Lagrangian Dynamics: PHYS20401 Terry Wyatt Example Sheet 8: Revision Problems

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PHYS20401 Lagrangian Dynamics Terry Wyatt

Example Sheet 8: Revision Problems

1. Lagrangian dynamics of systems with one degree of freedom

For each of the following systems make an appropriate choice of generalized coor-
dinate(s), write down the Lagrangian, apply Langrange’s equations and (if appro-
priate) calculate the frequency of small oscillations about the equilibrium position.
Make a note of any conserved quantities of the motion you can identify. By con-
sidering simple limiting cases, units, or other methods, try to cross check your
(a) A circular wheel of mass m and radius r is free to roll without slipping on a
plane inclined at an angle θ to the horizontal. A spring of spring constant k
connects the centre of the wheel to a fixed point (as shown in the figure).

(b) A particle of mass m is free to move along a circle that lies in the horizontal
plane and is of radius r. The particle is attached to a spring. The other end
of the spring is attached to a point A, which lies in the same horizontal plane
as the circle is a distance l away from the circle (as shown in the following
figure). A force F is required to stretch the spring to a length l.

(c) A uniform spherical ball of mass m and radius R rolls without slipping down
a wedge of mass m and angle α, which itself can slide without friction on a
horizontal table. The system moves in the plane shown in the diagram. Here
g deontes the gravitational acceleration. For the special case M = m and
α = π/4 find
i. the acceleration of the wedge,
ii. the acceleration of the ball relative to the wedge.
The moment of intertia of a uniform sphere of mass m and radius R is given
by: I = 25 mR2 .

(d) A pendulum of length l and mass m is mounted on a block of mass M . The

block can move freely without friction on a horizontal surface (as shown in
the following figure). Have you seen a problem on a previous Example Sheet
that is essentially the same as this one?

(e) A block of mass M can move freely without friction in one dimension on a
horizontal surface. A mass m is connected by two springs of spring constant
k to the block (as shown in the following figure). Assume the mass m moves
only in the same horizontal direction in which the block moves. [Hint: with a
bit of thought about problems you have already solved you might to be able
to write down the angular frequency!]

(f) A pendulum is constructed of a mass m connected to a massless rigid rod of
length l. As shown in the diagram, the other end of the rod is suspended from
a point on a ring of radius R. The pendulmn is free to swing in a vertical
plane that is also the plane of the ring. The ring rotates with constant angular
velocity ω about the horizontal axis that passes through its centre.

i. Derive the lagrangian for the system in terms of θ, the angle of the rod
with the vertical.
ii. In the lectures and in Example Sheet 5, question 3 (b), we showed that if
f (q, t) is an arbitrary function of the generalised coordinate q and time,
the modified Lagrangian, L0 , given by
L0 = L +
also obeys Lagrange’s equations. Use this freedom of choice to simplify
the Lagrangian you obtained in part (a) to give

ml2 θ̇2
L0 = + mRlω 2 cos (θ − ωt) + mgl cos θ.
iii. Hence deduce the equation of motion of the pendulum.
iv. Assuming that both R and the amplitude of the oscillations of the pendu-
lum are small compared to l, make appropriate approximations to derive
an equation of motion that is linear in θ and its derivatives with time.

2. Lagrangian dynamics of systems with more than one degree of freedom

For each of the following systems make an appropriate choice of generalized co-
ordinates, write down the Lagrangian, apply Langrange’s equations to obtain the
equations of motion. Find the solutions to the equations of motion. Make a note
of any conserved quantities of the motion you can identify.
Where appropriate express the equations of motion in terms of normal modes and
calculate the frequency of small oscillations about the point of equilibrium for each
of the normal modes. Whenever you can, sketch the motion of the system, showing

the maximum displacements of each mass relative to their position at the point
of equilibrium. Rewrite the Lagrangian in terms of the normal mode coordinates
and velocities. Thus demonstrate that only terms quadratic in the normal mode
coordinates and velocities appear in the rewritten Lagrangian.

(a) A particle of mass m moves in two dimensions with potential energy given
V = mω02 x2 + y 2 + mαxy.
(b) A particle of mass m moves on a frictionless
3 horizontal table. A light string is
attached to the
PC240 January particle,
1999 continued.passes
.. through a hole in the table, hangs vertically
and is fastened to a second mass m.

(c) A mass m1 is suspended by means of a spring of spring constant k and is

free to move
2. One particle,inof amass
m, restsdirection. A pendulum
on a frictionless consisting
horizontal table, and anotherof ofa the
mass, m2 ,
same mass to
connected hangs belowrigid
a light the table,
rod and is connected
of length r hangsto the first the
from by a mass
string m
of 1length
. Thel motion
which passes without friction through a small hole in the table. Initially, the second mass
ofisthe entire system is constrained to the plane shown in the diagram below.
at rest and the first has angular velocity ω with respect to the hole.
Why is it much easier to consider the coordinate y to be the displacement
Show that the Lagrangian of the system can be written
of mass m1 from the equilibrium position, rather than the extension of the
spring from its natural length? 1
L = mṙ2 + mr2yφ̇2defined
− mgr, as the displacement from the
equilibrium position, why does a potential energy term m1 gy not appear in
the Lagrangian?
where r is the distanceN.B. If first
of the youmasshavefromnottheattempted
hole, and φ̇ isExample
its angular Sheet
velocity.7, Question
[10 marks]
1, then you really should do so!
Find the equations of motion, and hence show that if the initial distance of the first mass
from the hole, r0 , is given by r0 = g/ω 2 the second mass remains stationary.
[15 marks]
The second mass is now pulled downwards suddenly, decreasing r by an amount which
is small compared to r0 . Show that it subsequently oscillates vertically with a frequency
f given by s
3 ω
2 2π .
[5 marks]

(d) A mass m is suspended between two springs of natural length l and spring
PC240 P.T.O.
constant k. The other ends of the two springs are attached to fixed supports
that are a distance 2d apart (as shown in the following figure). Ignore the

effect of gravity. Consider quantitatively the case d > l; that is, at the equi-
librium point the two springs are stretched. Describe qualitatively what is
likely to happen in the case d < l, i.e., the two springs are compressed at the
point of equilibrium.

(e) Two masses (m1 and m2 ) are connected together by a spring of natural length
l2 and spring constant k2 , with mass m1 also connected to a rigid support by
another spring of natural length l1 and spring constant k1 .

(f) A pendulum is constructed of a mass m connected to a massless rigid rod of

length l. The other end of the rod is suspended from a point on a uniform
circular ring of radius R and mass M . The pendulum is free to swing in a
vertical plane that is also the plane of the ring. The ring is free to rotate
about the horizontal axis that passes through its centre, as shown in the
diagram below.

(g) A double pendulum consists of a mass m2 suspended by a rod of length l2 from
a mass m1 , which is itself suspended by a rod of length l1 from a fixed pivot.
Hint: Use as generalised coordinates the angles θ1 and θ2 of the rods with
respect to the vertical. Start off by considering the simplified Lagrangian that
is adequate to describe small displacements from the equilibrium position.
Show that this is given by:
1 1 1 1
L ≈ m1 l12 θ̇12 + m2 (l1 θ̇1 + l2 θ̇2 )2 − m1 gl1 θ12 − m2 g(l1 θ12 + l2 θ22 ).
2 2 2 2
4. A double pendulum is drawn below. Two light rods of lengths l1 and l2 oscil-
If you’d like a challenge then you might consider the more general Lagrangian
late in the same plane.
valid for Attached to them are masses
large displacements. In this m1case
and the
m2 . motion
How many
not beofSHO, of
freedom does the system have? Write down the Lagrangian describing its dynamics.




(h) A thin rod of mass m and length 2l stands on a frictionless floor and leans
against a frictionless wall. Assume the rod remains in contact with both floor
and wall as it slides. Assume also that the point on the wall that is closest
to the place where the rod touches the floor lies vertically below the point
5. The pivot of a simple pendulum is attached to a disc of radius R, which rotates in
where the rod touches the wall. A mass M is free to slide on the rod and is
the plane of the pendulum with angular velocity ω. (See the diagram below). Write
initially at rest with respect to the rod when the rod is released from rest.
down the Lagrangian and derive the equations of motion for dynamical variable θ.
3. Hamiltonian dynamics

For each of the systems in problem 1 above, find the generalized momentum, p.
In the Lagrangian, eliminate the generalized velocity q̇ in favour of the p. Hence
write the Hamiltonian, H = p q̇ − L, as a function of the p and q. Apply
Hamilton’s equations and show that l they reproduce in each case the equation of
motion obtained above by applying Langrange’s
m equation.

4. The calculus of variations

(a) Using
6. The motion a technique
of an similar
electron of mass tomthat andwe used in
charge lecture
(−e) 7, demonstrate
moving that great
in a magnetic
circles of a sphere (i.e., circles
field B = ∇ × A(r) is described by the Lagrangian that have the same centre and radius as the
sphere) form the shortest paths (or geodesics) between two points along the
L = 21 mṙThe
surface of the sphere. · ṙ − eṙ · A(r)for a great circle is given by: (6)
Show that Lagrange’s equation reproduces
θ =Lorentz force −
cot θ0 cos(φ law
), the electron.
where θ0 and φ0 are constants. Hint: consider φ to be a function, φ(θ), of θ
i) Work in cylindrical polar coordinates
and demonstrate that: (r, θ, z) and consider the vector potential

A = (0, f (r)/r, 0) C2 (7)

φ02 =
sin4 θ − C 2 sin2 θ

and φ0 = dθ
and C is a constant.

(b) Consider a particle released at rest and subsequently moving without friction
under gravity. Find the path such that the time taken for the particle to travel
from the point at which it is released to a fixed point (x1 , y1 ) is independent
of where along the path it is released. Hint: follow the method given in
Example Sheet 3, problem 2 (b).

There is very little material in the Lagrangian Dynamics course to learn. Success in the
course is about understanding the Lagrangian/Hamiltonian approaches and the Calculus
of Variations and being able to apply what you have understood to solving problems. You
should consider working conscientiously1 through all the Example Sheets I have provided
as an absolute bare minimum of practice in problem solving that you need to prepare
yourself for the exam in Lagrangian Dynamics. I also strongly recommend that you
work through the past few years’ Lagrangian Dynamics exams, which are linked from
the course web page:
Large numbers of additional problems are available in text books and more generally
on the web. I have provided some useful links to additional material on the course web
page. However, you can also use your imagination and make up your own problems!
Just take any of the systems in the problems given above and add an extra mass, or
an extra spring, etc. For example, in problems 1c or 1d above, add an extra spring
that connects the block or pendulum to a fixed point. Of course, there is no limit to
the complexity of the systems you can create in this fashion — for example, in the
double pulley system of Example Sheet 4, problem 3 (c) you could add springs of spring
constants k1 , k2 and k3 to connect the masses m1 , m2 and m3 , respectively, to the floor.
However, the latter system is certainly going well beyond the level of complexity of any
of the systems you will be asked to analyse in the exam!
I hope you enjoy working through the above problems and that these form a useful
part of your revision. Good luck in January! (And make sure to avoid all the pitfalls
and practice the various crucial techniques given in Lectures 19 and 20 ;-)

“Working conscientiously” obviously means trying very hard to solve the problems yourself. Just
looking at my answers without trying hard yourself will bring few benefits.

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