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Forever My Girl is a romantic drama about a famous country singer Liam Page who came back
after eight years when he left his fiancé Josie at the altar on their wedding day. When he came
home at his hometown , St. Augustine, Louisiana, he found out that he has a very intelligent and
gorgeous daughter named Billy and at the very beggining of the movie, there was a scene when
his phone was destroyed by a girl he don't know he sleeps with and that girl continuosly
stepped on it until it was completely broken, Liam in shocked, immediately took it and
desperately look for someone who could fixed his phone because it has the record of his
beloved woman Josie after he left her begging him to come back that only shows he never fell
out of love on her and and when he was able to go back at his town and got to know he has a
daughter, he does everything and gives his best to get back what he have longed for a long time
and that is his girl Josie and fixed everything the damaged he left and start a new life with his
own family.

In Saint Augustine, Louisiana, Josie is left by her fiancé Liam at the altar on the day of their
wedding. Eight years later, Liam Page was a successful well-known country singer. The day after
his concert in New Orleans, he was able to watch the news about his childhood friend, Mason,
who is also a politician, one of the groomsmen of his supposed-to-be wedding and the one who
told Josie's friend that Liam won't be able to come and take Josie to the altar, died on a car
accident. He return to the town and attends Mason's funeral. Liam trying to hide in a tree at his
friend's burial was still recognized by Josie, approaches him, and give him a punch in the

Liam stays with his father, Pastor Brian even though he has a little bitterness towards his son
because Liam never contacted him after he became famous. While becoming reacquainted with
the town, he encounters Josie at the flowershop she owns and learns that Josie has a seven-
year old daughter, Billy, and that he is the father. Josie found out that she was pregnant two
weeks after he left her at the altar and she did try to contact Liam begging him to come back
because she has something important to tell him but Liam never answered her call and
promised she's never gonna contact him again. Liam quickly persuades Josie to let him spend
time with Billy but she is still undecided and don't agree with it. Billy immediately realizes that
Liam is her father and Josie is not surprised knowing her daughter as a clever/smart/wise child
and could easily find out.

Liam and Billy bond with his father's music ability exposure. Josie even agrees to let Billy stay
the night with Liam. As Liam tries to make her sleep on the couch, Billy asks Liam why he left her
Mom. Liam admits he was young and confused, although he regrets his decision. After Billy falls
asleep, Josie asks Liam on a date. Liam takes Josie to New Orleans at their date, although being
stopped by the press, they ask him if who he's with and he told them that she is 'the one'. After
returning to Saint Augustine, Liam and Billy continue to bond. It was lunchtime when Billy and
Liam was together eating happily when Billy chokes and couldn't breath but Liam couldn't move
and frozed after having a flashback to his mom's death. Jake, Josie's brother saves Billy. Distract
of his inability to act and do something for what happened to his daughter, Liam gets drunk at a
bar. Jake visits Liam and tells him that Josie and Billy would be better off without him. Liam
keeps on blaming himself because of what happened to Billy and thinks that her daughter
could've almost died because of him. Liam leaves the next morning without telling Josie or Billy.

Liam go back to his tour and performs in London. However his manager Sam who've been with
him through ups and downs and even in his worse situation, inspires him to go back to his
family. Liam returns to his town and reunites with Josie and confessed his never-ending love for
her and their daughter. Liam and Josie are married, and Liam performs a song on stage with Billy
in Berlin.

After watching it, I cried with happiness as it was the sweetest romantic movie I've ever
watched. All of the characters, I think, performed their role very well, I am also amazed with
Abby Fortson, Billy for having that kind of acting skills at the age of 9. She was so awesome. And
of course Alex Roe, Liam for those touching songs he originally composes and the way he sung it
at the stage in the movie, I think my soul left my body because I was completely drowned by the
message of the song and his husky voice that would really make you fall in love. Last but not the
least, Jessica Rothe, Josie who owned her role of being a mother to Billy and really performing
with her very best like Abby's true mom.

The story has a lot of lessons to tell. It was really a roller-coaster journey to the main characters
of the movie. It has a lot of heartaches, challenges and unpredictable scenes. It is a story of
fortune, success, love for the family and giving a second chance to a person who commit a
mistake in the past but was able to correct and fix it and make everything go back to its original
places. The movie offers many positive messages, particularly about redemption, humility and
unconditional love.

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