Category of Conflict: Man Vs Man: Ulya Zunaidah 201510100311193 Anindya Swastika N.M 201510100311201

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Ulya Zunaidah 201510100311193

Anindya Swastika N.M 201510100311201

Category of conflict : Man vs Man

1. Exposition

Aretha comes from a modest family, she's a sweet and always cheerful girl. Her days

seemed far from sadness when he was with Xavier, his lover.

2. Rising action

The uncle of Xavier is angry and disagree with his nephew relationship. Uncle made

bad news about Aretha to separate her from his nephew. Because of the news, Aretha

was locked up and hated by her extended family.

3. Climax

Xavier was very sick and could not meet Aretha. He asked his parents to persuade

Aretha's family so that he could meet for his recovery.

4. Falling action

Aretha came tearfully when she saw Xavier lying in his bed. She took care of Xavier

very well and got a cure.

5. Resolution

Aretha and Xavier married and live happily ever after.

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