servants, land and a 1000 shekels.

What did Abraham teach his children in accordance with the word above?
(1) He taught them to call on the name of Yahwah the Everlasting God.
(2) He taught his Son to offer burnt offerings
(16) He taught his sons to prostrate (shacah), bow down
(17) He taught his Son that God will provide.
(18) He taught his son how to build an altar.
(19) To

(20) And I will bless you

“And Melchizedek, King of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was priest of God most High
and he blessed him and said
“Blessed be Abram of God Most High
Possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be God Most High
Who has delivered your enemies into your hand”
And he gave him a tenth of all”
“And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if any one can number the dust of the
earth then your descendants can also be numbered ” Gen13
Do not fear Abram, I am a shield to you
Your reward shall be very great” Gen 15
Now look toward the heavens and count the stars, if you are able to count them…so shall your
descendants be”
Then he believed in Yahwah and he reckoned it to him as righteousness” Gen15
I am El Shaddai , walk before me and be complete
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly.
And Abraham fell on his face, and god talked to him saying
As for me, Behold my covenant is with you,
And you shall be the father of a multitude og gotim.
No longer shall you be called Abram,
But your name shall be Abraham;
For I will make you the father of a multitude of goim”
And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you
And kings shall come forth from you.
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed
After you through their generations for an everlasting covenant,
To be God to you and your descendants after you.
And I will give to you and your descendants after you
The land of your sojournings
All the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession
And I will be their God”

As for Sarai your wife
“I will bless her and indeed give you a son by her.
Then I will bless her and she shall be
A mother of goim.
Kings of people shall come from her.
…Sarah your wife will bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac
and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant
for his seed after him.
“And as for Ishmael I have heard you, behold I will bless him
and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly
he shall become the father of twelve princes
and I will make him a great nation
But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah
Will bear to you…
(21) And make your name great
(22) And you shall be a blessing
(23) I will bless them that bless you
(24) And curse him that curses you
And in you will all the nations of the earth bless themselves.

The Way of Yahwah - Israel returning to the Covenant

To Israel and the Nations

Whether we are Israelite or Gentile we are encouraged, urged and required by Yahwah
through his prophets on their prophetic authority to walk in and teach our children the way of
righteousness and justice. This is the way of Yahwah and the foundation of the throne of
Let us seek to follow this Way and please Yahwah and he will bless us by fulfilling his
promises to the forefathers and to us in our generation.

Yahwah promised Abraham “I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and
make your name great and you shall be a blessing. I will bless them that bless you and
curse him that curses you and in you will all the families of the earth be blessed…
Now look toward the heavens and count the stars, if you are able to count them…so
shall your descendants be”
“Then he believed Yahwah and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”(Torah Ber)
These are not all the promises which Yahwah made to Abraham but these will do to help us
understand that we need to practice righteousness and justice if we are to receive our portion
of the promises Yahwah made to Abraham.

(2) What then was the foundation of righteousness?

The first thing was that Yahwah acted on Abraham by speaking to him. He commanded him
“Get out from your country from your relatives and from your fathers house ”We learn
immediately here that Yahwah not us is the source of righteousness.
Our first step in the way of righteousness is to listen to the voice of Yahwah to believe it and
to do it. Abraham had no scripture to help him, no Torah at that point, nothing but the pure
voice of Yahwah and his faith in, and obedience to the voice of Yahwah was a step in the

way of righteousness. We need to listen to and obey the voice of Yahwah in order to walk in
righteousness. The Torah records that Moses was to tell the sons of Israel
“If you indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant then you shall be my own possession
among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests
and a holy nation”

Now we see in the case of Abraham that he obeyed the voice of Yahwah. We may understand
that to keep the covenant of Yahwah you will need to listen to the voice of Yahwah. The first
thing the voice of Yahwah spoke to the sons of Israel was the covenant. This covenant
consists of the 10 Words Yahwah spoke with his voice on the mountain of Horeb. These two
authorities the, the living Voice and the Covenant have to be the two highest authorities in
Israel indeed in the world. If these are not obeyed then the generation that ignores the voice
and refuses to guard the covenant will be a generation that does not inherit the promises of
Yahwah gave to Abraham. To keep the covenant and obey the voice of Yahwah is really to
practice justice and righteousness. For in practicing justice when the covenant is transgressed
is to bring the community back to the walk of righteousness and to guard it.

So we could say that the covenant of 10 Words, practiced is righteousness. You practice it by
listening to the Voice of Yahwah from his prophets. However when this covenant is
transgressed, the way to return to its righteousness and to guard it, is through justice. So we
could say doing the covenant is righteousness and breaking it is transgression, guarding the
covenant is to do justice. If these two are lacking then Israel’s festivals (at least 17 of the 613
Mitzvoth and offerings(over 70 of the 613) are unacceptable to Yahwah.
“I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies…take away from
me the noise of your songs…But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an
everflowing stream” (Amos). We must always understand Yahwah’s priority is not the signs
of the covenant but the practice of the covenant not the shadow of the righteousness and
justice, but righteousness itself.
( The Covenant is with all the sons of Israel and the house of Jacob, not just a part of them. So
if one group, like Achan’s family, disobey the Voice and break the Covenant, and the rest of
the community does not act with justice, as Joshua did with Achan, then the whole
community is responsible for the transgression. In the case of Achan it was through the Voice
of Yahwah the transgression of the way of Yahwah was discovered and through the Voice of
Yahwah the transgressor was discovered.
However only when he confessed with his own mouth was he judged and condemned.
This judgement was in accordance with the Torah, for without his confession there
would have been no witnesses.
If we look at the time of scattering of Israel (722BCE) and later the time of the exile to
Babylon (586BCE), we see that the Voice of Yahwah pointed to specific transgressions of the
covenant of 10 Words which Israel and Judah had transgressed as the cause of the scattering
and the exile.
Hosea said to Israel before their scattering “Seek me that you may live. But do not resort to
Bethel” What was in Bethel? An idol of their own making.
Jeremiah had stated “Do not go after other gods to serve them and to bow down to them and
do not provoke me to anger with the work of your hands” Which is clearly referring to Words
1 and 2 of the Covenant)

A voice, like that of Abel’s blood, will cry out to Yahwah to bring justice. While the
transgression continues to go unjudged and unpunished, so if the community allows
transgression to add to transgression, the cry for justice goes before the throne of Yahwah
becoming louder and louder. He will judge according to righteousness.

The Torah, which when understood by the Spirit, is the way to practice righteousness and
justice, is ignored by those claiming to uphold it, when really they are undermining the true

Torah, the Voice and the Covenant. They do this in order to uphold a Torah of their own
making, which they call Oral Torah. (The Oral Torah teaches us many things but where it
causes transgression of the covenant or the written Torah the written Torah must take
precedence, especially in the land of Israel), so the cry for justice to be executed gets louder
and louder.
I will not cover this in detail now but to illustrate some of the transgressions of Torah which
the followers of the Gemarah practice. I will list a few:
(1) Commandment 2 of the Covenant does not reject bowing down to and serving men.
However the Rabbi’s insist that somehow the Christian practice of bowing down to and
serving Yeshua is idolatry. So they refuse what Yahwah permits, and Psalm 72 and
Daniel 2 prophesy. When the followers of Messiah do this they ARE IN VERY GOOD
COMPANY – because Abraham did this (Gen 18)
(2) Shabbat is reinterpreted from its meaning in order to uphold the dating of Shavuoth
which has nothing to do with the written Torah. The day after the seventh Shabbat is
clearly a Sunday. (Admittedly this is my opinion and not essential to righteousness)
(3) By establishing the Rabbis as authority , and they continually work against the
messengers which Messiah sends to Israel, the Rabbi’s not only refuse to listen to the
living voice of Yahwah but forbid their disciples to as well.
(4) by continually blaspheming the name of Yeshua.
And the longer the community doesn’t not act against these covenant breakers, the closer we
get to the Day of Yahwah when he himself will send judgement. And for those covenant
breakers he will send appropriate punishments, because although in their delusion, they
believe they are the guards of Torah, they are really its greatest transgressors. They keep the
festivals happily enough and outwardly adorn themselves with Tefillin and Tzitzit and
Mezuzahs, these things being dispensable, but justice and righteousness which really
determine a man’s relationship with Yahwah, are not only overlooked but in many cases
opposed. Oh orthodoxy return to Yahwah’s orthodoxy not your historically convenient one.

A man who listened to the written Torah and returned

We have the example of Josiah. He turned back to Yahwah and so the judgement which was
due on his generation because of Manesseh was delayed because of the righteousness and
justice practiced by Josiah, but it came on the next generation because they refused Josiah’s
ways and transgressed the covenant as it is written.
“Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness and his upper rooms without
justice” (Jer 22).

The Profaners of Yahwah’s name.

“For three transgressions of Judah and for four I will not revoke it (punishment)
Because they rejected the Torah of Yahwah and have not kept his statutes;
Their lies have led them astray,
Those after which their father walked
So I will send fire upon Judah and I will consume the citadels of Jerusalem”
For three transgressions of Israel and for four I will not revoke it’s (punishment)..
Because they sell the righteous for money and the needy for a pair of sandals….
Also turn aside the way of the humble….
In order to profane my name.”
Amos prophesied around 800 years before Messiah the Humble One was rejected by the
nation. We are writing 1970 years after the rejection of Messiah, the Righteous One, but the
transgressions are the same. Israel is watching violent covenant breakers transgress the
dictates of righteousness, break the covenant to support their wrong path and cause cries of
distress to go up from the righteous. Nevertheless despite the profaning of the name of
Hashem these transgressors bring, Yahwah is faithful to the messianic afflicted remnant and
to those who are needy.

Those who stole the Torah scroll from the Roi Israel congregation in Rechavia in June 2000,
are transgressors not only of the Torah but also of the covenant of Sinai. They transgress the
word of the covenant “Thou shalt not steal”.
(If justice is not done, then the community is guilty of not guarding the covenant. Hence after
a time the whole community will be judged personally by Yahwah and only the blameless
righteous will escape.)

They are also guilty of profaning the name of Hashem, for every act of violence against the
innocent sheep of the Messiah the Shepherd, is a transgression against the righteousness of
Yahwah, exemplified by Abraham the father of the faithful. These violent, lawless activities
immediately get reported around the world and provoke prayer to Yahwah that he vindicate
his great name against these covenant breakers the torahless ones. A cry goes up that they
might turn from their wicked ways back to the pleasant ways of Yahwah recorded in the

The afflicted messianic congregation and the followers of Messiah the Despised One are also
the righteous who are sold for money and the needy for a pair of sandals”

How is this? Well a few years ago and over the last few years they have been the subject of
constant persecution by such groups as the “Yad Lachim” and other anti messianic
organisations. These organisations keep a form of Torah, keeping their festivals, keeping their
shabbats, keeping their religious practices, but they transgress the whole point of the Torah, to
practice righteousness and justice. They burn down the houses of the messianic believers and
even the Tents of Mercy up in Kiryat Yam. The congregation help incoming immigrants with
clothing and food and bring many back to Yahwah, through return preached in the name of
the Messiah Yeshua the Abhored One, who is hated without a cause.
So Yahwah said He looked for justice but behold bloodshed, for righteousness, but behold a
cry of distress”
These transgressors of the Torah of Yahwah, do their violent terrorist acts in secret and some
are paid for them. They seek to deceive the righteous in order to harm them. They do not set
up a courts and establish a testimony against whom they see as idolaters, have them judged
according to Torah, but they act in violence and secrecy, burning the house of the righteous
which contains Torah’s and Tanach’s in Hebrew. Hence they are burning the name of
Yahwah, and breaking and ignoring the Torah which says regarding the gods of the nations
of Canaan “you shall utterly overthrow them” and regarding Yahwah “You shall serve
Yahwah your God”

Now how is breaking the covenant and committing violent acts of injustice, with no court and
no trial serving Yahwah God of Israel?
It is not! This demonstrates pure blindness and shows absolute ignorance of Torah and
Yahwah. The word to Coniah son of Josiah belongs to these people
“Did not your father eat and drink and do justice and righteousness?
Then it was well with him.
He pled the cause of the afflicted and needy”
“Do justice and righteousness and deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of the
oppressor. Also do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, the widow and
do not shed innocent blood in this place”
“But if you will not obey these words, I swear by myself declares Yahwah, that this house
will; become a desolation…For I will set apart destroyers against you, each with his weapons,
and they will cut down your choicest cedars” Jeremiah.

Now these transgressors who burn down the houses and synagogues and churches of
Messianic and reform or conservative Jews do not plead the cause of the afflicted and needy
but are the cause of their affliction and their need. If the stranger is not to be mistreated how
much more the sons of Israel, your own flesh and blood?

For when immigrants were coming in from persecution and suffering from places difficult for
Israelites to live in, places such as Ohel Rachamim, helped them to settle in the land. Not for
pay or reward but for the glory of Yahwah and to sanctify his name and to turn people to
righteousness. These people came here with few resources and little knowledge of Yahwah.
When they got here the Messianic believers did not begin to put on them the yolk of a made
up Torah, a burden heavy to bare, but they began to teach them the covenant of Yahwah , the
ten words Yahwah spoke on Sinai. They began to teach them in the way of righteousness,
through repentance taking them from no knowledge of Yahwah, to knowledge of Yahwah.
They taught them how to pray, how to love Yahwah, how to glorify Yahwah, through the
praise of Psalms of praise, hymns of thanksgiving and spiritual songs.
Not to praise with malice and hatred but without guile in the integrity of their heart.
Oh how pleased Yahwah is with this type of praise and service.

But these covenant transgressors who refuse to return to Yahwah, began to burn down their
houses. For money they would spy on the innocent sheep of Yahwah to cause them distress.
And so Israel becomes a place where Yahwah looked for justice but behold bloodshed, for
righteousness but behold a cry of distress”(Is 5)
However, I want to emphasize that these protagonists of wickedness who carry hatred for
truth in their bosom still have the way of repentance open to them through the Messiah
Yeshua the Abhorred One. They can be freely forgiven of all their transgression by the blood
of Yeshua, which has with in it the power of forgiveness and atonement. They can then begin
to walk again in the covenant of Yahwah, not with the stone hard heart they have within them
now. But with a new heart, a new spirit and Yahwah’s Spirit which will teach them the way
of Yahwah in truth.
“I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Chuqqim and Mishpatim”

The Cost of the refusal to Return

However while they refuse, the wrath of God is being stored up against them in every
profanation of the name of Yahwah they cause. Every time the story of their evil deeds is
retold among the righteous of the nations, and every prayer which goes up for justice and
protection for the righteous of Israel, will stand against them on the day of their death and
until the day of their death. They will have no place in the world to come even if they wear
Tefillin and Tzitzit every day of their rebellious lives.

Let the wicked turn back to Yahwah today, if you hear his voice do not harden your
hearts. Do not be among those who “think lightly of the riches of his kindness and
forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?
But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant hearts you are storing up
wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous
judgement of God who will render to every man according to his deeds”
I say to you who are the transgressors of the Ten words and the Voice of Yahwah,
who refuse the covenant of Yahwah in truth
“ Be warned and flee from the wrath to come and bring forth fruits in keeping with repentance
and do not begin to say to yourselves, We have Abraham for our father for I say to you that
God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham. And the axe is already laid to
the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown
into the fire” (John the Baptiser)

Then there are those who do not agree with the wicked ways of Yad Lachim (which in a little
while will be no more), but have power to do good, justice and righteousness but do not do it.

In Israel it is all for one and one for all. You are responsible for the covenant and it’s
protection also. When these transgressors act do you support the afflicted?
Do you begin to plead the cause of the needy as did Josiah?
Do you remember the covenant of brotherhood?
Or have you to rejected the Torah of Yahwah?

You may not be among those “Who distress the righteous, accept bribes and turn aside the
poor in the gate” (Amos)
But you may be the “prudent person who keeps silent for it is an evil time”
You need then seek good and not evil, that you may live.
Pray for the persecuted minorities.
Do not be silent for the time will come when these violent men will turn on you, listen to the
example of Esther.
1. Store up for yourselves righteousness against the day of the glory of Yahwah.
Turn to Yahwah listen to his Messiah and seek the cause of justice.

The voice of Yahwah

The question is now how does Yahwah speak to the Israel and the nations?
Obedience to Yahwah’s voice, is a requirement of all nations including Israel, indeed
primarily to Israel, since their father Abraham taught them how to listen.
It is written
“God speaks once or twice, yet no one notices it.
In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men,
While they slumber in their beds
Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction”
It is also written:
“Hear now my words,
If there is a prophet among you
I Yahwah, shall make myself known to him in a vision.
I shall speak with him in a dream.
Not so my servant Moses, He is faithful in all my household
With him I speak mouth to mouth,
Even openly and not in dark sayings
And he beholds the form of Yahwah” (Torah)

So we can see at least two ways Yahwah speaks to mankind. Clearly and through the dark
saying s of a dream. This applies to people as well as prophets. When we reach the Moses
level of revelation it is a mouth to mouth face to face revelation, above the normal level of

We see that Yahwah makes himself known to the prophet, through the dream.
So the scripture teaches us “today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the
So a soft, willing, responsive heart is needed if we are to walk in the way of righteousness.
As in the case of Abraham, however, when Yahwah commands something by his voice we
need to obey him. When Yahwah promises something by his voice we are to believe him.
This is what was credited to Abram as righteousness.
Abraham would have taught his children both these ways of righteousness.

Calling on the name of Yahwah.

Another righteous activity is that of calling on the name of Yahwah. This first occurred in the
time of Enosh. He was the grandson of Abraham and it is written “and he called his name
Enosh. And then men began to call on the name of Yahwah.” Torah

Abraham also called on the name of Yahwah and this would have been one of the practices of
righteousness, which Abraham would have taught his children. We call on the name of
Yahwah rather than calling on the name of some idol or false deity. This then ties into Word
one of the 10 words
“I am Yahwah your God… you shall have no other gods besides me.”

An appropriate question then is what does it mean to call on the name of Yahwah?
Well Abraham first called on the name of Yahwah after he had built an altar to Yahwah. He
did this at a mountain east of Bethel and pitched his tent and called on the name of Yahwah.
He went away on some travels and returned later to the same place and again he called on the
name of Yahwah. So the calling on the name was linked at that time to a specific mountain
and location where Abraham has built an altar. We note carefully that we are seeing the
examples of people who called on the name of Yahwah not on Yahwah himself, unless the
name of Yahwah is synonymous with Yahwah.
We see that calling on the name of Yahwah is also linked with salvation and precedes the day
of Yahwah for Joel says “And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of Yahwah
will be delivered , for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape”.
So when we call on the name of Yahwah we will be delivered.
We can ask from what we will be delivered? And it is from the troubles of the days of
judgement. The righteous are preserved for calling on the name of Yahwah is a righteous act
because he is the true God and eternal life. Calling on some other name is an act of
unrighteousness and needs repentance.

The word call, in Hebrew, is “qara” and means to cry out, to call aloud, to roar, to proclaim,
to summon.
So we need to cry out to Yahwah. The purpose of the temple was to have a place for
Yahwah’s name to dwell, and Yahwah’s eyes were on that place and everyone who prayed
toward that place, Solomon prayed, would meet special favour and have their prayers
answered. This was a key element in the mission of The House to bring many nations to
worship Yahwah. They would come to the House and pray to Yahwah. He would answer
them and they would go back to their nation and declare the great works of Yahwah.
The action of calling, took place in the beginning of the messianic community in Jerusalem.3
When Peter first preached the gospel he quoted Joel regarding men calling on the name of
Peter stated “ Every one who calls on the name of Yahwah shall be saved”

Repent and let each of you be baptised in the name of Yehoshua ha Mashiach for the
forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit….Be saved from this
perverse generation”
So how were they to be saved?
There action was repentance and submission to baptism in the name of Yehoshua ha
With these two actions they received forgiveness of sin, which means they would be righteous
in Yahwah’s sight. They also received the Holy Spirit who would begin to work on the inside
of these people to increase the level of their righteousness and to spread righteousness to the
ends of the earth.
“The Kingdom of God is not a matter of meat and drink but of righteousness peace and joy in
the Holy Spirit.” Romans “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all
these things (food, drink and clothing) will be added unto you. (Yeshua )

So here to call on Yahwah was repentance and baptism in the name of Yehoshua the
This is the beginning of the way of righteousness. For Yehoshua said of John that he came in
the way of righteousness and he also said to John at his baptism

“Permit it to be so for now so that we can fulfil all righteousness.” So note that Yehoshua
came to fulfil all righteousness not a partial righteousness.
Now if John came in the way of righteousness we can learn from him for teaching our
children in the way of righteousness.
So what did John do in his way?
(a) He proclaimed return. He told all people to return to God and to bear fruit
befitting repentance. So we can teach our children and our friends how to repent.
How to continually turn to God in times of trouble. How to understand that if they sin
Yahwah is forgiving and accepts back those who fall or fail and repent.
(b) He taught the people to share their surplus property with those in the
community who had needs. If you have two cloaks and your brother has none, give
the extra one to your brother. He also taught those who had food to share with this
who did not. This all tied with the Isaiah 58 fast.
(c) He proclaimed a judgement day on fruitless trees and warned people not to
rely on their physical heritage as safe grounds before Yahwah. If they bore no fruit
Yahwah would cut them down, physical seed of Abraham or not. This is historically
factual in Israel. God is moved to bless when Israel practised righteousness and
justice. He reproved even leaders for their transgressions of righteousness, through
transgressions of the Torah.
I assure you being circumcised on the eighth day will not help you one iota if you have a
stone heart and uncircumcised ears ( see King Saul). I also assure you that putting on Tefillin
and wearing Tzitzit which are there to remind you of the covenant and the Torah will not help
you one iota, if you are a thieving, adulterer, who curses, steals, covets his neighbour’s
possessions, bears false witness against his Messianic neighbour and blasphemes the name of
Jesus (Yeshua, Yehoshua the Son of God) and the Holy Spirit.
On the day of God’s wrath, breaking the covenant will not be forgiven because you wore
Tzizit and Tefillin and can recite Torah by heart. What is there to remind you does not
replace that which it is there to remind you of.
A king once gave his son a watch to remind him that at 7 am every morning he should go out
to the gate and do justice and righteousness. The King then told his son I am leaving for about
a month. Remember at Seven o clock every morning be ready at the gate to judge the people.
If you wear the watch you will not forget. After a month the king did not return. The son
began to over sleep. After a number of years the son forgot about judging the people and
used to sleep until 9-o clock. He went about just having a good time and making sure
everyone did just as he said and became very careful to be dressed just as he thought a king
should be dressed. Then he had a son. When his son grew up he passed on the watch. He told
his son it is very important that you wear this watch. Because my father before he left gave
me this watch. By it you can tell the time and all will know you are my son.
After a number of years the king returned. And he waited at the gate at 7-o clock. And he
waited all day and his son nor his son’s son never came. He went to the palace and asked his
son’s son. Why didn’t you come at 7-o clock? The grandson replied. “Come where for what?”
Such is the position of he who wears Tzitzit and does not do righteousness.

(iv) He taught the career people to do their jobs honestly. A righteous tax collector collects
only what he is ordered to. The soldiers are also given wise counsel as to how to act
righteously as soldiers. “Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely,
and be content with your wages. So all in their various careers could fulfil their careers
honestly. We need to teach these things to our children and friends.
(v) He preached the good news of repentance and forgiveness of sins to the people. However
although he was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth he did not have the power to baptise
others in the Holy Spirit.
(f) He taught humility by example by only doing his work and pointing to
Yehoshua as the one who would empower the people to walk in the fullness of
righteousness through the Holy Spirit.

(g) He taught his disciples how to pray. We need also to teach our children and
friends how to pray.
(h) So it is that today you are called to repentance. To forgiveness of your sins
forever in the name of the Messiah Yehoshua the Nazarene. You are called to receive
the Holy Spirit and to begin to do acts of righteousness and bear the fruit of
repentance. You are called to pray, to share, and to give to the poor. And all this as in
the sight of Yahwah, not man. In short you are called back to the Torah of Yahwah
not the Torah of men. Not because you are good but because Yahwah is merciful.
Here is a prayer to help you in returning to the pathway of Yahwah:
Heavenly Father, who made the heavens, the earth , the sea and all that in them is,
Grant us according to your riches in glory that we might
be strengthened with might by your Spirit in the inner man.
That Messiah may dwell in our hearts through faith (emunah),
That we being rooted and grounded in love
May together with all the Chodeshim (saints) be able to comprehend
The length and the breadth and the height and the depth
And to know the love of Messiah that surpasses knowledge
That we may be filled with all the fullness of God
Now to you oh Yahwah
Who are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above
All that we can ask or imagine through the power at work in us
To you be glory in the Kehilat (Church) through Messiah Yeshua,
Throughout all ages world with out end Amen.
And finally a daily prayer which will help lead you to truth.
Heavenly Father, Sanctify your name. Your will be done in my life
May I go where you want me to go, see what you want me to see,
Hear what you want me to hear, live as you want me to live
Love as you want me to love and walk as you want me to walk
Your will be done in my life today, I bind, break and destroy any plan, scheme or work
Of the evil one, of the devil which would seek to hinder your will being done in my life
Today, in the name of Yeshua the Messiah Amen.
The Oneness of God as revealed in the Tanakh

Dear Seeker of Truth,

As you read this meditation let us pray that Yahwah the God of truth (Elohei emet)
will lead you into all truth. We are commanded to love Yahwah our Elohim (God)
with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, let us pray for Yahwah's Spirit to enable
us to do this.
I write this response to the pamphlet as a way of learning more about the Creator, all
mankind will one-day worship. It is a critical response designed to bring the reader
closer to the truth of the teaching of the TaNaKhM (the Bible). For the sake of the
Rabbi, I will try to elucidate the ideas with only the Tanakh and Jewish authorities.
This to counter the accusation that the ideas contained were made up by Gentiles or
messengers of the Almighty who follow the Christian (Messianic ) faith.

The pamphlet, I am responding to, is labeled the "Absolute Unity of God". I would
like to ask why is it not entitled “The Unity or Oneness of Hashem”. Why is the term
Absolute in there at all? Does the term “Absolute Unity” come up anywhere at all in
the Tanakhm. If not, then is it possible that the writer is defending a concept of human
invention even as the title is of his own invention? Prophets wrote the Tanakh and
none of them used the Term "Absolute Unity", why not? I will tell you why I think
they did not, because the prophets wrote and spoke what Elohim told them to write or

speak. They wrote and spoke what Elohim wanted his people Israel and the Gentiles
called by his name to know. Anything added is elucidation in the hands of man. This
is permissible. But let us always remember the writings of the prophets carry a far
higher authority in determining truth than any of the writings which came afterwards,
by men who did not reach the level of prophecy in their teachings. So let us love
Yahwah our Elohim with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. And treat this as a
study of his teaching (Torah) out of our love for him.

The Written Torah and the Oral Torah

We must accept the written Torah as the highest authority. For we find, in by far the
majority of the cases, that when a prophet spoke or wrote whether Samuel or Malachi,
they appealed to the Torah as we have recorded in the five books of Moses, which we
can by God's grace still read today. They did not appeal to an unwritten Oral tradition.
So in this paper we will mainly follow the prophetic method of appealing either to the
Torah or to the writings of other prophets. If the Mishnah, Gemara or Midrash,
elucidate and do not contradict the five books of Moses, praise be to Yah we can learn
from them. However if the Oral Torah in any way contradicts the Written Torah, we
must side with the word of Moses and the prophets and in doing so we side with

When Joshua met the Angel of Hashem, before he lead the people to conquer Jericho
he asked the angel "Are you one of us or of our enemies?” The Angel replied. “No, I
am captain of the Yahwah’s host. Now I have come.”
Joshua had human concerns but the angel was moving on a whole different plane. It
was like the question was irrelevant because the angel didn't answer the question-
“Which side are you on?” because he was in charge of the whole thing. Now Joshua
was challenged to show which side was he on. He took off his shoes and was no
longer the one asking questions.

So it is with us. If the Oral Torah contradicts the Written Torah (The Torah of
Yahwah), we listen to the Written Torah and the Oral is subject to it. This process is
reasonable because with that which is written we can present very clear evidence that
what we have is what Moses or Joshua wrote. An Oral tradition is fine, however it
cannot be said to be as reliable as that which was written and maintained in a hard
copy. Moses was told by Yahwah to write the written Torah and why if an Oral
tradition would have been quite enough?

Why, if an Oral tradition would be as helpful as the written, did Yahwah choose to
write the 10 commandments with his own finger?
He had already spoken the words.
Why take the energy to write them and have them placed in the Ark?
Then we have the wonderful example of Yoshiyahu. An amazing career of turning a
whole nation back to the worship of Yahwah. However clearly according to the
Rabbis the Oral tradition would have been there from his childhood. However it was
when Hilkiah found the Scroll of the Torah in the temple and when it was read in the
ears of Yoshiyahu that the repentance of the nation was effected. It was the reading of
the Scroll of the Torah that touched that tender king’s heart. And Yahwah saw his
heart. After his repentance he sent to a prophetess to find out what needed to be done
about what had been read. Clearly if the Oral Tradition was present at that time it had

not the same effect on Yoshiyahu as the reading of the Written Torah had. Then we
read of his amazing reforms and they are all in accordance with the written Torah.

If an Oral tradition is as effective and of equal authority to a written tradition, why

was Jeremiah told to dictate and have Baruch Son of Neriah write all the words he
had received from Yahwah, about Judah and Jerusalem down on a scroll?
Yahwah said to Jeremiah that maybe if the people, through reading the words he had
received, might hear, understand and repent. The written word clearly carried an
authority the spoken word did not carry. At the end of every seven years the people
were told to read through the whole written Torah (They could not have read an oral
Torah) and every one was to listen. They were not told at the same time to recite the
Oral Torah as well.

Clearly that which was vitally important for the community, and for eternity, Yahwah
had written. And thanks to this more than two billion people have had opportunity to
come to a knowledge of the one true God of Israel. The followers of Yeshua through
their love for Elohim have lovingly translated the Tanakhm into thousands of
languages. As a result through their diligent work and love millions of people around
the earth now have an opportunity to turn from Idolatry and to worship the only true
Elohim, as Rambam admits in Hilchot Melachim). My family and I only learned of
the Eloah of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through the witness of the Christians. There
knowledge came through the written Tanach not an Oral tradition, although it was
through the preaching orally of that which has been written and handed down that we
come to a relationship with the living Elohim. As it is written by one source, “faith
comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Elohim”.
So let us love and thank Elohim for his mercies to all mankind in giving them the
written Tanakhm.

Tanakh the “Only Testament”?

(1) Why do you call the Tanakh the Only Testament? If we are seeking to correct
peoples’ errors we do not do this best by perpetuating erroneous terms. The word
testament has really nothing to do with Covenant. They certainly do not mean the
same thing. The Scriptures referred to by this term are best called Tanakh. And the
idea behind Old and New is really referring to the Jeremiah 31 prophecy. Where the
prophet Jeremiah is told by Yahwah to say:
" See a time is coming -declares Yahwah- when I will make a new covenant with the
House of Israel and the House of Judah"
Clearly here Jeremiah is prophesying something future. Since he uses the term "See a
time is coming"- he is clearly pointing to the future. He also commands the reader or
listener "to see" or "to behold". We then have to find out: When did Jeremiah make
this prophecy? and what are we to look for in Israel for the future?
It is clear we are to look for a Brit Chadasha, a New Covenant. We are to look for it in
the future, in the midst of the House of Israel and Judah. We need to recognise that
Jeremiah says New Covenant. However that would appear to suggest there was an
Old Covenant. Well we ask was there an old Covenant being referred to? Well,
Jeremiah contrasts this future covenant with a covenant made on a specific date in the
History of the Sons of Israel.
He says "It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers, when I took
by the hand to lead them out of Egypt"

So Jeremiah is telling us that future to early 6th century BCE Yahwah is planning to
make a covenant with the House of Israel. Jeremiah was writing around 900 years
after the covenant which the New Covenant is being contrasted with. A covenant is
sometimes called an agreement. It usually took place between two parties, in those
days usually between a sovereign and his vassals. Both parties took upon themselves
parts of the covenant. Now Yahwah says that Israel broke the covenant. That means
they did not keep their part of the covenant. In those days covenants came with a list
of the blessings for keeping the covenant and curses for breaking it. Yahwah said the
earlier covenant was a "covenant which they broke"

The Fathers of Israel and Judah broke the covenant

Then he goes on describe the characteristics of the future covenant. We only need to look over Israeli
history from 6th century BC onward to see if God has made any such covenant with the House of Israel
And if we find such a Brit Chadasha then we may have found what Jeremiah was
talking about. If one cannot see one in all the History of Israel from the 6th BC to
today this doesn't change the fact that Yahwah has promised one and his word never
returns to him with out accomplishing that for which he sent it forth. We need to
search the History of Israel from Jeremiah to today. Maybe we will find the covenant
among the Rabbis. Perhaps one of the Rabbis expounded such a covenant to Israel in
the second temple period when they were a nation again. If not we need to look at
Israel from lets say 1948 onwards when they were reborn as a nation. Has God made
a covenant with them since then?
We note that the covenant it is contrasted with, is the one established after they came
out of Egypt, not the one G-d made with Abraham. Abraham did not break his
covenant and the New Covenant will be made exactly because of the covenant
Yahwah made with Abraham which is an everlasting covenant. The covenant is a
covenant of the heart." I will put my teaching into their inmost being and inscribe
it upon their hearts." We note that because Elohim puts his Spirit in the heart of the
people of this covenant, it is a covenant which by its nature will not and perhaps can
not be broken. The first covenant failed because Israel broke it. This covenant is made
with the whole intention to improve on the weakness which was shown forth by the
first covenant. So by the Spirit of Elohim writing the Torah on the hearts and minds of
the people of the New Covenant, and causing them to walk in Yahwah's statues and
commandments it a covenant of Elohim with himself, in the Spirit of Messiah. It will
not be broken.
In the above quote the translator translates the word Torah as teaching. This is a
Jewish translation and it is showing that the word Torah means more than simply a set
of laws. We would expect this New Covenant to reflect this. After Israel received the
covenant, that they later broke they said "We Will Obey"

But by the time their children were entering the land of promise, Yahwah was saying
to Moses "You are soon to lie with your fathers. This people will thereupon go
astray after alien Elohim in there midst, in the land that they are about to enter;
they will forsake me and break my Covenant that I made with them.”
Then God gave Moses a song to witness against Israel for all time. In contrast to this the New
Covenant will be one which Israel will keep. Even as Yeshua son of Nun was with Israel when they
entered the land and although the people broke the covenant he and his house did not. He at the end of
his ministry had to tell the people:
"Now therefore, revere the Yahwah and serve him with undivided loyalty; put
away the Elohim that your forefathers served beyond the Euphrates and in
Egypt, and serve the Yahwah...but I and my household we will serve the
Now the people reply to Yeshua: "We too will serve the Yahwah, for he is our
But Yeshua son of Nun is a prophet and knowing their hearts replied " You will not
be able to serve the Yahwah, for he is a Holy Elohim."
During the time of Yeshua son of Nun, Israel and the elders who succeeded him, Israel served the
Yahwah. But still because of the Holiness of the Yahwah,
they as Yeshua said were not able to maintain the service of the Yahwah.

Who is the Yahwah and what unity is his unity?

Now we come to the crux of the issues we are dealing with. The unity of Elohim. We
need commentary by the prophets on this subject for the Spirit of the Yahwah and the
word of the Yahwah are our teachers, not man. So we will take the passages which
our Rabbi has chosen to support his understanding of the unity of Elohim. And we
will allow them to teach us.
Our Rabbi has used the teachings of the following prophets: Moses, Isaiah, Zechariah
and Amos. So he used the teachings of these four prophets out of the more than 17
prophets who have written books in the Tanakh, we will let two of these four prophets
illustrate their own teachings.
We can start by saying that we all agree that there is only one true Elohim, the Creator
of all things. The question is “Is their plurality in that Elohim as the Hebrew noun
Elohim would indicate? Is his true nature plurality in unity and unity in plurality?
Then the more specific question is: Does he have one uncreated Son who was with
him in creation? The Son goes under various titles such as the Word or the Wisdom or
Salvation of Elohim. And does he have a Spirit who was also there in creating the
universe, but like the Father and the Son, is also uncreated and remains Elohim,
forever. We know this all comes by revelation. We can not understand the infinite
Elohim with our finite minds.
Moses on Moses.
(1) "Hear Israel, Hashem is Our God , Hashem is the Only One."
Or another translation reads: "'Hear, O Israel! Yahwah is our God, Yahwah alone"
Or Transliterated " Shema Israel Yahwah Eloheinu, Yahwah Echad"
(Note Eloheinu is noun, masculine, plural with a first person, common, plural, suffix
. We point out that the word is plural. However because Yahwah goes on to say he is
one we know there is a unique unity being referred to here. Not only this but the word
is used as a plural in number more that one hundred times in the Tanakh (See Shmoth
20 and Tehillim 82). So the burden of proof as to the type of unity lies in the lap of
those who claim there is no plurality in the nature of Elohim. For the plurality is there
in the word Elohim and in the word Echad. These are words Elohim gave Moses to
communicate to Israel as to his nature. He is our authority. We must not pervert the

scriptures by the lying pen of the scribes, as people did in the time of Jeremiah. We
must listen to what Yahwah teaches us by his messengers and missionaries the
prophets. These are the missionaries given the mission to take the word of God to
Israel and the Goyim that are called by the name of Yahwah.
So the noun, Elohim here is plural. The proper noun, Yahwah, is singular. Here we
already see the richness of our Elohim. Echad is one of two words for one in Hebrew.
It denotes primacy according to one Rabbi and composite unity according to many
sources. The other word for one in Hebrew is Yachid which denotes indivisible unity.
If Moses wanted to remove all sources of plurality and in this case confusion he could
have used Yachid, then the Messianic Jew and the Gentiles called by his name would
have no case. But Moses did not, by the authority of Yahwah he used the word for
“one” which did not exclude plurality but included or implied it. An early example of
the use of the word Echad in the Torah, by Moses, is in Bereshit 2:24. Here it is said
“and they shall become Echad flesh”. So here we have two people, Adam and Eve
and yet they have become Echad flesh. Two people, one flesh. Now our Rabbi could,
based on his understanding of Echad shout and proclaim the absolute unity of the
flesh in marriage. But this oneness of flesh does not exclude the plurality of persons
included in that oneness.

So we can ask of the Torah of Moses certain questions regarding his understanding of
the Shema and the words included in it. We will find Moses a very good commentator
on Moses.
Does Yahwah always speak in the singular thus ensuring that our Rabbis concept
of absolute oneness is maintained throughout his writings?
The conversations with in Yahwah.
“Hear Israel Yahwah”
The answer to this question is no. Yahwah reveals to Moses that he spoke in the plural
more than once, thus pointing to plurality with in Elohim. The first scripture is
"Now Yahwah Elohim said "Now that the man has become like one of US."

But perhaps this was just a plural of majesty which the later Rabbis claim.

No No. Yahwah majesty resides eternally. If he speaks with such majesty he would do so at
all times. However in the same chapter Yahwah says to the serpent
"I will put emnity between you and the woman"
Here Yahwah is clearly speaking in the singular
Again he says to the Women
"I will make most severe your pangs in childrearing."
Again it is "I" singular as opposed to "Us" plural which Yahwah uses later.

Are there any other cases where Yahwah speaks in the plural ?
From Moses I will give you one more case:
While mankind was busy saying "Come let us make bricks...Come let us build a city,
and a tower with its top in the sky.."
Yahwah was responding " Let us then, go down and confound their speech, so that
they shall not understand one another’s speech"
So we have here many people saying "let us" and immediately we have Yahwah
saying "let us"
Both imply plurality in unity and unity in plurality. For it is said of the people they
were "Echad people" and it is said of Yahwah, "Yahwah is Echad".

We can note that when Yahwah speaks within Elohim he speaks with plurality "Let
us" When he speaks to man he speaks as singular "I will make of you a great nation"
This principle is not rigid for regarding Abraham, Yahwah said
"Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?"
So we see that Yahwah jumps between singular and plural when he is speaking with
in his divine being. To him who accepts revelation and not mans wisdom, it is clear
Elohim his consulting his Word and his Spirit. But to him who walks by mans
philosophy and not the wisdom of Elohim, what we say makes no sense.
This concludes our look at the name Yahwah and his speaking in the plural as
revealed to Moses. Yahwah then most certainly speaks in the plural. But does Elohim
speak in the plural?
The Conversations within Elohim
Hear Israel Yahwah Eloheinu.
We have already noted that this word can be analysed as the noun Elohim,
In construct form Elohei- with a first common plural suffix – nu- .
Of the noun Elohim we can say the following. It is used over 150 times in the
Tanakh as a number plural. That is, it was definitely used to refer to more that one
entity. In the first of the 10 commandments Yahwah states “You shall have no
Elohim besides me”. Here in the 10 commandments, Elohim is almost always
translated “gods’ and in one case “mighty ones”. It is clearly a plural word. Then we
go on to ask if Elohim ever speaks in the plural? The answer again is yes. We again
refer to Moses, Bereshit 1. And Elohim said “Let us make man in our image in our
likeness” And just in case some scribe would come along and say he was talking to
the ordinary angels, the scripture reiterates. “So Elohim created man in his image; in
the image of Elohim he created him; male and female he created them.” So here again
we see the clear statement linking plurality and unity together. The verb is in the form
of a 3rd person masculine singular. It is combined with a noun in the form masculine
plural. The first pronouns are plural pronouns ‘us and our’
And the final pronoun is singular “his”.
The powerful concept of the plurality in the unity of Elohim without any doctoring or
reinterpreting by man. Elohim speaks clearly and no more clearly than he does when
Moses clarifies Moses.
If the Oral Torah confirms the great light we have in Moses then praise Elohim we
can learn from the rabbis. But if they contradict the clear testimony of Moses in the
Torah, about Yahwah Elohim we must refrain from accepting their word.
The Shema
The Shema is seen as a commandment in both the Tanakh and the Messianic
Scriptures recording the New Covenant. It is not just any commandment. According
to the Messiah it is the greatest commandment. According to Rabbi Joseph. J. Fogel
“It is the most important part of our prayer service”
“It is the Rabbis who raised the six Hebrew words “ShemA Israel Yahwah Eloheinu Yahwah
EchaD” to a declaration of faith”

Kabbalah’s agreement with the New Covenant

The Ayin at the end of Shema and the Daleth at the end of Echad are in larger
text in the Torah than the rest of the Shema. The value of Ayin is 70 and the
value of Daleth is 4. Seventy is the number of the nations (Gen 10) and four is the
number of the cardinal points of the compass. How can we understand this then.
It can be interpreted that the unity of Yahwah is not just to be heard by Israel,
but through them this knowledge is to spread to the all 70 nations at the four
corners of the earth.

Hear O Nations, Yahwah Eloheinu Yahwah is One in all the earth. Will be the cry
when the knowledge of the only true Elohim has finished spreading itself among all
nations by virtue of his Messiah Yeshua and the Yehudim and the Goyim called by
his name.
I would like to quote from a message I wrote on the Secrets of the Gospel to illustrate
how the Kaballah agrees with the Tanakh and New Covenant revelation of God.
“Gematria is a method of kaballah, based on the relative values of hebrew words. Every letter in the
hebrew alphabet is a number. Consequently every word in the scripture has a number. In the New
Testament it is the same for the Greek words. I will give 3 examples.
The number of the name of the Beast in the Revelation is said to add to 666. So when we know his
name will be able to confirm by taking each letter of his name and finding their numerical value.
The name of Yeshua in the Tanakh comes under two heads. (I) Yehoshua or Y.H.I.Sh.A and,
The first equals 391 and the second 386. Y=10 H=5 I = 6 Sh=300 A=70.
The name of Yahwah YHWH is 26 Y= 10 H=5 W= 6 H= 5
Notariqon comes from a Greek word meaning short hand. There are two forms to this method of
Kaballah. The first is where each letter of a word is taken as the initial letter of another word. So in this
case the particular word will become an Acronym for a sentence. We will use the first word of the
Bible for illustration of this method. The first word is B-R-A-Sh-I-T, (in the beginning of)
the Jewish qabalist has made the following sentence from these letters:
(a) Berashit Rahi Elohim Sheyequeblo Israel Torah.
In the beginning the Elohim saw that Israel would accept the Torah.
And some Jewish Kabalists began to follow Yeshua the Mashiach after seeing the following sentences
were developed in the same way with the same letters:
(b) Ben, Ruach, Ab, Shaloshethem Yechad Themim.
The Son, The Spirit, The Father, Their Trinity, Perfect Unity.
(iii) Ben, Ruach, Ab, Shaloshethem Yechad Thaubodo
The Son, The Spirit., The Father You shall equally worship their Trinity
(d) Bekori, Rashuni, Asher, Shamo Yeshua Thuabodo.
You shall worship my first born, my first whose name is Yeshua
(v) Beboa Rabban Asher Shamo Yeshua , Thaubado
When the master shall come whose name is Yeshua you shall worship.
(f) Bethula Raviah Abachar Shethaled Yeshua Thrashroah.
I will chose a virgin worthy to bring forth Yeshua , and you shall call her blessed.
(g) Baugoth Ratzephim Assatar Shegophi Yeshuah Thakelo
I will hide myself in cake (baked with) coals, Ye shall eat Yeshua my body.
The last six examples have come from a certain Solomon Meir Ben Moses who turned to Yeshua in
(a)If we look at the first three letters of the Torah we see they are B-R-A, this
Kabalistically can be read Son (Ben), Spirit (Ruach) and Father (Abba). They are also
the root of the verb to Created Bara, he created. Pointing to the one God, Son, Spirit
and Father, as creator.(b)The Tanakh is written in two languages, Hebrew and
Aramaic. The word for Son in Aramaic is BaR. Again we see the first two letters of
the Torah pointing to the Son.
© In the alephbet the Jewish Kabalistic Rabbi’s always take Aleph as a symbol for
God, because its number is one. However they then go on to look at the shape of the
letter. And without fail they say it is made of three parts. Rabbi J. Immanuel
Schochet, Phd follows this process in the intorduction to Gutman G. Locks Spice of
Gematria. He says “The first letter of the aleph-bet is aleph. Its Gematria is one. The
aleph is written combining a Yod, a Vav and a Yod which equals 26. The Gematria of
God’s name is 26 thereby revealing God is one”. So to Rabbi Schochet the very three
parts of Aleph reveal the oneness of God. This process of breaking aleph up into three
parts I have seen repeated numerous times by many Rabbis. So the revelation of
God’s unity in the New Covenant is completely consistent with what the Rabbi’s
teach among themselves. Even if they deny it to truth seekers and Christians they
must know the plain truth in their hearts.

Rav Shimon Bar Yochai agrees with the New Covenant
Now we will have a look at what the Zohar has to say about Yahwah. This is the
explanation of a Jewish Rabbi Shimon Bar Jochai (Sohar Vol iii).
“Eliezer’s father said to him: Come and see the mystery of the word, Yahuwah: there
are three steps, each existing by itself; nevertheless they are One, and so united that
one cannot be separated from the other”
Does this not sound very much like the New Covenant revelation of Yahwah?
In the same vol of the Zohar page 288 the Rabbi continues:
“The Ancient Holy One is revealed with three Heads, which are united in one and
that head is thrice exalted. The Ancient Holy One is described as being Three; it is
because the other Lights emanating from Him are included in the Three”
So now we have a background to understand the other writings of Moses our Rabbi
“Know therefore this day and consider it in your heart that Yahwah he is Elohim.”

Isaiah on Isaiah.
“I am He, before me no El was created, neither shall there be after me.” 43:10
“Thus says Yahwah, the King of Israel,
and his Redeemer, Yahwah of Hosts; I am the First and the Last, and beside me there
is no Elohim.” (Is 44:6).
“I am Yahwah and there is no one else”
Let us love him for who He is, let us lovingly meditate on the King of Israel, the
Redeemer of Israel, Yahwah,Yahwah Tzvaoth and his unique unity.
So we can again consult the writings of the prophet Isaiah on the peshat level to see if
he is consistent with the plurality in unity of Elohim as revealed to us through Moses.
As it was said to one person we cannot even think to understand the Great and
Awesome Elohim who created the universe. How can a finite man understand an
infinite Elohim. It is impossible. As one writer has said. “ in the wisdom of Elohim
the world through its wisdom did not come to know Elohim”.
So all the great thinking Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and others who set
up many thinking systems of logic and philosophy, did not come to know Elohim. But
Daniel in having the Spirit of Elohim was able to understand mysteries which all the
wise men of Babylon could not come close to. So it is that we as men are dependent
on the Spirit of Elohim to reveal Elohim to us. In our own thinking we stand little
chance of comprehending the Awesome truth of Elohim’s unique unity. There is no
unity like his unity and this is not surprising because he is beyond anything we have
ever come across in the world, he is the thrice Holy one the thrice separated one
according to the song of the burning ones (Seraphim).
Let us as we study the scriptures love Yahwah with all that we are.

So does Isaiah agree with Moses in showing the different aspects of Yahwah Elohim?
I say this, that if any prophet came who spoke contrary to Moses and tried to draw the
people after another god who is in fact no god, under the Moses administration , then
they would need to be put to death.
“I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of Yahwah, the praises of Yahwah,
according to all that Yahwah has granted us and according to the great goodness
toward the House of Israel….. For He said Surely they are my people, Sons who will
not deal falsely, So he became their Saviour (Moshia).

In all their affliction he was afflicted. And the angel of his presence saved them; In his
love and in his mercy, He redeemed them; And he lifted them and carried them all the
days of old.
But they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit.”
So here we see that he is first Father because he called his people Sons. We see that
he became Moshia(Saviour). This is also the role of the Messiah Yeshua. Finally it is
Et Ruach Chodeshu, (His Holy Spirit) that they rebelled against. So here we have
again clear support of the plurality in the unity of Elohim. Some commentators say
that the Holy Spirit is a certain level of godliness in the path of the Just. They place
him between Chassidut and the Revival of the dead. However the Tanach does not
teach this, although the Holy Spirit has taken this role in the history of redemption.
Here, in the text, it is his (Yahwah's) Holy Spirit. We know that Yahwah is Holy and
therefore it is no surprise that the Spirit of Yahwah will also be Holy. Since it is His, it
is one with him. When the Spirit of Yahwah comes on people they can begin to
prophesy words of Elohim.
We move to Isaiah 12:
God is my Yeshua
I will give thanks to thee. O Yahwah…
Behold El is my Yeshua,
I will trust and not be afraid for Yah Yahwah is my strength and song and has become
to me Yeshuah.”
So here again we see that Yahwah at some point reveals himself as Yeshua which
means salvation.
This verse just shows us that El is my Yeshua. This is a song individuals from Israel
who receive Yeshua as their great El and Moshia, sing today. It is in the singular
because individuals an Israelite remnant are repenting today. When the whole of
Israel turns the whole song will be different.
Isaiah 48:15-16
I, even I, have spoken; indeed I have called him,
I have brought him and He will make his ways successful.
Come near to me, Listen to this:
From the first I have not spoken in secret,
From the time that it took place I was there.
And now Adonai Yahwah has sent me,
And his Spirit.
Again the threefold aspect of Elohim is shown.
Let us then love Yahwah as he is, not as we imagine him to be.
We will not repeat all the points about the plurality of the noun Elohim. This was
established in our commentary on Moses. However we note that El is a singular noun
referring to Yahwah. As contrasted with Elohim which is a plural noun.

The accusation against Christian messengers

Our Rabbis goes on to say, “we see just how deceitful and evil the Christian
missionaries are. They prey on the ignorant and the uneducated, by feeding them lies
and distortions about G-d and the Messiah”
Here we have a very strong accusation by the Rabbi against people he calls “Christian
As Messiah has said “ For every idle word a man speaks he will have to give an
account for it on the day of judgement” So firstly we can say that the Rabbi will be

judged for his accusations. He is upset because he says “Christianity and their
fraudulent, missionaries believe that G-d is divided into three parts”
Well we have seen above from Moses and the way G-d revealed himself to him that
the main common noun referring to G-d is plural. We find from Isaiah, three roles
Father, Saviour, and Holy Spirit and Rabbi Shimon Bar Jochai that there is a
revelation of “three steps” or “three heads” in Elohim or in Yahwah. So these
teachings are firstly prophetic and secondly shown to originate with the Jewish Rabbis
who wrote the Zohar. Since it is claimed that the Zohar contains some secrets of the
Torah, our Jewish friend will put the teaching squarely on the head of Moses. So our
Christians are really being honest to Moses the prophets and the faithful Rabbis when
they teach their revelation of Elohim.

We believe that Yeshua the Mashiach is the Son of the living God, heir to the nations
and rightful possessor of the earth and the heavens, King of the Kingdom of the
Elohim Amen. (NYSA)

(To receive the promises in this message you need to BELIEVE them in your heart
and SPEAK them with your mouth.)
This message is written so that you may believe in Yeshua the Mashiach the Son of
the living God and so receive eternal life in his name.

Adonai Yahwah (God of truth) requires all mankind to grow in their knowledge of
Him. There are three simple stages in this process. To experience them you have to
be trusting as a child, your intellect will not win this day.
(1) Positive commandment (mitzvah) 1 in the name of Mashiach: Repentance,
Return or Tshuvah unto the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, The Lord
Return or repentance is a real blessing granted to Jew and non Jew by God. As Rav
Kook says of one who returns “The spirit of holiness reverberates around him like a
bell and he is informed that all of his trangressions are effaced, those known to him as
well as those of which he is unaware, for he is created anew as a new creature” We
preach repentance in the name of Mashiach and “therefore if any man be in Mashiach
there is a new creature, the old things have passed away behold all things have

become new” we are privileged in the Mashiach to start all over again even as a little

All men and women everywhere are now commanded and granted permission by
Yahwah (God of Truth) to return to him. If they refuse and drop dead, they will not
enter the Kingdom of God, the world to come, Jew or Gentile.
(a) This return means you will begin today, to Love Yahwah, God of truth, with all
your heart, mind, soul and strength.
For example we will no longer live for ourselves but we will begin to lean on and
trust in Yeshua the Nazarene, the Beloved son of the God of truth, for every aspect of
our lives. We will completely give our lives over to Yeshua, Yahwah’s Mashiach,Son
of God and by his power we will become sons of God.
(a1)One prophet prophesied this event saying “Where it is said to them “You are not
my people (God being speaker) it will be said to them “Sons of the living God”. This
is fulfilled today in the Tzaddik Yeshua the Nazarene, in that it is written “To those
who received him he gave them the power to becomes Sons of God” that is becoming
children born by God’s Spirit. The Kingdom of heaven will take over the whole earth,
it is spiritual so to see it or enter it you have to be born, not just of flesh but of the
Holy Spirit. No one who does not reach the level of Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth,
will inherit a portion of the world to come.

(a2)A saint also spoke of this work in the soul of mankind saying “I have been
crucified with Mashiach, I live no longer I, but Mashiach lives in me. The life I now
live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself
for me”. This is the confession of every true holy one, made holy by the Spirit of God
and made righteous by believing on the name of the Mashiach, Yahwah Yeshua.
(a3) When we return to Yahwah (God), Mashiach will come and live in our hearts by
us having faith (emunah) in his teaching and receiving his Spirit (by praying for it) to
enable us to grow in his love. This process is called being made holy and starts with
the spiritual milah (circumcision) of the heart, ears and eyes. This is the circumcision
of the Kingdom of Heaven. If this does not take place we will never be joined to the
people of the Kingdom of Heaven, the “Am Yeshua” who are filling the earth and the
heavens more and more every day.
“If you love me” says the Mashiach, you will keep my mitzvoth (commandments).
And Yahwah says in the covenant of Horeb that he is “Showing Chesed (loving
kindness) to thousands (of generations) who love me and keep my mitzvoth
Of the milah (circumcision) of the Kingdom it is written “Yahwah your God will
circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed to love Yahwah your God with all
your heart and with all your soul in order that you may live” (Due 30). If we refuse
this gift of milah we will not enter the Spiritual Kingdom of God.
We note that this is not a milah made with hands in the physical body. This is a
circumcision made by Yahwah on the heart of the people who have been gathered
from the ends of the earth and are described as outcasts. The 2 step process is firstly
the ingathering to the Land of Israel followed by a returning to God, by the Holy
Spirit. In Israel, secular and Orthodox Israelites, are gathered in but all need the heart
circumcision performed by the greatest Mohel, Yahwah. This circumcision is for
males and females.
(a4) The life style followed after this milah will mean:

*We will always as a first priority seek first the Kingdom of God his justice and
righteousness. These two characterise the expression of the love of God since they are
the foundation of his throne. In Mashiach we become the righteousness of God.
Righteousness is to believe the promises of the word of God and to obey the
instructions of the word of God (including Tanakh and the New Covenant revelation
of the Kingdom of God).
Since the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
we will always be rejoicing, always praying and always thankful for everything in
the name of Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach. (NC1)
We will think on things which are above in heaven “whatever is true, whatever
is honourable, what ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is loveable and
gracious, whatever is of good reputation, if there is any excellence, and if anything
worthy of praise” we will let out mind dwell on these things. (NC1/2)
*We will bow to and serve no image of anything in heaven above, on the earth
beneath or under the earth, physically or in our Spirit. This includes such things as
money, fame, man made honour, women or men. (NC1/2)
*We will not import hindu meditation methods, invented by demons, and dress them
up in garments of Judaism, forgetting their origin, and teach them to the unwary and
searching. All such methods do not originate in truth but deception and must be left
behind in favour of prayer from the Spirit of God. (NC1/2)
* Speaking peace with the mouth and having hatred in the heart is not acceptable. “He
who hates disguises it with his lips. But he lays up deceit in his inward part. When he
speaks graciously do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart.
Though his hatred covers itself with guile.” This is especially a problem in the land of
Israel today. Of many Orthodox Jews against Gentiles and Palestinian leaders against
Israeli’s. Such practices will bar a person from entry to the Kingdom of God, if they
refuse to return to Yahwah (God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ) God of truth, God
who is love. (NC3/6)
*We will not deny God’s son and make God out to be a liar. To deny that Yeshua is
revealed as God’s Beloved Son is to follow a lie. Such who follow the lie will not
enter the Kingdom of the Son of his love, if they are made aware of it and refuse to
listen, for Israel it is a mitzvah to believe in the Mashiach. (NC9)
*We will listen to and trust in no medium or astrologer, charm, star signs (which
originates in Babylon, or tarot card. Even if something they say comes to pass we
know since there source of information is demons and not the Holy Spirit, it will
ensnare the heart and allow demons entrance into the heart and the heart of the
children. All occult phenomena and practices should be avoided and prayer to
Yahwah for wisdom and understanding should take their place. (NC1/2
We will not add hindu teachings such as reincarnation, to the Tanakh. No
where in the Torah is such an idea taught, therefore it is not the portion of the
people of Yahwah. Again it is born of deception and leave one cold and outside
the Kingdom of heaven.
We will not put Father or Mother, brother or sister, husband or wife, culture or
religion or book before the truth revealed to us about God and his Son, by the
Holy Spirit, in the Tanakh and the New Covenant writings. The Kingdom of God
revealed in the New Covenant and prophesied in the Tanakh is above the level of
the Aaronic priesthood. A high priest of Aaron was not even allowed to defile
himself be burying his close relatives, how much more must one get his priorities
right who is entering the Kingdom which knows no death.

We will not blaspheme God, the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit. We will
not use his name as a swear word.
We will not take Yahwah’s name in vain by joining the covenant and then
going around blatantly breaking the covenant, by commiting adultery, stealing,
murdering, coveting and bearing false witness. Bowing down to and Serving
things like money, fame, or our own concepts of God, which are not the Creator.
And making up concepts of God which are not revealed in scripture and which
require us to twist the plain meaning of scripture out of all proper sense, just to fit
the concepts we have been taught.
In all this Truth (EMET) takes a very high position as criteria. Once something
is shown by the revelation of the scripture to be a lie or a deception we leave it
behind by the power of truth we are freed from it.
We will boast only in the fact that we understand and know Yahwah that he
works lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth for in these things he
delights. We note it is not just among our people but on earth, which is where the
Kingdom of God will rule.
Our heart will completely love God the Father…through his Son and by his
Holy Spirit he will come and live in us and give us a guarantee of an inheritance
in the world to come. We will become his temple, and we will seek his glory
always in the name of his Son Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach.
(B) We will begin to love our neighbour as ourselves:
We will speak to one another in Psalms, hymns of thanksgiving and sing
spirutual songs.
We will support one another in prayer and words of encouragement to
continue to walk with Mashiach and to let his Spirit rule in our lives to God’s
We will speak the truth to one another in love, avoiding all lieing, gossip,
coarse joking, malicious comments and tale bearing.
We will not use the deceptive tongue where we speak peace but think hatred.
We will support those who are more needy than ourselves.
We will not judge harshly, for the Spiritual man can judge all things, but the
Spirit is one of grace.
We will build one another up and plant good seeds of gracious words in the
lives of those around us.
We will not judge the world (yet) because God will judge the outsiders. We
will seek to receive justice from God, and we will not avenge our selves.
We will walk in forgiveness. We will not act in violence nor desire violence
on another, rather we will pray that the evil one in them will be destroyed so that
they too can enter the Kingdom of God.
We would seek peace and pursue it by seeking to do good and to keep our
tongue from speaking evil.
We will pray for Yahwah to send messengers to the unbelieving world so that
they too can have an opportunity of repentance unto life.
We will not seek to dominate but to serve in the way God leads us.
If we love our neighbous as our selves, we will not steal from them but seek to
give to those in need. We will not commit adultery with their wives but seek to
encourage them in having a good marriage. We will not lie to them but speak the
truth in love. We will not use them for fornication but pray for them to receive the
right marriage partner. We will not covet their possessions but seek to share ours

with them. We will not gossip about them but pray for their best. We will not
slander them but pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out so that we will all change.
We will love our enemies by feeding them if they are hungry, praying for
them if they persecute us, so that they can repent and come to a knowledge of the
We will seek to help all mankind grow in their love toward God the Father and
Yahwah Yeshua Mashiach, by the Holy Spirit. This will bring great blessing on
them and us. (Deu 28)
Incidentally these two commandments are impossible to keep in your own strength so
God the Father in his grace (undeserved mercy or favour) will enable you to grow
gradually to the place where you will keep them by His Holy Spirit. In the name of
the Son he will do two things for us.
(2) God will Forgive and Remove our sins by his Grace in Mashiach Yeshua.
This means God will literally remove all the sins we have committed from the day we
were born to the day we are born again and enter the New Covenent, by believing on
Yeshua, Yahwah’s Mashiach, who is the New Covenant. You in turn will forgive all
who have ever hurt you. You will die to these old attitudes in the cleansing waters of
the hope (mikveh) of Yeshua. All your sins will be washed away because of his blood
shed on the tree (cross). It is prophesied of the New Covenant “their sins and their
lawless deeds I will remember no more” (Jer 31). And of the Mashiach it is written
“I will also make you a light of the Goim so that my Yeshua (salvation) may be to
the ends of the earth…Thus says Yahwah, the redeemer of Israel, its Holy One,
to the despised One, to the One Abhored by the nation (of Israel)…I will keep
you and give you as a COVENANT (brit) of the people (of Israel).”
As you can see there is only one who has been despised by the nation of Israel over
history and become light of the Goim. This one is Yeshua and his people Am Yeshua.
In this prophecy Yeshua is spoken to by Yahwah “You are my servant Israel (He
will rule with El) in whom I will be glorified….in order that Israel (the nation)
might be gathered to him (to Yahwah).
In establishing the New Covenant which you will now enter if you return, Yeshua
said “This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for
forgiveness of sins”
By faith in the shed blood of Mashiach, we, Israel and the Goim, receive the
forgiveness of sins.
We can ask the question, can the Goim join this covenant and the answer is given by
the Prophet Isaiah “Preserve Justice and do righteousness for my Yeshua
(salvation) is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed (note this
prophecy is years after the Torah is given but its speaks of a future
righteousness). How blessed is the man who does this (Note it does not say Jew,
so it applies to all mankind) and the son of man who takes hold of it. Who keeps
from profaning the sabbath, and keeps his hand from doing any evil. Let not the
foreigner (necar) who has joined himself (through covenant) to Yahwah say
“Yahwah will surely separate from his people…the foreigners who join
themselves to Yahwah, to (sharat) ministewr to him ,and to love the name of
Yahwah, to be his servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath
(here it is clear goim are permitted to keep sabbath) and hold fast to my
covenant, even those I will bring to my holy mountain and make then joyful in
my house of prayer…for my house will be called a house of prayer for all

So it is clear this covenant is for Jew and Gentiles and brings Yeshua (salvation) to
all. The believing community is one and in the end all will honor shabbat the way
Yahwah wants it honoured.
The righteousness of God is for mankind not just for natural Israel. We have this in
the true Church. This was Mashiach’s prayer in Gethsemane that the whole Mashianic
community would be one as he and his Father are one.

Stage 3: God will give us the Holy Spirit. (The guarantee of eternal life).
(One) When we ask God, by praying out loud, with our whole heart, he will give us
his Holy Spirit. He will pour the love of God into our lives and cause the same
character that is in Yeshua the Mashiach to be formed in us. This means the inside
of us is completely recreated. We become NEWLY BORN.
(Two) In the same way that a gentile who became a proselyte to Judaism in the
second temple period was considered to be like a newly born child (see Ency
Judaica. Proselyte) so any one who wants to enter the Kingdom of God, Jew or
Gentile, will become like a Newly Born Child.
(c)God’s Kingdom and Torah are Spirit, so is God. By being born again we can see
and enter God’s kingdom and uphold the Torah God, in its true meaning, not
according to the letter which is impossible, but according to its nature Spirit.
(d)We can love Yahwah in these redemption generations when Yahwah circumcises
out heart. Says Yahwah “I will put my Spirit upon you and cause you to walk in
my Chuqqim (statutes) and Mishpatim (judgements). Or again “I will pour out
my Spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy your old men
dream dreams and your men see visions”.
(e)The only community on earth exhibiting all these spiritual blessing at this present
time on earth is the Spirit filled communities of believers in the Mashiach Yeshua.
These taste the Mashianic age before it takes over completely.
(f)By being filled, led and taught by the Spirit we gain inheritance in God’s kingdom
which will ultimately take over the earth completely. We will reign with Yeshua the
Mashiach forever in a Melchizedek priesthood.
(g)We speak Shalom to the nations in his name and the weapons of our warfare are
the weapons of the Sons of Zion. They include songs: prayer, praise, prophecy,
preaching and Psalms powerfully proclaimed. “I will raise up your sons oh Zion
against your sons oh Greece” (Zech) . Most of the education and government in this
day are sons of the Greek intellectual systems. But Greece did not touch the music.
(h)The way of our peace and victory is the way shown by Hezekiah and Isaiah. Prayer
and Song. Hezekiah prayed and Isaiah sung a prophecy. So it will be that the sons of
Zion will overcome the sons of Greece through prayer, prophesy and praise.
(i)If you join the Mashianic community you join the sons of Zion. “For I will bend
Judah as my Bow and I will fill the bow with Ephraim.” This prophecy is fulfilled
on a number of levels. Judah represented the southern Kingdom and Ephraim the
northern Kingdom. Yeshua who was of Judah, a Son of David. Went to the north in
Galilee and picked up his disciples up there in the north and trained them for the
Spiritual battle. It was they who began the battle against the Sons of Javan or Greece.
They were born as a community on Mount Zion in 30 AD and now have reached to
every nation under heaven. They were sent forth by Yeshua of the tribe of Judah.
(j)A second way of reading this prophecy is in the meaning of the words. Judah means
praise and Ephraim relates to fruitfulness. So God will take his bow of praise and fill
it with fruitfulness. And we see this right at the birth of the church. When this
daughter of Zion was born in 30 CE, they were born when God poured out the source

of the Torah, the Holy Spirit on the community of 120 believers who were
worshipping God in Zion. The Torah is Spirit and radiates Holiness and its source is
the Holy Spirit of God who is also the means whereby we can obey the Torah
according to its true meaning as a life giver. When these people went out into the
streets people said what they heard. “We hear them in our own tongues speaking of
the mighty deeds of God” (Acts) There were men from every nation under heaven
there. And it is taught by the Rabbis that the Torah was revealed in seventy languages
which is also the number of the nations at the time of the creation of the nations. So
the disciples began to praise God supernaturally through the Holy Spirit. And so it is
today among millions of followers of Yeshua around the world. On that same Shavout
30 AD, 3000 people believed the message and were born again into God’s Kingdom
as sons and daughters of Zion. So the bow of praise became fruitful. Now if we count
the number of Israel and Nations who have entered God’s kingdom since then we will
find the number is so great it is like trying to count the stars of heaven. In fact the
number doesn’t stand still. By the time you’ve finished counting, another few
thousand will have been added. Not only that but the rate of fruitfulness increased.
For we count the number of Shavuots from 30 CE to 2000 CE we have 1970. This
multiplied by 3000 is 5,910,000. However the number of believers in the earth alone
today is well over 591,000,000. That is that first Shavuot multiplied more than 100
times. So we see that praise has indeed become fruitful. This was all achieved by the
Spirit. So the mitzvah for the believers is to ‘Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to
one another in Psalms, hymn and Spiritual songs making melody in your hearts
to Yahwah”. This is our main weapon against the intellectual and warmongering
forces of Greece. We will sing our way to the peace of the Kingdom of God
overcoming with the tongue (386) through Yeshua (386).
To be born again and filled with the Spirit, your key is humble, persistent, faithfilled
prayer. As they say in one ministry you need to PUSH, Pray Until Something

You might pray the following

Holy Father of our Lord Yeshua, the Mashiach. Maker of the heavens, the earth,
the sea and all that is in them. I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach is your son.
The Son of the only true and living God.
I renounce Satan and all his works. I, by your grace, turn away from all sin and
ask you for grace to live by the Spirit and by faith in your Word and for your
Glory from now on.
I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach was crucified and died so that I a might be
completely forgiven for all of my sins. And that I might come out from the curse
written in the Torah which says “Cursed is the man who does not confirm all the
words of this book of the Torah by doing it”. I know the Torah is eternal so this
curse still stands.
I admit that I have failed to do all the words and mitzvoth of the Torah and so
need the forgiveness and release from this curse, by the fact that Yeshu
Mashiach took the curse in himself at his crucifixion. As it was written in the
Torah “Cursed is he who hangs on a tree” as Yeshua did.
I thank you heavenly Father for the forgiveness which came from this love of
I ask you for grace to be immersed in water, whether in a mikveh or a river or
somewhere else to identify with his death and burial and to be immersed by faith
into Mashiach. I understand that this means the death of my old sin life and the

washing away of all my sins forever. As your word says “Their sins and there
lawless deeds I will remember no more” and that you forgive “sin, iniquity
transgression” and I understand that this is one way I can call on the name of
Yahwah and be saved. I will by your grace, do this as soon as is practical.
I believe that Yeshua the Mashiach was raised from the dead on the third day
and understand that this represents the new spiritual life that I am receiving by
believing completely on Yeshua and his blood alone, not my own works, in order
to receive eternal life and to be saved from sin and hell. As it is written “by his
knowledge my righteous servant shall make many righteous”.
I thank you that now I have a place in the resurrection of the righteous who
receive an inheritance in the Kingdom of Mashiach and God.
I thank you that I am now forgiven of my sin and my spirit is now born again
because I have believed the gospel, that is the good news about Yeshua and the
coming of your Kingdom to take over the whole earth and to fill it with the
knowledge of your glory. Even as Joseph had control over Egypt so Yeshua has
control over heaven and earth.
I ask for grace, right now to leave this wicked and perverse generation and to
join the community of Yeshua the Mashiach son of the living God. I ask for
grace to find a local group of believers to help me grow in love, in rejoicing in
thankfulness, in prayer and in my knowledge of your Mashiach, your Word and
you, through the Spirit.
I ask you now to keep your promise in the Tanakh and the New Covenant and to
immerse me with your Holy Spirit. Just as the believers were immersed on
Shavuoth 30CE in Jerusalem or lead me to someone who can lay hands on me so
that I can receive the Holy Spirit immersion. I also ask you to circumcise my
heart by the Spirit as you promised in the Torah in Dvarim 30 “Yahwah your
God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed”.
I ask you to do this so that I may cry from my heart with your other saints or
children ABBA Father or Yeshua he is Lord. Thank you Heavenly Father that
you always keep your word.
So I accept now that whatever happens I am being filled with your Holy Spirit. I
bind break and destroy and plan scheme or work of the enemy which would seek
to hinder your work in my life.
In the name and by the merit of Mashiach Yeshua. Amen.

Now the Spirit of truth,sonship, adoption,love, power, self control, wisdom,

understanding, counsel might, knowledge and the fear of Yahwah, in short the Spirit
of Mashiach and God will begin to lead you into all truth and teach you everything
about Mashiach If you need to understand or know anything or if you need anything
you pray and ask God, your Father about it. Your life from now is always rejoicing,
thankfulness and thanksgiving for everything and ceaseless prayer and praise.
Through this God will begin to change you character, by his grace, to be like
Mashiach. Here is a daily prayer which will help.
“Heavenly Father, your will be done in my life today. May I go where you want
me to go, see what you want me to see, hear what you want me to hear, speak
what you want me to speak. Love as you want me to love, live as you want me to
live and walk as you want me to walk. Your will be done in my life today. I bind,
break and destroy any plan, scheme or work of the enemy which would seek to
hinder your will being done in my life today.
In the name of Yeshua Amen.

What would Yeshua say? 8 woes 14 blessings 3rd March 1987

It came to me yesterday, walking the streets of Stockholm

What would Yeshua say to the Evangelical Christians today?
Would he say

Woe to you, Pentecostals, hypocrites, for you exalt the way of tongues to heaven
Whereby you speak forth and receive your individual joy,
But forget the weightier matters of the New Covenant
To love your neighbour as yourself and to love Yahwah your God with all your heart,
mind, soul and strength.

Woe to you evangelicals, for you come to the people with the words of salvation and
lordship, and yet your actions deny the words you utter, emptying them of their
meaning, you should have spoken the words and lived by them, then you would have
been blessed by my Father.

Woe to you evangelicals, for you go around with eyes open looking for specks in
men’s eyes when your eyes are full of logs and your personal visions sorrowfully

Then maybe some Charismatic would come along and say:

“But Lord you condemn us also by your words”
Would the Lord then turn to him and say

Woe to you Charismatics, hypocrites, for you sing your boasts with loud voices, and
in mighty throngs, with clapping and dancing, and yet your life belies your words. For
you are pitifully poor when it comes to weightier matters of the New Covenant, love,
righteousness and justice

Woe to you evangelicals , hypocrites, for you spend your whole life talking about
grace and you forget the fear of Yahwah.

Woe to you Charismatics, for you give the appearance of a great love among you,
wherein the ignorant are deceived, where really there is jealousy and strife, and all
sorts of things which defile a man.

Woe to you Charismatics for often times for your own scheming and your own ill,
you have covered your eyes to the truth and continued blindly on your own path.

Woe to peoples who call themselves by the name Christ, for you take my word and
use it for your own ends, twisting and adding to it.

Repent then, all of you who are hypocrites and turn unto Yahwah God of Israel, for he
is waiting for you in his steadfast love.

Or would he say:

Well done, good and faithful servants, for you have kept before me a willing heart and
you have been ready in my day of battle.

Well done good and faithful servants, for in spiritual things you have strived for the
right proportion of what it is good for you to do. You have exalted the way of the love
of God and exalted the way of love for your neigbour. You have kept yourself from
immorality and not indulged yourself in the way of flesh or death.

Well done good and faithful servants, for you have acknowledged me before the
world, you have let your light so shine before men, that they have seen your good
works and glorified me Father in heaven.

Well done good and faithful servants for you have seen with a single eye and have not
had double vision with doubt. You have acted in the light of faith and acknowledged
my Father, in all your ways, and indeed he has made your paths straight and because
of this you are blessed.

Blessed are you because you have loved me and kept my mitzvoth.

Blessed are you because you know my Father.

Blessed are you because you are house of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are you because you have acted faithfully to my words

Blessed are you because you have acted faithfully toward one another.

Blessed are you because loyalty, faithfulness and trusting in God have not forsaken

Blessed are you because the Kingdom of God is in your home.

Blessed are you because you have lived by words proceeding from my Father’s

Blessed are you because I will lead you up Mount Zion to dwell in the presence of my
Father and he with you.

Blessed are you oh faithful ones.

Let him who reads know and understand this, That I am Yahwah who judges the
peoples with justice. Know then that the way of life awaits you and I am calling you
to myself. Turn to me then, and you will find rest for your souls, turn to me and I will
make you whole. Know Yahwah who is the salvation of the ends of the earth.The
creator and redeemer of all the peoples.

A smiling face. (20 march 1987 Sweden)

A smiling face from a cheerful heart

Be amazed as God does start.

I feel like writing with pen and ink

But I don’t know what,
what to think.

I got a smile on my face and warmth in my heart

I’m feeling content at least for now.

Mark Twain’s a key he is so so funny

Reading his words, well they just make you laugh

I’m trying to learn, to live the faith,

And to put all things to the provision of God

Last night was interesting and a lot of fun,

Fun with a message, to me and you
“There is no answer to whats blowing in the wind”

I remember what I told her and I hope, it will work

I said this is the essence,
“Trust me because I’m trusting God”

She’s opening me up to confession of light

Things I’d never say except to my wife.

Things that should have been spoken long ago,

Things dormant in me that people never know.

She pushes me to the border of my heart

That I speak the unspoken and before the unspeakable

And though usually this might pull me apart

I’m trusting in him
And he’s faithful to the hilt.

So when they come

The attacks of the tongue
Wherein if I was sourceless
They’d have done me bitter wrong

They washed over me, like rivers to the soul

They bounced off me,
Off the sheild of my faith.

For in all things, I say

Leave to provision from God, and as for today

Let his peace fill you up.

Speak evil of no one

And think just the same
And seek God and his Kingdom
And to glorify his name

Walk in the God will

Of a brand new heart
Pray for protection from desires so evil

Build you up a treasure of heavenly treasures

Learn the new discipline of heavens new leaven

And it is a great feeling for sure

To walk with a smile
To sing in your heart
Psalms to our love

It’s a great feeling for sure

To hope to desire to love
To walk on a pathway
That’s heavens highway in your heart.

Oh speak the unspeakable

And praise God above
See with God’s insight
The hope that we have
Double minds and double hearts and
Double tongues, thwart

My suggestion to you is
You cut them in half.

See with one eye or at least one out of two

Hear with open ears, and with the eyes of your heart
Grasp hold of hope.

Pray for God’s truth

For you to get hold of

Listen my friend , to every whispering breeze

Watch my friend every falling leaf
For wisdom in these is wisdom indeed
When you’re eating, unleavened
That bread of heaven.

(3)The thought March 1987 Sweden.

The thought it came entering my head like a revelation

Of a man who died and now lives.

That whilst we’re not sinning, we are not sinning or are we I thought?
The phrasing running around my mind, being digested, tested and considered.

Because it’s so easy to settle for simple deceptions, simple truths which are simply
white lies. So I considered and still am this phrase.

It means we must live from day to day and hour to hour and moment to moment.
Our action and being and thoughts and desires, so that we do not fall into temptation.

We can not live off last week’s sins, but repentance and confession
Help us over them.
Then we must come to the moment at hand,
Where we are not necessarily sinning, either against God or our conscience.

The moment where on judgement day, nothing is brought up,

But only sins of omission, will fill that judgement cup.

Yes sins of omission, I think I call them iniquities,

This may shed light on, my thought which lets face it,
Is pretty simple.

But then again sins of omission are only such when

You’re not doing the thing your supposed to do.
But if at this moment you intend in your heart to do, but right now, there is no
opportunity , and simply no time, then does not God try us according to our minds and

So moment by moment we must live the day. And it will become easier to live
Mashiach’s way.
Purified via the Holy Spirit and responsible careful souls.
Zealous for good deeds, by the grace of God, then we are Mashiach’s people,
the ones who love him, the ones to whom he discloses himself,
The one’s with whom he makes a home.

The Tabernacle of the Revelation of Yahwah –a reflection. (02 05 93)

(1)Yahwah reveals himself at different levels to different individuals. Some are

permitted into the Holy of Holies of Yahwah’s revelation. Such are Shimon, Yacov
and Yochanan , the stone and the sons of thunder.
(2) Some are permitted into the Holy Place as were the other Apostles, except the son
of perdition. He leaves the temple of God’s revelation before we have reached the
revelation of the Holy place and yet he is permitted into the outer court.
(3) Some are permitted into the outer court. As were the 120 and the 70 who are
permitted this degree of revelation.
(4) Other stay outside the outer court in the world, these do not even embark upon the
way. They have the outer aspect of the revelation, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and
their conscience though weakened by habitual sin. To them everything comes in
(5) These different groups of people have degrees of the knowledge of God. Even
within these levels there are differences.
(6) One is allowed into the secret counsels of God, he leans on the bosom of
Mashiach and learns from the heart of God and even passes on knowledge to another
who is permitted into the Holy of Holies and yet not permitted to open the ark.
(7) He who enters into the Holy of holies and has come to the Father has come via
The Way (HaDerekh), The Truth (HaEmet) and the Life (HaChaim).
(8) The Derekh leads to the Emet. As the Son has said “He who lives according to my
word shall know the Emet.”
(9) His word is the Derekh. We follow it, both inwardly and outwardly and we will
know intimately the Emet. Emet is stable and secure.
(10) This Derekh (message) is the narrow Derekh. The door to the tabernacle is small
and there are many outside who will not enter the gate.
(11) The Derekh is that of the Cross, of becoming a even a living sacrifice, of coming
to God through the Cross of Salvation Mashiach.
(12) He who wants to be his disciple must take up his Cross, daily, must deny himself
and follow him.
(13) The Derekh is the way of holiness. Here there is sanctification. Being set apart
daily unto the separation of the Word of God, upon the heart, the words and the
actions of men.
(14) He who would know Yahwah, who would be saved from the corrupt and
perverse generation of this world must become a New Creation in Mashiach. Must
enter through the narrow gate of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. He must in
short be born again, born from above, born of God.
(15) The cleansing and purifying power of the Holy Spirit can apply the water and fire
of the word of God to our souls.
(16) So that in this Derekh we are being conformed into the likeness of the Mashiach
Son of God. In whom the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily, who is the image of
the invisible God.
(17) This Derekh is called Tzedakah (Justification) and Kadusha (Sanctification).
(18) The first means being made right in the sight of God. It is obtained by coming to
the foot of Mashiach’s Cross and believing in his blood, that it cleanses , once for all.
He who puts his trust in it , trusts in Yahwah Mashiach. Here in the blood
righteousness and peace kiss one another in the one who kisses the Son. Blessed are
all who take refuge in him.

(19) Believe in God believe also in me says the Son of God. “Trust in Yahwah and
you shall be established, believe in his prophets and you shall succeed” Jehoshaphat.
“Serve Yahwah with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son …How blessed are
all who take refuge in him.” Ps 2.
This is said to those who are passing through the outer court.
(20) Kadusha means to be made Holy. That is to be set apart as a vessel for God’s use.
Again this starts with Tzedakah but ends with Holiness. It passes through Kadusha.
(21)He who is made Kadosh by the by the Holy Spirit, can look into the mirror of the
Torah of freedom and see indeed that his head, his hands and his feet are clean.
(22) He is separated from the wicked and corrupt world and set apart for the glory of
God. For the service of God, not his own.
(23) He walks by the Spirit in the sandals of the good news of peace. For we walk not
merely by the letter of the word but by the Spirit of the word.
(24) The letter kills and yet the Spirit gives life.
(25) This man walks where God calls him to walk. He does what God commands him
to do. He sees, hears and speaks what God commands him to see, hear and speak.
(26) It is not what enters a man that makes him unclean it is what comes out of his

(27) This is the Way (Derekh) , walk ye in it. The voice of God calling the anointing
of Mashiach cries out.
(28) He who sins is a slave to sin. And yet Tzedakah, being made right with God, and
Kadusha, being set apart for God, bring man to the point where he may become a
slave to Tzedekah (righteousness) and to Yahwah and not to sin.
(29) This Derekh, of living according to the Word of Mashiach, is the Derekh of
Yahwah. It is the way to know Yahwah , but must first pass through the place of Emet

(30) If you live according to my saying you shall know the Emet(truth).
(31) Enter in then Oh pilgrim. Enter into the Emet. He who is the Emet calls you to
(32) His Spirit leads you to himself.
(33) Who is permitted into God’s presence? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.
(34) Oh pilgrim set your heart on Mashiach. He who has seen the Son has seen the
Father. Set your heart on the goodness of Yahwah.
(35) Purify your heart, and clean your hands.
(36) The Emet known, acts. Here the pilgrim is acted on, in a way whereby the Sun
and the Moon, the day and the night, indeed the natural can not help him.
(37) Tzedakah and Kadusha take place under the Sun. Under the Suns’ natural rays.
These may help man come to a knowledge of the Emet. He uses his feet, his mind and
his own strength, recognised as helpless in and of themselves and yet it is a part of
coming to Emet.
(38) A amn may reason himself to the foot of the Cross, yet only by the help of the
Spirit may he be crucified upon it.
(39) A amn may read helpful books to encourage holy living. Yet only by the Spirit is
life and power endued.
(40) But here at the entrance to Emet, the Derekh is narrow. The sun and moon are
not its covering, for God himself brings a cover supernaturally.
(41) It’s light is the perpetual lamp and fire of God.

(42) The food in this place is God’s bread and God’s wine. Served by Melchizedek,
tasting of Mashiach.
(43) Here in this holy place , where the light of the sun is ashamed and can not shine,
is wisdom and revelation. Spiritual understanding and communion, the Mashiach and
Bride. The communion and meal is with God himself. The eating of the glory of God
and the drinking of the Spirit of God.
(44) Here enter those who are not just called but chosen of God. The twelve enter. But
one who is a demon enters, is not clean. He enters but is not permitted to see. He
enters but is entered by satan and leaves quickly. He leaves and goes to sell his
creator’s soul for the price of a slave. Yehudah Iscariot son of perdition, like his
future counterpart, the man of sin, enters the holy place. He is not clean, he is given
over to a lieing seduction. He is foreshadowed by unrepentant Shaul and mistaken
Uzziah. He loses his inheritance, a leprosy breaks out on his soul and he is shattered.
(45) Here the relationship with God is God led and deep in the inner man.
(46) Here is the anointing. The seed which can not sin. But tells one continually abide
in truth, reside in truth.
(47) The revelation and spiritual wisdom of communion (for here the Church is
indeed holy, one bread or one body, completely cleansed by the blood and full of the
joy of the Holy Spirit).
(48) The revelation shines light on the altar of Godly prayer. Praying what is on God’s
heart. Serving Yahwah because he is God. Ministering unto Yahwah.
(49) Here are the depths of intercession. Where Moses seeks favour for the children of
Israel. Where Abram gains mercy for Sodom and Gomorah.
(50) Here are the 11 apostles sent to make disciples of all nations. The great
commision God’s work not man’s.Mashiach’s authority not Babel’s.Mashiach’s
power of godliness not Shiamon’s.
(51) Here the blind see and the lame walk, the prisoners are set free. Here the
incurable is cured by the mercy of God. Beauty is given for ashes, the oil of joy for
mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
(52) Here Emet acts and for one reason, to set the enslaved prisoner free, free for life,
free for eternal life.
(53) Here at the altar of prayer, where the prayers of the Kodeshim(saints) enter into
the Most Holy Place, where the veil once blocked man’s way to God, except for one
day in a year. That day being a day of affliction for men, here is the entrance into
eternal life. Now is there no more veil.
(54) Now we enter boldly to the throne of Grace. Now intercession enters the Holy of
Holies, loudly and clearly.
(55) Now eternal life is obtained as a gift of God. This eternal life is to know him the
Only True God and to be in him, in his Son Yeshua the Mashiach, in the Emet.
(56) Entering into the light of God, into the glory of God in the face of Mashiach.
(57) Here is the deepest knowledge of God.
(58) Here is where Shimon, Yacov and Yochanan enter, where Paul, the chief of
sinners, by the Grace (Chen) of God is permitted to enter.
(59) Here the world is behind and faith possesses hope and enters into love.
(60) Here Yahwah is light and in him is no darkness at all.
(61) Here God is love. And perfect love casts out fear.

(62) So the pilgrim disciple, leaves the world and enters the outer court of the
knowledge of God. To him it is a new way. By God’s grace he may enter the inner

sanctuary of the holy place of the knowledge of the glory of God. A place of spiritual
wisdom and revelation.
(63) In the spiritual wisdom we act on the revelation by communing with God and
with the Church. If we walk in the light we have fellowship with one another.
(64) Revelation also points to and enables us to see God’s desires. And that at the
golden altar of prayer we pray God’s will and worship Yahwah in pure intercession
and service.
(65) Finally we are set free and enter into eternal life. Few are those who walk the
way that leads to eternal life. They are Moses, Yehoshua and Aaron’s sons.

Bar Mitzvah of a Nazarene (Apocryphal)
Joseph entered a room on a higher level of the temple, which looked like a Synagogue. He speaks to a
Levite and the latter disappeared behind a striped curtain and came back with some elder priests or
masters in the knowledge of the Torah.
Joseph and Yeshua bowed down deeply to the ten doctors who sat down on ten wooden stools.
Joseph says three months and 10 days ago Yeshua had reached the age of accountability prescribed in
the Torah. He wanted him to comply with the prescriptions of Israel
(1) Note that he looks of age
(2) Examine him kindly and fairly to judge that what I his father has spoken of him is true
(3) I have prepared for the dignity of being a son of the Torah
(4) He knows the precepts
(5) The traditions
(6) The decisions
(7) The customs of the fringes
(8) And the phylacteries
(9) He knows how to say the daily prayers
(10) And blessings
(11) He knows the Torah in itself
(12) And in its three branches Halascia
(13) Midrash
(14) Aggada
(15) He can behave as a man
(16) I wish to be free of the responsibilities of his actions and sins.
(17) From now on he must pay himself the penalty for his failures toward them
(18) Examine him

We will. Come forward child. What is your name?

A Yeshua of Joseph, from Nazareth
A Nazarene can you therefore read?
A Yes Rabbi I can read the words which are written and those which are construed in the words
What do you mean?
I mean I can understand also the meaning of the allegory of the symbol which is hidden under the
appearance, as a pearl does not appear but it is inside and ugly closed shell.

They gave Yeshua three different rolls

Yeshua opens the scroll and reads. It is the ten sayings.
After the first few words one of the judges takes the scroll from him saying go on by heart.
Every time Yeshua mentioned Yahwah he bowed down deeply.

Who taught you that? Why do you do that?

Because that name is holy and it is to be pronounced with a sign of internal and external respect.
Subjects bow down to their king, who is king only for a short time and he is dust. To the King of
Kings, the Most high Lord of Israel, who is present even if he is only visible to the spirit, shall not
every creature bow down since every creature depends on him with eternal subjection?

Man we advise you to have your son educated either by Hillel or Gamaliel.

Listen child you said “Remember to sanctify feast days. Not only for yourself but also for your son or
for your daughter, your servant and your maid servant, even for your horse it is aid they must not work
on Shabbats”
Now tell me :if a hen lays an egg on a Shabbat or a sheep lambs on a Shabbat, will it be legal to use the
fruit of its womb, or will it be considered forbidden?
I know that many Rabbi’s, Shammai is the last of them and is still alive , say that an egg laid on
Shabbat is against the precept. But I think there is a difference between man and animals or whoever
fulfils a natural act such as giving birth. If I compel a horse to work I am responsible for its sin,
because I force it to work with a whip. But if a hen lays an egg which has matured in its ovary or a
sheep lambs a little one on the Shabbat, because it is ready to be born, no, such a deed is not a sin,
neither is the egg laid nor the lamb born on shabbat.

But why if every kind of work is a sin on the shabbat?

Because to conceive and to give birth correspond to the will of the creator and comply with the laws
which he gave to every creature. Now, the hen does nothing but obey the law according to which after
so many hours of growth an egg is complete and ready to be laid, and the sheep also obeys the laws
laid down by him who created everything, according to which laws twice a year when spring time is on
the meadows in bloom….the little lamb can certainly be sacred also on the altar , because it is the fruit
of the obedience to the Creator.

One said they did not need to examine him further.

But another said No he said he is capable of understanding also the symbols. Let us hear him.

First let him say a Psalm, the blessings and the prayers.
Also the Mitzvoth.
Yes repeat the Midrasciot

Yeshua reads the story of Hilkiah finding the Torah

“I find that time cannot be related to what is eternal. And God is eternal and our soul is eternal, and the
relation between God and our soul is also eternal. Therefore the thing that gave rise to punishment then,
is the same thing that gives rise to punishment now and the effects of the fault are the same.

That is?

Israel is no longer aquainted with the Wisdom, which comes from God. It is to him , and not to poor
men, that we must apply for light, and it is not possible to have light if there is no justice and loyalty to
God. That is why men sin, and God in his anger punishes them.

We are no longer acquainted? But what are you saying, Child? And the six hundred and thirteen

The Mitzvoth exist, but they are mere words. We know them but we do not practice them. That is why
we are not acquainted with them. This is the symbol: every man; in every period of time, must consult
Yahwah to know his will and comply with it to avoid drawing his anger on himself.

The child is perfect. Let us take him to the real synagogue.

(19) They shorten his hair (His big curls are picked up by Joseph
(20) They tighten his red tunic with a long band turned several times around his waist
(21) They tie little fringes to his forehead, arm and mantle. They fix them on with kind of studs.
(22) They then sing Psalms, and Joseph praises the Lord with a long prayer invoking blessing on
his son.
The ceremony is over.

Are these forty days of revelation? Are they not days when the Yeshua the Nazarene revealed to his
disciples , himself in the Torah and the Prophets? Yes these are those days, the days of revelation.
Is it really possible, in 40 days to receive the Torah and the Prophets of Messiah? It is my expectation
that over the next thirty nine days I will indeed receive greater and greater revelation and insight to the
Nazarene , Yeshua in the Scriptures.

I would like to compare and illustrate many issues in the Kingdom of Yah. These include:
What animals represent what nations? We know Babylon is a lion with eagles wings, the Medes and
the Persians area Bear, Greece is a leopard with four wings of a bird and four heads and Rome is a
composite monster with iron teeth and 10 horns. Assyria has been compared with a swarm of bees and
the Midianites with locusts and Ishmael and his descendants area wild ass. Each animal and each nation
has certain characteristics which Yah knows perfectly. Each animal reproduces after its own kind. Is it
not then the case that each nation reproduces after its kind? Will not the Greek nation reproduce
leopards and the Babylonian nation lions?

Let us have a look at how animals are looked at in redemption history. Balaam of Beor the prophet,
rode around on an Ass. Now this ass could see an angel standing by and was aware that this angel was
endangering Balaam’s life. How did the Ass get the sight and the awareness of danger? Balaam a
reputable gentile prophet could not see the angel. Was this because animals have the possibility of
seeing into the spiritual realm whereas human beings by nature do not?
We will take a further look at how scripture views animals and their role in creation and redemption

The Final return of Israel to their God, Yahwah and there Messiah Yeshua, son of David.
Men of Israel and the nations listen to the word of the prophet Hosea
“The sons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince without sacrifice or pillar and
without ephod or teraphim”
Afterwards the sons of Israel will return and Seek Yahwah their God and David their king; and they
will come trembling to Yahwah and to his goodness in the last days”

We have two returns mentioned in the prophecy which we can expect in Israel in the (bacherit ha
yamim ) latter days.
The first return is to Yahwah their God. Now all Israel understands this return. A return to the
covenant which took place on Sinai. That is essentially a return to the 10 sayings and the Mishpatim
which are mentioned in Shmot or Exodus 20-24. This was the basis of the initial marriage between
Israel and Yahwah. Their leaving of this Brit and these Mishpatim (judgements) is seen by Yahwah as
adultery and harlotry. They went after other gods and other kings or Messiah’s instead of Yahwah’s the
true king and his Messiah son of David.
So Sons of Israel know and understand this you are called in these days to return to Yahwah in his
covenant where you love Yahwah your God and have no god’s besides him. Gold and silver coins
money, is not to be the reason you serve. These are not your God. As it says among the mishpatim
“You shall not make elohim besides me, elohim of silver and elohim of gold, you shall not make for
yourselves”. You are not to be ruled by money as the Mashiach said
“No one can serve two masters for wither he will hate the one and love the other or he will hold to one
and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon.

The final or ultimate return in Israel will be that which is to take place in the last days. Hosea saw this.
The ultimate restoration will be the restoration of the knowledge of God and the restoration of the
Mashiach of Israel the son of David, to be king and ruler of Israel by their choice.
This final return is prophesied by Hosea in chapter three and refers to these days. We can expect a
massive turning in Israel to the Mashiach and to the knowledge of God in these last days.


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