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Challenges of Agile Development Implementation in Mechatronic Development

K. Goevert1, A. Gökdemir1, C. Peitz2, U. Lindemann1
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
OSRAM GmbH, Munich, Germany
( (

Abstract – This paper gives an overview of the A. Definition of agile development

challenges in the implementation of agile development in
Agile describes that something is "able to move
mechatronic development processes. For this purpose, 31
situations, 13 challenges, and three problem areas are quickly and easily" and stands for "quick, smart and
identified in an innovative company department. This clever" [2]. [3] define agile in the context of development
department operates like a start-up surrounded by a and they sate, "agile development combines creative
business group structure. First improvements to solve teamwork with an intense focus on effectiveness and
challenges are implemented in the department. maneuverability" [3]. The agile manifesto of [4] explains
more details about agile values and agile principles.
Keywords – Agile development, mechatronic Furthermore, [5] defines six dimensions which have to be
development processes changed in a company to become agile. The dimensions
• Agile target vision
I. INTRODUCTION • Customer-oriented agile structure
More than ever before, agile development is • Iterative processual landscape
important to meet customer needs and to aggregate • Employee-centered understanding of leadership
specifically in every development situation [1]. Especially • Agile personal and leadership tools
in innovated surroundings, agile development is important • Agile organizational structure
to develop first prototypes and early customer feedback in [5] assert that every dimension are equally important.
early phases. Agile development enables developers to
achieve incremental further developments. This agile B. Challenge identification analysis and
approach works well in software development but has a classification methods
lot challenges in mechatronic product development [1].
Large established companies do not yet use agile Typical challenge identification methods are
development as state of the art. interviews, self-experiment or observations [6], [7]. The
For this reason, paper documents the challenges in method interviews use open questions. Additionally,
agile development of an innovative department of a different synonyms of challenge in different questions and
company in Germany. The department works on a new interviews with different team members are implemented.
mechatronic technology with a new business model and This method helps to obtain a differentiated overview [6].
aggregates like an agile start-up in a company. The method self-experiment means that the observer
The goal of the paper is to analyze challenges of agile works in the project with other team members and
product development in a company department to allow a documents the observed challenges.
better understanding and to identify first measures to Methods of problem analysis are, for example, flow
solve them. charts of problem solving or 5 why analysis ([8], [9]). [9]
The paper first presents the introduction to the topic developed a flow chart to solve analytic problems. It is
and the relevant state of the art. Section III describes the structured into three areas: orientation, carry out and
research methodology of the project, which is inspired by control. The five why analysis helps to find the reasons of
the design research methodology. Section IV describes challenges. For the identified reasons, five times the
section IV. Section V evaluates the results and reason of a reason are identified [9].
methodology. The last section presents a conclusion and A method of classification challenges is the clustering
outlook. or categorization [10]. Clustering means to find
commonalities of different challenges to obtain
II. STATE OF THE ART homogenized groups which are very different from each
other [10]. [11] identifies three types of challenges:
This section describes the relevant state of the art. It • Objective (e.g. company politic and goals)
is structured into the definition of agile development and • Organizational (e.g. poor performance, non-
followed by the challenge identification, analysis and completed jobs)
classification methods. Lastly, it describes the research • Personnel (e.g. personnel structure).
gap and question.

978-1-5386-0948-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 701

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE IEEM

C. Research gap and question evaluated and prioritized the identified challenge
situations on a scale from -3 to +3.
The state of the art shows on the one hand agile The measure list is based on the workshops. These
development and on the other hand methods to analyze workshops focused on the analysis of challenge situations,
and classify challenges. The research gap is to use the the same understanding in the team, and the link between
analysis and classification methods to identify agile reasons, challenges, and effects. Section IV shows the
challenges in a company department which develops a results of the prescriptive study and the project.
mechatronic product. From this derives the following The last phase of the DRM is the descriptive study 2,
research question: Which challenges could be identified in which reflects the results and methodology. The results
a company department which uses agile development and are reflected by a combination of a survey and workshop.
which measures solve the challenges? The reflection of the methodology is described in section
III. METHODOLOGY Research Clarification – Goal and initial situation
Initial situation in the
The project follows the design research methodology Initial situation in literature
(DRM) of [12]. As Fig. 1 shows, there are four phases.
The first phase identifies the goal and initial situation. The Goal: Structural analysis of agile development challenges
in a company
goal is a structural analysis of agile development
challenges in a company, what represents section 1 of the
paper. Descriptive Study 1 – Literature review
Section 2 of the paper shows the descriptive study 1. Challenge Challenge
Literature of the research areas agile development, Agile develop-
identification analysis
challenge identification methods, and challenge analysis ment
methods methods
methods is analyzed. At the beginning of the literature
review, a search matrix was set up. It includes all
synonyms of the terms agile development, challenge Prescriptive Study - Solution
identification, methods and challenge analyses methods.
Understanding of agile
To enlarge the literature review, the “Forward-/Backward
Citation” method from [13] was used. This means that 31
references of the selected publications (backward) are challenge
selected, as well as citations of the selected literature situation
(forward). This ensures a broad focus during the research. 13 3
The work in the prescriptive study section describes chal- challenge
the essential work of the project. It starts with a lenges areas
comparative analysis of the definition of agile in literature
and the innovation department in the company. The Measure list of each challenge situation
analysis is based on an interview with the department
First, agile is defined in general. Moreover, the phase Descriptive Study 2 - Reflection
compares the six dimensions of [5] to the initial situation Results reflection Methodology reflection
in the company department. Section II A describes these
dimensions. Figure 1: Methodology of the project
Second step is the identification of the situation
challenges in agile development. Therefore, the following IV. RESULTS
methods of the state of the art are used (see section II):
This section describes the results of each step of the
interviews, research of the target situation, quality
prescriptive study.
checklists, process analysis, observations, and active
cooperation with the team.
A. Comparative analysis of agile literature
In the following, the key challenges of the challenge
definition and the company department view
situations are detected. This step uses the methods of
section II the part of challenges analysis e.g. 5 why In general, the company department defines agile
analysis, abstraction, classification, formalizing, development as a fast and flexible development in the
systematization, and structuring. From these challenges, organization as well as in development projects.
the challenge areas are derived. Therefore, the method of Nevertheless, at a certain point a strict focus is necessary
clustering is used. to enable an early market lunch of a minimum viable
Finally, the department team prioritized the product (MVP) to be agile. On the organizational level, a
challenges and developed a list of measures to solve the decentralized decision-making competence and shorter
challenges. For the prioritization, a survey was conducted. decision processes support the agile development.
Every team member completed the survey where they Furthermore, the formalized project management is

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE IEEM

reduced and projects can start with a vision and not with a Table 2 provides an overview of the 31 situations and in
concrete goal. the following, one example will be explained in detail.
This definition in the previous section is the starting
point of the comparative analysis between the six TABLE 2:
dimensions of [5]. Table 1 shows the results of the Challenging situations
analysis between actual (company department) and target
state [5] and the fulfillment of each dimension. The No Challenging situation No Challenging situation
fulfillment is measured in one to five points (five is the
best). The analysis shows that especially the dimensions 1
External Hardware
High need for safety by
agile target vision and customer oriented agile structure of development some employees
the company have high potentials for improvement. Higher workload due to
2 Complexity of interfaces 18
disregarding processes
Results of the analysis between the dimensions and the Long organizational
Missing project structure
3 processes (e.g. ordering 19
actual situation of agile in the company department process)
Dimension of Fischer Situation in the agile Fulfill-
and Haeusling (2016) Company department ment Missing knowledge
4 20 No cost transparency
Agile target vision – Agile target vision –
Roadmap of Abstract vision but no Focus on technical
1/5 5
transformation classic to transformation roadmap aspects and not on the 21 High time pressure
agile customer

Customer oriented agile Customer oriented Fast decision by great

6 22 Shift of milestones
structure – Strict agile structure - New uncertainty
customer oriented business model currently 1/5
thinking no real customer Requests from business
Restriction on own
available 7 23 sides have no high
Iterative processual Iterative processual
landscape – Iterative landscape – Iterative No overall responsibility
8 Startup in a company 24
processes which create processes but 3/5 by some processes
fast results coordination problems
with suppliers Loss of resources
9 Unreliability at the supplier 25 because of missing pre-
Employee centered Employee centered planning
understanding of understanding of
leadership – Servant leadership – Servant Missing documentation
Leadership Leadership is 3/5 10 Timescale is not welcome 26 by costumer
implemented but requirements
sometimes chaotically Challenges by an
structure High focus in other part
11 27 agreement for a second
Agile personal and Agile personal and goal
leadership tools – leadership tools –
Vision is not clear
Involvement of Employees are involved 4/5 12 Different understanding 28
employees in HR-
processes Missing synchronization
Agile organizational Agile organizational 13 Milestones are unaware 29 between software,
structure - Changes are structure – Changes are hardware
welcome, proactive welcome, proactive 3/5
Quality checks
knowledge transfer knowledge transfer is 14 Missing project manager 30
sometimes missing
Not clearly defined Agreements only
15 31
The results of the comparative analysis of the two distribution of tasks between two persons
definitions help to understand the meaning of agile in the Higher cost by agile and
company department and are a base for the challenging 16 faster hardware
situation analysis. develeopment

B. The 31 challenging situations The situation no. 29 “missing synchronization

The result of the challenging situation identification is between software and hardware” is documented in the
a list of 31 situations. These are the summarized results, project as follows:
which are identified by using the mentioned methods (see • Milestone planning is conducted separately in
section II). the departments of hardware and software

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE IEEM

• Development of hardware and software is The next step was the survey and prioritization of the
separated with some synchronization points challenge situation. The two most important challenge
• No jour fixe of hardware and software team situations, which the survey identified for each area, are:
• Existing risk that requirements are integrated in • Project management:14, 26
the hardware development very late • Company environment: 9, 18
The documented points were identified by interacting • Innovation: 13, 21
with the team. Additionally, team members were This challenge situations and challenges are the basis
interviewed and they explained that the cooperation for the workshop to develop the measure list (see section
between hardware and software is missing. E.).
All other situations are documented on the same way
with situations and different kinds of effects. E. Measure list of each challenge area
The measure list is based on measures, which were
C. The 13 identified challenges developed in a workshop, and only includes quick
The analysis of the challenging situations identified measures. This paper only presents the measures for the
13 challenges in expert interviews by using the most two important challenge situations per area. The
methodology of section II. Often, different situations (see measures are the following:
table 2) are effects of the same challenge. These • 9: no quick measure could be found
challenges and related situation numbers are: • 13: central lessons learned document
• Slow R&D process management (19, 26) • 14: each project has a project manager
• Partly unclear responsibility (14, 24, 30) • 18: periodic time scale discussion in a team
• Complex process coordination (15, 29) • 21: no quick measure could be found
• Complex knowledge transfer (2, 4, 31) • 26: short project overview of each pilot
• Time pressure (20, 21) project and the relevant information
• Incomplete information (1, 6, 11, 22, 23, 25, 27) This measures and others to less important challenge
• Instable vision (13, 28) situations are integrated in the company department.
• Unclear link between short and long term
planning (10) High improvment
• Supplier quality (9, 16) Slow R&D process
• Inflexible company processes (3, 8, 18) management structures
• Risk aversion in company (17) Complex process coordination
• General coordination efforts (12) Project management
• Insufficient customer focus (5, 7) Complex knowledge
The identified challenges show the effect of an transfer Partly unclear
underlying cause. Therefore, the link of the challenging responsibility Inflexible company
situations and challenges depends on the interpretation of Supplier quality General
the biggest pain point of each challenging situation. The Companycoordination
results above represent the common opinion of the team, environment effort
Risk aversion in
which was risen during the workshops. company Insufficient at the
customer focus
D. The 3 areas of challenges Instable vision
Time pressure Incomplete
The areas of challenges represents the causes of the
identified challenges. Every challenge is connected to a Innovation information
Unclear connection between
cause and each area of challenges includes four to five short and long term planning Middle improv-
challenges (see fig. 2).The three areas are: ment potential
• Project management
• Innovation
• Company environment
Low improvment
The challenge area project management has high
Figure 2: Areas of challenges
improvement potential because it includes challenges,
which be met by the department team. Challenges, which
are part of the area company environment, have middle
improvement potential because these challenges are
connected to the overall company strategy. Challenges of
the area innovation have only low improvement potential This section discusses and reflects the methodology
because this are typical for innovations and part of it. of this paper and the results.
Retrospectively, it has to be noted that the model of

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE IEEM

[5] with the six dimensions was not critically questioned measures could be to identify agile methods which
to counter the agility of the agile company department. support the work of the team and to implement them. This
Here, a critical consideration and a more detailed search requires a change of the mindset in the team, which will
for a comparative agility model would have led to a better take its time. Furthermore, an open communication is
result. It also should be discussed whether a complete important to identify new challenges and to work on new
fulfillment of each dimension is possible for a company measures.
department and whether a complete fulfillment is
necessary or not. REFERENCES
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To identify the challenges and to promote a shared
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After that, the team and the company have to work on
extensive measures to support the product development,
especially the agile product development. Extensive


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