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B4 > > H O N O L U L U S TA R - A D V E R T I S E R > > S U N D AY 1 0 / 2 7/ 1 9



November skies bring NOWEMAPA (NOVEMBER) SKIES AT 8 P.M.

‘Akau (north)
Facing north, stargazers
will be able to make out the

special planetary views

notable “W” shape of ‘Iwake-
li’i, the royal frigate bird, or
Cassiopeia. ‘Iwakeli‘i marks

on au

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some of the northernmost


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By Chad Kalepa Baybayan and Emily Peavy

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North Star stars of the starline Kalu-

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‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of ­Hawaii

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peakawelo, which stretches


any people incor- west and watch Nahiku set ‘Iwakeli‘i Kamo‘i over our fall sky. On dark
rectly attribute the into the sea. Hokulei Cassiopeia Cepheus clear nights, observers will
start of the Maka- be able to notice a small
Pira‘etea Keoe
hiki season to be in Welehu 20 new moons found Vega fuzzy smudge in the sky
Andromeda Deneb
(November), based on the Using the Subaru Tele- galaxy about 15 degrees south of
first sighting of Makali‘i (the scope atop Mauna Kea, a Navigator’s ‘Iwakel‘i; this is the Androm-
constellation Pleiades) ris- team led by Scott S. Shep- Makali‘i Triangle eda Galaxy, the only object
Kapuahi Pleiades Manokalanipo Kakuhihewa

Komohana (west)
ing in the east. pard of the Carnegie Institu- Scheat outside of the Milky Way

Hikina (east)
Alderaan Alpheratz
However, according to tion for Science has found 20 Pegasus that can be observed with
Kona resident and author new moons orbiting Saturn. Pi‘ilani Keawe Milky Way the naked eye.
Algenib Markab Humu
David Malo, the first lunar This brings the ringed Altair galaxy Rising in the northwest-
night, Hilo, in the lunar planet’s total number of ern sky is the famous star
month of ‘Ikuwa (October) moons to 82, surpassing KALUPEAKAWELO cluster Makali‘i, the Pleia-
marks the beginning of the Jupiter, which has 79. Pi‘ikea des, also known as the
four-month Makahiki season. Each of the newly discov- Diphda SATURN Seven Sisters or Subaru in
Born in 1795, Malo’s sin- ered moons is about 3 miles Kukaniloko Japan. This cluster of hot,
Fomalhaut Pimoe
gular account of Hawaiian in diameter. Seventeen of Sagittarius young, blue stars is visible
culture and society, “Hawai- them orbit the planet back- and its rising in the early
M (S

ian Antiquities,” was re- wards, or in a retrograde di- Kaikilani Nalani evening sky is an important

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corded at a time when rection, meaning their observation for numerous

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Hawaiian culture and reli- movement is opposite of the cultures around the world.
an )


gion still reflected authentic planet’s rotation.

practice. By using some of the larg- Morning observations
The start of Makahiki in est telescopes in the world, Hema (south) In November, the sun will
October allowed Hawaiians researchers are now able to rise just after 6:30 a.m. Ris-
to prepare for the religious complete the inventory of HIGHLIGHTS ing out of the southeastern
November moon phases
and cultural events that con- small moons around the >> Mercury: In the early morning hours of Nov. 11, the sky will be the reddish
planet Mercury will pass directly between the
trolled their lives for a third giant planets. Earth and the sun in a rare transit. While this planet Mars.
of the year. It was also a time To read more about this happens, observers with a properly set up solar In these early hours the
when the ranking ali‘i began discovery, visit Subaru Tele- telescope will be able to watch as the planet, famous shape of Orion the
which will appear as a tiny black dot, moves across FIRST FULL LAST NEW
his circuitous clockwise scope’s website: subaru tele- the disk of the sun. 11/4 11/12 11/19 11/26
Hunter, also known as Kahei-
journey from community to >> Leonids Meteor Shower: Throughout most of heionakeiki, will stand out
community to collect trib- 2019/10/07/index.html. November, the Leonids Meteor Shower will be This star chart is oriented for an high in the western sky. Not
decorating our night sky with shooting stars. The
ute, a tax paid in harvest of shooting stars are the debris left behind by the
observer looking up and facing south. far from this famous constel-
food and fish, and utilitarian Special event In this orientation, the Hikina (east) lation will be Sirius, ‘A‘a, the
comet Tempel-Tuttle, which passes close to the
horizon is on the left and the Komohana
items, feathers and cordage. Throughout most of No- sun every 33 years. Its last closest approach was in
(west) horizon is on the right. brightest star in the sky.
1998. Observers can expect to see about 15
The three phases of the vember, the Leonids Meteor meteors per hour at the peak of the shower,
Makahiki season were the Shower will be decorating occurring on Nov. 17.
Ho‘okupu, offerings to the our night sky with shooting ------------
gods; Ho‘okuku, competi- stars. These stars are the de- Chad Kalepa Baybayan
tions and games; and Wa‘a bris left behind from the (Kalepa.Baybayan@hawaii.
Auhau, a setting off of ritual comet Tempel-Tuttle, which edu) serves as naviga-
taxes on a miniature canoe. passes close to the sun ev- Source: Polynesian Voyaging Society Archives Astronomy Center of Hawaii tor-in-residence and Emily
People living in Kona ery 33 years. The comet’s Peavy (Emily.Peavy@hawaii.
could not see the rising of last closest approach was in throughout November. As bright dot. The conjunction southwestern sky. This edu) as planetarium techni-
Makali‘i, the Pleiades, as the 1998. Observers can expect the month progresses, Ve- will be visible in the south- beautiful gas giant is most cian support facilitator at the
eastern horizon is obscured to see about 15 meteors per nus and Jupiter will appear west direction, immediately famous for its distinctive ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of
by the mountains of Hualalai hour at the peak of the to get closer and closer to after sunset (5:48 p.m. in Ho- rings that can be viewed us- Hawaii, a center for informal
and Mauna Loa. They had shower on Nov. 17. each other until Nov. 24, nolulu) until 7:30 p.m. when ing a good telescope. Sat- science education at the Uni-
to use another celestial The incredibly bright when the planets will go the planets set. urn’s rings are the most versity of Hawaii at Hilo
marker to identify the start planets of Jupiter and Venus through a conjunction. On noticeable of all the gas gi- showcasing astronomy and
of the season: Nahiku, the will be visible immediately this date, these two bright Evening observations ant planets as the rings are Hawaiian culture as parallel
Big Dipper. People in Kona after sunset and both will be planets will appear to be At 8 p.m. in November, packed full of ice, which journeys of human explora-
would only need to look setting before 8 p.m. merged together as one Saturn will be low in the makes them more reflective. tion.

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Here’s a sneak peek at this week’s
38F uthn Trash & Treasure Fair
d r a i s e r f o r Te m a r i H awa i i
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii
Manoa Grand Ballroom, 5th Floor
MidWeek O‘ahu | October 30, 2019
2454 S Beretania St.
Vol. 36, No. 16 | Lawrence Tabudlo photo 8:00am—9:00am
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About It” fame, has a lot of big things on
his mind these days, including an upcoming
seminar, a soon-to-be-released book and a
Get more info at or Ph: 808-536-4566
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