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North Western University

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Instructions for Writing Lab Reports

Exp. No 1: Experiment name (write on the cover page)

1.1 Objectives:
 Must be written in list format.
 Write down the main purposes of the experiment.

1.2 Introduction:
Write the theoretical background shortly. It may contain the definition, mathematical expression,
corresponding figure etc.

1.3 Apparatus Required:

Must be written in table format as shown below. The list of apparatus should be in following
sequence: Power supply > Main-Components > Meters > Others (Bread Board, Connecting Wire,
Probe, and Holder). Rating of any component should include voltage, power and resistive value.

Table 1.1: List of Apparatus

Sl. No. Name Rating Quantity

1. DC Voltage Supply (0-40) V 1
2. Resistors 470Ω, 0.5W; 2
1kΩ, 0.5W
3. .............. .......... ..........
4. Connecting Wire - As required
...... ............. ............ .........

1.4 Circuit Diagram or Experimental Diagram:

Fig. 1.2: A caption have to be added for every figure/Image

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1.5 Experimental Data:

According to your experiment data format may be varied.

Table 1.2: The Table of Experimental Data

1.6 Graph: If necessary, graphical representation (graph papers) must be added.

Fig. 1.3: The perfect caption for graph

1.7 Calculation:

The calculation required to determine the result.

1.8 Result and Discussion:

Firstly, write down the final output and analyze how the objectives are fulfilled through your
experimental work. If the experimental output deviates from the original/ideal output value,
discuss the causes for this deviation. Also discuss the challenges (if any) to perform the lab.

1.9 Conclusion:
Write down the conclusive sentence and provide the relevant application if necessary.

Book: For example,
[1] R. E. Ziemer and W. H. Tranter, Principles of Communications: Systems, Modulation,
and Noise, 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015, pp. 13–17.
Website: For example,

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