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Language of Mathematics

Four Basic Concepts

Elementary Logic

Topic 2: Mathematical Language and Symbols

September 3, 2019

Topic 2 1 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


1 Language of Mathematics

2 Four Basic Concepts

3 Elementary Logic

Topic 2 2 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Why use language

• Ordinary (English/Filipino) language of speech is used for

• Similarly, to understand math, we need to understand the
language of mathematics.

Topic 2 3 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Language is:

• Precise (able to make very fine distinctions);
• Concise (able to say things briefly);
• Powerful (able to express complex thoughts with relative ease).

Topic 2 4 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Definition 1.1
The Fibonacci sequence, F1 , F2 , ..., is defined by the initial
conditions F1 = 1, F2 = 1, and the recurrence relation

Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 ,

for n ≥ 3.

Topic 2 5 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Analogies between English and mathematics

• Mathematical language also has ”nouns” (used to name

mathematical objects) and ”sentences” (which state complete
mathematical thoughts).
• In English, nouns are used to name things. Sentences are used
to state complete thoughts.
A typical English statement has at least one noun and at least one
Example: Joe is running.

Topic 2 6 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

In Mathematics:
The analogue of ”noun” in math is ”expression.” So, a
mathematical expression is a name given to a mathematical object
under consideration. The mathematical analogue of English
sentence is also called a sentence.

Topic 2 7 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

• A mathematical expression can have several ”names”.

Example: 5 can be referred to as 2+3, (6-2)+1, etc...
• In English, the analogue is synonyms.
Note that math sentences also has ”verbs.”

Topic 2 8 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

• Truth is a property of being true or false. So, mathematical

sentences can be true or false.

I. Circle the verbs in the following sentences:
a) The capital of the Philippines is the City of Manila.
b) 3 + 4 = 7
c) 3 + 4 = 8

Topic 2 9 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


a) The capital of the Philippines is the City of Manila.
b) 3 + 4 = 7
c) 3 + 4 = 8

Topic 2 10 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Carol JVF Burns)

Topic 2 11 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

How to decide whether something is a sentence:

• Does it state a complete thought?
• Does it make sense to ask about the TRUTH about this object?

Example: Is 1 + 2 true or false?

Topic 2 12 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

• To avoid ambiguity in Mathematics, Definitions are used. This

assured that everyone agrees on their meaning.
• A definition is a concise statement of the basic properties of an
object or concept which unambiguously identify that object or
concept. In order to be complete, a definition must describe
exactly the thing being defined nothing more, and nothing less.
• Since serious mathematics is usually communicated in the
definition-theorem-proof format, the first step in learning the
formal communication of mathematics is in learning definitions.

Topic 2 13 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

GOOD DEFINITION: A rectangle is a quadrilateral all four of

whose angles are right angles.

POOR DEFINITION: A rectangle is a parallelogram in which the

diagonals have the same length and all the angles are right angles.
It can be inscribed in a circle and its area is given by the product
of two adjacent sides.

This is not CONCISE. It contains too much information, all of

which is correct but most of which is unnecessary.

Topic 2 14 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

POOR DEFINITION: A rectangle is a parallelogram whose

diagonals have equal lengths.

This statement is true and concise, but the defining property is not
BASIC. This would work better as a theorem to be proved than as
a definition. In mathematics, assertions of this kind are regarded as
characterizations rather than as definitions.

Topic 2 15 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

BAD DEFINITION: A rectangle is a quadrilateral with right angles.

This is AMBIGUOUS. With some right angles? With all right
angles? There are lots of quadrilaterals that have some right
angles but are not rectangles.

UNACCEPTABLE DEFINITION: Rectangle: has right angles

This is unacceptable because mathematics is written as English is

written in complete, grammatical sentences. Such abbreviations
frequently hide major misunderstandings as will be pointed out

Topic 2 16 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Some guidelines for Definitions to have good form:

1. A definition MUST be written as a complete, grammatically
correct English sentence.
2. A definition MUST be an if and only if statement.
3. The quantifiers in a good definition MUST be explicitly and
clearly stated.

Topic 2 17 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Symbols and Notations:

Symbols/Notations Meaning
+ Positive, Plus, Addition
- Negative, Minus, Subtraction
× Multiplication, Times
÷ Division
= Equal
< less than
≤ less than or equal

Topic 2 18 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Symbols and Notations:

Symbols/Notations Meaning
sum of
∃ there exists
∀ for all, for every
∈ element of
⊂ subset, is contained in
∪ union

Topic 2 19 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

In using symbols, some guidelines which mathematicians subscribe

to can be found in the book ”Mathematical Proofs: A Transition
to Advanced Mathematics” by Chartrand et al. pp. 7-8.

1. Never start a sentence with a symbol.
Example: The equation x 2 = 4 has two roots.
7. Avoid using a symbol in the statement of a theorem when
it’s not needed.

Topic 2 20 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Sets, Functions, Relations, and Binary Operations

Topic 2 21 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set is a collection of objects.

Topic 2 22 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set is a collection of objects.


Topic 2 22 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set is a collection of objects.

S = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}

Topic 2 22 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set is a collection of objects.

S = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
T = {2, 4, 6, ...}

Topic 2 22 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set is a collection of objects.

S = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
T = {2, 4, 6, ...}
U = {x : x is prime and x < 20}

Topic 2 22 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set is a collection of objects.

S = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
T = {2, 4, 6, ...}
U = {x : x is prime and x < 20}
We can say 7 ∈ U.

Topic 2 22 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 23 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set may be specified using the set-roster notation by writing

all of its elements between braces. Sets S and T are written
this way.

Topic 2 23 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set may be specified using the set-roster notation by writing

all of its elements between braces. Sets S and T are written
this way.
A set may be specified by set-builder notation.
Let X be a set and let P (x) be a property that elements
of X may or may not satisfy. We may define the set of all
elements x ∈ X such that P (x) is true. We may define this
set as follows:
{x ∈ X : P (x)} .

Topic 2 23 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A set may be specified using the set-roster notation by writing

all of its elements between braces. Sets S and T are written
this way.
A set may be specified by set-builder notation.
Let X be a set and let P (x) be a property that elements
of X may or may not satisfy. We may define the set of all
elements x ∈ X such that P (x) is true. We may define this
set as follows:
{x ∈ X : P (x)} .
As in set U, our set X is the set of positive integers and
P (x) is the property that: x is prime and x < 20.

Topic 2 23 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Real Number System

R - set of all real numbers. Example: 1, 1/2, 0.7, π

Q - set of all rational numbers. Example: 0.777...,3/4, -5.1

√ √
Qc - set of all irrational numbers. Example: π, 2, 1 + 3

Z - set of all integers. Example: 0,1,-1,2,-2,...

N - set of all natural numbers. Example: 1,2,3,...

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 25 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


If A and B are sets, then A is called a subset of B, written

A ⊆ B, iff every element of A is also an element of B.

Topic 2 25 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


If A and B are sets, then A is called a subset of B, written

A ⊆ B, iff every element of A is also an element of B.
Let A and B be sets. Set A is a proper subset of B iff there
is at least one element of B that is not in A. We write A ⊂ B.

Topic 2 25 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


If A and B are sets, then A is called a subset of B, written

A ⊆ B, iff every element of A is also an element of B.
Let A and B be sets. Set A is a proper subset of B iff there
is at least one element of B that is not in A. We write A ⊂ B.
A = {a, b, c, d, e} , B = {a, b, c, d, e, f } , C = {a, b, c, d, e}

Topic 2 25 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


If A and B are sets, then A is called a subset of B, written

A ⊆ B, iff every element of A is also an element of B.
Let A and B be sets. Set A is a proper subset of B iff there
is at least one element of B that is not in A. We write A ⊂ B.
A = {a, b, c, d, e} , B = {a, b, c, d, e, f } , C = {a, b, c, d, e}
The following statements are correct:
A ⊂ B, A ⊆ C, C ⊆ A, A = B.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Topic 2 26 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Given elements a and b, the symbol (a, b) denotes the

ordered pair consisting of a and b together with the
specification that a is the first element of the pair and b is the
second element. Also, we say (a, b) = (c, d) iff a = c and
b = d.

Topic 2 26 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Given elements a and b, the symbol (a, b) denotes the

ordered pair consisting of a and b together with the
specification that a is the first element of the pair and b is the
second element. Also, we say (a, b) = (c, d) iff a = c and
b = d.
The Cartesian product A × B of two sets A and B is the set
consisting of all ordered pairs whose first coordinate belongs to
A and whose second coordinate belongs to B. In other words,

A × B = {(a, b) : a ∈ A and b ∈ B} .

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Relations are structures on a set that pairs any two elements

that satisfy certain properties.

5 is less than 7 or 5 < 7, here < is the relation.
2 + 5 = 7, the equal sign = is the relation.
The relation ”is an element of,” denoted by ∈, is another example.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Sometimes, relations are defined with reference to two sets A

and B.

Topic 2 28 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Sometimes, relations are defined with reference to two sets A

and B.
• A relation between two sets A and B is a set of ordered
pairs (a, b) where a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Thus, a relation is a subset of
the Cartesian product A × B.

Topic 2 28 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Sometimes, relations are defined with reference to two sets A

and B.
• A relation between two sets A and B is a set of ordered
pairs (a, b) where a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Thus, a relation is a subset of
the Cartesian product A × B.
• Given an ordered pair (x, y ) in A × B, the element x is related
to element y by R, written xRy , iff (x, y ) is in R. The set A is
called the domain of R and the set B is called its co-domain.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Let A = {0, 1, 2} and B = {1, 2, 3} . Let us say that an
element x in A is related to an element y in B iff x < y . Let us use
the notation xR< y as a shorthand for the sentence ”x is related to
y .” Then,
0R< 1 since 0 < 1.
(a) A × B
(b) List all the elements in A × B that are related.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Example 1 page 40

Let A = {1, 2} and B = {1, 2, 3} and define a relation R from A to

B as follows:
Given any (x, y ) ∈ A × B,
x −y
(x, y ) ∈ R means that ∈ Z.
(a) State explicitly which ordered pairs are in A × B and which are
in R.
(b) Is 1R3? 2R3? 2R2?
(c) What are the domain and co-domain of R?

Topic 2 30 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


One of the most basic activities of mathematics is to take a

mathematical object and transform it into another one, sometimes
of the same kind and sometimes not.

Topic 2 31 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


One of the most basic activities of mathematics is to take a

mathematical object and transform it into another one, sometimes
of the same kind and sometimes not.


Topic 2 31 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


One of the most basic activities of mathematics is to take a

mathematical object and transform it into another one, sometimes
of the same kind and sometimes not.

(1) f (x) = −x transforms a number to its negative.

Topic 2 31 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


One of the most basic activities of mathematics is to take a

mathematical object and transform it into another one, sometimes
of the same kind and sometimes not.

(1) f (x) = −x transforms a number to its negative.
(2) f (x, y ) = x 2 + 2y transforms pairs of numbers into a single

Topic 2 31 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• If f is a function, then the notation f (x) = y means that f

turns the object x into the object y .

Topic 2 32 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• If f is a function, then the notation f (x) = y means that f

turns the object x into the object y .
• To specify a function, therefore, one must be careful to specify
two sets as well: the domain, which is the set of objects to be
transformed, and the range, which is the set of objects they are
allowed to be transformed into.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• If f is a function, then the notation f (x) = y means that f

turns the object x into the object y .
• To specify a function, therefore, one must be careful to specify
two sets as well: the domain, which is the set of objects to be
transformed, and the range, which is the set of objects they are
allowed to be transformed into.
• A function f from a set A to a set B is a rule that specifies, for
each element x of A, an element y = f (x) of B. Sometimes, the
notation f : A → B is used.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Topic 2 33 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

The relation f is a function.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Topic 2 34 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

The relation g is not a function.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Topic 2 35 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

The relation F is not a function.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A relation F from A to B is a function iff:

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A relation F from A to B is a function iff:

1. Every element of A is the first element of an ordered pair
of F .

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A relation F from A to B is a function iff:

1. Every element of A is the first element of an ordered pair
of F .
2. No two distinct ordered pairs in F have the same first

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A relation F from A to B is a function iff:

1. Every element of A is the first element of an ordered pair
of F .
2. No two distinct ordered pairs in F have the same first
• The set {f (x) : x ∈ A} of values actually taken by f is called
the image of f .

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Example 4 page 44

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Example 4 page 44

Let A = {2, 4, 6} and B = {1, 3, 5} . Which of the relations R and

S defined below are functions from A to B?
(a) R = {(2, 5) , (4, 1) , (4, 3) , (6, 5)}
(b) For all (x, y ) ∈ A × B, (x, y ) ∈ S means that y = x + 1.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Example 4 page 44

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Example 4 page 44

Define f : R → R and g : R → R by the following formulas:

f (x) = |x| , ∀x ∈ R, and g (x) = x 2 , ∀x ∈ R.
Is f = g ?

Topic 2 38 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Binary Operations

Topic 2 39 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Binary Operations

• A binary operation on a set A is a function that takes pairs of

elements of A and produces further elements of A.

Topic 2 39 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Binary Operations

• A binary operation on a set A is a function that takes pairs of

elements of A and produces further elements of A.
• It is a function with the set of all pairs (x, y ) of elements of A
as its domain and with A as its range.

Topic 2 39 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Binary Operations

• A binary operation on a set A is a function that takes pairs of

elements of A and produces further elements of A.
• It is a function with the set of all pairs (x, y ) of elements of A
as its domain and with A as its range.
• Examples: +, ×, the binary operation ”followed by” (in our

Topic 2 39 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Binary Operations

• A binary operation on a set A is a function that takes pairs of

elements of A and produces further elements of A.
• It is a function with the set of all pairs (x, y ) of elements of A
as its domain and with A as its range.
• Examples: +, ×, the binary operation ”followed by” (in our
• Some properties of binary operation ∗ that are useful:
commutative, associative, identity, inverse.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 40 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A logical connective is the mathematical equivalent of a

conjunction. That is, it is a word (or symbol) that joins two
sentences to produce a new one.

Topic 2 40 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A logical connective is the mathematical equivalent of a

conjunction. That is, it is a word (or symbol) that joins two
sentences to produce a new one.

Topic 2 40 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A logical connective is the mathematical equivalent of a

conjunction. That is, it is a word (or symbol) that joins two
sentences to produce a new one.
∧ and

Topic 2 40 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A logical connective is the mathematical equivalent of a

conjunction. That is, it is a word (or symbol) that joins two
sentences to produce a new one.
∧ and
∨ or

Topic 2 40 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• A logical connective is the mathematical equivalent of a

conjunction. That is, it is a word (or symbol) that joins two
sentences to produce a new one.
∧ and
∨ or
⇒ implies

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 41 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Words like ”all,” ”some,” ”any,” ”every,” ”for all,” ”there

exists,” and ”nothing” are called quantifiers.

Topic 2 41 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Words like ”all,” ”some,” ”any,” ”every,” ”for all,” ”there

exists,” and ”nothing” are called quantifiers.
• The symbols ∀ and ∃ are used to denote ”for all” and ”there

Topic 2 41 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Words like ”all,” ”some,” ”any,” ”every,” ”for all,” ”there

exists,” and ”nothing” are called quantifiers.
• The symbols ∀ and ∃ are used to denote ”for all” and ”there


Topic 2 41 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Words like ”all,” ”some,” ”any,” ”every,” ”for all,” ”there

exists,” and ”nothing” are called quantifiers.
• The symbols ∀ and ∃ are used to denote ”for all” and ”there

Let P be the set of all prime numbers.

Topic 2 41 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Words like ”all,” ”some,” ”any,” ”every,” ”for all,” ”there

exists,” and ”nothing” are called quantifiers.
• The symbols ∀ and ∃ are used to denote ”for all” and ”there

Let P be the set of all prime numbers.
∀n ∈ N ∃m ∈ P such that m > n.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 42 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• The symbol ¬ is used to denote ”not,” and if P is any

mathematical statement, then ¬P stands for the statement that is
true if and only if P is not true.

Topic 2 42 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• The symbol ¬ is used to denote ”not,” and if P is any

mathematical statement, then ¬P stands for the statement that is
true if and only if P is not true.

Topic 2 42 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• The symbol ¬ is used to denote ”not,” and if P is any

mathematical statement, then ¬P stands for the statement that is
true if and only if P is not true.

Statement A: Every student in this class is female.

Topic 2 42 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• The symbol ¬ is used to denote ”not,” and if P is any

mathematical statement, then ¬P stands for the statement that is
true if and only if P is not true.

Statement A: Every student in this class is female.
Question: What is the negation of A?

Topic 2 42 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• The symbol ¬ is used to denote ”not,” and if P is any

mathematical statement, then ¬P stands for the statement that is
true if and only if P is not true.

Statement A: Every student in this class is female.
Question: What is the negation of A?

Topic 2 42 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• The symbol ¬ is used to denote ”not,” and if P is any

mathematical statement, then ¬P stands for the statement that is
true if and only if P is not true.

Statement A: Every student in this class is female.
Question: What is the negation of A?

Negation of A: There is at least one male student.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 43 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic



Topic 2 43 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Let A = {k ∈ Z+ : k ≤ 100}.
• Statement P : ∀n ∈ A, n is odd.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Let A = {k ∈ Z+ : k ≤ 100}.
• Statement P : ∀n ∈ A, n is odd.
• What is the negation of P?

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Let A = {k ∈ Z+ : k ≤ 100}.
• Statement P : ∀n ∈ A, n is odd.
• What is the negation of P?

• We write ¬P as:

¬ (∀n ∈ A, n is odd) .

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Let A = {k ∈ Z+ : k ≤ 100}.
• Statement P : ∀n ∈ A, n is odd.
• What is the negation of P?

• We write ¬P as:

¬ (∀n ∈ A, n is odd) .

This is equivalent to:

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


• Let A = {k ∈ Z+ : k ≤ 100}.
• Statement P : ∀n ∈ A, n is odd.
• What is the negation of P?

• We write ¬P as:

¬ (∀n ∈ A, n is odd) .

This is equivalent to:

¬P : ∃n ∈ A, n is even.

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Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical


Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable can be used as a placeholder to talk about
something that has one or more values but we don’t know
what they are.

Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable can be used as a placeholder to talk about
something that has one or more values but we don’t know
what they are.


Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable can be used as a placeholder to talk about
something that has one or more values but we don’t know
what they are.

◦ Is there a number with the following property: doubling it
and adding 3 gives the same result as squaring it?

Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable can be used as a placeholder to talk about
something that has one or more values but we don’t know
what they are.

◦ Is there a number with the following property: doubling it
and adding 3 gives the same result as squaring it?
◦ Rewriting and introducing a variable: Is there a number x
with the property that 2x + 3 = x 2 ?

Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable can be used as a placeholder to talk about
something that has one or more values but we don’t know
what they are.

◦ Is there a number with the following property: doubling it
and adding 3 gives the same result as squaring it?
◦ Rewriting and introducing a variable: Is there a number x
with the property that 2x + 3 = x 2 ?

Topic 2 44 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 45 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable can also be used to as a placeholder to talk about

something but you want whatever you say about it to be
equally true for all elements in a given set, and so you are not
restricted to a particular value for it.

Topic 2 45 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable can also be used to as a placeholder to talk about

something but you want whatever you say about it to be
equally true for all elements in a given set, and so you are not
restricted to a particular value for it.


Topic 2 45 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable can also be used to as a placeholder to talk about

something but you want whatever you say about it to be
equally true for all elements in a given set, and so you are not
restricted to a particular value for it.

◦ No matter what number might be chosen, if it is greater
than 2, then its square is greater than 4.

Topic 2 45 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable can also be used to as a placeholder to talk about

something but you want whatever you say about it to be
equally true for all elements in a given set, and so you are not
restricted to a particular value for it.

◦ No matter what number might be chosen, if it is greater
than 2, then its square is greater than 4.
◦ Rewriting and introducing a variable: No matter what
number n might be chosen, if n > 2, then n2 > 4.

Topic 2 45 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic



Topic 2 46 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic



Topic 2 46 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Are there numbers with the property that the sum of their
squares equals the square of their sum?

Topic 2 46 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Are there numbers with the property that the sum of their
squares equals the square of their sum?
Given any real number, its square is nonnegative.

Topic 2 46 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


Topic 2 47 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical


Topic 2 47 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable that denotes a specific object is called a free
variable. This is a variable that is ”free” to take any value.

Topic 2 47 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


A variable is any letter used to stand for a mathematical

A variable that denotes a specific object is called a free
variable. This is a variable that is ”free” to take any value.
A variable that does not denote a specific object is called a
bound variable (or dummy variable).

Topic 2 47 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic



Topic 2 48 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


m is prime if

∀a, b s.t. ab = m ⇒ (a = 1 ∨ b = 1) . (∗)

Topic 2 48 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


m is prime if

∀a, b s.t. ab = m ⇒ (a = 1 ∨ b = 1) . (∗)

Notice that the sentence (*) does not really make sense unless we
already know what m is from the context, whereas it is important
that a and b do not have any prior meaning.

Topic 2 48 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


m is prime if

∀a, b s.t. ab = m ⇒ (a = 1 ∨ b = 1) . (∗)

Notice that the sentence (*) does not really make sense unless we
already know what m is from the context, whereas it is important
that a and b do not have any prior meaning.
Also, while it makes perfect sense to ask, ”For which values of m is
sentence (*) true?” it makes no sense at all to ask, ”For which
values of a is sentence (*) true?”

Topic 2 48 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic


m is prime if

∀a, b s.t. ab = m ⇒ (a = 1 ∨ b = 1) . (∗)

Notice that the sentence (*) does not really make sense unless we
already know what m is from the context, whereas it is important
that a and b do not have any prior meaning.
Also, while it makes perfect sense to ask, ”For which values of m is
sentence (*) true?” it makes no sense at all to ask, ”For which
values of a is sentence (*) true?”
Here, m is a free variable while a and b are bound variables.

Topic 2 48 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential
A universal statement says that a certian property is true for
all elements in a set.

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential
A universal statement says that a certian property is true for
all elements in a set.
Example: All positive numbers are greater than zero.

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential
A universal statement says that a certian property is true for
all elements in a set.
Example: All positive numbers are greater than zero.
A conditional statement says that if one thing is true, then
some other thing also has to be true.

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential
A universal statement says that a certian property is true for
all elements in a set.
Example: All positive numbers are greater than zero.
A conditional statement says that if one thing is true, then
some other thing also has to be true.
Example: If 378 is divisible by 18, then 378 is divisible by 6.

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential
A universal statement says that a certian property is true for
all elements in a set.
Example: All positive numbers are greater than zero.
A conditional statement says that if one thing is true, then
some other thing also has to be true.
Example: If 378 is divisible by 18, then 378 is divisible by 6.
Given a property that may or may not be true, an existential
statement says that there is at least one thing for which the
property is true.

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements

Three of the most important kinds of sentences in mathematics are

universal statements, conditional statements, and existential
A universal statement says that a certian property is true for
all elements in a set.
Example: All positive numbers are greater than zero.
A conditional statement says that if one thing is true, then
some other thing also has to be true.
Example: If 378 is divisible by 18, then 378 is divisible by 6.
Given a property that may or may not be true, an existential
statement says that there is at least one thing for which the
property is true.
Example: There is a prime number that is even.

Topic 2 49 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Universal Conditional Statements

A universal conditional statement is a statement that is both

universal and conditional.

Topic 2 50 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Universal Conditional Statements

A universal conditional statement is a statement that is both

universal and conditional.
Example: For all animal a, if a is a dog, then a is a mammal.

Topic 2 50 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Universal Existential Statements

A universal existential statement is a statement that is universal

because its first part says that a certain property is true for all
objects of a given type, and it is existential because its second part
asserts the existence of something.

Topic 2 51 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Universal Existential Statements

A universal existential statement is a statement that is universal

because its first part says that a certain property is true for all
objects of a given type, and it is existential because its second part
asserts the existence of something.
Example: Every real number has an additive inverse.

Topic 2 51 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Existential Universal Statements

An existential universal statement is a statement that is

existential because its first part says that a certain object exists
and is universal because its second part says that the object
satisfies a certain property for all things of a certain kind.

Topic 2 52 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Existential Universal Statements

An existential universal statement is a statement that is

existential because its first part says that a certain object exists
and is universal because its second part says that the object
satisfies a certain property for all things of a certain kind.
Example: There is a positive integer that is less than or equal to
every positive integer.

Topic 2 52 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Mathematical Statements
Existential Universal Statements

An existential universal statement is a statement that is

existential because its first part says that a certain object exists
and is universal because its second part says that the object
satisfies a certain property for all things of a certain kind.
Example: There is a positive integer that is less than or equal to
every positive integer.
∃m ∈ Z+ s.t.∀n ∈ Z+ , m ≤ n.

Topic 2 52 / 51
Language of Mathematics
Four Basic Concepts
Elementary Logic

Aufmann, R. (2006). Mathematical Excursions. Houghton
Mifflin College Div.
Aufmann, R. et al. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern
World. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Fisher, C.B. The Language of Mathematics (from One
Mathematical Cat, Please! by Carol Burns Fisher).
Gowers, T., Barrow-Green, J. and Leader, I. (2008). The
Princeton companion to mathematics. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press.

Topic 2 53 / 51

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