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Andrew and Diana (2012) skimming and scanning are two specific studying skills; these are

practiced at the start of every theme: Skimming capability looking at a textual content or a

chapter quickly in order to have a widespread notion of the content, while scanning capability

searching at a textual content to find some particular information.

Marjorie and Ann (2014) argued that students want to use the techniques of skimming

and scanning to decide if the data they have placed is even relevant to their research or

information need.

Negash (2016) Skimming and Scanningare two specific speeds reading techniques, which

gave the reader the advantage of being able to predict the reason of the passage,

Smith (2017) The major subject matter or message an some of the growing or aiding ideas;

while, when scanning readers only attempt to perceive specific information and frequently they

do now not even observe the linearity of the passage to do so.

Phil (2013) printed that scanning and skimming are likely two of the most useful skills in

analyzing as long as you can overcome the concern that you will pass over matters if you do now

not read everything with perfect comprehension at all time; every other indispensable skill that

saves a massive quantity of time is selective reading. Skimming is a reading method which helps

the students to get a general notion of the text in quick length of time, we skim when we desire to

cover the reading material in a hurry. With skimming we are fascinated only in getting a

universal thought of the text, and paying interest only to the key phrases or thoughts of the text

and pass the different details, these only key phrases can offer a general idea about the learn

about material; scanning refers to the way we quickly search through a book or a text while

searching for some important information.

Lynn (2018) viewed that skimming includes looking down the web page passing your eyes

along and down the page, to see if it appears interesting in relation to your topic, when skimming

the pages, you think about the records of interest. When you scan the web page for extra specific

details, your eyes, thought and attention focal point on the phrases that you desire to see and they

ignore the words that you are no longer interested in. He furnished an example about scanning

“You will possibly use the method of scanning when searching for precise name in a phone

directory. You appear for the initial letter, or maybe for the first few letters, and bypass all of the

different facts on the page. However, when scanning for facts out of a book that is extra

interesting than a list of names, it is convenient to emerge as distracted. You might also give up

scanning to read some information that you have discovered to be interesting however is no

longer applicable to what you be searching for”(Lynn, P.13)

Nobert (2013) supplied an example about skimming and scanning, he suggested, “When

we desire statistics from a manual, we will search for that information by some combination of

scanning for key phrases and skimming small segments for meaning to see if we are in the

proper location of the text. When we study newspaper we read headlines and frequently skim

information stories to see if we desire to gradual down and read more carefully.” It means that

these two methods are best combination to search an information.


Richard and Pals (2015) mentioned that scanning is type of speed-reading technique

which is used when the reader needs to be placed in a particular piece of facts without

necessarily understanding the relaxation of a text or passage and the reader can find out about the

textual content in extra the detail.

Gentini (2016) In scanning, the reader wants to look at intently the use of a regular design

or fixed without making a search for something looking at shortly except careful reading is

regularly searching for a precise issue (Quirk and buddy 1998: 931) from “The American

Heritages Dictionary”. We can locate that scanning is the type of reading when reader wishes to

exam intently to appear over quickly and systematically of left through hastily.

Vaezi (2017) In reading, the students looking for some specific piece of information in

the text quickly and practice to suppose of clues go their eyes rapidly, and states that scanning is

analyzing swiftly to find unique a piece of information. This technique is useful to limit


Casey (2013) Scanning is very beneficial for students to discover precise information to

get answers from the questions in the undertaking or exam, and decrease their time to answer the

questions in the text. Scanning is a device used to come across details-specific information that

may additionally be requested at the time of the assignment.

Sutarsyah (2010) Skimming as nicely as scanning is a speed analyzing technique. Yet,

they are now not the same. These two strategies have exclusive purposes, though each of them

include getting the ideas of the textual content quickly.

When reading, the reader wishes to understand every single phrase in the text. Some of

the phrases are now not so necessary to apprehend that the reader may also forget them they

every so often do now not really join to the thought being searched.

Merriam Webster dictionary online (2014: 376) it is states that skimming is the type or

analyzing that is used to read, find out about or observe superficially and rapidly, especially to

glance through a e book for a chief thoughts or the plot.

Hanckock in Simanjuntak(2012) additionally says that in preview skimming a reader the

introductory information, the heading and subheading, and the summary, if one is provided.

After skimming, figure out whether or not to study the cloth more thoroughly, and pick the

fantastic pace which to read. Skimming to get another view is an important talent for students.

By skimming to get the “gist” of the material, the college students are able to cowl all of it.

Curnick in Woods (2015: 65) There are many strategies that can be used when skimming.

Some humans study the first and closing paragraph using headings, summarize and other

organizers as they cross achieved the page. They might examine the title, subtitle, subheading

and illustration, reflect on consideration on studying the first sentence of each paragraph.

Andrew (2016) Skimming and scanning are two specific speeds reading techniques, and

which enable for students to get a valid information from a material very rapidly. These two are

different purpose but similar strategies and techniques. Every steps are need to be followed. In

his research, the skimming and scanning are both different reading styles.



Brown (2014) Skimming is the procedure of speedy insurance of studying be counted to

determine its gist or principal notion. It is generally used to rapidly become aware of the main

ideas of a text, when people have loads of cloth to examine in restriction quantity of time or skim

when they are favor to reply the query based totally on a text.

So, from that view, the researcher can conclude that skimming is a useful skill to be

utilized in reading. Skimming is the kind of studying which is used when the readers desire to

find out about the textual content solely to get the texts principal thinking through analyzing

quickly without pausing to constant the details. In a truth the reader want appropriate technique

in analyzing a text. This is essential for the college students earlier than studying a texts, the

college students have a purpose and purpose for positive a piece of material. The students must

know, why they are analyzing a text, what they are favor to know about text, what students do

after analyzing the text, and what is appropriate technique that is used in a text.

Brown (2015) says, “the motive of scanning is to extract certain specific information

without studying through the entire text”. Scanning technique is used to discover required data to

entire a given project such as making a decision about what to watch on TV schedule, a title or a

date on advertisement or looking for sure specific records on brief articles. Specific information

is the aim of scanning the analyzing text besides reading via the text wholly.

Nuttal (2017) scanning skill glancing rapidly through the text either to search for a

particular records or to get an initial impression of whether or not the textual content is suitable

for given purpose. Thus, scanning is a technique of studying to look for detail and unique facts

based totally on the purpose of the reader, when the reader desire to identify or look for the

specific information (time, name, date, place) in advertisement.


Kaitlyn Hartling (2017) students have already been introduced to skim and scan

techniques, whether they realize it or not, simply because of their interaction with social media,

online learning, and text features in their textbooks. However, at some point, they will need to

read from sources that have no such aids.

Basically, skimming is reading selectively to determine the main idea of a piece. Most

teachers begin by teaching students to skim and deduce meaning from a limited amount of text

and then gradually increase the length and complexity of the text.

Abby, Marks, and Beale (2012) author of 10 Days to Faster Reading and The Complete

Idiot's Guide to Speed Reading, suggests teaching skimming this way:

Choose a page or chapter for students to skim. Ask students to read just the first sentence

or just the first and last sentences of each paragraph, keeping an eye out for proper nouns, dates,

and unfamiliar words. Students might jot these words down in a notebook or journal to help with

comprehension later.

When they've read first and last sentences of each paragraph, have them go back and read

the entire page or chapter, reading closely this time and noting important information as well as

questions about the information in the text.

Mark Warner (2018) suggests pairing students up and giving them an article that is

obviously too long for them to read word for word in two minutes. Begin this exercise by asking

the students to read the title and then state what they think the article is about. Students may

make notes about what they believe is the topic of the article. Next, have students read the first

and the last paragraphs of the article and guess what the piece is about based on that information.

Students may note how their idea about the topic of the piece changed based on the additional

information. Students then read the first line of every paragraph and make another guess based

on what they read what the article is about. Finally, students read the entire article in two minutes

and again to see if their predictions about the content based on skimming matched the actual

topic. Similar to skimming, scanning involves a much different process. Readers use scanning

when looking for a specific piece or a specific category of information. Scanning is not reading

and comprehending so much as searching for one thing, like Waldo in a Where's Waldo? Book

for middle school students, finding a specific word pertaining to a specific idea is a good way to

focus on meaning. The key to scanning is making sure that, in spite of the fact the students have

not closely read a piece, they have gained enough context to accurately represent the author's

words and intentions.

Roxas (2014) Skimming and scanning exercises not only help promote alternative

reading strategies, they also promote cognitive processing and literacy skills—skills that are the

foundation of the Common Core State Standards. By varying our methods as teachers, and

providing more skills in reading, we are encouraging our students to achieve well beyond the

Common Core Standards.

Skimming and scanning are great techniques to help students read long, complex pieces.

As they practice these skills, their research skills will improve as well. We need to give students

permission to use strategies like skimming and scanning, emphasizing that there is nothing

wrong with taking the “shortcuts.

As we implement these basic strategies our students will become more versatile readers.

The more strategies they have to pull from, the less they will need our assistance and the better

prepared they will be for high school and college.

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