Smart Career Mirror: Odyssey

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Smart Career Mirror

Project Code

Project Advisor
Mr. Qaisar Farooq

Project Manager
Dr. Muhammad Ilyas

Project Team

Name Roll No Role

Ameer Hamza BSEF16M011 Project Lead
Faisal Shahzad BSEF16M026 Team Member
Asam Hussain BSEF16M040 Team Member

Submission Date
20 Oct. 2019

Signature of Supervisor: ____________________

Signature of Project Manager: ____________________

Table of Contents

1. Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 3

2. Background and Justification .............................................................................................. 3

3. Project Methodology........................................................................................................... 4

4. Project Scope ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5. High level Project Plan ....................................................................................................... 5

6. References ......................................................................................................................... 5
1. Abstract
The traditional approach to career guidance consumes a lot of resources and time. The
electronic approach provides an effective and efficient career guidance. Therefore, we are
going to develop a web-based intelligent career guidance system. This application will be
designed for educational usage. System will assist students to choose a career path according
to their nature and interests. This system will examine various factors using Psychological
techniques and tests such as Personality, interest, academic ability, aptitude and challenges
faced by the individual to decide which the is best career for them. This system will help in
increasing productivity rate by helping them in selecting right choice. Tests will be taken to
generate results, the results will be stored in database on which machine learning algorithm
will be implemented followed by a regular tracking of student’s performance, and thus
generating informative reports.

2. Background and Justification

Education prepares people for different career paths. If provided appropriate guidance and
direction people can make right choices for their future and can contribute effectively as a
member of their society. Having proper career counseling the students can avail better career
opportunities of their likings and can have better choices for their careers in future. The
shortage of human and time resources that the process demands, has led to the choice of
unsuitable career resulting in widespread poor performance in professional life and wastage
of education resources.

A web portal, [2] also known as a links page, presents information from diverse sources in a
unified way. They go beyond static web pages and require a sign on which links to some
knowledge the organization has collected ab out the visitor. That knowledge allows portals to
be tailored to meet individuals need.
Though the theory of Career Counseling [1] has been matured over the period, yet it has not
progressed to a single point which suits all people in all contexts.
Frank Parsons [3] was the first to give the conceptual framework of the concept and known
to be the father of career counseling. According to him there are three things important to
choose a right career i.e.
 Clearly knowing yourself.
 Knowledge and awareness about the opportunities available.
 Clear understanding of the relation between the first two facts, cited by.

With multiple choices of subjects and professions, it has become very important to make a
choice that best suit a person. [4]
The existing ways for career guidance include seminars, counseling and analysis based on
academic performance, considering aspects and parameters such as economic status, future
job perspectives, academic performance etc. which may turn out to be irrelevant for
determining better and suitable profession for students. There are various other alternatives
existing, but none of them provide a concrete and precise solution to the problem. The
drawback we observed in Career Counseling systems in market is that the questionnaires are
fixed for all the students. It means that the parameters involved in this test system are general
for everyone. We will design a software that will be able to ask different questions from
candidates according to their nature and capability which will be analyzed initially.

Students that work in the areas they are passionate about are more productive, have more
retention rate and are highly motivated to their professions. [5]
Schmidt [6] argued that it is very critical for a student to know how his personal goals and
the career choices in the world of work are aligned.

3. Project Methodology
In our project there are two phases.
 Data Gathering
For our counselling purpose we must have proper knowledge to train our system. In this
regard we have different Psychological test for Choosing Career of every individual like
RAISEC test, personality test, aptitude test and career interest test etc. The development
of system basically based on these tests.
 Development
After selecting psychological techniques which we will use in our system we will move
forward to Development of our system. Our System will have the following Modules.
 Web Portal
All users will interact with system through the web portal. The development of
web Portal will be done in .NET MVC framework. We will use .NET for front
end and C# for back end. For this development we will use .NET native IDE
Visual Studio.
 Career & School Counselling
The focus of our system to help students find a career best suited for them using
our system. In this regard we will use Chat Bot to make it feel like more human
interaction for taking psychological test defined above. We will use an open
source chat bot and train it according to needs of our system. This Chat Bot will
be based on Machine Learning Algorithms. With the help of these algorithms, our
system will judge the career according to interest of every individual with less
numbers of Question then before. The number of questions will start decreasing
according to student and can increase if more information is needed from person.
System will analyze data from students' academic recode and from tests which are
being conducted from them on regular bases to suggest career and school
counselling for them.

4. Project Scope
 System’s targeted customers will be Students of School and College studying under
Provisionals and the Federal Boards curriculum in Pakistan.
 System will operate in both Urdu and English Languages.
 The main purpose of the system is to help students decide their career.
 The student’s career will also be tracked by keeping a record of the progress.
 The system will keep a track of the student’s whole career and thus if any student faces
and psychological issues the machine will detect an anomaly in the record and will also
help the Psychologist to determine the cause of the trouble.
 One of the applications of such a system is to evaluate student’s academic performance at
the school level. The students recode will be updated by school regularly. The counselors
can use such system to predict the proper guidelines for the students and help them.
 The system will be developed to maintain a record of the students and when recruiting
companies look to hire students the system will help them to filter out the process by
specifying a criterion to shorten the recruitment process & time.

5. High level Project Plan

6. References

[1]. Carnevale, A. and S. Rose. “Socioeconomic Status, Race/Ethnicity, and Selective

College Admissions”. The Century Foundation New York, NY, ED482419, 2009
[2]. Maedche A, Stab S, Stajanovic N, Studer R, Sure Y, (2003). Semantic Portal- The
Seal Approach in Spinning the Semantic Web. London, MIT Press, pp 317-359.
[3]. Atif Bilal,” Career Counseling in Pakistan”, Developing Country Studies, ISSN 2225-
0565[Online], Vol 4, No 16 (2014), Available: www.iiste.Org [Accessed 15 Oct
[4]. Brown D, Brooks L (2000). Career Choice and Development. NY: McGraw Hill.
[5]. Whiston SC, Sexton TL (2008). A review of school counseling outcome research.
Journal of education 76 (24) 412-426
[6]. Schmidt, J.J. (2003). Counseling in the schools: Essential services and comprehensive
programs (4th ED.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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