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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No.

2, April 1999 399

Calculation of Lightning Current Parameters

F. Heidler J.M.CvetiC, Member, IEEE B.V. StaniC
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Faculty of Electrical
Federal Armed Forces University Engineering, University of Engineering, University of
Munich, Germany Belgrade, Yugoslavia Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Abstract: The new expression of the lightning current at the striking point is On the other hand, their features were not always convenient
analyzed. The basic four channel-base lightning current quantities are assumed for the study of the radiated LEMP. For example, with
to be known: current peak value, current rise-time, maximum of the current existing analytical functions the field derivatives of positive
steepness and the charge transfer at the striking point. The algorithm for a fast and negative first strokes could not be satisfactorily simulated.
calculation of the channel-base current parameters is proposed. The numerical The main problem was the elimination of the discontinuity of
example of the current parameters determination is given. The proposed the current derivative at the time onset.
algorithm can be successfully used for the lightning current modelling in the Basically two different methods can be applied to the current
power engineering as well as in the research of the radiated lightning parameter calculation: (1) a direct method permiting the
electromagnetic pulse and its coupling with the overhead lines and other determination of the channel-base current function based on
metallic structures. the measurements at the top of high towers or an indirect, by
the recalculation from the measured distant LEMP,
Keywords: Lightning current modelling, lightning retum stroke parameters, (2) an iterative method in which the lightning channel-base
lightning measurements. current and the return stroke model are assumed to be known
enabling the calculation of the corresponding LEMP at any
I. INTRODUCTION (preferably nearer) distance. The lightning current is defined
as input parameter for the return stroke model. If the
In former lightning research many channel-base current measured and the calculated LEMP do not agree, the channel-
functions have been proposed based on direct measurements base current parameters are changed. The procedure is
performed at the top of high towers [I], [ 2 ] .During the return repeated until the matching becomes satisfactorily good. More
stroke period the lightning current flowing along the lightning recently, in the research of triggered lightning the combination
channel initiates the radiation of the lightning electromagnetic of both methods is used to check the validity of the
pulse (LEMP). For earth flashes the retum stroke channel appropriate return stroke model [6], [ 7 ] .
located between the earth and the thundercloud acts as a An adequate channel-base current function would be a
transmitting antenna. The lightning channel-base current can function yielding simultaneously a good approximation to the
be indirectly recalculated from the measurements of the distant observed shape of the current at the base of the return stroke
LEMP using the appropriate return stroke model [3], [4], [ 5 ] . channel and to usually measured lightning current quantities
Some analytical functions, mostly due to their simplicity are such as current peak, maximum of the current steepness,
usually used in power engineering modelling the direct charge transfer etc. An analytical current function should
lightning stroke in different earthed objects (high voltage allow a separate investigation of the lightning current
towers, lightning arresters, buildings etc). quantities since they are of special interest in the current
PE-204-PWRD-0-05-1998 A paper recommended and approved by the In the LEMP research the second time-derivation of the
IEEE Surge Protective Devices Committee of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power current is necessary for the calculation of field derivatives.
Delivery. Manuscript submitted December 15, 1997; made available for Therefore the current function must be able to be differentiated
printing May 18, 1998.
at least twice i.e. the first time-derivation of the current is not
allowed to have a discontinuity at the time onset.
Finally, from engineer’s point of view, it is of great
importance that the calculation of the current parameters is
easy and fast. Unfortunately, to calculate simultaneously all
current parameters, for most of considered channel-base
functions it is necessary to solve the system of four or more
nonlinear integral equations. Very often the system has no real
solutions for the chosen channel-base function and for the

0885-8977/99/$10.00 0 1998 IEEE


given lightning current quantities. upper parts of the channel flows radially to the channel core.
Aiming to overcome similar difficulties and simplify the This assumption is used later to calculate the radiated LEMP
calculation of the lightning current parameters in the present more precisely [12], 1131. The breakdown current has a few
IEEE practice the extrapolating back from the peak at the times greater magnitude but its duration is much shorter than
maximum current steepness is used giving an equivalent rise that of the corona current [12]. Hence, the charge transfer i.e.
time in the range of 1.5 to 4 ps . In this procedure the current the decay time to a half value of the current at the striking
point depends practically only on the corona current. The
peak, maximum of the current steepness and the current rise
breakdown current produces the peak of the radiated LEMP as
time are connected.
well as the peak of the field steepness. The typical values of
Due to easy differentiation and integration the most frequent
the breakdown current peak and the breakdown current
expression used for channel-base lightning current has the
steepness for the negative subsequent return strokes lay in the
form of the double exponential function [SI:
range of 5-30kA and 12-120kA/ps, respectively with the rise
i , [
= ~(l0/rl) exp( -t/t ,>- exp( - t / t 2 )] , (1) time in the range of 0 . 2 - 4 . 5 ~[l],
~ [21.
where Io - the maximum value of the current, q - correction Four characteristic lightning current quantities at the striking
factor of the current peak, t l and t2 - time constants point are usually measured: current peak ,oi , maximum of
determining current rise- and current decay-time as well as the the current steepness (di,/dt),, , rise-time to peak tp and the
maximum of the current steepness. This function has the charge transfer Qo. In the aim to investigate independently the
discontinuity of the first derivative at the time onset t=O and measured quantities permitting one current parameter to
therefore it is not convenient for the LEMP calculations. determine each of them, a new channel-base lightning current
Many functions, numerical techniques and methods have function is proposed [5]. The current is separated in two
already been used allowing lightning surge researchers to functions representing the current rise-time (current rise-
circumvent the "discontinuity problem". For example to function x ( t ) ) and the current decay-time (current decay-
decrease the discontinuity of the first derivative of the current function y(t)). The functional form of the current is given by
at the time onset the modified function has been proposed by iO(0 = I 0 - m Y(t) 9 (5)
Jones [9]
where Io is the current peak. During the decay-time of the
i,(t) =Uo/Il) [exp(-t*lr,) -exp(-t'/t2)2], (2) current pulse the value of the current rise-function is x = l .
where t * = t:/t, + t . The current function with similar features Similarly, the value of the current decay-function isy=l
is given by Gardner et nl, [lo] during the rise-time of the current pulse. Besides, the current
rise- function contains the first derivative at the time onset
io@) =(Zo/q) [exPC ( t - t , ) / t * ) +exP((t-r,)/r,)]-' . (3)
without discontinuities. The current rise- and the current
The current function having no discontinuity of the first decay-function are represented with the power and the
derivative at the time onset has the form [ 111 exponential function respectively
i,(t) =&h) exp(-r2/2t) . (4) x(t> = k,"/(l+k,") , y(t> = exp(-t/.,> , (6)
A complicated calculation of the current parameters connected where k s = t / r , , t 1 and t 2 are the time constants determining
with the impossibility of independent investigation of the current rise- and current decay-time, respectively, n is a
lightning current quantities is the main shortcoming of the current steepness factor. Since for PO x(t) < 1 the maximum
channel-base current functions given by (2), (3) and (4). of the current becomes less than I,, . Therefore, the correction
In this paper a new expression of the channel-base current factor of the current maximum q is introduced. Its value can
function is analyzed [5]. This function is convenient for the be calculated from the equation
lightning current modelling in the power engineering as well io(t=t')= Io , (7)
as in the research of the radiated LEMP and its coupling with
overhead lines and other metallic structures. where t' is the time instant when the current attains the peak
value. Finally, the expression for the channel-base current can
11. CHANNEL-BASE CURRENT FUNCTION be rewritten in the form

Former lightning research studies [4], [ 121, [ 131 have shown

that the channel-base current can be split into two components:
the breakdown current and the corona current flowing after the It is easy to prove that the continuity of the first current
derivative at the time onset is satisfied for the minimum value
breakdown current is initiated. Lin et al, [4] were the first to
of the current steepness factor n> 1 .
postulate the generation of both currents: the breakdown
current is proposed to be generated along the channel core,



The current correction factor q can be found from (7) if the

instant of time t' when the current attains the peak value is
known. Taking this into account t l can be obtained from the 3 T .' /-== n=4 \
equation di,(t')/dt =0, i.e. one obtains
=O , ks'=t'/zl .
ks1nt1+ks1-ni2/t1 (9) @- \ n=IO
The analytical solution of (9) cannot be given in the general
case for n>3. Assuming (ki)n>l (this assumption will be
proved at the end of the parameter calculation using its
concrete values), the analytical solution of (9) becomes
k,' = ( n t2/tl . (10)


5 10 20 50 100 200
T*lT, -
SO0 lob0 2000

Fig.2 The relative error E, of the current correction factor 7 in function of

the quotient TJT,. The current steepness factor n is used as a parameter.

From (10) it follows

t l = r1(nr2/t1)1/("+~) . (1 1) = 0
(d2io/dt2),=,, . (13)

The instant of time t' is simultaneously the rise-time of the Since the position of the maximum of the current steepness is
channel-base current i.e. r p = t ' . Using (7) and (11) the value at the current rise-time, it can be assumed y(t)=l in (5).
of the correction factor can be expressed as Hence, from (13) one obtains
q = exp - 2 , / r 2 (n T ~ / T , ) " ( ~ + ~ ).] (12) t, =t,& , fi =[(n-l)/(n+l)]'/" . (14)
In Fig. 1 the correction factor q in function of the quotient where t, is the instant of time when the current attains the
of the current time parameters t 2 / t lis depicted. Obviously, maximum steepness. Using (14) the maximum of the current
for great values of the current steepness factor n>l and steepness is
r2/t1>1 the correction factor takes the value q =1. (di0/dt)-= (Zo/rl) n/(4t1)fi
In Fig.2 the relative error of the correction factor calculated f, = (n2-1)/n2 [(n+l)/(n-1)]1'" .
by (12) relative to the exact value (obtained by the substitution
of the exact solution of (9) into (7)) is shown. For example,
For the great values of n one can assume f i = l , from (14) it
for the frequently accepted values of the current steepness
follows t, = t l . In this case the maximum current steepness is
factor n > 4 and the quotient r2/rl>10 the relative error of
(dio/dt),=Z0n/(4t,q) , n,l . (16)
the correction factor becomes very small, below 1 % .
1.0 Substituting (14) in (8) one obtains the magnitude of the
current when the current achieves the maximum steepness
io(t,> = &f,h f, =(n-1)/(2n) .
3 (17)
0.7 In Fig.3 the dependence of the functions fl , f2 and f3 on the
0.6 current steepness factor n is shown. From Figs.1 and 3
assuming r2/tl>l and for great values of n one obtains
q =1 and & = O S i.e. the maximum of the current steepness is
0.4 located approximately at the half of the current peak value.
0.1 7 2 3 4 5 6789' 13 2 3 i 6iai'
1 10 100 By integration of the current function the charge transfer at
the striking point is
Fig. 1 The dependence of the current correction factor 7 on the quotient of
the current time parameters T J T , . The current steepness factor n is used as
a parameter.

IV. MAXIMUM OF THE CURRENT STEEPNESS Assuming t2/tl>l and n > l , from (18) one obtains the
simple expression for the charge transfer
The maximum of the current steepness (dio/dt)m,xcan be a
0 =4)r2/q 9 (19)
calculated from the equation

steepness can be adjusted with the parameter II in (15).

Current rise-time can be widely varied by the parameter z in
(1 1) whereas charge transfer at the striking point is defined by
\(i the current parameter z2 in (19). In order to enable easy
calculation of current parameters let us define three
dimensionless variables
,/I,> , (20)

[I 0.6 In Figs.4, 5 and 6 the graphs of the dimensionless variables

Yl , Y, and Y3 in function of the quotient T * / T ~ and the
current steepness factor n are drawn. These graphs are used
for the fast calculation of the lightning current parameters. As
an example, the measured values of the breakdown current
quantities at the striking point typical for the negative
n subsequent return strokes according to [l], [2], [12], [13]are
0 4
given in Table 1. We have chosen this current component
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because it contains the current peak and the maximum of the
current steepness which from the engineer's point of view are
Fig.3 Functions f , , f2 and f, versus current steepness factor n. of the greatest importance for the LEMP calculations. On the
other hand the same procedure can be successfully used for
calculating the corona current parameters. Taking data from
VI. GRAPHICAL CALCULATION OF LIGHTNING Table 1, using (20) and (22) one obtains Y1=3.15and Y3=7.7.
CURRENT PARAMETERS From Figs.4 and 6 it follows n = 5 , q=O.84 and z , / ~ ~ = 1 3 .
The value of the current correction factor q can be confirmed
As it is shown previously, the new expression of the from the graph depicted in Fig. 1. The graph drawn in Fig.5
channel-base current permits a good separation of the gives the value of the dimensionless variable Yz=0.93.From
characteristic lightning current quantities. The current peak is (21) one calculates the values of the current time constants
defined with the parameter Zo in (5), maximum of the current z2=3.5ps and r l =0.27ps.
q =0.81[0.01]0.98

Fig are

0.3 -I
2 3 2 5 6 + 8 9 ' 23 2 3 k 56?r89'
I IO I00
Fig.5 Dimensionless function Y, as a function of the quotient T , / T , . Note that the function Y, depends very weakly on the current
steepness factor n.

n=lO [l]2

2 3 k k 6 i 8 9 ' 13 i! 3 k 561482
7 IO 100
Fig.6 Dimensionless function Y, as a function of the quotient r , / r , . The current steepness factor n is used as a parameter.

TABLE 1 Strokes Based on the Transmission-Line Model,'' J . Geophys. Res..

R. Thottappillil and M.A.Uman, "Companson of Lightning
Retum-StrokeModels," J. Geophys. Res.. V01.98, No.Dl2, 1993,
R.H. Golde, Lightning, Vol.1 & 2, London, Academic Press Inc.
R.D. Jones, "On the use of tailored return-stroke current
CALCULATED VALUES OF THE CHANNEL-BASE CURRENT representation to simplify the analysis of lightning effect on
PARAMETERS AT THE STRIKING POINT. systems", IEEE Trans. on EMC, 1977, pp 95-96.
R.L. Gardner, Baker L., Baum C.E., Andersh D.J., "Companson
of lightning with public domain HEMP waveforms on the surface
of an aircraft", 6"' EMC Symposium, Zurich, 1985, pp. 175-180,
13 0.84 5 0.27 3.5 D. Raicic, "Beeinflussung einer Darstellungweise der
atmospharischen Entladung auf den maximalen Spannungswerten
in den einzelnen Punkten der einfacherenBlitzschutzinstallationen",

Finally, we shall check the validity of the assumption used in 12" Internationale Blitzschutzkonferenz, Bericht R-2.12, Portoroz,

the calculation of the current correction factor (10). For the 1973.
calculated values of the current constants n and ~ ~one/ t ~
G. Diendorfer and M.A.Uman, "An improved return stroke model

obtains (k,')"= 32 > 1 . The calculated values of the current with specified channel-base current ," J. Geophys. Res., Vo1.95,
parameters are listed in Table 2. 1990, p. 13,621- 13,644.
R. Thottappillil and M.A.Uman, "Lightning return stroke model
VII. CONCLUSION with height-variable discharge time constant," J. Geophys. Res.,
Vo1.99, No.Dl1, 1994, p.22,773-22,780.
We have analyzed a new expression of the channel-base
current which permits easy modelling of usually measured
lightning current quantities at the striking point: current peak, IX. BIOGRAPHIES
current rise-time, maximum of the current steepness and the
charge transfer. Due to the suitable adopted functions Fridolin Heidler was born in Giengen, Germany in 1955. He studied Faculty
representing current rise- and current decay-time solving of the of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University in Munich, where he
system of the nonlinear integral equations is avoided. received the Master of Science degree in 1982. From 1982 to 1987 he joined
A graphical algorithm for a fast calculation of the channel-base the Institute of High Voltage at the Federal Armed Forces University Munich,

current parameters is proposed. The numerical example of the where he received the Doctorate degree in 1988. From 1987 to 1991 hejoined
current parameters determination is given. The new lightning the "Industrieanlagen Betriebsgesellschaft IABG". In 1991 he returned to the
current channel-base function can be successfully used for the Institute of High Voltage at the Federal Armed Forces University Munich
current modelling in the power engineering as well as in the where he is still working. Dr Heidler is member of the Munich Group of
research of the radiated LEMP and its coupling with the Lightning Research which was established to measure lightning currents at the
overhead lines and other metallic structures. telecommunication tower on the Hohen Peissenberg in a joint venture with the
T.U. Munich.
Jovan M. Cvetif (M'1996) was born in Kotor, Montenegro, Yugoslavia in
[I1 K. Berger, R.B. Anderson, and H. Kroninger, "Parameters of 1962. He studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade
lightning flashes," Electra, No.41, 1975, p.23-37. graduating with a B.Sc. in 1988 and an M.Sc. in 1993. In 1997 he is received
I21 R.B. Anderson and A.J.Erikson, "Lightning parameters for the Doctorate degree at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of
engineering application," Electra, No.69, 1980, p.65-101. Belgrade. He is the author or coauthor of more than twenty scientific papers

[31 M.A. Uman and D. K. McLain, "Magnetic field of lightning in journals and at international conferences. His main research interests are
return stroke," J . Geophys. Res., 74, 1969, pp.6899-6910. lightning return stroke modelling and LEMP interference.
[41 Y .T. Lin, M.A.Uman, J.A.Tiller, R.D.Brantley , W.H.Beasley,
E.P.Krider, and C.D.Weidman, "Characterization of Lightning Boiidar V. Stanif was born in 1936. After completing the Faculty of
Return Stroke Electric and Magnetic Fields from Simultaneous Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade in 1959 he received his
Two-station Measurements," J. Geophys. Res., Vo1.84, No.ClO, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1965 and 1970 respectively, at Belgrade
1979, p.6307-63 14. University. He is Professor in Physics and Physical Electronics and head of
[51 F. Heidler, Lightning Electromagnetic Impulse, Theorie und the Department of Physical Electronics at the Faculty of Electrical
Messungen, Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Engineering in Belgrade. His main research interest is in the field of
Federal Armed Forces University, Munich, 1987. Electrodynamics of plasma such as the interaction of EMW with different
t61 J.C. Willet and J.C. Bailey, "Submicrosecond Intercomparison of plasmas and conducting structures, microwave plasma diagnostics and
Radiation Fields and Currents in Triggered Lightning Return interaction of transient EMW with plasma.

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