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Table of Contents

Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Justification / Explanation............................................................................................................................... 2
3.Benefits of worksheet to MediQuip ................................................................................................................ 7
4.The additional information should be included in the worksheet to make its more useful are: .................... 8
5.Recommendation on how to improve sales performance .............................................................................. 9


2. Justification / Explanation

Firstly, type “E-3156” at cell A7 and use fill handle to extend and fill the formula until A56
cell. Secondly, freeze the headers from model ID until Reorder by pressing freeze pane under
“Home” button. Next, insert the formula “=SUBTOTAL(9,F7:F9)” to F10 cell. Use fill
handle to extend and fill formula until F56 cell. Insert the formula “=F10*(1-$B$59) to G10
cell and use fill handle to extend and fill the formula until G56 cell.

Insert a new column before Supplier and label it as “Revenue After Tax”. Insert formula
“=SUBTOTAL(9,H7:H9)” in cell H10. Use fill handle to extend and fill formula until H56

Create a function “=LF(J34<=K34,:YES”,”NO”)” in L10 cell. Use fill handle to extend and
fill formula until L56 cell.

Insert lookup function “=VLOOKUP(E60,A7:L56,8)” in E61 cell. Highlight cell A1 to A4

change the font size to Times New Roman 18 and apply bold. Then fill in colour. Highlight
from A1 to L4 press “Merge and Centre” under “Home” button. Next, insert RM currency
format to the “Purchase Price”, “Sales Price”, “Sales Amount”, “Sales After Tax” and
“Revenue Tax”. After that press scroll down button to press “more number format” under the
“Category” tab. Choose currency and change the symbol into Ringgit Malaysia(RM).

Firstly, highlight the range of Equipment Inventory from A6 to K56. Create a new worksheet
and paste the Equipment Inventory on it. Next, sort the range B5 to K54 from A-Z and click
data select subtotal. In the window of subtotal, select ‘Equipment’ in ‘at each change in’,
‘sum’ in ‘use function’ and ‘sales amount; sales after tax; revenue after tax’ in ‘add subtotal
to’ then click ‘ok’ to form the table. After that, drag the column until reminded ‘Equipment’,
‘Sales Amount’, ‘Sales After Tax’, and ‘Revenue After Tax’. Hence, type out the word
‘MediQuip Health System’ in A1, type out the word ‘Sales& Inventory Status of Hospital
Equipment’ in A2, ‘Office Equipment for Emergency Room’ in A3, and ‘As of 30 June
2018’ in A4. Then merge and center all the words from A1 to L1, A2 to L2, A3 to L3, A4 to
L4. After finish merge and center, fill blue color into cell. Lastly, rename sheet to “Sales

Firstly, highlight range B6 to H68. Click insert and choose bar chart 2-D column. After
choosing, Cut the bar chart and paste in a new sheet. Rename the chart title to ‘Sales Amount,
Sales After Tax and Revenue Tax by Equipment’. Last but not least, rename sheet to “Sales

Select range in Equipment Inventory from A6 to K56 and click insert select PivotTable. Next,
drag equipment to columns, supplier to rows and quantity in stock to values. After that,
highlight table and sum of quantity in stock. Click insert then click “Recommended Charts”
select “Clustered Column” then click “ok” to form the chart. Of course the last step is
Rename the sheet to “Pivot Table& Chart”.

Next do the “One-and-Two-Variable” data table. Insert the formula
“=((B2+(B2*B3))*B4)+(B2+(B2*B3))” in B8 cell. Calculate the Sales Price and
Commission for each Profit rate in One Variable Data Table and also calculate the Sales
Price with Maintenance by Equipment type/Profit in Two Variable Data Table. After finished
the data table, create Scenario Summary. This summary show the current value, Best
Scenario, Most Likely Scenario and also Worst Scenario by Sales Price of MediQuip.

Lastly, using the goal seek method to change the Commission to MYR6,000,00. After that,
change the Purchase Price and the Commission also will change accordingly. The Variable
Data Table also will change.

3.Benefits of worksheet to MediQuip
Worksheet is a larger columnar sheet of paper, especially designed to arrange in a
convenient systematic form for all of the larger amounts of data. Here are some benefits of
the worksheets to MediQuip.

Firstly, worksheet has a powerful analysis of larger amounts of data. Worksheet can
increase and further improve our ability to analyse a large amounts of the data. With the
powerful of worksheet such as sorting, filtering, and search tools we are able to quickly and
easily narrow down the criteria in our decisions. Hence, combines these tools with the table,
Pivot Tables and Graphs can help us to find out the information that we want to quickly and
easily when we have such the hundreds or a thousands of data items. For an example, in the
MediQuip Health System, we are using the Pivot Tables and Chart to summarize out the med
furniture and med supply and office medical for every equipment. Thus, by using the
worksheet, we can able to save more time and complete quickly the work more efficiency.

Secondly, easy and efficiency in comparisons is also the benefits of the worksheet. By
using the worksheet, it is convenient to us because worksheet help us to analyse the larger
amounts of the data items to discover trends and the patterns that will influences decisions.
Besides that, worksheet has a big capabilities that allows us to summarize the data and also
enhancing our ability to organize and arrange the data.

Lastly, worksheet able to graphical representations of data. By this graphical

representations, it allows MediQuip to create the visual representation of data and the
information. The data can be visual perform in the form of column charts, bar charts, and also
graphs. Thus, we can easily present the data and the information.

4.The additional information should be included in the worksheet to make its more
useful are:
Protect the worksheet.

• To prevent other users from accidentally or intentionally changing, moving or deleting data
from a worksheet, you can lock the cells on the Excel worksheet and then protect the
worksheet with a password. Suppose you have a team status report worksheet, and you want
team members to add data only to specific cells, and you can't modify anything else. With
worksheet protection, you can only make certain parts of the worksheet editable, and users
will not be able to modify the data for any other area in the worksheet.

Balance sheet

•A balance sheet reports a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a specific
point in time, and provides a basis for computing rates of return and evaluating its capital
structure. It is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of what a company owns and
owes, as well as the amount invested by shareholders. it is a financial statement that provides
a snapshot of the company's ownership and arrears, as well as the amount invested by the
shareholders. It will help companies reduce costs and increase profits.

5.Recommendation on how to improve sales performance
In my opinion, there are few methods to improve sales performance

Start with better leadership

• Stable sales performance starts at the top. the sales manager has a responsibility to set a
good example and inspire your sales team to grow. Successful leaders will motivate rather
than condemn. They encourage innovation and productivity without micromanagement. They
support the sales team by providing the sales team with the resources they need, including
appropriate training and tools. Of course, they always lead by example. Without a reliable
management team, you can't increase sales, so make sure your leader represents and achieves
your goals.

Hire smart

• Once your leadership is established, you should carefully review other members of the team.
Great salespeople are rare. There are only a dozen people in the sales staff, but finding a very
good sales representative is very difficult. To make matters worse, the turnover rate of
employees is higher than other industries, about 25% per year [Sales Hacker]. Build your
sales team with ambitious, proactive, self-motivated and goal-oriented people. Brokers must
have tough skin, extroverted personality and emotional intelligence. They should be
responsible and transparent, and their goal is not only to achieve quotas or specific quantities,
but also to make the company sustainable and profitable.

Constant communication

• If your customers frequently ask questions instead of contacting you, you will not be able to
complete the work. Even if you don't have anything new to share, check in regularly. This
will ensure that you resolve the issue before it becomes a major issue. Personalize this
outreach by inserting details into the personal things they mention. This is a basic strategy,
but many sales people still forget to do so. When potential customers and customers contact
you, always respond quickly to their needs. Put them in the first place. If your potential
customers feel that they are the most important people in the world, they will stick to longer
and spend more money, making it easier for your team to improve sales.

Prioritize value

• Create long-term success for companies with value sales. Remember, you are selling
emotions, not functions. When explaining prices and selling products, pay attention to
everything customers value, enjoy and appreciate. Interpreting these features is a secondary
strategy. Don't forget to emphasize a part of the overall packaging that is not given pricing,
such as customer service, expedited shipping, access to company knowledge, etc. Lightly
emphasize this value through each customer touchpoint, slowly making them believe in the
value of your company. This helps you sell more on the emotional level and is more likely to
increase prices in the future, both of which are critical to improving sales.


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