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EXTRA ACTIVITY - Module 2 NAME:______________________

LESSONS A&B Inter 4 ________

Choose a, b or c.
1. Martha doesn’t usually go near that dog. It always at her.
a. pushes b. barks c. reaches
2. This trip was really . I need two more days to relax.
a. bored b. tired c. tiring
3. Paul his wife’s chocolate cake but he didn’t like it.
a. tried b. tied c. cut
4. What was Jane’s when you gave her the flowers?
a. response b. surprise c. experience
5. I can’t eat this kind of food. It’s too hot and for me.
a. tasty b. thick c. spicy
6. Henry was very ________ to see his father at the station.
a. surprise b. surprised c. surprising
7. I study a lot and I always get _________ grades.
a. amazing b. amazed c. amazer
8. Armando was really __________ about going to Disneyland for his birthday.
a. exciting b. excite c. excited
9. This lemonade need sugar. It’s __________.
a. salty b. sour c. spicy
10. I like all kind of desserts. I love _______ food.
a. sweet b. bitter c. fresh

B. Write Sentences Using The Prompts. Use Past Simple And Past Progressive.

1. Tanya / make / dinner / when / she / cut herself / finger with a knife
2. I / drive / work / when / man / /jump / in front / of / my / car
3. As soon as / Arturo / look / Carmen / he / fall / in love / her
4. Gabriel / have / a shower / while / wife / get / ready / Party
5. When / Hector / arrive / home / he / find / door / open
C. Complete with the past simple or the past progressive of the verbs in parentheses
I _____________________ (drive) to a friend’s house last night when, suddenly, a van _____________
(crash) into the back of me. I ______________________ ( get) out of my car, but the van just
__________________ (drive) away.

Last night Judy ____________________ ( have) a frightening experience. While she _________________
(walk) home, she _____________________ (saw) a man dressed in black in her neighbor’s yard. He
___________________ (break) into the house! She immediately ___________________ (call) the police
and they __________________ (catch) him.

D. Write sentences using the prompts given.

1. (my / sister / bake / cake / my nephew / watch / movie) – (while)

2. (the alarm / ring / students / answer / their workbook) – (when)

3. (Leslie / look / exam / she / know / answer) – (as soon as)


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