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(FEBRUARY 2015 - JULY 2015)













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I dedicate this report to the Almighty God who in His infinite mercy guided and provided for me
throughout the duration of the Industrial Training Programme and also to my beloved parents for
their love and support.

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My deepest appreciation and gratitude goes to God for his gift of life to me and strength to
journey through. Furthermore, my sincere appreciation also goes to the maintenance team at the
Halliburton Wireline Electronics Lab, for developing in me an awareness of the general
workplace, behaviour and interpersonal skills development, and giving me the opportunity to get
a feel of the work environment which has exposed me to an engineer’s responsibilities and

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TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………...4

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES…………………………………………………………..5







CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….35


REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………….37

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Figure 1.0…Maintenance Frequency

Figure 1.1…White Rack

Figure 1.2…PMI Flow Chart

Figure 1.3…Red Rack

Figure 1.4…PMIII Flow Chart

Figure 1.5…Yellow Rack

Figure 1.6…PMII Flow Chart

Figure 1.7…Green Rack

Figure 1.8…Tool about undergoing resistance check

Figure 1.9…Tool undergoing oil-fill

Figure 1.10…Power Flow (Open Hole)

Figure 1.11…Power Flow (Cased Hole)

Figure 1.12…T568-B Wiring Standard

Figure 1.13…VIP Access screenshot

Figure 2.1…Filing System

Figure 2.2…Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Diagram

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This is a technical report based on the knowledge I acquired during the period of my students’
industrial working experience scheme (SIWES) in the IT department and the Wireline Logging
maintenance laboratory of Halliburton Energy Services Limited. The student industrial work
experience scheme is an opportunity for students to get familiar with real world. This report
comprises of the work done and experience gained during the entire duration of the internship

The later part of this report contains the challenges I faced during this period and also, the
SIWES challenges faced by the industry. It also comprises of the experience gained,
observations and conclusion drawn during the course of my internship.

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Halliburton is and American multinational company founded in 1919, and is one of the world’s
largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. The company serves the
upstream oil and gas industry throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir – from locating
hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well
construction and completion, and optimizing production through the life of the field.

Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited comprises 8 product service lines (PSLs). The
PSLs operate in two divisions: Drilling and Evaluation, and Completion and Production. The
Consulting and Project Management PSL works across both divisions and is the spearhead of the
integrated-services strategy. PSLs are primarily responsible and accountable for strategy,
technology development, process development, people development and capital allocation.

Drilling and Evaluation Division:

 Landmark
 Sperry Drilling
 Wireline & Perforating

Completion and Production Division:

 Cementing
 Completion Tools
 Production Enhancement
 Production Solutions

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I started out working in the Wireline and Perforating Services (WPS) PSL. I was assigned to the
electronics lab were preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance was carried out on tools
used in logging and perforating services. I also participated in the setting up of trucks that were
to be incorporated into the LOGIQ-B platform as related to open-hole and cased-hole logging. I
then transferred to the IT department where repair of systems were carried out. Also at the IT
department rolling out of new software services to employees were carried out.

1.0 Preventive Maintenance on tools in the WPS Electronics Laboratory

The maintenance team is responsible for general maintenance of tools, equipment, trucks and
skid units. The diagram below is a summary of whom the various responsibilities fall regarding
maintenance falls on the frequency of the maintenance checks and the records kept.

Fig 1.0 Maintenance Frequency

1.0.1 Terms Used in Maintenance Laboratory

Notification: (Method of maintenance service request and recording)

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 M0-Mobilization request: not used
 M1-Maintenance request: not used
 M2-Malfunction report: documenting shop failures
 M3-Activity report: documenting all PM activities
 M4-Local Refurbishment: not used
 M5-Production upgrade: NOMEMS implementation, created by Technical Services at
 M6-Service Interrupt: for reporting failures at well site (requires a CPI)
Tagging: (attaching a label to equipment, to indicate tool status)
 Red Tag: Tool requires service and is not job ready
 Yellow Tag: Tool pending operational validation and is not job ready.
 Green Tag: Tool is functional, operational validation is complete (job ready)

1.0.2 Racking

It is the storage for holding tools. Racks are classified into four:

 PM1 rack
 Red rack
 Yellow rack
 Green rack

Tools are placed on rack based on the tag on them.

White Rack

Tools from a location after a particular job (cleaned) and due for PM1 are stacked here

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Fig 1.1 White Rack

Fig 1.2 PMI Flow Chart

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Red Rack

 Failed tools/equipment are stacked here. Notifications are raised for these equipment
before stacking.
 If the tool fails at customer location, then CPIs raised automatically generate M6
 New tools waiting for inspection are also stacked in here.

Fig 1.3 Red Rack

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Fig. 1.4 PMIII Flow Chart

Yellow Rack

It is also called the PMII rack. Tools waiting for operational check are stacked in the yellow rack
and also tools that have passed PM1.

Fig. 1.5 Yellow Rack

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Fig. 1.6 PMII Flow Chart

Green Rack

It houses tools that passed operational check and are ready to go for job.

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Fig. 1.7 Green Rack

1.0.3 Preventive Maintenance 1

This tier of preventive maintenance includes maintenance checks on the tools includes visual
checks and resistance checks and for some other tools oil checks.

 Visual Checks: The casing of the tool is visually inspected for cracks, or signs of wear
and tear. And the rubber seals (O-Rings) used to seal the top or bottom of the tool to
another tool is checked for signs of breakage. When a tool goes downhole it experiences
intense pressure and heat from fluids present in the well. This could cause the tool’s
housing to break if it isn’t strong enough allowing the fluids access to the electrical
components of the tools.

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 Resistance Checks: The wireline the tool is connected to have seven conductors present
carrying different signals and this signals have to be kept separate from each other. The
different lines in the tools are then checked for continuity from the top of the tool through
to the bottom. The tools resistance is also checked across the different lines. A 260 VOM
(Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter) Simpson Meter is used in the resistance check as stipulated in
the maintenance standard. The expected values of measured resistances and tolerance
ranges are given prior to commencement of the resistance checks as a yardstick to know
if the tool is in good condition. The image below shows a tool about to undergo a
resistance check.

Fig. 1.8 Tool about undergoing resistance check

 Oil Checks: The oil in the tools serve different purposes. The oil serves as a coolant and
also serves to maintain pressure within the tool. If the oil level isn’t right, i.e. too much or

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too small, it could cause complications while the tool is in operation. The image below
shows a tool undergoing an oil fill.

Fig. 1.9 Tool undergoing oil-fill

1.0.4 Preventive Maintenance 2

This tier of preventive maintenance concerns itself with visual inspections, tool testing and
desiccating of the tools.

 Visual Inspections: The tool is removed from its casing and its inner electronics and
circuit boards are inspected. The joints on the tools are also inspected, i.e. screws, bolts,
jumper cables, and loose connections are tightened.
 Tool Testing: The tool is then connected to a CHIP (Cased Hole Interface Panel) if it is a
cased hole tool or to a PTC (Power and Telemetry Control) if it is an open hole tool.
 Desiccating tool: Before the tool is put back in its casing, it is heated to a temperature of
150F for 1 hour and the case is heated to a temperature of 150F for 30 minutes. This is to

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get rid of any form of moisture present. And while the tool is still warm it is put in its
case and then allowed to cool.

1.1 LOGIQ-B Surface Systems

The LOGIQ® surface system and its family of downhole sensors are revolutionary in their
design and represent significant departures from earlier generations of logging equipment. We
were tasked with setting up a LOGIQ surface system on the unit. In setting up the LOGIQ
surface systems a circuit diagram was provided for us to guide our connection of the various
panels. Below are power flow diagrams I mapped out from the circuit diagrams for both open-
hole and cased-hole applications.

Fig. 1.10 Power Flow (Open Hole)

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Fig. 1.11 Power Flow (Cased Hole)

1.2 Crimping of Ethernet Network Cables

While working at the IT department part of my duties was to crimp network cables whenever
they were needed. I was provided with RJ-45 (Rated Jack 45) plugs and a roll of Cat 5e network
cable and a crimper. Category 5e cable, commonly referred to as cat 5e, is a twisted pair cable
for carrying signals. This type of cable is used in structured cabling for computer networks such
as Ethernet. The cable standard provides performance of up to 100 MHz and is suitable for
10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX (Fast Ethernet), and 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet). Cat 5e is also
used to carry other signals such as telephony and video. Most category 5e cables are unshielded,
relying on the balanced line twisted pair design and differential signalling for noise rejection.

I crimped straight-through cables using the T568-B standard on both ends.

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Fig 1.12 T568-B wiring standard

Straight through cables are used throughout the entire facility as all devices had Auto MDIx
(Medium Dependent Interface) active and either straight-through or cross-over cables could be
used. So, straight-through cables were adopted as the company standard.

In order to crimp cables I took the following steps:

 Stripped the cable.

 Used a cutter to make an incision at 2/3 cm from the cable's tip.
 Made a straight cut at this point and removed the jacket using a cable stripper.
 Separated the coloured wires and straightened the wires.
 Arranged the cables according to the T-568B standard.
 Put the cable inside the RJ45 connectors.
 Pressed down firmly on the RJ45 connectors with the crimping tool.

1.3 Updating of SAP Software.

SAP SE (Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing) is a German multinational

software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer
relations. During my attachment to the IT department a SAP update was rolled out and after
helping users install the updates, some other tasks had to be carried out to ensure its effective

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 The configuration files were relocated from the previous location which was
(C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Common\SAP) to (C:\ProgramFiles\SAP\HAL). The
configuration files were xml files that contained entries to the various databases server IP
address and other data necessary to access the database.
 Then the TCP/IP stack for the SAP software had to be corrected. The configuration file
found in (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers) then the database name were added and then
they were assigned port numbers and designated as TCP ports.

1.4 VIP Access Registration

VIP Access is a service from Symantec. It stands for Validation and ID Protection Service. VIP
is a leading cloud-based strong authentication service that enables enterprises to secure access to
networks and applications while preventing access by malicious unauthorized attackers. A
unified solution providing both two-factor and risk-based token-less authentication, it is based on
open standards (ex. SAML, OATH) and can easily integrate into enterprise applications.

For users to be registered they had to download the VIP app unto their smartphones or laptops.

Fig. 1.13 VIP Access screenshot

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The devices are then assigned a credential ID that is used to register the device on the enterprises
website and a security code is generated every 30 seconds as shown in FIG 1.5. Systems
connecting to the Halliburton network remotely or systems not having the Halliburton COE
(Common Operating Environment) are required to input a valid credential ID and security code
in tandem with their Halliburton user name and password before gaining access to the
Halliburton network.

1.5 Installation of Halliburton COE

COE stands for Common Operating Environment. The Halliburton COE is a customised
Windows 7 enterprise operating system that has all the required tools for use within the
Halliburton corporate environment. The steps to install the Halliburton COE are as follows:

 Insert a new hard drive into the system.

 Connect the system to the Halliburton network via the use of an Ethernet cable.
 Connect the USB image stick containing the COE image to the PC.
 Fill in the required authentication fields and start the installation process.
 When the installation finishes, run the required system updates.
 Give the primary user of the system administrator access.

1.6 Maintenance of Network Switches

The wall socket LAN ports are connected to a patch panel located in the switch room for the
area. Then every port on the patch panel is connected to a port on the face of the switch. The
switch has a fibre optic link for high speed data transfer between the switch and the master
switch. Routine maintenance was carried out on the switch during unofficial hours to minimize
the effects of the switches being taken offline. After taking the switches offline, we would
disconnect all Ethernet cables from the switch and clean the contact points on the RJ45 plugs and
also clean the contacts on the ports of the switch.

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1.7 Configuration of Wireless Access Points (AP)

A wireless access point provides wireless connectivity to the LAN (Local Area Network) and
internet. The wireless access points were operating at frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. They
were also compliant with the 802.11g and 802.11n standards as specified by the ISO. During the
configuration of new wireless access points prior to deployment:

1. The AP was given a SSID.

2. An IP address range is assigned to the AP
3. The AP’s signal is encrypted using WPA-TKP.
4. The trust is established between the AP and a radius server. The Radius server hosts user
credentials permitted to connect to the AP.

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This chapter enumerates the experience gained from my industrial attachment at Halliburton
Energy Services Nigeria Limited. While working with the maintenance team I got to learn about
resistance soldering. While working with the IT team I learnt about the methods of
troubleshooting hardware and software challenges.

2.0 Work Ethics

A very valuable experience gained during the Industrial Work Experience was relation with
the company employees and fellow interns and methods of conflict resolution.

2.1 Cold Heat Soldering

Resistance is central to traditional soldering irons and to the Cold Heat iron. Electricity moves
more easily through substances with lots of free electrons, like copper, than it does through
substances with fewer free electrons, like carbon. In other words, substances like carbon have
greater resistance. Moving current through substances with high resistance can create heat and
sometimes light. This is the same principle that makes light bulbs work -- a light bulb has a
resistive filament that gets hot and bright when current flows through it.

The heart of a Cold Heat tool is a broken circuit that travels from a few AA batteries to a tip that
has two halves. The tip can look like one solid piece, but a dark insulating material keeps the two
halves electrically isolated from one another.

When you turn the Cold Heat tool on, the switch closes a circuit that also includes a small light.
This light lets you know that the tool is on. But a parallel circuit -- the one leading to the tip -- is
still broken. This circuit remains broken until you put something conductive, like solder, in
contact with both halves of the tip. The solder completes the circuit, also allowing current to pass
through a second light.

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Because of electrical resistance, both the solder and the tip heat up very quickly, and the solder
melts. Dry skin doesn't conduct enough electricity to effectively complete the circuit, so the tip
stays cool when you touch it.

2.2 Resistance Soldering

By passing a safe, low voltage, high amperage current through a resistive material we are able to
generate an intense heat that can be controlled and localized. The heat that is being generated can
then be efficiently used in a wide variety of soldering applications.

There are three key components of resistance soldering:

 a specialized step-down transformer that will generate the appropriate current

 a resistive material to generate the heat
 the ability to complete an electrical circuit

Here are a few of the immediate advantages I noticed

 Resistance Soldering is a faster, more efficient soldering method than irons or torches.
 There is no warm-up time needed. Heat is instant and localized.
 Handpieces cool extremely fast, reducing the risk of serious injury.
 There are no open flame hazards to be concerned about.
 You will have lower overall operating costs because;
o Extra solder is not needed for pre-tinning Electrodes. Electrodes (because of their
resistive properties) generate heat within the solder joint. In fact the electrode
materials have been specifically chosen because they do not readily accept solder.
o Electrodes generally last 2-3 times longer than traditional Soldering Iron tips.
o You will need less flux, because it is more thoroughly activated during soldering.
o Soldering will be more consistent and the improved quality will mean less
o The faster and more efficient use of current during actual soldering lowers
o Resistance Soldering Handpieces are generally lighter than irons, reducing
operator fatigue.

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o Thermal damage to heat sensitive components will be minimized.

Most soldering applications can be performed using resistance soldering equipment, especially
when you need to bring the intended joint to temperature rapidly to avoid thermal damage to
surrounding components.

2.3 Setting up Ubuntu Server

The primary software store for Ubuntu and official derivatives is called the Ubuntu archive. The
archive is merely a collection of software packages in Debian “deb” format, and it contains every
single package that makes up distributions such as Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and
Ubuntu Server. What makes Kubuntu separate from Ubuntu, then, is only the set of packages
from the archive that its installer installs by default and that its CDs carry.

Ubuntu Server is no different. It depends on the very same archive as the standard Ubuntu
distribution, but it installs a distinctive set of default packages. Notably, the set of packages
comprising Ubuntu Server is very small. The installer will not install things such as a graphical
environment or many user programs by default. But since all the packages for Ubuntu Server
come from the same official Ubuntu archive, you can install any package you like later.

The most significant difference is a custom server kernel. This kernel employs an internal timer
frequency of 100Hz instead of the desktop default of 250Hz, uses the deadline I/O scheduler
instead of the desktop’s CFQ scheduler, and contains a batch of other minor tweaks for
virtualization, memory support, and routing. The idea is to offer some extra performance and
throughput for server applications. In addition, the server kernel supports basic NUMA, a
memory design used in some multiprocessor systems that can dramatically increase
multiprocessing performance.

2.3.1 Partitioning Ubuntu Server

Deciding how to partition the storage in your server is a tricky affair and certainly no exact
science. Generally, it’s a good idea to have at least three partitions separate from the rest of the

 /home: where all the user files will live

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 /tmp: temporary scratch space for running applications
 /var: mail spools and log files.

2.3.2 The RAID Story

The acronym RAID stands for redundant array of inexpensive disks. RAID is just a really
awesome idea for data: When dealing with your information, it provides extra speed, fault
tolerance, or even both. At its core, RAID is just a way to replicate the same information across
multiple physical drives. In setting up the server we used RAID 5.

RAID 5: When the chief goal of your storage is fault tolerance, and you want to use more space
than provided by the single physical drive in RAID 1, this is the level you want to use. RAID 5
lets you use n identically sized physical drives (if different-sized drives are present, no more
space than the size of the smallest one will be used on each drive) to construct an array whose
total available space is that of n–1 drives, and the array tolerates the failure of any one—but no
more than one—drive without data loss. We put five 200GB drives into the RAID 5 array, and
the array’s total usable size was 800GB, or that of four drives. This makes it easy to mistakenly
believe that a RAID 5 array “sacrifices” one of the drives for maintaining redundancy and parity,
but this is not the case. Through some neat mathematics of polynomial coefficients over Galois
fields, the actual parity information is striped across all drives equally, allowing any single drive
to fail without compromising the data.

2.3.3 Setting up LVM

LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is a system that shifts the fundamental unit of storage from
physical drives to virtual or logical ones.

You take a physical hard drive and set up one or more partitions on it that will be used for LVM.
These partitions are now physical volumes (PVs), which are split into physical extents (PEs) and
then grouped in volume groups (VGs), on top of which you finally create logical volumes (LVs).
It’s the LVs, these virtual partitions, and not the ones on the physical hard drive, that carry a
filesystem and are mapped and mounted into the OS. And if you’re really confused about what
possible benefit we get from adding all this complexity only to wind up with the same fixed-size
partitions in the end, hang in there. It’ll make sense in a second. The reason LVM splits physical
volumes into small, equally sized physical extents is that the definition of a volume group (the

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space that’ll be carved into logical volumes) then becomes “a collection of physical extents”
rather than “a physical area on a physical drive,” as with old-school partitions.

Notice that “a collection of extents” says nothing about where the extents are coming from and
certainly doesn’t impose a fixed limit on the size of a volume group. We can take PEs from a
bunch of different drives and toss them into one volume group, which addresses our desire to
abstract partitions away from physical drives. We can take a VG and make it bigger simply by
adding a few extents to it, maybe by taking them from another VG, or maybe by tossing in a new
physical volume and using extents from there. And we can take a VG and move it to different
physical storage simply by telling it to relocate to a different collection of extents. Best of all, we
can do all this on the fly, without any server downtime.

2.3.4 LVM Doesn’t Provide Redundancy

The point of LVM is storage fluidity, not fault tolerance. When setting up the server at
Halliburton, the logical volume containing the ‘/var’ filesystem was sitting on a volume group
that spanned two hard drives. Unfortunately, this meant that either drive failing will corrupt the
entire filesystem, and LVM intentionally doesn’t contain functionality to prevent this problem.
Instead, when you need fault tolerance, build your volume groups from physical volumes that are
sitting on RAID. For example, if you made a partition spanning the entire size of a 10GB hard
drive and allocated it to physical space for a RAID volume. Then, you can also have made two
10GB partitions on a 20GB hard drive and made the first one also a physical space for RAID.
Entering the RAID configurator, you would then create a RAID 1 array from the 10GB RAID
partitions on both drives, but instead of placing a regular filesystem on the RAID array as before,
you would actually designate the RAID array to be used as a physical space for LVM. When you
get to LVM configuration, the RAID array would show up as any other physical volume, but you
would know that the physical volume is redundant. If a physical drive fails beneath it, LVM
won’t ever know, and no data loss will occur. Of course, standard RAID array caveats apply, so
if enough drives fail and shut down the array, LVM will still come down kicking and screaming.

2.4 Troubleshooting Computer Problems

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A major gain in experience for me during my internship was troubleshooting
hardware and software related issues on PC’s.

2.4.1 Slow PC Performance

Reasons for slow performance on PC’s are:

 Fragmented hard drives: If the data on a hard disc drive (HDD) is fragmented the
operating system takes more time to access this files.
 Corrupt file system: If the file system on a HDD is corrupt it can render data unreadable
which could cause systems hangs or even system crashes.
 The presence of malware or viruses on the system which would consume a chunk of the
processors computing capability leaving the processor crippled in running essential
services and operations critical to the functioning of the computer.
 Inadequate RAM (Random Access Memory).

2.4.2 Boosting PC Performance

1. Use a system security tool (e.g. Norton from Symantec) to scan for viruses, spyware or
malware and remove all security threats present.
2. Check the RAM configuration to ensure that the system has enough memory. The
Halliburton standard for laptops and desktops is 4GB of RAM while that of workstations
is at least 8GB of RAM.
3. Check the HDD for fragmentation. This can be achieved by going to ‘My Computer’,
right click on the primary hard drive and pick the properties option from the drop down
menu. Go to the tools tab and pick the option for defragmenting the hard drive.
4. Use the command prompt utility to check the hard drive file system for errors and attempt
to fix the errors if found. To do this we start an elevated instance of command prompt
(i.e. run command prompt as administrator). We then type in the command “cd
c:\Windows\System32” and then type in the command “chkdsk /f /r”. The ‘/f /r’ is a
switch that instructs the utility to not only scan the disk but attempt to fix errors if they
are found.

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5. Increase virtual memory to enhance the slow computer performance. If the computer is
running out of virtual memory, or keep getting messages showing you the low virtual
memory, an increase has to be carried out immediately. To do this:
6. Right click "My Computer"--Properties
7. Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab. Click ‘Settings’ button under ‘Performance’.
8. Click Change to reset virtual memory to the value you want.
9. Close running unneeded system services. Running services use up processing power.

2.5 Safety Culture

A good was culture helps to reduce the frequency of severity of occurring accidents. There are
10 rules to go by to maintain a good safety culture:

 Driving safety: All driving laws should be obeyed.

 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE): Always make use of appropriate PPE.
 Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO): If an equipment is to undergo maintenance or is not use it
should be tagged as such. This is to prevent accidents when people start the equipment
when they aren’t meant to.
 Chemical Handling: The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be consulted before
handling chemicals.
 Hand Tools: The proper hand tools should be used at all times
 Work Permit: Jobs that have risks that can’t be easily mitigated require a permit before
they can be carried out.
 Confined Space: Work to be done in a confined space requires a permit
 Working at Height: When working at height s of above 15 feet a safety harness is
 Dropped Objects: Secure tools properly when not in use to prevent them from falling and
getting damaged or hurting others
 Lifting and Hoisting: Loads should be lifted should be properly fastened. And the
equipment used for lifting must be certified for use.

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2.6 Filing System

It is an idea to store, retrieve and update a set of information. It specifies the arrangement of
multiple files. It helps in keeping track of equipment or tools, easy location, tool history and
documentation control.

An effective file system should:

 Store the information in folders

 Avoid saving unnecessary documents
 Be selective of what to keep
 Follow a consistent method for naming files and folders
 Store related documents together
 Avoid over filling folders
 Organize documents by dates.

Fig. 2.1…Filing System

Equipment history/information is stored in folders for easy updating and retrieval.

All tools have a folder detailing all forms of maintenance activities performed on them.

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Equipment and maintenance manuals are also stored.

2.7 Scripting

A script is nothing more than a collection of commands that we include in a text file. In this
regard, scripts are like batch files that many network administrators have used since DOS days.
Just like batch files, scripts can be written using nothing more sophisticated than Microsoft
Notepad. An important difference between a batch file and a script is that a script has greater
flexibility and its language is more powerful. To run a script we use the ‘CScript’ command in
command prompt
To open an existing script
1. Open Notepad.
2. From the File menu, choose Open. In the Files Of Type box, choose All Files from the
drop-down list.
3. Navigate to the location of the VBScript you want to read.
4. Select the file, and choose Open from the Action menu.

2.8 Application of the Wheatstone Bridge

The Wheatstone bridge is a circuit for comparing known unknown resistances with well-defined
resistances. The Wheatstone bridge is also well suited for the measurement of small changes of
resistance and is, therefore, also suitable for measuring resistance change in a strain gage (SG). It
is commonly known that the strain gage transforms strain applied inot a proportional change of
resistance. The relationship between the applied strain ε (ε=ΔL/Lo) and the relative change of the
resistance of a strain gage is described by the equation = 𝜅. 𝜀

Fig 2.2 Wheatstone Bridge Circuit

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Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited is a large company that has over 400 employees
working in its Port-Harcourt base alone. There were bound to be issues present.

3.1 Restrictions to Certain Network Devices

At the beginning of my industrial attachment with Halliburton I wasn’t given access to any of the
network devices or PC’s due to the fear of losing critical information. Also, throughout my stay
IT students were not carried along during the final configuration of servers and user accounts for
use on the VoIP network and with the COE.

3.2 Delay in Purchase of IT Assets

During my internship, Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited was undergoing

restructuring and hence workers and assets were being retired. The IT department experienced a
freeze on the purchase of IT assets. This hampered work as old devices that should have been
discarded had to be recycled and a lot of users were left without needed assets to carry out their

3.3 Radiation Dangers

IT students weren’t allowed to work in areas or with tools that emitted even the slightest bit of
radiation. This was because the company didn’t provide Dosimeters and PPE regarding radiation
for the IT students and the students weren’t included in any health insurance plans in cases of
medical emergencies.

3.4 No Plan for Interns

During my IT I found out that Halliburton didn’t have any plan to help interns gain the most
experience. The experience gained by interns was a factor of the available jobs to be done and
the amount of challenges on the job encountered

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3.5 Working as an Intern in Halliburton

One major challenge that I faced during my internship was that the some employees had no
regard for interns and kept sending me on errands even while I was busy working with other
employees. Also some employees didn’t allow interns to work with them due to the fact that they
the felt that the interns knew nothing.

3.6 Provision of PPE

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment. During my internship my PPE took a while to
arrive. I had to eventually bring most of my PPE from home and an employee gave me a
workshirt and a coverall to use to work. But even with that, I still wasn’t able to partake in some
activities till I got my complete PPE set.

3.7 Restriction to Certain Information

Some of the technology used in wireline logging are Halliburton proprietary, so, interns weren’t

allowed to document circuit diagrams showing this connections or procedures about them.


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1. I observed that there was a huge emphasis of safety. And before any task or set of tasks could
be carried out a safety meeting was held to discuss the risks and methods of mitigating the risks

2. I noticed that in line with the OSI model patch panel belong to layer 1(physical),switches
belong to layer 2(data link) and routers belong to layer 3(network). Patch panels are like static
switch boards, incoming horizontal cables from the ports on the front of the patch panels to the
appropriate networking equipment. With patch panels, it is easy to redirect horizontal cables to
different network equipment ports simply by moving the patch cables.

3. I also noticed that the Cisco IP phones were on a separate VLAN (Virtual Local Area
Network) different to that of the computers which they provide internet/network access to. One
of the reasons for this is to ensure high level of security by preventing malicious users from
capturing and/or recording voice traffic with a computer on the same VLAN.

4. There were different personnel to take of different areas i.e. IT asset management, network
management and printer management.

5. The use of safety devices were also emphasized.

6. Proper filing system in use.

7. Laid out company processes were followed when undergoing any task.


My contributions were shown in my work done and services given as a Maintenance

Engineer in the WPS Electronics Laboratory and an Information Technology Assistant in
the IT department of the company. This was majorly servicing and repair of tools and
assisting the IT Asset Manager and Network Administrator in their tasks. In the IT
department I majorly helped in increasing the efficiency of IT asset management tasks
carried out.

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My six month industrial attachment with Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited has been
an interesting, productive and instructive experience in my life. As a result of this training, I have
gained new insight and more comprehensive understanding about the real industrial working
condition and practice. All the valuable experience and knowledge gained were not only
acquired through the direct involvement in task but also through other aspects of the training
such as: work observation, interaction with colleagues, supervisors and other people related to
the field., I am sure that industrial training program has achieved its primary objective. As a
result of the program I am now more confident to build my future career which I have already
started with Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited.

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6.1 Influence of the Surrounding Communities

The indigenes living in the communities around the company made demands of Halliburton.
They had to pay a royalty to the king/chief of the community for building in their community.
And some members of the community had to be offered jobs even though their qualifications
weren’t as good as other individuals applying for same jobs. At other times, ongoing jobs at
certain locations had to be stopped because of opposition by the community to activities going

6.2 Falling Price of Crude Oil

The crash in the price of crude oil led to a fall in the Halliburton stocks and profits. As a result of
this customers stopped work on new oil wells so some PSL’s experienced a decline in jobs
available. About 10% of jobs had to be cut.

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1. Ed Wilson (2003). Windows Scripting Basics.

2. H04438 (2008). The LOGIQ Platform.
3. Matthew Helmke (2012). The Official Ubuntu Book
4. Karl Hoffman (1987). Applying the Wheatstone Bridge.

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