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English 3

Oral production activity units 4 and 5

Topic: Vacation plans

Dear Students,

In units 4 and 5, you will make a video about your vacation plans.

Here are the steps to complete the assignment:

Step 1:
a. Do the exercises from Practice resources in Unit 4 file on Blackboard.
b. Go to Community on English Discoveries. Choose Talking idioms. Find this idiom: “walk
on air” at basic level. Read the definitions and the examples.

Step 2:
Prepare a script telling us about what you do when you take a flight somewhere.
Talk about:
• where you usually travel by plane
• what you do before the trip
• what you like to do (or have to do) while before you board the plane and while traveling
• inconveniences you sometimes have when you travel by plane (Use your imagination!)
• what passengers should do when they travel by plane
• what you should do in the place

You can start like this:

Hello. I’m Ana. I usually travel to Piura to visit my cousins. Before I travel, I pack my suitcase,
get my documents ready, get a good book ready and read about the weather there. I also get
checked in one day before the trip.
At the airport, I like to read or listen to music. …

Thanks for watching.
Step 3:
English 3

Stand in front of the camera and record yourself in a video telling us about what you do when
you take a flight somewhere.
Practice several times before recording the final version of your video.

Here are some things to keep in mind while recording your video:
 Speak as clearly as possible.
 Smile.
 Be in a well-lit area.
 Be confident.
 Look at the camera when you speak.
 Don’t just read.

Some guidelines to make your video:

 Use vocabulary and grammar structures studied in Units 4 and 5:

 vocabulary about vacation and travel
 modal: should
 infinitives after verbs (3 verbs at least)
 gerunds after verbs (3 verbs at least)
 past progressive: progressive vs. simple
 adverbs: comparisons
 vocabulary: talking about food
 idiomatic expression: “walk on air”
 Your video should last about 1 minute or 1 minute and a half (1’-1’30).
 Use to make the video. Test your video works well before sending the link.
Change video privacy setting to “Public” so your teacher can view it.
 You can also use any other software to make your video.
 You have to paste the link of your video and the script (the script is referential) in the
Assignment section (Actividad in Unit 5) on Blackboard.
 Use the template below (See page 3).

Assessment criteria:
 pronunciation and intonation
 fluency
 accuracy
 task achievement (clarity and use of webcam)

This task is due on Sunday, October 27th at 23:59 p.m.

English 3

Oral production activity units 4 and 5

Topic: _____________________________________________

Student: ____________________________________________________________________
Course: _____________________________________________________________________

Link to video: ________________________________________________________________


This task is due on Sunday, October 27th at 23:59 p.m.

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