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Experiment No.

Calculate the deformations in a bar having variable cross sectional area, using 7
Problem statement:
Consider a bar with a variable cross section supporting a load P, as shown in figure. The bar is fixed at
one end and carries the load P at the other end. We are interested in approximating how much the bar will
deflect at various points along its length when it is subjected to the load P. We will neglect the weight of
the bar in the following analysis, assuming that the applied load is considerably larger than the weight of
the bar.

The objective of this experiment is to analyze the approximate deflection of the bar at various points
under a specific load.


Given data:

L = 10 in, E = 10.4 x 106 lb/in2, t = 0.125 in, w1 = 2 in, w2 = 1 in, P = 1000 lb.

Basic Steps in FEA:

There are three basic steps in FEA
i. Pre-Processing
ii. Solution
iii. Post-Processing.
1. Select a Job name:
First of all we will enter a job name of our choice by clicking at File.
2. Select analysis type.
Analysis type is selected by clicking on Preferences.

 Preprocessing Phase
3. Define Element Type.
Select an element type from the category of Preprocessor.
4. Define Element Real Constant.
Real constants can be added, edited or deleted in preprocessor category of Real constants.

The area for each element as

Real Constant Set No. 1 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.2404
Real Constant Set No. 2 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.2232
Real Constant Set No. 3 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.2053
Real Constant Set No. 4 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.1875
Real Constant Set No. 5 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.1696
Real Constant Set No. 6 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.1518
Real Constant Set No. 7 , Cross Sectional Area = 0.1339
Define Material Properties:
5. Define the node points.

Node number 1 , Location in active CS = 0

Node number 2 , Location in active CS = -1.4285
Node number 3 , Location in active CS = -2.8571
Node number 4 , Location in active CS = -4.2857
Node number 5 , Location in active CS = -5.7143
Node number 6 , Location in active CS = -7.1428
Node number 7 , Location in active CS = -8.5714
Node number 8 , Location in active CS = -10

6. Now we define the elements between the nodes one by one.

7. Applying boundary conditions and loading
 Solution Phase
8. Solve the system
 Post processing phase
9. Calculate the deformation

Sr. No. Nodes Deflection Manually Deflection ANSYS
1 1 0 0
2 2 -0.56983E-03 -0.57136E-03
3 3 -0.11852E-02 -0.11868E-02
4 4 -0.18541E-02 -0.18559E-02
5 5 -0.25868E-02 -0.25885E-02
6 6 -0.33966E-02 -0.33984E-02
7 7 0.42908E-02 -0.43033E-02
8 8 -0.53167E-02 -0.53292E-02

By applying load at part, there will be considerable deflection at each node. The deflection determined by
Ansys is closed to that we find manually.

For more accurate values of deflection it is suitable to use Ansys software, rather than manual. There are less
chances of error if we calculate deflection by software.

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