Introduction To Information & Communication Technologies: Assignment 1

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Introduction to Information & Communication

Assignment 1

Submited By: Waqas Ramzan

BS-SE 1 (A)
Submited To: Ma’am Bushra Khan

Submission Date: September 11th, 2019

National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad

A computer is an electronic programmable machine or device that facilitates
in performing day to day activities such as documentation, calculation,
communication, presentation, publishing, research as well as amusement. It works
by taking raw facts and figures by the user via input unit, process the data and
produce and presents the desired results via output unit.

Units of computer:
The computer system is based on the following four units: -
(i) Input Unit (ii) Processing Unit (iii) Memory Unit (iv) Output Unit

(i) Input Unit: The Input unit is comprised of input devices such
as mouse, keyboard and microphone. This unit takes the data
from the user and sends to the computer for processing.
(ii) Processing Unit: This unit is the brain of computer. It is also
known as Central Processing Unit (CPU). It has two main
a. Control Unit: The CU is responsible for managing the flow of
data similar to a traffic police man. To fulfill this job, it has
control over all other units.
b. Arithmetic & Logic Unit: The ALU perform the main
operations i.e. calculation or logics etc.
(iii) Memory/Storage Unit: This unit stores the data for current
and later use. There are two types of memories in a computer
a. Main Memory: The main memory is the working area of the
computer. It stores the data temporarily for current use such as before
and after processing. RAM is an example of Main Memory.
b. Permanent/Auxiliary Memory: This memory stores the processed
data permanently for later access. Hard disk is an example of auxiliary
(iv) Output Unit: The output unit presents the required results to the user
via output devices. These devices include Monitor, Speaker and Printer
etc. Output unit can produce results in various form via relevant device
such as text and images on Monitor, audio in speakers, and hardcopy on
paper via printer.

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