Good Engineering Practice

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Good Engineering Practice


Designing DBN A.2.2-3-2004

Composition, order of development, approval instead

and approval of project documentation DBN A.2.2-3-97

for construction

Implemented from 2004-07-01

These Regulations establish the composition, order of development, coordination and approval of project
documentation for new construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as
facilities) for civil purposes and for new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of
production facilities (hereinafter referred to as construction).

The requirements of these Standards are mandatory for the application of legal entities and individuals -
business entities in the construction industry, regardless of ownership.

Additional requirements of the industry specificity of construction objects are established by departmental
regulatory documents in coordination with the State Construction Committee of Ukraine.

Requirements for the composition, order of development, coordination and approval of project documentation
for major repairs, restoration of architectural monuments, for objects built outside Ukraine at the expense of
its budget investments, in the aftermath of accidents and disasters, as well as for preservation and re-
preservation of construction objects are set separate regulatory documents subject to the provisions of these

The list of regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents referenced in these Regulations is given in
Appendix A.

The basic terms and their definitions are given in Appendix B.


1.1 The right to develop project documentation or its separate sections is granted to legal entities and
individuals - business entities regardless of their form of ownership (hereinafter referred to as the designer),
who are licensed for this type of activity in accordance with the law.

1.2 When developing project documentation for construction, the existing urban planning documentation,
approved in the established manner, is taken into account. In the absence of the latter should be guided DBN

1.3 Project documentation for construction must comply with the provisions of the legislation, regional and
local building regulations, as well as the requirements of standards and regulations.
1.4 Designer supervision over the implementation of design decisions during the construction of the facility is
carried out on the basis of a contract drawn up between the customer and the general designer in accordance
with the requirements of DBN A.2.2-4.


2.1 Design and survey works are carried out on the basis of contracts (contracts) concluded between
customers and designers (Article 324 of the Economic Code of Ukraine).

The contract can be concluded on the implementation of pre-design works, a complex of design works,
exploration work, separate stages and sections of the project.

It is not allowed to develop project documentation without engineering surveys on new land plots, and during
the reconstruction of facilities - without specifying previously performed engineering surveys.

2.2 Designing of objects is carried out in compliance with the legislation of Ukraine on the basis of the initial

Baseline data for the implementation of design work at an appropriate stage, the customer is obliged to
provide prior to the start of the design and exploration work.

The source data includes:

- architectural planning task (APZ);

- technical conditions regarding the engineering support of the object (TU);

- design assignment according to Appendix D;

- other baseline data according to Appendix G.

APL and TU are provided to the customer in accordance with the procedure established by the Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 20, 1999 No. 2328. The customer assigns the design task
himself or charges the designer for a fee.

The locations of the objects are determined by the local city planning and architecture bodies on the basis of
the construction permit of the executive bodies of local self-government, as well as the approved existing city
planning documents.

In the absence of the latter, it is necessary to follow DBN B.1.1-4 and instructions regarding site selection set
forth in Appendix B.

TU must provide only those works and in those volumes that are necessary for the implementation of
engineering support of the designed object.

2.3 The designer receives an order for designing an object through the customer or according to the results of
an architectural competition or tenders (tenders), the procedure for which is established by law.

2.4 The number of design stages is determined by the customer and the designer, taking into account the
provisions of 2.5 of these Norms.
The categories of complexity of civilian objects, depending on their architectural and technical characteristics,
are determined in accordance with Appendix II, and for industrial purposes, according to the appropriate
decision of the State Construction Committee of Ukraine.

The name of the project documentation should be unified and reflect the number of design stages and the type
of construction: a single-stage (two-stage, three-stage) project for the construction of a civilian (industrial)

2.5 Design Stages

2.5.1 For technically simple objects, as well as objects with the use of projects of mass and repeated use of I
and II categories of complexity, the design is carried out:

- in one stage - the working draft (RP);

- in two stages - for civil facilities - a draft design (ES), and for production facilities - a technical and
economic calculation (TER) and for both - working documentation (P).

2.5.2 For objects of category III, the design is carried out in two stages:

- project (P);

- R.

2.5.3 For objects of IV and V categories of complexity, technically complex with respect to city planning,
architectural, artistic and environmental requirements, engineering support, the introduction of new building
technologies, structures and materials, the design is carried out in three stages:

- for civil facilities - ES, and for industrial facilities - a feasibility study (TEO);

- P;

- R.

2.6 The customer may instruct the designers to perform any pre-design work regarding the placement of the
object in any territory without special permits and approvals (except for zones with a special security
mode). Such pre-design work can not be the design stage and are subject only to consideration and approval
by the customer and the bodies of urban planning and architecture. The composition, volume and cost of these
works are determined by the relevant agreement (contract).

2.7. Designers in the development of project documentation are responsible and provide:

- compliance with architectural and town-planning requirements and high architectural and artistic quality;

- compliance with the requirements of current regulatory documents;

- environmental protection, environmental safety and rational use of natural resources according to DBN

- compliance with energy saving requirements;

- operational reliability;
- investment efficiency;

- patent purity of the adopted technical solutions and equipment used;

- Compliance of the design decisions with the source data and permits.

2.8 Heads of legal entities - designers should designate with appropriate orders (or authors' agreements) chief
project architects (GAPs) for civil engineering objects and chief project engineers (GUIs) for production
facilities - to develop all stages of design and pre-design work that are responsible persons. for the
architectural, technical, economic, environmental, sanitary and hygienic qualities of the project as a whole.

When designing technically complex objects, GAP and GUI can be assigned. In this case, the leading role is
assigned to one of them.

2.9 GAP (PIU) ensures the preparation of contracts, coordinates the actions of contractors, negotiates with
customers, subcontractors - designers and contractors, controls the composition of project documentation.

GAP (GUI) is at the same time the author or one of the authors of the project, the project is created under his
direct supervision and with direct participation. For the quality of a separate section of the project, the
responsible person is the head and chief specialist of the relevant project unit.

In the case of the appointment of the chief designer of the project, he is responsible for the reliability and
stability of the designed building structures.

2.10 Separate sections or parts of project documentation, made by subcontractors, are included in the project
documentation as its components, and the responsibility for the quality of their development rests with both
the developers and the general designer.

2.11 The copyright to the project documentation is protected in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On
Copyright and Related Rights".

In case of use in project solutions of inventions and patents in the relevant sections of projects it is necessary
to refer to them.

2.12 Prior to the transfer of project documentation to production, customers and designers are obliged to
ensure that changes to the project documentation associated with the introduction of new regulatory

Working documentation for buildings and structures constructed in full or in part in accordance with the
approved project is not subject to adjustment due to the introduction of new regulatory documents, except in
cases where this adjustment is due to increased requirements in electrical, explosion and fire safety in new
regulatory documents. object, for which must be performed the necessary construction and installation work.

Corresponding changes in design documentation are carried out by designers on a contractual basis with the

2.13 Design and construction can be performed in queues, as well as with the release of launch complexes, if
it is provided for by the design assignment. In this case, the approved stage is being developed as a whole for
the project, including along construction lines, as well as with the release of launch complexes. The next stage
is being developed in accordance with the design assignment.
The construction queues, except for the objects of the main production and auxiliary purposes, should provide
sanitary and living conditions, fire safety, labor protection and environmental protection, including sewage
treatment plants, production waste recycling, etc.

2.14 In the development of project documentation on behalf of the customer, if necessary, research work,
including historical and archaeological research, can be carried out for a separate payment.

2.15 According to the decision of the investor (customer), who approves the design and estimate
documentation, working documentation can be developed before the approval of the previous design stage, if
it is agreed with the bodies of urban planning and architecture.

In this case, the customer must guarantee to the designer payment for additional work related to the
processing of working documentation, caused by decisions of the approving authority.

Construction begins after the approval of project documentation.

2.16 The EA, TEO, TER, P and RP must have the following signatures:

2.16.1 Title page of the explanatory note:

- Head of the organization;

- chief engineer, chief architect of the organization;

- Chief Architect and Chief Project Engineer.

2.16.2 Sections of the explanatory note:

- The authors of the sections of the project.

2.16.3 Drawings:

- chief architect (engineer) of the project;

- the head of the project unit;

- Chief Specialist;

- The authors of the project (except for the HAP and the ISU);

- performers;

- checking.

When developing documentation by different individuals, each of them signs the title page in accordance with
the contracts concluded between them.

The signatures of the estimate documentation are established by the rules for determining the cost of
construction, which is carried out in Ukraine.

The explanatory note should reflect the names of the design participants for each section of the project, and in
the case of subcontractors, the names of legal entities or individuals of subcontractors.
2.17 Project documentation, calculations, baseline data for design and state examination materials are subject
to archiving by the project organization in accordance with the regulations and rules.

2.18 Design organizations may issue additional cost estimates (on agreement with the customer and the
general construction organization) on magnetic media.

2.19 For enterprises and structures with complex and unworked production technology, in justified cases,
projects can provide for advanced construction and commissioning of pilot workshops and stands for research,
development and testing of experimental and new technologies, equipment, materials and products.


3.1 EP is designed to determine in principle the requirements for urban planning, architectural, artistic,
environmental and functional solutions of the object, confirming the possibility of creating a civilian object.

As part of the ES, in order to substantiate the decisions made on the instructions of the customer, engineering
and technical developments, engineering schemes for the facility, calculation of the estimated cost and
justification of the effectiveness of investments can be additionally carried out, while designing the facility in
the quarter of the existing development, there is a town planning justification for locating the facility.

ES is developed on the basis of the design assignment and initial data.

3.2 When developing an ES and determining its composition, one should be guided by the “Provision on the
preliminary architectural project” approved by the order of the State Construction Committee of Ukraine dated
10.23.91 No. 51-839 / 1.

3.3 ES after approval by the city planning and architecture, approval for a three-stage design or approval for a
two-stage design by the investor is the basis for the development of the next stage.

3.4 Sketch design can be developed by request of the customer at his choice or on a competitive basis.

Competitive design is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 25, 1999 No. 2137.

The winners of the competition are given the preferential right to further develop the next stages of design and
their implementation, unless otherwise provided by the conditions of the competition.

3.5 Materials draft design transferred to the customer in four copies.



4.1 A feasibility study is being developed for production facilities that require a detailed justification of the
relevant decisions and the identification of options and the feasibility of building the facility.

TER is used for technically simple production facilities.

Feasibility studies and TER are developed on the basis of the design assignment and baseline data.

4.2 A feasibility study (FER) substantiates the production capacity, the range and quality of products, if they
are not given in a directive manner, production cooperation, provision of raw materials, materials, semi-
finished products, fuel, electricity and heat, water and labor resources, including the choice of a specific site for
construction, calculated construction cost and basic technical and economic indicators.

When preparing a feasibility study (TER), a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of the
proposed activity on the state of the environment should be carried out; Recommended decisions of the
feasibility study (TER) should be based on the results of the EIA; EIA materials, prepared in the form of a
special part (section) of documentation, are an obligatory part of a feasibility study (TER) (Appendix K).

The feasibility study (TER) should consider the compliance of its decisions with architectural, energy-saving
and other requirements according to the design assignment.

TER is performed in a reduced volume compared with the feasibility study according to the nature of the
object and the requirements of the task.

4.3 A feasibility study after approval, approval for a three-stage design or approval of fuel and energy
resources in a two-stage design in the prescribed manner is the basis for the development of the next design

4.4 The composition of the feasibility study (TER) is set out in Appendix E.

4.5 Materials of the feasibility study (TER) are transferred to the customer in four copies.


5.1 P is developed to determine the urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical,
technological, engineering solutions of the object, the estimated cost of construction and technical and
economic indicators.

P is developed on the basis of the design assignment, baseline data and approved during the three-stage design
of the previous stage.

5.2 Sections P must be submitted in a clear and concise manner without excessive detailing in composition and
volume sufficient to substantiate design decisions, determine the volume of basic construction and installation
works, equipment needs, building structures, material, fuel and energy, labor and other resources, provisions
for the organization of construction, as well as determining the estimated cost of construction.

The material and technical resources of individual structural elements can be determined by the corresponding
analogues without performing structural calculations.

5.3 Materials P are fully transferred to the customer by the general designer in four copies, by the
subcontractor designer to the general designer in five copies, and survey materials in one and two copies,

5.4 The composition of design products, which are transferred to the customer, does not include engineering,
technical, economic, environmental and other calculations, materials of similar projects, as well as materials of
engineering surveys. These materials (except for technical reports on engineering surveys, one copy of which
is handed over to the customer) are retained by the designer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory
documents and can be provided to the customer at his request in the form of copies subject to payment of
reproduction services or an expert body for temporary use. requirement.
5.5 If it is necessary to perform research and experimental work in the process of design and construction, the
project documentation should list their list with a brief description and justification of the need for their

5.6 P after approval and approval is the basis for the development of the next design stage.

5.7 The composition and content of sections P for the construction of civil facilities listed in Appendix G, and
for the construction of industrial facilities in Appendix I, can be refined and supplemented by the customer in
the design task, depending on the purpose and complexity of the designed objects.

5.8 When using custom-made equipment, including atypical and non-standardized, initial design requirements
should be given in the relevant sections of the project.


6.1 RP is developed to determine specific urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical,
technological, engineering solutions of the object, the estimated cost of construction, technical and economic
indicators and the implementation of construction and installation works (working drawings).

RP is used for technically simple objects, as well as objects using mass-use projects.

RP is developed on the basis of the design assignment and initial data.

6.2 RP is an integrating design stage and consists of two parts - the approved one and working drawings. The
approved part is subject to approval, examination and approval, and working drawings are developed for the
construction of the object. The approved part consists of an explanatory note, made in an abbreviated relative
to the project scope, determined depending on the type of construction and functional purpose of the object,
estimate documentation, section of construction organization and drawings. The explanatory note should
include a section of the EIA in accordance with DBN A.2.2-1.

The composition and content of the approved part are given in Appendices G and I.

For the construction work drawings are issued in full in accordance with the contract.

Depending on the scope and content of the project documentation, sections of the explanatory note on
specialties can be performed on general data sheets of the corresponding sections of the RP.

6.3. The approved part of the RP and working drawings are transmitted to the customer in four copies.


7.1 Stage P is being developed for construction and installation works.

P is developed on the basis of the approved previous stage.

The structure of P for construction should include:

- working drawings, developed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents - complex А.2.4
“System of project documentation for construction” (SPDS);
The “General data on working drawings” includes lists of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up
acts for hidden works and acts of intermediate acceptance of responsible structures.

- Passport finishing work;

- budget documentation;

- specifications of equipment, products and materials according to DSTU B A.2.4-10 (GOST 21.110);

- questionnaires and dimensional drawings for relevant types of equipment and products;

- initial requirements for the development of design documentation for individual equipment (including non-
standard and non-standard equipment), according to which initial requirements were not developed at previous

7.2 The volume and detailing of the working drawings should be brought to the minimum necessary volumes.

7.3 After approval of P, EP, TER according to the decision of the customer, the working drawings can be
developed by the contractor or another designer who, in the prescribed manner, obtained the right to the
corresponding type of activity, with the involvement of the authors or by their written consent to the execution
of the working drawings by other performers in compliance with the author’s decisions P, EP, TER and

7.4 Р is developed after the approval of the previous design stage, except for the cases specified in 2.15 of
these Norms.

7.5 For individual, particularly complex objects, the designer, when completing the working documentation,
may carry out additional developments, not provided for by regulatory documents, and specifying project

The need for these developments is determined by the customer, who additionally pays for them.

7.6 When designing objects with particularly complex structures and methods of work as part of the working
documentation, working drawings are developed for special auxiliary facilities, extensions and installations
according to the additional task of the customer who pays for them.

7.7 Baseline data on imported equipment and drawings for custom-made equipment are issued to the designer
by the customer prior to the development of working documentation.

The development of design (project) documentation for equipment and custom-made designs, including non-
standard and non-standard equipment, is usually performed by the manufacturer.

The designer can undertake the development of design (project) documentation for the specified equipment for
a separate payment.

For production facilities, the source data should also include information on energy requirements, service
platforms and equipment protection.

7.8 Detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD) and technological pipelines are developed by manufacturing
plants, and detailed drawings of air ducts, gas ducts and other necessary structures are assembled
In some cases, the designer may undertake the development of detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD)
and technological pipelines for a separate payment.

7.9 Working drawings, estimate documentation, specifications of equipment, products and materials, drawings
of metal structures (KM), pipelines, air ducts, as well as project documentation for the construction of facilities
are transmitted to the customer in four copies.

Working drawings of the project of mass or re-use, according to which several identical buildings or structures
should be built on one site, are transmitted in four copies only for one of these objects, and for the other two
copies each. Documentation for the part that changes is transferred to the customer in full to each building or

The subcontractor must hand over to the general designer the working documentation for one copy more than
the number of copies specified above.

At the request of the customer or contractor, the designer transmits an additional number of copies of the
working documentation in excess of those established by these Regulations for a fee.

7.10 State standards, drawings of typical structures, products and assemblies that are referenced in working
drawings, as well as mass use projects for temporary buildings and structures are not included in the working
documentation and are not transferred to the customer by the designer.

7.11 Working drawings, as a rule, sign:

7.11.1 General data sheets of all sections:

- chief architect (engineer) of the project;

- the head of the project unit;

- chief specialist of the relevant section;

- performer;

- verifier.

7.11.2 Drawings:

- chief architect (engineer) of the project;

- the head of the project unit;

- Chief Specialist;

- performer;

- verifier.

The composition of signatures can be adjusted depending on the composition and structure of the project
organization. In this case, signatures must be signed by those responsible for technical solutions in accordance
with DSTU B A.2.4-4. Signatures of the estimate documentation are established by DBN D.1.1-1.


8.1 The cost of design works and services is determined in accordance with the “Rules for determining the cost
of design and survey work for construction carried out on the territory of Ukraine” DBN D.1.1-7. These
standards establish the basic rules for determining the cost of design and survey work for the construction of all
sectors of the national economy of Ukraine.

8.2 The cost of construction is determined in accordance with the “Rules for determining the cost of
construction” DBN D. 1.1-1.



9.1 EP, TEO, TER, P, RP (approved part) are coordinated with local urban planning and architecture in
accordance with local development rules regarding architectural planning decisions, location, rational use of
the intended for the allocation of territory, compliance of the stipulated solutions with the requirements of the
architectural planning task, urban planning documentation.

At the approving stage, the direction of engineering communications networks is agreed.

Approval is subject to only one stage, defined in the APL.

9.2 If there are special conditions for the location of the object (historical areas of cities, landslide-prone areas,
etc.), it is necessary, as directed by the city planning and architecture authorities (in the APL), to coordinate
project documentation with the relevant organizations.

In case of disputes, the final decision is taken by the Gosstroy of Ukraine.

9.3 TEO, TER, and in their absence P or RP (the approved part) of new production facilities, regardless of
subordination, should have the appropriate conclusion of the territorial organization in construction regarding
the choice of land for construction and cooperation in terms of sources of supply and engineering
communications in accordance with the requirements DBN A.2.3-1.

9.4 Project documentation, developed in accordance with regulatory documents, is not subject to coordination
with state supervision authorities, except in cases provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.

In the absence of rules and regulations for design, the proposed design solutions should be coordinated with the
relevant state supervision authorities.

Documentation executed with reasonable deviations from the state regulatory documents is subject to
coordination in terms of these deviations with the authorities that approved them.

9.5 The designer is responsible for the quality of design decisions and compliance with the requirements of
regulatory documents in accordance with the law.

9.6 For the transfer to the production of project documentation, which does not comply with the mandatory
requirements of regulatory documents, the customer is responsible in accordance with the law.
9.7 In cases when the project documentation for reconstruction does not foresee changes in the urban planning
conditions, building facades, transport communications conditions, engineering support, requirements for
environmental protection, and also does not violate the requirements of design standards documents, the
project documentation is not coordinated.

It is necessary to coordinate with the bodies of town planning and architecture in the case of:

- changes in the color scheme of building facades;

- changes in architectural decisions affecting the previously established nature of the surrounding buildings;

- changes in design decisions that may cause dangerous situations in the future.

9.8 Construction of areas of mineral deposits of national importance, as well as construction on sites of their
occurrence, not related to mining, is allowed in coordination with the relevant territorial geological enterprises
and state mining authorities in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for developing areas of
mineral deposits (resolution Of the Cabinet of Ministers of 21.02.95 No. 134).

9.9 Project documentation at all stages is not subject to agreement with the contractor, unless this is provided
for by the design assignment.

9.10 The working documentation, made in accordance with the approved stage, is not subject to coordination,
except for engineering networks, which are coordinated with local operating services, resource supply
organizations, if such a requirement is contained in their technical specifications.

9.11 Coordination of design decisions by organizations defined by legislation, city planning and architecture
departments and engineering services is carried out in one instance of the specified authority within 15 days,
unless other periods are provided for by legislative and other regulatory acts.

9.12 EDS, TER, P, RP (approved part) before their approval are subject to mandatory comprehensive state
expertise in accordance with the law, regardless of the sources of financing the construction.

9.13 Comprehensive state expertise is carried out by the services of UkrinvestExpertise, as a responsible
executor, with the involvement of representatives of state supervision bodies on the sanitary and
epidemiological welfare of the population, ecology, fire safety, labor protection and energy saving. For objects
representing a nuclear and radiation hazard, in addition to the designated types of expertise, a state examination
of nuclear and radiation safety is carried out.

Depending on their composition and volume, in accordance with the legislation, separate construction projects
may not be subject to comprehensive state expertise. The list of objects, the approval of projects which do not
require the conclusion of a comprehensive state expertise, is determined by the State Construction Committee
of Ukraine.

9.14 The organizations (services, divisions) that carried out the examination and issued recommendations are
responsible for the conclusions on the basis of which the investor (customer) makes his decision on the
approval of project documentation.

9.15. Changes in the ES, TEO, TER, P, RP, R are made in accordance with the conclusion of state expertise,
decisions of the town-planning council or city-planning and architecture bodies regarding changes in
architectural decisions only in case of violations of regulations and requirements of the architectural and
planning design assignment. Comments on architectural and planning solutions that do not violate these
requirements are advisory in nature.
In accordance with the comments of the comprehensive state expertise related to the violation of laws and
regulatory requirements, the customer and the project organization are obliged to make changes and additions
to the project documentation.

9.16 The submission of project documentation (TEO, TER, EP, P, RP) for approval, expertise and approval is
the responsibility of the customer. The designer, if necessary, takes part in the consideration of design
decisions in expert organizations. On behalf of the customer, the designer may undertake the submission of
project documentation for approval and expertise upon his / her consent and for a fee.

9.17 Approval of project documentation by the investor (customer) is a fact of making decisions under his full
responsibility, provided for in the documentation, with:

- for all investors (customers), regardless of the form of ownership and source of financing - before the state
for compliance with the mandatory requirements of standards and regulations, the procedure for coordination
and examination of project documentation;

- for investors (customers) using state budget and extra-budgetary funds - before the state for complying with
the requirements of the state investment policy on the rational use of financial, material and technical and labor

9.18. The procedure for approving construction projects that are financed with the involvement of funds from
the State Budget of Ukraine, local budgets, as well as funds from enterprises, institutions and state-owned
organizations, and at facilities built with other sources of funding is determined according to the “Approval
Procedure for Investment Programs and Construction Projects and conducting a comprehensive state expert
examination ”, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 04.04.02 No. 483.

9.19 Project documentation (EP, TER, P, RP) is approved if there is a positive comprehensive conclusion of
the state expertise in accordance with 9.13 of these Norms.

The approval is recorded in an official document in the form of an order (order or decision). The approval
document contains the basic data and technical and economic indicators given in Annexes L - for residential
buildings, M - for public buildings, N - for industrial facilities.



Law of Ukraine of 20.05.99
About architectural activity
№ 687-XVI
Law of Ukraine of NovemberAbout the basics of urban planning
16, 1992, # 2780-XII
The law of Ukraine from 20.About planning and building areas
04.2000 № 1699-III
Law of Ukraine ofOn Copyright and Related Rights
11.07.2001 No. 2627-III
Law of Ukraine of SeptemberOn investment activity
18, 1991, No. 1560-XII
Law of Ukraine ofOn licensing certain types of economic
01.06.2000 No. 1775-III activity
Law of Ukraine of 10/14/94On the responsibility of enterprises, their
№ 208-94-ВР associations, institutions and
organizations for offenses in the field of
urban planning
Law of Ukraine of JanuaryOn objects of increased danger
18, 2001 No. 2245-III
Law of Ukraine of JanuaryEconomic Code of Ukraine
16, 2003 No. 436-IV
Resolution of the Cabinet ofOn approval of the procedure for
Ministers of Ukraine fromconducting architectural and city-planning
25.11.99 №2137 competitions
Resolution of the Cabinet ofOn the procedure for providing
Ministers of Ukraine ofarchitectural planning assignment and
12.20.99 No. 2328 technical conditions for engineering
support of the architecture object and
determining the amount of payment for
their issuance
Resolution of the Cabinet ofOn the order of approval of investment
Ministers of Ukraine datedprograms and construction projects and
04/04/02 No. 483 the conduct of a comprehensive state
Resolution of the Cabinet ofOn approval of the Rules for the
Ministers of Ukraine from 25.Protection of Surface Waters Against
03. 99 №465 Pollution by Reverse Waters
Resolution of the Cabinet ofAbout approval of the Regulations on the
Ministers of Ukraine ofprocedure of state mining supervision
February 21, 1995 No. 134
Order of the StateRegulations on the draft architectural
Construction Committee ofproject
Ukraine dated 10.23.91 No.
51 / -839 / 1
DSTU B A.2.4-4-99 Basic requirements for design and
working documentation
(GOST 21.101-97)
DSTU B A.2.4-10-95 Rules for the specification of equipment,
products and materials
(GOST 21.10-95)
DBN A.2.2-1-2003 Composition and content of materials for
environmental impact assessment (EIA)
in the design and construction of
enterprises, buildings and structures.
Territorial activity in construction. Main
DBN A.2.3-1-99
DBN A.3.1-5-96 Organization of construction production
GOST Protection of Nature. Atmosphere. Rules
for the determination of permissible
emissions of harmful substances by
industrial enterprises
DBN B.1.1-4-2002 Composition, content, order of
development, coordination and approval
of the urban planning justification
DBN D.1.1-1-2000 Rules for determining the cost of
DBN D.1.1-7-2000 Rules for determining the cost of design
and exploration work for construction
carried out on the territory of Ukraine
DBN A.2.2-4-2003 Regulations on the supervision of the
construction of buildings and structures
Electrical Installation Rules USSR Ministry of Energy. - 6th ed.,
Pererab. and add. - M .:
Energoatomizdat, 1987. -648s.




Pre-project work Works that can be performed before the start of the design process
to determine the fundamental spatial and urban planning decisions:

- development of preliminary conceptual architectures

proposals (pre-sketches);

- development of proposals for the placement of construction


on land plots (substantiation of the location required

territory and conditions of construction);

- processing of the engineering characteristics of the object and


- drawing up a task for engineering surveys;

- drafting design assignment;

- measurements and inspection of buildings to be reconstructed,

re-equipment, expansion, redevelopment or superstructure;

- other types of work required to start the design process

Project Works related to the creation of project documentation for
Project Text and graphic materials approved in accordance with the
established procedure, which determine the urban planning, space-
documentation planning, architectural, structural, technical, technological
solutions, as well as estimates of construction objects
Town Planning Text and graphic materials approved in the established manner that
regulate the planning, development and other use of territories
Stages Components of project documentation:

design - draft design (EP);

- feasibility study (TEO);

- technical and economic calculation (TER);

- project (P);

- working draft (RP);

- working documentation (P)

Contract The main organizational and legal document regulating the
relationship between the customer and the designer
License A state-recognized document certifying the licensee’s right to
conduct the type of activity indicated in it for a certain period,
subject to the fulfillment of the license conditions
Legal entities (individuals) of Ukraine, foreign states, as well as
Investor states that make decisions about investing their own, borrowed or
attracted funds in construction projects and provide financing for
their construction

Investments Property and intellectual values that are invested in the objects of
entrepreneurial and other activities, as a result of which a profit
(income) is created or a social effect is achieved
Customer An investor or other legal (physical) person who, on behalf of an
investor, issues an order for design and exploration work and for
construction of a facility, concludes contracts (contracts), controls
construction progress, carries out technical supervision, accepts
completed works (services), carries out calculations and puts
objects into operation
Capital investment Investments in the reproduction of fixed assets and the growth of
State capitalFunds of the State Budget of Ukraine, local budgets, state trust
investment funds and funds of state enterprises
Non-state capitalInvestments made at the expense of investors with non-state
investments ownership
Construction site The combination of buildings and structures (facilities), the
construction and reconstruction of which is carried out, as a rule,
according to a single design and estimate documentation with a
summary estimated calculation of the cost of construction, for
which the construction title is approved in accordance with the
established procedure
Turn Part of the construction (object) for industrial or civil purposes
defined by the project documentation, which, after its
construction commissioning, partially ensures the output of products or the
provision of services in the main nomenclature
Starting complex The part of the construction site (object) for industrial or civil
purposes defined by the project documentation, which, after it has
been put into operation, ensures the output of products or the
provision of services at the auxiliary and service facilities
according to the corresponding accompanying nomenclature and
can be operated at the investor’s discretion power according to the
main nomenclature
Construction object Separate building or structure (with all related equipment, tools and
equipment, galleries, racks, internal engineering networks of water
supply, sewage, gas pipeline, heat pipe, power supply, radio
installation, ancillary and auxiliary outbuildings, landscaping and
other works and expenses), the construction and reconstruction of
which must be drawn up separately project and estimate.

If only one main object is constructed on the construction site for

the project (working draft), the concept of “construction object”
coincides with the concept of “construction”
Manufacturing Objects of material production

Civilian object Objects of housing and utilities, health care institutions, physical
education, social welfare, education, culture, art, as well as
research and other organizations related to the development of
New construction The construction of a complex of objects of the main, subsidiary
and service purpose of newly-formed enterprises, buildings,
structures, as well as branches and separate productions, which is
carried out on vacant premises in order to form a new production
capacity or to provide services that after commissioning will be on
an independent balance
Reconstruction The restructuring of existing ** industrial and civil facilities related
to improving production, increasing its technical and economic
level and quality of manufactured products, improving operating
and living conditions, quality of services, changing basic technical
and economic indicators (quantity of products, power,
functionality, geometrical dimensions)
Technical re-A set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of
equipment ofindividual industries, workshops and sites based on the introduction
industrial objects of advanced equipment and technology, mechanization and
automation of production, modernization and replacement of
obsolete and physically worn-out equipment with new, more
productive, as well as to improve the general plant and auxiliary

Technical re-equipment of existing enterprises is carried out, as a

rule, without expanding production space for projects and estimates
for individual objects or types of work
Tender Form of placing an order for the design work and construction of
the object, providing for the selection of the contractor by
evaluating his proposals and the conditions under which he agrees
to fulfill the order
Competition Form of placing an order for design on the basis of the conclusions
of the architectural competition in order to select the optimal
design solution and the designer for these conditions
* As part of Chapter 2 of the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of

** The concept of “existing” includes the presence of a constructive scheme with carriers

enclosing structures and foundations.




A commission is created to select a land plot (road) for construction by local executive
authorities at the request of the customer.

The commission includes responsible representatives:

- customer of project documentation;

- designer (general designer);

- local land management body;

- the executive body of local self-government, which is directly responsible for the land

- body of urban planning and architecture;

- environmental protection authority;

- body of state sanitary inspection;

- other state supervision bodies, depending on the specifics of the object.

For industrial facilities - also representatives of territorial organizations in industrial

construction, industrial transport, gas supply, municipal heat supply, water supply,
sewage and industrial hydraulic structures (depending on the nature of the object).

If necessary, the commission may include representatives of other interested


The land plot for construction is selected in accordance with land, water, forest and other
legislation on the basis of general (preliminary) information about the geological and
hydrogeological conditions of the land plot (route) and an approximate overall
assessment of the environmental impact of the object on the environment and the possible
impact of the environment on the object.

Local authorities of the town planning and architecture submit proposals for the
consideration of the commission regarding the location of the land plot, the possibilities
of providing the projected object with fuel, engineering networks.

A “Statement of Intent” is submitted according to DBN A.2.2-1.

If necessary, the customer submits other documents for consideration depending on the
features of the object and its location.

When an object is reconstructed at an existing site, a “Site Inspection Act” is issued in

content, form, and order, similarly to the “Site Choice Act”.

In the case when the placement of the object is not provided or does not meet the
provisions of the documentation governing the construction in the area of placement of
the object planned for construction, or such documentation for this area is missing or
outdated, therefore it is impossible to make sound architectural planning and engineering
solutions related with the placement of the object or enterprise and its engineering
support, the commission, taking into account the conclusions of the architectural bodies
and the territorial organization (for industrial construction) be made on the need to
perform customer of the respective pre-work with the involvement of the relevant
specialized organizations.

The act of the commission is subject to approval by the leadership of the local
government and must be valid.



Design assignment (design assignment for production facilities is coordinated with
territorial organizations in accordance with DBN A.2.3-1).

"The act of site selection (routes)" or "The act of site inspection".

The decision of the executive body of local government on the granting of a building

Architectural planning task for design.

Existing urban planning materials, detailed planning and development projects, master
plans, schemes of the master plan for industrial centers (industrial districts) or decisions
of the territorial organization with drawing the boundaries of the site planned for the

Technical conditions for connecting the projected object to the engineering networks and
communications with the terms of their action not less than the normative duration of
design and construction.

Special conditions of interested organizations, including the State Inspectorate for Energy

Data on the types of used building structures, products, imported equipment with energy
efficiency indicators, if known to the customer.

Available topographic plans.

The available conclusions regarding the geotechnical, hydrological and environmental

conditions (features) of the territory.

Available materials on existing buildings (measurement drawings, technical data) and

green spaces.

Information about underground structures, underground and surface communications and

their technical condition.

Inventory materials, appraisal acts, decisions of local governments on demolition and the
nature of compensation for buildings and structures, green spaces to be demolished.

Data for the development of solutions for the organization of construction (if necessary)
and the preparation of estimates.

Data on the types of fuel used and permission to use it.

To perform design work on reconstruction - conclusions on the results of the inspection
of building structures, measurement drawings, information on the sequence of transfer of
existing engineering networks and communications.

For production facilities, the following materials are additionally submitted:

- conclusions of territorial construction organizations regarding the placement of

construction objects;

- data of technical projects for machinery and equipment with a long cycle of
development, design and manufacture;

- product range, production and design programs;

- drawings and technical specifications of the company's products;

- information on imported and domestic equipment or drawings for non-standard and

non-standard equipment with energy efficiency indicators;

- the necessary information on completed research and development work related to the
creation of new technological processes and equipment;

- inventory data existing at the enterprises (buildings, structures) pollution sources during

- materials received from organizations of state supervision on the state of water bodies,
atmospheric air, soil, geological conditions, flora, fauna, the presence of objects of the
nature reserve pool, their status and protection zones;

- in case of development of mineral deposits, a building permit issued by local

governments, in accordance with the current Regulation.

When reconstructing existing facilities:

- conclusions and materials made according to the results of inspection of existing

industries, structures of buildings and structures;

- technological planning of existing production (workshops), areas with equipment

specification and information about its condition;

- conditions for the placement of inventory of temporary buildings and structures,

hoisting-and-transport machines and mechanisms, storage sites for building materials, etc

- lists of existing buildings (rooms) and structures, lifting and transport vehicles of the
enterprise (buildings, structures), which can be used in the process of construction and
installation works;

- other necessary data.

Note. A specific list of source data provided by the customer is determined when signing
the contract (contract) for the implementation of the relevant design stages.




The name and location of the object.

The basis for the design.

Type of construction.

Data about the investor.

Information about the customer.

Source of financing.

The need to calculate the effectiveness of investments.

Data about the general designer.

Information about the general contractor.

Staging design with the definition of the approved stage.

Engineering survey.

Baseline data on the special conditions of construction (seismicity, the group of the
complexity of the conditions of construction on subsiding soils, undermining and flooded
areas, etc.).

The main architectural and planning requirements and characteristics of the projected

The priority of design and construction, the need to highlight launch complexes.

Instructions on the need:

- development of individual design solutions in several options and on a competitive


- preliminary coordination of design decisions with the concerned departments;

- performance of demonstration materials, layouts and drawings of interiors, their

composition and form;

- performing research and experimental work in the process of design and construction;
- technical protection of information.

Data on the type of fuel and preliminary agreement on its use, if it provides its own heat

Power or characteristic of the object, the production program.

Requirements for landscaping site.

Requirements for engineering protection of territories and objects.

Basic requirements for investment intentions.

Requirements for the development of the section "Environmental Impact Assessment".

Requirements for energy saving and energy efficiency.

Data on imported technologies and / or research projects that are proposed by the

Requirements for safety and labor protection.

Requirements for the development of special measures.

The purpose of non-residential floors.

The list of designed buildings and structures in the complex.

The need for the preparation of technical conditions at the stages of ES, TEO (TER), if
such stages are foreseen.

Note 1 . The design assignment is approved by the investor or, on his behalf, by the
customer, agreed by the designer.

Note 2. The composition of the design assignment may vary according to the features of
the designed facilities and construction conditions.

Note 3. The approximate composition and characteristics of the premises, their functional
features are developed as part of the planning and technological tasks, as an annex to the
design task.





TEO, TER consists, as a rule, of the following sections:
1 Baseline provisions that reflect technical feasibility and economic value

forest shape of new construction or reconstruction of production facilities

2 Justification of the project capacity of the object, the envisaged range of planned to
release products, as well as considerations for its sales.

3 Justification of the number of new or additional jobs of the production


4 Data on the availability of the resource base, on the provision of basic materials, energy
mi, semi-finished products, labor resources with the rationale for their use

or receipt.

5 Justification of the location of the object and the choice of sites for construction.

6 Engineering survey data.

7 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

8 Schemes of the general plan and transport.

9 Major decisions on engineering site preparation and site protection from dangerous
native or man-made factors.

10 Basic technological, construction and architectural planning solutions.

11 Key decisions and indicators on energy efficiency, comparison of options, accounting


use of secondary and recoverable resources, labor protection.

12 Possible construction time.

13 Basic provisions for the organization of construction.

14 Measures for technical protection of information.

15 Basic decisions on sanitary and community services for workers.

16 Basic solutions for explosion safety of production.

17 Identification and safety declaration of high-risk facilities

(Law No. 2245-III).

18 Technical and economic indicators.

19 Design Assignment.
20 Justification of the effectiveness of investments.

21 Conclusions and suggestions.

Estimate documentation

The summary estimate calculation of construction cost with object and local estimate
calculations is carried out in accordance with the requirements of DBN D.1.1-1, which
establishes the basic rules for determining the cost of new construction, reconstruction of
enterprises, buildings and structures, and are mandatory in determining the value of
objects constructed with the involvement of budget funds or funds of enterprises and
organizations of state ownership. For facilities, the construction of which is carried out at
the expense of other sources of funding, these rules are advisory in nature, and their use is
subject to contract.

The composition of the feasibility study (TER) can be supplemented or reduced (with the
exception of the EIA materials) by decision of the customer or in agreement with it.

EIA materials can be reduced in the case of a separate design of a facility that is subject
to environmental protection, subject to prior approval of environmental safety authorities.

If the feasibility study (TER) is developed in several variants, then the EIA section is
carried out after the customer agrees on the option with the adjustment of the final
estimate calculation.






General provisions

1. Baseline data for design.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Brief description of the facility, data on the design capacity of the facility (capacity
bone throughput).

4. Engineering data.

5. Information on the need for fuel, water, electric and thermal energy,

energy saving measures, etc.

6. Information about the priority of construction and launch complexes.

7. EIA materials, including data on all expected impacts.

on the environment (land, water and other resources), their minimization

and compensation.

8. Decision on engineering protection of territories and objects.

9. Main technical and economic indicators.

10. Economic calculation of investment efficiency (at the request of the investor).

Architectural and construction solutions

1. Decisions and main indicators for the master plan, improvement and

landscaping. Brief description and justification of architectural solutions and their

compliance with the functional purpose with regard to urban planning


Decisions on finishing the building.

2. The main decisions on the adopted design scheme of objects (materials of walls, floors

roof, roofing), justification of the applied types of foundations and other structures,

the effectiveness of enclosing structures and thermal characteristics.

3. Decisions regarding civil defense defenses shall be recorded in the mouth

new order.

Technological part

1. Solutions built-in and attached premises and civilian objects.

Engineering Equipment Solutions

1. Fundamental solutions for internal and external engineering equipment - heating,

ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, water supply and sewage, electrical equipment,
electric lighting, protection from lightning, communications, fire and security alarms,
alarms, radio, television, automation of sanitary devices , dispatching, equipment of key-
intercoms (for residential buildings), requirements for energy saving.

2. Measures to protect against stray currents and anti-corrosion protection.

3. Fire fighting engineering solutions.

General recommendation: an explanatory note should be summarized as short as

Main drawings

- situational plan on a scale of 1: 2 000, 1: 5 000, 1:10 000;

- master plan on a topographic basis on a scale of 1: 500, 1: 1 000;

- fundamental decisions on vertical planning, landscaping and gardening;

- scheme of transport and pedestrian connections (if necessary);

- plan of the routes of external engineering networks and communications;

- plans for the on-site networks and facilities to them;

- floor plans, facades, sections of buildings and structures with a schematic depiction
of the main bearing and enclosing structures on a scale of 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200; details of
walling on a scale of 1:25;

- interiors of main premises (developed additionally according to

- design assignment);

- catalog sheets when using mass-use projects;

- floor plans, facades and cuts when using re-use projects -


- schematic diagrams of engineering equipment (heating, ventilation, hot and cold

water supply, sewage, water drains, electrical equipment, gas and cold supply, air
conditioning, communications and alarm systems, automation of engineering equipment,
dust and smoke removal, garbage disposal), basic solutions for the implementation
energy saving measures;

- technological layout with plans for the placement (location) of the main equipment;

- initial data on the development of design documentation for equipment indi-

of typical production

Organization of construction

The composition, volume and content of the project documentation section are set in
accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the DBN A.3.1-5.

Estimate documentation

The summary estimate calculation of construction cost with object and local estimate
calculations is carried out in accordance with the requirements of DBN D.1.1-1, which
establish the basic rules for determining the cost of new construction, reconstruction of
buildings and structures, and are mandatory in determining the value of objects
constructed using budgetary funds. funds or funds of enterprises, institutions and
organizations of state ownership. For facilities, the construction of which is carried out at
the expense of other sources of funding, these rules are advisory in nature, and their use is
subject to contract.






General provisions

1. Baseline data for design.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Brief description of the object (structure) and its composition:

- data on design capacity, nomenclature, quality and technical level

products, raw materials;

- results of quantitative and professional qualification calculations

composition of employees;

- the number and equipment of workplaces;

- information on the organization, specialization and co-operation of the main and

mighty productions.

4. Engineering data.

5. Information about the need for fuel, water, heat and electricity,

measures for energy saving, etc., separately for own needs and technology


6. Information about the priority of construction and launch complexes.

7. Data on investment performance (if necessary).

8 Key decisions and indicators for the master plan, engineering

tyam and communications.

9. Information about the engineering protection of territories and objects.

10. Labor protection.

The section provides information: a list of key regulatory documents; justified and agreed
with the authorities of the State Labor Protection Supervision deviations from the norms
and rules; measures to ensure the safety of processes and products; toxicological, fire and
explosive characteristics of materials, products, semi-finished products, production
wastes; security control; characteristics of production premises, calculations or
justification of categories for explosion and fire hazard, classes according to
OLC; determination of the energy potential of explosive blocks, the radii of the zones of
possible destruction; measures to protect personnel from injury to the safe evacuation of
workers in possible accidents and fires; data on workplace lighting, noise, vibration,
methods of removal and neutralization of waste with hazardous properties; means of
preventing fires, explosions, storage and transportation of materials, semi-finished
products with hazardous and harmful properties, the conduct of works on loading and
unloading; measures to protect workers from external and internal factors; availability of
sanitary facilities, medical care; data on benefits, admissibility of work of women and

11. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). A summary of the environmental

statement is given.

consequences (according to DBN A.2.2-1), if they were not carried out in the
feasibility study or

There have been changes in the process.

12. Assessment of the effectiveness of decisions made and comparison of technical

and economic indicators

Projects with indicators approved or agreed in the feasibility study.

13. Estimation of the savings obtained as a result of the introduction of energy-saving



General Plan and Transportation

Brief description of the area and construction site.

Decisions and indicators on the master plan, on-site and external transport

Basic planning decisions, measures for the improvement and maintenance of

Solutions for the location of utilities and communications.

Organization of protection of the enterprise (buildings, structures).

Main drawings

Situational plan for the location of the enterprise, building or structure with indication of
external communications, networks (existing and designed) and the territory intended for
construction. For linear structures, a plan of the route is provided (if necessary, a
longitudinal profile of the route).

The master plan on which buildings and structures (existing and projected, reconstructed
and to be demolished), environmental protection and improvement facilities, landscaping
and special decisions on the location of on-site utilities and transport communications,
planning marks of the territory and networks included in the starting complexes.

Cartogram of earthworks.

Technological part

Data on production and design programs:

- brief description and justification of decisions regarding the adopted technology


production and separation of technological units;

- decision on the use of low-waste and non-waste processes and production;

- data on labor intensity (machine intensity) of production, mechanization and

automation of technological processes;

- the composition and justification of the equipment used (including purchased by


- the number of jobs and their equipment;

- total number of employees, including by categories and qualifications;

- decisions on the organization of repair facilities;

- data on the number and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and
water sources

(are given for individual production workshops, facilities);

- description of shop and inter-shop communications;

- solutions for heat supply, electricity supply and electrical equipment;

- proposals for the operation of electrical installations;

- fuel and energy and material balances of technological processes;

- decisions on energy saving and application of energy saving technologies.

Main drawings

Schematic diagrams of technological processes.

Technological layout or layout of buildings (workshops) with instructions on the

placement of large, unique equipment and vehicles.

Traffic patterns (for large enterprises).

Schematic diagrams of power supply of the enterprise (buildings, structures).

Schemes of lines of the main and distribution thermal networks.

Architectural and construction solutions

Brief description of the area of the construction site.

Brief description and substantiation of architectural and construction solutions for the
main buildings and structures.

Fundamental decisions on the adopted design scheme of objects (materials and

characteristics of the elements of supporting structures).

Justification of fundamental decisions on the lighting of workplaces, reduction of

industrial noise and vibrations, domestic and sanitary services for workers.

Measures for electrical, explosion and fire safety, protection of building structures,
networks and facilities from corrosion.

Basic solutions for water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Energy saving solutions.

Lists of individual and reuse projects.

Decisions on protective structures of civil defense (issued in the prescribed manner).

Main drawings

Plans, sections and facades of the main buildings and structures with a schematic
depiction of the main bearing and enclosing structures, details of the insulation of the
enclosing structures.
A list of buildings and structures with an indication of the individual and reuse projects
used (main drawings).

Plans and profiles of the routes of external engineering and transport communications and
main intrasite networks (for large enterprises and structures).

For industrial buildings with complex systems of ventilation and air conditioning, plans
and sections of these buildings can be developed with the application of these systems, as
well as plans for the main water supply and sewage facilities, schematic diagrams of
engineering equipment for office, home and laboratory buildings.

Organization of construction

The composition, scope and content of the project documentation section is set in
accordance with the requirements and recommendations of DBN A.3.1-5.

Estimate documentation

The summary estimate calculation of construction cost with object and local estimate
calculations is carried out in accordance with the requirements of DBN D.1.1-1, which
establish the basic rules for determining the cost of new construction, reconstruction of
enterprises, buildings and structures, and are mandatory in determining the value of
objects built with attraction of budgetary funds or funds of enterprises, institutions and
organizations of state ownership. For objects, the construction of which is carried out at
the expense of other sources of funding, these rules are advisory in nature and their use is
subject to contract.

Civil Engineering

The need to develop this section is set in the design assignment.

In cases when, together with the industrial object, it is necessary to build a new or expand
an existing city (village), the project documentation for civil construction is included in
the appropriate volume.




The scope and design of this section is governed by DBN A.2.2-1.

When preparing EIA materials regarding the assessment of impacts on the air basin,
water resources, as well as other components of the natural environment, the following
should be considered.

Regarding air protection from pollution

The materials on the protection of atmospheric air include:

- a brief description of the physiographic and climatic conditions of the area

local construction, data on existing phono

concentrations of harmful substances in ambient air;

- list of emission sources;

- the names of pollutants, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics

ticks, including those that have a summation effect according to Appendix 3


- characteristics of possible accidental emissions;

- results of calculations of surface concentrations relative to the values of pollutant


carrying substances into the atmosphere, proposed as part of project


- justification of decisions on the prevention (reduction) of education and the allocation


air polluting substances and the selection of equipment, equipment for cleaning

owls to the atmosphere;

- information about the cost of facilities and work related to the implementation of
security measures


- solutions to reduce production noise and vibrations;

- evaluation of the effectiveness of the planned activities, the designed structures

and equipment


- characterization of measures for the regulation of emissions in a period of adverse

pleasant meteorological conditions (NMU);

- justification of the size of the estimated sanitary protection zone.

Main drawings

Situational scheme-map of the area of location of enterprises, buildings and structures,

indicating on it the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, the territory to be built,
recreation zones, sanatoriums, rest homes and locations for the settlement points,
locations of objects of the natural reserve fund, their protective zones, promising areas for
the reserve.

General plan, which shows the location of the sources of emissions of pollutants into the
atmosphere and equipment for cleaning these emissions.

Note. When designing technically simple enterprises, buildings and structures, it is

allowed to combine the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone to be built, recreation
zones and other design points and emission sources of substances on one drawing.

Charts (summary tables) with the results of calculations of atmospheric pollution under
adverse weather conditions and emissions, as well as combinations of substances with
accumulated harmful effects ..

The scope, content of project materials of this subsection shall be established taking into
account the requirements of methodological and regulatory documents approved in the
prescribed manner by state supervision bodies, which establish the procedure for the
development and coordination of air protection measures.

Regarding the protection of water bodies from pollution by sewage

The materials on the protection of water from pollution include:

- solutions for the purification of consumed natural waters;

- justification of solutions for circulating water supply;

- information on the amount of wastewater (given for individual workshops, production

stvam, facilities);

- the balance of water consumption and drainage for the object as a whole and for the

production processes;

- characterization of wastewater;

- justification of design solutions for wastewater treatment, sludge treatment and

the possibility of their disposal;

- proposals on the organization of the discharge and discharge of treated wastewater into

emi in accordance with the procedure determined by the Resolution of the

Cabinet of

Ukraine of Ukraine dated 25.03.99 No. 465;

- proposals for the prevention of emergency situations;

- solutions for the prevention of pollution of fishery bodies of water during the

management of timber-floating, hydromechanized and other works, conservation


natural state of water bodies;

- assessment of the effectiveness of the planned activities and designed structures include

rational use and protection of water and fish stocks.

Concerning the protection of land resources

The materials on land protection include:

- justification of the proposed methods of removing and preserving the fertile layer

soil, its transportation to the place of storage (or temporary storage) and

drawing on the updated land plot, or unproductive lands;

- design solutions for updating the disturbed land plot and bringing

its condition for use (all stages of reclamation in


- provided planning and anti-erosion measures, measures to combat

adverse geological phenomena aimed at preventing

their occurrence or activation;

- proposed measures for the protection of mineral resources from pollution;

- data on capital expenditures required for the implementation of these measures.

Concerning the protection of the plant (flora) and animal (fauna) world

The materials for the protection of flora and fauna include:

- design data, concisely characterizing the state of plant and animal

of the world in the area of the industrial site, or certifying the exclusion

man-made character of the adjacent territory (industrial zone, industrial area,

urban buildings, etc.);

- information on the presence of green spaces (trees and shrubs)

on the industrial site, on the need for their demolition (full or partly
go), on the measures envisaged for the preservation of such plantations, their

- data on the availability of green space within the boundaries of sanitary

protection zone, provided for measures for landscaping the SPZ, caring for the


- information on the presence (absence) near the location

object of protected areas and their protection zones, data on measures to

ensure compliance with the conservation regime;

- data on the capital costs of protective, recovery and compensation

onnye events regarding flora and fauna.

Regarding waste management

Materials concerning the treatment of industrial waste include:

- design data on the estimated expected volumes of all types of solid waste

Dov production and household waste;

- information about the projected solutions to reduce the amount of

camping waste;

- information on measures envisaged for waste disposal directly

at the enterprise or in other places where they are intended to be transferred;

- data on planned actions for waste disposal beyond

enterprises to ensure their temporary storage or final

burial at special landfills (with confirmation of agreement with the

the owners ’past to accept such waste);

- data on the capital costs of waste management.

The composition of project documentation for updating (reclamation) of a land plot,

protection of mineral resources, flora and fauna, preservation of objects of the nature
reserve fund is determined taking into account the requirements of regulatory acts.
Sections should contain:

- a comprehensive assessment of the optimality of the provided technical solutions from

rational use of natural resources and activities

regarding the prevention of the negative impacts of construction and operation

tations of the enterprise, buildings, structures on the environment, including

tea flora and fauna; ensuring the protection and compliance with the status of
natural objects

no-reserved fund and their security zones;

- the results of calculations to determine the economic performance

environmental protection measures (given when possible, calculated

by any known technique).

The composition and content of the materials of these subsections are specified in
accordance with the specifics of the projected enterprises, buildings and structures of the
relevant sectors of the national economy and industry.

Main drawings

Situational plan with applied objects of natural reserve fund and areas promising for
preservation (in the presence of the latter).

Plan of the land recultivated plot with planning data and projected structures and
communications on it.

Other drawings that allow you to determine the volume of construction and installation
work and estimated cost.








1 Name of the building, its location.
2 The nature of construction (new construction, reconstruction).

3 Estimated cost of construction, incl. construction and installation work.

4 floors.

5 The total number of apartments in the house, including:

- one-room;

- two-room and more.

6 The area of apartments in the house.

7 Area of the house.

8 Total area of apartments in the house.

9 Building area.

10 Plot area.

11 Total construction volume, including:

- above the level of +0.00;

- below the level of +0.00.

12 Area of built-in non-residential premises, number of jobs created.

13 Specific heat output of heating and specific annual heat consumption.

14 Energy Efficiency Indicators - Annual Need for Fuel, Water, Electric

and heat energy.

15 Name of the main architect of the project, the authors of the project.

16 Positive conclusion of state examination.







1 Name of the building, its location.

2 The nature of construction (new construction, reconstruction).

3 Estimated cost of construction, incl. construction and installation work.

4 Floors building.

5 Total area.

6 Useful area.

7 Estimated area.

8 Building volume of the building.

9 Building area.

10 Plot area.

11 Power, capacity, throughput, number of educated workers


12 Specific heat output of heating and specific annual heat consumption.

13 Energy Efficiency Indicators - Annual Need for Fuel, Water, Electric

and heat energy.

14 Name of the main architect of the project, the authors of the project.

15 Positive conclusion of state examination.







1 Name of production, building or structure and its location.

2 The nature of construction (new construction, reconstruction).

3 Power of the object (annual output of the main product range, capacity,

bandwidth, the volume of services provided, etc.):

- in physical terms (in the appropriate units);

- in terms of value.

4 Number of jobs, incl. newly formed.

5 The total number of employees.

6 Labor productivity for the year (in value terms).

7 Cost of main products or services.

8 Estimated cost of construction of the enterprise (building, structure) and other objects,

including construction and installation work.

9 The cost of environmental protection, restoration and compensation

ny events.

10 Payback period of capital investments.

11 Cost of fixed assets of an enterprise (building, structure).

12. The value of fixed assets that are eliminated in the construction process (according to
the balance

howl cost).

13 Participation in the construction of objects in common with other investors.

14 Duration of construction.

15 The complexity of the construction (in person / day).

16 Annual need of the enterprise:

- raw materials (in appropriate units);

- energy resources (electricity in million kW / h; heat energy in million Gcal;

coal in thousand tons;

petroleum products, in thousand tons, etc.);

- water (in thousand m 3 );

- external transport (on arrival and departure, in thousand tons).

17 The costs of basic building materials (steel, cement, timber in the installation


18 Other indicators:

- profit;

- profitability;

- material consumption;

- energy intensity, including own needs;

- specific heat output of heating and specific annual heat consumption;

- the area of the land.

18 Other additional technical and economic indicators and qualitative characteristics.

sticks received in the project.

20 Summary of environmental impact statement.

21 Name of the chief engineer of the project, the authors of the project.

22 Positive conclusion of state examination.




Table of definition of the category of complexity of civil
depending on their architectural and technical characteristics

Feature Objects Complexity category

Architecturally and technically simple I
Architecturally simple, but technically complex or II
technically simple, but architecturally complex
Architecturally and technically complex III
Architecturally complex, but technically particularly
complex or technically complex, but architecturally IV
especially complex
Architecturally and technically complex V
List of civil objects by categories of complexity

Types of buildings, structures, objects Category

1. Residential buildings, hotels
1.1 Household and auxiliary buildings for residential buildings; garden I
(summer) houses; watch houses and hostels
1.2 1-3-storey manor residential buildings; 1-3-storey block-type
houses with apartments in different levels; cottage type houses for II
individual developers
1.3 2-4 (5) -storied residential apartment buildings; 2-4-storey III
dormitories and shelters
1.4 5-9 (10) -story dormitories; 3-5-storey residential buildings with
apartments for the disabled; 6-9 (10) -storied residential apartment III
buildings; hotels of the III-IV category
1.5 Multi-storey (more than 10 floors) residential buildings of all types
and dormitories, incl. with public spaces in the ground floor; multi-storey
(more than 9 floors) residential buildings of all types with built-in
garages; hotels of the I-II category

Types of buildings, structures, objects Category

1.6 Multi-storey architectural residential (integrated) complexes with

complex spatial structure and premises of the public V

for military purposes; hotels of the highest category

2 . Public buildings
2.1 Buildings for education, training and training
Preschool institutions
2.1.1 Premises for the temporary stay of children (branches of nursery I
2.1.2 Family nursery schools II
2.1.3 Nurseries, gardens and nurseries-general gardens III
2.1.4 Specialized preschool institutions III
2.1.5 Children's home III
2.1.6 Centers of preschool education III
2.1.7. Children's health facilities IV
General education, specialized schools and boarding schools,

interschool training facilities

2.1.8 . General education schools: primary, basic (incomplete secondary,
2.1.9 Specialized schools: boarding schools, schools for children with
prosperity in development
2.1.10 Children's homes III
2.1.11 Specialized schools: lyceums, gymnasiums IV
2.1.12 Interschool, training and production combines> IV
Out-of-school institutions
2.1.13 Houses and palaces of students and teenagers III
2.1.14 Art schools and studios (art, music, choreography) III

2.1.15 Homes of young technicians and naturalists III
2.1.16 Children and youth clubs III
Vocational schools
2.1.17 Vocational schools and other specialized secondary schools III
2.1.18 Vocational schools IV
Higher education institutions
2.1.19 Centers and institutions for retraining and advanced training III
2.1.20 Colleges, technical schools, institutes, conservatories> IV
2.1.21 Universities IV
2.1.22 Academy of Social Sciences, military, technical, spiritual and IV

2.2 Buildings for research institutions, design and public

organizations and management

Management Buildings
2.2.1 Settlement and village councils, as well as buildings of economic
offices located in townships and rural areas
2.2.2 District Council Executive Committees and their departments and II
2.2.2 Management of the regional state administration, prosecutor's
offices, management of industries
national economy, management of cooperative organizations
2.2.4 City Council Executive Committees and their departments and III
2.2.5 Judicial and legal institutions and prosecutors III
2.2.6 State administrations of Ukraine (except for prosecution offices) IV
Types of buildings, structures, objects Category
Lending buildings; insurance and commercial purposes
2.2.7 Buildings of insurance companies, concerns, associations,
employment centers
2.2.8 Banks, Sberbank IV
2.2.9 Exchange, business centers IV
Buildings of public organizations, research and design institutions, information centers
2.2.10 Buildings of design and engineering organizations> III
2.2.11 Buildings of public organizations III
2.2.12 Buildings of information centers III
2.2.13 Archive buildings III
2.2.14 Buildings of research organizations IV
2.3 Buildings and facilities for health and recreation facilities
2.3.1 Dairy children's kitchens, distribution points> II
2.3.2 Pharmacies II
2.3.3 Dispensaries, dispensaries, dispensaries III
2.3.4 Ambulance buildings, sanitary epidemiological stations, blood III
transfusion stations
Medical institutions
2.3.5 Hospitals, hospitals and maternity hospitals IV
2.3.6 Polyclinics IV
Sanatorium, health and recreation facilities
2.3.7 Health camps for students and teenagers II
2.3.8 Tourist bases II
2.3.9 Sanatoria, sanatoriums III
2.3.10 Balneological hospitals, mud baths, balneary IV
2.4 Social Security Buildings
2.4.1 Boarding homes for people with disabilities and the elderly III
2.4.2 Territorial service centers III
2.4.3 Specialized centers of medical, social and professional IV

2.5 Buildings and facilities for recreational and sports purposes
2.5.1 Open plane sports and physical culture II

Closed physical culture and sports buildings
2.5.2 Sports halls III
2.5.3 Sports and recreation and sports and leisure complexes III
2.5.4 Closed artificial ice rinks IV
2.5.5 Swimming pools IV
Specialized sports facilities
2.5.6 Facilities for bullet shooting and archery I
2.5.7 Winter Sports Facilities III
2.5.8 Water sports facilities III
2.6 Buildings of cultural, educational and entertainment institutions
2.6.1 Libraries III
2.6.2 Ballrooms, discos, gambling halls, casinos III
2.6.3 Club houses, houses and palaces of culture, recreation centers,
teacher’s houses,
doctor, scientists, artist, architect, composer and others, in terms of

2.6.4 House of creativity (writers, composers, artists, architects) III
Types of buildings, structures, objects Category
2.6.5 Museums and exhibition halls IV
2.6.6 Concert Halls IV
2 . 6.7 Philharmonic IV
2.6.8 Cinemas and video centers IV
2.6.9 Theaters V
2.6.10 Circuses V
2.7 Buildings for trade, catering,

consumer services
2.7.1 Specialty stores (food and non-food III

2.7.2 Department stores: department stores, supermarkets, stores

world" IV
2.7.3 Trade houses (gift houses, radio houses, shoe houses, etc.) IV
2.7.4 Open Markets I
2.7.5 Indoor markets, pavilions III
2.7.6 Bars (wine, dairy, fruit) II
2.7.7 Dining (general type, diet) III
2.7.8 Cafes of general type and specialized (varenic, sausage,

barbecue, bouillon, kulishnye, pizzerias and others) III

2.7.9 Restaurants III
2.7.10 Integrated catering> III
Consumer Service Enterprises

(related to the direct service of the population)

2 .7.11 Integrated public reception centers II
2.7.12 Hair Salons II
2.7.13 Specialized ateliers and workshops, chemical reception points

cleaning, laundry, etc. II

2.7.14 Household III
2.7.15 Fashion houses, beauty houses III
2.7.16 Laundries III
2.8 Utility buildings (except for industrial, warehouse and

transport buildings and structures)

2.8.1 registry offices II
2.8.2 Ritual offices II
2.8.3 Housing and maintenance offices and associations> II
2.8.4 Public toilets II
2.8.5 Motels, campgrounds II
2.8.6 Baths, baths with wellness complexes III
2.9 Transport buildings (direct public services) and communications
Railway stations of all types of transport
2.9.1 Ticket office II
2.9.2 Bus stations III
2.9.3 River stations IV
2.9.4 Railway stations V
2.9.5 Airport terminals V
2.9.6 Sea stations V
Types of buildings, structures, objects Category
TV and radio centers, communication, trans-agency
2.9.7 Public service offices, trans-agency > II
2.9.8 Communication enterprises II
2.9.9 Post Office III
2.9.10 Post offices and communication centers III
2.9.11 Radio centers, telecentres, telegraph, satellite communication V
2.10 Religious buildings
2.10.1 Monasteries III
2.10.2 Prayer Houses III
2.10.3 Temples (churches, cathedrals, churches, synagogues, mosques, V
2.11 Multifunctional buildings and complexes, including premises

for various purposes

2.11.1 Administrative business centers III
2.11.2 Community centers IV
2.11.3 Shopping centers IV
2.11.4 Commercial centers IV
2.11.5 Cultural and educational centers IV
2.11.6 Entertainment and Leisure Centers IV
2.1 1 .7 Sports centers V
2.12 Separate objects of improvement, landscaping, planar structures
2.12.1 Landing wind and noise protection strips, device cycling, a-

night and pedestrian routes (terrenkurov) without equipment and


chesky equipment
2.12.2 Improvement and landscaping of urban highways, sections of II
residential and public buildings, summer cottages, factory areas,
cemeteries - with average requirements for landscaping,
arrangement of recreation, sports and games, campgrounds and
tent camps with standard equipment and technical equipment
2.12.3 Improvement and greening of private houses, public buildings III
of city (district) value, memorial cemeteries (pantheons),
pedestrian areas, beaches, city parks, boulevards, squares,
embankments, arrangement of decorative pools, green theaters,
open stadiums, playgrounds for recreation and games with
using non-standard equipment and technical equipment
2.12.4 Improvement and landscaping of large public buildings with IV
particularly high requirements for improvement, as well as
territories of historical, botanical and zoological gardens,
ecological reserves, ethnographic museum-reserves,
arrangement of terraced gardens and roof gardens, complex
beach and park facilities, swimming pools, swimming
swimming pools, outdoor exhibition areas with non-standard
equipment and sophisticated technical equipment
2.13 Interior Design (as separate objects) >
2.13.1 Premises of workshops, summer trade pavilions, auxiliary II
premises, public buildings>
2.13.2 Premises of residential and public buildings with standard III
furniture and equipment: offices, shops, canteens, schools,
gyms, hospitals, boarding houses of the III-IV category, etc.
2.13.3 Premises of public buildings with a high level of requirements IV
for decoration, furniture and equipment: libraries, restaurants,
hotels, banks, exhibition halls, offices, boutiques, city
administrative institutions, cinemas, multifunctional theater,
cultural, religious and sports buildings and facilities
2.13.4 Premises of public buildings with sophisticated technical IV
equipment, individual furniture and equipment: government
buildings, theaters, concert halls, museums, atrium buildings,
temples, radio and television studios, etc.
2.14 Metro facilities
2.14.1 Underground subway lines as a single design complexes V
2.14.2 Ground and elevated lines of the subway as a single design IV
2.14.3 Stations and lobbies, designed separately from the lines> IV
2.14.4 Single and double track branch III
2.14.5 Interchange node between stations III
2.14.6 Electrodepo basic and negotiable III
2.14.7 Escalator tunnel III
2.14.8 Ground Pavilion with Steps III


1 GENERAL> ........... 3





5 PROJECT (P) ........ 7



CONSTRUCTION .............. 10


DOCUMENTATION .............. 10

ANNEX A ................ 13




TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ............. 14

APPENDIX V ................ 16


CONSTRUCTION .............. 16



APPENDIX D ................ 19


ANNEX E ................ 20



ANNEX J ............... 21



APPENDIX AND ................ 23



General provisions ................ 23

Construction Organization 25

APPENDIX TO ................ 26


APPENDIX F ................ 29

APPENDIX M ............... 30



APPENDIX N ................ 31



APPENDIX P ................ 32


Listing of information resources of the ISS "Archive" ("The Architect").

(ISS "Archive" was created by the Information and Marketing Center of Gosstroy

Of Ukraine / IMC / and operates on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Construction
and Architecture

Of Ukraine No. 43 of March 9, 1994, the order of the State Committee for Civil
Engineering of Ukraine

No. 147 of August 12, 1996 and Order of the State Construction Committee of Ukraine
No. 45 of April 21, 2003)

Entered: "IMC" (Kiev, M. Krivonos St., 2a; t / f. 249-34-04)

SNiP 2.09.03-85



Introduction date 1987-01-01

DEVELOPED by the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the USSR

Gosstroy (Candidate of Technical Sciences N.A. Ushakov - Project Leader; Candidate of
Technical Sciences of AM Tugolukov; M.M. Amochkina) with the participation of
Kharkov Promstroyniiproekt (Candidate of Technical Sciences I.Ya. Luchkovsky),
Leningrad Promstroyproekt (Candidate of Technical Sciences M.Ye. Lipnitsky), Donetsk
Promstroyniiproekt (Candidate of Technical Sciences V.M.Levin), Kievsky
Promstroyproekt (V.Kozlov), TsNIIproektstroykstruktsiya (Yu.R.Tomling) ),
Lenproektstalkonstruktsiya (M.I...Vishnevsky), Soyuzvodokanalproekt (A.M. Lyubarov),
Leningradsky Promtransproekt (D.A. Smirnov), NI ICS (Candidate of Technical Sciences
D.A. Korshunov), Goskhimproekt (P.I. Zhuravel), NIIOSP them. Gersevanova (doctor of
technical sciences, EASorechan) of the USSR State Construction Committee, Gipromez
of the USSR Ministry of Minerals (E.N. Bulgakov), Leningrad branch of
Atomteploelectroproject of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (F.Shershnev),
VNIPITeploproject (DSBelyaev),

INTRODUCED TSNIipromzdany Gosstroy USSR.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtechnormirovaniem Gosstroy USSR (NN


APPROVED by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction of December

29, 1985 No. 263.

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.09.03-85 "Structures of industrial enterprises" from
January 1, 1987, become invalid:

head of SNiP II-91-77 "The construction of industrial enterprises";

changes and additions to the head of SNiP II-91-77, approved by the decisions of the
USSR State Construction Committee of March 17, 1980 No. 28 and on January 4, 1985
No. 2;

“Guidelines for Designing Silos for Bulk Materials” (CH 302-65);

"Instructions for fastening technological equipment with foundation bolts" (СН 471-75).

In SNiP 2.09.03-85 "Structures of industrial enterprises" amended, published in BST N 3,

1987, Amendment, approved by the decree of the USSR State Committee on
Construction of July 8, 1988 No. 132 and Clarification p.122. The items and tables that
have been amended are marked with a (K) sign in these Building Regulations and Rules.

The changes were made by the law office "Code" on BSU No. 10, 1988, and No. 11,

These standards apply to the design of new and reconstructed structures of industrial
enterprises. The facilities are assigned to the following groups.

Underground structures. Retaining walls. Basements. Tunnels and channels. Drop wells.

Capacitive structures for liquids and gases. Reservoirs for petroleum and petroleum
products. Gas-holders.

Tank buildings for bulk materials. Bins. Bunker. Silos and silos for the storage of bulk
materials. Coal tower coking plants.
Overhead structures. Shelves and platforms. Open crane racks. Separate supports and
overpasses for technological pipelines. Galleries and flyovers. Unloading railway

High-rise buildings. Cooling towers Tower copra mining companies. Chimneys. Exhaust
towers. Water towers.

Notes: 1. The requirements of these standards do not apply to the design of special-
purpose structures (for the production and storage of explosives, the storage of
combustible special-purpose products, protective structures for civil defense, etc.), as
well as facilities with a useful life of up to 5 years.

2. When designing structures of industrial enterprises intended for construction in special

conditions (seismic areas, on permafrost, swelling, subsiding soils, as well as on sites
with landslides, karst and voids), the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents
approved or approved by Gosstroi should also be observed THE USSR.

3. Capacities for water supply and sewage should be designed according to # M12291
871001008СНиП 2.04.02-84 and СНиП 2.04.03-85.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Categories of premises and structures for explosion and fire hazard are established in
the technological part of the project in accordance with the All-Union technological
design standards "Definition of categories, rooms and buildings for explosion and fire

hazard" , departmental technological design standards and special lists

approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. When designing should:

adopt design schemes that provide the necessary strength, stability and spatial
immutability of the structure as a whole, as well as individual elements at all stages of
construction (manufacturing, installation) and operation;

make optimal design decisions on the reduced costs, taking into account the full cost of
construction and operating costs, reduced to the year of completion of construction;

apply standard structures and products, including standard precast reinforced concrete
structures designed for buildings and other structures;

select materials of construction in accordance with the requirements of TP 101-81 * and

safety rules approved in the prescribed manner;

when complying with the selection of building products and materials for structures
located on one site, comply with the requirements of the general site unification;

to associate with the architecture of the surrounding building material fencing structures
of buildings, their finishing and painting;

comply with environmental requirements, taking measures to reduce air pollution by

emissions from chimneys and exhaust towers, evaporation products of oil and oil
products, as well as from penetration into the ground of fluid leaks from tanks and

1.3. Calculation and design of building structures should be made in accordance with the
requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85, # M12291 5200033SNiP 2.02.01-83, SNiP 2.03.01-84,
SNiP II-23-81, # M12291 871001005SNiP 2.03.11-85 , and also taking into account
requirements of these norms.

When designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures designed to work under
conditions of systematic exposure to process temperatures above 50 ° C, it is necessary to
comply with the requirements for taking into account temperature effects in accordance
with SNiP 2.03.04-84.

When designing statically indeterminable reinforced concrete structures of structures

subjected to systematic exposure to process temperatures below 50 ° C, in which the
combined effects of technological and climatic temperatures occur over the height of the
cross section, drops of more than 40 ° C, should take into account temperature efforts in
the elements of structures. To determine the effort allowed to use SNiP 2.03.04-84
without taking into account the effect of temperature on the physico-mechanical
properties of materials.

1.4. Structures should be located, as a rule, parallel to the center line of neighboring
buildings, structures and roads, while the center line of structures should be linked to a
unified grid of building columns.

1.5. Routes of tunnels, canals, galleries and racks should have the smallest length and the
smallest number of turns, as well as intersections with roads and other communications,
and be appointed in accordance with the requirements of # M12291 5200094SNiP II-89-
80 # S.

1.6. The dimensions of the pedestrian tunnels, galleries and racks should be taken:

the height of the tunnels and galleries from the floor level to the bottom of the protruding
structures of floors or coatings is at least 2.0 m (in inclined tunnels and galleries, the
height should be measured along the normal to the floor);

the width of the tunnels, galleries and racks - according to the calculation of the condition
of capacity in one direction 2000 people / h per 1 m width, but not less than 1.5 m.

1.7. Internal dimensions of conveyor tunnels, galleries and racks should be taken in
accordance with GOST 12.2.022-80.

For galleries and racks located in mines, quarries and for enrichment, agglomeration,
crushing and crushing and screening factories, which are subject to the "Common safety
rules for crushing, sorting, mineral processing and sintering of ores and concentrates",
dimensions should be taken in accordance with these rules.

When assigning internal dimensions of conveyor galleries, according to the special

requirements of the technological organization, it is allowed to provide for a reserve of
gallery width in order to provide the possibility of replacing installed conveyors with
conveyors of large sizes during operation. The size of the reserve in width and load is
established by the technological organization in consultation with the organization
approving the design assignment.

1.8. Basements, canals, tunnels, galleries and overpasses in which cables should be
placed should be designed in accordance with these rules and the Rules for the
Installation of Electrical Installations approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy and
agreed with the USSR State Construction Committee.

1.9. Channels, tunnels and overpasses designed for laying steam and hot water pipelines,
which are covered by the current Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam
and Hot Water Pipelines approved by the USSR Gostekhnadzor, should be designed in
accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

1.10. Basements, tunnels and channels are not allowed to be provided in buildings of
categories A and B and in areas where outdoor installations are located in which
explosive or toxic gases with a density greater than 0.8 relative to air and explosive dust
are used or formed.

As an exception, it is allowed to arrange open pits and trays in rooms and territories with
production categories A and B, if the requirements of the technological process cannot be
met without these pits and trays.

In these cases, the pits and trays should be provided with reliable, continuously operating
intake or intake-exhaust ventilation; the number of stairs from open pit with an area of
more than 50 square meters or a length of over 30 m should be at least two.

Outputs from open pit should be arranged at the floor level of the rooms on opposite sides
of the pit.

Note. In industries in which substances with a vapor and gas density less than 0.8 relative
to air are used or processed, it is allowed (if necessary according to the requirements of
the technological process) to arrange non-ventilated channels with a depth of no more
than 0.5 m.

1.11. Pedestrian tunnels and galleries are not allowed to lay pipelines transporting
poisonous, flammable and combustible liquids, poisonous and combustible gases,
pipelines of steam heat networks, as well as transit cables for any purpose.

1.12 *. It is not allowed to evacuate people from the premises through cable structures
(rooms), as well as the transit installation of air ducts through cable structures. Cable
structures should be provided with smoke removal systems.


* (K) In connection with incoming requests from design organizations for the installation
of smoke removal systems of cable structures (Clause 12 of SNiP 2.09.03-85 "Industrial
Facilities") and for the joint construction of hot water supply and heating systems in the
heat distribution channels ( p.6.7 # M12291 9056427SNiP 2.04.07-86 "Heating
networks") The Directorate for Standardization and Technical Standards in the
Construction of the USSR Gosstroi reports the following:
Due to the lack of permanent workplaces in cable structures in accordance with SNiP
2.04.05-86, it is not required to design smoke ventilation to remove smoke in case of
fire. Clause 1.12 of SNiP 2.09.03-85 provides for the installation in these structures of a
smoke removal system designed to remove smoke after a fire, for which general
ventilation ventilation systems of cable structures can be used, provided according to
PUE (clause 2.3.132). The frequency of air in the removal of smoke after a fire is not

When underground laying of heat networks in the channels, it is allowed to provide for
laying in one channel, including without dividing walls, pipelines of hot water supply
systems and heating systems, ensuring the maintainability of heat networks.

1.13. When designing open crane and unloading railway racks, premises should be
provided for the protection of workers from adverse weather effects. It is allowed to use
for these purposes the premises of neighboring buildings or buildings to which the ramps
adjoin, if the distance from the most distant workplaces to these premises does not exceed
300 m. The premises must meet the requirements of SNiP II-92-76.

1.14. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of structures that are systematically
moistened with atmospheric precipitation should have waterproofing and sinks on
horizontal elements (cornices, shelves, etc.) ensuring free flow of water.

1.15. The flooring of service platforms of unloading railway racks, open crane racks,
exhaust towers and other structures should be designed in such a way as to prevent
sliding when walking (with steel decks, a grid should be provided in accordance with
GOST 23120-78) and rain and melt water flow should be provided with wooden flooring
there should be gaps between the boards equal to 20 mm).

1.16. In the projects of basements, tunnels, canals, retaining walls and other underground
structures should indicate the need for backfilling with compacted soil in accordance with
the requirements of СН 536-81.

1.17. The bottom of the support plate of steel supports of open structures should be
located above the planning level of the earth, as a rule, not less than 150 mm.

1.18. Building structures and technological equipment should be fastened to concrete and
reinforced concrete structures (foundations, force floors, walls, etc.) operated at a design
outdoor air temperature of minus 65 ° C incl. and when heating concrete foundations to
50 ° C, with anchor bolts in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2.

With appropriate justification, it is allowed to use other methods of fastening equipment

on foundations (for example, on vibration dampers, on glue, etc.).

1.19. Underground structures located in the zone of influence of stray currents must be
protected from electro-corrosion in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11-

Steel structures must be grounded.

1.20. When designing high-rise structures, underground and surface tanks for oil and oil
products and gas holders, lightning protection should be provided in accordance with СН
1.21. Projects of high-rise structures (silos, water towers, cooling towers, chimneys,
exhaust towers, tower towers of coal and ore mines) should provide for measures (light
fencing, marking painting) that ensure the safety of aircraft flight in accordance with the
rules of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

1.22. When arranging the structures, it is necessary to take into account the architectural
and compositional effect of high-rise, above-ground and capacitive (tanks for oil and oil
products) facilities on the formation of buildings, including internal factory areas,
highways and driveways, and when building retaining walls - on the formation of
elements of vertical planning and landscaping .

1.23. Chimneys, exhaust towers, cooling towers and other high-rise structures should, as
a rule, be located on the side of the longest blank walls of buildings. From the walls of
buildings with light openings, these structures should be located at a distance not less
than their diameter in plan or the length of the side facing the building, in compliance
with the requirements of # M12291 5200094SNiP II-89-80 and СН 245-71.

1.24. Chimneys, exhaust towers, cooling towers and other free-standing high-rise
structures located nearby should have a single division, texture and color of external
surfaces, a single marking color and the same type of traffic lights when these structures
are separated from one another by a distance no more than their height, if it does not
exceed 120 m, or no more than half of this height, if it exceeds 120 m.

1.25. When designing high-rise, above-ground and capacitive (non-buried) structures,

they should be developed in accordance with the general architectural design of the

Underground facilities

2. Retaining walls

2.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of separate retaining
walls erected on a natural basis in the territories of industrial enterprises, cities and towns,
as well as on access and on-site railways and highways.

Note. These standards do not apply to retaining walls of hydraulic structures and main

2.2. Retaining walls should, as a rule, be designed with reinforced concrete thin-walled
angle profiles, including with buttresses and anchor rods.

Massive retaining walls are allowed to be designed from concrete, butobeton, rubble
masonry with a special feasibility study.

2.3. The main dimensions of retaining walls (total height, width of the sole) should be
designated, as a rule, as multiples of 0.3 m.

2.4. The depth of the foundation of the retaining wall should be set in accordance with the
requirements of # M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-83. The minimum depth of retaining
walls should be not less than 0.6 m in non-rock and not less than 0.3 m in rocky soils. If
there is a cuvette, the depth of the burial is assigned from the bottom of the cuvette.
2.5. In the longitudinal direction, the bottom of the retaining wall should be taken
horizontal or with a slope of no more than 0.02. With a greater slope, the outsole is

In the transverse direction, the sole of the retaining wall should be horizontal or with a
slope in the direction of backfilling no more than 0.125.

2.6. The distance between the temperature-shrinkable joints should be no more than 10 m
in monolithic concrete and concrete retaining walls without constructive reinforcement,
20 in monolithic concrete structures with constructive reinforcement, 25 in monolithic
and precast monolithic reinforced concrete structures and 30 in prefabricated reinforced
concrete constructions.

The distance between the temperature-shrinkable seams is allowed to increase when

checking structures by calculation.

2.7. The height of the retaining walls for the cargo ramps of road transport from the
entrance of the car must be equal to 1.2 m from the level of the roadway surface or the
loading and unloading area.

The height of the retaining walls for cargo and passenger ramps of rail transport from the
level of the rail head should be 1.1 m for the gauge of 1,520 mm and 0.75 m for the
gauge of 750 mm.

2.8. In places where the movement of pedestrians, retaining walls should have a fence
height of 1 m.

When the roads are located along a retaining wall against a wall, a pavement not less than
0.75 m wide with side stones at least 0.4 m high should be provided.

2.9. The minimum distance from the axis of the nearest railway to the inner edge of the
retaining wall on straight sections should be at least 2.5 m.

2.10. In the grooves of the railroad bed, the minimum distance from the axis of the
nearest railway track to the outer face of the retaining wall at the level of the sleeper base
and higher from straight sections must be at least 3.1 m.

2.11. On curved track sections, the minimum distances from the axis of the nearest
railway to the retaining wall should be increased according to Table. one.

Table 1

# G0Radius of curves, m Increase distance, m

1800-1200 0.1
1000-700 0.2
600 and less 0.3
2.12. Backfill of the sinuses of the retaining walls should be done by draining soils
(sandy or coarse-grained). It is allowed to use local cohesive soils - sandy loams and
loams. It is not allowed to apply heavy and plastic clays to the backfill, as well as soils
containing organic and soluble inclusions of more than 5% by weight. Ground backfill
should be compacted.

2.13. The surface of the retaining walls facing the backfill must be protected by
waterproofing. It is allowed to use painting waterproofing with bitumen solutions or
mastics in accordance with СН 301-65.

Heck. 1. Design schemes of retaining walls

a - massive; b - corner profile

When retaining walls are located outside the building, provision should be made for
installing a wall drainage from stone, rubble or gravel with a longitudinal slope of 0.04
on the side of supporting the ground. In the retaining wall through 3-6 m holes should be
provided for the release of water from the drainage.

2.14. On sloping plots, a drainage ditch should be arranged to drain atmospheric water
beyond the wall edge from the ground side.

2.15. Retaining walls should rely on loads from the active pressure of the backfill soil,
taking into account temporary loads, located on the prism of collapse, including loads
from rolling stock of railways and road transport.

2.16. Ground pressure for retaining walls should be determined in accordance with the
mandatory Annex 1.

The active ground pressure for corner retaining walls should be determined on the basis
of the condition for the formation of a wedge-shaped symmetric (and with a short rear
console - an asymmetrical) prism of collapse behind the wall. In this case, the pressure of
the soil is assumed to act on an inclined plane held at an angle to the vertical. The
weight of the soil in the contour abcd is added to the weight of the wall (Fig. 1).

The calculation of corner retaining walls is made in the same way as massive ones,
With a short rear console, when the plane of the prism of collapse crosses the rear face of
the wall, the ground pressure is allowed to be taken on a conditional inclined plane
through points a and c, if the distance from the top of the wall to the intersection with the
collapse plane does not exceed 0.25h, where h is the height walls (from the ground
surface to the sole).

When the collapse plane crosses the wall below 0.25h, the ground pressure should be
determined separately for the vertical section and the inclined face of the collapse prism.

2.17. The highest value of the active pressure of the soil in the presence of a uniformly
distributed load q on the horizontal surface of the backfill should be determined at the
location of this load within the entire collapse prism, if the load does not have a fixed

2.18. When calculating retaining walls on the limiting states of the first group (according
to bearing capacity), the following calculations should be performed:

the stability of the wall against shear;

the stability of the base soil under the sole of the retaining walls (for non-rock soils);

rock strength;

strength of structural elements and joints.

When calculating the limiting conditions of the second group (by suitability for
operation), it is necessary to make checks:

grounds for allowable deformations;

structural elements for permissible values of crack opening.

2.19. The calculation of the stability of the position of the wall against the shear should
be made on the base of the wall (flat shear) and on the broken sliding surfaces (deep
shear) from the condition

# G0 , (one)

# G0 - shear force equal to the sum of the projections of all shear forces on the
where horizontal plane:
# G0 = ); (2)

# - the coefficient of working conditions, taken: for sands, except

G0 for silty,

for sands of silty and silty-clay soils in a stabilized state

for silty clay soils in unstabilized condition
for rocky ground:

# G0

unweathered and weak weathered

# G0 weathered
strong weathered
# - the reliability coefficient for the intended purpose of the structure, taken 1,2; 1.15
G0 and 1.1, respectively, for buildings and structures of classes I, II and III, established
in accordance with the "Rules for accounting for the degree of responsibility of
buildings and structures when designing structures";
- holding force equal to the sum of the projections of all holding forces on the
horizontal plane:
, (3)

# - the sum of the projections of all forces on the vertical plane;

- respectively, the angle of internal friction and the specific cohesion
of the base soil, determined by the mandatory annex 1;
- the angle of inclination of the sliding surface to the horizon;
- the area of the wall soles;
- passive resistance of the soil.
Passive resistance of the soil should be taken into account to the depth of the intersection
of the vertical plane, conducted through the front face of the sole, with the intended slip

The calculation of the stability of a retaining wall against shear should be performed for
three values of the angle — flat shear, —deep shear.

When shifting along the base of the wall, the design characteristics of the
soil in formula (3) are taken not more than 30 ° for and not more than 5 kPa
(0.5 tf / sq. M) for a coefficient of passive resistance of the soil .

2.20. The stability of the retaining wall against shear on rocky ground should be checked

# G0 determined by the formula

conditions (1), where

# G0 , (four)

# G0 - designations are the same as in formula (3);

- coefficient of friction of the sole on the rocky soil, taken from the
test results, but not more than 0.65.
2.21. The calculation of the stability of the base soil under the sole of the wall should
be made from the condition
- designations are the same as in formula
# G0 (1);

- the vertical component of the force of
the ultimate resistance of the base,
determined according to # M12291
5200033 СНиП 2.02.01-83.
2.22. In determining the calculated forces (bending moments, normal and transverse
forces) in the retaining wall elements of the corner profile, the intensity of the horizontal
pressure of the soil

# taking into account the temporary load located on the surface within the collapse
G0 prism,

must be taken acting directly on the back surface of the wall, and the intensity

# G0 from the weight of the soil and the temporary load

vertical pressure
directly above the sole of the foundation of the retaining wall, - acting only on it.

2.23. Calculation of the base for the deformations should be made at the standard ground
pressure in accordance with # M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-83.

The stress pattern should be taken, as a rule, trapezoidal. A triangular diagram of stresses
is allowed, provided that the area of the compressed zone must be at least 75% of the
total area of the base of the foundation of the retaining wall.

3. Basements

3.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing basements for
production purposes, both separate and built-in.

3.2. Basements should, as a rule, be designed as single-storey ones. According to the

technological requirements, it is allowed to build cellars with a technical floor for cable

In justified cases, cellars with a large number of cable floors are allowed.

3.3. In single-span basements, the span size should normally be 6 m; a span of 7.5 m is
allowed if this is due to technological requirements.

Multi-span basements should be designed, as a rule, with grids of 6x6 and 6x9 m

3.4. The height from the basement floor to the bottom of the edges of the floor slabs
should be assigned a multiple of 0.6 m, but not less than 3 m.

The height of the technical floor for cabling in the basement must be at least 2.4 m.
3.5. The height of the aisles in the basement (clean) must be assigned at least 2 m.

3.6. Installation and operational openings in the ceilings of the basement should be
rectangular. Mounting apertures should be blocked with removable plates in the top level
of the basement ceiling construction, having a fire resistance limit the same as the
ceiling. Operational openings should be blocked with removable plates at the level of a
clean floor of the workshop.

3.7. The floors of the basement should be provided with a slope to the drain (pit) sewage
with a separate system of water drainage. Direct connection of the pit to storm and other
types of sewage is prohibited.

3.8. Basement walls should be designed, as a rule, from load-bearing reinforced concrete
panels that are installed vertically. It is allowed to design the walls of basements of
reinforced concrete blocks and monolithic reinforced concrete.

3.9. Basements in the presence of groundwater should be protected by waterproofing in

accordance with the requirements of CH 301-65.

As a basic measure of protection, reservoir drains should be arranged under the entire
basement floor.

3.10. Temperature-shrinkable seams in basements should be provided at a distance of no

more than 60 m for monolithic and 120 m for precast and precast-monolithic basement
structures (without calculation for temperature-shrinkable deformations). When assigning
the maximum distances between the temperature-shrinkable seams, it is necessary to
arrange a temporary joint in the middle of the temperature block.

3.11. Backfilling of the ditches of the pit should be made from two opposite sides of the
basement with a difference in height of no more than 1 m.

3.12. In buildings and structures with a load on the floor of more than 100 kPa (10 ts /
sq.m), basements, as a rule, should not be placed.

3.13. The outer walls of the basements should be calculated according to the limiting
conditions of the first and second groups for the same conditions as retaining walls. For
basement walls, the calculation of the stability of structures against a deep shear
when and in accordance with paragraph 2.19 should not be made.

3.14. The horizontal active pressure of the soil from its own weight and temporary load
must be determined by the mandatory application 1.

3.15. For one-sided loading of the basement with a temporary load, the calculation should
be carried out taking into account the elastic repulse of the soil on the opposite side of the
basement, which should be determined depending on the modulus of deformation of the
backfill soil E ', the value of which is allowed to be determined by the formula

# G0 - the distance from the floor level to the bottom of the ceiling; the
where value in brackets is not more than one;
when filling with soil of the basis;
the same, low-compressible soil;
- modulus of base deformation.
3.16. A transverse frame consisting of walls, columns, and ceiling elements supported on
them is taken as the design diagram for a basement (Fig. 2).

Heck. 2. The design scheme of the transverse basement frame

3.17. The wall entering the basement transverse frame (Fig. 3) should be calculated as a
rod of variable stiffness in height, hinged at the top and clamped into a foundation of
infinite stiffness, which rests on an elastic foundation, characterized by the soil
deformation modulus E.

Heck. 3. The design scheme of the basement wall

3.18. The active pressure of the soil should be determined by the obligatory annex 1 with

# G0 and one-sided .

load sharing on symmetric

Efforts in the basement wall should be defined as in the beam structure depending on the
reaction R on the top support per unit length of the wall.

# G0 should be determined by the

3.19. With a symmetrical load action reaction
# = , (7)

# G0 - see hell. 3;
k - coefficient taking into account the change in reaction

by turning the foundation:

# G0 - coefficient taken to be: 6 - for positive values of M and Q; 3 -

for their negative values as well as for
(see drawing 3);

# G0 - modulus of elasticity of concrete;

- modulus of soil deformation of the base;

- width of the bottom of the foundation of the wall;
- the moment of inertia of 1 m section of the wall, which is allowed to be
determined by the given
wall thickness defined by the formula

# G0 - wall thickness at the top;

- the same, in the lower part (in the level of conjugation with the
- the sum of the weight of the soil and the temporary load on the outer
side of the foundation with its symmetrical arrangement;
e - eccentricity of force application relative to the center
severity of the base of the base;
- coefficients that take into account the change in wall thickness in
height and are taken from the table. 2
table 2

# G0 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3

0.375 0.357 0.346 0.335 0.321 0.303

0.1 0.092 0.088 0.083 0.076 0.069
# G0

3.20. With the unilateral action of the horizontal load response

should be determined by the formula

# G0 (eleven)
# G0 - see feature 3;
- the weight of the temporary load on the outer side of the
foundation with its one-sided location;
- coefficient taking into account the change in reaction R2 due to
the offset of the overlap when unilateral loading of the basement:

here - coefficient taken to be: 4 - for single-span basements, 3 - for

two-span basements, 2 - for three-span basements, 0 - for
basements with non-movable overlap;
- is determined by the formula (6).
3.21. The calculation of the resistance of the basement walls against shear on the contact
of the sole with the base, as well as the stability of the base soil under the base of the
foundation should be made respectively according to formulas (1), (3), (4), (5).

3.22. When calculating the walls of basements for shear, the holding force F (sr) should
be determined by formula (3), and the shearing force F (sa) in the basement level from
the symmetric load - by the formula

# G0

3.23. The moment from symmetric load in the level of the base of the
should be determined by the formula

# ; (14)
from one-sided load should be determined similarly to formulas (13) and
(14), replacing respectively

3.24. If the resistance of the basement walls against shear is not ensured by the accepted
dimensions of the foundations, it is necessary to provide measures that prevent the shear,
for example, installation of spacers, etc. In this case, the reduced inclination of the
resulting external load to the vertical at the bottom of the basement is taken to be zero.

3.25. In the presence of structures that prevent rotation of the foundation (solid base
plate, cross strips for the inner frame, etc.), the coefficient k should be taken equal to

3.26. Evacuation exits and staircases from basements to premises of categories C, D and
D, fire prevention requirements for basements of category B or warehouses of
combustible materials, as well as non-combustible materials in combustible packaging
should be provided according to # M12291 5200092СНиП 2.09.02-85.
3.27. Cable basements and cable floors of basements should be divided by fire barriers
into compartments of no more than 3,000 cubic meters, provided for bulk fire
extinguishing equipment.

3.28. At least two outlets must be provided from each compartment of the basement,
cable basement or cable floor of the basement; Outlets should be located in different sides
of the room.

The exits should be located so that there are no dead ends more than 25 m long. The path
from the most distant location of the staff to the nearest exit should not exceed 75 m.
basement floor, tunnel) of categories C, D and D. When entering category B premises,
the total length of the escape route should not exceed 75 m.

3.29. Doors of exits from cable basements (cable floors of basements) and doors between
compartments must be fireproof, open in the direction of the nearest exit and have
devices for self-closing.

Door harnesses must be sealed.

3.30. The emergency exits from the oil basements and cable floors of basements should,
as a rule, be carried out through separate staircases having an exit directly to the
outside. It is allowed to use a common staircase leading to the above-ground floors, while
for the basement there should be a separate exit from the staircase on the first floor
outside, separated from the rest of the staircase to a height of one floor with a fireproof
ceiling of at least 1 h .

If it is impossible to set the exits directly outside, it is allowed to arrange them in the
premises of categories G and D, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 3.26.

3.31. In oil masts, regardless of the area and in cable cellars with a volume of more than
100 cubic meters, it is necessary to provide automatic fire extinguishing installations. In
the cable cellars of a smaller volume should be an automatic fire alarm. Cable basements
of energy facilities (NPP, TPP, TPP, TPP, HPP, etc.), regardless of the area, are equipped
with automatic fire extinguishing installations.

3.32. It is allowed to provide separate one-story pumping stations (or compartments) of

categories A, B and C, buried below the ground level marks of more than 1 m, with an
area of no more than 400 sq. M.

From these premises should provide:

one emergency exit through the staircase, isolated from the premises, with a floor area of
not more than 54 square meters;

two emergency exits, located in opposite sides of the premises, with a floor area of over
54 sq.m.

The second exit is allowed to arrange the vertical stairs, located in the mine, isolated from
the premises of categories A, B and B.
3.33. The device of thresholds at exits from basements and differences in the level of the
floor is not allowed, with the exception of oil-basements, where the exits should have
thresholds of 300 mm height with steps or ramps.

4. Tunnels and canals

4.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of tunnels (conveyor,
under-sized, pedestrian, communication, cable and combined) and channels constructed
by the open method.

4.2. The height and width of the tunnels, channels (between the protruding parts of the
supporting structures) should be taken as multiples of 0.3 m.

4.3. Tunnels and channels should, as a rule, be designed by teams of unified reinforced
concrete elements. In a feasibility study, it is allowed to use tunnels or their elements
(angles of rotation, chambers, etc.) of monolithic reinforced concrete.

For the finishing of pedestrian tunnels, durable, cost-effective, easy-to-use non-

combustible materials should be used, allowing easy cleaning and rinsing.

4.4. Cable channels should not be located in areas where molten metal, flammable and
flammable liquids, high temperature liquids or substances that destroy cable sheaths can
be spilled.

4.5. In tunnels and channels it is necessary to provide a longitudinal slope of at least

0.002 and a transverse slope of at least 0.01. In the tunnels, every 100–150 m, pit should
be installed to collect fluids and drain them to the sewer system; In the channels, liquid
collection pits should be provided in wells or chambers. It is forbidden to connect the pit
with storm water and other types of sewage.

The longitudinal slope of the pedestrian tunnels should be taken no more than 0.04, and
the cross - no more than 0.01. It is allowed with appropriate justification to arrange the
floor without a longitudinal slope.

4.6. Tunnels and channels located outside buildings and roads should, as a rule, be buried
from the ground surface to the top of the ceiling at least 0.3 m.

In fenced areas accessible only to service personnel, it is allowed to mark the top of the
overlap of cable channels at the level of the land level.

4.7. Tunnels and channels located under the roads should be deepened from the top of the
pavement to the top of the ceiling at least 0.5 m, while located below the railways - at
least 1 m from the bottom of the sleepers.

4.8. When the tunnels and channels are located inside the workshops, the minimum depth
of the top of the floors from the mark of the clean floor should, as a rule, be taken:

for tunnels - 0.3 m;

for channels it is allowed to mark the top of the channel overlap equal to the mark of the
clean floor.
4.9. Channels and tunnels should be calculated:

on the limiting states of the first group (on the carrying capacity) - on the strength of
structural elements and connection nodes;

by limiting states of the second group (by suitability for normal operation) - by the
permissible values of deformations and the width of crack opening.

4.10. When calculating the structures of tunnels and channels, it is necessary to take into
account the symmetric and one-sided loading of them with temporary vertical loads. The
calculation should be made taking into account the elastic repulse of the soil in the
vertical and horizontal directions, taking the elastic base in the form of a homogeneous
medium characterized by the deformation modulus E for the soil of undisturbed addition
(the base soil) and the deformation modulus E 'for the filling soil. The strain modulus E
'is allowed to be determined by the formula (6).

4.11. With symmetric loading (Fig. 4), the bending moment in the lower node of the
tunnel M (1) with hinged support of the floor slabs should be determined by the formula

where k - coefficient taking into account the change in the moment in the lower node due
to its rotation:

# G0 ; (sixteen)

# - normal force (Fig. 4, a);

, - coefficients determined by the formulas:

# G0 - bottom flexibility indicator:


In formulas (15) - (19), the following notation is used:

# - moment of inertia of 1 m of the bottom section;


E - modulus of soil deformation of the base;

, - coefficients that take into account the change in wall thickness in height
and are taken from the table. 3 depending on the wall thickness in the upper
t (1) and lower t (2) parts of the tunnel.
Table 3

# G0 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3

0.0583 0.0683 0.0753 0.0813 0.0883 0.0993
0.0667 0.0747 0.0747 0.0837 0.0907 0.0977
Wall forces should be defined as for a beam lying on two supports with loads

# G0 reaction to the upper support (strut) and the pivot point

on the bottom
The force in the upper strut R (1) is determined by the formula

. (20)
# G0
The efforts in the bottom should be defined as for a beam laying on an elastic base with a
deformation modulus E and loaded with symmetric forces N (1) and moments М (1) (see
Fig. 4, a).

Heck. 4. The design scheme of the tunnel with hinges in the level of floor slabs

a -symmetric loading; b - unilateral loading

# G0

4.12. With one-sided loading horizontal loads

(Fig. 4, b) the moment in the lower left corner of the tunnel is determined by the formula

where k (1) - coefficient taking into account the change in the moment in the lower node
due to the offset of the overlap:

E '- is determined by the formula (6).

The remaining notation is the same as in formula (15).

The force in the upper strut R (2) is determined similarly to formula (20).

The horizontal displacement of the tunnel to the bottom and the moment in the lower
right node of the tunnel due to their small size are taken to be zero.

The forces in the loaded (left) wall are determined similarly to the forces in the wall from
a symmetrical load. The efforts at the bottom are determined similarly to the efforts from
a symmetrical load, but with the application of a one-sided moment M (2) (see Fig. 4).

The forces in the unloaded, retracted (right) wall are defined as for a beam lying on an
elastic foundation with a soil deformation modulus E 'and having an unmovable
horizontal support at the bottom level and loaded at the upper end by the force R (2).

4.13. When the tunnel is deepened from the ground surface by more than 2 m, as well as

# G0

temporary load located on the surface intensity

(1 ton / sq. M) regardless of the depth of laying, the calculation of tunnels is allowed only
for symmetrical loading with full load.

4.14. Design forces in closed tunnels and channels with hinged nodes in the middle of the
wall should be determined taking into account changes in design forces (moments and
shear forces) caused by the interaction of structures with the ground.

4.15. Tunnels and channels laid below the predicted level of groundwater should be
expected to ascend to the design load using the formula

# G0 , (23)

# G0 - the sum of all permanent vertical design loads with minimum safety
where factors for loads acting on the length of one meter of a tunnel or
A - the area of the sole of a tunnel or channel for the length of one meter;
- distance from the groundwater level to the bottom of the tunnel or canal
(without taking into account concrete preparation);
- specific gravity of water equal to 1;
- safety factor for the load, taken equal to 1.2.
4.16. Exits from conveyor, communication (except cable) tunnels should be provided no
less than 100 m, but not less than two, except for the cases stipulated by the regulatory
documents on the construction design of enterprises of individual industries.

Notes: 1. The exits of the communication tunnels can serve as hatches, equipped with
easily opened lids and locking devices, fixed ladders or brackets.

2. In cable tunnels it is allowed to increase the distance between the outputs up to 120 m
with oil-filled cables and up to 150 m with other cables.

3. Outputs from the interdepartmental cable tunnels, as a rule, should be performed with
the aboveground part combined with the ventilation chambers. Stairs in these exits should
be vertical, doors from the above-ground part should open to the outside. The exit
chamber must be separated from the main part of the tunnel (compartment) by a fireproof

4. Exits from the intrashop cable tunnels should be provided through the stairwells
(leading also to the upper floors of the building) or through separate stairs leading only to
the first floor. Ladders and staircases must have access directly to the outside or to the
ground floor (taking into account the requirements of clause 4.17). When using a
common staircase (also leading to the upper floors) for cable tunnels, a separate exit
should be arranged in the staircase, separated from the rest of the staircase by a fireproof
partition with a fire resistance limit of 1 hour. If a separate staircase leading to the first
floor is used buildings, it should be fenced off by fire partitions, while at the exit from the
tunnel to the stairs should include a vestibule, if the ground floor level has an open
doorway. Platforms of stairs through which the exit from cable tunnels is carried out can
also be used to organize exit from other basements.

4.17. Exits from conveyor, communication and cable tunnels should be provided outside
(to the territory of the enterprise, settlement, etc.) or to the premises of categories G and
D according to the degree of fire resistance.

Doors at the exit of cable tunnels should be provided opening in the direction of exit from
the tunnel and equipped with self-locking locks.

If the exits lead outside, the doors may be made of combustible material, the fire
resistance limit is not standardized.

If the exits lead to the room, the doors must be self-locking with a seal in the porch and
have a fire resistance of at least 0.6 hours.

In intrashop (inside buildings) tunnels, locks must be opened without a key from both the
tunnel and the room if this is an electrical or cable room; if the exit from the cable tunnel
leads to another adjacent production area, locks must be opened without a key only from
the tunnel.
4.18. Outlets from substack tunnels intended for the transportation of non-combustible
materials and ore should be provided no less than 100 m, but not less than two located at
the ends of the warehouse. For the device of intermediate exits it is necessary to provide
transverse tunnels with transitions under the longitudinal conveyors or above them and
exits outside the warehouse.

4.19. The distance from the dead end of the tunnel (including cable) to the nearest exit
should be assigned no more than 25 m.

In tunnels up to 50 m in length, it is allowed to provide for one exit, provided that the
length from the dead end of the tunnel to the exit is not more than 25 m.

4.20. Tunnel hatches should not be located on the driveways, close to buildings,
structures, other hatches and wells, and closer than 2 m from the rail track.

4.21. On straight sections of communication tunnels intended for laying pipelines, at least
300 m later, mounting openings with a length of at least 4 m and a width of at least the
largest diameter of the pipe to be laid plus 0.1 m but at least 0.7 m should be provided.

Mounting apertures must be blocked with precast reinforced concrete slabs.

4.22. In the channels, under the external or fire walls and walls (partitions) separating
adjacent rooms of categories A, B and C, it is necessary to arrange deaf diaphragms of
fireproof materials with fire resistance corresponding to the fire resistance of the walls,
but not less than 0.75 h.

Channels intended for laying pipelines with flammable and combustible liquids or
combustible gases under the walls separating adjacent rooms should be filled with sand to
the full height of the channel for a length of at least 1 m on top in each direction from the
axis of the wall. After every 80 m along the length of the channel it is necessary to
arrange sand fillings (bridges) with a length of at least 2 m.

Note. In the underground duct installation of fire-retardant valves instead of diaphragms

is not allowed.

4.23. In the tunnels (except for pedestrian and cable), oil pipelines are allowed (for
example, in the rolling shops of ferrous metallurgy plants) provided that the tunnels are
divided into compartments not more than 150 m long. partitions - not less than 0.6 hours

4.24. Cable tunnels and channels must be made of fireproof materials with a fire
resistance of not less than 0.75 hours.

Cable tunnels should be divided into compartments fireproof fireproof partitions. The
length of the tunnel compartment should be no more than 150 m, and with oil-filled
cables - no more than 120 m.

The doors between the compartments should be fireproof, self-closing without locks,
have a seal in the porch and open in the direction of the nearest exit.

4.25. Channels should be designed with removable fireproof ceilings (plates, trays, etc.).
It is allowed in the premises with parquet floors (for example, in the premises of control
panels) to arrange the overlap of cable channels from wooden panels with parquet,
protected by fireproof or low-burning material from the bottom, coated with black hot-
rolled sheet or thin-sheet roofing steel, providing fire resistance not less than 0, 5 hours

Ceilings must have lifting devices. The weight of a single manually lifted floor element
shall not exceed 50 kg. In industrial premises and electrical rooms with the location of
channels in the area of the workshop lifting equipment (bridge cranes, single-suspension
suspended, hoists, etc.), as well as outside the buildings in the area of mobile lifting and
transport equipment, the mass of the floor element is not normalized.

4.26. Tunnels and channels should be protected from the penetration of underground and
surface waters in accordance with СН 301-65.

4.27. The transition from one mark of the cable tunnel to another should be carried out
using a ramp with a slope of not more than 15 ° or a ladder with a slope of no more than
1: 1. The specified transition must be only within one compartment; the device steps or
slopes directly near the dividing walls is prohibited. The distance from the stairs or the
sloping section of the floor to the partition should be at least 1.5 m.

4.28. Tunnels for any purpose should be ventilated with continuously operating main fan
installations, equipped with reversing devices and located on the surface in areas not
contaminated by dust, smoke and gases.

4.29. Cable tunnels should be provided with independent ventilation of each

compartment, which is automatically disconnected when a pulse is applied from a fire
extinguishing system or from a fire alarm system.

4.30. The following internal shop tunnels should be equipped with automatic fire
extinguishing installations with an internal volume of more than 100 cubic meters:

cable tunnels;

combined (with cabling) tunnels in which more than 12 cables were laid.

Automatic fire alarm systems should include:

in intrashop cable tunnels with internal volume from 20 to 100 cubic meters;

in the intra shop combined tunnels in which from 5 to 12 cables are laid;

in interdepartmental cable tunnels with an internal volume of more than 50 cubic meters;

in the interdepartmental tunnels, in which more than 12 cables are laid.

4.31. Fires in interdepartmental cable tunnels should be extinguished with the help of
mobile vehicles - fire trucks that supply water or high foam directly to the fire center, or
systems with dry pipes with fixed water sprayers or foam generators.

To supply fire extinguishing equipment into each compartment from mobile fire fighting
equipment, use should be made of tunnel outlets and ventilation shafts.
If the distance between the tunnel exits and the ventilation shafts exceeds 30 m,
additional hatches should be provided so arranged that the distance between the supply
points of the extinguishing agent inside the tunnel does not exceed 30 m.

Hatches for supplying fire extinguishing equipment must have dimensions of 700x700
mm or diameter of 700 mm; hatches should be closed with double metal covers, of which
the bottom one should have a lock on the outside. Under the covers of the hatch, intended
only for the supply of fire extinguishing agents, there should be no ladders or brackets.

When installing in a tunnel of dry-chute systems and stationary fire extinguishing

systems, no additional hatches are required.

5. Drop wells

5.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of subsurface wells
intended for the construction of buried structures using the internal volume of wells and
for deep supports.

5.2. In terms of subsidence wells, as a rule, should have the shape of a circle or a polygon
inscribed into it. Monolithic wells are allowed to design a rectangular shape. With a
rectangular outline of the well, the corners must be rounded.

5.3. The clear diameter of the round and the size of the sides of rectangular wells should,
as a rule, be taken: from 6 to 24 m - multiples of 3 m, and from 24 to 60 m - multiples of
6 m. It is allowed to take these dimensions as multiples of 0.6 m.

The size of the wells in height should be taken as a multiple of 0.6 m.

5.4. In rectangular in plan wells with an aspect ratio of more than 1: 2, it is necessary to
provide transverse bearing partitions or temporary (for the period of lowering) spacers.

5.5. When adjoining the well to other structures should take into account the difference in
sediment structures.

5.6. Wells should be designed, as a rule, thin-walled, immersed in a thixotropic shirt, with
the exception of construction on rocky soils, as well as on sites with landslides, karst or

5.7. Precast concrete walls of wells should be designed from flat panels or large-sized
hollow blocks of heavy concrete of a class not lower than B25. The class of concrete or
mortar for prefabricated structures should not be lower than the concrete class of the
elements to be joined.

Monolithic reinforced concrete walls of wells should be designed from heavy concrete of
class not lower than B15.

5.8. Reinforced concrete bottoms of wells must be monolithic from heavy concrete of
class not lower than B15.

5.9. Concrete of wells immersed in flooded soils should have a design grade of water
resistance not lower than W4; mark on frost resistance and the average density of
concrete should be taken according to SNiP 2.03.01-84.
5.10. The horizontal pressure of the soil on the walls and the knife of the well should be
defined as the sum of the pressures: the main pressure is from the soil or thixotropic
solution and the additional pressure from the roll of the well resulting from its immersion.

5.11. The main horizontal pressure of the soil during the period of immersion of the well
should be determined by the formula

# G0 ,


# G0 ;

- specific adhesion and angle of internal friction of the soil, taken
in the absence of wall coatings and electroosmosis equal to:
# G0 ; (25)

# G0 - coefficients depending on the angle of internal and

friction of the soil relationships

and determined by the table. four;

- the radius of the outer circumference of the well or the conditional radius
for non-circular in plan wells, which is assumed to be the greatest distance
from the central axis of the well to the most distant point of its outer
- the proportion of soil;
- distance from the ground surface to the considered section;
- continuous vertical uniformly distributed load, taken 20 kPa (2t / sq. m),
except for the cases specifically mentioned in the task;
- specific soil adhesion;
- coefficient taking into account the decrease in adhesion of the soil as a
result of the shift and assigned depending on the consistency of the soil.
When calculating the limit states of the first group (in brackets - the second group), the
value of k is taken to be:

# G0 Ground texture k
Hard 0.22 (0.33)
Semi-hard 0.25 (0.38)
Hypoplastic 0.29 (0.43)
Soft plastic 0.65 (1)
If the well sinks into the soil with heterogeneous beddings, in determining p (h), the
entire soil lying above the layer under consideration is replaced by an equivalent layer of
soil, the height of which is reduced to the bulk weight of the layer under consideration, is
determined by the formula
# G0 , (26)

# G0 - the weight of all (n - 1) soil layers lying above the layer in question
where with a height h (n);
- the proportion of soil in the layer n.
Table 4

# G0Values

ten 15 20 25 thirty 35 40
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.50 0.32 0.26 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.10 0.08
1.00 0.62 0.49 0.36 0.28 0.21 0.16 0.11
1.50 0.92 0.71 0.50 0.37 0.27 0.20 0.13
2.00 1.15 0.90 0.62 0.42 0.30 0.23 0.15
2.50 1.30 1.00 0.72 0.47 0.32 0.25 0.16
3.00 1.45 1.10 0.80 0.52 0.34 0.26 0.17
3.50 1.60 1.20 0.85 0.56 0.36 0.27 0.17
4.00 1.70 1.30 0.90 0.60 0.38 0.27 0.17
4.50 1.79 1.38 0.95 0.64 0.40 0.27 0.17
5.00 1.88 1.45 1.00 0.68 0.42 0.27 0.17
0 0.81 0.60 0.49 0.40 0.33 0.27 0.22
0.50 0.64 0.46 0.37 0.28 0.21 0.15 0.11
1.00 0.58 0.38 0.29 0.20 0.14 0.08 0.06
1.50 0.50 0.33 0.23 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.04
2.00 0.46 0.30 0.20 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.02
2.50 0.43 0.27 0.17 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.01
3.00 0.41 0.25 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.02 0
3.50 0.39 0.24 0.14 0.07 0.04 0.02 0
4.00 0.38 0.23 0.13 0.06 0.03 0.01 0
4.50 0.36 0.21 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.01 0
5.00 0.35 0.20 0.11 0.04 0.02 0.01 0
0 1.70 1.50 1.40 1.25 1.05 1.00 0.90
0.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.55 1.30 1.15 1.05
1.00 2.60 2.30 1.95 1.70 1.45 1.30 1.13
1.50 2.90 2.50 2.10 1.85 1.52 1.38 1.18
2.00 3.05 2.65 2.25 1.90 1.58 1.40 1.20
2.50 3.15 2.75 2.30 1.95 1.60 1.40 1.20
3.00 3.30 2.83 2.35 1.97 1.65 1.40 1.20
3.50 3.45 2.90 2.40 2.00 1.66 1.40 1.20
4.00 3.55 2.95 2.45 2.00 1.68 1.40 1.20
4.50 3.63 3.00 2.47 2.05 1.70 1.40 1.20
5.00 3.80 3.05 2.50 2.10 1.70 1.40 1.20
5.12. The main pressure of the thixotropic solution during the period of immersion of the
well should be determined by the formula
# G0 , (27)

# G0 - the proportion of thixotropic solution.

The main horizontal pressure of the soil in the area of the knife and clay lock should be
determined by the formula (24).

5.13. The pressure of the soil located below the groundwater level should be determined
taking into account the weighting action of water.

5.14. Additional horizontal pressure of the soil on the wall of the well and the knife, and
with a thixotropic shirt, only on the knife should be determined by the formula

Additional horizontal pressure on the wall of a thixotropic shirt should be determined by

the formula

5.15. The main pressure of the soil in terms of the well should be taken evenly

5.16. The distribution of additional pressure in the plan for round wells (Fig. 5) should be
taken to change according to the law

Heck. 5. The distribution scheme of the main p (h) and additional p (ad)

horizontal soil pressure on a round well

5.17. At the stage of operation, the well should be counted on the horizontal pressure of
the soil at rest.
The main horizontal pressure should be determined by the formula

# G0 - distance from the ground surface to the considered section;

- the coefficient of lateral pressure of the soil at rest, is assumed to be:
# G0 , (32)

here v is the Poisson ratio, taken as:

# G1 0.23 - for gravelly and coarse sands;

0.26 - the same, of medium size;

0.28 - "small;

0.30 - dust;

0.33 - for sandy loam;

0.35 - "loam;

0,38 - "clay.

# G0

If the well is immersed in the soil with a heterogeneous bedding, the value of the basic
pressure of the soil for each layer is determined by the formula

# G0 - the lateral pressure coefficient of the soil at rest in the considered i-th
where layer of soil;
- respectively, the specific gravity of the soil and the distance from the
surface of the i-th layer to the well section under consideration;
- respectively, the specific gravity of the soil and the thickness of each
overlying layer.
Additional horizontal pressure of the soil at rest should be determined by the formula

5.18. The calculated value for 1 m of the friction force of the soil F (z) on the outer
surface of the well at a depth z should be determined by the formula

# G0 (35)
where u is the outer perimeter of the knife or wall of the well;

# G0 - the specific force of friction of the soil along the lateral surface of the well at a
depth of z per 1 sq. m area, depending on the stage of operation of the well and
calculated by the formulas:
a) in the dive stage

# G0 (36)

# G0 - the coefficient of working conditions, assumed to be 1.2 - for dense sands

where containing gravel, rubble, etc., and 1 - for other soils;

b) in the ascent stage

# G0 (37)

# G0 - main horizontal pressure during the ascent:

# G0 . (38)

If the well is immersed in a thixotropic shirt, the specific force of friction in the shirt zone
is not taken into account, and in the zone of the clay castle it is assumed to be 20 kPa (2 t
/ sq. M).

5.19. The calculation of wells must be performed on the most unfavorable combinations
of loads and impacts acting in the conditions of construction and operation:

in the conditions of construction - according to settlement schemes, taking into account

the requirements of the methods of production of works adopted in the project;

under operating conditions - according to design schemes, taking into account the
presence of the bottom, internal walls, columns, floors, etc., including loads and impacts
from all building structures and equipment located inside the well, and also taking into
account the influence of neighboring building foundations facilities and equipment.

5.20. The following calculations should be made on the loads and impacts arising from
the construction of wells:

a) according to the design schemes, taking into account the presence of only external
walls (without bottom):

dive well;
the strength of the well or its first tier to be immersed when removed from a temporary
base (if this is provided for in the design of the work);

durability of external walls when immersing a well;

the stability of the shape of the cylindrical shell of wells, immersed in a thixotropic shirt;

b) according to the design schemes, taking into account the presence of external walls
and the bottom:

ascent of the well;

bottom strength;

wall strengths;

shear on the sole with unilateral excavation near the well (if it is provided for by the

5.21. The following calculations should be made on the loads and impacts arising under
the operating conditions of the well:

strength of external and internal walls, bottom, floors, columns, etc .;

ascent of the well;

the bases of the well by deformation.

5.22. All calculations of subsurface wells should be made on the limit states of the first
group, except for the calculations of the bases on the deformations and on the crack
opening of structural elements that are performed on the limit states of the second group.

5.23. The calculation of the dive well should be made from the condition

# G0 , (39)

# G0 G - weight of the well and the preload, taking into account the load safety
where factor
= 0.9;
F - the friction force of the walls of the well on the ground when immersing
the well;
- the vertical component of the force of the ultimate resistance of the base
under the knife, determined by # M12291 5200033SNiP 2.02.01-83;
- Immersion safety factor:
> 1 at the time of the movement of the well and
= 1 at the time of stopping the well or tier at the design mark.
Wells that are submerged below the groundwater horizon should be designed to ascend in
any soils (unless a permanent drainage is performed under the bottom) to the calculated
loads from the condition
# G0 , (40)

# G0 G - the sum of all permanent vertical design loads, taking into account
where the shipments from
load safety factor = 0.9;
- frictional force in the calculation of ascent;

A - the area of the base of the well;

- distance from the level of groundwater to the bottom of the

- specific weight of water;
- Reliability coefficient against ascent equal to 1.2.

If condition (40) is not satisfied, it is necessary to provide for measures preventing the
ascent of the well (installation of anchor structures in the ground, etc.).

5.24. The calculation of the strength of immersed walls on the loads arising in the
construction conditions should be made when the well or each tier is submerged to the
design depth.

5.25. The calculation of the strength of reinforced concrete bottom should be made on the
following loads:

to repulse the soil under the bottom of the well, if the values of the constant vertical loads
of the well more force of ascent;

on the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater, if the values of the constant vertical loads of
the well are less than the ascent force (the well is anchored in the adjacent ground mass).

Calculation of the strength of the bottom of the well without internal walls and columns
should be made as a plate, lying on an elastic base, and the load from the hydrostatic
pressure of groundwater - as a plate with hinged supports, loaded with a uniformly
distributed load.

The bottom, on which the inner walls or columns are supported, is calculated respectively
as a multi-span plate consisting of rectangular panels, or as a plate supported at the
vertices of a rectangular grid of columns.

5.26. The settlement of wells should be performed in accordance with the requirements of
# M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-83.

5.27. The design of the well waterproofing should be assigned depending on the values of
the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater at the floor level of the most recessed room and
the requirements for the interior of the well in accordance with СН 301-65. The upper
limit of wall waterproofing should be assigned 0.5 m above the maximum predicted level
of groundwater.
5.28. Waterproofing wells from sheet steel, arranged from the inside, can be applied only
in exceptional cases with appropriate justification. Calculation of waterproofing should
be made at full hydrostatic pressure.

Vessel facilities

for liquids and gases

6. Tanks for oil and oil products

6.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing steel and reinforced
concrete tanks for petroleum and petroleum products.

Note. These standards do not apply to the design of tanks:

for petroleum and special purpose petroleum products;

for petroleum products with vapor pressure higher than 93.6 kPa (700 mm Hg) at a
temperature of 20 ° C;

for oil and oil products stored under internal working pressure above atmospheric by 70
kPa (0.7 kgf / sq. cm);

for petroleum and petroleum products located in mines and in casemate-type reservoirs;

part of the technological installations.

6.2. When designing ground and underground tanks, the requirements of SNiP II-106-79
and GOST 1510-84 (ST SEV 1415-78) should be taken into account.

6.3. In tank designs, it is necessary to provide for the maximum reduction of losses of
stored oil and petroleum products from evaporation during the operation period, as well
as compliance with environmental protection requirements.

6.4. When designing, tanks of the following types should be taken:

for land storage - steel and reinforced vertical cylindrical with a floating roof and with a
stationary roof (with pontoons and without pontoons); horizontal cylindrical (steel);

for underground storage - reinforced concrete (cylindrical and rectangular); trench

type; steel horizontal cylindrical.

The maximum net volume and mirror area of underground tanks should be taken
according to SNiP II-106-79.

Notes: 1. The effective volume of the tank is determined by the product of the horizontal
section of the tank and the height from the bottom to the level of maximum filling for
tanks with a stationary roof and up to the maximum lifting of the bottom of floating
structures for tanks with a floating roof or a pontoon.
2. The geometric volume of tanks should be determined by the product of the horizontal
section of the tank and the height of the wall.

3. When selecting extinguishing agents and determining the capacity of groups of tanks,
it is necessary to adopt the geometric volume of the tanks.

6.5. Fire extinguishing and cooling installations should be provided in tanks in

accordance with SNiP II-106-79 and these standards.

On tanks with a capacity of 1000 to 3000 cubic meters foam generators should be
installed with dry risers that do not reach the ground surface by 1 m. The number of foam
generators is determined by calculation, but there should be at least two of them.

6.6. Tanks, depending on the types and stored product, should be equipped with devices
that provide the permissible pressure inside the tanks, provided for by the project, in
accordance with the standards of technological design and GOST 14249-80.

6.7. The design of tanks should provide for the possibility of cleaning from the remnants
of the stored product, airing and degassing tanks during their repair and painting.

6.8. For maintenance of equipment (respiratory equipment, instruments and other

devices) all tanks should have stationary ladders, platforms and transitions at least 0.7 m
wide with fences around the entire perimeter at least 1 m high.

6.9. The tanks must have technological, light, mounting hatches, as well as manholes.

In the walls of tanks with pontoons or floating roofs, manholes should be arranged (the
smallest diameter of the nozzle is 600 mm), ensuring personnel access to the floating
structures in their lower position.

The manholes in the walls of the tanks should be placed at a distance of no more than 6 m
from the external staircase, which should be connected to the transitional platform with a
viewing platform at the manhole.

The number of manholes and their type are established by the project.

6.10. Reservoirs with a floating roof should be used for construction in areas with snow
load not exceeding 2 kPa (200 kgf / sq. M).

6.11. The distance from the top of the wall of the floating roof tank or the support ring in
the tank with the pontoon to the maximum level of the liquid should be taken at least 0.6

In tanks with a stationary roof, the minimum distance from the bottom of the foam
chambers to the maximum liquid level should be determined taking into account the
thermal expansion of the product and take at least 100 mm.

6.12. The buoyancy of metal floating roofs and pontoons must be ensured by the presence
of open or closed compartments that must be accessible for monitoring and maintenance.

The buoyancy of non-metallic pontoons or screens should be provided by the shape of the
pontoons and the bulk density of the material from which they are made.
The calculation of floating roofs and pontoons for buoyancy should be made from the
condition of product density of 7 kN / cubic meter (700 kgf / cubic meter) and take into
account the load from condensate in the amount of 0.3 kPa (30 kgf / sq.m).

6.13. Floating roofs must have storm and melt removal devices outside the tank.

6.14. Floating roofs, pontoons and their guides should have seals (gates) that provide

Seals for oil that solidifies at the temperature specified in the project must have devices
that prevent oil from flowing down from the walls onto the floating roof or pontoon.

6.15. Seals in tanks with floating roofs or pontoons should be applied with a leaktightness
coefficient of less than 1.0 · 10_-5 m / h, ensuring a reduction in losses from 70 to 99%
compared to the open area of the gap between the tank wall and the edge of the floating
roof or pontoon, not protected by a shutter.

6.16. On a floating roof in tanks with a capacity of 5,000 cubic meters or more, a steel
ring barrier should be provided to hold the foam not higher than the top of the protruding
elements of the bolt by 25–30 cm, but not less than 1 m. The ring barrier should be
located not closer than 2 m from the wall of the tank and in its lower part to provide a
tight junction to the surface of the floating roof.

For drainage from the annular space formed by the barrier and the wall of the tank,
atmospheric water and the foaming agent solution after fire extinguishing, in the lower
part of the barrier it is necessary to provide drainage holes with a diameter of 30 mm, 1 m
apart from each other along the perimeter.

6.17. Support steel posts of floating roofs and pontoons should be designed with the
possibility of changing their height under floating structures during the operation of the

The height of the support posts should be assigned, observing the following conditions:

the minimum distance from the bottom of the tank to the floating roof or pontoon during
the operation period should provide a gap of 100 mm between the equipment installed
inside the tank or the branch pipe of the receiving-distribution pipeline and the bottom of
the floating roof box or the gate scraper;

the distance from the bottom of the tank to the floating roof or pontoon against the tank
wall during the repair period must be at least 2 m.

6.18. Non-metallic pontoons should be designed from non-combustible conductive

materials or equipped with devices that provide for the removal of static electricity.

6.19. Floating roofs and pontoons should have devices for removing the vapor-air
mixture and regulating the pressure beneath them both afloat and at their lower fixed
position *, as well as devices for discharging static electricity.

* A.S. No. 793870 (USSR). The reservoir for the liquid / Evtikhin V.F. Publ. in B.I.,
1981, No. 1.

6.20. Fixed roof tanks should be designed:

for oil and oil products with a vapor pressure of 26.6 kPa (200 mm Hg) and below;

for flammable petroleum products with a flashpoint of vapor of 28 ° C and below, with a
design pressure in the gas space 70 kPa (7000 mm water column) above atmospheric and
below atmospheric according to the design order;

for heated oil products with storage temperatures from 20 to 60 ° C incl. with thermal
insulation made of fireproof materials with appropriate justification;

for heated oil products with storage temperatures from 60 to 90 ° C incl. with obligatory
heat insulation from fireproof materials and heating devices;

for petroleum products with a storage temperature above 90 ° С, which do not allow the
presence of moisture, taking into account additional fire safety requirements (supply of
inert gases under the roof) and thermal insulation from fireproof materials and external
heating systems.

6.21. When calculating tanks with stationary roofs, the pressure in the gas space should
be assigned:

with flame arrestors and ventilation pipes 0.2 kPa (20 mm water column) above and
below atmospheric;

with fire fuses and safety valves, it is higher than atmospheric by 2.5 kPa (250 mm water
column) or more according to the design assignment and pressure of 0.5 kPa (50 mm
water column) below atmospheric.

6.22. Horizontal steel cylindrical tanks should be designed for petroleum products with a
pressure in the gas space above atmospheric and take:

with flat end elements - up to 40 kPa (4000 mm of water line);

with conical end elements - up to 70 kPa (7000 mm water column).

Tanks should also be counted on below-atmospheric pressure up to 10% specified in this


6.23. Underground steel tanks of trench type are allowed to be designed only for light oil

6.24. Limit deformations of the base of the tank, corresponding to the limit of its
operational suitability according to technological requirements, should be established by
the rules of technological operation of equipment or design assignment. In this case, the
maximum absolute draft should not exceed 200 mm, and the relative draft of the base
under the bottom, equal to the ratio of the difference in the draft of two adjacent points to
the distance between them, should not exceed 0.005.
In cylindrical vertical tanks, the difference in sediment under the central part of the
bottom and under the wall should not exceed 0.003r and should be no more than 100 mm
(where r is the radius of the tank). The roll of tanks should not exceed 0.002 - for tanks
with a pontoon or floating roof and 0.004 - for tanks without a pontoon or floating roof.

6.25. The elevation of the bottom of the bottom of ground tanks should be taken not less
than 0.5 m above the level of the planning elevation of the land near the tanks.

6.26. In the tank with a stationary roof should provide a blind area.

Steel tanks

6.27. The main dimensions of vertical and horizontal cylindrical tanks (diameter, height,
length) should be taken taking into account the minimum specific consumption of steel,
industrial manufacturing methods, multiples of the length and width of rolled steel sheets,
taking into account the requirements of GOST 17032-71 for horizontal tanks.

The height of the wall of vertical tanks should be assigned not more than 18 m. When
installing tanks on piles, the intersway space between the bottom of the tanks and the
ground level should be filled with soil.

Tanks with a height of 12 m or more (including the height of the bedding under the
bottom) must be equipped with stationary rings of water irrigation, placed under the rings
of rigidity. If there is a hole in the stiffening rings for water flow, the irrigation ring is
placed only under the upper stiffness ring.

6.28. When designing steel tanks, it should be possible to use in their manufacture and
installation a roll-over method with butt-sheet joining.

6.29. Calculation of tank structures should be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of SNiP II-23-81, while steel grades should be taken with the assignment of
individual elements of tanks to the following groups:

Group I - walls and edges of tank bottoms with a capacity of 10 thousand cubic meters or
more, girder roofs of tanks;

Group II - walls and edges of tank bottoms with a capacity of less than 10 thousand cubic
meters, coatings, support rings of the coating and rings of rigidity, the central parts of the
bottoms, pontoons and floating roofs of tanks of all capacities.

6.30. When calculating vertical cylindrical steel tanks, it is necessary to take into account
the forces arising in the structure during its interaction with the base.

# G0 should be taken on the table. five.

6.31. Values of working conditions

Safety factors for the load should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85 with

# G0 are given in table. 6

considering additional factors

Table 5
# G0Items Coefficient

working conditions

The walls of vertical cylindrical tanks in the

calculation of strength:
lower belt (including frame) 0.7
other belts 0.8
coupling of the tank wall to the bottom 1.2
The same, when calculating the elements for one
Spherical and conical cover spacer in the
by momentless theory 0.9
on the theory of momentum with the use of one
6.32. In projects of steel tanks, there should be an indication that before sealing it is
necessary to install valves that exclude the possibility of increasing the load on the
bottoms, floors and walls from the effects of pressure drop and air temperature inside and
outside the tank.

6.33. Horizontal tanks should be provided based on separate supports or on a solid

artificial base.

Table 6

# G0 Load Characteristic Load safety factor

Pressure above or below atmospheric 1.2

Wind load on vertical walls of cylindrical tanks when 0.5
calculating stability
Snow load on spherical roofs of tanks 0.7
Note. Wind load is conventionally assumed to be uniformly distributed around the
circumference. Aerodynamic coefficient should be determined by SNiP 2.01.07-85.
6.34. Under the underground horizontal steel cylindrical tanks and trench-type tanks it is
necessary to arrange a tray with an inclination in the direction of the control well in order
to detect leaks of the oil product in violation of the tightness of the tank.

6.35. Underground steel tanks should have manholes on the roof, protruding above
ground level by not less than 0.2 m.

6.36. When designing underground horizontal steel cylindrical tanks and trench-type
tanks, stationary stairs (ladders) should be provided. Ladders must be attached to the
manhole cover. A gap of at least 0.5 m should be provided between the bottom of the
ladder (ladder) and the bottom of the tank.

6.37. Bases for above-ground vertical tanks with a capacity of 5,000 cubic meters or less
should be performed, as a rule, in the form of sand cushions with a waterproofing device,
and foundations for tanks with a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters and more should be
made of reinforced concrete in the form of a ring, solid slab or pile foundations with

Tanks intended for leaded gasoline should have a solid concrete or reinforced concrete
slab with a slope from the center to the perimeter under the bottom.

Reinforced concrete tanks

6.38. These standards apply to the design of underground reinforced concrete tanks for
oil and dark petroleum products.

6.39. The tanks should have, as a rule, the following modular dimensions:

diameter of tanks with a capacity of 500 cubic meters or more - a multiple of 3 m;

the size of the walls of rectangular tanks is a multiple of 6 m and a grid of columns 6x6 or
3x6 m.

6.40. In cylindrical tanks, bottoms, walls and coatings should be designed prestressed in
two directions, and vertical joints between the prefabricated elements of the walls can be
made crimped in one direction (perpendicular to the length of the joint) under the
condition that the panels are prestressed in the vertical direction. In the storage tanks for
fuel oil allowed the use of uncompressed walls.

6.41. The bottom of the reservoir mark should be 1 m above the maximum groundwater
level during construction and operation.

With special justification allowed the location of the base of the basement of the tank
below the groundwater level. In this case, the tank should be calculated for ascending and
checking the strength and crack resistance of the bottom and walls from the groundwater
pressure with the tank empty and sprinkled with soil.

6.42. In order to protect the environment, a drainage system with test wells should be
provided under the bottom of the tank to check for possible leakage of the product. In the
presence of groundwater at the site, an independent drainage system should be provided
for their removal.

6.43. On the surface of the ground, it is necessary to provide a blind area to prevent
surface waters from flowing between the backfill and the wall of the tank.

6.44. Prefabricated structures of reinforced concrete tanks should be designed with the
use of concrete of compression strength classes B25 - B40, and for monolithic structures
- B25 - B30. Use of concrete of higher classes is allowed if it is economically justified.

The project must specify the requirements for the composition of concrete, established
with the guidance of paragraphs. 6.47 and 6.48.

6.45. Reinforced concrete structures of water-borne tank coatings should have a concrete
grade of frost resistance not lower than F300 and watertightness not lower than W8. The
rest of the reinforced concrete structures of the tank for frost resistance must meet the
requirements of SNiP 2.03.01-84, and in terms of water tightness they must comply with
a grade not lower than W6.
6.46. Knots and joints should be monolithic with concrete or mortar, the design classes of
compressive strength of which, cold resistance and watertight brands at the time of
stressing the structure should be no lower than the classes and brands of basic structures.

6.47. When designing tanks for oil and dark oil products, the use of concrete on sulfate-
resistant portland cement should be considered.

It is allowed to use low-aluminate portland cement when it contains

# G0 and with the addition of soluble glass to


Amount of 3.5% of cement mass. Water-cement ratio for concrete should not exceed

The use of other additives, except plasticizing type of PRS, is prohibited.

6.48. As aggregates of concrete it is necessary to use crushed stone and sand in

accordance with the requirements of GOST 10268-80. The use of gravel as a filler is
prohibited, while the content of grains of the filler plate and needle-shaped form should
be no more than 15%.

6.49. Tank constructions should be designed for impacts arising during the period of their
construction and operation:

load from water when testing an unloaded reservoir;

load from the ground (for a buried tank) with a buried and empty tank, taking into
account the vacuum;

wind load during installation;

temperature difference and shrinkage of concrete during the construction period.

Operating loads and temperature changes of the product and the external environment
should be provided for the design task.

6.50. When designing tanks should consider:

bending moments arising from the uneven temperature distribution across the wall
thickness when filled with hot oil or when the outside air temperature drops to the
calculated winter temperature;

temperature forces due to changes in the mean temperature of the walls of the tanks in the
longitudinal direction.

6.51. In the construction of tanks, it is allowed (taking into account the unfavorable
combination of normative loads, including temperature effects) with out-of-center
compression, non-through cracks up to 0.1 mm wide. In this case, in enclosing structures
(walls, bottom and overlap), the compressive stress in the extreme compressed fiber must
be at least 0.05 R (b, ser).
6.52. Design and regulatory resistance of concrete and steel should be taken in
accordance with SNiP 2.03.01-84.

In the case of heating structures above 50 ° C, the change in design resistances of

concrete and reinforcement should be taken into account when calculating the limiting
states of the first and second groups, the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete
according to SNiP 2.03.04-84.

7. Gas-holders

7.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing steel gas-holders
intended for storage, mixing, averaging concentrations and pressure equalization and gas

7.2. When designing gas tanks, provision should be made for the possibility of an in-line
method for the manufacture and installation of structures and their availability for
monitoring, cleaning, repairing, anticorrosion protection, painting, and also venting and
degassing gas holders during the repair period.

7.3. Gas tanks should be designed: low pressure - up to 4 kPa (400 mm water column)
and high pressure - from 70 kPa (0.7 kgf / sq. Cm).

7.4. Capacity of gas-holders should be accepted, cubic meters:

wet - up to 50,000;

dry with a flexible section - up to 10,000;

ball - from 600 [for products with pressure up to 1.8 MPa (18 kgf / sq. cm)] to 2000 [for
non-combustible products with pressure up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf / sq. cm)], and for
flammable and combustible products with pressure up to 0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf / sq. cm);

horizontal cylindrical - from 50 to 300;

vertical cylindrical - from 50 to 200.

7.5. When designing gas-holders, steel grades according to SNiP II-23-81 should be used
with classifying elements of gas-holders as groups in accordance with clause 6. 29.

7.6. Supports for high-pressure gas-holders should be designed:

ball - rack or solid (cylindrical, conical, etc.);

horizontal cylindrical - saddle or post;

vertical cylindrical - solid or rack.

The fire resistance limit of supporting structures under gas-holders of a constant volume
must be at least 2 hours.

7.7. When designing low-pressure gas tanks (wet and dry), it is necessary to envisage, as
a rule, the use in their manufacture and installation of the roll method.
7.8. The height and diameter of dry gas-holders and links of wet gas-holders, as well as
shells of horizontal and vertical cylindrical gas-holders, should, as a rule, be taken as
multiples of the width and length of rolled sheet steel.

7.9. Low-pressure gas-plate structures should be designed from steel of no more than
three grades.

7.10. When designing the shells of spherical gas holders should:

apply the shape of the petals, providing the least waste sheet steel;

to apply a cover, as a rule, from steel of one brand;

the number of petals of the shell to take even;

the number of racks to accept, as a rule, even;

provide for the welded end-to-end joints of the petals with treated edges.

7.11. When calculating low-pressure gas-holders, the safety factors for load and working
conditions should be applied in accordance with those given in Clause 6.31 and in
accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-23-81.

# G0 should be taken on the table. 7,

Additional ratios of working conditions
additional safety factors for load in terms of excess
pressure in high pressure gas tanks should be taken equal to 1.2.

Table 7

# G0 Coefficient

Items working conditions

The shell of the ball tank in the calculation of the 0.6

strength and stability:

by momentless theory
on the moment theory 0.9
Edge effect zones 1.2
External vertical guides of wet gasholders 0.9
Compressed main elements of the dome and 0.9
compressed stiffness belt of a wet gasholder
7.12. For maintenance of installed fixtures, hatches, instruments and other devices, gas
holders should be provided with fixed ladders, platforms, passages with a minimum
width of 0.7 m and fences with a height of 1.0 m.

7.13. The upper part of the gas-holders, exposed to heat from the sun, should be color-
coded with a reflection coefficient of at least 50%. Placing on gas-holders signs, numbers
and other symbols of stored materials or company emblems is allowed.
Vessels for bulk materials

8. Bins

8.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of open bins for storage
of bulk and piece materials.

8.2. Bins may be placed in buildings and on open sites buried or above ground, usually
interlocked, multi-cell.

8.3. The dimensions of the bins in the plan should be taken, as a rule, 6x6, 6x9 and 9x9
m. Large sizes multiples of 3 m are allowed, if this is due to technological requirements.

8.4. The height of the walls of the bins should be equal to 3.6; 4.8 or 6 m.

The minimum depth of the walls of the bins from the level of the floor or planning level
of the ground should be equal to 0.6 m, and the floor - 0.3 m, the minimum excess of the
top walls of the bins above the level of the floor or planning level of the ground - equal to
1.2 m.

8.5. Bins should be designed, as a rule, reinforced concrete.

8.6. In the bins for storage of metal charge walls on the inner side and on top should be
protected with wooden bars. In monolithic bins, a protection device from old-fashioned
rails is allowed.

Protection in bulk materials should be provided only on top of walls.

8.7. The floors of the bins should be made of rough stone or ground stone.

When loading and unloading materials with grab cranes, a buffer layer of stored material
with a minimum thickness of 0.3 m should be provided.

8.8. The horizontal pressure of the material on the walls of the bins is allowed to be
determined as for retaining walls. The regulatory characteristics of materials stored in
bins should be taken in accordance with Table. eight.

Table 8

# G0Material Standard specific Standard angle of internal

gravity, kN / cubic friction, hail
meter (ton / cub.m)
Pig iron 40 (4)
Sprues 35 (3.5) 45
Ferroalloys 40 (4)
Rivet metal 35 (3.5)
Steel shavings 20 (2) 50
Cast iron scrap 25 (2.5)
Steel scrap 20 (2)
Chrome ore 27 (2.7)
Manganese ore 20 (2)
Iron ore 25 (2.5) 45
Pulp slag 18 (1.8)
Quartzite 20 (2)
Fireclay 18 (1.8)
Dunite 28 (2.8)
Chromite 31 (3.1)
Slag 12 (1.2) 40
Raw sand 18 (1.8)
Limestone 17 (1.7)
Clay 18 (1.8) 35
Raw kaolin 14 (1.4)
Lime 8 (0.8)
Magnesite Powder 19 (1.9) 33
Dry sand 16 (1.6) thirty
Coke and coxy 8 (0.8)
8.9. The walls of the bins should also be designed for the horizontal pressure of the soil,
taking into account the temporary regulatory load on the ground with an intensity of at
least 20 kPa (2 tf / sq. M) when the bins are empty.

8.10. Safety factor for load to determine the calculated weight of materials

# G0 fill bins should be taken = 1,2. Calculated internal friction angle

determined by dividing the value of the standard angle of internal friction by

# G0 = 1.1.

load reliability
8.11. For inspection, repair, cleaning bins, they must be provided with portable ladders.

9. Bunker

9.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing outdoor bunkers and
bunkers located inside buildings and structures.

9.2. The design of the bunker should include two successive stages: 1) determining the
geometrical parameters - the shape of the bunker and its funnel, the angles of inclination
of the walls, the size of the outlet, which are determined by calculation on the basis of the
physico-mechanical characteristics of the bulk material, taking into account their
unfavorable changes; over the outlet and hanging on the walls; 2) calculation and design
of bunkers' structures and their protection against impacts and abrasion.

9.3. The definition of the geometrical parameters of bunkers differs for cohesive (with a
clutch, caking) and incoherent (without a clutch, non-caking) bulk materials. Connected
are, as a rule, materials containing fractions less than 2 mm and having a moisture
content of more than 2%, and incoherent materials include crushed stone, pebbles and
other materials with a grain size of 2 mm or more, as well as sand with a grain size of up
to 2 mm and humidity up to 2%.

9.4. When designing bunkers, it is necessary to take into account that there are two
possible forms of outflow of bulk material: hydraulic, in which bulk material is in motion
in the entire volume of the bunker, and non-hydraulic, in which only the central part
moves over the outlet, and the rest of the material is fixed.

For cohesive or self-igniting bulk materials, bunkers with hydraulic outflows should be
designed, and for non-coherent ones, as a rule, with non-hydraulic ones.

9.5. Non-hydraulic outflow bins for non-cohesive materials may be of various shapes:
pyramidal, conical, with a flat horizontal bottom, parabolic or other symmetrical or
asymmetrical shape.

When designing geometrical parameters for such bunkers, only one parameter is
normalized - the size of the outlet, which should be determined depending on the size of
the maximum piece of bulk material.

The angle of inclination of the walls of the funnel is allowed to be taken arbitrary, except
in cases where the conditions of the technology require the complete emptying of the
bunker. In this case, the angle of inclination of the walls should be taken according to the
angle of repose of the bulk material with the latter exceeding by 5-7 °.

9.6. Bins for coherent materials of hydraulic flow should be designated as conical,
pyramidal or trough shaped. Other forms (parabolic, flat-bottomed), as well as
asymmetrical silos are not allowed.

The angle of inclination of the walls and the size of the outlet of such bins should be
calculated on the basis of the physico-mechanical characteristics of the bulk material: the
angle of internal friction (the angle of repose is not allowed), the specific adhesion, the
angle of external friction, the effective angle of friction, the outflow function -
determined using instruments measuring the resistance of bulk material to shear.

The angle of inclination of the walls is allowed to choose according to the features. 6
depending on the angle of external friction (the angle of friction of the bulk material on
the material of the wall of the bunker).

Heck. 6. Charts for determining the angle of the walls

bins for cohesive materials

1 - for bins with a rectangular shape of the outlet (aspect ratio of 3: 1 or more);

2 - for conical funnels with a round hole or pyramidal shape

with square hole;

# G0 - the angle of friction of the bulk material along the walls of the bunker;

- the angle of the wall to the horizontal

9.7. When designing bunkers for cohesive bulk materials, the space-planning solution of
the bunker span of buildings should be established after determining the geometrical
parameters of the bunkers. Bunker spans must have uniform grid of columns and height
of floors.

9.8. When designing bins, it is necessary to ensure maximum use of the entire geometric
volume of the bunker (at least 80% when loading).

9.9. The pressure of the bulk material on the walls of the bunker should be taken as for
the retaining wall without taking into account the friction forces between the bulk
material and the walls of the bunker.

9.10. The design of the bunker should be counted on the effect of the temporary load on
the weight of the bulk material that fills the bunker, the constant loads on its own weight
of the structures, the weight of the lining, as well as on the effect of permanent and
temporary loads on the bunker floor.

9.11. The walls of the bunker should rely on the tensile forces in the horizontal and
sloping directions and bending moments from local bending from the plane of the
walls. The design of the bunker as a whole is calculated on the total bend, taking into
account the spatial work of the bunker.

9.12. When calculating the bunkers' designs, the specific gravity of the bulk material
should be taken according to the technological task.

9.13. Bunker should be designed, as a rule, reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete

(made of flat reinforced concrete slabs and steel frame), or precast-monolithic reinforced
concrete. Steel allowed to design the funnels, tapering parts of bunkers, parabolic
(hanging bins), as well as bunkers, which under technological conditions are subject to
mechanical, chemical and thermal effects of bulk material and can not be made of
reinforced concrete.

9.14. The inner edges of the corners of bunkers for cohesive materials should be designed
with high heels or roundings.

9.15. Bunkers for pulverized materials must be airtight, and bunkers intended for dusting
materials (dry lumpy materials of rocks of low strength, for example, limestone), are
equipped with aspiration installations.

9.16. The internal surfaces of the bins should be divided into areas that are subject to
wear (zones I and II) and which are not subject to wear (zone III).

Zone I is the area exposed to impact of the flow of bulk material when loading the hopper
and abrasion when unloading it. The I zone should be protected, as a rule, using the
principle of self-defense, or wear-resistant protection on an elastic base or rubber.
Zone II - the area subjected to abrasion of bulk material in the process of unloading the
bunker. Zone II should be protected by stone casting, slag cosalt, polymer materials,
rubber and other materials, and at the temperature of the bulk material above 50 ° C -
slag-stone and stone casting of heat-resistant compositions.

Zone III - area that does not require protection.

9.17. When combining abrasive impact, high temperature and chemical aggression of the
bulk material, the internal surfaces of the bins should be protected with slag-stone
casting, wear-resistant and heat-resistant concrete (with filling of joints with acid-
resistant and heat-resistant compositions), and in some cases with sheets of relevant types
of steel (heat-resistant and others).

9.18. When operating bunkers in aggressive and gaseous environments, their external
surfaces should be protected from corrosion in accordance with the requirements of #
M12291 871001005СНиП 2.03.11-85.

9.19. When designing bunkers for wet bulk materials located in unheated rooms, it is
necessary to provide for effective heating of the walls of the bins in order to prevent
material freezing in the bunker.

9.20. Insulation of the walls of the bunkers for pulverized material to avoid condensation
of water vapor should be placed outside and made of fireproof materials.

9.21. When designing bunkers for cohesive materials coming in a heated or frozen state,
it is necessary to provide for the insulation of the walls of the bunkers in accordance with
the thermal calculation, excluding condensation of water vapor when the material is
heated, and freezing to the walls of the frozen material.

9.22. Bins, as a rule, should have overlaps of non-combustible materials with openings
for loading. If the load is made by means of non-continuous transport (cars, cars, grabs),
it is allowed to carry out the bunker without overlap, but with the obligatory device of a
continuous fence with a height of at least 1 m from the sides and from the side opposite to
the load. The need for steel gratings to cover technological openings and the size of grid
cells are determined by the process specification.

9.23. In bunkers for pulverized materials it is necessary to provide a monolithic

reinforced screed with a thickness of 50 mm above the overlap, if the thickness of the
plates at the interface is 100 mm or less.

9.24. Thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials should be provided in

bunkers designed for hot bulk materials, between wear-resistant protection and the
supporting structure: in steel bins, at a heating temperature above 300 ° C, and in
reinforced concrete - over 100 ° C.

9.25. In bunkers intended for the storage of bulk materials emitting flammable gases (for
example, methane from coal), the floor structure should not have any protruding ribs.

9.26. In the ceilings of the bunkers, hatches should be arranged that are flush-closed with
overlapping metal covers. A hoisting-and-transport device should be provided in the
bunker room, and loops for fastening hoists and other mounting tools should be provided
inside the hoppers at the bottom of the floors.
9.27. Bins must be equipped with devices for the mechanical cleaning of walls and the
removal of suspended bulk material, in order to eliminate the need for people to descend
into the bins.

10. Silos and silos

for storing bulk materials

10.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of silos and silo hulls
made of reinforced concrete or steel and intended for the storage of industrial bulk

Silos for storing grain and grain products should be designed in accordance with the
requirements of # M12291 871001062СНиП 2.10.05-85.

10.2. The shape, size and location of silos in the plan should be taken in accordance with
the requirements of production technology, standardization, soil and temperature
conditions, as well as on the basis of the results of technical and economic comparisons
and taking into account architectural and compositional requirements.

It is allowed to block silo buildings with service buildings of the second category of fire
resistance. In this case, the difference in sediments of the foundations of silos and
adjacent buildings should be taken into account.

10.3. The shape of the silo funnel, its angle of inclination, as well as the size of the outlet
opening should be determined taking into account the conditions of reliable outflow of
bulk material in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs.9.2-9.6.

10.4. Silos are allowed to design as standing alone, and interlocked in the housing. With a
diameter of more than 12 m, silos should be designed, as a rule, separately standing.

10.5. The form of a separate silo in the plan is adopted, as a rule, round. It is allowed with
appropriate justification to take silos square and multi-faceted.

10.6. When designing silo shells, as a rule, one should adopt: grids of center axes passing
through the centers of blocked silos, 3x3, 6x6 and 12x12 m; outer diameters of round
silos - 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 m; dimensions in the axes of the walls of square silos - 3x3
m; the heights of the walls of the silos, as well as the height and height of the floors -
multiples of 0.6 m

10.7. Reinforced concrete silos up to 48 m in length are allowed to be designed without

expansion joints.

With non-rocky base soils, the ratio of the length of the silo body to its width and height
should be no more than 2. With a single-row arrangement of silos, this ratio can be
increased to 3.

It is allowed to increase the length of the body and the specified relationship with
appropriate justification.

10.8. When designing multi-row silo buildings with round silos in space, the space
between them (asterisks) should be used to accommodate ladders, various
communications, installation of process equipment that does not require maintenance, as
well as to store incoherent bulk materials.

Note. When storing hot bulk materials in silos, the construction of stairs in sprockets is
allowed provided that the requirements of SNiP II-33-75 are met *.

10.9. Outlets in silos should, as a rule, be located centrally. If necessary, the device of
several outlets should be positioned symmetrically relative to the silo axis.

10.10. When designing silo shells, it is necessary to use monolithic reinforced concrete
(when erected by industrial methods) or precast concrete (from unified products) on the
basis of TP 101-81 *, technical and economic feasibility and specific construction

The use of steel silos for bulk materials, storage of which is not allowed in reinforced
concrete tanks, as well as steel inventory and operational silos is allowed.

10.11. When designing the walls of steel silos, industrial methods for their manufacture
and installation should be provided for by using: large-sized sheets and tapes; the method
of rolling; making blanks in the form of shells; automatic welding with a minimum
number of welds performed on the installation, as well as other advanced methods.

10.12. Precast reinforced concrete silo walls should be designed for round silos with a
diameter of 3 m from bulk blocks. In case of large sizes - from individual elements,
enlarged before mounting into tsargs or blocks, or from elements, mounted without prior

10.13. The projects should provide measures to protect the joints of prefabricated
elements from the penetration of precipitation and dusting of finely dispersed stored

10.14. The inner surfaces of the walls and the bottom of the silo should not have
protruding horizontal ribs and depressions.

10.15. Bottoms of silos, depending on the diameter of the silo and stored material, should
be designed in the form of a reinforced concrete slab with a steel semi-funnel and a
concrete slug or in the form of a reinforced concrete or steel funnel for the entire silo

10.16. Walls and bottom silos for abrasive and lumpy materials should be protected from
abrasion and destruction during loading.

The material to protect the walls and the bottom of the silo should be selected depending
on the physical and mechanical properties of the stored material. When designing silos, it
is necessary to take into account the chemical aggression of the stored material and the
air environment.

10.17. When used for loading silos of a pipeline container pneumatic transport on a
supersolice ceiling, safety valves should be provided to prevent overpressure in silos.
10.18. Nadsilosnye ceiling should be designed using precast concrete slabs on precast
reinforced concrete or steel beams. For silos with steel walls, overlapping is allowed to be
made of steel.

10.19. Coatings of separately standing round silos in the absence of a nonsilos room, as
well as silos with a diameter of more than 12 m are allowed to be designed in the form of

10.20. Overhead rooms and conveyor galleries should be designed using lightweight wall
fences made of fireproof materials. The use of prefabricated reinforced concrete
structures is also allowed.

10.21. Exterior walls of unheated underfill areas should be designed, as a rule, using
reinforced concrete precast panels. The walls of the heated premises in the area under the
exhaust part must be designed as panel or brick.

10.22. When designing connecting galleries between silos or between silo hulls, relative
displacements of silos or silo hulls caused by uneven precipitation and banks should be
taken into account.

10.23. Columns below the floor should be designed with prefabricated or monolithic
reinforced concrete.

10.24. Foundations of separately standing silos and silo shells should be designed in the
form of monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. On rocky and coarse soils, it is allowed to
accept individual foundations, strip or ring, monolithic or precast.

Pile foundations should be envisaged if the calculated deformations of the natural base
exceed the limiting ones or its stability is not ensured, as well as in the presence of
subsiding soils and in other cases with an appropriate feasibility study.

10.25. Silo structures must be designed for loads and impacts in accordance with the
requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85. When calculating silos, loads and impacts should also
be taken into account:

temporary long-term - on the weight of bulk materials, parts of horizontal pressure and
friction of bulk materials on silo walls, weight of process equipment [at least 2 kPa (200
kgf / m2)], shrinkage and creep of concrete, roll and uneven sludge;

short-term - arising from the manufacture, transportation and installation of prefabricated

structures, when changing the temperature of the outside air, from part of the horizontal
uneven pressure of bulk materials, from the pressure of the air injected into the silo, with
active ventilation and homogenization;

special - from the pressure developed during the explosion.

10.26. Aerodynamic coefficients when calculating silos for wind loads are accepted
according to SNiP 2.01.07-85.

Aerodynamic coefficients of total frontal resistance of silos when calculating the lower
area of silos (columns and foundations) are allowed to take: for single silos located at a
distance of more than 3 silos diameters (in centers), c = 0.7; with a smaller distance c =
1.3; for interlocked silos with = 1.4.

# G0 for its own weight designs,

10.27. Load safety factors

payloads on floors, snow and wind loads are accepted according to SNiP 2.01.07-85:

# G0 for horizontal and vertical bulk solids pressure = 1.3;

for temperature effects and for air pressure in the silo = 1.1.
10.28. When calculating the compression of the lower silo zone (columns of the sub-silo
floor and foundations), the calculated load of the weight of bulk materials is multiplied
by a factor of 0.9.

10.29. The walls of round silos with a diameter of up to 12 m inclusive, square and
multifaceted silos, in addition to strength calculations, should be counted on endurance
with coefficients

# G0

cycle asymmetry
# G0 in pre-tensioned walls
in unstressed walls
10.30. Silos loaded with hot bulk material (with a temperature above 100 ° C on contact
with concrete) must be calculated taking into account the short-term and long-term effect
of temperature on the limiting states of the first and second groups.

10.31. For mixing silos with the formation of a fluidized bed (homogenization), the
standard pressure on the bottom and walls (within the height of the fluidized bed) from
the bulk material and compressed air is defined as hydrostatic uniform over the bottom
area and the perimeter of the walls

# G0 , with the increase

silage fluid pressure with a specific gravity of 0.6

bulk material in the process of homogenization. The calculation takes into account more
of the pressures calculated without homogenization or taking it into account.

When air is forced out without the formation of a fluidized bed, the excess air pressure is
taken into account in combination with the pressure of the bulk material.

10.32. When an off-center loading and unloading of a silo with a diameter of 12 m or

more, its walls should be checked for the effect of asymmetric pressure of the bulk

10.33. Maximum opening width of vertical cracks in the walls of reinforced concrete

# G0 = 1.2 for round and

determined by SNiP 2.03.01-84, when this is taken

= 1 for square silos.
10.34. The deflection from temporary long-term regulatory loads for square and multi-
faceted silo walls should not exceed 1/200 of the span in the axes of the walls.

# G0 on the
10.35. Standard horizontal pressure of bulk material
silage should be taken evenly distributed around the perimeter and determined by the

# G0 , - specific gravity and friction coefficient of the bulk

where material;
- hydraulic radius of the section (A and u - the area and
perimeter of the silo cross-section);
e - the basis of natural logarithms;
- coefficient of lateral pressure of the bulk material;

- the angle of internal friction of the bulk material;

z - distance from the top of the backfill.
10.36. Standard vertical pressure of bulk material is determined by the formula

10.37. Full regulatory (long and short-term) horizontal pressure of bulk material on the
silo walls should be determined by the formula

# G0 , (43)

where a is the coefficient given in table. 9 and taking into account the additional pressure
when filling and emptying silos, the collapse of the bulk material and the operation of the
pneumatic release systems.

Table 9

# G0Construction of silos and their elements Coefficients

I. When calculating the horizontal

wall reinforcement
1. Separately standing round reinforced concrete silo 2 one 2
2. Reinforced concrete silo building with an ordinary
arrangement of round silos:
outdoor 2 one 2
internal 2 2 one
3. Concrete silo hull with square silos with sides up to 4
outdoor 2 1.65 1.2
internal 2 2 one
Ii. When calculating the structures of slabs and bottom
beams and funnels
4. Plates of the bottom without zabotka, beams of the 2 1,3 1.5
bottom, reinforced concrete silo funnel
5. Bottom plates with zabutkoy at the highest height of 2 2 one
zabutki 1.5 m * and more
6. Steel funnel and steel ring beams in reinforced 2 0.8 2.5
concrete or steel silo
7. Knots of fastening of a steel funnel to ring beams and 1.5 0.6 2.5
walls of a reinforced concrete or steel silo

* When the height of the hut is h <1.5 m, the value

of the coefficient
determined by interpolation between 1.3 and 2 by the formula = 1.3 + 0.47h
Notes: 1. When calculating steel silo walls coefficients
multiplied by 0.8.
2. When calculating silo walls for coal, the
coefficients a and
are assumed to be 1.
10.38. Short term total horizontal pressure

# G0 . (44)

# G0 transmitted

10.39. Standard vertical pressure of bulk material

on the silo walls by friction forces, is determined by the formula

# G0 . (45)

# G0

10.40. Standard vertical pressure of bulk material at the bottom of the silo
determined by the formula


# G0no no
Where but, - determined by PP.10.36 and 10.37;
- the proportion of backfill over the bottom;
z - The height of the backfill.
10.41. The vertical pressure of the bulk material within the inclined bottom or silo funnel
is assumed to be constant equal to that calculated for the top of the inclined bottom or

10.42. Round silos should count on axial tension

# G0 , (47)

where N is the calculated tensile force;

# G0 - the reliability coefficient for the load, taken according to 10.27;

a, - correction factor and the coefficient for working conditions, taken according
to the table. 9;
d is the internal diameter of the silo.

10.43. When calculating the walls of round silos for central tension, the work of concrete
is not taken into account.

Walls of square and multi-faceted silos should be counted on eccentric tension. Axial
tensile force is determined by the formula (47), in which d is taken equal to the size of the
silo in the world.

Bending moments are defined as for a horizontal closed frame, loaded around the
perimeter of a uniform design pressure of the bulk material.

10.44. The coefficients of working conditions in the calculation of silo walls should be
determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.01-84, taking for walls of
silos erected in a sliding formwork, the coefficient of concrete working
conditions, the coefficient taking into account the duration of the load, is
assumed to be 1.

10.45. The walls of steel round silos are calculated on the same load combinations as the
walls of reinforced concrete round silos.

Additionally, steel silo walls should be tested for stability with a working condition factor
of 1.

The endurance of steel walls is not allowed to count.

10.46. For steel silos, one should take into account the effects of a daily change in the
outside air temperature in the form of an additional horizontal regulatory pressure of bulk
material, considering it to be evenly distributed around the perimeter and height,
according to the formula

# G0 , (48)
# G0 - coefficient taken equal to 2;
- coefficient of linear temperature distortion of the wall material from
steel equal
- daily amplitude of the outdoor temperature, adopted according to SNiP
- modulus of compression of bulk material;
d - the inner radius of the round silo or the side of the square silo;
t - reduced wall thickness in vertical section, m;
- modulus of elasticity of the material of the walls;
- the initial coefficient of transverse deformation (Poisson’s ratio) of the
silo filling material.
10.47. Locations for changing the shape of a steel silo, in particular, the interface zone of
a cylindrical part with a conical or flat bottom, as well as places of abrupt load change
should be checked for additional local stresses (edge effect) with a work condition factor
of 1.4.

10.48. When symmetrically unloading and loading bulk material wall of steel silos

# G0 = 0.8.

tested for strength by SNiP II-23-81 with a coefficient of working conditions

10.49. In the case of asymmetric loading or unloading of bulk materials, the walls of steel
round silos that do not perceive ring bending moments are tested for stability and strength
from the effects of ring meridional and shear forces determined by the calculation of the
cylindrical shell.

10.50. Walls of monolithic reinforced concrete silos should be designed from concrete of
a class not lower than B15, and precast reinforced concrete elements of the walls should
be made from concrete of a class not lower than B25.

10.51. The calculation of the bases of interlocked and separately standing silos erected on
non-rocky soils should be made according to the limit states of the second group (by
deformations) in accordance with the requirements of # M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-

When calculating the base deformation, wind load is included in the main combination of

10.52. In determining the heel of the foundations of buildings in the form of rigidly
interlocked silos on a common base plate in the absence of the influence of neighboring
buildings, an increased modulus of soil deformation is taken into account. Increasing the
modulus of soil deformation is provided by pre-compression of the soil by the primary
uniform loading of silos lasting at least two months.

10.53. When determining the pressure on the soil under the base of the foundation, both
the case of full loading of silos with bulk materials and the case of unloading some of the
silos in an amount that creates the most unfavorable combination of loads should be
10.54. The columns of the sub-silo floor should be calculated according to the scheme of
the poles embedded in the foundation, taking into account the actual pinching in the silo

10.55. When calculating the columns, additional bending and compression forces should
be taken into account when the body is inclined (assumed to be 0.004) from uneven
precipitation, as well as the additional bending moment caused by the deflection of the
top of the columns and the displacements of the bottom plates and craters within the

10.56. At least two emergency exits should be provided from the oversize
rooms. Evacuation ladders should be designed with a march width of at least 0.8 m and
with a slope of no more than 1: 1. External steel mid-flight ladders used for evacuation of
people should be designed, as a rule, with a width of at least 0.7 m with a slope of
marches of no more than 1: 1, a fence with a height of 1.0 m and platforms located at a
height of no more than 8 m .

10.57. It is allowed to provide the second emergency exit through an external open steel
staircase, which must reach the roof of the oversile room, have a width of at least 0.7 m, a
slope of 1: 1 and a guardrail with a height of 1.0 m.

The second exit is also allowed to provide through conveyor galleries leading to
buildings or structures and provided with emergency exits. In this case, conveyor
galleries and materials transported through them must be fireproof.

Of the oversized rooms of up to 300 square meters, in which no more than 5 people
work. per shift, when stored in fireproof materials in silos, it is allowed to provide one
emergency exit (without a second device) to an external open steel staircase with a slope
of 1: 1. Enclosing structures of stairs should be made of fireproof materials.

If the area of the oversized rooms is more than 300 sq. M, a staircase should be designed
as one of the emergency exits in accordance with the requirements of # M12291
5200092СНиП 2.09.02-85.

10.58. In all silo shells, an elevator should be provided for lifting people to the supersolar

10.59. The distance from the outermost part of the supra-silos room to the nearest exit to
the outer staircase or staircase should be no more than 75 m. When stored in non-
combustible materials in silos, this distance is allowed to be increased to 100 m.

10.60. Along the perimeter of the external walls of the silo shells with a height up to the
top of the eaves more than 10 m, lattice barriers with a height of at least 0.6 m of
fireproof materials should be provided on the roof.

10.61. When designing silos for bulk materials, the dust of which is capable of forming
explosive concentrations when loading or unloading silos, measures should be provided
to exclude the possibility of explosions, as well as to prevent the occurrence of
electrostatic discharges.
10.62. Silage shells, freestanding silos, super silos galleries, superstructures (above the
super altitude overlap) are allowed to be designed in accordance with TP 101-81 * of
steel structures with a fire resistance rating of at least 0.25 h and zero fire spread limit.

Note. For steel columns and superstructure overlaps, except for the two upper floors, as
well as for supporting structures of sub-axle floors (columns and beams under the walls
of silos), fire protection should be provided to ensure the fire resistance of these
structures is not less than 0.75 hours.

11. Coal towers of coking plants

11.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of coal towers of coking
plants for the accumulation of coal charge before coking and its loading into loading cars
for distribution to coke ovens.

11.2. Space-planning solutions of coal towers and their overall dimensions should
provide the possibility of a rational layout with coke batteries and the relative positioning
with movable technological equipment (coke pushers, doorframe machines, extinguishing
and loading cars) corresponding to the construction task.

As a rule, coal towers should be rectangular in plan.

11.3. When designing several coal towers for one enterprise, their configuration and
dimensions of the horizontal section should, as a rule, be unified.

11.4. The dimensions of the coal towers should be taken horizontally as multiples of 0.3
m, vertically - multiples of 0.6 m.

11.5. Volumes of the lower zone of the coal tower that are free from technological
equipment of the main purpose can be used for the placement of auxiliary premises:
electrical points, ventilation units, instrumentation rooms, service and living rooms of the
coke unit, etc.

11.6. Internal dimensions in the through part of the coal tower should ensure the presence

required safety rules for gaps between building and technological structures, but not less
than 0.1 m;

aisles on both sides of the loading wagon with a width of at least 0.8 m and a height of at
least 2.1 m.

11.7. The dimensions of the elevation part of the coal tower should provide the possibility
of placing equipment intended for the distribution of the charge among the cells of the
capacitive part. At the same time between the equipment and building structures should
be provided for the passage width of at least 0.8 m.

11.8. When calculating coal towers and their elements, the following loads should be
taken into account: their own weight of structures, loads from stationary equipment and
loading wagon, pressure of the material used to fill tanks, wind load, ground pressure,
loads transmitted by adjacent structures.
If necessary, special loads and impacts are taken into account (seismic, influence of mine
workings, etc.).

11.9. The largest deflection of the walls of the capacitive part should not exceed 1/200 of
the smaller span.

11.10. The calculated horizontal pressure of the filling material on the walls of the
capacitive part should be determined depending on the ratio of the geometric dimensions
as for a rectangular silo or bunker.

The specific weight of the coal charge and the angle of its internal friction should be
taken according to

# G0 = 8.5 kN /
cubic meter
technological task for the design of the coal tower, but not less
(0.85 tf / cubic meter), and the angle of = 40 °.
internal friction - no more
11.11. When calculating the walls of the capacitive part it is necessary to consider the
following combinations of loads:

all tanks are filled, negative wind pressure acts as a leeward vertical surface on one of the

the tanks are not filled, the positive wind pressure acts on the wall as on the windward
vertical surface;

one of the containers is filled (to calculate the inner transverse wall).

11.12. The coal tower should be calculated as a spatial system, taking into account the
physical, and for walls in the area of passage of the loading car - and its geometric non-
linearity (according to the deformed scheme, taking into account deviations from the
vertical that are unprofitable for the building, within the limits allowed by the building
codes and work regulations).

11.13. Allowed to perform the calculation of the walls of the coal tower, dividing it into
separate elements: the longitudinal and transverse walls of the capacitive part, the
longitudinal walls in the area of passage of the boot car, the lower zone of the walls.

When calculating the transverse walls of the capacitive part, it is necessary to take into
account the presence of openings for the passage of the loading wagon, which in case of
element-by-element calculation turn these walls into beams-walls.

11.14. In the case of element-by-element calculation of the walls, the design scheme of
the walls of the through part should be taken as a single-span single-story frame with an
absolutely rigid crossbar and pinched struts, taking into account their deviation from the
vertical in accordance with the existing tolerances for concreting the walls in the mobile
formwork. In this case, the horizontal transverse displacement of the top of the opening a
(h) for the passage of the loading car relative to the bottom of this opening
# G0 - permissible horizontal displacement, corresponding to the height of the
wall, equal to the height of the opening for the passage of the loading car;
- coefficient of increase in eccentricity, taken according to SNiP 2.03.01-84.
11.15. At least two exits should be provided from the capacity of the coal tower, and it is
allowed to provide for a staircase outside the tower. As a second escape route, it is
allowed to use a conveyor gallery to supply the charge (with floor space up to 300 sq. M),
which must be made of fireproof materials and meet the requirements for evacuation

The ladder to the level of the top of the coke-oven battery must be made of reinforced
concrete steps on steel kosouram, and above - of steel with a slope of marches of 1: 1. In
addition, there should be a ladder for access to the roof and fencing of the roof according
to GOST 25772-83.

11.16. In the coal towers, a passenger-and-freight elevator should be provided up to the

elevation part.

11.17. To ensure fire safety, it is necessary to provide fire and drinking water in the coal
tower premises.

Overhead structures

12. Shelves and platforms

12.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of external and indoor
shelves intended for supporting technological equipment and laying pipelines, as well as
platforms for maintenance of equipment.

12.2. Shelves should be designed so that the floor areas are used, as a rule, not less than
70-80% (the used area should include the equipment area in the plan with the addition of
an area around it that provides a passage of at least 1.0 m width at a constant maintenance
of equipment and 0.8 m with its periodic maintenance, as well as the area of installation
sites, installation openings and stairs).

12.3. Transit technological pipelines passing close to the shelves should be laid on special
external consoles or crossbars supported on the structures of the shelves, or suspended
from the flooring structures, if this is allowed by technological and fire-fighting
requirements approved in the prescribed manner.

12.4. Shelves should, as a rule, be designed with grids of columns 6x6, 9x6, 12x6 m
(spacing of columns 6 m). The height of the tiers of the shelves is selected on the basis of
technological requirements.

Site marks should be multiples of 0.6 m.

12.5. Constructions of shelves and platforms (columns, beams, floors) should be

designed, as a rule, from precast concrete.

If it is impossible to use standard unified reinforced concrete structures, as well as for

productions with technological processes that change at least five years later, it is allowed
to design structures for the steel shelves.
12.6. Sites and floors of shelves on which process equipment is installed that contains
flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied combustible gases should be provided with
deaf, impermeable to liquids and fenced around the perimeter and in places of openings
with a solid board at least 150 mm high with ramps at the exits to the stairs .

The device of metal pallets under one or group of devices is allowed.

12.7. In steel shelves for which the concrete elements must be molded, concrete must be
included in the joint work with the frame.

12.8. Shelves that house equipment that causes vibrations, as a rule, should not be
connected to the frame of a building, and equipment should be installed on vibration

12.9. Outdoor shelves should be counted on snow and wind loads in accordance with the
requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85, taking into account additional requirements: the snow
load should be fully taken into account at the upper tier, and 50% at intermediate
tiers. Wind loads should be taken in consideration of the effects of wind on equipment.

12.10. Columns of shelves and platforms located in buildings I, II and III degrees of fire
resistance according to # M12291 871001017СНиП 2.01.02-85 should be designed from
non-combustible materials, and in buildings of IV degree of fire resistance - from
fireproof or slow-burning materials. Coverings of shelves and platforms located in
buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance should be designed from non-combustible
materials, and in buildings of III and IV degrees of fire resistance - from non-combustible
or non-combustible materials.

12.11. For structures of steel shelves placed in buildings with rooms of categories A, B,
and C, protection should be provided to ensure that the fire resistance of these structures
is not less than 0.75 hours. At this, means of automatic fire extinguishing should be

Note. The premises of categories A and B should provide for the protection of individual
steel structures from sparking.

12.12. When placing equipment on outdoor shelves for staff on duty, it is necessary to
provide enclosed spaces (made of non-combustible materials) that should be as close as
possible to working places, and the distance to them should not exceed 150 m. The areas,
volumes and parameters of the air environment in these rooms SNiP II-92-76.

If there are facilities located in the premises of categories A, B and C, or equipment

emitting harmful substances, special measures should be provided for these premises to
ensure fire and explosion safety and exclude the impact of harmful substances on workers
(sealing, air backing, sluice locks, alarms and etc.).

Note. It is allowed to use auxiliary or production premises for the staff on duty, provided
that the latter meet the requirements of this item and their purpose allows the staff on
duty to stay in them.

12.13. External shelves on which equipment or piping containing flammable and

combustible liquids and combustible gases are located should, as a rule, be made of
reinforced concrete. In steel shelves, the first tier, including the overlap, but at a height of
at least 4 m should be protected from heat. The fire resistance limit of the protected
structures must be at least 0.75 hours.

Notes: 1. It is allowed to use unprotected steel structures of the shelves when equipping
them with stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations.

2. For enterprises located in Western Siberia, it is allowed to use unprotected supporting

structures of the shelves with a fire resistance of 0.25 h.

12.14. The area of one tier of a free-standing external rack or platform with equipment
for production facilities placed in categories A, B and C premises shall not exceed:

with the height of the bookcase or platform up to 30 m - 5200 sq.m;

with a height of 30 meters and more - 3000 sq.m.

With a larger area, shelves or platforms should be divided into sections with gaps
between them of at least 15 m.

The area of the shelves and platforms with the equipment of production located in the
premises of categories G and D is not limited.

Notes: 1. The height of the stack or platform with equipment should be considered the
maximum height of the equipment or the stack itself, occupying at least 30% of the total
area of the shelf or platform.

2. The marginal areas of the shelves or platforms refer to the shelves or platforms with
apparatus and containers containing flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied
gases. For shelves or platforms with equipment containing flammable gases in an
uncompleted state, the limiting area increases 1.5 times.

3. The width of a free-standing stack or platform should be at a height of a stack or

platform with equipment 18 m or less — no more than 48 m, more than 18 m — no more
than 36 m.

12.15. Outdoor shelves and platforms designed to house equipment with flammable and
combustible liquids and gases, as well as service platforms, including those attached to
the process equipment, should have open staircases on each tier:

with the length of the stack or platform up to 18 m and the area up to 108 sq. m - one

with a length of the bookcase or platform more than 18 m, but not more than 80 m - at
least two ladders;

if the length of the bookcase or platform is more than 80 m, the number of stairs is
determined on the basis of their location at a distance of no more than 80 m from one
another, regardless of the number of levels of the bookcase.

The number of open stairs with overlaps of external shelves and platforms designed to
house equipment with non-explosive, non-fire hazardous facilities should be:
with the length of the stack or platform up to 180 m - one staircase;

if the length of the bookcase or platform is more than 180 m, the number of stairs is
determined on the basis of their location at a distance of one from the other no more than
180 m, regardless of the number of tiers of the bookcase.

12.16. Internal shelves and platforms should have, as a rule, at least two open steel
stairs. It is allowed to design one staircase with floor space of each tier of the bookcase or
platform not exceeding 108 sq. M for rooms of categories A and B, 400 sq. M for rooms
of categories C, D and D.

The distance from the most distant workplace to the nearest emergency exit, as well as
the requirements for ladders should be taken in accordance with # M12291
871001017СНиП 2.01.02-85 and # M12291 5200092 СНиП 2.09.02-85.

Note. Shelves and platforms are allowed to be designed with a second evacuation exit to
the external stairs of buildings.

12.17. Open stairs of outdoor shelves and platforms, intended for evacuation of people,
should be placed along the outer perimeter of shelves and platforms. It is allowed for a
group of column-type devices to have stairs between the devices.

Ladders should be designed steel in accordance with GOST 23120-78.

When placed on outdoor shelves and equipment platforms with flammable, combustible
liquids and combustible gases, open staircases should have fireproof screens protruding at
least 1 m each side beyond the edge of the staircase (from the process equipment side) of
fireproof materials with fire resistance not less than 0 , 25 h.

Notes: 1. For column-type apparatuses that do not require day-to-day maintenance, with a
site length of up to 24 m, which unite the apparatuses, it is allowed to arrange one
marching and one vertical ladder. The slope of the flight of stairs in this case should be
taken no more than 2: 1.

2. In cases when there are separate devices above the rest in the group of column type
devices, and also for stand-alone column type devices it is allowed to arrange vertical
ladders on the platforms of these devices, which should have a fence with a grid and
platforms every 6 m in height.

3. For staircases from platforms of column-type apparatuses, a fire-proof screen should

be provided if the staircase is an evacuation ladder (if the Personnel walks along it at least
once per shift), and only to the service height.

4. The exit from the stairs to the ground and the fireproof screen must be outside the

5. For single equipment with the presence of explosive and fire hazardous products and
the height of the service platform no more than 2 m of the ladder for descent from the
platform it is allowed to perform vertical without the device of fireproof screens.
12.18. The support of platforms and ladders should be provided, as a rule, directly on the
equipment, when it is permissible in terms of bearing capacity and constructive solution,
with the exception of equipment that is a source of vibration.

12.19. Along the outer perimeter of the shelves and platforms, open apertures in the
ceiling, stairs and platforms of stairs (including platforms on column apparatus) it is
necessary to provide fences with a height of 1 m.

The lower part of the fence should have a solid board with a height of 0.14 m.

13. Open crane racks

13.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of open crane racks
intended for servicing warehouses and production facilities that can be located in the
open air and require lifting and transport equipment in the form of bridge cranes.

13.2. It is allowed to provide open crane racks in cases when the technological process
cannot be ensured with the help of mobile gantry cranes.

13.3. Open crane racks can be equipped with electric bridge cranes for general use (hook)
with a lifting capacity of up to 500 kN (50 t) and special (magnetic and magnetic
clamshell) with a lifting capacity of up to 200 kN (20 t) of all crane operation mode

Note. The operating mode of cranes is set according to GOST 25546-82.

13.4. Open crane racks should be designed with the following parameters: a number of
lifting capacities according to GOST 1575-81 (ST SEV 1330-78), spans according to
GOST 534-78, dimensions of approaching the crane to building structures - according to
GOST 25711-83 and TU to special cranes, column pitch of 12 m. With appropriate
justification, it is allowed to designate another column pitch that is a multiple of 6 m.

The marks of the heads of rails of bridge cranes of open crane racks should be taken
according to a number of unified marks of the heads of rails of bridge cranes of one-story
industrial buildings.

Notes: 1. Spans of cranes are taken 1.5 m less than the span of the overpass, and if there
are transverse struts above the crane envelope - 2 m less than the span of the overpass.

2. During reconstruction, the dimensions of the spans and heights are allowed to be taken
in accordance with the dimensions of the spans and heights of the reconstructed racks or
adjacent buildings.

13.5. Open crane ramps should be designed single-span and multi-span.

In a multispan bridges, no more than two different span sizes may be used.

13.6. Open crane racks are allowed to design adjacent to the ends of unheated buildings
with the exit of bridge cranes from the buildings on the racks, while in the junction areas
should be combined:

longitudinal center axes of overpass columns and buildings;

the foundations of the racks and buildings, if allowed by design solutions.

When designing open crane racks attached to the longitudinal walls of buildings, the flow
of water from the roof of the building to the crane runways, trolls and service platforms is
not allowed.

13.7. Open crane ramps should be located on a horizontal platform, with the provision of
atmospheric water from the site should be provided for by local slopes.

13.8. On the platform of the overpass, laying of automobile and railway tracks along and
across the ramp is allowed.

In the case of a device on the platform of a railroad overpass, the overhead crane should
be equipped with a control cabin so that the cabin provides an overview of loading and
unloading, including the floor of the gondola car.

13.9. Open crane racks should be designed with free-standing (in the transverse direction)

Trestles with columns, stiffened above the crane size with rigid transverse structures, are
allowed to be accepted in cases of uneven deformations of the base or with a standard
load on the trestle floor more than 0.2 MPa (20 ts / sq.m). At the same time, the
dimensions of approaching cranes to building structures should be provided for, provided
for by the "Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes", approved by the
USSR State Technical Inspectorate.

In the longitudinal direction, the stability of the overpass should be provided by crane
beams and vertical links installed in each temperature block.

13.10. With deep foundations (more than 5 m), it is allowed to combine columns of a
longitudinal row with a reinforced concrete continuous beam at the level of the trestle
floor *.


* A.S. No. 435183 (USSR). Crane overpass / Korshunov D. A., Sisin A. A. Publ. in B.I.,
1974, No. 25.

13.11. Foundations of open crane racks must be designed with reinforced concrete.

13.12. Continuous crane girders are allowed to apply when the value of the coefficient

# G0

elastic compliance
# G0 (50)

# G0 here - movement of the support from the vertical unit force,

applied at the level of the rail head, taking into account the
deformation of the column and sediment basement;
- rigidity of the crane beam;
- span of the beam.
13.13. Brake structures, end stops on crane girders, vertical connections along the
columns, transverse struts above the crane envelope, platforms and stairs should be
designed with steel ones.

13.14. Coverage of the site (floor) of an open crane trestle must be selected taking into
account technological requirements and operating conditions in accordance with chapter
SNiP II-B.8-71.

13.15. The design scheme of the overpass should be taken in the form of separate
longitudinal rows of columns rigidly connected to the foundations at the level of their
trimming and pivotally connected within the temperature block with crane girders and
vertical connections.

For platforms with struts, the design scheme should be taken in the form of a transverse
frame, including columns and struts.

Note. The connection of the opposing rows of supporting structures by a bridge crane is
not taken into account.

13.16. The loads on open crane racks must be determined in accordance with the
requirements of GOST 1451-77 and SNiP 2.01.07-85, taking into account the standard
vertical load on the traveling galleries from the weight of people and repair materials,
taken equal to 2 kPa (200 kgf / sq.) Without accounting for snow load.

13.17. The bases under the foundations of open crane racks should be counted on the
loads acting in the plane of the crane bridge, according to the limit states of the first and
second groups according to # M12291 5200033 СНиП 2.02.01-83.

Edge pressure on the soil under the foundation should be taken with

where p (min), p (max) are the minimum and maximum pressures on the ground,

# G0For racks for general-purpose cranes with a carrying capacity of not

more than 160 kN (16 t) with
MPa (1.5 kgf / sq. Cm) allowed a triangular shape of pressure piping under the base of
the foundation (p (min) = 0).

13.18. The difference in deformations of the bases of adjacent columns from the total
impact of constant and crane loads should not cause vertical settlement of foundations,
causing slopes of crane tracks, exceeding 0.004 along the path and 0.003 across the span.

If the load on the floor of the viaduct of more than 0.05 MPa (5.0 ton / sq.m) from the
weight of the stored or recycled materials, products, etc., buildings and structures with
the active zone of the deformable soil under the foundations are located near the viaduct
superimposed on the core below the foundations of the overpass columns, base
deformations should not cause additional differences in the levels of the crane crane rails
on adjacent columns (along and across the overpass) by more than 20 mm and the
distance between the crane rails is greater than 10 mm.

13.19 (C). Deflections and movements of structural elements should not exceed the limits
established by SNiP 2.01.07-85.

13.20. Along the crane runways for each longitudinal row of columns for service
personnel it is necessary to provide passages not less than 0.5 m wide (in the light), and
in places of detour of the column (when making rigid transverse structures above the
crane dimension) - not less than 0.4 m wide or arrange a passage of 0.4x1.8 m in the body
of the column. Passages must have permanent fences (railings) at least 1 m high.

Railing fences along the extreme rows of columns should be installed only from the
outside, and along the middle rows from both sides, with the device in each step of the
columns of the removable section for going to the crane.

The entire length and width should include flooring, closely fitting to the upper belt of
crane girders.

13.21. Each flyover of the overpass should be equipped with landing and repair platforms
and ladders for lifting onto the overpass in accordance with the requirements of the Rules
for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes.

13.22. For each passage along the crane runways and the landing area, permanent steel
staircases with a width of at least 0.7 m with a tilt angle of not more than 60 ° with access
to them through hatches of at least 0.5 x 0.5 m should be designed. Hatches should be
hinged secured, easy and convenient to open and close. Ladders should be provided at the
ends of the overpass and at least 200 m along its length. When the length of the overpass
is less than 200 m, it is allowed to provide one staircase per passage. When determining
the number of stairs, the stairs for landing, repair and other sites should be considered.

14. Separate supports and overpasses

under technological pipelines

14.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing low and high free-
standing supports, as well as racks for process pipelines.

Note. The height (distance from the planning level of the ground to the top of the
traverse) of free-standing supports and racks should be taken: low supports — from 0.3 m
to 1.2 m — a multiple of 0.3 m, depending on the level of the ground and the slopes of
the pipelines; high free-standing supports and racks - a multiple of 0.6 m, which provides
passage under pipelines and racks of railway and automobile transport in accordance with
the dimensions of the approach of buildings in accordance with GOST 9238-83 and #
M12291 5200258СНиП 2.05.02-85.

14.2. Laying of pipelines on low supports should be provided for areas not subject to
building, outside arable land and in the absence of intersection with roads.

14.3. When designing stand-alone supports and racks, the slope of pipelines should be
created by changing the level of the upper edge of the foundation or the length of the
columns, taking into account the topography of the ground along the route.
14.4. The distance between the individual supports under the pipelines should be assigned
based on the calculation of pipes for strength and stiffness and should be, as a rule, a
multiple of 3 m and at least 6 m.

It is allowed to assign a step of supports of other sizes in the places of approach of the
route to buildings and structures, as well as in places of intersection with roads, railways
and other communications.

14.5. Separate supports and overpasses should, as a rule, be designed from prefabricated
unified reinforced concrete structures with prestressed and non-stressed
reinforcement. The use of steel structures is allowed in accordance with TP 101-81 *.

14.6. Separate supports and overpasses, on which pipelines with non-combustible

substances, liquids or gases are laid, are allowed to be designed from combustible

14.7. Structures of free-standing supports and overpasses for pipelines with flammable
and combustible substances, liquids and gases should be designed to be flammable.

14.8. On overpasses, bridges should be provided for servicing pipelines, if required by

the operating conditions.

14.9. Reinforced concrete supports are allowed to be designed: clamped into separate
foundations; in the form of piles and piles, combined into flat or spatial systems; in the
form of columns installed on single-foot foundations from shell piles or bored piles.

Columns of steel supports should be provided rigidly connected to the foundations. It is

allowed to use hinged support on foundations, provided that the supports are stable in the
longitudinal direction.

14.10. The longitudinal stability of free-standing supports and racks should be provided
with anchor supports with the installation of a single anchor support in each temperature

Trestles with reinforced concrete supports should, as a rule, be designed without anchor
supports. In this case, the horizontal loads on the temperature block acting along the route
should be transferred to all supports.

14.11. In the longitudinal direction, free-standing supports and overpasses should be

divided into temperature blocks, the length of which should not exceed the maximum
distances between the fixed supporting parts of pipelines.

14.12. Temperature joints of overpasses should be combined with compensatory piping

devices, and it is necessary to provide for the greatest possible length of temperature

14.13. Free-standing supports and overpasses should rely on loads from the weight of
insulated pipelines, transported product, people and repair materials on service platforms
and transition bridges, industrial dust deposits, horizontal loads and impacts from
pipelines, as well as snow and wind loads.
Moreover, the additional standard vertical load of the weight of water in the steam lines
during hydraulic testing should be taken into account when filling only one steam line
with water.

Reliability coefficients for loads are determined according to SNiP 2.01.07-85 taking into
account the requirements of this section.

14.14. The standard load from the weight of people and repair materials on platforms,
bridges and stairs is assumed to be evenly distributed, equal to 0.75 kPa (75 kgf / sq. M).

The load from the weight of industrial dust deposits should be considered only for
pipelines and service platforms located at a distance of no more than 100 m from the
source of dust emission, and be taken equal to:

for service platforms and elements of the superstructure - 1 kPa (100 kgf / sq. m);

for pipelines - 0.45 kPa (45 kgf / m2) of horizontal projection of pipelines.

In this case, the safety factors for the load should be taken: from the weight of people and
repair materials - 1.4; from the weight of deposits of industrial dust - 1.2.

14.15. Calculation of building structures of free-standing supports and racks should be

made as flat structures. If it is necessary to carry out refined calculations and take into
account additional factors, the calculation of building structures of separately standing
supports and racks should be made as spatial systems, taking into account their joint work
with pipelines.

14.16. When laying pipelines on the overpass, the longitudinal horizontal load from the
friction forces in the movable support parts of the pipes is perceived by the span structure
and anchor supports and is not transmitted to the intermediate supports.

14.17. Regulatory vertical load from pipelines on supports and racks should be taken as
the sum of the vertical loads from all pipelines.

The calculated friction force of a single pipeline on a support is determined by

multiplying the calculated vertical load from this pipeline by the coefficient of friction,
taken equal in steel-to-steel bearing parts: in sliding parts - 0.3; in the roller along the
pipeline axis - 0.1; not along the axis - 0.3; in the ball - 0.1.

14.18. In the absence of a specified layout of pipelines, the intensity value of the vertical
load per unit length of the traverse p of separately standing supports and racks should be
determined by the formula

p = qa / b, (51)

where q is the vertical load from pipelines per 1 m of the path length;

a - step traverse;

b - the length of the traverse.

The distribution of this load along the length of the traverse should be taken as hell. 7
Heck. 7. The distribution of the intensity of the vertical load

on traverses separately standing supports and overpasses

a - load distribution scheme for single post supports;

b - the same, for two-post supports and racks

The normative value of the intensity of the horizontal load per unit length of the traverse
of separately standing supports and racks in the absence of a specified layout of pipelines,
its distribution along the length of the traverse is determined according to fig. 8. At the
same time, the safety factor for the load should be taken equal to 1.1.

Heck. 8. The distribution of the intensity of the horizontal load.

when calculating traverse freestanding supports and racks

a - load distribution scheme for single post supports;

b - the same, for two-post supports and racks

Note. In parentheses are the values of the load when stationary support pipelines on the

14.19. The distribution of vertical and horizontal loads in the absence of a specified
layout of pipelines on tiers for multi-tier stand-alone supports and racks should be taken:
in bunk piers and racks: on the upper tier - 60%; on the lower tier - 40%, in three-tier
pillars and racks: on the upper tier - 40%; on the middle tier - 30%; on the lower tier -

14.20 (K). Regulatory loads for the calculation of columns and foundations of detached
supports in the absence of a specified layout of pipelines should be taken:

vertical and horizontal technological loads along the route to the intermediate support - in
accordance with fig. 9;

horizontal technological load along the route on the anchor intermediate support installed
in the middle of the temperature block - (0.03l + 2) q;

horizontal technological load along the route to the end support - (0.15l + 4) q;

horizontal load across the route from the pipe bends to the intermediate support - 1.5q,

where l is the distance from the anchor support to the end of the temperature block, m;

q - standard vertical load from pipelines per 1 m of the path length.

14.21. For a given layout of pipelines, the calculated horizontal technological load along
the route on the intermediate free-standing supports operating in the field of mobile
support of pipelines should be determined as follows:

a) when laying one pipeline, the horizontal technological load on the crossheads, columns
and foundations is assumed to be equal to the calculated value of the corresponding
friction force and is considered to be applied at the place of its support (for thermal water
networks, instead of each separate pipeline, one system is assumed: supply and return

b) when laying from two to four pipelines, the horizontal technological load on the cross-
bars, columns and foundations is taken into account only from the two most adversely
affecting pipelines. The value of each of the horizontal loads is assumed to be equal to
the calculated value of the corresponding friction force applied at the support points of
the pipelines;

c) when laying more than four pipelines on separate supports, when the support rigidity
does not exceed 600 kN / cm (60 tf / cm) and the distribution of the vertical load is within
the limits indicated in fig. 8, the calculated horizontal load transmitted from the cross
member to the most loaded column and foundation should be determined as the product
of the sum of the calculated values of friction forces from each pipeline by the coefficient
of simultaneity, the value of which is taken from Table. 10 (when determining the
horizontal force acting in the level of the upper edges of the crossbars of two-tier
supports, only the number of pipelines is taken into account, which rest on the traverse of
the second tier, and in the level of the lower tier - by sub. "'G").

Table 10

# G0 Total number of traverse five 6 7 eight 9 ten

Simultaneity coefficients 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.05
Notes: 1. When the number of pipelines is greater than 10, only the 10 most unfavorable
forces are considered, and the rest are not taken into account at all (they are considered

2. The recommended simultaneity factors do not apply to cases where only non-insulated
pipelines are located on separate supports.

3. The support stiffness is understood as the horizontal force (kN) applied to the top of
the support and causing its displacement of 1 cm. When determining the rigidity of two-
tier supports in the level of the lower tier, a fixed-hinge connection is assumed;

d) when laying more than four pipelines, the calculated horizontal load on the crossheads,
as well as columns and foundations of supports, to which the conditions of the
subcategory “c” cannot be applied, is taken into account either from two pipelines, as in
subcategory “b”, or from of all pipelines. In the latter case, the calculated horizontal load
from each pipeline is taken to be equal to the product of the calculated value of the
corresponding friction force by a factor of 0.5, and its distribution over the cross section
of the route is taken according to Figure 9, b. It seemed the most accepted ways to load

Heck. 9. The load distribution in the calculation of the columns and

foundations of intermediate free-standing supports

across the road cross section

a - scheme of distribution of vertical load; b is the same horizontal load;

P = pb is the normative vertical load on the support or on the corresponding level of the

where p is the standard value of the intensity of the vertical load on

traverse determined by the formula (51)

14.22. For a given layout of pipelines, the calculated horizontal technological load along
the route on terminal anchor free-standing supports is determined based on the forces
acting on one side of the anchor support, and is the sum of the efforts in the
compensators, the sum of horizontal loads from intermediate supports (see section 14.21)
located on the section from the compensator axis to the anchor support, the sum of
unbalanced axial forces caused by the action of internal pressure on the locking devices.

The load on the intermediate anchor stand-alone supports is defined as the difference
between the above loads acting in opposite directions to the right and left of the anchor
support. In this case, a smaller (subtracted) load should be multiplied by a factor of 0.8 (if
the oppositely directed loads are equal, the load taken into account in the calculation
should be taken equal to 0.2 of the total load acting on one side).

14.23. Intermediate free-standing supports located under the U-shaped compensators and
at a distance of no more than 40d (d is the inner diameter of the largest pipeline) from the
angle of rotation of the pipeline, with a movable support of the pipeline should be
designed for a horizontal load directed at an angle to the axis of the route. In this case, the
calculated value of the load is assumed to be the same as in the calculation along the
route, and the angle of its direction to the axis of the pipelines is assumed to be 45 ° with
sliding supporting parts and 70 ° with roller supporting parts. For the supports located
under the “back” of the U-shaped compensator, the above angle should be counted from
the axis normal to the axis of the pipeline.

14.24. Regulatory horizontal technological load on the overpass along the route in the
absence of a specified layout of pipelines should be taken: when calculating the supports
of the end (corner) temperature block - 4q; when calculating the supports of the
intermediate block - 2q.

Regulatory horizontal technological load from each cross-branch pipelines on the

support, closest to the branch, should be taken depending on the vertical load q on the
main route. When q <50 kN / m, q = 50 - 100 kN / m, q> 100 kN / m, the lateral load
from the pipelines branches is taken respectively to q, 0.8q, 0.5q.

14.25. The estimated lengths of columns of free-standing supports when testing stability
is allowed to be determined by the devil. ten.
Heck. 10. The values of the coefficients to determine

estimated lengths

support columns

a - in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the pipelines;

b - in the plane of the axis of the pipelines

14.26. The maximum vertical and horizontal deflections of the structures of the supports
and racks are established by technological requirements and must not exceed 1/150 of the
span and 1/75 of the console's departure.

14.27. The determination of the sizes of the soles of individual foundations is allowed,
taking the size of the zone of separation equal to 0.33 of the total area of the foundation.

The maximum pressure on the ground under the edge of the sole should not exceed 1.2R
under the action of the bending moment in one direction, and 1.5R under the action of the
bending moments in two directions, where R is the calculated pressure on the soil.

14.28. The supports are calculated using columns installed on single-foundation

foundations of shell piles and bored piles, pile-columns for the combined effect of
vertical and horizontal loads in accordance with requirements # M12291 871001183
СНиП 2.02.03-85. In this case, the limit value of the horizontal displacement of the top
of the support is set by the design task, and in the absence of special instructions, it is
assumed to be 1/75 of the distance from the top of the support to the ground surface.

When testing the strength, the estimated length of pile-columns should be determined by
considering the pile as rigidly clamped in cross section, at a distance from the ground
surface, determined in accordance with the requirements of # M12291 871001183СНиП
2.02.03-85. The estimated length of the columns installed on single-foot foundations
from shell piles and bored piles is allowed to be accepted, considering the column as
rigidly clamped at the level of the ground surface.

15. Galleries and flyovers

15.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing outdoor conveyor
belts with transfer points, pedestrian, cable, combined galleries and racks.

Notes. 1. When designing conveyor galleries should also be guided by the instructions of
SNiP 2.05.07-85.

2. Combined galleries and racks are intended for installation of belt conveyors - laying of
transit cables and other communications.

3. Cable wiring should, as a rule, be located on open ramps. The installation of cable
galleries is allowed with an appropriate feasibility study.

15.2. The distances between the axes of the supports of the galleries and overpasses
should be equal to 12, 18, 24 and 30 m. It is allowed, when justifying, to take these
distances equal to 6 and 9 m, as well as 36 m and more, multiples of 3 m.

The specified distances for sloping areas should be taken on a slope.

Conveyor and pedestrian

galleries and flyovers

15.3. The internal dimensions of galleries and racks should be provided in accordance
with clause 1.7. The width of the galleries should be a multiple of 0.6 m.

15.4. Bearing structures of galleries should be designed by precast reinforced concrete or

steel in accordance with the requirements of TP 101-81 *.

15.5. Overload nodes of conveyor galleries should be designed in accordance with #

M12291 5200092СНиП 2.09.02-85.

15.6. The span structures and supports of galleries and overpasses should be counted on:

atmospheric effects (snow, wind, temperature difference);

vertical loads from own weight of galleries, conveyor, cargo transported on a belt, weight
of spills, repair materials and people;

longitudinal loads transmitted from conveyor belts;

dynamic loads created by moving parts of the conveyor.

15.7. The value of the regulatory load on the weight of spills, people and repair materials
for the calculation of the structures of conveyor galleries is taken from the table. eleven.
Table 11

# G0 Span Elements Load type unit of Load value

1. Main longitudinalFrom the weight ofkN / m (ts / m) 1.5q, but not less
structures of therepair materials and than 0.15b
superstructure people
Additional also 0.15 AT

load on weight spills

2. Elements of the floor and From the weight ofkN / sq.m 0.12 but
the spill,
overlap repair materials and(ts / sq.m) not less than 1.5
people kN / sq.m (0.15 tf /
All loads are short-term.

Here q is the linear mass of the roller, kN / m (ts / m);

# - the normative specific weight of bulk cargo on the belt, kN / cubic meter (ton /
G0 cubic meter);

B - total width of conveyor belts, m;

b - total width of passages, m.

Safety factors for load are taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85.

15.8. In places where galleries adjoin reloading hubs and buildings, if there is a
difference in load heights from snow and industrial dust deposits, it should be taken
simultaneously acting and located on a square with a side equal to the gallery width, with
a coefficient of transition from the snow weight on the gallery to the snow load on the
area square with = 2.

15.9. For ease of cleaning floors from dust and spillage in galleries, belt conveyors, as a
rule, should be designed with suspended ones.

15.10. When gidroshryve spillage enclosing structures galleries should be designed

insulated and moisture resistant.

15.11. In galleries intended for the transportation of abrasive bulk materials (ferrous and
non-ferrous ores, coke, sand, rubble), floor coverings should be designed to resist the
abrasive impact of the sludge during dusting and spillage according to SNiP II-B.8-71,
for example, polymer concrete dense concrete high marks on aggregates of high strength
inert materials. The tray should, as a rule, be lined with abrasive-resistant material.

15.12. Galleries and racks intended for transportation of non-combustible and non-heated
materials or lump combustible materials (peat, wood) with a gallery or trestle height not
exceeding 10 m are allowed to be designed from combustible materials.
15.13. For pedestrian galleries and racks, structures should be made of fireproof

Exits from the pedestrian galleries should be provided no less than 120 m.

15.14. In the junction of galleries to the transshipment hubs that are combined with fire
zones, fireproof partitions with fire doors should be provided for.

In heated galleries, intended for the transport of combustible materials, should provide for
the installation of a water curtain.

15.15. Evacuation exits from galleries with structures made of combustible materials
should be provided no less than 100 m. For galleries with structures made of non-
combustible materials, as well as galleries with structures made of combustible materials,
but intended for transportation of non-combustible goods, the distance between
evacuation exits can be extended to 200 m. The distance from the end of the gallery to the
exit should not exceed 25 m.

External ladders may be made open steel with a slope of not more than 1.7: 1, a width of
at least 0.7 m.

15.16. Outputs from the galleries are allowed to combine with overload nodes. In the free
volumes of transshipment nodes it is allowed to place auxiliary premises intended for the
workers of this transshipment node.

For premises of transshipment hubs of up to 300 square meters, in which no more than 5
people work. per shift, it is allowed to provide for one emergency exit to the external
main steel ladder with a slope of not more than 1: 1, not less than 0.7 m wide. The
enclosing structures of the staircase must be fireproof.

Cable and combined galleries and flyovers

15.17. The width of the aisles in cable cable galleries and ramps should be taken not less
than: 0.9 m - with one-sided arrangement of cables, 1 m - with two-sided.

15.18. When designing cable racks and galleries with a number of cables not less than 12,
as well as combined galleries and racks intended for laying, apart from other
communications, transit cables for powering electrical consumers of categories I and II, it
is necessary to provide for the main supporting building structures made of reinforced
concrete with a fire resistance of at least 0 , 75 h or from steel with fire resistance not less
than 0, 25 h.

Gallery fencing structures should be made of fireproof materials with a fire resistance of
at least 0.25 h.

15.19. Closed cable and combined galleries should be separated by fireproof deaf
partitions or partitions with fire doors in the places of interconnection between
themselves and in places of their junction with industrial premises and structures.

15.20. When placing cable and combined galleries and racks parallel to buildings and
structures with blind fire walls with a fire resistance of not less than 0.75 h, the distance
between them is not normalized. In this case, the wall of the building can be used as a
protecting structure of the gallery. When the trestle is located directly at the walls of the
building, the cables must be protected from water runoff from the roof and from snow
dropped from it.

15.21. When combining cables and pipelines in one gallery or on an overpass, the
distance between pipelines and cable structures must be at least 0.5 m. The conditions of
combined cable laying with pipelines with flammable gases, flammable and flammable
liquids must meet the requirements of EIR in hazardous areas.

15.22. Outdoor cable galleries and overpasses should be provided with lightning
protection in accordance with the requirements of СН 305-77.

15.23. Cable galleries must be ventilated, the need for mechanical ventilation must be
determined by calculation.

Gallery ventilation devices should be equipped with dampers to prevent air from entering
in the event of a fire.

15.24. When laying galleries in oil-filled cables, galleries should be heated.

15.25. Cable and combined (with cabling) galleries should be divided into compartments
with fireproof fire walls with a fire resistance of not less than 0.75 hours. The doors in
these partitions should have a fire resistance of not less than 0.6 hours.

The maximum length of the compartments is 150 m, and in the galleries for oil-filled
cables it is 120 m.

Such partitions should also be provided in places adjacent galleries to buildings.

15.26. The distances between the exits in cable and combined galleries should be no more
than 150 m, and on the racks - no more than 300 m. The distance from the end of the
overpasses or galleries to the exit should not exceed 25 m.

15.27. To exit from galleries and racks should provide open steel stairs with a slope of
not more than 1: 1.

Outlets should have doors that prevent free access to the gallery or ramp by persons not
connected with the maintenance of cable facilities. Doors must open to the outside and be
fitted with self-locking locks that can be opened without a key from inside the gallery or

Doors leading to the outside (to the territory of the enterprise, settlement, etc.) may be
made of combustible material.

Interior doors must be fireproof, self-closing, with a seal in the porch.

15.28. In the case of a height difference between a gallery or an overpass, it is necessary

to provide a ramp with a slope of not more than 12 ° or a staircase with a slope of no
more than 1: 1. The distance from the beginning or the end of the ramp or stairs to the
door must be at least 1.5 m.
15.29. The choice of fire extinguishing method, automatic fire alarm device, automatic
fire extinguishing installation in cable galleries should be taken according to nos. 4.30
and 4.31.

16. Unloading railway racks

16.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of piers under the 1520
mm gauge railway, designed for unloading bulk materials from railcars.

16.2. Trestles can be used as a dead end, and through passage. At the end of dead-over
racks it is necessary to provide a track stop.

16.3. Railway tracks on unloading racks should be placed in a longitudinal profile on a

horizontal platform, in plan - on a straight section. It is allowed during the feasibility
study that the trestle is located on curved sections of the railway track in accordance with
the requirements of SNiP 2.05.07-85. Water drainage should be provided and, if
necessary, a hard coating should be provided in the area of the primary stack.

16.4. The height of the overpass (distance from the rail head on the overpass to the level
mark of the ground) should be equal to 1.8, 3, 6, 9 m. Another height is allowed if it is
determined by local construction conditions and a given volume of the bulk material to be

The length of the overpass should be assigned in accordance with the technological
calculations and taking into account the local conditions of the construction of the

16.5. Flyovers up to 3 m in height should, as a rule, be designed from reinforced concrete

blocks or retaining walls located on both sides of the railway track and connected to each
other, with the space between them filled with tamped drainage material.

Flyovers with a height of more than 3 m should be designed with a beam structure with
reinforced concrete monolithic or prefabricated supports with a pitch of 12 m and steel or
prefabricated prestressed reinforced concrete spans.

16.6 (K). The overpasses should be calculated in accordance with the requirements of
SNiP 2.05.03-84 for the following temporary loads:

the standard temporary vertical load of the SC with K = 14. The standard horizontal
transverse load from the impacts of rolling stock should be determined depending on the
estimated speed of movement along the overpass;

when handling and unloading dump trucks, it is additionally necessary to calculate the
load from dump trucks at the time of unloading, taking the standard vertical pressure on
the thrust rail to be 80%, and on the rail opposite to the discharge direction - 20% of the
total temporary load. Regulatory horizontal force from transverse impact applied to the
head of the thrust rail, should be taken 20% of the temporary vertical load on the thrust

The calculated value of the vertical pressure and the horizontal force from transverse
impact should be taken with a safety factor for the load. The calculated
horizontal load on the opposite rail should be taken to be zero.
Flyovers are massive or from retaining walls with backfill should be calculated without
taking into account the dynamic coefficient.

The elements of the span structures and supports of the racks of the beam structure
should be calculated taking into account the dynamic coefficient taken:

for dump trucks at the time of unloading - 1.1 to the vertical pressure on the thrust rail;

for other types of rolling stock - according to the requirements of SNiP 2.05.03-84, while
the value of the dynamic coefficient can be reduced depending on the speed on the
overpass, but not less than 1.1.

16.7. According to the conditions of self-cleaning and reliability in operation, the upper
structure of the railway track on ramps should be made of reinforced construction,
providing protective measures for its elements, as well as their unhindered replacement
during repair work.

16.8. Trestles up to 3 m high should be equipped with mobile service platforms. For racks
with a height of 3 m or more, stationary platforms should be provided, as a rule.

Trestles intended for unloading only dump-wagons may be equipped with a service
platform located on the side opposite to unloading.

Note. When using an electropneumatic remote control system for unloading trestle cars,
dump trucks should be designed without service platforms.

16.9. For the maintenance and repair of the overpass at its ends, steel ladders with a width
of at least 0.7 m, with a slope of not more than 60 ° and with barriers in accordance with
GOST 23120-78 should be provided.

16.10. In heavy operation of the construction of racks [material unloading with pieces
weighing more than 0.5 kN (50 kgf), material unloading at a temperature of more than 50
° C, unloading of chemically active materials] it is necessary to provide mechanical, anti-
corrosion and thermal protection of the elements of the platform structure.

High-rise buildings

17. Cooling towers

17.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing building structures
for fan and tower cooling towers.

Note. Norms do not apply to the design of cross-precision and radiator (dry) cooling

17.2. The main dimensions (in terms of height and height, the size of air inlets, etc.), as
well as the choice of types of cooling towers should be based on the requirements of #
M12291 871001008СНиП 2.04.02-84, as well as feasibility studies.
17.3. The shape of the cooling towers in the plan should be:

for fan sectional - square or rectangular with a side ratio of not more than 4: 3;

for tower and single-section - round, polygonal or square.

17.4. The depth of the water in the catchment tanks of cooling towers should be taken not
less than 1.7 m, and the distance from the highest water level in the tank to the top of its
side - not less than 0.3 m.

For cooling towers located on the roofs of buildings, the device pallets with a depth of at
least 0.15 m.

17.5. The top of the foundations of the cooling towers, as well as the top of the walls of
the drainage tanks of the cooling towers should be taken above the level of the layout
around the cooling tower at least 0.20 m.

17.6. The foundations of cooling towers and catchment basins should be designed, as a
rule, from monolithic reinforced concrete.

The walls of catchment basins are allowed to be prefabricated reinforced concrete. The
use of metal drainage tanks for cooling towers installed on the roofs of buildings is

17.7. Steel structures of cooling towers should be available for periodic inspections, as
well as re-application of anti-corrosion coatings without dismantling equipment.

17.8. Sprinklers should be designed, as a rule, in the form of blocks of wood, asbestos
cement or plastic. The design and placement of the blocks should ensure an even
distribution of water and air flows throughout the cooling tower area.

17.9. For wooden constructions of cooling towers, as a rule, modified softwood species
should be used. It is allowed to use coniferous wood not washed away by antiseptic
softwood not washed out by antiseptics according to GOST 8486-66.

17.10. Interfaces of precast concrete elements of cooling towers should be designed

without open steel mortgages and overhead parts. In some cases, it is allowed to use open
inlays and overhead parts provided they are protected and welded joints with combined
metal-insulating paintwork in accordance with the requirements of # M12291
871001005СНиП 2.03.11-85.

17.11. Concrete for the construction of cooling towers must meet the requirements of
GOST 4795-68. Materials for the preparation of concrete must meet the requirements of
GOST 10268-80.

17.12. Concrete of reinforced concrete structures of cooling towers must be taken not
lower than the following classes of compressive strength:

for plates of the bottom of catchment tanks - B15;

for monolithic foundations (detached and tape) - B25;

for monolithic walls of drainage tanks and shells of exhaust towers - B25;

for prefabricated elements of an inclined colonnade of tower cooling towers - B30;

for precast walls of catchment tanks - B25 and precast structures of water-cooling devices
- B30.

17.13. Steel grades of steel structures of cooling towers should be assigned to group 2 in
accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-23-81.

17.14. Concrete brands of frost resistance and water resistance of reinforced concrete
structures of cooling towers, depending on the operating conditions and the calculated
winter temperatures of the outdoor air in the construction area, should be taken according
to # M12291 871001008СНиП 2.04.02-84.

17.15. The width of continuous crack opening in monolithic and precast concrete
structures of cooling towers is allowed no more than 0.2 mm.

17.16. Towers and platforms for the installation of fire-fighting vehicles should be
provided for cooling towers in order to use the cooling tower water as a backup source of
water supply during fires.

17.17. Around the cooling towers it is necessary to provide a blind area not less than 2.5
m wide and a cuvette for the collection and removal of atmospheric water carried by the
wind from the air inlet windows of the cooling towers. The territory adjacent to the
cooling towers should be planned, have grass cover or crushed stone.

Cooling Towers

17.18. Sectional cooling towers should be designed, as a rule, with sections of no more
than 400 square meters, and tower cooling towers of 400 square meters or more.

When a combustible frame or a casing or a fireproof casing and a combustible casing, the
area of the interlocked several sections should not exceed 1200 sq. M.

17.19. The grid of columns of sectional cooling towers should be taken as a multiple of 3
m, as a rule, 6x6 m. For reinforced concrete frames, it is allowed to use a grid of columns
of 4x4 m, if this is due to technological requirements.

In multisectional cooling towers, the catchment tank should combine no more than two

17.20. Fan coolers with a total area of 30 square meters and more should, as a rule, be
designed with load-bearing structures made of precast or prefabricated monolithic
reinforced concrete, while steel structures are allowed in the zone of air inlet windows.

Bearing structures of cooling towers are allowed to design steel or wooden:

with a total area of cooling towers less than 30 square meters;

in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature below minus 40 ° С for permanently
operating cooling towers, below minus 30 ° С for cooling towers operating in winter

in hard-to-reach areas of construction (high-altitude, desert, etc.), as well as in areas

remote from the production base for the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures,
and when it is economically impractical to deliver these structures from other areas.

17.21. Enclosing structures of sectional cooling towers should be provided from wood,
asbestos-cement or plastic sheets or reinforced concrete, and with appropriate
justification - from steel. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of
enclosing structures (compression of joints, pasting, sealing with sealants, etc.).

If the height of the cooling towers is 15 m and more, including the height of the building,
when installing them on the roof, the frame and lining must be made of fireproof

17.22. The design of cooling towers should be made on the main and special
combinations of loads in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85, as well as in addition to the
main combinations on the short-term load of the weight of ice formed in the area of the
sprinkler, assumed to be 2 kPa (200 kgf / sq. m), with a load safety factor

The ice weight load should not be taken into account for cooling towers that are operated
only in the summer. When calculating for special combinations of loads, it is necessary to
take into account the load caused by the breakage of one fan blade (equipment failure).

Tower Cooling Towers

17.23. Tower cooling towers should be designed in the systems of circulating industrial
water supply at the flow rates of cooled water, as a rule, over 10 thousand cubic meters /
h. The temperature of the water entering the cooling tower should not exceed 50 ° C.

17.24. Exhaust towers of cooling towers should be designed of hyperbolic, conical or

pyramidal shape.

17.25. The grid of the sprinkler columns, as a rule, should be taken 6x6 m.

17.26. Exhaust towers of cooling towers should be designed from monolithic or precast
reinforced concrete, as well as with the use of steel or wooden latticed frame with
plating. Frameworks and paneling of wood and other combustible materials are allowed
with an area of the lower part of the cooling tower up to 100 square meters and a height
of up to 15 m.

Steel and wooden frames, as a rule, should be taken out of the zone of direct moistening
with cooled water.

17.27. Exhaust towers with a steel frame should be designed for their installation
enlarged elements.

17.28. The lining of steel frameworks of the towers should be provided using aluminum
corrugated sheets with a thickness of at least 1 mm. Sheeting from asbestos cement sheets
with an appropriate waterproofing treatment and plastic corrugated sheets, as well as in
some cases from wooden antiseptic boards, is allowed.

Asbestos cement sheets may be used in areas with an estimated average temperature of
the coldest five-day week not lower than minus 25 ° C.

17.29. Fastening the casing to the cooling tower frame should be done with galvanized
clamps and bolts.

17.30. Cooling towers with reinforced concrete exhaust towers should be used in areas
with an estimated average temperature of the coldest five days not lower than minus 28 °

17.31. Reinforced monolithic shell exhaust tower should be taken not less than 160 mm

The thickness of the protective layer of concrete for the shell thickness of 200 mm or
less, as well as for prefabricated elements should be taken at least 25 mm, and for the
shell thickness of more than 200 mm - at least 35 mm.

17.32. Support under the reinforced concrete tower and irrigation device must be made of
precast concrete.

17.33. In the upper part of the reinforced concrete shell exhaust tower should provide a
ring of rigidity, the width of which must be at least 1 m.

17.34. In the upper part of the exhaust towers should provide a platform for the
suspension of cradles during repair work, as well as for the installation of lighting devices
to ensure the safety of aircraft operations. In cooling towers with reinforced concrete
exhaust towers it is allowed to combine the indicated sites with stiffening rings.

17.35. To enter the upper platform of the exhaust tower and the water cooling device, it is
necessary to provide a staircase with a fence and intermediate platforms.

17.36. The sites should have a fence height of 1.0 m.

17.37. The supporting frame of the water-cooling device should be designed from precast
reinforced concrete structures.

17.38. Irrigation device cooling towers should be designed single-tier or two-tier of flat
pressed asbestos cement or plastic sheets. It is allowed to use wooden sprinklers.

17.39. The design of tower cooling towers should be made on the main combinations of
loads in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85. For cooling towers operating in winter, the
short-term load of ice weight should be additionally taken into account: when calculating
steel frameworks of exhaust towers - 20% of the total weight of the tower, and when
calculating the supporting frame of a water-cooling device - a design load of 3.5 kPa (350
kgf / sq.m) on the area of irrigation.

18. Tower copra mining companies

18.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing skip, cage and skip-
cage tower headframes designed to house multi-lift hoists with drive and control gear,
technological, repair and auxiliary lifting equipment, receiving devices and tanks for
minerals, and if there are free areas - warehouse and other premises at the enterprises for
the extraction of minerals by underground method.

18.2. Tower copra should, as a rule, be rectangular or square in shape.

A round or other form of tower pile control in the plan is allowed with an appropriate
feasibility study.

If it is impossible to locate individual parts of the equipment, as well as provide

normalized passages between the equipment and the wall structure, it is allowed to
increase the area of the machine hall by installing bay windows.

18.3. Tower copra are allowed to block with plow-up buildings, dosing-accumulating
bunkers, administrative and domestic facilities. The specified premises should be
separated from the tower towers by fire barriers.

When blocking tower copra with other buildings and premises, access to the mounting
openings in the copra walls should be ensured.

Block towers with rooms associated with the use and storage of combustible materials,
flammable and combustible liquids and combustible gases are not allowed.

18.4. Tower towers, the premises of which have a direct connection with the barrel and
are categorized as A for explosion and fire hazards, should include vented methane
chambers with a height of at least 2.0 m, excluding the possibility of explosive
concentrations of methane in engine rooms.

18.5. The dimensions of the tower headlights should be taken as multiples: in plan - 3 m,
in height - 0.6 m.

The pitch of the frame frame columns is taken as a multiple of 3 m, in some cases, with
appropriate justification, it can be taken as a multiple of 1.5 m.

18.6. The height of the towers should be at least 3.6 m, and the machine rooms should be
at least 8.4 m.

18.7. Natural lighting should be provided only in the engine room and on the staircase. In
other rooms, artificial lighting should be provided in accordance with the requirements of
SNiP II-4-79.

18.8. Installation of equipment should be carried out through the mounting openings in
the walls of the copra at the zero mark in the mounting cell and in the ceilings, one above
the other. Allowed the device installation of the opening in the walls of the copra on the
mark of the location of the mounted equipment. At the zero mark it is necessary to
provide through openings in the walls for the installation and dismantling of
communications in the trunk, inspection, installation and change of lifting vessels and
18.9. Tower copra should be performed with monolithic reinforced concrete walls,
erected in a sliding formwork, or with a reinforced concrete or steel frame, with walls of
hinged panels.

Note. Steel elements of building structures are allowed to perform without fire protection,
regardless of the category of premises for explosion and fire hazard, in which they are

18.10. If necessary, the advancement of the pile driver on the foundations should, as a
rule, be performed with a steel frame.

18.11. For bearing reinforced concrete structures of tower piles, concrete of class with
compressive strength not lower than B15 should be used.

18.12. The outer walls of the copra and the walls of the inner shaft should, as a rule, be
supported by a common base plate. In the case when rocky grounds serve as the base of
the tower blocks, it is allowed to separate the outer walls or columns of the pile on the
foundation, and the walls of the inner shaft or the whole pile on the mouth of the shaft.

18.13. When supporting the outer and inner walls of the copra on a common foundation
between the mouth of the barrel and the constructions of the basement of the copra, a gap
should be provided to prevent them from touching the draft and roll of the copra.

18.14. The roll and draft of tower cum-towers must not exceed the values indicated in #
M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-83 and corresponding to the conditions for ensuring the
working capacity of the lifting installations located in them.

If it is impossible to ensure the permissible values of sediment by increasing the size of

the foundation, installing a pile foundation, strengthening the foundation soil, etc., special
measures should be used to enable subsequent correction of copra (for example jacking
up, the use of low-melting pillows, etc.).

18.15. When calculating tower masses of load and impact, safety factors for the load
should be taken according to SNiP 2.01.07-85, as well as table. 12.

18.16. When calculating the walls, columns, foundations and bases of the copra, the
normative uniformly distributed loads on the floor with more than two of them are
allowed to be reduced by multiplying them by the coefficient according to the formula

# G0 , (52)

where n is the number of overlaps over the calculated section.

18.17. It is allowed to perform the calculation of monolithic tower blocks according to

the design scheme of a squeezed-curved cantilever rod, determining moments from
vertical loads, taking into account the eccentricities from the roll of foundations.

Table 12

# G0 Load Classification Loads Load safety factor

Temporary long From hoisting machines caused by 1.2
working forces in hoisting ropes
(weights of ropes, hoisting vessels,
trailers and materials in a hoisting
From tunneling equipment when using 1.2
tower-mounted copra for mining
Pressure caused by depression or 1.2
Short term From equipment arising in the start-up 1.0
and test modes, including the effort in
the ropes during safety braking of
From mobile lifting and transport 1.2
equipment used in construction and
operation (installation of equipment,
its replacement and repair)
From landing the crate into fists 1.2
Special Caused by efforts in hoisting ropes 1.0
with a sharp delay (pinching) of the
vessel being lifted in the shaft of the
mine and when the vessel is lifted
Notes: 1. Regulatory load from depression (compression) is taken as high as possible,
taking into account the development prospects of the mine.

2. Regulatory long-term and short-term loads from temporary tunneling equipment for
calibration calculations of permanent mine rigs, designed to use them for tunneling works
during the construction of the mine, are determined by the project organization of the
shaft or by the organization responsible for this project.
18.18. When calculating the strength of the walls according to claim 18.17, the carrying
capacity of the horizontal section should be determined taking into account the
concentration of deformations and stresses at the openings.

18.19. Normal compressive forces in horizontal sections of the copra load-bearing wall in
the area of the support of beams should be determined taking into account the local action
of the load from them.

In cases where the beam is supported above the opening at a height less than the width of
the opening, it is necessary to check the strength of vertical and inclined sections of the
wall in the area between the opening and the beam.

18.20. Protection of copra structures against corrosion should be assigned in accordance

with # M12291 871001005СНиП 2.03.11-85 taking into account the effects of saline
mine water and outgoing air flow, and for structures located in rooms with mechanical
equipment subject to regular lubrication, the effects of lubricants.

All steel structures to be painted should be designed to ensure that the painting can be
resumed, including in hard-to-reach places.

18.21. Ladders should be made of reinforced concrete or steel with protection that
provides the fire resistance limit required by # M12291 871001017СНиП 2.01.02-
85. Steel ladder slope should be taken at least 1: 1. In cramped places it is allowed to
increase the slope of steel stairs to 1.7: 1. Enclosing structures of staircases should be
designed from non-combustible materials with a fire resistance of not less than 0.75 h.

18.22. Communication between the floors of the tower piles should be provided by an
elevator and stairs. In addition, tower copra should be designed with external fire escape
stairs with entrances to the premises on each floor.

18.23. Exits from the staircase to the premises of categories A and B should be provided
through a vestibule-gateway with self-closing fire doors.

18.24. The width of the aisles between the equipment with fixed parts or equipment
fencing with moving parts, as well as between the equipment and the wall must be at
least 0.7 m.

18.25. The premises of categories A, B, and C are separated from other rooms by
firebreaks, and the premises of categories A and B for fire and explosion hazard are also
separated by fire and gastight partitions.

A copra volume intended for placing lifting vessels should be separated by walls,
partitions or metal plating. Fire protection requirements for these structures are set in
accordance with the departmental standards of technological design. Fire prevention
measures for elevator shafts, stairwells, as well as walls and partitions separating rooms
of different categories, must meet the requirements of # M12291 871001017СНиП

18.26. The structures and materials of the walls and partitions that separate the rooms at
different air pressures should ensure the tightness of these rooms.

18.27. In the engine room or near the ceiling should provide a bathroom.

18.28. In tower copra should be arranged internal drain. Unorganized discharge of water
from the roof is prohibited.

18.29. In the copra should provide access to the roof. The roof should have a fence in
accordance with GOST 25772-83.

18.30. Fire towers should have a fire pipe with flow and number of jets in accordance
with the requirements of # M12291 5200243СНиП 2.04.01-85.

18.31. In tower ramps on trunks with an outgoing air stream, the entrance to the hermetic
rooms should be provided through locks.

19. Chimneys

19.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing chimneys with
supporting trunks made of brick, reinforced concrete and steel, which ensure effective
dispersion of flue gases of various temperatures, humidity and aggressiveness to the
ground-level concentration limits allowed by current sanitary norms.
19.2. The choice of material and design of the chimney should be made on the basis of a
feasibility study taking into account the mode of operation, special equipment for
construction, as well as architectural and compositional considerations.

19.3. The diameters of the outlets and the height of the chimneys should be determined
on the basis of aerodynamic, thermal engineering and sanitary-hygienic calculations.

The diameters should be taken on the following unified series:

1,2; 1.5; 1.8; 2.1; 2.4; 2.7; 3.0; 3.3; 3.6 m and further through 0.6 m.

Minimum diameters of pipes should be assigned to the equipment used in the

construction of pipes, but not less than 1.2 m - for brick pipes (in the light of the lining)
and 3.6 m - for monolithic reinforced concrete.

Note. The diameters of steel pipes may be reduced to 0.4 m at a height of 45 m.

19.4. The height of the chimneys should be assigned to the following unified series: 30,
45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 m and further after 30 m and be taken for brick, reinforced brick
and steel free-standing (frameless) pipes no more than 120 m.

19.5. The distance between adjacent chimneys must be at least five average outer pipe

19.6. Sedimentary joints or expansion joints should be provided at the joints of gas ducts
with a pipe.

19.7. If two ducts are inserted into the pipe in one horizontal section, they should be
placed on opposite sides from opposite sides, and when three ducts are inserted, they
should be at an angle of 120 ° to each other, and the total area of attenuation in one
horizontal section should not exceed 40% of the total area cross-section of a reinforced
concrete trunk pipe or glass foundation, 30% of the trunk of a brick pipe and 20% of the
supporting trunk of a steel pipe.

When entering into a chimney of several gas ducts and their simultaneous operation, it is
necessary to provide in the lower part of the pipe or in the basement glass separation
walls or guide nozzles, excluding the mutual influence of gas flows, as well as reducing
aerodynamic resistance.

19.8. To protect the chimney support shaft from the temperature and aggressive effects of
exhaust gases, lining and thermal insulation of the barrel are allowed in necessary
cases. Depending on the temperature and aggressiveness of the exhaust gases, the lining
should be made of chamotte, acid-resistant or clay ordinary brick, special concrete,
ceramics, steel, and plastics.

Brick lining is provided for links resting on the console protrusions in the trunk. The
height of the links should be no more than 25 m with a thickness of one brick and no
more than 12.5 m with a thickness of 1/2 brick. In the zone of openings for ducts, the
thickness of the lining should be increased to 1 1/2 - 2 bricks. When using special shaped
grooved ceramics, the thickness of the lining can be reduced. The junction of the lower
link to the overlying one must be designed taking into account the thermal expansion of
the lining material both in height and in diameter.
19.9. In the lower part of the chimney, foundation or inlet ducts should be provided with
manholes for inspection of the pipe, and in necessary cases - devices that provide

19.10. On the outer side of the pipe should be provided for platforms and stairs, and for
brick pipes - brackets. Ladders or shackles should be installed at a distance of 2.5 m from
the ground. Platforms, stairs and shackles must have fences.

19.11. In order to prevent the penetration of flue gases into the supporting structures of
brick and reinforced concrete pipes with gas-permeable lining, excessive static pressure
inside the smoke channel is not allowed. In the presence of excessive static pressure, a
pipe of special construction should be used (with an internal gas-permeable gas exhaust
trunk or backpressure in a ventilated gap between the barrel and the lining).

19.12. In backflow flue pipes (depending on the mode of operation) natural or forced
ventilation of the air gap should be used. The magnitude of the back pressure should be
taken in each section of the pipe at least 50 Pa (5 kgf / m2).

19.13. When connecting several units to the pipe and fluctuations in the load causing
condensation, it is allowed, if there is a feasibility study, to design multi-barrel pipes with
several gas exhaust barrels located inside the supporting pipe barrel.

In the space between the carrier and gas exhaust trunks should be provided annular
platforms, running ladders, electric lighting, as well as an elevator with a special

19.14. The minimum diameter of the upper part of the outer bearing shaft in the case of
the location of several gas exhausting stems inside it should be determined from the
conditions for accommodating the required number of gas exhausting stems and elevator,
as well as the necessary aisles for installation, monitoring during operation and
production work.

19.15. Venting trunks should be made of metal, as well as non-metallic non-combustible

heat-resistant materials.

Thermal insulation should be installed on the outer side of the gas exhaust trunks, the
thickness of which is determined by calculation on the basis of ensuring that the gas
temperature and the inner surface of the barrel are not equal to the temperature of the
outer surface of the thermal insulation not exceeding 60 ° C during normal operation.

19.16. Chimney foundations should be designed with reinforced concrete with a circular,
polygonal or circular base in accordance with the requirements of # M12291
5200033СНиП 2.02.01-83 and # M12291 871001183 СНиП 2.02.03-85. For chimneys
with a height of more than 200 m, the foundation should be made with an annular outline.

19.17. The limiting values of sediment and rolls for pipe foundations should be taken
according to # M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-83.

19.18. With a high level of groundwater and underground gas flues should provide
19.19. When calculating reinforced concrete chimneys for the limiting states of the first
group, it is necessary to take into account the simultaneous load effect from the own
weight, the calculated wind load, and the influence of the temperature of the exhaust
gases, when calculating from the limiting states of the second group - the simultaneous
load action from the own weight, wind load, and also the influence of the temperature of
exhaust gases and solar radiation.

19.20. Loads and impacts on chimneys, load safety factors, as well as possible load
combinations should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85.

Safety factor for the load when calculating wind loads for pipes up to 150 m high is
assumed to be 1.3; for pipes with a height of 150 to 300 m - 1.4; for pipes over 300 m -

19.21. Temperature differences in the pipe wall from the effects of exhaust gases should
be determined on the basis of heat engineering calculations for the steady heat flow at the
highest temperature of the exhaust gases and the calculated outdoor temperature (average
temperature of the coldest five days) and the highest heat transfer coefficient of the outer

19.22. Smoke cylindrical pipes and pipes of small conicity (no more than 0.012) should
be counted on for high-speed wind pressure and resonance in accordance with the
requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85. Conical tubes with a conicity greater than 0.012 are
allowed not to be checked for resonance.

19.23. As a design scheme of a chimney, a cantilever rod of constant or variable height of

annular section pinched at the base should be taken.

Note. For steel pipes with delays, the design scheme is taken in the form of a cantilever
rod clamped at the base with elastic supports in places of delays.

19.24. Determination of bending moments in horizontal sections of the pipe barrel should
be carried out according to the deformed scheme, taking into account additional bending
moments due to its own weight due to the deflection of the pipe from wind, temperature,
solar radiation and the basement roll.

19.25. To take into account annular stresses in the cross section, as well as additional
moments from the deflection of the pipe when exposed to solar radiation, it is necessary
to take into account the temperature difference distribution on the outer surface from 25 °
C on the sunny side to 0 ° C at the border with the shadow side.

19.26. Horizontal movement of the top of the pipe from the normative wind load should
not exceed 1/75 of its height. If there is an elevator, the extreme horizontal movement of
the top of the pipe should be taken in accordance with the technical conditions for this

19.27. The estimated length when determining the forms of free vibrations and checking
the carrying capacity of horizontal sections for free-standing pipes should be taken equal
to the height of the pipe multiplied by a factor of 1.12.

19.28. The minimum stress on the soil under the pipe foundation should be more than
19.29. In the presence of a temperature difference in the height of the basement plate, it is
necessary to take into account the temperature efforts in the calculation of the foundation,
determined according to SNiP 2.03.04-84.

Brick chimneys

19.30. The trunk of a brick chimney should be designed in the form of a truncated cone
(the base of the pipe should be cylindrical). The inclination of the generatrix of the outer
surface of the pipe trunk to the vertical should be taken, as a rule, constant in the range of
0.02-0.04 over the entire height.

19.31. For masonry brick chimney should be taken kripich clay curved brands 125-150. It
is allowed to use ordinary clay brick of plastic pressing of the brand not lower than 125
and water absorption not more than 15%.

The brand of brick for frost resistance should be taken depending on the mode of
operation of the pipe, but not less than 25. For laying the trunk, it is necessary to take
complex solutions of brands not lower than 50.

19.32. The height of the brick pipe should include horizontal clamping rings made of flat
steel, the pitch and cross section of which should be taken according to the calculation,
the thickness of the clamping rings should not be more than 10 mm, the pitch - not more
than 1.5 m.

19.33. The thickness of the walls of the barrel is taken by calculation, but not less than
a brick.

19.34. The calculation of horizontal sections for bearing capacity should be made in
accordance with SNiP II-22-81. For all horizontal sections of the trunk point of

# G0 longitudinal force must be within the core of

the section, i.e.
respectively, the outer and inner diameters of the cross-section of the trunk. The
calculated resistance of masonry to compression R is taken with a coefficient of working
conditions of 0.9.

19.35. The calculation of the vertical cross sections of the trunk on the temperature force
caused by the temperature difference across the wall thickness of the trunk should be
made by taking the plot in the rectangular compressed zone. Tensile forces should be
taken with clamping rings. The coefficient of working conditions in determining the
design resistance of steel clamping rings should be taken equal to 0.7.

Reinforced concrete chimneys

19.36. The trunk of a reinforced concrete chimney should be designed in the form of a
cylinder, a truncated cone or a combined form - in the form of a combination of a
truncated cone and a cylinder. The ratio of the height of the whole trunk or its separate
section to its outer diameter should be no more than 20.

The slope of the tube forming surface to the vertical should be taken, as a rule, not more
than 0.1.
19.37. Prefabricated reinforced concrete chimneys, as a rule, should be designed
cylindrical form of individual tsarg. The connection between the flanks must be carried
out on high-strength studs or bolts.

19.38. For trunks of reinforced concrete monolithic pipes, concrete should be used only
on portland cement of a class not lower than B30 with a content of tricalcium aluminate
up to 8% or sulphate-resistant portland cement with mineral additives. The class of
concrete for compressive strength should be not less than B15, the water-cement ratio
should be no more than 0.4. The concrete grade of pipes for frost resistance must be at
least F200, for waterproofing - W8. For pipes in which condensation is possible, the frost
resistance of concrete must be at least F300.

Note. In some cases, with appropriate technical justification (high temperatures of flue
gases, etc.), a frost resistance mark may be reduced, but not lower than the values given
in SNiP 2.03.01-84.

19.39. The thickness of the walls of the trunk of a reinforced concrete pipe should be
taken according to the calculation; the minimum wall thickness at the top of the
monolithic pipe should be taken: with a pipe diameter of up to 4.8 m - 160 mm; up to 7.2
m - 180 mm; with a diameter of up to 9 m - 200 mm, with a diameter of more than 9 m -
250 mm.

19.40. The cross-section of the tensioned reinforcement from the area of the calculated
thickness of the cross-section of the barrel tube should be at least: for annular
reinforcement - 0.2, longitudinal - 0.4%.

19.41. The joints of the stretched pipe fittings are allowed to overlap without
welding. The joints of the longitudinal and horizontal reinforcement should be located in
a razbezbeku so that the number of joints in the section was not more than 25% of the
total number of rods.

19.42. The thickness of the protective layer of concrete for working reinforcement should
be taken not less than 30 mm and not less than the diameter of the reinforcement, and in
the presence of aggressive gases, further increase by 5 mm.

19.43. The maximum permissible temperature of reinforcement heating, the choice of

concrete composition depending on the flue gas temperature, additional coefficients of
working conditions for design resistances of concrete and reinforcement, as well as the
method for calculating vertical sections for the effect of non-uniform heating over the
wall thickness should be taken according to SNiP 2.03.04-84.

19.44. The maximum width of the opening of cracks in the stretched zone of the cross
section should not exceed: for the upper third of the pipe height - 0.1 mm, for the lower
two thirds of the pipe height - 0.2 mm. With appropriate justification for the lower part of
the chimney, a crack opening width of up to 0.3 mm is allowed.

Steel chimneys

19.45. The barrel of a steel chimney should be designed, as a rule, consisting of the upper
cylindrical and lower conical parts.
19.46. For free-standing steel pipes, the ratio of dimensions to the total height of the pipe
must satisfy the following conditions: the diameter of the cylindrical part is at least
1/20; diameter of the base of the conical part - not less than 1/10; height of the conical
part - not less than 1/4.

Note. In the case of installation of dynamic or mechanical oscillation dampers, the

diameter of the cylindrical part can be 1/25 of the total height of the pipe.

19.47. Steel chimneys without lining with a height of 60 m and more, as well as lined
pipes with a ratio of pipe height to a diameter of more than 20, must be designed with

19.48. The location of the braces on the height of the pipe should be taken as follows: the
height of the upper part of the barrel of the pipe above the braces with one tier of braces
should be from 1/3 to 1/4 of the total height of the pipe, with two tiers - no more than
1/5; the distance between the tie lines should be equal to 1/3 of the height of the pipe.

19.49. Steel chimneys with a height of more than 120 m must be fixed in the lower part
of the rigid struts. It is allowed to use lattice towers as bearing structures.

19.50. The cylindrical and conical parts of a steel pipe should, as a rule, be joined end-to-
end without ribs. The wall thickness of the pipe must be at least 4 mm.

19.51. The top of the cylindrical part of the pipe should be reinforced with a horizontal

19.52. The lining of steel pipes should be supported on special horizontal annular ribs
welded to the pipe wall from the inside.

19.53. Entering the flue duct at the interface with the chimney should have a round, oval
or rectangular shape with rounded corners, while in order to ensure equal strength of the
cross section, the trunk jacket should be strengthened by welding the sheets along the
perimeter of the notch.

19.54. Steel grades for chimneys should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-23-81 with
the assignment of individual elements to the following groups:

group 2 - shell and ribs of the chimney;

Group 4 - stiffening ribs, support rings, platforms, ladders, fences.

19.55. The calculation of the elements of steel structures of chimneys and the
determination of the design resistances of materials at a design temperature of 300 ° C or
less should be made according to SNiP II-23-81.

19.56. Steel chimneys at critical wind speeds, causing resonant vibrations of the structure,
should be counted on fatigue in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-23-81. The
butt joints of the steel shell of the chimney are subject to inspection, and the calculation
must take into account at least 2 million loading cycles.

19.57. Pipe walls should be checked for general and local stability.
Welded pipe wall connections should be checked for alternating cyclic stresses arising
from resonant vibrations of the pipe due to wind loads.

The interface of the cylindrical and conical parts of the pipe, as well as all places where
the pipe wall thickness changes, must be checked for strength, taking into account the
additional stresses from the edge effect.

20. Exhaust towers

20.1. The norms of this section should be observed when designing exhaust towers
designed to remove harmful non-combustible gases that have been cleaned but retain a
certain degree of aggressiveness, with 80–90% humidity containing condensate and, as a
rule, not having a high temperature. Venting trunks should be designed from metal and
structural non-combustible or slow-burning polymeric materials.

20.2. Bearing steel barrels of exhaust towers should be designed according to SNiP II-23-

Exhaust towers with a height of more than 210 m should be designed according to
specially developed technical conditions.

20.3. In the exhaust tower is allowed to install one or more exhaust barrels. A single
venting barrel should be placed, as a rule, inside a carrier tower; in the presence of
several gas extraction trunks, it is allowed to place all gas extraction trunks inside the
carrier tower or part of the trunks - inside the tower, and a part from its outer side.

20.4. The dimensions of the gas exhaust trunk should be determined by technological
calculations, observing the requirements of sanitary standards for maximum
concentrations of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and taken on the table. 13.

Table 13

# G0Height, m Internal diameter, m

45 0.6; 0.9; 1.2; 1.5

60 0.6; 0.9; 1.2; 1.5; 1.8; 2.4

75 1.5; 1.8; 2.4; 3; 3.6

90 1.5; 1.8; 2.4; 3; 3.6; 4.8; 6

120 1.8; 2.4; 3; 3.6; 4.8; 6; 7.2

150 1.8; 2.4; 3; 3.6; 4.8; 6; 7.2

180 1.8; 2.4; 3; 3.6; 4.8; 6; 7.2

210 1.8; 2.4; 3; 3.6; 4.8; 6; 7.2

240 3.6; 4.8; 6; 7.2

Note. In order to use the existing equipment used for the manufacture of exhaust shafts
from structural polymeric materials, it is allowed to accept, independently of the height of
the barrel, the following additional dimensions of internal diameters, m: for trunks made
of fiberglass - 1.0; 1.6; 2.0 and 3.2; for trunks from textualite - 1,2; 3.0; 3.8; 4.5 and 7.0.
20.5. The shape of the bearing lattice tower and its dimensions should be determined
taking into account the economy of steel, manufacturability, conditions of the adopted
method of installation, rational placement of the tower on the general plan and ease of

20.6. The carrier tower should be designed in the form of a combination of prismatic
(upper) and one pyramidal (lower) parts with three, four faces and more.

20.7. The difference between the levels of the top of the gas exhaust trunk and the top of
the carrier tower should be within 2–2.5 diameters of the gas exhaust trunk, but not more
than 8–10 m.

20.8. The smallest overall size of the bearing tower in the lower base should be assigned,
as a rule, not less than 1/8 of its height.

The smallest overall size of the supporting tower in the upper base should be determined
by the conditions of placement of the required (by assignment) number of exhaust shafts
and elevators, as well as the necessary passageways for repair work. In the case of
constrained size of the upper part of the tower (with a large diameter of the gas exhaust
trunk or the need to accommodate several gas exhaust trunks inside the tower and the
constrained conditions of the general plan), it is allowed to design remote walkways-
balconies for the aisles. The width of the aisles must be at least 0.7 m.

20.9. Over the entire height of the carrier tower, it is necessary to provide for the
arrangement of horizontal diaphragms. The distance between the diaphragms should be
assigned within 1.5 - 2.5 dimensions of the cross-section of the tower at the level of the
installation of the diaphragm. Diaphragms should also be installed in the plane of fracture
of the edges of the tower.

20.10. Diaphragms are to be used for horizontal support of the gas exhaust trunk and as
platforms required for operational purposes to provide passages around the gas exhaust
trunks to the belts and lattice nodes of the bearing tower.

20.11. Steel grades for the lattice carrying tower should be taken in accordance with SNiP
II-23-81 with the assignment of individual elements of the tower structure to the
following groups:

group 1 - carrier tower belts, nodal gussets;

group 2 - lattice elements; beams, diaphragm pads, which directly perceive their own
weight of the gas exhaust trunk;

Group 4 - base plates, beams, diaphragm platforms, flooring platforms, stairs, fences.

20.12. Exhaust shafts should be made of materials that are resistant to the effects of
exhaust gases, or have appropriate anti-corrosion protection.

The grades of carbon or low-alloy steels for the shell of the exhaust barrels and all its
elements should be assigned in group 4 in accordance with SNiP II-23-81.
Chemically and thermally resistant fiberglass plastics, textofolites, biplastics
(thermoplastic with an inner layer of thermoplastic) and laminated engineering plastics
should be used for gas exhaust trunks made of structural polymers.

Note. Structural polymeric materials used for gas exhaust trunks must be fireproof or

20.13. To ensure the best aerodynamic properties and economy of metal, the carrier tower
should, as a rule, be designed from elements of a tubular cross section.

20.14. The vertical load from the gas exhaust pipe should be transmitted in the lower
levels of the exhaust tower.

Depending on the level of entry of gas ducts, one of the following options for supporting
the exhaust pipe should be taken:

on its own foundation;

on a special additional support;

on one of the lower diaphragms of the carrier tower (allowed under the condition that the
metal consumption for this diaphragm will not exceed the metal consumption for a
special support).

20.15. When mounting the carrier tower by the method of growing or lifting it is
necessary to make an additional calculation of the tower elements for mounting loads.

20.16. The horizontal load from the gas exhaust trunk made of steel or the self-supporting
cylindrical shell of structural polymers should be transferred to the carrier tower in the
plane of the transverse diaphragms of the tower.

The horizontal load from the gas exhaust trunk made of structural polymers, mounted
from the pits, connected by a steel intermediate frame, should also be transferred to the
tower diaphragms, but through the intermediate frame.

20.17. The constructive solution of the nodes supporting the gas exhaust trunk to the
tower at the places of transmission of horizontal loads should ensure the freedom of
mutual vertical temperature displacements of the trunk and the tower.

20.18. The docking assemblies of the exhaust duct cores must provide, in addition to the
requirements of strength and tightness, also the freedom of vertical displacements arising
from temperature distortions of the polymeric material.

20.19. The steel intermediate frame should be designed, as a rule, from vertical hangers,
horizontal rings and supporting elements, with:

horizontal load transfer rings should be flush with the tower diaphragms;

the fastening of the intermediate frame to the tower should ensure the freedom of vertical
movements from thermal deformations;
the height of the intermediate frame should be provided from separate sections with the
joints required for mounting the trunk cores along with the frame large blocks by the
method of growing;

Vertical frame hangers should be taken in the form of flexible elements fixed in each

20.20. The calculation of the gas exhaust trunks from structural polymeric materials
should be made taking into account the anisotropy of materials.

The design characteristics of materials should be determined taking into account the
maximum temperature of the exhaust gases, the influence of aggressive media and the
duration of the loads.

20.21. The foundation of the gas exhaust trunk should be designed with a concrete or
reinforced concrete in the form of a hollow truncated cone or cylinder, solid or ring slab.

20.22. The foundations of the carrier tower should be designed separately for each
support unit, and measures should be provided to ensure uniform precipitation of the

20.23. When designing exhaust towers, it is necessary to provide reliable anticorrosion

protection for foundations and all structures of the gas exhaust trunk of the bearing tower.

20.24. In cases where the formation of condensate in the flue gas pipe is possible, it is
necessary to provide a device for its collection and removal.

20.25. For the repair and installation of the gas exhaust trunk, it should be possible to
suspend it on the upper diaphragm of the carrier tower, and at a height of more than 150
m - also on one of the intermediate diaphragms.

20.26. To climb the tower should provide a ladder.

The ladder should be designed vertical with transitions at the diaphragm sites. At
distances between diaphragms of more than 12 m, special intermediate platforms should
be provided. Ladder and transition sites must have fences.

20.27. When the temperature of the outer surface of the gas exhaust trunk is more than 50
° C, the adjacent platforms, stairways and approaches must have a special fence with a
height of at least 1 m, part of which is at least 100 mm from the floor level.

21. Water towers

21.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of water towers
designed for use in the systems of drinking, industrial and fire fighting water supply to
industrial enterprises, agricultural complexes and populated areas.

Water towers for mass construction should be designed, as a rule, without tents, with
steel tanks and supports made of reinforced concrete, brick or steel.

21.2. Water towers should be designed with tanks with a capacity of 15, 25, 50, 100, 150,
200, 300, 500 and 800 cubic meters. The height of the supports (from ground level to the
top of the tank support) for towers with tanks with a capacity of 15 to 50 cubic meters
should be assigned a multiple of 3 m, with tanks with a capacity of 100 cubic meters or
more - a multiple of 6 m.

Note. With an appropriate feasibility study, it is allowed to design towers with larger

21.3. The shape of the tank should be chosen in accordance with the architectural and
compositional and technical and economic considerations.

The cover of the tank must include a hatch with a ladder for lowering into the tank and
pipes for ventilation.

21.4. The bottom of the tank should be designed with a slope of at least 5% to the supply-
discharge or drain pipe.

21.5. Supports for water towers should, as a rule, be designed in the form of a cylinder or
in the form of a system of precast reinforced concrete pillars.

It is allowed to provide for supports monolithic reinforced concrete, brick or steel,

depending on local conditions, technical and economic calculations and taking into
account architectural requirements.

21.6. In the case of the use of solid structures of supports (monolithic reinforced concrete
or brick), the space under the tanks is allowed to be used to accommodate office and
office space, warehouses, industrial premises, eliminating the formation of dust, smoke
and gas emissions.

21.7. The foundation of a water tower, as a rule, should be designed with monolithic
reinforced concrete, inside of which one should provide insulated but unheated rooms
with natural supply and exhaust ventilation to accommodate gate valves on water pipes
and instrumentation.

21.8. The nodes of intersection of the supply and distribution riser with overlappings and
platforms must allow the freedom of vertical temperature displacements of the riser.

21.9. When calculating the towers, the wind load should be defined as for high-rise
structures, taking into account the dynamic impact of the velocity head pulsation.

The calculation of the towers should be performed for two cases: with a filled or unfilled

The shape of the pressure profile under the base of the foundation when testing a tower
with a filled tank should be trapezoidal with a minimum-to-0.25 ratio of minimum and
maximum stresses. When testing a tower with an empty tank, a triangular stress diagram
is allowed.

# G0 Tower towers should be

21.10. Towers should be equipped with steel ladders for lifting to the tank and on its
cover, as well as platforms for inspection and maintenance of building structures and
pipelines. Ladders are allowed to design vertical, such as ladders, with arcs, ensuring the
safety of their use. At the same time, the distance between the pads should not exceed 8

Sites must have a railing.

21.11. When designing water towers, measures should be taken to prevent corrosion of
building structures. Constructive solutions should provide access to inspection and
restoration of anti-corrosion coatings.

21.12. For internal anticorrosion protection of tanks, the materials included in the lists of
materials and reagents permitted by the Main Sanitary-Epidemiological Directorate of the
USSR Ministry of Health should be used for practical drinking-water supply.

Designing structures for the northern building-climate zone

22. Additional Requirements

22.1. The norms of this section should be observed in the design of structures of
industrial enterprises for the northern building-climatic zone.

22.2. When designing structures on permafrost soils, one of the principles (principles I
and II) of using permafrost soils should be taken as the foundation in accordance with
SNiP II-18-76.

22.3. Buildings designed for laying heat networks (tunnels, channels, free-standing
supports and racks for technological pipelines) should be designed to meet additional
requirements for special construction conditions in accordance with SNiP II-36-73.

22.4. When designing structures with a foundation according to principle I, the following
methods should be taken to preserve the frozen state of the foundation soils:

the device under constructions of the thermoisolating layers;

device in the base of the floor of the cooling channels or pipes.

22.5. When designing structures with a foundation according to principle II, it is


provide constructive solutions to ensure slow and uniform thawing of the foundation soils
during construction and operation. In the case of preliminary thawing of base soils, it is
necessary, if necessary, to provide for improving the construction properties of soils by
compaction, consolidation, etc .;

designate the height of the premises, openings, as well as the distance between the
equipment and the structures of the structures with reserves, ensuring the normal
operation of the structure during the precipitation of structures and maintaining the
dimensions required by the norms after the completion of the sediment;

provide for the possibility of restoring the position of structures during precipitation of
22.6. When designing structures with a base on principle II, in cases when base
deformations can exceed the limiting values given in # M12291 5200033СНиП 2.02.01-
83, structural solutions should provide stability, strength and operational suitability of
structures with uneven ground sediments. To meet these requirements, structures should
be designed:

with rigid schemes, in which the structural elements can not have mutual movements;

with malleable schemes in which the mutual displacement of hinge-related structural

elements is possible while ensuring the stability and durability of these elements, as well
as the operational suitability of structures.

22.7. Structures of large extent (designed with the base on principle II) should be divided
by sedimentary seams into compartments, the length of which should be no more than the
values indicated in Table. 14.

Table 14

# G0Medium Maximum length of compartments, m

with tough with malleable
base draft
constructive constructive
facilities cm
pattern pattern
15-30 42 60
Over 30 24 thirty
Note. The value of the average draft of the structure should be determined in accordance
with the requirements of SNiP II-18-76.
22.8. In places where the structures are interfacing with buildings or other structures,
when using permafrost as bases for principle II, it is also necessary to provide for
sedimentary seams.

Sedimentary seams should be positioned so that these seams coincide as far as possible
with places of changes in lithological composition, physicomechanical properties and ice
saturation of soils, with places of changes in permafrost properties of the base and depth
of the upper surface of permafrost soils to areas with thawed soils with different
temperature and humidity conditions.

22.9. The outer surfaces of the walls of structures should be designed without niches,
belts and other elements that trap snow and moisture.

22.10. Heated constructions (basements, tower towers, transshipment nodes of conveyor

galleries) between which, according to the conditions of the technological process, the
transfer of production personnel is necessary, should be connected with heated galleries,
as a rule, above ground.

22.11. Outdoor shelves and platforms for the placement of technological equipment are
not allowed to be designed in the construction-climatic subareas IB and IG, installed #
M12291 9053801СНиП 2.01.01-82.
22.12. When designing tunnels and channels intended for laying pipelines, preserving the
frozen state of the foundation soils (principle I) should be ensured by arranging thermal
and waterproofing or ventilation of tunnels and channels.

22.13. The depth of the tunnels and channels should be taken to be minimal, and in the
cramped conditions it is allowed to combine the top of the ceiling with the ground
level. Under roads, the distance from the top of the carriageway to the overlap of a tunnel
or channel must be at least 100 mm.

22.14. The above-ground laying of pipelines for the transportation of heated products
should be provided on separate supports and racks with a height that excludes the thermal
effect of pipelines on permafrost soils of foundations.

22.15. Foundations of separate supports for pipelines should be designed with bases
supported on permafrost soils according to principle I or based on seasonally defusing
grounds of bases according to principle II, if soil deformations are permitted by pipeline
strength and stability and do not lead to unacceptable changes in their slopes.

22.16. Bins, the construction of which is provided using permafrost soils according to
principle I, should be designed, as a rule, above ground.

22.17. Walls and grilles of bins intended for materials subject to freezing should be
heated with registers or other heating devices. In the walls of these structures it is
necessary to additionally provide for insulation from the outside.

22.18. Reinforced concrete tanks, semi-buried or buried in the ground, should be

designed on rocky soils or on non-rocky ones, which, when thawed, give deformations
(sediments) not more acceptable for the designed structures.

3.H Heating Ventilation Air

Conditioning (HVAC)
Here you will find answers to the following questions:

 What is understood by the term "air technology"?

 What kinds of air technology systems exist?
 What do air filters have to do?
 How are air technology systems maintained?
 What does qualification of air technology systems include?

3.H.1 Introduction
Pharmaceutical rules and specifications often contain very
precise but also generally formulated requirements of air
conditioning technology, such as "temperature, humidity and
ventilation of premises should be adequate". This generally
formulated requirement is partially substantiated in the
supplementary guideline of the EU GMP Guideline for the
manufacture of sterile products, for example.

The following chapters give a practical description of the

extensive, and sometimes complex field of air conditioning
technology in terms of the requirements that result from the
pharmaceutical environment in question.

The term air conditioning technology and its further sub-

divisions are described in DIN 1946/Part 1. Two basic types
are distinguished by the terms room ventilation
technology and process air conditioning technology. Both
types are found and required in the pharmaceutical
manufacturing sites. The essential task of a ventilation system
is to guarantee the desired room conditions, such as
temperature, humidity and cleanliness. In contrast, the
process air systems must guarantee the required process

Figure 3.H-1 shows the structure of the term "air conditioning

technology" (extract from DIN 1946/Part 1) with reference to
deployment in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sites.

Figure 3.H-1 Structure of air conditioning technology

1. Belong to the equipment in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sites,
e.g. fluid bed spray granulation, drying processes, coating processes

2. Both types of ventilation systems "with" and "without" ventilation

functions, as well as a combination of both are found in the
pharmaceutical manufacturing sites

3. Not represented in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sites

In the air conditioning technology structure, a distinction is
made between ventilation systems with and without ventilation
functions. The term ventilation function means that the air
in the room is exchanged with external air. The further sub-
structure shows the number of thermodynamic air handling
functions with which the ventilation system is equipped.

The thermodynamic air handling functions shown in figure 3.H-

2 apply for the preparation of the inlet air: heating, cooling,
humidifying and dehumidifying.

Figure 3.H-2 Classification of ventilation systems

ating Recircul
ation of Ventila Partial
Recircul air Air ating
room tion air
ating partial conditio air
ventilati facilitie conditi
facilities air ners conditio
on s oner
conditio ners
Number None or one Two or three Four
namic air
The terms for classification of ventilation systems do not
provide any information on the filtering of the inlet air.

The next chapters deal exclusively with room ventilation

facilities. No detail is given of the engineering-related planning
of ventilation systems, but instead the focus is placed on the
fundamental design, planning, solution options and
implementation in terms of the pharmaceutical requirements.

3.H.2 Room ventilation systems

The room ventilation systems are designated according to the
available thermodynamic air handling functions in a ventilation
system (acc. to DIN 1946 / Part 1, see Figure 3.H-2
classification of ventilation systems).

The respective design and structure of the ventilation systems

results from the requirements and conditions made of the
ventilation system. (See chapter 3.H.4 Principles for the design
and planning of air conditioning ventilation systems.)

The following criteria can play a role in the selection of the

system to be used:

 Influence of outside air

 Climatic conditions of site
 Operational costs of the different systems, especially the costs for energy
consumption: current, heat, cold (cooling, dehumidification) and
 Cleanliness requirements
 Flexibility

In pharmaceutical manufacturing, essentially the following

ventilation systems are used:

3.H.2.1 Pure (100%) external air conditioning system

The inlet air to the rooms always consists of 100% external
air. The external air is prepared in the ventilation system
according to the defined conditions (temperature, humidity,
purity). With a pure external air facility,
impurities/contamination cannot enter the inlet air system via
the exhaust air system. When using a heat recovery system, it
must be ensured that the two systems cannot be connected
via the heat recovery components (figure 3.H-3).

Figure 3.H-3 Diagram of a pure external air plant

Pure external air conditioning system are used with the
following conditions:

 Supply of different production areas through a joint ventilation system

 The exhaust air from the rooms is so highly contaminated with impurities
that no safe elimination of impurities is guaranteed by the cleaning/filter
phases of the ventilation system.
 Flexibility is required, i.e. at any time, a manufacturing site for a different
product group with other requirements can be supplied without a risk of

3.H.2.2 Central recirculating air/mixed air conditioning

The inlet air to the rooms consists of some external air and
some recirculating air. The share of "external air" and
"recirculating air" can be fixed or can be variable according to
the external temperature. Corresponding to the number of
people working in the manufacturing site, a minimum external
air share must not be undershot (figure 3.H-4).

Central recirculating air/mixed air conditioning system are

used with the following conditions:
 Supply of one production area (dedicated equipment)
 The concentration of impurities in the exhaust air from the rooms is low
enough that safe elimination of the impurities is guaranteed via the
cleaning/filter stages of the air technology system.
 Direct heat recovery without additional heat exchanger (low investment
 No flexibility, i.e. a manufacturing site for a different product group with
other requirements cannot be supplied without a risk of cross-contamination.

Figure 3.H-4 Diagram of a central recirculating air/mixed air plant

3.H.2.3 Decentralised recirculating air/mixed air

system with central external air preparation
The air supply and exhaust air of a room or a zone is conveyed
via a recirculating air facility. Conveying centrally-prepared
external air guarantees the required external air share for the
persons in the rooms (figure 3.H-5).

The recirculating air facility is usually fitted with a condenser

and a filter stage.
Decentralised recirculating air/mixed air facilities with central
external air preparation are used with the following conditions:

 Supply of different production areas through a joint external air preparation

 The concentration of impurities in the exhaust air from the rooms is so low
that safe elimination of the impurities is guaranteed via the cleaning/filter
stages of the decentralised recirculating air facility.
 Flexibility, i.e. a manufacturing site for another product group with other
requirement can be supplied at any time if the central external air
preparation is carried out with a "pure external air plant".

Figure 3.H-5 Decentralised recirculating air/mixed air conditioning

with central external air preparation
3.H.2.4 Pure recirculating air conditioning system
The air supply and exhaust air of a room or a zone is conveyed
via a recirculating air facility. No prepared external air is
supplied. The pure recirculating air facility is therefore only
used for areas which are not permanently staffed and where
the inlet of external air could influence the air quality (figure

Typical applications are partially high-quality clean room zones

in a clean room, e.g. zones of cleanliness class A in a sterile
room, LF work benches.

Figure 3.H-6 Pure recirculating air conditioning system

3.H.2.5 Systems for tempering and volume flow

The following two systems have proven their worth in practice
for tempering and volume flow regulation:
 Single duct system: Temperature regulation takes place either by room or
by zone via post-heating registers or aftercoolers. The air currents (air
volume) are today usually configured or regulated with volume current
regulators. With constant air currents, a very simple setting can be made via
throttles such as flaps and perforated plates (figure 3.H-7).
 Dual duct system: After the central air preparation facility, the inlet air is
split across two differently tempered air supply ducts. The air in the warm
duct is heated to a temperature of 25 to 35 °C, while the air in the cold duct
is cooled to 15 to 18 °C, for example. Before a room or zone, the two air
flows are mixed in a blending box according to the required room
temperature and heat burden, and blown in as inlet air. With the blending
boxes, you can set constant air currents (air volume) or variable volumes
(figure 3.H-8).

Figure 3.H-7 Room supply with a single duct system

Figure 3.H-8 Room supply with a dual duct system

3.H.2.6 Control-systems of the air volume flows
In principle, a distinction is made between a constant or
variable inlet and exhaust air current supply for individual
rooms, zones or areas. The two supply strategies differ as
shown in figure 3.H-9.

Figure 3.H-9 Comparison of volume current systems

Constant air volume flow Variable air volume flow
A fixed volume current is Depending on the heat occurring in the
set via a constant volume room or in a zone and/or the activity, the
current regulator, blending air volume currents (inlet and exhaust
box, flap or other throttle. air) can be raised from an initial value to
a maximum value, e.g. via the
With a single duct facility, temperature regulation. With decreasing
temperature regulation heat and/or activity, the air currents are
takes place either by room reduced to the initial value again.
or by zone via post-heating
registers or aftercoolers.
Advantages: Advantages:

 Simple design  Low energy consumption/costs

 Steadily working systems  More flexible system, e.g. in terms of highly
changeable heat burdens
 External influences can be ruled out, e.g. by
pressure regulation due to changing wind

Disadvantages: Disadvantages:

 High energy  More complex design

consumption/costs  Higher level of automation required
 Cannot react to influences, or
only marginally

3.H.2.7 Utilities for the operation of room ventilation

Different kinds of energies (and utilities) are required to
operate ventilation systems, in order to convey the air, filter it
and enable thermodynamic air handling functions such as
heating, cooling, dehumidifying and humidifying. Energies that
are used for heating, cooling and dehumidifying do not usually
have any direct contact with the air to be prepared. The air is
passed through heat exchangers which are equipped with
lamellas on the air side. The energy supply is via pipes that are
connected to the lamellas.

The essential energies (and utilities) used in ventilation

systems are described in figure 3.H-10.

Figure 3.H-10 Energies and utilities for ventilation functions

Physical or thermodynamic
Type of energy or utility
Air delivery  Current

Heating  Hot water (pumping warm water, e.g.

80/60 °C)
 Steam
 Current

Cooling/dehumidifying  Cooling water (e.g. 6/12 °C)

 Coolant

Humidifying  Water
 Steam

3.H.3 Filters
To realise the required air quality and conditions in the
premises of a pharmaceutical manufacturing site, different
standard components are used to configure an air technology

The required purity of the air in the premises can only be

achieved with effective cleaning of the external air or
recirculating air. This requires a suitable, correctly designed

Air filters are components with which particles and gaseous

impurities are filtered and separated from the air. The ambient
air is penetrated by different substances of different particle
sizes and different materials. This mixture of ingredients must
be cleaned by suitable filters so that the required cleanliness
conditions are complied with in a manufacturing site.

Separation in the air filters (filter medium) is based on

different physical effects (see figure 3.H-11).

Figure 3.H-11 Physical separation effects at

the individual fibres of a filter medium
The most important separation effects are

 Diffusion effect: The diffusion effect is a consequence of Brownian

molecular movement and is therefore only effective for very small particles.
The molecular movement causes a diffuse movement of the particle along a
virtual streamline. It is separated at the fibre if it remains sufficiently close to
the fibre for a long enough time.
 Inertness effect: The inertness effect causes separation at the fibres if the
particle is of a particular size and thus cannot follow the course of the
 Blocking effect: The blocking effect always occurs if a particle is on a
streamline whose distance from the fibre during circulation is less than half
the particle diameter.
 Sieve effect: The sieve effect only occurs for a particle whose diameter is
greater than the free cross-section between the fibres (pore width).

The different filter qualities are split into coarse, fine and
suspended matter filters according to the separation capacity
of the different particles. This division is based on standardised
testing procedures. Today, following many intermediate steps,
the following two valid European standards for air filters
 DIN EN 779 Particle air filter for general ventilation
 DIN EN 1822-1 Suspended matter filter (HEPA and ULPA) are the
specifications and testing bases for all filter manufacturers.:

Figure 3.H-12 Structure of the air filter in accordance with DIN 24183
(E) Part 1

3.H.3.1 Particle air filter

The particle air filters are classed in "coarse (C1 to C4)" and
"fine (F5 to F 6)" filter groups in accordance with DIN EN 779
(see figure 3.H-13).

Figure 3.H-13 Classification of particle filters according to DIN EN 779

Initial effectiveness
EA < 20% EA ³ 20%
Average separation effectiveness
rate Am (%)
Em (%)
Filter Filter
Class limits
group class
Coarse (C) g1 Am < 65 -

g2 5 Ј Am < 80 -

g3 80 Ј Am < 90 -

g4 80 Ј Am -
Fine (F) f5 - 40 Ј Em < 60
f6 - 60 Ј Em < 80

f7 - 80 Ј Em < 90

f8 - 90 Ј Em < 95

f9 - 95 Ј Em
Am = Average separation rate compared with synthetic dust

Em = Average effectiveness compared with atmospheric dust

For pharmaceutical manufacturing sites, the coarse filters are
irrelevant as the separating power of these filters is too low to
achieve the required purity, total effectiveness of the filter >
95 %. This total effectiveness can only be achieved with fine
filters in the 1st and 2nd filter stage of air technology

The following combinations of filter classes are today used for

two filter stages in series:

 1st filter stage F 6 or F 7

 2nd filter stage F 9

With this filter combination, the following targets are achieved:

 Total effectiveness > 95%

 High period of use of the filter
 Manageable energy costs

With all mechanical filters, it must be taken into account that

the separation power is not constant, but changes due to the
following factors:

 Fluctuating dust content of the external air: Due to the season (e.g.
pollen in spring) and environment (e.g. emissions of hazardous substances
from neighbouring plants), the dust content of the external air fluctuates.
 Velocity at which the air passes through the filter medium: With a
reduced volume flow in relation to the test volume flow, the separation rate
tends to increase.
 Filter cakes: With the increasing contamination (build-up of a filter cake) of
the filter, the separation rate increases due to the additional filtration
through the collected dust.
 Air humidity: In hygiene areas, the air filter should be prevented from
dropping below the dewpoint, as bacteria and fungus growth is encouraged
near the dewpoint. The relative air humidity of the air flushing through
should therefore not exceed a maximum value of 95 %.

The filter media used consist of fibreglass or synthetic-organic

fibres, which are then connected thermally or chemically with
binding agents. The following models are generally used (see
figure 3.H-14):

 Filter mats ® Filter classes C1 to F 6

 Conveyor belt filter ® Filter classes G 1 to F 5
 Pocket filter ® Filter classes C1 to F 9
 Cassette filter ® Filter classes F 5 to F 9 (rigid filter)

Figure 3.H-14 Models of air filters

Today, the separation rate or effectiveness of the particle

air filters is determined as a percentage in comparison with
"atmospheric dust" or "synthetic dust", without producing a
reference to a particle size.

The first investigations and standardisation activities aim to

determine a fractional separation rate for a defined particle
size for the comparison of the efficiency of a particle air filter.

Figure 3.H-15 Comparison of DIN EN 779 and Eurovent 4/9

Figure 3.H-16 Comparison of fractional separation rates of pocket
The diagram (see figure 3.H-16) shows a comparison of the
separation rate (%) for the different particle sizes by pocket
filters with different filter classes. At present, the fractional
separation rate should be calculated according to the Eurovent
draft standard with a particle size of 0.4 mm.

3.H.3.2 Suspended matter filter - HEPA-Filter

For clean rooms with defined particle counts in the room air,
usually a 3rd filter stage must be provided for in addition to
the two particle air filter stages. As the 3rd filter stage, the
suspended matter filter should be fitted as near as possible to
the end of the room, i.e. just before the entry of the inlet air
into the clean room.

With suspended matter filters, dust, suspended matter and

aerosols can be separated in a range up to 0.1 mm.
For the specification of the suspended matter filter, the
different national standards were transferred into a European
standard "DIN EN 1822/T 1- 5" (see figure 3.H-17).

Figure 3.H-17 DIN EN 1822 Suspended matter filter (HEPA and ULPA)
DIN EN 1822 Suspended matter filter (HEPA and ULPA)
Part Title Status/Valid
1 Classification, performance test, labelling July 1998
2 Aerosol generation, measuring instruments, July 1998
particle count statistic
3 Check of the planned filter medium July 1998
4 Leak test on the filter element (scan procedure) Open
5 Separation rate test of the filter element Open
According to the above-mentioned DIN standard, suspended
matter filters have the filter classes illustrated in figure 3.H-18
with the associated filtration performances.

Figure 3.H-18 Classification of HEPA and ULPA filters according to their

filtration performance in accordance with DIN EN 1822 - 1)
Integral value Local value
class Separation Forward Separation rate Forward
rate (%) rate (%) (%) rate (%)
h10 85 15 - -
h11 95 5 - -
h12 99.5 0.5 - -
h13 99.95 0.05 99.75 0.25
h14 99.995 0.005 99.975 0.025
U 15 99.999 5 0.000 5 99.997 5 0.002 5
U 16 99.999 95 0.000 05 99.999 75 0.000 25
U 17 99.999 995 0.000 005 99. 999 9 0.000 1
HEPA filter (H) => High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
ULPA filter (U) => Ultra Low Penetration Air Filter
To assess the suspended matter filters, a testing procedure
was defined in DIN EN 1882 in which the separation rate is
determined in the separation rate minimum. The physical basis
is the characteristic minimum curve which describes the
separation behaviour of fibre filters and thus also of suspended
matter filters (see figure 3.H-19). The minimum lies in the
transition area between stochastic movement (diffusion)
through Brownian molecular movement and inertness effect as
the determining separation mechanisms.
Figure 3.H-19 Characteristic minimum curve for describing
the separation behaviour of fibre filters

The position of the suspended matter filter's separation rate

minimum, both in terms of the percentage separate rate and
also of the particle size with the highest penetration, depends
on the velocity of the air flow through the filter medium. The
particle size with the highest penetration for a defined filter
medium flow velocity is called the Most Penetration Particle
Size (MPPS = separation rate minimum).

Through the connection between the filter medium flow

velocity and separation performance, the separation
performance of a suspended matter filter can be increased by
reducing the medium velocity (see figure 3.H-20).

Figure 3.H-20 Two minimum curves of a suspended matter filter

medium at different filter medium flow velocities
The determination and assignment of the individual suspended
matter filters to the filter classes is carried out in accordance
with DIN EN 1822. Here, the suspended matter filters of
classes up to H 14 can be tested with the so-called oil strand
test. As of filter class U15, a leak detection of the particle
count method must be carried out, although the particle count
method is already advisable even as of filter class H 13.

Leakage test
With the oil strand test, a leak is visually detected, in that
the filter element is acted upon by a high concentration
paraffin cloud at the raw air side and a tester checks if
identifiable oil strands are present at the pure air side. Every
identified oil strand indicates the position of a leak (figure 3.H-

Figure 3.H-21 Schematic test structure for carrying out the

leakage test on LF units

The leak detection and separation rate determination using

the particle method has the following advantages:

 High precision of the measurements

 Determination of the total separation rate in the separation rate minimum
 Determination of the local separation rate
 Determination of leak positions
For the particle method, DIN EN 1822 prescribes the
following procedure:

 Determination of the Minimum Penetration Particle Size (MPPS) with a

defined filter medium flow velocity on a flat filter medium
 Fully scan the finished filter element with specified volume flow using MPPS
 Calculation of the integral and local separation rates
 Classification of the filter in the corresponding filter class

The test methods described in DIN EN 1822 can be

implemented by the filter manufacturers with corresponding
test benches. The tests cannot usually be fully implemented
when testing fitted suspended matter filters.

The test structure shown in figure 3.H-21 is possible when

using the particle count method for fitted suspended matter

 The test aerosol is applied to suspended matter filter at the raw air side of
the filter as follows.
 LF unit: The aerosol is applied via the ventilator aspiration or the aspiration
 Suspended matter filter air outlet: The aerosol is applied via a connection
fitted to the raw air side of the inlet air duct.:

The particle concentration of at least 106/ft3 particles of 0.3

mm to be applied on the raw air side exceeds the count range
of the particle counter. Therefore, the aerosol concentration is
diluted before the particle counter by a dilution stage of 1:10
or 1:100.

Each individual suspended matter filter is then tested for leaks

by slowly and completely passing over the entire filter surface
on the raw air side with the particle counter's isokinetic sensor.

A leak is defined as follows: A leak is present if the

permissible penetration rate of the suspended matter filter is
exceeded or its permissible separation rate is undershot. A
distinction is made between integral and local leaks.

An integral leak is present if the ratio of the particle

concentration measured over the entire filter at the inlet and
exhaust side is not achieved in accordance with the separation
rate or penetration rate prescribed in the filter class.
A local leak is present if the ratio of the locally measured
particle concentration at the inlet and exhaust side is not
achieved in accordance with the separation rate or penetration
rate prescribed in the filter class.

The filter media of suspended matter filters have a relatively
high pressure differential. In order to accommodate as many
filter surfaces as possible on the limited designed space, the
filter medium is folded (see figure 3.H-22 and figure 3.H-23).

The older type of fold is the separator technique. The filter

medium is folded lengthways and widthways alternately and a
separator of corrugated aluminium is inserted in the resulting
chambers, which prevents the filter medium from coming into
contact with itself and thus creating an unusable filter surface.
A disadvantage of the corrugated and sharp-edged aluminium
separators is that they can tear the filter medium and create
holes in it. This hazard applies during production, transport,
fitting and in current operation through pulsing air currents.

The further development of the folding technique led to the

strand design. The strand design technique allows the filter
medium to fold with narrower spaces than the separator
design. Thus, a greater filter surface can be realised in a
suspended matter filter with a strand design of the same
dimensions. The contact points of the spacers on the filter
medium are significantly lower with the strand design than
with the separator design

This technique results in the following advantages for

suspended matter filters with a strand design:

 No mechanical stress on the filter medium through metal separators

 Lower height with the same dimensions and filter surface
 Lower pressure losses.

Figure 3.H-22 Separator technique

Figure 3.H-23 Strand design

3.H.4 Principles for the design and planning

of air conditioning ventilation systems
When planning an air technology system, the principles must
be clearly and unambiguously defined. For the ventilation
systems to be designed and planned for a pharmaceutical
manufacturing site, the external conditions of the site (see
figure 3.H-24), the requirements of the premises (see figure
3.H-25), the production factors that influence the room climate
(see figure 3.H-26) and the layout-dependent requirements
(see figure 3.H-27) must be known.

Only if all conditions and requirements are known can an

optimal ventilation system be designed and planned.

The data should be summarised in a room log which must be

available to every person involved in the planning. (See
chapter 3.B.6 Room book and layout.)

Figure 3.H-24 External conditions of the site

External conditions of the site
External  Specified values for the minimum and maximum external
temperature temperature.

Air humidity  Minimum and maximum values

Sound limits  Noise technical instructions, day/night limits (compliance

with sound limits for the neighbourhood)

Emissions of  Air limits technical instructions (dust, solvent, odours,

harmful etc.)
Altitude  Important, as the key fields of pumps and ventilators, for
example, relate to the standard conditions.

Cardinal points Orientation of the building

Wind directions Main wind direction, wind speeds

Figure 3.H-25 Requirements of premises

Requirements of premises
Purity  Cleanliness class of the rooms in accordance with the EU
GMP Guideline, CFR (FDA), DIN EN ISO 14644-1, VDI
 Special data on the required laminar ranges (cleanliness
class A). Define size and position in the layout.

Pressure  Negative/positive pressure (e.g. 12.5 PA positive pressure

conditions between cleanliness classes)
compared  Alarm values, alert values
with  With defined pressure conditions, it must be defined how
the pressure is built up/relieved over different resistances
(e.g. doors). Doors may have to be locked against each
Air flow  Define overflow direction per room (in, out or neutral)
Temperature  Temperature range (e.g. 19-25 °C), required temperature
value (e.g. 22 °C), summer compensation, tolerance (e.g.
± 2 K), alarm values, separate values for non-working time

Humidity  Humidity range (e.g. 40- 65 % r.h), required

dehumidification and/or humidification value, tolerance,
alarm values, separate values for non-working time

Monitoring  Particle concentrations

devices  Temperatures
 Air humidity
 Pressure conditions
 Air flow direction

Noise  e.g. sound pressure level for production rooms

50-70 dB(A)

Figure 3.H-26 Usage-dependent requirements

Usage-dependent requirements
Manufacturing type  Solid, liquid, sterile production, etc.

Hazard potentials of  Toxicity, MAC values, radioactivity, biological

production materials or of substances (viruses, bacteria)
the drug(s)
Production times  1, 2, 3 shift operation

Reliability  Redundancy required: yes/no

(if yes ® e.g. 100 % split to 2 x 50% ® 50%
still available if a system fails, 2 x 70% ®
still available if a system fails, 3 x 50% ®
still available if a system fails, etc.)

Recirculating air possible  Yes/no (increase of harmful substance

concentration possible, cross-contamination,
validation possible, etc.)

 Required (inlet air and/or exhaust air) ® e.g.

Special process air facilities
for process equipment coating facilities, granulating facilities etc.

Sources of harmful  Dust

 Solvent
substances that have to be
 Disinfectant

EX - protection  EX - zone classification of premises for

requirements production and engineering areas and for

Heat sources
 Persons  Number/activity

 Lighting  Power input, number

 Production equipment  e.g. tablet press, coating facilities, filling

equipment, autoclave, freeze-drying facility,

 Containers, pipes  Uninsulated, hot areas

 Sterilisation processes  Hot surfaces, emanating steam, etc.

 External heat loads  Through windows, walls, ceilings
 Simultaneity and duration  Important point to determine the "peak load"
of processes

Staff clothing  Type of clothing that must be worn by the

 Particularly important for temperature
definitions if clean room clothing is worn.

Figure 3.H-27 Layout-dependent requirements/dimensions

Layout-dependent requirements/dimensions
Number of rooms  Main usage areas, auxiliary usage areas, traffic areas

Size of the rooms  Room areas in mІ, length and width

 Room height in m
Height of the rooms

Definitions for the  Possibilities for the routing of supply and removal
facilities streets
infrastructure  Definition of the philosophy in terms of the operation
and maintenance of air technology components. (e.g.
volume flow regulator, filter change from pure to
impure area)

Technology areas  Function areas, premises for the assembly of the air
technology systems
Evaluation of the principles
Using the formulated requirements and conditions, an air
volume table can be compiled in relation to the rooms. The
air volume table can be used to summarise all important data
for the air technology system. Figure 3.H-31 to figure 3.H-35
and figure 3.H-28 contain two examples of a summary of the
most important data, including

 General room data (room number, room name, area, height, volume etc.)
 Volume of inlet air, exhaust air, overflow air (min./max. values; per room)
 Air exchange (min./max. values; per room)
 Air volumes of special air technology systems

The second example shows the determination of the heat load

in the room. This diagram is shown in Appendix 1 at the end of
chapter 3 (Figure 3.H-31 to figure 3.H-35).

Figure 3.H-28 Air volume table

3.H.5 Design criteria for the ventilation of premises
The design of a room ventilation system for supplying the
rooms is not specified accurately in the various GMP
specifications and rules. The ventilation systems are to be
designed so that adequate ventilation is achieved.

The actual implementation of the requirements for supplying

the rooms with air means dealing with the following design

 How is the inlet air brought into the room? . ® Inlet air flow pattern
 How many filter stages are required and with what quality?
® Air filter/stages/air filter quality
 Room conditions ® Temperature/humidity/summer compensation
 What air change is required? ® Air change
 How should the exhaust air be aspirated from the room? ® Exhaust air flow
 Are pressure differences or defined flows required between rooms or areas?
® Room pressures/pressure stages/defined flows
 How are locks designed? ® Door locking/air flow pattern

Figure 3.H-29 lists the basic design features with solution

approaches for the design of the room supply. The data does
not relate to the design of air technology equipment.

Figure 3.H-29 Sterile room with negative pressure plenum

3.H.5.1 Air technology design of a sterile room with
pressure plenum
A sterile room with a negative pressure plenum has the
following construction principles (see figure 3.H-29).

Above the sterile room, a second room is created which is

connected to the sterile room via recirculating air ducts. The LF
areas (filter fan units) are integrated in the ceiling between the
sterile room and plenum. The filter fan units convey the air in
the circuit between the sterile room and the plenum. The air is
aspirated from the sterile room via aspiration points near the
floor and conveyed to the plenum. In addition, the required
fresh air is brought into the plenum as inlet air. The
recirculating air and the inlet air are brought into the sterile
room as initial air. Further inlet air can be brought in via area
B through suspended matter filter air outlets. The excess air is
allowed to flow into bordering areas, e.g. locks, engineering
areas of autoclaves, etc. The overflow openings with constant
air volumes are designed as gratings. Overflow openings can
be fitted with adjustable flaps to control the pressure.

The diagram shows the main possibility of how a sterile room

can be designed with a negative pressure plenum. Details
about the technical solutions for all listed components can be

3.H.5.2 Pressure stages and design of the pressure

measurement for a sterile area
In accordance with the requirements, a pressure differential is
realised between each cleanliness class. If each cleanliness
area is measured at a reference point, this results in a clearly
traceable record, e.g. with a line writer as the lines of the
individual cleanliness areas are always offset by the pressure
differential. As the individual traces must be offset and
parallel, it is easy to recognise if the cleanliness areas have
always been in the prescribed pressure area.

The diagram (see figure 3.H-30) shows how the individual

pressure differentials are always measured in relation to a
reference point. The alarms are determined from the
differences between the cleanliness classes.

Figure 3.H-30 Pressure stages and design of the pressure differential

measurement for a sterile area
For example, the following values could result from the
individual pressure differential measurements:

 PDIA 1: 12.5 Pa (pharmaceutical area/D area)

 PDIA 2: 25 Pa (pharmaceutical area/C area)
 PDIA 3: 32.5 Pa (pharmaceutical area/lock to sterile room)
 PDIA 4: 37.5 Pa (pharmaceutical area/sterile room)

Ventilation design criteria for GMP-conform production rooms

Figure 3.H-31 Calculation of cooling loads
Figure 3.H-32 Ventilation and air-conditioning design - criteria for
GMP-compliant production rooms (part 1)
Figure 3.H-33 Ventilation and air-conditioning design - criteria for
GMP-compliant production rooms (part 2)
Figure 3.H-34 Ventilation and air-conditioning design - criteria for
GMP-compliant production rooms (part 3)
Figure 3.H-35 Ventilation and air-conditioning design - criteria for
GMP-compliant production rooms (part 4)
3.H.6 Maintenance of air ventilation systems
For pharmaceutical manufacturing sites, safe operation and
functioning of the ventilation systems is an important
requirement to be able to guarantee the manufacture of
pharmaceutical products in accordance with specific
requirements and conditions for the premises.

The required activities and concepts in relation to

the operation of a ventilation system can be shown based
on DIN 32541 (see figure 3.H-36).

Figure 3.H-36 Structure of the operation of a ventilation

system based on DIN 32541

For operation, maintenance is an essential factor for

preserving safe, fully functional and economic operation in
terms of the required statuses (chapter 4.H Maintenance).

The following targets are pursued for air technology systems

with planned and regularly executed maintenance measures
(figure 3.H-37).

Figure 3.H-37 Maintenance measures

Grouping of the measures
Inspection Maintenance/Service Repair
Targets of the measures = Definition in acc. with DIN 31051
Establishment and Preserving the required Recovery of the
assessment of the actual status required status
Individual measures/activities
 Test  Test  Repair
 Measure  Adjust  Replace
 Assess  Exchange
 Amend
 Lubricate
 Preserve
 Clean

 Guaranteeing and complying with physical parameters, such as temperature,

humidity, pressure differences, etc.
 Guaranteeing a hygienic operation (purity, particle count etc.)
 Ensuring and increasing availability
 Guaranteeing economic operation (low energy costs)
 Identifying and eliminating weaknesses
 Maintaining the value of the system (longer life)

The "Building services engineering maintenance working group

of the VDMA (association of German facility designer)" has
issued data sheets which act as a standard for the execution
of maintenance measures in the field of building services
engineering. For all building services engineering areas, there
are data sheets for maintenance (see figure 3.H-38).

Figure 3.H-38 Composition of maintenance-related VDMA data sheets

for building services engineering
VDMA data sheets
24 Inspection of air technology equipment and other 1/90
176 technical equipment in buildings
24 Performance programme for maintenance of air 9/96
186 technology equipment and other technical equipment
in buildings
Part Overview and structure, numbering system, general 9/96
0 instructions
Part Air technology systems 9/88
Part Heating systems 9/88
Part Cooling systems 9/88
Part Electrically driven house heating pump systems for 4/86
31 heating purposes
Part Measuring and control technology equipment and 9/88
4 building automation systems
Part Electro-technical equipment and facilities 4/96
Part Sanitary systems 5/92
24 Buildings management, terms and performances 8/96
24 Emissions reduction of cooling agents from cooling
243 systems
Part Introduction 5/94
Part Construction and planning 5/94
Part Assembly; Repair 5/94
Part Maintenance; Repair; Disposal 5/94
Part Specialist training, specialist plant equipment, 5/94
5 operating instructions
Inspection is the subject of the VDMA 24176 "Inspection of
air technology equipment and other technical equipment in
buildings" data sheet. Inspection includes testing and
measuring activities, with the evaluation and assessment of
the results being an essential task which should only be carried
out by a specially trained employee. Exact knowledge of the
actual status is an important requirement for planning
maintenance measures.

Servicing includes the actual core task of planned

maintenance. It includes all measures to ensure the required
status of the ventilation system and is the subject of the VDMA
24186 "Performance programme for servicing of air technology
equipment and other technical equipment in buildings" data
sheet. Details of the various crafts of the technical building
equipment are given in parts 0 to 6.

Based on the VDMA data sheets, it is possible to establish the

measures to be executed for inspection and servicing and their
documentation. From the extensive collection of activities in
these data sheets, the corresponding performance pattern for
the respective system can be compiled both for inspection and
for servicing.

The deadlines and intervals for inspection and servicing are to

be established in a maintenance plan (see figure 3.H-41).
Based on experience, the manufacturer's specifications and the
significance of the facility, periods must be defined in which an
inspection or service is to be carried out (see figure 3.H-39).
To this end, the permissible tolerance periods within which the
inspection or servicing must be carried out should also be
established (see figure 3.H-40).

Every maintenance measure must be documented. In general,

for every activity on a ventilation system, an entry should be
made in the log book to be stored on-site or in the operating
diary of the respective system.

Documentation of the inspection or servicing

activities that have been executed is carried out in the form
of records which are filled in by the person executing the
activity and counter-signed by a checker.

The following tables, records and diagrams show proven

practical examples for the following maintenance activities for
air technology systems:

 Time intervals for carrying out inspections or servicing (figure 3.H-39)

 Tolerances for inspection and servicing deadlines (figure 3.H-40)
 Maintenance plan (figure 3.H-41)
 Forms: Inspection of air technology equipment and systems (figure 3.H-42)
 Forms: Servicing of air technology equipment and systems (figure 3.H-43)
 Form: Log book for air technology systems (figure 3.H-45, figure 3.H-46,
figure 3.H-47)

3.H.6.1 Time intervals for carrying out inspections or

Figure 3.H-39 Time intervals for carrying out inspections or servicing
Frequency specifications relate to one year

Intervals No
servicing 1x 1x
1 x servicing
(only as servicing servicing
and 1 x
Components required) and no and 3 x
and 2 x inspection inspection
Ventilation equipment for:
 Offices x

 Non sterile x

 Laboratories x

 Clean rooms x
(D, C, A + B)

Room control x
Process air x
Suspended x
matter filters
Laminar flow x

3.H.6.2 Tolerances for inspection and servicing

Figure 3.H-40 Tolerances for inspection and servicing deadlines
Deadlines for inspection and servicing Tolerance
monthly ± 2 weeks
quarterly ± 1 month
half-yearly ± 2 months
yearly ± 3 months

3.H.6.3 Maintenance plan

Figure 3.H-41 Maintenance plan
3.H.6.4 Forms for the inspection and servicing of
ventilation systems
The following examples of "Forms for the inspection and
servicing of ventilation systems" are based on the VDMA data
sheets. The activities listed are a selection from the
"Performance programme for the servicing of air technology
equipment and other technical equipment in buildings" from
VDMA data sheets 24186 part 1 and 4.

The design and handling of forms is intended as follows. The

following entries are to be made in the header of the forms:

 the building
 the storey
 the facility name
 the facility number
 the component (if required)

The following columns are to be filled in as shown, in the rows

with the individually described activities: (The "available
yes/no" column can be omitted if the forms only contain the
components that are available on the air technology systems).

Figure 3.H-42 Inspection of air technology equipment and systems in

accordance with VDMA 24176
Figure 3.H-43 Servicing of air technology equipment and systems in
accordance with VDMA 24176
3.H.6.5 Log book for air technology systems
The log book can be bound or can consist of individual sheets.
A bound version has proven better in practice, as this prevents
the loss of individual sheets.

The example is structured as follows:

Figure 3.H-44 Completion of VDMA data sheets 24186 part 1 and 4

Column Entry
"Available Cross the corresponding box
"Status" Cross the corresponding box
OK/not OK"
"Finding or Here, findings, actual values, statuses that are not OK,
comment" executed activities, servicing activities, etc. are to be
described in words.

 A cover sheet (see figure 3.H-45))

 "Inspection, servicing, repair, malfunction" form" (page 1 to 20) (see figure
 "Filter inspection, filter exchange" form (page 1 to 3) (see figure 3.H-47).

Figure 3.H-45 Example cover sheet

Figure 3.H-46 Example log book page
Figure 3.H-47 Example filter
Principles for entries in the log book
(See chapter 15.B GMP-conforming documentation.)

 Entries in the log book are made on-site in chronological order (date and
time) in the intended forms, by the person executing the activity
 The log book entry should be made during or immediately after completion of
the activity. However, under no circumstances should it be signed before
completion of the activity in question.
 After completion of the activity by the person executing the work, the entries
are confirmed through the legible entry of a name and signature.
 After entry, any remaining blank fields are to be crossed out.
 The entries in a log book page must be checked for completeness and
accuracy and initialled by a person in charge.
 Entries should only be made with permanent ink pens.
 The following entries must be made:
 Date/time of activity
 Type of activity, event (e.g. visual control, servicing, calibration, repair,
 Signature or signatures
 An entry can be corrected by crossing it out. However, the old entry should
still be legible after it has been crossed out. It is not permissible to cover the
entry or delete it with Tipp-Ex. Correction or crossing out of an entry must
then be confirmed by the person executing the task, with the date and
3.H.7 Qualification of air conditioning
ventilation systems
Qualification of ventilation systems is incorporated in the
overall concept of qualification for a manufacturing site. The
overall qualification concept is described in a qualification
master plan (see chapter 6.C.1 Qualification master plan).
Thus, the qualification of ventilation systems is part of the
overall qualification of manufacturing sites. The aim of the
qualification of a ventilation system is to prove that the
ventilation system is suitable for the manufacturing site in

The required scope of the qualification of ventilation systems

depends on the extent to which compliance with the required
parameters such as temperature, humidity, purity, pressure
difference, etc. has a direct influence on the safe
manufacturing of a pharmaceutical product. Therefore, it is
first necessary to estimate which parameters are relevant for
the products.

Example: For a heat-sensitive product, the "room

temperature" parameter is clearly product-relevant, if, for
example, the stability of the product is no longer given at a
product temperature of 23 °C or higher, and the product is
open when processed, without the possibility of direct cooling.
Thus, for the room in which the heat-sensitive product is
processed, it must be proven that the ventilation system can
comply with the prescribed room temperature, e.g. 21 °C ± 1
K for all external conditions and that an alarm will be issued in
the event of deviations.

On the other hand, there are many cases in which the room
temperature does not have a direct influence on the product. It
is therefore possible to define the room temperature purely in
accordance with the comfort criteria for production personnel,
in accordance with the recommendations of DIN 1946/Part 2.
(Example: room temperature 22 °C ± 2 K and summer
compensation, i.e. the room temperature is gradually
increased to 26 °C as of an external temperature of 26 °C to
32 °C.)

The following checklists (figure 3.H-48) give an overview of

the most important checks that must be taken into account
during qualification of ventilation systems.
The following procedure has proven its worth in practice and
has proven very viable:

 Definition of the necessary qualification scope for the air technology system
between production managers and qualification managers
 The scope of qualification is documented in the checklists (figure 3.H-48 to
figure 3.H-50) (fill in "Yes", "No" and Comments columns). In accordance
with the area to be supplied (e.g. sterile/non-sterile/special product
requirements), the qualification of the air technology system will include a
greater or smaller number of points.
 Signing of checklists
 Compilation of detailed qualification plans based on the checklists
 Execution of the individual qualification steps in accordance with the
individual phases (IQ, OQ and PQ)
 Compilation of the respective reports

If qualification of the ventilation system is to be carried out by

external employees or with external support, the completed
checklists can be used to request, offer and commission the
scope of service to be provided externally by qualified

Figure 3.H-48 Installation qualification checklist

require Comment
Installation qualification (IQ) checklist
d s

yes no

1.1 System description and specifications

The aim is to document the requirements that

must be met by the air technology system. If
technical modifications that differ from the order
are required by the manufacturer during
production, these must also be documented. The
following documents may be included in the
system description or facility description:

a) Drawings such as R&I flow charts, installation

diagrams, isometries, etc.

b) Requirements of the materials to be used

c) Performance data for the system, including

system components

d) Definition of the type and quality of the

utilities required for operation of the system,
such as steam, water.
1.2 Documentation

The documentation is to be available at the latest

two weeks before the first acceptance deadline.

The review of the documentation can extend

over the entire period of the final acceptances
and it is then to be revised in accordance with
the correction notes.

The form and scope of the documentation

provided should be in accordance with the
guidelines/requirements of labelled DIN A4
The following documents can be included in the

 System description
 Tabular air volume composition
 Diagrams
 RI flow charts
 Function descriptions
 Equipment card(s) of the air technology equipment,
containing all components with the relevant data, e.g.
electr. performance specifications, efficiencies, etc.

 Equipment drawings
 Ventilators curves
 Layout drawings
 Sectional drawings
 Detailed drawings
 Circuit diagrams
 Spare parts lists
 Maintenance instructions (inspection and servicing)
 Descriptions of individual components (e.g. air
outlets, volume flow control device, shut-off flaps,
 Test certificates (e.g. TЬV, Ex, fire protection flaps,
pressure checks, etc.)
 Measurement records
 Acceptance records

 Calculations (e.g. pressure losses, noise values, air

outlets, etc.)
 ...
 ...

1.3 Installation checks

The installation qualification includes several

testing steps which are not only limited to final

The individual qualification checks are carried out

throughout the entire construction phase. Final
acceptance groups together the individual
1.3.1 Quality check at the contract acceptor or
its suppliers

The contract giver reserves the right to check the

following components of the contract acceptor's
scope of delivery at the manufacturing site, at
the construction site or in their final installation

The check will be carried out in accordance with

the following conditions.

The following air technology equipment will be

checked at the manufacturer:

 ............
 ............
 ............
 ............ The control tests at the manufacturer,

with improvement specifications, can concern the
following points:

 Construction
 Performance
 Compliance with the requirements (e.g. materials)
 ..
 Activity confirmation:
o Air volume
o Pressure
o Energy consumption

Deficiencies and deviations are documented in a

deficiencies list Pressure testing of ventilation
components (e.g. air conditioning device).

Air conditioning devices are subject to an

endurance test.

The pressure testing is carried out under the

following conditions:

 Rated speed of the ventilator with closed air inlet

covers or supports. (zero delivery).
 Proof of the static strength by falling below the
permissible deflection of the external wall by 0.5% of
the air conditioning device height or width. Other required test criteria can be agreed

and added to this checklist.

1 ...


3 ...
1.3.2 Examination of the correct installation
position of components

The contract acceptor is obligated to compile a

checklist for all components in his scope of
delivery (e.g. fire protection flaps, volume flow
regulators, blending boxes, flaps, air outlets,
etc.), which permits easy and quick examination
on-site (e.g. using order lists).

The checklist should contain the test conditions

and be compiled in the form of a table.

The following are checked

 Manufacturer's installation instructions

 Flow direction
 Materials of components
 Make of components
 Correct installation of components
 Safety devices available
 Accessibility of components
 Purity status of the components
 ........... Duct tightness, permissible leak air flow

for air conduction systems (DIN 24 194 Part 2)

The permissible leak air flow is based on the

tightness class of the air conduction system

 K I (no requirements)
 K II (higher requirements)
 K III (particularly high requirements)
 K IV (highest requirements)

with the assignment of the permissible leak air

flow in
(m3/s)/m2 with a test pressure of

 200 Pa,
 400 Pa,
 1000 Pa

The test pressure corresponds to the intended

system pressure from the outgoing connections
of the ventilation equipment. The permissible
leak air flows are to be taken from DIN 24 194
Part 2.

Permissible leak air flow in (m3/s)/m2.

During assembly of the air conduction system, a

section of the installed duct system is tested. If
this test has a negative result, the entire duct
network will be subject to a duct tightness test.
Constructions, operating procedures, assembly
instructions are to be compiled in accordance
with the valid GMP Guidelines and
agreed/approved with the contract giver.


 Cleaning options for air systems (e.g. gradients,

shut-off possibilities, review openings, etc.)
 Positioning of components (e.g. shut-off flap)
 Assembly instructions for pipe and duct systems:
(especially important for clean areas)
 Clean pipes/ducts before assembly and seal with foils
or sheet metal.
 Shortly before assembly, only the side to which the
pipe/duct system is to be connected may be opened.
 Open pipe and duct systems are to be sealed with foil
each day after completion of the work
 ........
 ........

1.3.3 Completeness test

The completeness test on the system is carried

out on-site, when installed, using approved
assembly drawings and order lists supplemented
with the test conditions.
Testing is carried out on the basis of the VDI
Directive 2079

"Final acceptance testing of ventilation systems".

Test conditions:

1. Scope of delivery

2. Materials of components

3. Make of components

4. Correct installation of components

5. Safety devices available

6. Accessibility of components

7. Cleanliness status of the system

8. Inventory drawings

9. Operating instructions

10. Servicing instructions

11. Spare parts lists/spare parts

12. Test certificates/approval certificates (e.g.

TЬV, Ex, fire protection flaps, pressure checks,
1.3.4 Calibration requirements

A list is compiled with the measuring and control

instruments to be calibrated, including the
acceptance criteria.
1.3.5 Log book

The form and scope in which a log book should

be compiled is established for the system.
1.3.6 Operating procedures

A decision is made on which operating

procedures are required for the operation and
servicing of the system. Existing operating
procedures can be amended, used or new
operating procedures can be compiled.
1.3.7 Reports/servicing reports/malfunction

A list is compiled with all reports, showing if the

report concerns operation, servicing or a

Figure 3.H-49 Operational qualification checklist

require Comment
Operational qualification (OQ) checklist
d s

yes no

The operational qualification includes the review of the individual

components for operability, based on VDI 2079. Specifically, the
following are tests:
1. Ventilators

2. Filters

3. Heat exchangers

4. Humidification devices

5. Dehumidification devices

6. Heat recovery systems

7. Post-treatment equipment

8. Air ducts

9. Fire protection flaps

10. Air flaps

11. Filter seals

12. Volume flow regulators

13. Blending boxes, expansion boxes

14. Air openings

15. Measuring and control equipment

16. Calibrations of all sensors

17. Test of the reports/alarm functions

(incl. operation/servicing/malfunction)
18. Heat supply

19. Cold supply

20. Power supply

21. Steam supply

22. Condensate/water draining

A list is created for each of the above-mentioned

components, in which the tests to be carried out
are established along with the acceptance criteria
to be complied with.

Figure 3.H-50 Performance qualification (PQ) checklist

require Comment
Performance qualification (PQ) checklist
d s

yes no

Performance qualification means testing all given performance

features, such as volume flow, pressure, humidity, temperature, air
exchange counts, overflow devices, pressure differential values, air
velocities, etc.

The performance qualification also includes testing of the individual

measuring methods, execution of the measurements, the type of
documentation, in particular the description and calibration of the
measuring instruments.
In addition to this, the test also includes the special requirements for
testing clean rooms and their components, which are required to
achieve the required particle count or classification.

Performance qualification is to be carried out by the contract acceptor

and must be assigned the following contents.
3.1 Describe the aims of the PQ

3.2 Description of all measuring instruments

used (e.g. measuring principle, measuring range,
tolerances, etc.)
3.3 Testing of areas with and without defined
particle count and ranges

In general, a PQ is carried out for each piece of

equipment, each facility and each room. In each
case, the required values and actual values for
the respective test requirements are to be listed
in the form of tables with clear assignment.

3.3.1 Testing of areas without a defined particle


The PQ is carried out on the basis of VDI 2079

and includes the following verifications: Equipment testing

1. Power consumption and performance

determinations of the drive motor

2. Pressure drop per item of equipment

3. Air supply temperature

4. Inlet air humidity

5. Response limit of safety equipment

6. Safety switches

7. Register performance:
Pressure losses in the register on the air side,
temperatures before and after registers on the
air side and on the water side

8. Noise level in air current and outside the


9. Efficiency of the heat recovery, proof of

performance for heat recovery
10. Blending rate for recirculating air mixing,
blending ratio and heat distribution after
recirculating air mixing (operational proof of

11. Volume flow

12. Filter pressure difference System testing

1. Air temperature in the storey distribution

channel or at the end of the main distribution

2. Air humidity in the storey distribution channel

or at the end of the main distribution channel

3. Air currents and velocities in the main

channels and storey connections

4. Pressure drop in the main channels and storey

distribution channels

5. Response limits of safety devices and safety

sequenced actuation

6. Register performance, register pressure losses

on air and water side for central post-treatment
zones Room testing

1. Air supply temperature at air outlet

2. Exhaust air temperature at room exit

3. Inlet and exhaust air volume flow with

proof of ambient air exchange (supply air)

4. Room temperature
5. Room air velocity

6. Room air humidity

7. Noise level

8. Overflow equipment in all openings

9. Room positive pressure to bordering rooms (D


10. Calculated proof of minimum external air

3.3.2 Additional tests for areas with a defined
particle count Testing the air exchange of clean areas
(class B, C, D)

 Measurement of the volume flow of the suspended

matter filter air outlets, documentation per filter
(filter size, pressure loss, volume flow)
 Calculated proof of the room air exchange (inlet air),
documentation per room (tabular list)
 Calculated proof of the minimum external air supply,
documentation per room Testing the air velocity with low-

turbulence laminar flow in accordance with
operating procedure XXX

If there is no operating procedure, the execution

of the measurement must be described in detail. Proof of pressure zones

 Room positive pressure/negative pressure to

bordering rooms (D P)
 Air flow directions to bordering rooms, or in openings Testing suspended matter filters

 Visual inspection
 Tightness testing,
scanning for leaks (with test aerosols)
 Leak test in accordance with VDI Directive 2083,
sheet 3, point 5: Final acceptance measurements
(Aerosol application possibility provided for at raw air
 Pressure loss

With duct suspended matter filters and

suspended matter filters on the aspiration side,
e.g. for process exhaust air, a suitable
construction must be selected to enable these
tests (e.g. install a special test ventilator) Proof of the cleanliness classes in
accordance with DIN EN ISO 14644-1

 Operating statuses (see point. 2.4; DIN EN ISO

 Provision (see point. 2.4; DIN EN ISO 14644-1)
 Idle running (see point. 2.4; DIN EN ISO 14644-1)
 Manufacturing (see point. 2.4; DIN EN ISO 14644-1)
 Detailed description of the conditions:
 Operating statuses
 Production machines (installed/ on/off)
 Personnel (production/technicians in measurement
 Establishment of the sampling location Flow pattern for class A/B and C

 Proof of whether or not the flow pattern or room

flushing meets the requirements.
 Under LF (class A)
 Laminarity of the initial air current
 Unhindered flow against product contact parts
 Outside LF (class B and C)
 Prove turbulence of the flows
 Proof that air flows through all areas of the room (no
dead corners, flow is turbulent).

The proof is to be documented visually with a

video film, photos and an extensive report. Recovery time

Testing of the recovery time of the clean room

(e.g. class A/B) for:

 Downtime of the facilities (determine the max.

 Impacts when doors are opened against black areas
(escape doors)
 Targeted particle generation at critical points


The term "air technology" is split into the two terms "ventilation
technology" and "process air technology".

The ventilation system used is essentially determined by the following


 Influence of outside air

 Climatic conditions of site
 Operational costs of the different systems
 Cleanliness requirements
 Flexibility

In principle, it must be clarified if a recirculating air system is possible.

In order to guarantee the purity of the air in the premises of a

pharmaceutical manufacturing site, suitable filters must be used.

The design of a suitable ventilation system requires detailed recording

of the planning principles and specification of the GMP requirements in
implementable designs.

The safe, fully functional and economic operation of a ventilation

system requires a maintenance system.

A prerequisite for the use of a ventilation system in a pharmaceutical

manufacturing site is that the systems can be qualified.

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