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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

The honourable teachers

The honourable judges

And all my friends here

Alhamdulillah First of all, let us say our gratitude to the Almighty for His mercies so that we can do our
daily activities.
Allow me to present my speech entitled Library is My Spaceship
To begin with, let me introduce myself. My name is Abi Saputra. I am now at the second year and a
representative of Junior High School State 18 Lau

Ladiea and gentleman.

Library is one part of our education. I call it my spaceship. It takes me all around the world just by
reading a book in it. It maintain an important function that can not be denied. At least there are five
functions of library that we can analyzed.

1. Storage Function

The library is responsible for storing the information it receives.

2. Educational functions

The library functions as a place of independent learning. Both at school and outside the school
environment, libraries can be used as a place of learning for life.

At school, the library can be used in teaching and learning, introducing various kinds of reading, and,
increasing students' interest in reading so they like to read.

Outside of school, libraries can be used by those who are already working to increase their knowledge and

3. Research Functions

The library has a research function, meaning that information sources in the library can be used as
reference material for conducting research.
4. [Cultural] Conservation Function

Libraries save the nation's cultural treasures and increase the value and cultural appreciation of the

5. Informative function

The library has a function as a place and facility that can provide entertainment to its users.

Ladies and gentleman

The functions of the library will change with the times. Therefore the library must increase its role and
function with a variety of efforts, including by holding seminars, library training, workshops, workshops,
and others.

It is expected that with these various efforts, the library will be able to improve its function in order to
meet the needs of the community. And that should be noted that the function of the library is not merely
just to study, but also can function as the above review.

So why people find reading is boring?

First, genetic shackles. Children who are raised in family environments that do not like to read tend to
give birth to children who also do not like to read.

Second, school shackles. Educational orientation in schools which currently prioritizes graduation in
national final exams will indirectly turn off students' interest in reading.

Third, the bondage of association. Friends playing at school or at home who do not like to read will result
in someone also does not like to read.

Ladies and Gentleman

This kind of habits needs to be banished. And the library should take the role to promote it. By
conducting its function, library can be the source of learning. Moreover in learning English. Our
spaceship is ready to land.

So, don’t stop learning

Don’t stop reading

We are the leader of the next generation in syaaAllah

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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