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Task 3 Research

United Nations
The United Nations consists of 51 countries working on human rights and the environment. Most
their work is done on LEDCs (Lower economically developed countries). However work they have
done in the UK is mainly
* Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
* Waste Management: Pollution, Prevention and Control (PPC)
* Deforestation

Rio Declaration on Environment

The Rio Declaration is a listing of 27 points or principles setup by the United Nations in order to show
countries how to be sustainable.

It talks about

 removing poverty,
 keeping the public well informed
 investing and research of new technology
 reducing and recycling

Refer to the other printout for the 27 points.

World Health Organization

The WHO exists to classify pandemics, vaccinations, collect statistics, and give specifically poorer
countries help. They only work on widespread issues though they have information on all health

UK issues they deal with include

 Tuberculosis
 HIV/AIDS epidemiological fact sheet
 HIV prevalence
 TB prevalence and incidence

Common UK Risk factors for diseases include

 Chronic diseases
 Anaemia
 Child malnutrition
 Access to water, sanitation
 Alcohol, tobacco consumption
UK National Development Policy

The UK has a policy to keep improving the health of its citizens in order to prevent the NHS from
going into crisis. In particular, the Department of Health's national development policy. This is their
overall plan summarised.

 Eradicate swine flu and cervical cancer with the vaccine

 Get people to give up smoking
 Promote Change4Life to eradicate heart disease which is the UK's number one killer
 Improve Mental Health
 Reduce STIs

Treating Sickness

 Possibly use stem cells to treat cancer, alzeimers etc.

 Make prescriptions accessible
 Stop people from using Antibiotics for colds
 Make sure there's more hospital beds
 Improve the hygiene of hospital wards

 Research stem cells
 Come up with new vaccines
 Find ways for consumers to make healthier food choices
 Find ways to combat MRSA

Find ways to combat new diseases

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development means to put back into the earth as resources are being taken from it. If it
was to apply for trees, more will be planted as soon as some are logged. If it was to apply for fish,
more would be kept in farms to prevent the supply from diminishing.


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