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Multimedia University which is also known as MMU is a private university in Malaysia. The
university has three campuses which is located in Melaka, Cyberjaya, and Iskandar Puteri. Our
research will be conducted at Multimedia University in Melaka Campus in which was located at
Ayer Keroh area by Telekom Malaysia Berhad ™ in 1997. There are a few faculties available at
Multimedia University that is Faculty of Business (FOB), Faculty of Law (FOL), Faculty of
Engineering and Technology (FET) and Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST).

As a university, Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) obtained by students is the

most concerned things. This is because CGPA determine the ranking of university as compared
to other university. The higher the CGPA obtained by many students which will determine the
higher ranking of multimedia university. The honor classification of CGPA in which determined
by Multimedia University is as listed below:

Class CGPA

First 3.67 and above

Second Upper 3.33 - 3.66

Second Lower 2.67 - 3.32

Third 2.00 - 2.66

Table 1: honor classification of CGPA

However, there are a lot of reasons that affecting the achievement of CGPA of students. Below
are the 5 most important factors that determined by researchers in which stated the factors
affecting CGPA of students:

Factors Explanation (supported by studies of

Students’ attitude towards study  Negative attitudes towards study, poor
academic self-concept, low self-esteem, and
erroneous perceptions of students can be
associated with poor academic performance
(Van der Veer&Valsiner, 1991)
 Attitude towards study has a significant

influence on examination performance
(Syed Tahir Hijaz and Raza Naqri,2006)
 These two studies by researchers will
determine the overall CGPA achieved by
students by determining their attitude and
performance in academic
Family background/characteristics  Such as educational level or background of
parents, family income, parent support, and
educational expectation has been influenced
on students’ academic achievement and this
has been supported by the studies of
Eccles&Harold,1993; Beyer, 1995; Paulson,
1996; Hossler et al, 1999; Checchi, 2000;
 These are the factors that will affected the
CGPA obtained by one’s based on the
criteria listed above
Peer Relationship  Peer influence does have impact on student
academic performance (Hanushek,
2002; Goethals, 2001; Gonzales, 1996)
 Peer influence will give a positive or
negative impact academically which will
affect the CGPA achieved by students either
increase or decrease
Challenging educational environment  When classroom instruction draws on
students’ pre-existing knowledge and real-
life experiences the learning session will
become more interesting and enjoying
which result in students learn more and
achieve better (Meece,1991)
 However, when students learn more and
achieve better in examination, their grades
will be higher and thus increased their
CGPA obtained
Strategic Studying Techniques  Such as active learning, time management
skill, and learning style.
 Little as 5 minutes of active learning in a 50
minutes class session can produce major
boost in learning (Felder and Brent).
Balancing time management and study
techniques may achieve higher academic
performance effectievely
(Entwistle&Ramsden, 1983; Powell, 2004).
Correct learning style do influence good

achievement in grades
(Ramsden&Entwistle, 1981)
 These are the studies found out by
researchers which will increase
academically performance and thus increase
one’s CGPA.
Table 2: Factors that affecting mean CGPA of students
These are the factors in affecting the mean CGPA obtained by students in a university which will
give impact to both students and university as well.

Background of Research

As a university, Multimedia University has been concerned about the mean CGPA
obtained by the students from year to year. In average, the CGPA obtained by the students is 2.5
which is classified as the third class honor listed in the range of 2.00 to 2.66 based on Table 1.
Multimedia University wish to examine the CGPA of students by comparing the mean CGPA of
last year whether the CGPA has been increased, decreased or remain unchanged which is 2.5.
Our research will be conducted to determine whether there is a change in mean CGPA as
comparing to last year which is 2.5.

Our research will also taken into account of genders which is male and female in
affecting the mean CGPA obtained. We need to determine and study whether there is a
difference in mean CGPA obtained by multimedia university students between male and female.
This is because different genders maybe reflects difference in behavior towards their
academically attitude and thus which will affect their CGPA obtained.

There are four main faculties offered by Multimedia University in Melaka campus that is
Faculty of Business (FOB), Faculty of Law (FOL), Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET)
and Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST). These main four faculties are
important in conducting our research to determine whether there is a difference in mean CGPA
obtained by students between the four faculties.

As we know, English is one of the important subject in today’s world and is usually used
as the main communication tools in many places such as school and workplace. According to
Study International news (SI news), English is classified as the second most important language
in the world and is used as the global language of business in different countries. By taking SPM
English grades as a measure, we would like to conduct a research to determine whether there is
a relationship between SPM English grades and the four faculties which is FOB, FOL, FET and
FIST. We would like to determine whether the SPM English grades obtained by the students will
affect their choices in choosing to the faculty to continue their study.

Research Methodology

Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of

study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with
a branch of knowledge. It encircles concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and
quantitative or qualitative techniques. Methodology does not set out to provide solutions instead,
offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods or best
method can be applied to specific cases. Therefore, it is different from method.

The method that we choose to use for the collection of data for this research is based on the
survey method. From the survey questionnaires that we have prepared, we are able to get the
primary data collection for the purpose of improving our research proposal. We had conducted
this survey with 50 respondents of multimedia university students in Melaka campus from 4
different faculties which is Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Information Science
and Technology and lastly Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The data are then being
classified to the reason and placed it clearly in the position that enable us to calculate the data
efficiently. In this research, we used Microsoft Excel to calculate, tabulate and to sketch the
graph of the data.

Through this research, we had come out with four hypothesis testing which are listed below:

 H1 : There is a change in mean CGPA of all students as compared to last year at

multimedia university Melaka.
 H2 : There is a difference in mean CGPA of all students between male and female at
multimedia university Melaka.
 H3 : There is a difference in mean CGPA of students between faculties.
 H4 : There is a relationship between students’ SPM English grade and faculties.

The hypothesis 1 will be calculated by using hypothesis testing for one population
parameter with equal variance, hypothesis 2 will be tested by using hypothesis testing for two
population parameter with equal variance, hypothesis 3 will be tested by using Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA), and hypothesis 4 will be tested by using Chi Square Analysis.

Descriptive Analysis

classification of CGPA number of students

2.00-2.66 6
2.67-3.32 24
3.33-3.66 12
3.67 and above 8
Total 50
Table 3: classification of CGPA obtained by Multimedia University students


number of students




2.00-2.66 2.67-3.32 3.33-3.66 3.67 and above
classification of CGPA
2.00-2.66 2.67-3.32 3.33-3.66 3.67 and above

Figure 1: CGPA obtained by Multimedia University students

Figure 1 shows the CGPA obtained by a numbers of students at Multimedia

University Malacca campus. Based on the classification of CGPA determined by the Multimedia
University, CGPA of 2.00-2.66 is classified as third class, within 2.67-3.32 classified as second
class (Lower Division), 3.33-3.66 classified as second class (Upper Division), and 3.67 and
above classified as first class. From the figure above, it shows that there are 6 students are within
CGPA of 2.00 to 2.66 , 24 students are within CGPA of 2.67 to 3.32, whereas 12 students with
CGPA of 3.33 to 3.66, and 8 students obtained CGPA of 3.67 and above. Figure above also
shows that there is a highest number of students that is 24 students which obtained CGPA within
2.67 to 3.32 which classified as the second class lower division honor and lowest number of
students that is 6 students which obtained CGPA in the range of 2.00 to 2.66 which classified as
third class honor in Multimedia University.

Descriptive analysis for mean CGPA of students
Mean 3.214489796
Standard Error 0.063492501
Median 3.2
Mode 3
Standard Deviation 0.444447509
Sample Variance 0.197533588
Kurtosis -0.744043138
Skewness -0.167363502
Range 1.78
Minimum 2.22
Maximum 4
Sum 157.51
Count 49
Largest(1) 4
Smallest(1) 2.22
Table 4: Descriptive analysis for mean CGPA of Multimedia University students


Figure 2: Genders of Multimedia University students

Figure 2 shows the number of genders of Multimedia University students in Melaka
campus. From the figure above, it shows that the number of male students is higher than female
students in Multimedia University Melaka. The number of male students are 28 person which is
56% compared to the female students which is 22 person which is 44% from a random sample of
50 students in conducting our survey at Multimedia University Melaka.


Number of mmu students

Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of
Business Engineering and Faculty of Law Information
Technology Science and
Faculty Technology
Faculty of Business
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Figure 3: number of students in different Faculties of Multimedia University

Figure 3 above shows the number of students in faculties of Multimedia University
Melaka. Based on the figure above, there are 16 students choose to enroll in the Faculty of
Business, 13 students choose to study engineering course in Faculty of Engineering and
Technology, 11 students are from Faculty of Law, and 10 students are from Faculty of
Information Science and Technology in a random sample of 50 students. From the figure above,
it shows the highest frequency of the number of students enroll in business course from Faculty
of Business which is 16 out of 50 students whereas there are least number of students are from
Faculty of Information Science and Technology which is 10 out of 50 students.

Grade Marks Interpretation

A+ 90-100 Super Distinction
A 80-89 High Distinction
A- 70-79 Distinction
B+ 65-69 Super Credit
B 60-64 High Credit
C+ 55-59 Upper Credit
C 50-54 Credit
D 45-49 Upper Pass
E 40-44 Pass
G 0-39 Fail
Table 5: SPM Grading System


number of students
A+ A A- B+ B C+ C D
SPM English Grade
A+ A A- B+ B C+ C D

Figure 4: SPM English Grade of Multimedia University students

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) also known as the Malaysian Certificate of Education, is a
national examination that will be taken by and compulsory for every form 5 secondary school
students in Malaysia. Table 4 above shows the SPM grading system that is extracted from The highest grade is A+ and the lowest grade is E. Figure 4 above shows the
SPM English grade obtained by 50 Multimedia University students during SPM examination.
From the figure above, there are 11 out of 50 students obtained grade A+, 19 out of 50 students
obtained grade A, 2 out of 50 students obtained grade A-, C+ and C, 5 out of 50 students
obtained grade B+, 8 out of 50 students obtained grade B, and 1 students obtained grade D.
Based on the figure, it shows that there is a highest number of students obtained grade A which
is 19 out of 50 students for SPM English Examination and there is lowest number of students
obtained grade D which is 1 out of 50 students in Multimedia University Melaka.

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing 1:

H1: There is a change in the mean CGPA of all students as compared to last year at Multimedia
University Melaka.
H0: μ1=μ2

H1: μ1≠μ2

Level of significant, α = 0.05

t-Test : One Sample Assuming Equal Variance

Mean 3.2082
Variance 0.195480367
Observations 50
Pooled Variance 0.19157076
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 50
t Stat 10.16471372
P(T<=t) one-tail 4.62578E-14
t Critical one-tail 1.675905025
P(T<=t) two-tail 9.25156E-14
t Critical two-tail 2.008559112

Since p value is less than α, therefore reject Ho.

Conclusion:There is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a change in mean CGPA of all
students as compared to last year at Multimedia University Melaka.

Hypothesis Testing 2:

H2: There is a difference in mean CGPA of all students between male and female at Multimedia
University Melaka.
H0: μ1=μ2

H1: μ1≠μ2

Level of significant, α = 0.05

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

male female
Mean 3.173214286 3.252727273
Variance 0.231941138 0.154201732
Observations 28 22
Pooled Variance 0.197930147
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 48
t Stat -0.627317566
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.266711985
t Critical one-tail 1.677224196
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.53342397
t Critical two-tail 2.010634758

Since p value is within ± 0.6273, therefore do not reject Ho.

Conclusion: There is no sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a difference in mean CGPA
of students between male and female at Multimedia University Melaka.

Hypothesis Testing 3:

H3: There is a difference in mean CGPA of students between faculties

H0: μ1=μ2=μ3=μ4

H1: At least two population means are different

Level of significant, α = 0.05

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
FOB 16 51.4 3.2125 0.143593
FOL 11 38.64 3.512727 0.085342
FET 13 41.3 3.176923 0.24099
FIST 10 29.07 2.907 0.193223

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 1.940333 3 0.646778 3.895126 0.014608 2.806845
Within Groups 7.638205 46 0.166048

Total 9.578538 49

Since F value is more than F critical value, therefore reject Ho.

Conclusion: There is a sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a difference in mean CGPA
of students between faculties at Multimedia University Melaka.

Hypothesis 4:

H4: There is a relationship between students’ SPM English grade and faculties.

H0: There is no relationship between students’ SPM English grade and faculties.

H1: There is a relationship between students’ SPM English grade and faculties.

observed counts:

SPM English Grade Faculty

A+ 1 7 2 1 11
A 7 3 8 1 19
A- 0 0 1 1 2
B+ 3 0 0 2 5
B 3 1 0 4 8
C+ 0 0 1 1 2
C 1 0 1 0 2
D 1 0 0 0 1
Total 16 11 13 10 50

expected counts: (row total*column total)/grand total

SPM English Grade Faculty

A+ 3.52 2.42 2.86 2.2 11
A 6.08 4.18 4.94 3.8 19
A- 0.64 0.44 0.52 0.4 2
B+ 1.6 1.1 1.3 1 5
B 2.56 1.76 2.08 1.6 8
C+ 0.64 0.44 0.52 0.4 2
C 0.64 0.44 0.52 0.4 2
D 0.32 0.22 0.26 0.2 1
Total 16 11 13 10 50

χ2 test

SPM English
Grade Faculty
A+ 1.804091 8.667934 0.258601 0.654545 11.385171
A 0.139211 0.33311 1.895466 2.063158 4.430945
A- 0.64 0.44 0.443077 0.9 2.423077
B+ 1.225 1.1 1.3 1 4.625
B 0.075625 0.328182 2.08 3.6 6.083807
C+ 0.64 0.44 0.443077 0.9 2.423077
C 0.2025 0.44 0.443077 0.4 1.485577
D 1.445 0.22 0.26 0.2 2.125
Total 6.171427 11.96923 7.123298 9.717703 34.981654

p value= 0.028366
df = 21
significant level,α 0.05

since p value is less than α=0.05, therefore reject Ho.

Conclusion: There is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a relationship between students’
SPM English grade and faculties.


In a nutshell, we can conclude that there are 50 students from Multimedia University
Melaka had been participated in our research in which consist of 28 male students and 22 female
students. This research is carried out to determine the factors that affecting the mean CGPA of
all students at Multimedia University Malacca by taken into account of factors such as genders
(male and female), faculties such as Faculty of Business (FOB), Faculty of Law (FOL), Faculty
of Engineering and Technology (FET), and Faculty of Information Science and Technology
(FIST). However, this research also carried out to examine whether there exist a relationship
between SPM English grade of students and the faculties they are choose to study. As a result for
our research, we had come out with four hypothesis testing results to achieve the four main
objectives of our research.

For hypothesis testing 1, it shows that there is a change in mean CGPA of all students as
compared to last year which is 2.5 at Multimedia University Melaka. There are several factors
that can be supported the change occurs in the mean CGPA of students. Firstly, The change
occurs can be supported by the studies of (Topping, 1994) who have found out that sitting at the
back in the classroom and absence from classes negatively affect the students’ academic
performance. According to Topping, an increase in one percent in absences will reduce the score
of the final examination by 0.043%. The second reason to support the change is family
background. Based on the studies by Baker, D.P and Jones, D.P, (1993), the students who
coming from poor family backgrounds may study very hard for secure jobs. Thirdly, time of start
reading and studying for examinations and age of students influenced their performance in
examination (Leonard and Jiang, 1999).

For hypothesis testing 2, it shows that genders are not the factors in affecting the mean
CGPA of all students at Multimedia University Melaka. This is because there is no sufficient
evidence to support that there is a difference in mean CGPA of all students between male and
female. There are several studies by researchers to support that genders are not the factors in
affecting the academic performance and mean CGPA of students. Based on Anderson et Al
(1994), it stated that boys perform are better as compared to girls. According to some researchers,
the performance of female is better as compared to male in the university (Hyde &King, 2000)

therefore the grades of female are good (Leonard and Jiang, 1999; Hyde and Kling, 2001;
Bridgeman and Wendler, 1991; Wainer and Steinberg, 1992). The gender difference considers
social factors to subordinate the biological factor like brain structure (Lynn, 1998a, 1998b, 1999;
Alik, Must and Lynn, 1999; Colom and Lynn, 2004) asserts that males have larger average brain
size than female and therefore they would be expected to have higher average IQs Mackintosh,
1998. Some researchers claim that there is no gender difference in general intelligence. So ,there
are no sufficient evidence to prove the claim that there is a difference in academic performance
of male and female.

For hypothesis testing 3, it shows that faculties are the factors that affecting the mean
CGPA of all students. This is because there is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a
difference in mean CGPA of students between faculties. There are four main Faculty in
Multimedia University that is Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering and
Technology, and Faculty of Information Science and Technology. It shows that the mean CGPA
obtained by the students in the four faculties have evidence in showing that which faculty of
students achieved higher or lower CGPA. So we would like to conclude that faculties are the
factors in affecting the mean CGPA of the overall students from the four faculties.

For hypothesis testing 4, SPM English grade is the factor that affecting the faculties
chosen by students. There is a relationship between students’ SPM English grades and faculties.
As we know, English is known to be the universal language that used by people all over the
world in studying, communicating, and working on an international and global scale. So, English
is an important criteria in choosing the right field to study. By taking law study as an example,
English language has the highest important in law study in order to understand the precepts,
principles, underlying meaning, objects, reason and history of laws. Instead of law study, courses
such as engineering and technology need higher efficiency of English as comparing to other
courses such as Business. However, we can say that SPM English grade is the factors that
affecting the faculties chosen by students such as Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, and Faculty of Information Science and Technology.

In conclusion, we would like to conclude that there is a change in CGPA as compared to

last year, genders are not the factors in affecting mean CGPA, faculties are the factor in affecting
mean CGPA, and SPM English grade is the factor that affecting the faculties.


There are four recommendations in increasing the mean CGPA of multimedia university students
and four recommendations on increasing the students’ English grade. The four recommendations
on increasing the mean CGPA of multimedia university students are to enroll in easier classes at
the beginning of degree programme, being hardworking in accomplishing their assignments,
upgrading time management schedule and vary the study environment. The four
recommendations on increasing the students’ English grade are to read more English materials,
watch English movies with subtitles, speak the language whenever you can and learn a new word
a day.

For the increasing the mean CGPA of multimedia university students, firstly, students
should choose their classes wisely. Enrolling in easier classes at the beginning of degree
programme help in boosting their CGPA grade. This is because, the subjects that the students
choose to enroll in are more easier to manage and that will result in good results during
examinations hence, they will achieve good grades and that will increase the mean CGPA of
students. Next, being hardworking in accomplishing their assignments. Students must be
hardworking in accomplishing their assignments. This is because assignments also contributes a
certain percentage to be accumulated in their final examinations grading. The higher the marks
they obtained from assignments, they do not have to worry about their CGPA of that subjects in
their final examination. Students should also focus more on time management in order to obtain
good results. Most of the students fail to balance their time between club activities, studies and
relationships. Students should do intense study during the night if they are busy with clubs
activities during the day or they can reduce club activities involvement and focus more on
studies. Some students, fail to manage their relationship and studies well and that will result on
getting bad grades for examination. Therefore, students should not take in relationships problems
during study session because they will not be able to focus on what they are revising on. Lastly,
students should vary the study environment. It is not necessary that student should only study in
one place. In fact, students can study in varies places. Study in varies places can help to enhance
students memory when studying that subject. This is due to the setting the student study in
subconsciously affects the way students interpret information.

For the improving in English grade ,firstly, students are advice to read more English
materials. It is not necessarily need to be a newspapers, the materials may varies from novels,
textbooks, journal, magazine, online articles and blogs. Students can read materials that does not
bore them. By doing so, they will be able to read fluently and they will not have any problems in
producing essays during examinations hence, they will obtain good grades for their English
subject. Next, students are encouraged to watch English movies with subtitles. Watching English
movies with subtitles helps students to understand the pronunciation of the words and spelling in
a more easier way. They are not only watching their favourite movies, but they are also
improving their English. So, they will not feel stressful about it. Moreover, it is compulsory for
students to speak the language whenever they can. For example, the main language in
multimedia university is English language. This is to encourage students to improve their English
language so that they will be able to communicate and speak with one and another fluently
without being ashamed of their English level. This initiative does not only helps in improving
students oral communication skills, but also in their understanding English language even better
and this will boost their English grades. Lastly, students are encouraged to learn a new word
everyday. They can look up new words in a dictionary everyday and find out the meaning of the
word. This can enhance their vocabulary and it will helps them in writing a good essay because
they are able to use variety of vocabulary. They will be given high marks in writing good piece
of work and they will be able to get good grades in their English language examination.


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