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Circular Motion and Gravitation

1. G is called:
a) gravitational acceleration c) gravitational force
b) gravitational constant d) none of these
2. In case of satellites the necessary acceleration is provided by:
a) Frictional force c) coulomb’s law
b) Gravitational force d) force of attraction
3. The centripetal force is always directed to:
a) Towards the center of circle c)along the direction of motion
b) Away from center of circle d)at the center
4. If the speed of body moving in a circle is doubled, its centripetal acceleration becomes:
a) Twice c)four times
b) Eight times d)none of these
5. When a body moves on a circumference of the circle is called:
a) Velocity c)speed
b) Circular motion d)acceleration
6. When a moving body moves on the circumference of the circle with constant speed is
a) Circular motion c)centripetal force
b) Centrifugal force d)uniform circular motion
7. 1 radian is equal to:
a) 57.3° c) 90°
b) 180° d)0°
8. The change of velocity on the circular path is called:
a) Positive acceleration c)gravitational constant
b) Centripetal acceleration d)uniform speed
9. If m=1500kg, v=20m/s², and r=20m then “Fc” is:
a) 20000 N c)30000 N
b) 40000 N d)50000 N
10. The value of G is:
a) 6.67x10 -11 –m2/kg2 c) 6.67x10 -8 Nm2/kg2
b) 6.67x10 -9 Nm2/kg2 d) 6.67x10 -10 Nm2/kg2
11. Law of universal gravitation was forward by Sir is sac Newton in:
a) 1586 c)1686
b) 1786 d)1866
12. The value of G was determined experimentally by Henry Cavendish in:
a) 1598 c)1698
b) 1798 d)1898
13. Artificial satellite have been launch since:
a) 1657 c)1757
b) 1857 d)1957
14. The mass of earth is:
a) 4x1024 kg c) 5x1024 kg
b) 6x1024 kg d)7x1024 kg
15. The radius of earth is:
a) 5.38x106 m c) 6.38x106 m
b) 7.38x106 m d) 8.38x106 m
16. The centrifugal force is directed:
a) Towards the center c)away from the center
b) Along the direction of motion d)against the direction of motion
17. The magnitude of centripetal acceleration ac is given by:
a) v²/r c) v/r²
b) v²/r² d) v/r
18. centripetal force will increase two times if the mass of a body moving with uniform
speed in a circle:
a) doubled c)four times
b) six times d)eight times
19. For a satellite revolving around the earth in a circular orbit if the radius of the orbit is
increased form R to 2R, its velocity will be:
a) 2v c)v²
b) v²/2 d)v/√2
20. The value “g” decreases as altitude:
a) decreases c)increases
b) double d)not changed
21. The velocity of satellite which moves round the earth at a specific height is called:
a) velocity c)uniform velocity
b) variable velocity d)orbital velocity
22. On mountain our weight will be:
a) greater c)less
b) double d)not changed
23. The formula for centripetal force is:
a) Fc=-mv2/r c) Fc=mv2/r
b) Fc=-v2/r d) Fc=v2/r
24. The centripetal force between the sun and the planets or the earth and the moon is
provided by the force of:
a) Gravity c)acceleration
b) Repulsion d)coulomb force
25. The unit of torque in S.I unit is:
a) Newton c)meter
b) Newton-meter d)pound

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