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Banking Academy of Vietnam

International School of Business

A Research Report




Teacher: Nguyen Huong Tram Anh

Student: Pham Huong Giang

Class: F12D

Course: Project

Hanoi, 19th July,2019


A primary research


Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen in Banking Academy of Vietnam


Pham Huong Giang _ F12046

Class: F12D

Lecturer: Nguyen Huong Tram Anh

Course: Project


Hanoi, 19th July,2019



Students’ name: Pham Huong Giang

Class: F12D
Student Number: F12046
Subject: Project
Lecturer: Nguyen Huong Tram Anh
Name of research paper:

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Signed _________________ Date: 19th July, 2019

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Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen


In many business industries, the cosmetic branch is appreciated that this is one of the

fastest development branches. The beauty cosmetic manufacturers always launch and improve

new products in the short time because they really thoroughly understand the requirements of

the customer. Therefore, the customer satisfaction is either the basement for them to develop

products and contribute brand or the important key in selling strategy in beauty cream

companies. The aim of this project explores the level of customer satisfaction on beauty cream,

the determinants influencing the buying decision of the buyer and presents the degree

popularity of beauty cream products among youngsters who most use these products. The data

from this study were assembled from surveys which involved 100 ISB freshmen being

participants. The questionnaire has nine questions, and the classified based on the genders of

students. The results in the research illustrated that not only female but also male students

increasingly used beauty cream products, and most of them used it every day as essential

things. The other most striking feature was there was a growing tendency for customers to find

reliable place buying products, and a large number participant satisfied product they are

using. As a result of this research, I recommend the beauty cream producers more focus on the

quality of product particularly ingredients and effect. Moreover, they also should concentrate

on customer care, the marketing planning, distribution plans and selling strategies to have the

loyal customer and buyer stay with them.

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ii

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................................. iii

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

2. Method ............................................................................................................................... 2

3. Findings/ Results ............................................................................................................... 3

4. Discussion of findings ....................................................................................................... 6

4.1 The level popularity of the beauty cream products .................................................... 6

4.2 The factors influencing buying decision ....................................................................... 7

4.3 The level of satisfaction on beauty cream products .................................................... 8

5. Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 9

6. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 10

References ............................................................................................................................... 12

Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 13

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen


Figure 1: Frequency ISB freshmen using beauty cream ............................................... 4

Figure 2: Beauty cream products ISB freshmen often use ........................................... 4

Figure 3: Where ISB freshmen prefer purchasing beauty cream.................................. 5

Figure 4: Influential factors of choosing beauty cream decision .................................. 5

Figure 5: The level of satisfaction about beauty cream ISB freshmen using ............... 6

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

1. Introduction

Recent years have witnessed a growing tendency for women to use beauty cream as an

essential demand. In the research report on Vietnam’s cosmetics market 2019, the number of

women in the age from 16 to 39 year olds using skin care products at least once a week was

accounted for 73%, and the most popular products were cleansing foam, sun screen, and skin

mask. The vast majority of consumers are not really satisfied with their products and moreover

they do not want to waste their money on those products again, others simply adore beauty

cream which they are using and they want to buy that product in the next time. Furthermore, it

is true that cosmetic companies always manufacture new products, and clients tend to be

attracted to try new products. Therefore, consumer’s satisfaction is an important role in selling

strategy in beauty cream companies.

Customer satisfaction is a part of customer care in customer service. On the one hand,

customer satisfaction is how the client feels after they use the product. On the other hand, in

the essay named “The Benefits and Importance of Customer Satisfaction” on the Neilpatel

Blog, the author indicated that: “customer satisfaction measures how your product, service, and

overall experience either falls short, meets, or exceeds customer expectations.”, it means

consumer satisfaction including measurement, rate, and attempt of client’s happiness about the


Every day, more and more new beauty cream products and brands are launched in the

market, so diversification of products increases, and buyers will have the comparison and

change the decision very quickly. Each company will have the secret strategies to satisfy their

clients and how to keep customers to stay with them, especially in the cosmetic market. The

aim of the research paper which is based on students at Banking Academy of Vietnam, is

providing usage habits and popularity of beauty cream, discovering a level of customer’s

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

satisfaction of beauty cream goods they are using, analyzing factors which affect decision

choosing products of clients and understanding expectations of customers regarding skincare


There are several formal investigations into customer satisfaction on beauty cream (or

cosmetic products). Initially, the report of Saveetha University students (2017); was conducted

on the view determining that product quality was an important role in choosing decision of

products of female clients and concentration of consumers about brand was higher than other

points such as advice from in-store, recommendations from friends, packing, and quality. The

second research of Gurmeet Kaur (2016) studied customer satisfaction on choosing herbal

cosmetic products. The study showed that clients prefer using herbal cosmetic goods to using

non-herbal cosmetics, because the quality of the product was appreciated highly by customers

than the price. The other study of two writers named A. Saravanakumar and Santhosh Kumar

Bojan (2018) concluded that customers are currently really concerned about chemical

combinations in herbal cosmetics, and they tend to buy goods which have less chemicals

leading to bad effects. On the contrary, the research only concerned about the factors impacting

buying choice of cosmetic products generally. Therefore, this paper, as the result of this

research, aims to answer three questions: “What is the level popularity of the beauty cream

products that ISB first year students used?”; “What is the level of satisfaction on beauty cream

products that ISB first year students using?” and “What are the factors influencing their

buying decision?”

2. Method

The project aimed to provide usage habits and popularity of beauty cream and discover

level of customer’s satisfaction of beauty cream products. The quantitative and qualitative

research were conducted to find out the answers to the research questions. Thus, it was

concluded that the best suitable method was to take a mixed-method approach. As a result,

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

quantitative methods were applied to investigate the usage habits and popularity of beauty

creams, as well as frequency and places where ISB freshmen usually come to buy beauty

cream. Another aspect such as the level of customer satisfaction of beauty cream products, they

are using, and figure out factors affecting decision choosing beauty creams were based on

qualitative methods. Because of the time limit, modeling, communicate limitations and

geographical conditions, this research was conducted in the form of survey. There were two

kinds of questions containing quantitative and qualitative questions in the survey. The data

gathered from the survey were presented in the form of charts, graphs and tables.

This research gathered the data from surveys achieved within freshmen in Banking

Academy Vietnam. Regarding the questionnaire, it had 9 questions including 2 opened-ended

questions, 3 closed questions, 3 partially questions and 1 scaled question. There were 100

students in the first year of in ISB of Banking Academy taking part in answering these surveys.

At the first step, 50 freshmen in dissimilar majors were randomly picked out to carry out

surveys. In the next step, 50 other question papers were delivered for ten classes, and each class

had 5 students answering. All handing out questionnaires were collected after they finished, so

the data assembled were reliable and a fairly high level of genuineness.

3. Findings/ Results

The participants of this study were divided into 2 groups: 50 male and 50 female

students from ISB at Banking Academy. As expected, the acquired data successfully indicate

the similarities and dissimilarities between the two groups in terms of satisfaction on beauty

cream products.

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

9% Only a time per
9% 2 times/week
9% 3 times/week


Figure 1: Frequency ISB freshmen using beauty cream

As a result of Figure 1, most of ISB students in the first year used beauty cream as an

essential thing in their daily life, at 63%. The same proportion of freshmen (9%) used beauty

cream only a time per week, 2 times per week and 3 times per week.

Sunscreen 75
Makeup remover 60
Cleanser 95
Toner 54
Mask 48
Mineral mist 36
Serum 27
Moisturizer 39
Lotion 31
0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 2: Beauty cream products ISB freshmen often use

In term of beauty cream products ISB first-year students often using, the most favorite

product was cleanser with 95 users in 100 surveyed students, and the two most popular products

were sunscreen and makeup remover at 60 and 75 students, respectively.

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

12% Retail shop

25% 24% Genuine
33% 20% shop
19% Internet
9% Shopping

3:1 Female 3:2 Male

Figure 3: Where ISB freshmen prefer purchasing beauty cream

As can be seen clearly from Figure 3, more than half female students bought beauty

cream products in retail shops, which saw a 2 – fold to the figure for male students. The

percentage of both female and male students purchasing beauty cream from the genuine store

was approximately similar, at 33% and 30%, respectively.

Other 4
Salesperson’s suggestion 14
Quality 85
Products in prescription of Dermatologist 20
Famous persons use or review 22
Brand 69
Convenience/ Product ingredients 41
Friend's recommendation 50
Price 75
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 4: Influential factors of choosing beauty cream decision

Regarding influential elements of affecting freshmen when they decided to buy beauty

cream products, most of the students buying these products based on quality, brand and price.

Quality was the most important factor which they paid attention when made a decision, with

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

85 students caring. In addition, a large number of them considered for buying, at 75 students

and they also attended the brand of the product.

Strong satisfy
50 Satisfy
30 Dissatisfy
10 Strong
Quality Packaging Ingredient Effect Price

Figure 5: The level of satisfaction about beauty cream ISB freshmen using
The most striking feature from the chart that a large number of students were satisfied

with the quality, the packaging, the ingredients, the effect and the price of beauty cream


4. Discussion of findings

The findings indicated above are not by any means able to answer the perspective of

the consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen, by reason of a limited scope

as the participants only came in a particular model group from a simple university. However,

this research succeeded in the diversity of genders, beauty cream products, I strongly assert a

firm level of generalization from the acquired data.

4.1 The level popularity of the beauty cream products

In the pie chart of figure 1, it is widely accepted that more than a haft surveyed students

used beauty cream every day, at 63%. As we can see, nowadays, everybody has raised

awareness of using beauty cream products to prevent their skin from negative impacts. There

is an important product which always in almost girls’ bags is sunscreen. Because of the climate

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

change, the bad effects of environment, UV, the contamination from the air, the cleanser and

the sunscreen were best products meeting the needs of students to protect and prevent their skin

from skin diseases.

As a result of figure 2, it is almost certain that an important product which always in

almost girls’ bags is sunscreen. The first reason is that sunscreens have to reuse after 2 to 3

hours. The other reason is some sunscreen products which not only protect skin from sunlight

but also act as a slight makeup base. Cleanser was the necessary beauty product students using

in skincare routine in their daily basis. In addition, both male and female students use this

product because cleansing face with cleansing foam not only remove dirty and oil on the face

but also help them relax. Additionally, makeup remover was together with those products

helping student do skincare every day, especially students usually use cosmetic products to

makeup, makeup remover was the significant beauty cream product with them.

In figure 3, it is clear from the chart that there were differences and commons among

two genders in the places they always coming to buy beauty cream products. A genuine store

is the trustable address, where students in both genders went for buying beauty cream products.

Moreover, as this result, it can be seen that they really considered the sources of the products

they using. In addition, as a matter of fact, the girls were more interested in looking for diverse

places selling these products than the boys.

4.2 The factors influencing buying decision

Some students were not so keen on the products they using and do not want to buy it in

the second time, but a large number of them really enjoyed the products they bought and prefer

getting it in the next time. There are many elements which influenced students’ buying

decision. It is noticeable from figure 4 that the quality was the most striking factor of choosing

beauty cream decision. Quality of the beauty product is crucial with both price and brand. In

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

the research of Saveetha University students (2017) indicated “quality is playing a major role

in the mind of the female customer in regard with cosmetic product”. Each person has different

features body such as dry skin, oil skin, so the compound in a product must adapt with them

and provide positive effects to help them get better appearance. There is a growing tendency

for them to use the products made from nature, because these will have less negative impacts

with the users. Mr. Gurmeet Kaur proved in his research in 2016 “Herbal cosmetic products

are preferred by the respondents as compared to non-herbal cosmetic products due to awareness

of harmful effects of non-herbal cosmetic products”. In the study in 2018 of A. Saravanakumar

and Santhosh Kumar Bojan showed that customers presently tended to use herbal cosmetics

instead of the products combining chemical ingredients.

The second most effective element was the price. Because all of the participants were

freshmen, so the main income from family, and their expenditure on these goods was limited,

it is no doubt that they certainly considered about the cost of products. Additionally, the

products meet their need including good quality and affordable price. When students bought

these products, they also care about the brand. Everybody has the same opinion that the

products from big brand and famous label have a high quality. It is the truth in the beauty cream

product market in Vietnam that a large number of products from Korean brand are favored

because these products respond to the demands involving high quality or natural, medium price.

4.3 The level of satisfaction on beauty cream products

In business, it goes as saying that “There are 80% profit came from ex-customers, and

new customers only provide 20% profit”, the satisfaction of the customer contributed to the

loyalty of them. Moreover, customers are always in the common state that the grass could be

greener and compare the different products, thus customer satisfaction is one of the most

significant factors.

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

In general, it is seemly that a large the quantity of freshmen satisfied with the quality,

the package, the compound and the cost of beauty cream products, and all five categories have

the dissatisfy from students. Most of users was really satisfied with the quality of the product

because the effect reaches a requirement of them. Furthermore, the effect is the important

element which affects the buying product again the decision of the customer. There is a

considerable diversification in the products, so the customers have many choices when they

buy and choose the product having the modest cost. A large number of customers turn back the

stores and buy the products they used before. In many stores, they have strategies to encourage

customers to come back such as discount the products when they buy in the next time or open

the discount period on the special occasion. As a result, the customers have the feeling that

they bought that products with the best affordable cost and they will want to buy that product


Nowadays, the beauty cream brands more pay attention to packaging of the products.

The package box is designed not only make to impress with the customer but also keep their

products’ image in customers’ mind deeper. Especially, the female customers have a tendency

that when they see any products whose packaging is very cute or impression, they absolutely

buy them without considering. It is clear that when we look at the Korean products, they

definitely understand their customer. Because of the influence of K-pop idol, these brands

always have the idols’ pictures in packaging to attract more customers. Sometimes, as a

consequence of packaging factor, the customers forget the other factors such as quality or price.

Therefore, nearly one-third of them dissatisfied the packaging, and some people felt that the

package box made them to be fooled about other factors of the product.

5. Recommendation

Based on the above discussion of findings, there are several following

recommendations that should be put into consideration. The first recommendation is that the

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

beauty cream products have already been rising in popularity, the demand of finding reliable

addresses to buy high-quality products and awareness of using beauty cream products every

day to protect the negative impacts to the skin in youngsters are increasing substantially.

Therefore, it is necessary that the brands and beauty cream companies need really consider in

elements such as ingredients, effectiveness, store locations and product distribution plans to

meet the needs of customers and make a good impression with them. It is advisable for the

beauty cream producers to catch the requirements of their customers such as ingredients or

convenience of product in the design or using purposes. There is a need for them to improve to

boost their name to be outstanding in the market by marketing plans such as co-operating with

famous people to advertise the products as an ambassador of the brand. Last but not least, the

customer satisfaction is the main key of product. The producers should try to improve these

products in a short time as soon as they can, and they heavily compete with the competitors.

Moreover, when the customers come back to buy their products again, it means that they get

the high satisfaction from those customers, so these companies need to have a great customer

care to keep buyers stay with them like discount programs or other planning to encourage the

clients in continually buying products.

6. Conclusion

In short, I expect that the acquired data of my research can offer a deeper and more

thorough understanding of the customer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB students in

the sense of the degree of popularity of the beauty cream products, the elements affecting the

purchasing decision and the level of satisfaction on beauty cream products. This study will be

valuable to beauty cream manufacturers, beauty cream companies, and the researchers are

caring this topic and want to refer to this research as reference documents for their similar topic

research in term of limiting weaknesses and promoting strengths this research analyzed

significant factors leading to customer satisfaction on beauty cream products, especially

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

concentrate on the young who most consume beauty cream products. This could be act as the

foundation of other projects on not only customer satisfaction but also provide beauty cream

producers some information to help them developing product strategies. In addition, through

my attempt to differentiate two opposite genders in above the issue, there were several

questions posed from the studies regarding the differences in different majors or the following

sources where the customers get information about beauty cream products. Consequently,

further research would be conducted to study this issue in a broader scope with more diverse

participant group.

(2797 words)

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

A, S. and Santhosh, B. (2018). A Study on Female Customer Satisfaction on Hair Oil

and Beauty Cream with Special Reference to Himalaya Products in Coimbatore

District. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 28

May 2019].

Anon (2019). [online] Available at:

cao-ve-thi-truong-my-pham-viet-nam-2019.html [Accessed 28 May 2019].

Kaur, G. (2016). A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards Selected Herbal Cosmetic

Products. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 28 May


Ramesh, N. and M.S, S. (2017). The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction towards

Cosmetic Products. [ebook] Tamilnadu. Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2019].

The Benefits and Importance of Customer Satisfaction. (n.d.). [Blog] The All-In-One

SEO Tool. Available at:

customer-satisfaction/ [Accessed 24 May 2019]

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen


I am Pham Huong Giang, from F12D ISB Banking Academy. I am doing a research

project on consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen. This questionnaire is

designed to help us acquire information for my research project. I highly appreciate your

opinions and responses which are essential to the completion and the quality of our project.

Please return the completed questionnaire by 10 thJune, 2019. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. Which class are you in?

 City U 7  F12 Sunderland

2. What is your gender?

 Male  Female  Other

3. How often do you use beauty cream (skincare product)?

 Everyday  Only a time per week

 2 times/week  Other (………………………………………)

 3 times/week

4. Which of the following beauty cream products do you often use?

Sunscreen Mask

Makeup remover Mineral mist

Cleanser Serum

Toner Moisturizer


 Thank you for your answer! 

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

5. Where do you preferred to purchase beauty product?

Shopping mall
 Medical shop
 Genuine store
 Retail shop

6. Which of the following sources do you use to know about beauty products?

Sales people

Social network
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, …)
Social media (TV, Internet, …)

Friends or family

Magazines/ Newspaper

Other (………………………………………………………………………………)

7. When you choosing beauty products, which of the following factors matter to you?
Friend's recommendation
Convenience/ Product ingredients
Famous persons use or review
Products in prescription of Dermatologist
Salesperson’s suggestion
Other (……….……………………………………………………………………....)

8. Your level about beauty products you using

 Thank you for your answer! 

Consumer satisfaction on beauty cream among ISB freshmen

Strong satisfy Satisfy Dissatisfy Strong
Standard dissatisfy






9. Do you want to buy those products you having again?

 Yes No

 Thank you for your answer! 


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