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While the project was submitted, I think that there were many good aspects, as well as areas that require
improvement if a similar task was to be completed in the future. Firstly, I am happy with my time
management at the beginning of the project, and I learnt how to create a website very quickly, compared to
my expectations. I believe that my research was thorough and really helped me get a grasp of what my
design would and should look like. However, my time management towards the end of the project wasn’t so
good. Clashing with other subjects, I left parts of the project late, and while I managed to complete
everything on time (for the initial due date), I was a little concerned that I hadn’t done my best work. When
the extensions were given, I made use of this extra time and touched up and improved everything where
possible. Overall, I am glad that I submitted everything, and though I could’ve managed my time better, the
end result is something that I am happy with.

Joshua Suto (9YAE) Page 1 26/09/19

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