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1- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use the second conditional.

1- You’d be a better singer if you practised (practise) more.

2- I’d buy a ticket for that concert if I __________ (have) more money.
3- If I had more free time, I __________ (like) to join a band.
4- If I __________ (can) see my favourite band in concert, I’d be so happy!
5- If I __________ (know) more words in English, I would understand more.
6- If I __________ (do) more sport, I’d feel better and lose weight.

2- Vocabulary
Entertainment. Complete the sentences with these words: audience, choir, orchestra
review, row and stage.

1- ‘Have you ever been on stage?’ ‘Oh no! I’d be too shy.’
2- My favourite part of the concert was when the ____________ started singing.
3- Do you want to come and see the new Emma Watson film? I read a really good
____________ of it.
4- The ____________ loved it! They clapped really loudly at the end.
5- Make sure you get us a seat in the front ____________ . I want to see everything.
6- My brother plays violin in an ____________ . He’s often on tour.

Travel. Complete the sentences with these words: abroad, border, flight, landed, taking
off and motorway.

1- Mum says we might go abroad next year for the first time. I’m really excited!
2- There was a really big traffic jam on the _____________ and we didn’t move for hours.
3- Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your _____________ !
4- We were really excited when the plane _____________ . We were finally in Australia!
5- I love looking out the window when the plane is _____________ .
6- We live in the south of France, very near the Spanish _____________ .

3- Complete the travel story with these words and phrases: abroad, check-in, checked in,
delay, delayed, destination, journey, passport, sightseeing, traffic jam and trip.

It was a cool morning in August when my family and I set off on our holidays. Our 1)
destination? Sunny Greece! I couldn’t wait to swim in the sea and go 2) _______________.
Unfortunately, we had a few problems on the (3) _______________ . We were nearly at the
airport, when my dad realised he didn’t have his 4) _______________ and we had to go home
and get it. On the way back to the airport we got stuck in a huge 5) _______________ and
Mum and Dad had a big fight. When we got to the 6) _______________ , we were a bit late,
but this wasn’t a big problem because our plane was 7) _______________ by six hours! Well
anyway, we 8) _______________ and sat in the airport for ages. I read two novels while we
waited! In the end we were able to leave. We arrived in Crete late at night because of the 9)
_______________, but we found our hotel without any problems and had a great
10) _______________ . I’m looking forward to my next holiday 11) _______________ !
4- Reading. Read and write the correct option. T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

An unusual Saturday night

If this was a normal Saturday evening, teenage friends Belle and Eliot would be
at home, perhaps watching TV or playing computer games. This is not a normal
Saturday evening though. Tonight the two friends and the rest of their theatre group
are performing in a play which they have written together. The play is called Friday
Night and it tells the story of a group of teenage friends who have to deal with a lot of
problems during a night out together. How are the performers feeling on this exciting
‘It’s just amazing!’ says Belle enthusiastically. ‘We’ve worked really hard and it’s
great to see we have such a big audience. My English teacher wanted to book a seat
but there weren’t any left! My mum is here. She’s sitting in the front row. And look!
The man in the second row is from That’s Entertainment magazine. He’s going to write
a review. I hope he likes the performance!’
Belle and Eliot started their theatre group six months ago and are always
looking for people to join. Lots of people say to us, ‘I would love to perform on stage
but I’m too shy,’ says Belle. ‘You don’t need to be a very confident type of person to
enjoy the theatre, though. You can do lots of other things, like designing costumes for
example.’ Belle seems very confident, though. Is this her first time on stage? ‘No, but
I’ve only ever been in small school plays. This is more exciting because we’re in a
bigger theatre with a bigger audience!’
In the end, the audience love the play and clap really loudly at the end of each
scene. The young performers are happy and are already making plans for the future.
‘I’m writing our next play at the moment,’ Eliot says. ‘Next year, Belle and I leave
school and we’d love to study theatre at college. We wouldn’t be happy if we didn’t
have theatre in our lives!’

1- Belle and Eliot usually go out on Saturday evenings. F

2- Eliot isn’t performing in the play. ____
3- The play is about a group of friends who have problems at school. ____
4- Belle’s English teacher is sitting in the first row. ____
5- There aren’t many people in the audience. ____
6- The audience really enjoy the play. ____
7- Eliot will study in a local college. ____

5- Write what the text (ex. 4) is about. Write 50-70 words.


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