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 Diagnostic analysis (before deciding for the use of test)

 Non sampling error (error in data tabulation)

 Outliers are indicators of errors (number of tests should be duplicated to establish normality of
 Satisfy the assumptions of the test to arrive at sound conclusion
 The respondent should write the actual data. Do not put range (risk of not having variance of
data). Your data set can be lowered down
 Ratio (the highest scale) --- can be lowered down. If the data are grouped, you cannot scale up.
 Age (in group or range) is the lowest form of data collection in the field.
 You scale down, you cannot scale up.
 Broken arrow—showing indirect effect
 Moderating variable- showing indirect causality
 Box should be of the same size indicating same weight of the variables
 Circle or ellipsis --- latent variable

 Test statistics assume the testing as random

 How did you do the random sampling (what type of random sampling) Excel can do the random

 O.53 with 200 samples (not statistically significant but practical significant) just add 3-5 samples
to establish the significant

 Is there a significant effect (must be a significant difference)… later decide whether there is an
effect of the result

Test of normality
 More 50 per group Kolmo

 Less than 50 per group (shapiro wilk)

 If the sig. higher than 0.05 (the distribution is normal)

 Cut point- (Independent Samples)-

 Levene’s test (P-value is higher than 0.05- the data is normal)

o Equal variances assumed (Top Sig)

o Equal variances NOT assumed (BOTTOM Sig)
 .10 (Business)
 .05 (*)
 .01 (**)
 .001 (***)
 Normal distribution when the data set is large.
 Data modeling (test normality, test of homogeneity, test of outliers were determined using…)
must be mentioned in Chapter 2
 What are the assumptions fulfilled in conducting the test and/or using the test???
 t/f value refers to the direction of the results
 when negative, the after-result rises/increases
 Test statistics use mean and SD
 Non parametric tests use median
 Arbitrary assignment of number in the SPSS (dummy variable)
 Correlation analyses actual data, not grouped data
 Is there a significant difference (the variables are automatically grouped)
 No neutral in the survey questionnaire (tantamount to NO COMMENT)
o Statistically inappropriate
o 1-5 (likert type questionnaire)
o 1-7 original likert questionnaire
o 1-7 (continuum)
o Anchors---
 Conceptual framework dictates your theory, analyses, statistical tools

 The use of multiple test is dependent on the test of homogeneity (ANOVA).

 When the mean difference is negative (the right variable has high mean)- ANOVA
 When the mean difference is positive (the left variable has high mean)- ANOVA
 Is equal or less than… in the p-value

 Bonferroni correction: .05 will be divided into the number of multiple comparisons
 Kruskal walis has no post hoc analysis; hence the data will be run using Mann Whitney U test
using Bonferroni correction
 Double headed arrow- when the theory is established on the correlation (particularly in
sciences, where the standard is established)
 The common framework is the one arrow head pointing to the right (in social sciences) … there
may just be an influence
 Reject or failed to reject

 Data imputation in survey research: add all, divide the number of the participants, the result will
be used to declare missing data

 The r value is.861

 Coefficient of determination: awareness only influences around 74% of the
 Coefficient of alienation: 36%
 Magnitude of Relationship (scaling of relationship)
 There is a very high positive significant correlation between (magnitude, direction, significance)

Cross tables
Row- independent variable
Column – dependent variable
2x2 contingency table
3x2 contingency table

 Chi square is used in the test of relationship when the variables are both nominals.
 Get the highest level of measurement in conducting research.
Only the strength, magnitude and direction of relationship, not forecasting future results

Intermediate Statistics
Regression is forecasting
We can forecast the value of y given the value of x. small letters represent only the sample. BIG letter
for universal sampling. Y is dependent variable, x is independent variable.

Simple Linear Regression

 Descriptive
 Relationship
o There is no point of running a regression analysis where the two variables are not
 Influence
The value of constant
 The Y should be scaled variable

Constant: The value of y when x is equal to zero.

Multiple Linear Regression

 We can create a forecasted model

 Predicting the drop outs of Matan-aw studens: application of multiple regression analysis
 Y data should be scale data
 Binary logistic regression analysis (non-parametric test)
 X mixture of scale and nominal data

o Underfitting

Dependent variable is 3
 Multinomial regression analysis

Simulation of the model in the multiple linear regression

 Exclude non fitting model
 Method: forward

 Propensity score matching--- to replace data imputation (only 10% is allowed for data
 The questionnaire must just be short—
 Collinearity – VIF should be less than 10 to show that the two variables are not related

Standardized coefficient: 1 standard deviation increase in the immunization rate of infant is .712
decrease in the mortality rate.

 Modeling is trial and error

 VIF (Variance Inflation Factor)

 In the simulation, nominal variable can be used. Assume the model using the code of the
nominal variable.
Binary logistic regression analysis (non-parametric test)
Probalistic Estimation
 3 independent variables
 1 dependent variable
Results and discussion section ---present the sample simulation

Dependent variable is binary

Hosmer index should be high to consider the model as fit.

Practical and theoretical significance of the findings

Regression: 1 IV= 15-20 respondents

Complete enumeration/ census

Mortality rate of questionnaire
Raosoft software calculator
EP info

Sequential mediation


Relationship must be established before moderation and mediation are established.

ANOVA is just the extension of T-Test

Analysis of Moment Structure

ANCOVA- mediating and moderating

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