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Mitochondrial DNA diversity and origins of South and Central

American goats
M. Amills*, O. Ramı́rez*, A. Tomàs*, B. Badaoui*, J. Marmi†, J. Acosta‡, A. Sànchez* and
J. Capote§
*Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain. †Institut Català de
Paleontologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain. ‡Fundación Canaria-Instituto de Investigación y Ciencia de
Puerto del Rosario, Puerto del Rosario 35600, Fuerteventura, Spain. §Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias, La Laguna 38108,
Tenerife, Spain

Summary We have analysed the genetic diversity of South and Central American (SCA) goats
by partially sequencing the mitochondrial control region of 93 individuals with a wide
geographical distribution. Nucleotide and haplotype diversities reached values of
0.020 ± 0.00081 and 0.963 ± 0.0012 respectively. We have also observed a rather weak
phylogeographic structure, with almost 69% of genetic variation included in the within-
breed variance component. The topology of a median-joining network analysis including 286
European, Iberian, Atlantic and SCA mitochondrial sequences was very complex, with most
of the haplotypes forming part of independent small clusters. SCA sequences showed a
scattered distribution throughout the network, and clustering with Spanish and Portuguese
sequences occurred only occasionally, not allowing the distinguishing of a clear Iberian
signature. Conversely, we found a prominent cluster including Canarian, Chilean, Argen-
tinian and Bolivian mitochondrial haplotypes. This result was independently confirmed by
constructing a Bayesian phylogenetic tree (posterior probability of 0.97). Sharing of mito-
chondrial haplotypes by SCA and Canarian goats suggests that goat populations from the
Atlantic archipelagos, where Spanish and Portuguese ships en route to the New World used to
stow food and supplies, participated in the foundation of SCA caprine breeds.

Keywords goat, migration, mitochondrial, phylogeography, South America.

Fernández et al. 2006). The high versatility, moderate size

and hardy nature of goats made them ideal as a food
A considerable effort has been devoted in the last few years resource in the lengthy commercial and exploratory jour-
to characterize the genetic diversity of African, Asian and neys that took place in the Old World a long time ago.
European goats, with studies performed at both continental South and Central America (SCA) is one of the few
(Luikart et al. 2001; Cañón et al. 2006; Naderi et al. 2007) geographical areas where the genetic diversity of goats has
and regional (Joshi et al. 2003; Sultana et al. 2003; Azor not been yet properly analysed. In poorly developed rural
et al. 2005; Chen et al. 2005; Pereira et al. 2005; Sardina areas of SCA, goats are an important meat and milk resource,
et al. 2006) levels. These surveys have revealed the absence with a current census recording 38 million individuals (FAO-
of clear ties between the genetic make-up of goats and STAT, The absence of well-managed
geography, with most genetic variation occurring at the conservation genetics programmes and the uncontrolled
within-population level. This weak phylogeographic struc- introgression of highly productive foreign breeds seriously
ture has been attributed to the extensive intercontinental threaten the future of many SCA populations that, through-
transportation of goats in ancient times (Luikart et al. 2001; out the centuries, have adapted successfully to the harsh
conditions in which they were bred (Pariacote 2006). The
Address for correspondence
main objective of the present study was to provide a general
M. Amills, Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat perspective of the phylogeographic structure and genetic
Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain. variation of SCA goats at a continental level. This would be a
E-mail: first milestone before regional-specific analyses are con-
Accepted for publication 7 November 2008 ducted. Moreover, we were interested in understanding the

 2009 The Authors, Journal compilation  2009 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 40, 315–322 315
316 Amills et al.

migratory processes under which these SCA populations were analysis. The comparison of the genetic diversity of the
formed and evolved. Upon the conquest and colonization of American, Iberian and European goat breeds was achieved by
the New World by the Spanish and the Portuguese, goats and using the aforementioned dataset and a pool of 106 sequences
other livestock were massively transported through the extracted from the GenBank. This additional dataset included
Atlantic Ocean to be used as a food supply in exploratory and sequences from Swiss (Chamois, Verzaska, Saanen and
military expeditions (Rodero et al. 1992). There are abundant Toggenburg, n = 35), Portuguese (Serpentina, Serrana,
historical records demonstrating beyond any doubt the Algarvia and Charnequeira, n = 41), Italian (Girgentana,
essential role that Andalusian and Lusitanic breeds played in Maltese and Derivata di Siria, n = 21), Irish (Irish Island,
this process, with most of the transatlantic exploratory jour- n = 4), Canarian (n = 4) and Danish (n = 1) breeds (Luikart
neys in the 15th century departing from a coastal area that et al. 2001; Pereira et al. 2005; Sardina et al. 2006).
goes from the San Vicente Cape to the Bay of Cádiz (Rodero
et al. 1992). In contrast, the magnitude of the contribution of
Phylogenetic and genetic diversity analyses
the Atlantic archipelagos, which were invariably ports of call
for ships and galleys en route to SCA, to the formation of Phylogenetic and genetic diversity analyses were performed
American creole breeds has been scarcely documented and it using a 463 bp region shared by mitochondrial control
is still a matter of debate. sequences obtained by us and others. Nucleotide diversity
(p), Fu and Li statistics (F) and haplotype diversity were
computed with the DNASP 4.00 software (Rozas et al. 2003),
Materials and methods
whereas the significance of F was calculated with a coa-
lescent algorithm implemented in this program. The spatial
Sample collection and partial sequencing of the
analysis of the molecular variance was performed with the
goat mitochondrial control region
SAMOVA software (Dupanloup et al. 2002). The median-
Genomic DNA was extracted from either hair or blood joining network was constructed with the NETWORK 4.2
samples corresponding to 152 goats from the South of Spain program (Bandelt et al. 2000). Positions were weighted
(Malagueña, Murciano-Granadina breeds, n = 22), Portu- according to their mutational frequency and the relative
gal (Bravia breed, n = 9), Cape Verde (n = 28), Cuba weight of transversions vs. transitions was set to 3
(n = 25), México (n = 22), Brazil (n = 12), Venezuela according to Bandelt (2007). Bayesian phylogenetic trees
(n = 4), Argentina (n = 9), Chile (n = 10), United States were calculated with MRBAYES V3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsen-
(Spanish goat, a breed of Mexican ancestry, n = 6) and beck 2003). In this Bayesian analysis, we employed a
Bolivia (n = 5). Specimens were collected by local personnel Hasegawa, Kishino & Yano (1985) evolutionary model
with expertise in zootechny in order to ensure that they previously selected with MODELTEST (Posada & Crandall
correspond to indigenous populations without introgression 1998). Evolutionary parameters (proportion of invariant
with foreign commercial breeds. Hair DNA extraction was sites, a-value and transition to transversion rates) were
performed with the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen) estimated with both MODELTEST and MRBAYES. After 2.5 mil-
according to the manufacturerÕs instructions, with the lion iterations, the initial 5000 trees were discarded and the
exception of the lysis method, which instead involved an remaining 20 000 ones were employed to construct a
incubation in 350 ll lysis buffer (100 mM Tris–Cl pH 8, consensus tree that was visualized with TREEVIEW (Page
100 mM NaCl, 3 mM CaCl2, 2% SDS, 40 mM dithiothreitol 1996). A neighbour-joining tree and a multidimensional
and 250 lg/ml proteinase K) at 56 C for 3–4 h. The pro- scaling plot based on Da distances (number of net nucleotide
tocol for DNA isolation from peripheral blood mononuclear substitutions per site between populations) amongst popu-
cells has been previously reported (Amills et al. 2004). lations were constructed with MEGA 3.1 and XLSTAT softwares
Purified genomic DNA was used as a template to amplify respectively. Da distances were calculated with the DNASP 4.00
and sequence 653 bp of the mitochondrial control region software (Rozas et al. 2003) as follows:
with a previously described technique (Amills et al. 2004).
Da ¼ DXY  ðDX þ DY Þ=2
Sequences corresponding to different mitochondrial haplo-
types were submitted to GenBank (GenBank accession where DXY is the average distance between populations X
numbers: EF372411–EF372515). The basic local alignment and Y, and DX and DY are the mean within-population
search tool (BLASTN, distances (Nei & Miller 1990).
with default parameters was employed to perform compar-
ative searches throughout the GenBank nucleotide collec-
tion database. Other mitochondrial control region
sequences from Spanish (Malagueña, Murciano Granadina
Genetic diversity of SCA goats
and Guadarrama, n = 8) and Canarian (Palmera, Majorera
and Tinerfeña, n = 20) breeds characterized in a previous Sequencing of the mitochondrial control region of SCA
study (Amills et al. 2004) were also incorporated to our goats (n = 93) with a wide geographical distribution

 2009 The Authors, Journal compilation  2009 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 40, 315–322
Atlantic origin of American goats 317

Table 1 Genetic diversity at the mitochondrial control region (463 bp) Table 2 Spatial analysis of the molecular variance of the mitochondrial
of South and Central American (SCA), Atlantic, Iberian and European control region (463 bp) in South and Central American (SCA) goat
(non-Iberian) goats. breeds.

Haplotype No.
Population N1 p2 Nh3 diversity groups Populations r2WB r2AG r2ABWG

SCA 93 20.09 (0.81) 54 0.963 (0.012) 2 Argentina, Chile 68.85% 19.90% 11.25%
Atlantic 52 (24) 19.53 (1.07) 28 0.965 (0.011) Remaining SCA populations
Iberian 80 (49) 22.23 (0.73) 71 0.996 (0.003) 3 Argentina, Chile, Bolivia 73.54% 24.62% 1.84%
European4 61 (61) 19.02 (0.92) 53 0.994 (0.005) México
Remaining SCA populations
N: Number of sampled individuals (sequences extracted from GenBank
are shown between parentheses). r2WB, variance within breeds; r2AG, variance amongst groups; r2AGWB,
Nucleotide diversity · 103. variance amongst groups and within breeds.
Nh: Number of haplotypes.
Pool of Italian, French, Swiss, Irish and Danish breeds.
components are shown in Table 2). When the number of
groups was set to three, we observed the following groups:
revealed the existence of 54 different haplotypes, all of them (i) Chile, Argentina and Bolivia, (ii) México and (iii)
belonging to the A lineage, which is the most frequent all remaining SCA populations.
over the world (Table 1). Measurement of nucleotide and
haplotype diversities in our SCA continental population
Relationships between SCA goats and other Iberian,
yielded values of 0.020 ± 0.00081 and 0.963 ± 0.012
Atlantic and European populations
respectively (Table 1). The sample size employed (almost
100 individuals) and the wide geographical distribution of A median-joining network-based phylogenetic analysis
the populations studied make this analysis fairly represen- involving 286 American, Iberian, Atlantic and European
tative of the existing genetic variation at a continental level. goat mitochondrial sequences is shown in Fig. 1. In general,
These levels of nucleotide diversity are notably similar to the SCA sequences showed a scattered distribution throughout
ones observed in the Atlantic, Iberian and European popu- the network, with a few clusters encompassing individuals
lations (Table 1). However, if we consider the ratio between with the same geographic origin. This diffuse topology,
the number of different haplotypes and the total number of which is rather complex because a significant amount
analysed sequences (54/93 = 0.58 for SCA; 28/52 = 0.54 of haplotypes are unique or are shared by a small number of
for Atlantic; 71/80 = 0.89 for Iberian; 53/61 = 0.87 for individuals, has been observed in previous works dealing
European population), it is clear that SCA and Atlantic with Portuguese (Pereira et al. 2005) and Chinese (Chen
populations have a relatively smaller proportion of different et al. 2005) goats. Occasional clustering between SCA
haplotypes than Iberian and European populations. A sequences and their European, Iberian and Cape Verdean
regional analysis of genetic variability is presented in counterparts was observed, but it was difficult to identify a
Table S1. These results should be taken with caution given clear relationship between these three populations and SCA
the small sample size of several of the analysed populations, goats because of their scattered distribution. The only
but they suggest that genetic diversity is particularly exception to this general trend was a cluster of considerable
reduced in Argentinian and Chilean goats. size that included Canarian, Chilean, Argentinian and
Bolivian mitochondrial haplotypes (Fig. 1 and Fig. S1). The
existence of this cluster, which was also closely connected to
Population structure
Cuban, Mexican and Cape Verdean haplotypes (Fig. S1),
The Fu and Li F-statistic corresponding to the analysis might suggest that Canarian goats contributed to the
of SCA mitochondrial sequences yielded a negative and foundation of the genetic pool of SCA breeds.
non-significant value of )1.578 (P = 0.071). Analysis of With the aim of confirming the results obtained with the
geographical structure using SAMOVA 1.0 (Dupanloup et al. median-joining network approach and inferring their
2002), a software based on a simulated annealing algo- statistical significance, we performed an independent phy-
rithm that maximizes the proportion of total genetic vari- logenetic analysis. The 286 sequences employed in the
ance due to differences between groups of populations, network analysis corresponded to 195 different haplotypes
demonstrated that most of genetic variation occurs within that were subsequently analysed by means of a Bayesian
breeds (Table 2). When the number of groups was set to tree (Fig. 2). This phylogenetic tree reliably recovered the
two, the spatial analysis of the molecular variance (SAMOVA) aforementioned Canarian cluster with a highly significant
defined the existence of two groups, 1 (Argentina and Chile) posterior probability (97%). Moreover, and as previously
and 2 (remaining populations) with almost 69% of the observed, clustering of SCA sequences with their Iberian,
genetic variation occurring within breeds (variance Cape Verdean and European counterparts was occasional

 2009 The Authors, Journal compilation  2009 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 40, 315–322
318 Amills et al.

South American
Cape Verde
Canary Islands
European pool

Figure 1 Median-joining network analysis of 286 American, Iberian, Atlantic (Canarian and Cape Verdean) and European goat mitochondrial control
region sequences. The size of the circles is proportional to haplotype frequencies. Transversions were weighted three times as high as transitions
according to Bandelt (2007), and sites were weighted according to their mutational frequencies. The MP option was employed to delete all superfluous
median vectors and links that were not contained in the shortest trees of the network. This figure is in colour in the online version of the paper.

and, with a few exceptions, individuals with the same that all the SCA mitochondrial control region sequences
geographical origin did not group together, confirming the belonged to lineage A. Our inability to detect mitochondrial
lack of a well-defined phylogeographic structure. A third lineages B, C, D, F and G in SCA goats is not surprising given
analysis exploring genetic relationships amongst goat pop- that these lineages are also very rare, or even absent, in
ulations was carried out by constructing a multidimen- Europe (Luikart et al. 2001; Joshi et al. 2003; Naderi et al.
sional scaling plot (Fig. 3a) and a neighbour-joining tree 2007). More specifically, in the Iberian Peninsula, lineage C
(Fig. 3b), where the number of net nucleotide substitutions has a very low frequency (<5%) and lineages B, D, F and G
per site between populations (Da) was used as a distance seem to be completely absent (Amills et al. 2004; Azor et al.
measurement. This analysis highlighted the existence 2005; Pereira et al. 2005; Naderi et al. 2007). According to
of three main groups: one including Canarian, Bolivian, our data, in the Atlantic archipelagos, the situation is rather
Argentinian and Chilean goats; a second involving Euro- similar, with an absolute predominance of lineage
pean, Iberian and Mexican goats; and a third encompassing A. Nucleotide diversities in Atlantic and SCA goats were
the remaining populations (Fig. 3a,b). similar to the ones characterized in Iberian and European
breeds, but haplotype diversities were somewhat lower and
the ratios between the number of different haplotypes and
the total number of sequences were much lower. Although
The current gene pool of SCA goats was founded in the last data presented in Table S1 should be interpreted with
five centuries as a result of the introduction of this species to caution, because sample size for several populations is quite
America by the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers. Our limited, this regional analysis of genetic diversity suggests
main goal was to acquire a general perspective of the final that nucleotide and haplotype diversities are particularly
consequences of this process by exploring mitochondrial reduced in two Andean populations located in Chile and
genetic variation of caprine breeds with a large geographi- Argentina. Our interpretation is that these two populations
cal distribution in SCA. We can conclude from this survey descended from Canarian goats, which show a decreased

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Atlantic origin of American goats 319









South American 96
100 100
Cape Verde
Figure 2 Bayesian phylogenetic tree displaying Canary Islands
the genetic relationships between 195
American, European, Atlantic (Canarian and Iberian 100

Cape Verdean) and Iberian goat mitochondrial

control region haplotypes. Posterior probabil- European pool 96

ities higher than 90% are shown. A sequence 100

corresponding to Capra falconeri (Falco 1, 100

GenBank accession number: AB044306) was

used as an outgroup. A cluster containing 21 100
Canarian, Cape Verdean and SCA mitochon-
drial haplotypes (Canarian cluster, posterior 91

probability: 97) is indicated with a red arrow.
This figure is in colour in the online version of
the paper.

genetic diversity when compared, for instance, to Cape component (Luikart et al. 2001). Naderi et al. (2007), in an
Verdean goats. The most likely explanation for this low analysis involving 2430 individuals from all over the world,
genetic variability of Canarian goats is that an important also reported that 77% of mitochondrial DNA variation is
founder effect took place 2200 years ago, when the first distributed within breeds. Similarly, in Indian goats, 83% of
inhabitants of the Canary Islands settled the archipelago, the total molecular variance was included in the within-
carrying with them a small number of domestic animals breed component (Joshi et al. 2003). As a reference, in cattle,
(Capote et al. 2004). the within-breed and amongst-group components include
The SAMOVA analysis of SCA sequences showed that 45% and 51% of the total variation respectively (Luikart
around 69% of the genetic variation corresponds to the et al. 2001). The weak structuring of goat breeds is one of
within-population component, meaning that creole breeds the main pieces of evidence supporting the utilization of this
are poorly differentiated at the genetic level. This low phy- domestic species as a portable food resource accompanying
logeographic structure observed in SCA breeds is a recurring human migratory movements from time immemorial.
theme when analysing mitochondrial variation of caprine There is compelling and abundant historical evidence
populations. The AMOVA analysis of 406 European, African supporting the idea that Iberian livestock was extensively
and Asian goat sequences revealed that 78.7% of transported from the South of Spain and Portugal to
mitochondrial variation corresponded to the within-breed America (Rodero et al. 1992). In Spain, Sevilla, Cádiz, San-

 2009 The Authors, Journal compilation  2009 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 40, 315–322
320 Amills et al.

lations had a poor phylogeographic structure at the time of

the American colonization, and conceivably much earlier
Argentina (Fernández et al. 2006), and for this reason they did not
Chile leave an identifiable genetic footprint that can be recognized
Mexico now. This lack of an identifiable Iberian genetic signature
Portugal 0.001 Canary Islands contrasts very markedly with the detectable Canarian
Europe Bolivia
Spain footprint found in the genetic background of American
–0.003 –0.002 –0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 goats. In this study, median-joining network and Bayesian
CV phylogenetic analyses consistently identified a cluster
Venezuela –0.001
including Canarian, Argentinian, Chilean, Bolivian, Mexi-
–0.002 can, Cuban and Cape Verdean mitochondrial sequences
(Figs 1 & 2 and Fig. S1). This cluster was supported when
Cuba –0.003 performing a multidimensional scaling plot and a neigh-
bour-joining tree based on Da distances (Fig. 3a,b). We
believe that sequences included in this cluster have a
Cuba Canarian rather than European origin for several reasons:
(i) They do not cluster with any of the 141 Spanish, Por-
United States of America (Spanish breed)
tuguese and European sequences employed in the current
study; (ii) The BLASTN analysis of these sequences did not
allow the identification of any 100% match with the hun-
Cape Verde
dreds of African, Asian and European goat mitochondrial
sequences stored in the GenBank database; (iii) The Canary
Islands had a goat population of considerable size and with
a likely North African origin, which remained geographi-
cally isolated for 1700 years until Spanish colonization
(Capote et al. 2004); (iv) These sequences correspond to a
Canary Islands mitochondrial haplotype that has a frequency of
Chile approximately >90% in the La Palma and Tenerife islands
Argentina (Amills et al. 2004). Moreover, this relatedness between
American and Canarian goats has also been shown at the
0.0005 morphological level by Capote et al. (2004). In summary,
Figure 3 Multidimensional scaling plot (a) and neighbour-joining tree although we cannot completely rule out the possibility that
(b) displaying the genetic relationships amongst South American, these American mitochondrial haplotypes have an Iberian
Iberian, European and Atlantic (Canarian and Cape Verdean) goat or European origin, the scenario of a Canarian introduction
populations based on the calculation of Da distances (number of net to SCA seems much more plausible from a historical and
nucleotide substitutions per site between populations). CV, Cape
Verde, USA, United States of America (Spanish breed).
genetic perspective. If this is correct, Canarian haplotypes
might have reached a considerable geographical distribu-
tion (México, Cuba, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia) in the
lúcar de Barrameda and other Andalusian ports participated American continent. This would mean that either the
very actively in commerce with the American continent transportation of goats from the Canary Islands to SCA had
(Rodero et al. 1992). Conversely, the magnitude of the been performed at a considerable scale or, conversely, that
contribution of the Atlantic archipelagos to this large-scale Canarian goats, after one or few introduction events, rapidly
process of livestock exportation to America has been less disseminated in SCA. We favour a scenario with multiple
well-studied. Although it is clear that most of the ships and introductions because there is compelling historical evi-
galleys en route to the New World stopped in the Canary dence indicating that all Spanish expeditions en route to the
Islands, Cape Verde and other nearby insular territories to New World transported livestock that generally came either
take food and supplies, the impact of this marine practice on from Andalusia or the Canary Islands (Rodero et al. 1992).
the formation of creole breeds still remains to be evaluated. It is well known, for instance, that Columbus in his second
With the aim of analysing this issue from a genetic per- trip took goats, calves, sheep and pigs from the Canarian
spective, we have dissected the relationships between SCA island of La Gomera and shipped them to the Antilles
goats and caprine breeds from Spain, Portugal, Cape Verde, (Rodero et al. 1992). Goats were also transported in the
Canary Islands and several European countries. third and fourth trips of Columbus as well as in the expe-
It is worth mentioning that we were unable to find a ditions of Pizarro and Almagro (1530) to Perú and of Ñuflo
distinctive Iberian genetic signature in SCA goats. This de Chávez (1548) to Argentina (Rodero et al. 1992). The
finding might be explained by the fact that Iberian popu- relatively small size of the Spanish galleys combined with

 2009 The Authors, Journal compilation  2009 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 40, 315–322
Atlantic origin of American goats 321

the fact that Spanish expeditions targeted many different Bandelt H.J. (2007) Network User Guide, pp. 3–35. Fluxus
locations in the vast SCA subcontinent probably made it Technology Ltd, Suffolk, UK.
necessary to repeatedly transport livestock, either from the Bandelt H.J., Macaulay V. & Richards M. (2000) Median networks,
Iberian Peninsula or the Atlantic islands, in order to be able speedy construction and greedy reduction, one simulation, and
two case studies from human mtDNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and
to sustain the ever-increasing population of Spanish colo-
Evolution 16, 8–28.
nizers. According to Rodero et al. (1992), goats had an
Cañón J., Garcı́a D., Garcı́a-Atance M.A., Obexer-Ruff G., Lenstra
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it is worth mentioning that the presence of a Canarian the Middle East. Animal Genetics 37, 327–34.
haplotype in Cape Verde is consistent with historical records Capote J., Tejera A., Amills M., Argüello A., Fresno M. & López J.L.
indicating that, in the 15th century, Portuguese sailors (2004) Influencia histórica y actual de los genotipos canarios en
brought livestock including goats from Portugal, Africa and la población caprina americana. AGRI 35, 49–60.
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agos (Rodero et al. 1992). Mitochondrial diversity and phylogeographic structure of
The genetic wealth of caprine SCA breeds has remained Chinese domestic goats. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
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uncharacterized to date, in spite of its potential as a pow-
Dupanloup I., Schneider S. & Excoffier L. (2002) A simulated
erful tool in conservation and selection programmes. In
annealing approach to define the genetic structure of popula-
this study, we have analysed the genetic diversity of several tions. Molecular Ecology 11, 2571–81.
SCA goat populations and we have found evidence sug- Fernández H., Hughes S., Vigne J.D., Helmer D., Hodgins G., Miquel
gesting that Atlantic goat populations, localized in the C., Hanni C., Luikart G. & Taberlet P. (2006) Divergent mtDNA
West Indies route, participated in the foundation of Ar- lineages of goats in an early Neolithic site, far from the initial
gentinian and Chilean breeds. However, there are several domestication areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of
countries such as Colombia and Perú with large popula- Sciences of the United States of America 103, 15375–9.
tions of caprines, which have not been sampled in our Hasegawa M., Kishino H. & Yano T. (1985) Dating of the human-
study. A pending issue would be to characterize the genetic ape splitting by a molecular clock of mitochondrial DNA. Journal
diversity of South American creole breeds by analysing of Molecular Evolution 22, 160–74.
Joshi M.B., Rout P.K., Mandal A.K., Tyler-Smith C., Singh I. &
thousands of individuals with a wide geographical distri-
Thangaraj K. (2003) Phylogeography and origin of Indian
bution with the aid of a combination of nuclear and
domestic goats. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21, 454–62.
mitochondrial markers. Additional efforts to understand Luikart G., Gielly I., Excoffier L., Vigne J.D., Bouvet J. & Taberlet P.
how this American genetic patrimony was built up and (2001) Multiple maternal origins and weak phylogeographic
shaped, combined with the genetic characterization of local structure in domestic goats. Proceedings of the National Academy of
breeds, will play a fundamental role in the preservation of Sciences of the United States of America 98, 5927–32.
a legacy with deep roots in the Iberian Peninsula and Naderi S., Rezaei H.R., Taberlet P., Zundel S., Rafat S.A., Naghash
Atlantic archipelagos. H.R., El-Barody M.A., Ertugrul O., Pompanon F. & Econogene
Consortium (2007) Large-scale mitochondrial DNA analysis of
the domestic goat reveals six haplogroups with high diversity.
Acknowledgements PLoS ONE 2, e1012.
Nei M. & Miller J.C. (1990) A simple method for estimating average
We are grateful to Jean-Marie Luginbuhl, Liliana Allegretti,
number of nucleotide substitutions within and between popula-
Alfredo Teixeira, Vladimir Ribera, Norge Fonseca, José A.
tions from restriction data. Genetics 125, 873–9.
Atto Mendives, Angelika Stemmer, Noemı́ Castro, Afonso Page R.D. (1996) TREEVIEW, an application to display phylogenetic
Semedo, Morse B. Solomon, Hector Andrade, Jorge Olmos, trees on personal computers. Computer Applications in the
Emilio Cabrera, Felipe Trujillo and René Garcés for provid- Biosciences 12, 357–8.
ing goat samples. Thanks to Jorge Frı́as for his helpful Pariacote F. (2006) The goat in South America and development
comments on the manuscript. perspectives. In: International Symposium Goat Farming Central,
Eastern European countries, present and future. IGA-CAPRIROM.
Constanta, Romania.
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Supporting information
Additional supporting information may be found in the
online version of this article.

 2009 The Authors, Journal compilation  2009 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 40, 315–322

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