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Horizontal Wind Loads on Open-Frame, Low-Rise Buildings

Gregory A. Kopp1; Jon K. Galsworthy2; and Jeong Hee Oh3

Abstract: Wind tunnel tests of open-frame, low-rise buildings were carried out to determine the drag 共base shear兲 and bracing loads in
the direction normal to the frames 共parallel to the ridge兲. In total, 18 configurations were examined in an open country terrain at a scale
of 1:100. The worst wind angles for all configurations are between 0°–40° with 20°–30° typically yielding slightly higher loads, 0° being
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parallel to the ridge. The largest load coefficients are observed for the smallest frame buildings, consistent with observations for enclosed
buildings, which is due to three-dimensional 共edge兲 effects. The solidity ratio has a clear effect on the load coefficients with higher
coefficients for lower solidity, similar to the behavior observed on lattice frames or trussed towers. However, when these coefficients are
multiplied by the solidity ratio, so that they can be directly compared to enclosed building coefficients, it is clear that the total load
increases monotonically with solid area. Bracing was observed to take up to 75% of the total drag load. An empirical model was
developed for obtaining design loads.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲ST.1943-541X.0000082
CE Database subject headings: Wind loads; Buildings, low-rise; Aerodynamics; Standards and codes; Frames.
Author keywords: Wind loads; Buildings, low-rise; Aerodynamics; Standards and codes.

Introduction 共2007兲 summarizes all of work to date, in addition to providing

new data. However, there does not appear to have been any work
The ASCE 7-05 currently provides no guidance for the drag 共base done on the drag and bracing loads for open-frame, low-rise
shear兲 loads on open-frame, low-rise buildings, although it does buildings to date and the use of load coefficients for open lattice
provide guidelines for the roof loads of such structures. A recent structures leads to what appears to be excessively large loads for
summary of the earlier work on roof loads on open-frame build- low-rise buildings. The current work seeks to address this point
ings can be found in Uematsu and Stathopoulos 共2003兲 while since the presence of both the roof and the ground would be
Uematsu et al. 共2007兲 provide extensive new data. For gable or expected to play a significant role on the flow speeds and direc-
monoslope roofs it seems reasonable to presume that the majority tions through the open building and impinging on the interior
of the drag in the direction normal to the ridge is due to the roof, frames, perhaps leading to quite different loads when compared to
particularly for roof slopes greater than about 3:12. This is not the open lattice structures. Thus, shielding factors may be different
case for winds parallel to the ridge where the member size of the for low-rise building frames compared to those for lattice tower
frames can cause significant drag. This load is largely resisted frames.
through diagonal bracing between frames for metal buildings, and The objective of the present study is to develop an empirically
so guidance is needed for these wind directions where roof pres- based model of the horizontal load coefficients for low-rise, open-
sures are not playing the dominant role. frame buildings. Since there are a wide range of parameters for
In determining design loads for the drag parallel to the ridge, these buildings, many test configurations are required to develop
the current state-of-the-art is to apply drag coefficients obtained a model which accounts for the normal range of parameters for
for open lattice structures, such as those determined by Georgiou practical buildings. To this end, three different frame sizes, in the
and Vickery 共1979兲 and Georgiou 共1979兲. These authors also range of widths from 12.2 to 30.5 m, with building lengths con-
summarize the existing literature prior to 1979, while Mara sisting of three, six, and nine frames for several solidity ratios are
examined in order to develop the load model in a manner consis-
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Wind Engineering, Bound- tent with the ASCE 7-05 共ASCE 2006兲 for enclosed buildings and
ary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of for open buildings 共where the wind is perpendicular to the ridge兲.
Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada N6A 5B9 共corresponding author兲.
E-mail: Experimental Setup
Adjunct Professor, Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Faculty
of Engineering, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada N6A A model scale of 1:100 was chosen for the study, consistent with
5B9; and Project Director, Rowan Williams Davies and Irwin Inc., 650 the scale used for the NIST aerodynamic database 关e.g., Ho et al.
Woodlawn Rd. West, Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1B8. 共2005兲 and St. Pierre et al. 共2005兲兴 and other recent studies at the
Research Engineer, Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario 共UWO兲 关e.g., Kopp et al. 共2005兲兴.
Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada This scale represents a reasonable compromise between an
N6A 5B9. achievable flow scale and a manufacturable model, both of which
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 4, 2008; approved are discussed in detail below.
on June 30, 2009; published online on July 2, 2009. Discussion period
open until June 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted for indi-
Model Configurations and Details
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineer-
ing, Vol. 136, No. 1, January 1, 2010. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/2010/1- One of the goals of the experiments was to determine both the
98–105/$25.00. total base shear 共drag兲 as well as a reasonable estimate of the


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

7.6m 7.6m


12.2, 21.3 and 30.5 m


End Elevation
Frame Width:

0° 180°
Sx, Bx

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Roof Plan
3.7, 6.1 and 9.1 m

3.7, 6.1 and 9.1 m

Eave Height:

Number of frames: 3, 6 and 9

Side Elevation

Fig. 1. Drawings of the wind tunnel models with a definition sketch

of the coordinate system and wind direction

proportion going through the bracing. Thus, an approach was

taken to separate these two contributions directly. First, the entire
model was mounted to a plate which was positioned on a high
frequency force balance, allowing the overall base shear to be
measured. The mounting of the frames to the base plate was in-
tended to model pin connections, described in detail below, and
so replicate the expected load path. Second, the bracing was con-
nected to the base plate through small load cells 共which measured
the axial load in the bracing members兲 and to the top of the frame.
Using this approach, the model frames were cut from a single
piece of steel, with the dimensions shown in Fig. 1. The frame (c)
thickness was constant and equal to 1.5 mm 共=0.15 m in equiva-
lent full scale兲 for the W = 30.5 m building, and equal to 1.3 mm
共=0.13 m in full scale兲 for the W = 21.3 m and 12.2-m buildings.
The frames had rectangular sections rather than being cut like
I-beams. This is not expected to change the load coefficients sig-
nificantly, and in any case, it would not have been possible to
manufacture the model at this scale if the members had to be
made as I-beams. The roof was made of a single plate and was
pinned to the frames. Fig. 2共b兲 shows the pins, one of which is
indicated by a circle in the photograph. The frames were con-
nected to clamps on the base plate with a segment of “shim stock”
of 0.13-mm thickness, with a free length of 1.5-mm between
clamps. This connection, shown in the photograph in Fig. 2共c兲, is
intended to replicate a pinned connection in the x-direction
共where the coordinate system is defined in Fig. 1兲. While this
connection was not a “perfect” pin, unbraced single frames would
lean at a considerable angle so that the stiffness due to this con-
nection was relatively small. To provide the stiffness in the
x-direction, bracing was placed on both sides of a single bay, as (e)
shown in Figs. 1 and 2, for each model. Small load cells were
placed at the base of each model to measure the axial force in Fig. 2. Photographs of 共a兲 the generic upstream terrain in the wind
each bracing segment, as described above. Model drawings can tunnel; 共b兲 the W = 12.2 m model with three frames; 共c兲 a close-up of
be found in Fig. 1 and photographs in Fig. 2. a connection between a frame and the base; 共d兲 the gable end; and 共e兲
In total, 18 configurations were tested, as listed in Table 1. In entire end wall
particular, three different frame sizes were used, with the bulk of
the tests on the W = 21.3-m frame. Four different solidity ratios
were tested, where solidity ratio is defined as a ratio of the
blocked area to the total area enclosed by the end frame. The


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

Table 1. Model Configurations in Equivalent Full-Scale Dimensions
Frame width W Eave height H Actual area A Blocked area Ao
Configuration Description Number of frames 共m兲 共m兲 共m2兲 共m2兲 Solidity ratio Ao / A
1 Nominally open 3 12.2 3.7 50.8 8.2 0.161
2 Nominally open 6 12.2 3.7 50.8 8.2 0.161
3 Nominally open 9 12.2 3.7 50.8 8.2 0.161
4 Nominally open 9 30.5 9.1 317.5 29.3 0.092
5 Nominally open 6 30.5 9.1 317.5 29.3 0.092
6 Nominally open 3 30.5 9.1 317.5 29.3 0.092
7 Revised solidity frame 3 21.3 6.1 149.0 23.5 0.158
8 Nominally open 3 21.3 6.1 149.0 14.3 0.096
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9 Gable end filled in 3 21.3 6.1 149.0 52.3 0.351

10 End wall filled in 3 21.3 6.1 149.0 149.0 1.000
11 Revised solidity frame 6 21.3 6.1 149.0 23.5 0.158
12 Nominally open 6 21.3 6.1 149.0 14.3 0.096
13 Gable end filled in 6 21.3 6.1 149.0 52.3 0.351
14 End wall filled in 6 21.3 6.1 149.0 149.0 1.000
15 Revised solidity frame 9 21.3 6.1 149.0 23.5 0.158
16 Nominally open 9 21.3 6.1 149.0 14.3 0.096
17 Gable end filled in 9 21.3 6.1 149.0 52.3 0.351
18 End wall filled in 9 21.3 6.1 149.0 149.0 1.000

lowest value of solidity ratio is due to the bare frames 共with though the integral scale is slightly small compared to the target
roofs兲, but additional values were obtained with 共1兲 a wider frame values, as is usual in wind tunnel testing of low-rise buildings.
member 共with a slightly higher solidity兲; 共2兲 the gable ends filled
in; and 共3兲 the entire end walls filled in. These additions were
Data Acquisition Parameters
made with modular parts which could be added to the frames as
required. Photographs of the model details can be found in Fig. 2, The load cell measurements were repeated for 19 wind angles
with further details in Kopp et al. 共2008兲. from 0°–180°, as defined in Fig. 1. Horizontal loads from the
No testing was performed with obstructions underneath the balance Sx and Sy as well as the horizontal bracing loads Bx were
building since the worst case for the horizontal loads is expected
to be with the building open. It should be noted that this is not the
case for uplift on the roof, but this is not a subject considered in 16
the current study. 14
Terrain Simulation 10
Elevation (m)

Testing was conducted in Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel II at 8

UWO. The wind tunnel has a working cross section 3.4 m 共11 ft兲 6
wide with a variable height, nominally 2.4 m 共8 ft兲 high at the
measurement location, with an upstream fetch of 39 m 共128 ft兲.
Fig. 2共a兲 shows a photograph of one of the building models with 2
the upstream terrain in the wind tunnel. The present experiments 0
were designed to match a reasonable open country terrain, such as 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
that used for the NIST Aerodynamic Database for Low-Rise (a) V/V10; Iu
Buildings, described in Ho et al. 共2005兲. In the current work, the

open country terrain is characterized by a slightly larger rough-

ness length zo of 0.05 m. These experiments were matched to the
Engineering Science Data Unit 共ESDU兲 共1982兲 82,026 mean pro-

files, Engineering Science Data Unit 共ESDU兲 共1983兲 83,045 tur-

bulence intensities, and Engineering Science Data Unit 共ESDU兲

共1974兲 740,031 velocity spectra for the specified target terrain

roughness. Fig. 3共a兲 depicts the measured and target 共ESDU兲 ESDU

open country mean longitudinal velocity and turbulence intensity

profiles. The mean wind speed profiles have been normalized at 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
10 m for the comparison 共using a model scale of 1:100兲. The (b) fH/U
figures show that both the experimental mean and intensity pro-
files are in good agreement with the target profiles from ESDU. Fig. 3. Measured and target 共a兲 mean streamwise velocity and turbu-
Fig. 3共b兲 depicts the longitudinal wind spectra measured by an lence intensity profiles; 共b兲 streamwise velocity spectra. Solid lines
x-wire probe, along with the target 共ESDU兲 spectrum. The agree- represent the target ESDU profiles, while data points are measured
ment between the measured and target spectra is reasonable, al- experimental values.


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

Table 2. Details Pertaining to Data Acquisition Definition of Load Coefficients
Parameter Load cell tests The base shear 共drag兲 coefficient is defined as
Eave heights, H 3.7, 6.1, 9.1 m
Gable roof slope 2:12 CSx = 1 共2兲
Terrain roughness, zo 0.05 m 共0.2 ft兲 2 ␳V 2
HA o

Wind angles 共degrees兲a 0°–180° in 10° increments where VH = the mean 共1 h兲 wind speed at the eave height and Ao
Sampling frequency 400 Hz = the blocked area. Table 1 lists Ao for each configuration. One
Low-pass filter cut-off frequency 10–20 Hz could also define the base shear coefficient with the actual total
Sampling time 100–250 s area enclosed by the end frame 共i.e., the total area of the end wall
Reference wind tunnel speedb 7.6–18.3 m/s if it were present兲; this coefficient is CSx · ␸, where ␸ = Ao / A is the
Model scale 1:100 solidity ratio.
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Velocity scale 1:7 to 1:3 The horizontal component of the bracing force is normalized
Time scale 1: 0.030 to 1: 0.070 in the same way such that
See Fig. 1 for the definition of wind angle. Bx
Actual wind tunnel speed varied within 5% of the nominal reference CBx = 1 共3兲
2 ␳VHAo
level speed. Load coefficients were normalized using the actual wind
speed measured during the run. These force coefficients can be used with the ASCE 7-05 once
they have been converted to that format. Following the analysis of
measured. The sign convention is depicted in Fig. 1. The data St. Pierre et al. 共2005兲 and Kopp et al. 共2005兲, the wind tunnel
were sampled at a rate of 400 Hz, but digitally low-pass filtered in load coefficients can be converted to equivalent GC p values as
the range of 10–20 Hz, depending on the configuration. As well, A
q HC Sx o 
the model resonant frequencies fell within measurement range 共GCp兲eq = = FwtC Sx 共4兲
and were band-pass filtered. The load cell experiments were chal- q10 m,3 s ztKhKdIAo
lenging since the peak loads depend on the configuration, requir- where 共GC p兲eq=equivalent wind tunnel pressure coefficient;
ing each configuration to be run at a different wind tunnel speed qH=wind pressure at the eave height; q10 m,3 s=basic wind pres-
to maximize the range used on the transducers to minimize ex- sure in ASCE 7-05; Kzt=topographic factor; Kh converts the wind
perimental, measurement uncertainty. Thus, in order to ensure pressure to eave height; Kd=directionality factor; and
accurate measurements, the wind tunnel speed was altered for I=importance factor. The factors Kzt and I were set to unity. Kd
each configuration. This leads to changes in the velocity scale for was also set to unity since worst coefficients are considered in this
each model, which of course alters the time scale, since ␭T analysis. Thus, all peak load coefficients in this report can be
= ␭L / ␭V, where ␭T is the time scale, ␭L is the length scale, and ␭V converted to 共GC p兲eq by multiplying by Fwt. One can then use
is the velocity scale. The ranges of velocity and time scales are ASCE 7-05 formulation together with the current measured coef-
given in Table 2, with the time scales varying in such a way that ficients for design.
the equivalent full-scale sampling period was held to 1 h.
The maximum blockage ratio 共i.e., ratio of blocked area to
total wind tunnel cross-sectional area兲 for the models was in con- Results and Discussion
figurations 10, 14, and 18 and was about 0.2%. The minimum
Reynolds number, based on the eave height H was 20,000. Full-
scale Reynolds numbers would be larger by the length scale mul- Basic Aerodynamics
tiplied by the velocity scale, so the present experiments are about
Fig. 4 shows the mean CSx and standard deviation C  of the base
three orders of magnitude low. This is consistent with wind tunnel
shear in the x-direction 共normal to main axis of the frames兲 for
test procedures for low-rise buildings 共ASCE 1999兲 and is not
nine configurations versus wind angle in order to get a basic
expected to have a significant impact on overall 共structural兲 loads.
understanding of the aerodynamic load coefficients. Recall that
The peak load coefficients presented in the study are not the
Table 1 lists the configuration details, but that Configurations 1–3
absolute worst coefficients recorded within the sample time, but
are for the W = 12.2-m wide frame, Configurations 4–6 are for the
are formed peaks using a peak factor such that
W = 30.5-m wide frame and Configurations 8, 12, and 16 are for
 = C + gC
 the 21.3-m wide frame. These results are for the minimum solid-
C Sx Sx Sx 共1兲
ity tested for each of these frames. Several observations can be
where the “^” indicates the peak value; the overbar is the mean; made.
the “ ⬃ ” = standard deviation; and g = suitable peak factor. Given First, the worst wind angle for all configurations is between
the variable velocity scales that were required to obtain the data, 0°–40° with 20°–30° typically yielding slightly higher load coef-
this is deemed a more reliable and consistent way to handle the ficients. The reason for this is the combination of the mean load
data. Throughout this work, a value of g = 3.8 has been assumed. coefficients 共which contribute roughly 1/2 of the peak load coef-
The peak factor of 3.8 used in the formed coefficients is de- ficients兲 and the fluctuations, both of which tend to be highest for
rived from the theoretical result first developed by Davenport winds from 20°–30°. The mean values go through values of 0 at
共1964兲. Using a peak factor provides an average value of the peak 90°, as they should, while the RMS 关we use RMS 共for root-mean-
forces, which is appropriate for design coefficients. The theoreti- square兲 to denote the standard deviation throughout兴 values are
cal value of the peak factor ranges from 3.5 to 4.0 depending on also minimum at 90°. There is a clear similarity in the variation of
the rate of fluctuations in the load. The value used in this study is the mean and RMS particularly for the critical wind angles.
judged to be appropriate for this class of structure and wind flow Second, for all frame sizes, the number of frames is an impor-
field. tant factor since the load is observed to increase monotonically


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

10 2.0
24.4m x 38.1m, 1:12, H= 7.3m
24.4m x 38.1m, 3:12, H= 7.3m
1.5 12.2m x 19.1m, 1:12, H= 3.7m
48.8m x 76.2m, 1:12, H= 12.2m



0 0.0
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
(a) win d an g le (d e g re e s )
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2.5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

w ind
nd ang
ngle (degr ees)
Fig. 6. Peak base shear coefficients from the NIST aerodynamic
1.5 database for enclosed, low-rise buildings


tested, only two frame sizes have the same solidity ratio so that
one has to infer the effects of frame size at slightly different
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 solidity ratios. Nevertheless, the effects of the frame size are
(b) win d an g le (d e g re e s ) clearly observed and the largest load coefficients are observed for
W=12.2m; 9 frames W=12.2m; 6 frames the smallest frames. This is an important observation since it im-
W=12.2m; 3 frames W=30.5m; 9 frames plies that there would be significant challenges in modeling the
W=30.5m; 6 frames W=30.5m, 3 frames loads for this type of building as an open lattice structure for
W=21.3m; 3 frames W=21.3m; 6 frames which it is assumed that horizontal forces are added up over the
W=21.3m; 9 frames
blocked areas using drag coefficients and shielding factors.
Fig. 4. Effects of wind angle on base shear coefficients in the There does not appear to be an easy explanation for this be-
x-direction for low solidity frames: 共a兲 mean; 共b兲 RMS coefficients havior, but it does appear to be consistent with drag on enclosed
buildings 共e.g., Nywening 2006兲 which may be due to the rela-
tively larger end effects on the surface pressures for smaller build-
with the number of frames. Third, for a constant number of ings. This immediately suggests that an empirical load model
frames, the size of the frame is also an important factor, with the based on enclosed low-rise buildings holds some promise. To
smallest frames having the largest load coefficients 共although this examine this further, Fig. 6 shows an analysis of  C for enclosed Sx
effect is skewed slightly by the fact that the solidity ratio is not buildings from the NIST aerodynamic database 共Ho et al. 2005;
held constant in this data兲. These points will be examined in Nywening 2006兲. These data exhibit the same characteristics as
greater detail below.
the open-frame buildings in a few ways. First, the worst wind
direction is in the range of 0° to ⫾ 30°. Second, there is a clear
Effects of Building „Frame… Size trend of the largest buildings having the smallest load coefficients.
 for models with For example, the largest C  for the W = 12.2 m and H = 3.7 m
Fig. 5 shows the peak, formed coefficients C Sx
six frames as a function of frame width. For the configurations enclosed building is 2.0, while for the W = 24.4 m and H
= 7.3 m building it is 1.7. From the pressure data analyzed in
Nywening 共2006兲, it appears that this is due to relatively larger
14 three-dimensional effects around the edges of the smaller build-
W= 12.2m
ings. These measured values will be compared to the current
W= 21.3m
共open frame兲 coefficients in greater detail in the following sub-
0 degrees
10 10 degrees section.

 W= 30.5m
W= 21.3m
20 degrees It is interesting to compare the ratios of 
C for the different
8 30 degrees
sized buildings 共i.e., C 
Sx W=12.2 m / CSx 兩W=21.3 m兲, as they are rela-
6 tively constant for any two building sizes, regardless of the num-
ber of frames. In fact, the ratio C 兩 兩
/C is
Sx W=12.2 m Sx W=21.3 m
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
between 1.3 and 1.4 for three, six, and nine frames. In addition,
solidit y rat io the ratio C Sx W=30.5 m / CSx 兩W=21.3 m is between 0.7 and 0.8 for
three, six, and nine frames. This has significant consequences for
Fig. 5. Effects of building width W on the peak base shear for a a load model because it means that individual parameters for
building length of six frames as a function of solidity ratio 共Configu- frame size and number of frames 共building length兲 are indepen-
rations 2, 5, 11, and 12兲 dent.


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

3.5 10 degrees
20 degrees
30 degrees
2.5 enclosed building


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 (a)
solidit y rat io
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Fig. 7. Effect of solidity ratio on peak, formed base shear coefficients

normalized by the actual end wall area for six-frame W = 21.3 m
buildings 共Configurations 11–14兲

Effects of Solidity Ratio

Four solidity ratios were examined with the W = 21.3 m frame for
each of three, six, and nine frames. The peak coefficients for
buildings with six frames are summarized in Fig. 7 for the critical
wind angles since similar results are obtained for the cases of (b)
three and nine frames. The solidity ratio has a clear effect on the
load coefficients with higher coefficients for lower solidity, as Fig. 8. Peak base shear coefficients for W = 21.3 m as a function of
would be expected. These results show similar behavior as has the number of frames for 共a兲 ␸ = 0.16 共Configurations 7, 11, and 15兲;
been observed for lattice tower coefficients 关e.g., Bayar 共1986兲 共b兲 ␸ = 1.0 共Configurations 10, 14, and 18兲
and Mara 共2007兲兴, although the magnitudes are very different.
Fig. 7 depicts the peak coefficients multiplied by the solidity ratio
so that the relative loading between different solidity ratios can be variation with the gable ends or entire end walls in place leads to
compared. Clearly, the total load increases monotonically with different variation, perhaps due to changes in the flow through the
solidity. building because of the large blockage at the ends. Fig. 8共b兲
Fig. 7 also includes the enclosed building base shear coeffi- shows that the asymptotic behavior for entire end walls either has
cient for a building that is of similar size and shape 共W not been achieved or the variation is something other than linear,
= 24.4 m, H = 7.3 m, and the equivalent of six frames, or five at least in the range of variables tested here.
bays each 7.6-m long兲 from the NIST database. Comparing the
current open-frame building loads with those for the completely Bracing Loads
enclosed building, it is clear that open-frame buildings with solid
end walls have loads which are about twice that of the analogous Fig. 9 depicts the ratio of the horizontal component  Bx of the
enclosed building. This is because, for wind from 20°–30°, the measured axial bracing force to the total base shear Sx as a func-
inside of the leeward wall is exposed to the wind, so there are two
additional loaded surfaces 共the interior windward and leeward tion of the solidity ratio. While it is quite clear that 
Bx / 
Sx is not a
wall surfaces兲, compared to the enclosed building case. It is also function of solidity ratio, an argument could perhaps be made that
observed that for the case with only the gable ends filled in 共␸ it is a function of building size. However, given the variation
= 0.35兲, the load coefficients are about the same as for the en- from configuration to configuration, best exhibited for the frame
closed building. Even for ␸ = 0.16, the load coefficients are simi-
lar to the enclosed building. Thus, open-frame buildings
experience significant drag due to the wind impinging on the
frames, and this load is of comparable magnitude to that for en-
closed buildings.

Effects of Number of Frames

Fig. 8 depicts a selection of the peak base shear coefficients C

for different numbers of frames, for two solidity ratios. For solid-
ity ratios due only to the frame dimensions 共Configurations 7, 11,
and 15兲, the loads increase linearly with number of frames in the
range tested 共three to nine frames兲. This can be seen in Fig. 8共a兲.
This would likely continue for larger numbers of frames, but not
likely for fewer. For one, or even two frames, one would not
expect this linear behavior due to relative changes in shielding of
the different members, but it appears that three frames are suffi- Fig. 9. Ratio of peak horizontal bracing force to peak total base shear
cient for this asymptotic behavior to occur. In contrast, linear as a function of solidity ratio


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

Table 3. Ratios of Peak Base Shears as a Function of Building Width

W 共m兲 兩 /C
C 兩
Sx W Sx 21.3 m

12.2 1.4
21.3 1.0
30.5 0.8

Kw = 再 1.8 − 0.010W, for 6.1 m ⬍ W ⬍ 30.5 m

0.8, for W ⱖ 30.5 m
冎 共8兲

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Fig. 10. Solidity factor Ks as a function of solidity ratio ␸ and num- Ks = 0.2 + 0.073共n − 3兲 + 0.4 exp共1.5␸兲 共9兲
ber of frames, for W = 21.3 m. The lines are obtained via Eq. 共9兲. where n = number of frames and ␸ = solidity ratio. These design
loads apply only to the base shear parallel to the ridge and per-
pendicular to the frames for winds in the range 0°–45°. Using the
size W = 21.3 m, for which most of the testing was done,  Bx / 
Sx is loads defined by Eqs. 共7兲–共9兲, it is recommended that 75% of the
in the range of 0.5 to 0.75, with an overall average value for all
configurations over the critical wind angle range of 0.6. Thus, the total base shear 共drag兲 
Sx be used as the basis for the design of the
bracing takes roughly 1/2 to 3/4 of the total horizontal load in the bracing members. The justification for Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲 are given
x-direction 共perpendicular to the pinned frames兲. below.
The frame width factor Kw is defined to account for the effects
of frame or building width that are observed in the current experi-
mental data 共e.g., Fig. 5兲. This term is needed since such effects
Empirical Model for Base Shear Perpendicular
are not currently accounted for in the ASCE 7 for enclosed build-
to Frames
ings. For enclosed buildings, the edge effects are accounted for by
The major parameters which affect the wind-induced base shear the length of the edge zone a which has the same proportion of
loads on low-rise, open-frame buildings in the direction perpen- wall area for all three frame widths so that the net shear in the
dicular to the frames are frame size 共width and height兲, number of x-direction is the same. Interestingly, there are building width
frames, and solidity ratio. Analysis of the variations of the load effects noted for the enclosed buildings in the NIST database, as
coefficients holding any two of these parameters constant and can be seen in Fig. 6, but these are not to the same extent as
varying the third suggests that multiplicative factors accounting observed for the open buildings and they are not accounted for in
for the load effects of these parameters would lead to a reasonable the code either. Table 3 indicates the ratio of the peak base shears
loading model. In addition, both the magnitude of the loads and for the three widths in the current study, relative to the measure-
the aerodynamic behavior appear to have more in common with ments for W = 21.3 m, which was the case for which most of our
enclosed low-rise buildings than with open lattice structures such measurements were taken. Given that this variation is not ac-
as electrical power transmission towers. Therefore, using en- counted for in ASCE 7-05, choosing the magnitude of Kw is not
closed building drag loads is a reasonable starting point for con- straightforward since it involves making a detailed comparison of
structing a load/design model for open-frame, low-rise buildings. the loads for different sized enclosed structures and then compar-
The ASCE 7-05 defines the pressure loads due to wind as ing this with the code provisions. Such an analysis was performed
by St. Pierre et al. 共2005兲 using a portion of the NIST database
p = 共GCp兲q10KztKdKhI 共5兲 and comparing with the original source data for the current low-
rise wind load provisions 关e.g., Stathopoulos 共1979兲兴, as well as
where GCp = pressure coefficient appropriate to the building type
with the current ASCE 7 coefficients. St. Pierre et al. found that,
and size; q10 = design wind pressure; Kzt = topographic factor; Kd
in general, the coefficients in the current provisions are low com-
= wind directionality factor; Kh = velocity pressure exposure factor
pared to current measurements and analysis. To deal with this, we
evaluated at the mean roof height; and I = importance factor. For
made the choice of making Kw a relative coefficient which ac-
the current building shapes and sizes, Fig. 6–10 in ASCE 7-05
counted for the relative variation over the range of buildings
defines GCp values, with coefficients from the end walls, parallel
tested. Since the data that went into the code for low-rise build-
to the ridge being appropriate. Then, the total base shear 共parallel
ings was based largely around building widths of 20 to 30 m, we
to the ridge兲 for the enclosed building is
chose to use W = 21.3 m as our reference point, so that Kw = 1 for

Sx = 共pwindward − pleeward兲A 共6兲 W = 21.3 m. Eq. 共8兲 gives the value of the factor as a function of
frame width W where an upper bound is given since it is expected
where A = area of the entire end wall; pwindward = average pressure that for much larger buildings, the effects of the edge will not
on the windward end wall; and pleeward = average pressure on the further reduce the loads compared to smaller buildings. In the
leeward end wall. To modify this for open-frame buildings, we range of W from ⬃6 to ⬃30 m, a linear variation in Kw matches
introduce two multiplicative factors: Kw, which accounts for the data reasonably well, given the resolution of building widths
building width effects; and Ks, which accounts for both the solid- that we have. Thus, the magnitude of the overall loading is made
ity ratio and number of frames. These coefficients are applied to to match the experimental observations using the second coeffi-
Eq. 共5兲 such that cient Ks.
The values of the factor Ks defined by Eq. 共9兲, account for the
p = 共GCp兲q10共KztKdKhI兲共KwKs兲 共7兲
variation of loads due to solidity ratio and the number of frames,
with as well as enforcing the magnitude to the correct value relative to


J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

the enclosed building data. Using the current data, we made the for this model over what is used for enclosed buildings in order to
choice of matching to the NIST data for the buildings with W capture the effects of frame 共building兲 width Kw and solidity ratio,
= 24.4 m and H = 7.3 m 共with roof slopes of 1:12 and 3:12兲 since together with the number of frames Ks.
this data has been significantly analyzed 共St. Pierre et al. 2005兲, is
widely accessible, and was obtained in a manner consistent with Acknowledgments
the current experiments. Fig. 10 depicts both the experimental
data and Eq. 共9兲 applied for three, six, and nine frames. Eq. 共9兲 The writers gratefully acknowledge the support provided for this
was not developed as a curve fit through the experimental data, work by the Metal Building Manufacturers Association, and in
but is rather a formulation with a rather simple functional depen- particular, many useful discussions with Dr. Lee Shoemaker and
dence which envelopes the experimental data. The equation can Mr. Scott Russell. G. A. K. gratefully acknowledges the support
be used for n ⬎ 9, but for n ⬍ 3, the values for n = 3 should be provided by the Canada Research Chairs Program.
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Conclusions ASCE. 共1999兲. “Wind tunnel studies of buildings and structures.” ASCE
manuals and reports on engineering practice No. 67, ASCE, Reston,
The objectives of the present study were to determine the total Va.
ASCE. 共2006兲. “Minimum design loads for buildings and other struc-
base shear and bracing loads in the direction normal to the frames
tures.” ASCE 7-05, Reston, Va.
共parallel to the ridge兲 for open-frame buildings and develop an Bayar, D. C. 共1986兲. “Drag coefficients on latticed towers.” J. Struct.
appropriate empirical model for use in design. In total, 18 con- Eng., 112, 417–430.
figurations consisting of three different frame sizes in the range of Davenport, A. G. 共1964兲. “Note on the distribution of the largest value of
widths from 12 to 30 m and heights from 3.6 to 9.1 m, with a random fluctuation with application to gust loading.” Proc.- Inst.
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solidity ratios were examined in an open country terrain at a scale Engineering Sciences Data Unit 共ESDU兲. 共1974兲. “Characteristics of at-
of 1:100. mospheric turbulence near the ground.” ESDU data item 74031,
The main conclusions of the work are: ESDU.
1. The worst wind angle for all configurations is between Engineering Sciences Data Unit 共ESDU兲. 共1982兲. “Strong winds in the
0°–40° with 20°–30° typically yielding slightly higher load atmosphere boundary layer. Part 1: Mean-hourly wind speeds.” ESDU
coefficients. data item 82026, ESDU.
Engineering Sciences Data Unit 共ESDU兲. 共1983兲. “Strong winds in the
2. The largest load coefficients are observed for the smallest
atmosphere boundary layer. Part 2: Discrete gust speeds.” ESDU data
frames. This is consistent with observations on enclosed
item 83045, ESDU.
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Georgiou, P. N. 共1979兲. “A study of the wind loads on building frames.”
edge effects for the smaller buildings. This contrasts with MESc thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ont.
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load model based on low-rise enclosed buildings is appropri- frames.” Proc., 5th Int. Conf. on Wind Engineering, Fort Collins,
ate for design. Colo., 421–433.
3. The solidity ratio has a clear effect on the load coefficients Ho, T. C. E., Surry, D., Morrish, D., and Kopp, G. A. 共2005兲. “The UWO
with higher coefficients for lower solidity 共with the drag contribution to the NIST aerodynamic database for wind loads on low
forces normalized by the blocked area of the end frame兲. buildings. Part 1: Archiving format and basic aerodynamic data.” J.
These results are similar in behavior to lattice tower coeffi- Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 93共1兲, 1–30.
cients, although the magnitudes are different. When these Kopp, G. A., Galsworthy, J., and Oh, J. H. 共2008兲. “Wind loads on open-
coefficients are multiplied by the solidity ratio so that they frame buildings.” Rep. No. BLWT-SS4-2008, Boundary Layer Wind
can be directly compared to enclosed building coefficients, it Tunnel Laboratory 共BLWTL兲, London, Ont.
Kopp, G. A., Mans, C., and Surry, D. 共2005兲. “Wind effects of parapets
is evident that the total load increases monotonically with
on low buildings. Part 2: Structural loads.” J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aero-
solidity and are of similar order of magnitude as enclosed
dyn., 93共11兲, 843–855.
buildings. Mara, T. 共2007兲, “The effects of multi-directional winds on lattice sec-
4. For open-frame buildings with entirely filled-in end walls, tions.” MESc thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ont.
the total base shear is about twice that observed for a similar Nywening, M. 共2006兲, “The effects of geometry on wind loads of low-
enclosed building due to the additional exposed surfaces 共end rise buildings.” MESc thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ont.,
walls兲 for the open building. Buildings with solidity ratios of Canada.
about 0.16 have similar base shears 共perpendicular to frames兲 St. Pierre, L. M., Kopp, G. A., Surry, D., and Ho, T. C. E. 共2005兲. “The
as enclosed buildings. UWO contribution to the NIST aerodynamic database for wind loads
5. Loads increase linearly with number of frames 共except per- on low buildings. Part 2: Comparison of data with wind load provi-
haps for the case of the filled in end walls兲. sions for low buildings.” J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 93共1兲, 31–59.
Stathopoulos, T. G. 共1979兲, “Turbulent wind action on low rise build-
6. The ratio of the horizontal component of the bracing force to
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the base shear is in the range of 50 to 75% of the total Uematsu, Y., Iizumi, E., and Stathopoulos, T. 共2007兲. “Wind force coef-
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An empirical load model for use in design was developed Aerodyn., 95共9–11兲, 1486–1510.
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J. Struct. Eng. 2010.136:98-105.

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