English 1

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Prefix : A- = Without, not
Root : Nos/o = Disease
Gnos/o = Knowledge
Suffix : -ia = Condition of
Meaning : is a neurological condition where the patient is unaware of his
neurological or psychiatric condition

2. Proctalgia
Prefix :
Root : Proct/o = Rectum, anus
Suffix : -algia = Pain
Meaning : is a neural pain in the rectum or anus

3. Trichotillomania
Prefix :
Root : Trich/o = Hair
Till /o = Pulling
Suffix : -mania = Condition of madness,compulsion
Meaning : is an abnormal desire to pull out one’s hair

4. Prosopagnosia
Prefix :
Root : Prosp/o = Face
Suffix : -agnosia = Condition of the loss of the faculty to perceive
Meaning : is a neurological condition characterized by the inability to
recognize the faces of familiar people

5. Anxiogenic
Prefix :
Root : Anxio/o = Uneasy, anxious
Suffix : -genic = Produced by, forming by
Meaning : is the subtances that cause anxiety

6. Cardialgia
Prefix :
Root : Cardi/o = Heart
Suffix : -algia = Pain
Meaning : is a feeling of pain of discomfort in the region of the heart

7. Gossypiboma
Prefix :
Root : Gossypi/um = Cotton
Suffix : -oma = Mass
Meaning : is a gauze or surgical left inside a patient’s body during surgery

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