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The Boy Who Cried A Wolf

Cast : Narrator, Shepherd Boy, Several sheep, Some villager, a wolf

(Enter shepherd boy, with several sheep)

Narrator : Once upon a time, there was a young shepherd boy. He lived in a lonely valley next to a
great dark forest. He had an important job. He had to look after his father's sheep and protect them
from the wolves that lived in the forest. It was a lonely job, and the boy was bored. He wanted some fun
and some action.

Shepherd Boy : Oh man! I am so bored! There's nothing to do!

Narrator : He thought of a plan to get some excitement. He pretended a wolf was attacking the

Shepherd boy : (calls) Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is coming! (Sheep scatter into the wings)

(Enter father and townspeople, armed with shotgun, pitchforks etc.)

Narrator : His father and the villager came rushing to help him.

Father : Where's the wolf? Where did he go? I'll get him!

Villager 1 : Did you see a wolf? Did he go back into the forest? Has he killed any of our sheep?

Shepherd Boy : (dismissingly) False alarm! False alarm! I thought I saw a wolf, but it must have been a

Villager 2 : False alarm! Let's go home! (Exit father and townspeople. Sheep return, relieved)

Narrator : This excitement pleased the shepherd boy, and made him laugh and clap his hands.

A few days later, he tried the same trick again.

Shepherd boy :(calls) Wolf! Wolf! The is coming! (Sheep scatter into the wings)

(Enter father and townspeople, armed with shotgun, pitchforks etc.)

Father : Good lad! Tell us where the wolf is! Did he go this-er-way? Or did he go that-er-way?

Villager 1 : He won't get far! (to Villager 2) We could follow his footprints!

Villager 2 : We could- but there aren't any footprints. Where's the wolf, boy?

Shepherd Boy : (dismissingly) False alarm! False alarm! I thought I saw a wolf, but it must have been a
shadow again!
Villager 2 : oh my gosh, are you serious about the wolf, boy? It was the second you called us. Ah
forget it. Let's go home! (Exit father and townspeople. Sheep return, relieved)

Narrator : This excitement pleased the shepherd boy, and made him giggle and jump for joy! He
loved this game! He played the same trick several more times.

One day, the shepherd boy was looking over towards the forest. He thought he saw something big and
furry moving towards the sheep. (to audience : What do you think it was?) Correct! A wolf was on the
prowl! A wolf with teeth as long as knives, a nose as wet as a puddle, and claws as sharp as fish hooks!
But the shepherd boy just ignored it.

Shepherd Boy : Don't worry! There's no wolf! It's only a shadow. My eyes must be tired. I think I'll have
a little nap!

Narrator : But suddenly the wolf came out.

Wolf : Grr! Auuuuu! Iam a hungry wolf, I want to eat some sheep, they look so delicious.
Nyam nyam! Auu! Hahaha

Narrator : A howl made the Shepherd Boy woke up. And then he saw that a wolf tried to catch his

Shepherd Boy : Help! Help! Someone please help me! The Wolf try to eat my sheeps! Help! Help!

Narrator : The Shepherd Boy cried out louder. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled
twice before, thought the boy was lying again, and nobody came to his aid. So the Wolf stole many of
the sheep from the boy's flock. The End

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