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- Azizah Sri Rahayu
- Bella Kurniawati
- Frank Jhonson P
- M. Ridwan

T.P 2018/2019

All praise and gratitude the author of the presence of Allah SWT, who has given His grace and guidance,
so that the author can complete the Industrial Work Practice Report (Prakerin) held by the Financial
Vocational School. The purpose and purpose of making this Report is as one of the requirements to fulfill
the requirements to take the National Final Exam for the 2017/2018 academic year as proof that the
author has completed the Prakerin at BRI Bank Ketanggungan Unit from 3 July 2017 to 3 October 2017.
This field practice work is one of the mandatory requirements to equalize practice with material in the
Banking Skills Program at Financial Vocational Schools.The author admits that the author is not perfect as
the saying goes, there is no ivory that is not cracked as well as in this writing. If later there is a mistake in
writing this practical work report, the author expects criticism and suggestions. Finally, I hope this field
work report can provide many benefits for us all.

FOREWORD................................................ ................................... i
PROPERTIES ................................................. ................................... ii
MOTTO................................................. ................................... iii
VALIDITY SHEET................................................ ................................... iv
PRAKERIN INFORMATION LETTER ................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................ ............................... ... vi

CHAPTER I. : PRELIMINARY ................................................. ...................... 1

A. Background to the PRACTICES ............................................. ............ 1
C Purpose of the PRACTICES ............................................... ......................... 1
D Purpose of Report Making .............................................. ............. 1

CHAPTER II. : G GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DU / DI ............................................ ......... 3

BRI's Short History ............................................... ....................... 3
Orgains Structure ................................................ ....................... 4
Management & Organization ............................................... ............... 6
BRI Bank Credit Products .............................................. ................. 7
Bank BRI Savings Products .............................................. ........... 9

CHAPTER III. : K PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION ............................................... ......... 12

Time and Place of Implementation .............................................. ... 12
Tools and Materials used ............................................. 12
Competence test................................................ .......................... 13

CHAPTER IV. : The results achieved............................................... ......................... 13

COVER................................................. ................................... 14
Conclusion................................................. .............................. 14
Suggestion................................................. ............................................ 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ ................. 15
DOCUMENTATION ATTACHMENT ................................................

A. Background
Industrial work practice activities are curricula of vocational high school education that support student
learning activities through direct work practice activities in the work world in accordance with certain
study programs to achieve work skills as a provision to work professionally.
To realize this goal, an educational system is known as the Indus Working Industry (PRAKERIN), also
known as Dual System Education (PSG).
This system is a form of education in professional expertise that systematically integrates educational
programs in schools with a mastery program of expertise through direct and directed work activities to
achieve a certain level of expertise. In connection with this, Vocational students are required to take part
in practical work activities directly.

B. The purpose of PRACTICE

PRAKERIN activities are carried out with the following objectives:
1. Improve quality and vocational education through the role of the world of work
2. Increasing the existence of qualified education and training processes for workers.
3. Produce workers who have the knowledge, skills and work ethic in accordance with the demands of
4. Providing knowledge of work experience as part of the educational process.
5. Obtain equality and comparability between school and the world of work.

C. Report Making Objectives

The purpose of making this report includes:
1. As proof of implementing Industrial Internship (PRAKERIN) at the BRI UnitKetanggungan Tbk.
2. As a report of the results of Industrial Work Practices that have been carried out in writing.
3. As a guideline for making further deaf works.
4. Collecting data, for the benefit of the school and especially the author himself and also to
support the recall of knowledge of the next level students.

D. Benefits of Industrial Work Practices

1. For Academics / Schools
a. Can get a real picture of an educational curriculum that matches the actual reality
b. Can establish good relations with DU / DI
c. To find out a number of abilities of students in understanding the lesson and analyzing the data
2. For Students
a. Increase the knowledge and skills acquired in the education bench
b. As a place for training students before actually going into the real world of work
c. As a comparison between theory and practice at DU / DI
3. For Companies / Workshops
a. As a means to provide employment criteria needed by the company
b. As a tangible manifestation of the role of DU / DI in the field of education
c. Time and benefit efficiency for DU / DI


A. Brief History of BRI

Banks as financial institutions play a very important role in national economic development. This is
because the economic activities of a country are never separated from the money payment traffic,
where the banking industry plays a very strategic role so that it can be said to be the center of the
economic system. The main activities of banks that collect funds from the public and channel them back
to the community with the aim of supporting the implementation of national development in order to
increase the distribution of economic growth and national stability towards improving the welfare of the
Indonesian people as a whole are functions of banks as intermediary services. The bank functions as a
financial intermediary between the excess funds (surplus units) and those who lack or need funds
(deficit units). The community hopes that the funds they save in the bank will be safe. For this reason,
banks must maintain their level of health because sound banks are banks that can maintain and maintain
public trust, can carry out the intermediary function, can help smooth the payment traffic, can be used
by the government in implementing various policies, especially monetary policy.Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(BRI) is one of the largest state-owned banks in Indonesia. Initially, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) was
established in Purwokerto, Central Java by Raden Bei Aria Wirjaatmadja under the name "De
Poerwokertosche Hulp En Spaarbankder Inlandsche Hoofden" or "Bank Assistance and Deposits Owned
by Priyayi Purwokerto", a financial institution that serves people Indonesian people (Indigenous). The
institution was established on December 16, 1895, which was later used as the birthday of BRI.
In the period after Indonesian independence, based on Government Regulation No. 1 of 1946
Article 1 stated that BRI was the first government bank in Indonesia. During the period of the war for
independence in 1948, BRI's activities were temporarily halted and only began to be active again after
the Rnville agreement in 1949 by changing its name to Bank Rakyat Indonesia Serikat. At that time
through PERPU No.41 of 1960 a Farmers and Fisheries Cooperative Bank (BKTN) was formed which was a
fusion of BRI, Fisheries Farmers Bank and Nederlandsche Maatschappij (NHM). Then based on
Presidential Decree (Penpres) No.9 of 1965, BKTN was integrated into Bank Indonesia under the name of
Bank Indonesia Farmers and Fisheries Cooperative Affairs. After running for one month, came the
Presidential Decree No. 17 of 1965 concerning the establishment of a single bank under the name Bank
Negara Indonesia. In the new assistance, Bank Indonesia Cooperative, Farmer and Fisheries Affairs (ex
BKTN) was integrated with the name of Bank Negara Indonesia unit II in the field of Import Export
Since August 1, 1992 based on Banking Law No.7 of 1992 and RI Government Regulation No.21 of 1992
the status of BRI has turned into a limited liability company. BRI's ownership at that time was still 100%
in the hands of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. In 2003, the Indonesian government
decided to sell 30% of the bank's shares, thus becoming a public company with the official name of PT.
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., Which is still in use today.
B. Organizational Structure
The Organizational Structure of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Ketanggungan Unit consists of:
1. Branch Manager (PINCA) BRI Brebes
2. Head of Unit (KAUNIT) Unit for Responsibility
3. BRI Unit Mantri
4. BRI Unit Deskman
5. Teller
Explanation of the duties and responsibilities of each part is

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