Title: The Impact of Bullying On Teenagers Social Life 1. Abstract (Not Yet)

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Name : Andi Muchtar Machbub

NIM : 181610101094

Title : The Impact of Bullying on Teenagers Social Life

1. Abstract ( not yet )
2. Introduction
2.1 Background
An individual who lives in a nation consisting of diverse ethnic groups and has
cultural diversity, will surely experience a diversity of social relations. Every individual
is required to interact socially for survival. A teenager who experiences bullying has
the risk of experiencing social interaction problems, one of which is the occurrence of
mental illness or having a life that has “no life”
2.2 Identification of Problem
 Many cases of bullying in Teenagers
 Many teenagers have illness mentality because of bullying
 Lack awareness of the risk of bullying
2.3 Problem Formulation
 How the impact of bullying on teenagers social life
 How to prevent social problems because of bullying on teenagers
2.4 Research Objective
 Know the impact of bullying and solutions on teenagers social life
2.5 Benefits of Research
 Provide learning for teenagers about the impact of bullying on social life
3. Theory
a) Definition of bullying
b) Definition of social life
c) Types of Bullying
4. Discussion
a) Negative impact of bullying
b) Impact of bullying on Teenagers social life
c) Problem solving about social life problem because Bullying
5. Conclusion ( not yet )
6. Reference ( not yet )

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