My Teacher Thinks Im Rebot, Final

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“i am a person,a human being….not a robot not a man made machine.

i am tired
being read I should have time to enjoy and to interact with my kith and kin.i
cry,scream and feel as human would feel.i am a person a human being not a robot
not a man made machine.”

I am…a cadet ,a lawyer,a judje,a victim,a voice.i stand here now in front of you
protesting and raising my voice on the same topic on which many people
protested but their cries were misheard rather ignored.may be mine will be
too,because I am a cadet but my teachers think I am a robot.


Teacher is the most distinguished personality of the society.He is the only person
who makes leader for the nation.he is considered as the back bone of the
society.A teacher infatuates his disciples.He leads his pupils to their destinations.
He always thinks for the bright future of his students.he takes care mental and
physical health of his students.

Mr president,

But today,the situation has entirely changed because my teacher thinks I am a

robot.every day I am bombarded with
assignments,presentations,projects,practicals,quizzes and assesments.he thinks I
have no feelimgs and emotions.i have no friends and relatives.i never get tired.i
can work from dawn to dusk because a robot is a man made machine which has
no feelings and sentiments.its duty is only to work,work and work by feeding data
in their system.As said by suli breaks and I quote here.”Education is about
inspiring one’s mind not just filling one’s head.”today I am the same
robot in the eyes of my teachers and my duty is only to work,work and work.

Mr president,

You cannot have scientists,astronauts,poets,artists,doctors,engineers by making

them sit in a confined pen and cramming hundred and thousands of books.we
cadets are not a machines and the truth is that schools do not teach really
anything except how to obey orders.suicide rate are burgeoning day by
day,hundreds of students have attempet and least dozen have committed suicide
in the past two years.this not a healthy sign for our contemporary and upcoming can prove hazardeous and jeopardous for our society.because
students are the pillar of our nation.

Mr president,

Respectable teachers, you are our mentor,our spiritual parent,then how can you
not have empathy for us?we want to learn,embrace knowledge,reveal the hidden
secrets of this world.we want to live a life where hard work is a part of life and
not a life itself.we want to feel the warmth of the sun.we don’t want to work
every time.we will strive hard to achieve our dreams,but for what we should
reamain in this world to experience the sweetness of victory.

Mr president,

I assure you if the teacher maintaine balance between work and our emotions,we
will work hard to achieve our goals.we will turn the ashes into fire.we will bring
good name for our country and nation.At the I would like to sum up my speech
with these poetic verses.

1.i wish I were a robot with cold metal skin a man made machine told what to do
and how to act.

2.i wish I were a robot so I would not have heart that beats.

3.i wish I were a robot so no pain can hurt me.

4.i wish I were a robot that so love is another word in the Webster dictionary.

5.i wish I were a robot so the tears cannot fall.

But I am a student and I want to live my life like a human being not like a
robot,these feelings are not only mine but they are of every student who is in this
phase,and also those who have lost their lives to it.i beg your pardon,my lords.

Please my beloved teachers treat me as human being,treat me as human being.

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