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II - Analysis of Findings

Family Data

The twenty-five years residency of the family in San-Rafael Brgy. 10 A

P-6. implicates that they have adapted to the environment and they have
already adjusted to the community. By this time, they already know the
important locations in the locality and get access to the facilities and have
availed of the services that the community provides. This data also inclines
that the family doesn't have enough knowledge especially in family planning,
since then because the family is consist of 12 children and the gap age of
every child is 1 to 3 years old. That's why the parents are having a crisis in
meeting the needs of their children, which results in the children to stop in
going to school and forced to work at a very young age.

The family size is, meaning it is composed of ten to fifteen members.

The significance of this data is concerned with the ability of the parents to
provide monetary support. Usually, if the family is getting bigger that is when
the problem arises. The tendency is that the head of the family will double his
work in order to meet the needs of the family because there will be more
spending, more mouth to feed, and needs space to live in. In effect, the
children will be deprived of things that other children are enjoying like
education and nutritional needs.

The faith or religion of the family influences their lifestyle and their
perspective in life. Abellana Family is a Roman Catholic and as health care
providers, respect is expected and a must for every one of us has its own
beliefs and practices.
Family Members Chart

It is noticeable that the children of Mr. and Mrs. Abellana are already
adults, but most of their children are still dependent on their parents even
those who are already married are still living in their parent's homes. This data
helped us predict the living condition of the family. The more dependents there
are in a household, the more need is required for their financial survival.

The educational attainment of both parents obviously shows how less

competent compared to those who have a higher educational background.
This follows the status of employment will be reflective of the one's educational
attainment, the less qualification one has, the lesser chances of getting a high
paying job that's why it is not a surprise that the father and mother in the family,
who provides for the family, settled for tricycle driver and laundrywoman. This
data also shows that most of their children are having the same job because
they are deprived of going to school and get a degree.

Family Characteristics

The type of family structure is extended. It is composed of the father,

the mother, the children and the grandchildren. As a Filipino known to have a
strong family ties, this closeness provides each member of the family the
security and protection needed. In extended type of family, conflicts are often
likely to be present because resources are not enough. Jealousy and rivalry
occurs, although conflict happens to the family they openly talk and resolve if
the problem arises.
Family Dietary Habits

The family dietary habit reveals that they have lack of food resources.
Poor eating habits, poor food choices such as dried fish, can goods and etc.
Nutrients or healthy foods are not important for them what matters is that they
can eat three times a day.

Monthly Income and Source

The head of the family earns PHP5000 - PHP10000 which is not

enough for their basic needs none at all are left for health intervention
maintenance, education and savings. Food is their priority and studies became
an opportunity

Family Health Status/Health History

His child stated that his father was hospitalized due to Urinary Tract
Infection and kidney failure because of poor food choices. They can no longer
remember the attending physician and the medication taken. His father likes to
eat dried salted fish which is the reason why he has a UTI and kidney failure.
He was also diagnosed with anemia. His youngest child died due to its lack of
Felt Family Needs

The family needs to have sufficient money if they only have enough of
it they can provide food and basic needs including education and clothing. The
clothes that no longer fit the eldest child will be given to the next sibling. the
said sibling will do the same to the next. According to them money is their
priority then food and studies are next.

Home Environment

Technically the family first squat the place they are now leaving. Due to
its long lengths of stay they were permitted to build a house in the vicinity, the
said place is now one of the places given by our government to our country
man who cannot afford to buy their own place. Since they don’t need to pay the
rent, this place that they’re leaving spared some penny from the said family
and uses it to their food instead. However, it may also imply that there will be
no sense of security on family’s part because the government may seize the
land if they needed to use it. Chances are high that someday they may be
relocated to other area; the type of housing that the family used is made of light
raw ordinary materials uses both wood and concrete for it.

Living Space

The adequacy of living space is very important in every home for

convenience of the family as well as health issues, the value of privacy and to
live comfortably. One of the hindrances in living in a small place is the transfer
of communicable diseases due to the small area in the house rooms are not
separated, communicable disease such as cough, cold and fever can easily
spread. Others are the value of privacy, each of us needs our privacy and our
differences will sometimes drives us to conflicts if we are staying in one room.
The internal space of the family’s house is very crowded. Considering the floor
area and the place required of the family. This implies that the tendency of
easy transfer of any possible illness is very high.

Garbage Disposal

Upon ocular inspection, we noticed open dumping of garbage in the

family’s backyard even on their floors. This of course is very unhealthy habit,
their manner of disposing their garbage may cause growth of microorganism
that can affect their health specially children. There are garbage bin provided
nearby by the local government but they still pile their garbage at the backyard
and there are garbage ever where inside their house.

Water/Excreta Disposal

The importance of clean toilet is important; viruses and bacteria

can actually affect the health and safety of the people that live in the house
specially aging adults and children. Microorganism, bacteria and viruses lives
on a toilet surfaces. Without proper cleaning the members of the family are
prone to diseases, the factor that causes the bacterial contamination through
stool, especially that the family is sharing the same toilet with other families. It
is an indication that it can be a potential breeding site for parasites which can
be acquired by anyone from the family especially that the children sometimes
playing on the ground barefooted. The family uses flush type waste disposal.

Drainage System

The family has a close drainage system. They have drainage pipes
for their dishwashing sink and go to the drainage canal.
Type of Water Supply

The compound has one water connection that the entire family
shared. It has pipe that they used as distribution network going to each families
room. The water is provided by Davao City Water District which we know it is
safe to drink.

Drinking Water Storage

The family plastic pitcher and bottles with cover for storing drinking
water. There is no problem with such manner of storing water as long as it is
kept clean internally and externally. The family don’t own refrigerator so they
keep it through containers and covers it and they also get directly from the

Food Storage

Food storage facilities are necessary to store excess food, prolong

shelf life, minimize spoilage and keep away insects and other harmful
microorganisms. The family uses plates and covered plastic containers to
store their excess food. This practice reduces the shelf life of food and won’t
spoil the food easily. Though it is always suggested that the food should not be
stored too long or should all be eaten at once otherwise it will all just be thrown

Breeding Sites

Open dumping sites of garbage invites microorganism to grow

which I saw in their compound. Presence of stagnant water which also found
there becomes a breeding/resting sites for vectors of diseases. This condition
needs attention and that they may fully aware of the risks through their health.
Health and Health Practices

Flu, urinary tract infection and cough are common illnesses the
family encountered for the past six months. They admitted that they take
medications without prescription if someone in the house has cold, cough,
fever and UTI. As verbalized “we all used to it” and if they have medication that
they needed to drink for one week continuously, they will stop drinking it as
soon as they are relieved they will not follow the prescription that is prescribed
by the doctors. Their reason is that they don’t have enough money to provide
such medication. Sometimes they go to the doctors, BHW and Health center
staff for consultation when it comes to health issues. For problems other than
health they will consult family members and relatives for it.

Immunization Status

It is good to know that the family is fully aware of the importance of

the expanded program of the barangay health center such as immunization
and other vaccines that are important in preventing harmful diseases. It is
freely given every Wednesday. The father verbalized that all his children are
fully immunized when they are one year old except for their three months old
baby who is still waiting for her other vaccines.

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