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Pop Quiz

Summer Review #1
What - When - Where - Why - Who - How GRADE: / 85
1. Complete the sentences with a suitable question word. (15 pts)
1) ................ are my keys? 8) ................ is your best friend?
2) ................ is the problem? 9) ................ is your e-mail?
3) ................ is your favorite singer? 10) ................ are you? I'm fine, thanks.
4) ................ is your birthday? 11) ................ is your graduation? Next week.
5) ................ old are you? I'm ten years old. 12) ................ is she crying? Because she is sad.
6) ................ is your telephone number? 13) ................ is your last name? Gonzalez.
7) ................ are you from? 14) ................ is your favorite actor? Anthony Hopkins.
15) ................ old is your cat? Two years old.

2. Complete the sentences with the right form of TO BE/HAVE GOT. (15 pts)

1) Our postman _______________ a big bag. 9) Sean _____________ a brother and a sister.
2) This ____________ my umbrella. 10) Harry _____________ a brother. (neg.)
3) I ____________ an umbrella. 11) ________ Tony Mary’s brother)
4) Today ___________ Susan’s birthday. (neg.) 12) __________ Sheryl _______ a horse?
5) These ____________ his photos. 13) ___________ Cary 14 years old?
6) Steve ______________ seven photos. (neg.) 14) How ____________ you? I ________ fine, thanks.
7) This ____________ our small house. 15) ____________ Betsey and Ralph in the garden?
8) We _____________ a small house. (neg.)

3. Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present (20 pts)

1) Andy sometimes __________ comics. (to read) 6) They often ______________ the bathroom. (to clean)
2) We never __________ TV in the morning. (to watch) 7) Look! The boys _______________ home. (to come)
3) Listen! Sandy _______________ in the bathroom. (to sing) 8) Every day his grandfather ____________ for a walk. (to go)
4) My sister usually ____________ in the kitchen. (to help) 9) I ______________ with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
5) My mother _______________ breakfast now. (to make) 10) Cats _____________ mice. (to eat)

4.Complete the sentences with like, dislike, hate, love, don’t like and enjoy. Make sure the 2nd verb is on the correct form.
(12 pts)
In winter I ……………………………….. (stay) at home and reading a book. But I ……………………………….. (play) video games, because I’m not
good at them. I …………………………….. (do) my homework – I prefer to play the guitar. And I ………………………….. (tidy) my room. That’s
really boring . At the weekend I ………………………………….. (get up) at 12.00 and I …………………… (go) to the park and play football.

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of the Past Simple. (14 pts)
He ………………………………. to me on the phone for an hour. My aunt …………………. in my house last weekend.
Her parents ………………………. born in Canada. The baby …………………. for two hours yesterday.
Ross ……………….. his coat in the wardrobe when he arrived home. I …………………. To Chile last summer.
Peter …………………………….. at the traffic lights.

6. Was, were, there was or there were? (9 pts)

e) You sister.………at the cinema with her friends yesterday.
a) William Shakespeare …….a famous poet and playwright.
f) How much milk ……………….. in the fridge yesterday?
b) ………. some people waiting for you at the door.
g) Miguel de Cervantes………………. born in 1920.
c) How many apples ……… in the cupboard?
h) The police……………… investigating a crime in my area.
d) We ………..very tired when we finished the PE lesson.
i) …………….a lot of people at the concert last night.
Pop Quiz
Summer Review #1

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