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Republic of the Phillippines


Castillejos, Zambales


. Cavite Mutiny

MANY BELIEVED that one of the factors that ignited the Filipino sense of
nationhood and eventually led to the Philippines Revolution in 1986 was the Cavite Mutiny. This
event has been remarkable among the Filipinos because it prompted to the martyrdom of
Gomburza (the acronym that represent the surnames of the priests Mariano Gomez, Jose
Apolonio Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, who where executed on Febuary 17, 1872).

* An open rebellion against the proper authority, specially by soldier or suilors against
their ofiicers.

. Cavite Mutiny (Jan. 20, 1872)

* A remarkable event during 19th century in the Philippines.

* An uprising of military personal of fort San Felipe, the Spanish Arsenal of Cavite,
Philippines on January 20, 1872.

* However, there are three version that every Filipino student must read for them to
articulate arguments that would support their stand about the issue on the terms used, causes,
effects and the unraveling truth Cavite Mutiny.

. 3 Version of Cavite Mutiny

* SPANIARDS’ Version of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872.

* FILIPINOS’ Version of the Cavite Mutiny
. * The Official Report of Governor Izquierdo on The Cavite Mutiny of 1872.
. Spaniards’ Version of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872

* This Version was written by Jose Montero y Vidal, a Spanish historian, in his book
entitled, Historia General de Filipinas.
* The Spanish Historian in his account overstated the mutiny of some dissatisified
soldiers and laborers into a revolt to bring down.
* Spanish rules and this intricated some patriots like Gomburza and others.
* Below is Montero y Vidal’s version of the Cavite episode of 1872 in English
* The abolition of the privileges enjoyedby the laborers of the Cavite arsenal of
exemption from the tributes was, according to some the cause of the insurrection. There were,
however, other causes.
* The Spanish revolution which overthrew a secular throne; the propaganda carried on by
an unbridled press against monarchial principles, attentatory of the most sacred respects towards
the dethroned majesty; the democratic and republican books and pamphlets; the speeches and
preachings of the apostles of these new idea in Spain.

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BEEd – 1

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Reading in the Philippines History

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