Special Topics in Industrial Engineering Final Exam

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Subject: IE 523 – Special Topics in IE and Review

I. Identification. Write in your test booklet your answer to what is being described in the statements.

1. This tool uses a single estimate for activity time and did not allow for variation; activity times were
treated as if they were known with certainty.
2. This is used in an AOA network to show a precedence relationship, but it does not represent any
actual passage of time.
3. This is the minimum time in which the project can be completed.
4. When asked to identify the color and not the word, the subject processes the stimuli longer. What is
this test?
5. This is the maximum time that all preceding activities have been completed. This is taken by doing a
forward pass.
6. Men tend to be like this because they see things as a whole or in general
7. This is the physiological process that underlie information intake from stimuli through the senses.
8. Response time is a component of this time and motion time. So that, more alternatives will lengthen
9. This tool uses multiple time estimates for each activity which reflected variation; activity times were
treated as probabilistic.
10. When one ear receives a stimulus different from the other ear, and when asked later to repeat what
was heard from left ear, the subject tend to mix information from both stimuli.
11. This is the process by which information from memory is accessed when needed.
12. The type of feedback of a certain stimulus/information when the cellphone vibrates to inform you of
calls missed.
13. According to Jean Piaget on cognitive models, a child produces this and adds information to it every
time he encounter a new experience/information. Like, an animal with 4 legs, hairy, two ears and a
tail is a dog, when he sees a cat, it fits the same category but the sound is different, therefore, it is a
new type of animal.
14. The intermediate memory where we store information necessary for the time being and accordingly,
only about 7 ±2 objects/information can be efficiently stored
15. This is one way of memorizing too many information whereby we break it down into more
manageable groupings.
16. This is the phenomenon when the pilot is duplicated because there are just too many information to
process simultaneously.
17. The brain does not process anymore an action that is done over and over again.
18. Industrial engineers, ergonomists, and other professionals interested in the study of human behavior
recognize that learning is dependent to this.
19. This is the loss of information in the short term memory due to the passage of time
20. This should be done so that information will be transferred from short term to long term memory.

II. Problem Solving: Solve what is asked for in each of the problems.

1. The following activities and times (in minutes) were recorded for a mold operator:
 Removes molded piece from die 0.6
 Walks 10 ft to a workbench 0.2
 Boxes widget and places on conveyor 1.0
 Walks back to molder 0.2
 Blows out dirt from mold 0.4
 Sprays oil into mold, pushes “GO” 0.2
 Mold cycles automatically 3.0

The cycle then repeats itself. The operator is paid $10.00/h, and it costs $15.00/h to run the molder.
What is the optimum number of machines that can be assigned to the operator to produce the widgets
at lowest cost?

2. TOYCO produces toy shovels on a 20-ton press. The steps taken by the press operator to produce
one shovel are:
 Remove finished shovel and put on conveyor 0.1 min
 Remove debris from the dies 0.2 min
 Spray dies with oil 0.1 min
 Check raw material (flat sheet) for defects 0.3 min
 Place flat sheet into press 0.1 min
 Press cycles automatically 1.0 min

The operator is paid $10/h, and the press costs $100/h to run. Raw material in shovel costs $1.00, and
it sells for $4.00. What is the optimum number of presses for one operator for lowest unit cost?

3. A new employee at the Dorben Co. took 186 and 140 min to assemble the fourth and eighth
assemblies, respectively. The standard time for assembling this product is 100 min.
a. Calculate this worker’s learning curve.
b. How many assemblies does it take the worker to achieve the standard time?
City of San Fernando, La Union


Course Number : IE 523 Final Examination

Descriptive Title: Special Topics in IE and Review 2nd Semester, School Year 2017-2018
Instructor : Marilou A. Basilio Date/Time of Exam: May 16, 2018 2-3

Topic Learning Outcomes No. of Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Type of Test Item Total
Hrs Placement Points

Prelims and Midterm 20 Identification I 20


Apply the concepts of 8 3 Problem II 30

synchronous and Solving
random servicing.
PQ1 and PQ2 2
Total 10 50
Approved by: Noted by:

Rolly Carreon, CE Rolly Carreon, CE

IE Program Head OIC CEA Dean
I. Identification
1. CPM
2. Dummy
3. Project Duration
4. Stroop and Effect Test
5. Earliest Start
6. Global
7. Preception
8. Reaction time
10. Dichotic listening
11. Retrieval
12. Haptic
13. Schema
14. Miller’s number
15. Chunking
16. Distributed cognition
17. Automaticity
18. Time/repetitive cycles
19. Decay
20. Repetition



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