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Problem #2

Family Health Family Nursing Goal/Objective of Care Intervention Measures Method of Nurse- Resources Evaluation
Problem Problem Family Contact

Presence of - Inability to perceive Short Term Goal: - Teach the family simple - Home visits. - Time and effort
breeding sites for it as a health threat methods on how to prevent of the student
insect and for the family. - To teach the family that breeding site. (e.g. do general - Lectures. nurse and the
rodents. their carpets may become cleaning in the house 2 times family.
- Lacks knowledge breeding sites for insects a week.) - Observations.
O: The house is about what could which carries diseases - Visual Aids.
“makeshift” – insects and rodents and can harm the children - Teach the adult members of
made up of plastic cause to the family’s if unseen. the family the advantages of
carpets and old health. having a clean environment in
wood. Under the - Teach how to stop the relation of eliminating the
carpet could be a breeding sites from breeding sites.
breeding site for building.
insects’ like- - Discuss what disease can
millipedes and - To know what disease they acquired from the insects
cockroaches. can they acquired from and rodents and how can it
insects and rodents. affect their health.

Long Term Goal:

- To reduce the breeding

sites for insects and

- Promote a clean, safe

and healthy environment
for the family to live in.

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