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Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Student Name: Rimma Zipman Student ID: C782470

Group: Business Administration Date: 12.11.16
Type of Assessment
This summative assessment will enable your Assessor to make a judgement of competency based on the submission of your
completed assignments against the requirements of this unit of competency.
Assessor Instructions
The Assessment Benchmark developed for each unit of competency is the evidence criteria used to judge the quality of
performance (i.e. the assessment decision-making rules). Assessors must use these benchmarks to make judgement on
whether competency has been achieved and to determine if the participant has performed to the standard expected to meet
unit requirement and learning outcomes. Competency results for each unit are recorded in the Record of Assessment Form.
Reasonable Adjustment
Careers Australia will allow flexibility in relation to the way in which each unit is delivered and assessed based on the student’s
requirement. The following are the reasonable adjustments for this unit:
Reasonable Adjustment for this unit College Based On Line Delivery
assistance of a Learning Support Teacher for LLN issues Yes Yes
modifications to physical environment, eg wheelchair access Yes Yes
changes to course design, eg instead of written assessment task – change to verbal Yes Not Applicable
questioning & assessor to write the answers
Assessment Coding
Assessment of this program of study is based on competency based principles.
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
Students who fail to perform satisfactorily for the assessment in the prescribed date may be assessed as ‘not satisfactory’. You
are required to be assessed as ‘Satisfactory’ on completion of Assessments assigned by your assessor for this unit of
Any re-assessment is conducted as soon as practicable after you have been informed of the requirement to be re-
assessed and have been given the opportunity to be re-trained and assimilate the training. You are re-assessed in only
the areas assessed NS. It is at the assessor/s discretion to re-assess the entire assessment should it be demonstrated an
overall understanding of this unit has not been achieved. Students that are assessed “satisfactory” after re-assessment
of areas deemed NS will achieve competency for this assignment.
I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained and agree to undertake assessment. I am aware of Careers Australia’s appeals process, should
the need arise. I also understand that I must be assessed as ‘satisfactory’ in all parts of the assessment to gain a competent result for this unit of
competency. I declare that the work contained in this assessment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made. I understand that a
person found responsible for academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action (refer to student handbook).

Student Signature: Zipman Date: 12.11.16

Assessor use only

Assessor Comment/Feedback: _________________
Assessor Name: ____________________________ Assessor Signature: _______________________________
Date: _________________ Result: Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory
Office use only:
Results entered Date: Skills Centre:

November 2015 v1.3 Page 1

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Students must complete all tasks as outlined in the following pages.

Hints: - The following hints will assist when preparing reports for submission
Report format:
Executive summary
An executive summary is a very useful tool in communicating your information to busy people. It is essentially a
short summary (often no more than a page) of the report objectives, findings, and conclusions.

Any report over three pages in length should have a list of contents. A list of contents not only helps people find
their way around the report but it also gives an indication of what is in the report and the structure.

The introduction should set the scene for the report by concisely describing the reason for the report and the
background or history relevant to the report.
The body should address the main information including:
• objectives of the review;
• how the review was conducted, who was consulted, etc.; and
• results of the review and key issues identified.

Your conclusions should be clearly justified with reference to the results of the review. Your recommendations
should be made twice, briefly in the opening summary or Executive Summary and then in more detail in the
recommendations section.

Useful links to assist with assigned tasks.

This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.

Assessment due date: This will be aligned to Session Plan

November 2015 v1.3 Page 2

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Personal work goals, plans and activities reflect organisation’s plans and their own responsibilities and
Use the scenario below or your own organisational scenario to answer the questions that follow. If you choose to
use your own workplace you will still need to create goals based on the areas of management within the scenario.
Every question must be answered using full sentences. Any separate templates or documents created must be
submitted with clear and relevant file names in addition to this completed assignment document.


You have just been promoted to the role of Store Manager for the CA City Retail Department Store. You will be
reporting to a Retail Group Manager, you have six department supervisors, they all have different roles and hours.
With so much to complete, the best way to get things in order is to set some goals. Access the CA City Intranet for
details regarding organisational plans and any other information you need. Good luck!
In order to fulfil the requirements for this unit you will need to use these areas of management that CA City and the
CEO have decided to focus on as priorities for the department store.
 Hire employees: Improve ability to recruit online across the organisation
 Training and development: Identify requirements for training and development for each department.
 Networking: Work with local businesses to increase collaborative opportunities.
 Time management: Stay on top of deadlines
 Marketing materials: Review effectiveness of current marketing materials.
 Stakeholder Reports: Provide updates to management team on a weekly basis.

 Performance management: Establish departmental KPIs

It is expected that you will demonstrate management of your personal work priorities and professional
development (including how you will monitor the plan) using technology.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 3

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Set at least one ‘SMART’ goal for any four of the organisation’s areas of management as listed above, that’s four (4) ‘SMART’
goals in total. Make sure that the goals are fully explained and detail how you would plan to achieve them.

Professional Goals.

Areas of Task to complete Goal


Hire Improve ability to recruit online To upgrade the Department Store employment program by the end of the
across the group week I will enlist the help from IT departments, to create a recruitment page
employees and update the software” E-Recruit” within the organization website. By the
last week in January 2017 I will expect the program completely up and
running . That system will allow us to improve the process efficiency for
80% of applications being finalized within 30 days.
Networking Work with local businesses to The first week in March 2017 I will organize to meet with other local
increase collaborative opportunities. businesses, to gain some insight on the best marketing strategies. I will
implement these with store departments so we can create efficient marketing
goals. I have been expecting work efficiency increase by 20%.

Time Stay on top of deadlines. To stay on top of all tasks undertaken for Retail Group every department
management manager are entering deadline dates into the Department store planner today
19.12.16 by 3P.M. They are also setting the reminders on personal
computers today 19.12.16.. With new time management program I have
been expecting the increase in productiveness by 25%

Training and Identify requirements for training and In the last week of February 2017 I will meet with all heads of the
development development for each department departments and assess what training will be required. This will enable me
to start coaching process of each individual allowing me 1 hour per week to
be completed by the middle of August. With the new training program I
have been expecting an increase in work productivity by 25%.

Create two ‘SMART’ personal work goals to ensure you are able to fit in with the organisations’ goals. Justify
your choices by explaining how your goals are aligned with the organisation and how they consider demands on
your time and energy. Hint: Even though you are planning personal work goals, you still need to consider how
you will maintain a healthy work-life balance. You must refer to this concept in your answer. Minimum 150

Personal Goals
Area o f Ta s k t o co mp let e Go a l
M a na g e me nt
U p g r a d i n g my o w n Participate in seminars To be ab le to prepare upgrad e for the Department
p r o f e s s i o n a l s ki l l s i n “ U p g r a d i n g E - R e c r u i t s o f t wa r e “ s t o r e e m p l o y me n t p r o g r a m b y t h e e n d o f J u n e I w i l l
H u ma n R e s o u r c i n g a s run by th e Vendor. need to update my knowled ge on “Recruit” software.
part of the 2017 PD I w i l l p a r t i c i p a t e i n s e mi n a r s o n c e p e r mo n t h w i t h i n
program and the n e x t 6 mo n t h . . It w o u l d b e e x p e c t e d t o i n c r e a s e
E mp l o y me n t p r o g r a m . accuracy of choosing professional emp loyee b y 30%.

I m p r o v i n g t e a m mo r a l e Organize after hours team T o i m p r o v e t e a m m o r a l e I wi l l u n d e r t a k e t e a m

by introducing them to building activities b etween building activities once p er month that introduce
l o c a l b u s i n e s s n e t w o r k. emp loyees of th e CA Retail mutual understanding and better opportunities to
Group and local small business local businesses I would like my emp loyee not only
network group . work productively but to maintain also their life style
after working hours. Such approach would be
expected to double the work efficiency.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 4

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Prioritise both your work and personal goals - ranking 1 being the most important and 6 being the least. Justify
your choices by using the prioritisation tools outlined in your prioritisation briefcase document.


R a n ki ng SMART GOAL P r i or i t i s a t i o n t o ol J us t i f y y o ur c h oi c e
Stay on top of dead line
1 Use the Group daily Organize the time to achieve
planner and reminders on all tasks and goals within
personal computers deadlin e of 6 month.
D a i l y p l a n n e r r e mi n d e r
h e l p s t o p r i o r i t i z e t a s ks

2 That gi ves the p rospective

Improve the ability to recruit online across the emp loyees in the
Current “E -Recruit” organization and outside an
group. software and the Retail opportunity to gain furth er
G r o u p we b s i t e . knowled ge of employment
wi t h i n d i f f e r e n t d e p a r t m e n t s
in the store as well as
“ Ab o u t u s ” i n f o r m a t i o n .

U p g r a d i n g m y o wn p r o f e s s i o n a l
3 skills in human resourcing as part Personal time for training It w i l l b e n e f i t m e i n
of the 2017 PD program and the t h a t wi l l r e f l e c t o n achieving th e goal and
Employment program. company goals following th e time lin es.

Identify requirements for training and

4 development for each department Im p l e m e n t o n - g o i n g T h i s wi l l b e v e r y p r o d u c t i v e
training and development a s i t wi l l f u r t h e r i m p r o v e
customer service, enabling
team memb ers to b e rotated
into other departments.

Work with local businesses to increase

5 collaborative opportunities. Meet with local T h i s wi l l g i v e o u r t e a m a
businesses. Research b i g g e r i n s i g h t i n t o wh a t i s
local marketin g strategies more b en eficial to our

6 Im p r o v i n g t e a m m o r a l e b y u s i n g Once a month organize Im p r o v i n g t e a m m o r a l e , w i l l

local business networking team building activities encourage the team members
t o c o m m u n i c a t e wi t h t h e
Group management and an y
local businessman in less
f o r m a l wa y . It w i l l h e l p t h e
management understand the
emp loyees ’ needs. That
creates more stability and
less stress.

Create a plan of action, based on your prioritisations to ensure you’ll meet these goals. Set milestones
throughout the year that will enable you to measure your performance. For example, one task may take five
months to complete.

Tip: Use the personal development plan template provided in Appendix B.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 5

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Personal development plan
Name Rimma Zipman

Organizational goal

Time management: Stay on top of deadline

Personal Goal

Improve my own time management skills


Learning current
Organize coaching from the Business
software for daily 1 day / 1 hr Feedback certificate on “one on one session”
Administrator of the Department store.

In my leisure
Organize the AH time, during
Teach my family members to organize their
routine time current public Happy family, balanced life style.
leisure time.
management . holydays, in my
own space

Organizational goal

Hire employees: Improve ability to recruit online across the group.

Personal Goal

Im p r o v i n g m y o wn p r o f e s s i o n a l s k i l l s i n H u m a n R e s o u r c i n g a s a p a r t o f t h e u p g r a d e d e mp l o y me n t & t h e 2 0 1 7 P D


HR Feedback certificate on “one on

one” training sessions indicated in the
Learn how to write Job Coaching and Mentoring from Senior HR staff. 2 days/ Complete
2017 Individual PD program.
advertisement and Job description Organize “One on one” 2 sessions. with in one week

2 days/1 hr per
Organize one on one study for day IT Feedback certificate on “one on one”
current “E-recruit software” with IT Conduct 2 sessions with IT specialist. training sessions indicated in the 2017
department Complete within 1 Individual PD program.

6 days/ 2 hr per
Apply and participate in the Vendor day
Participation certificate in the
Annual serious of seminars “ Participation in free 6 Vendor seminars
Upgrade for E-Recruit software” Complete within 6

Organizational goal

Networking: Work with local businesses to increase collaborative opportunities.

Personal Goal

Im p r o v i n g t e a m m o r a l e b y i n t r o d u c i n g t h e e m p l o y e e s t o l o c a l b u s i n e s s n e t w o r k i n g


1 day/1.5 hr AH
Contact the local business network The Minutes meeting reports
Run the minutes meeting with members of the
administration to learn the unknown Attending
Network regarding mutual collaboration.
marketing strategies. meetings once
per month AH

November 2015 v1.3 Page 6

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Delegate the organizational tasks to Booking the X-mas festival party venue, times, 1.12. 16 / 2 weeks
Report on tasks completed
the Retail Union representative catering with the Network. given

Participate in AH activities with the

The X-mas festival party activities AH 20.12.16 / 2 hr Established contacts, happy co-workers
Organizational goal

Training and Development: Identify requirements for training and development for each department.
Personal Goal

Improving my training and assessment skills.


Find a class in Cert IV

in Training and Chose 3 options:
Assessment online or
Search for different course content to ensure
1 week Cost; duration; content covers; do final choice
the goal will be achieved
Separate module:
Manage people

Submit PD form with included dates and cost.

Get approval 1 week Receive approval to attend the course
Justify the benefits

Complete online classes, review notes, practice lessons once

per week/ 2 hr
Participate in online
Complete course as per the schedule 8 weeks
Receive Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in 2 month

You may decide that you need to fill in some gaps in order to meet your goals. This could be achieved through
formal and informal training.

5a Using (see Appendix A for assistance on how to use this site) find a unit of
competency that you could complete to help assist you in the achievement of your ‘SMART’ goals.
Professional goals

Ranking SMART Professional Goal Unit of Competency

1 To upgrade the Department Store employment program by the end of the

Hire week I will enlist the help from IT departments, to create a recruitment page Course Code: ICAU4207B
employee and update the software” E-Recruit” within the organization website. By the Apply web authoring tool to convert client data for
last week in January 2017 I will expect the program completely up and websites
running . That system will allow us to improve the process efficiency for
80% of applications being finalized within 30 days.
2 The first week in March 2017 I will organize to meet with other local
Networking businesses, to gain some insight on the best marketing strategies. I will Course Code: SITXMPR007
implement these with store departments so we can create efficient marketing Develop and Implement Marketing Strategies
goals. I have been expecting work efficiency increase by 20%.

3 In the last week of February 2017 I will meet with all heads of the
Training and departments and assess what training will be required. This will enable me Course Code: BSBMGT 502
development to start coaching process of each individual allowing me 1 hour per week to Manage People Performance
be completed by the middle of August. With the new training program I
have been expecting an increase in work productivity by 25%.
4 To stay on top of all tasks undertaken for Retail Group every department
Time manager are entering deadline dates into the Department store planner today Course Code: BSBPMG410
management 19.12.16 by 3P.M. They are also setting the reminders on personal Apply project time management techniques
computers today 19.12.16.. With new time management program I have
been expecting the increase in productiveness by 25%

November 2015 v1.3 Page 7

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Personal goals
Ranking SMART Personal Goal Unit of Competency

1 To be ab le to prepare upgrad e for the Department store

e mp l o y me n t p r o g r a m b y t h e e n d o f J u n e I wi l l n e e d t o
update my knowledge on “Recruit” software . I will Code course: BSBRKG404
p a r t i c i p a t e i n s e m i n a r s o n c e p e r mo n t h w i t h i n n e x t 6 Monitor and maintain records in an online
m o n t h . . It w o u l d b e e x p e c t e d t o i n c r e a s e a c c u r a c y o f environment
choosing p rofessional emp loyee b y 30%.

T o i m p r o v e t e a m m o r a l e I wi l l u n d e r t a k e t e a m b u i l d i n g Course Code BSBWOR502
activities once p er month that introduce mutual Lead and manage team effectiveness.
understanding and better opportunities to local businesses
I wou ld like my emp loyee not only work productively but
to maintain also th eir life style after working hou rs. Such
approach would be expected to double the work

5b As a Manager you will also learn from other Managers. Research three possible networking opportunities
in your area. One of these may be an online forum.
Possible Networking Opportunities

1. LinkedIn

2. Email Networking

3. Business collaboration at the local business network during a social event

4. Melbourne Institute of management

5c Explain how the unit of competency and the networks you have identified will help you achieve your
goals? How would you fit the training and networking into your working week?
How the unit of competencies and the networks you have identified will help you achieve your goals?

The unit of competencies that are listed above can help me achieve my goals by providing me more knowledge and ideas while the networks identified
above will help me to gain more knowledge about other businesses, how they operate and develop their marketing strategies.

How would you fit the training and networking into your working week?
This can be done by making sure that my daily planner is adjusted and up-to-date with all the tasks that I need to do.

Now that you know which unit of competency you would like to undertake, find two registered training
organisations (RTO’s) that offer these courses. Select a training organisation that offers training styles that most
suit your style of learning.

Tip You will need to complete the ‘VAK Learning Styles Self–Assessment Questionnaire’ provided as an
Appendix in the eBook or internet search an online VAK questionnaire, use the section in your eBook
relating to development opportunities to help you, section 3.3.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 8

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Summary of VAK Learning A = 11

Styles Self–Assessment B=8
Questionnaire’ C = 11
The outcome of this assessment tells me that I have both VISUAL and KINAESTHETIC style of learning.

Training organisations
Career Australia Education Institute Melbourne City Campus

Swinburne University of Technology TAFE Hawthorn Campus.


Q7 Outline two strategies, one personal and one professional, which you can use to make sure your new team
gets off to a good start with you as their Manager.

Tip Refer to section 1 in your eBook, Manager as a role model.

I should learn to “bite my tongue” when accompanied by friends and family.

 I must remain cool and patient, no matter what comes along.
 I should not be short-tempered and stern . It makes me unapproachable.
Strategy 1  I need my employee to be able to rely on me in current life situation.
Personal  I wish to be able to help them in times of difficulty, if not, help may not be sought.
 As a manager I need to be able to control my own emotions. Otherwise, how can I manage others?

I must keep track.

 I will not wait until the last minute to highlight a subordinate’s shortcomings.
 I will keep a log of events designed to improve employee’s performance,
 I should not punish or ridicule my employee with bad performance.
Strategy 2
 Encouragement is usually more effective than punishment or humiliation.

Q8 Explain how you would revisit your plans from question four, six months after developing your plan.

8a What type of technology have you used to track your progress?

Remember, it is expected that you will demonstrate management of your personal work priorities and
professional development (including how you will monitor the plan) using technology. Explain this using
a minimum of 100 words.
Tracking your progress is very important when it comes to managing your personal work priorities and professional development goals.
The technologies that I have used are: Personal computer, Mobile Samsung Note.
To do this, I have created a WW template:
I have entered smart goals within the file at computer.
I have recorded there my personal work priorities, and professional work development.
To be able to monitor my goals:
I have set reminders on my daily planner, so I am on top of all tasks.
I have also set reminders on my personal phone.
I can revisit my file once a week to evaluate work completion and further action.
It will help me reschedule any changes that are needed.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 9

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

8b Which personnel would you need to consult in order to evaluate your plans?

 The Retail Group manager

 The Area manager
 Other colleagues at the same level

8c Draft an email to one of the personnel mentioned in ‘b’ seeking feedback on your plans.
Hi Tony,
We are now coming to the end of our 6 month deadline of all tasks and goals that we implemented.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a look at how we have progressed. Any feedback from you would be very helpful.
Thank you for your support.

Kind Regards

Rimma Zipman
The Store Manager

8d How would you use the information you receive from them?
Any feedback given would be taken on-board, wherever and whenever it would be positive or if there are way to work on strengthening
our skills. For instance,. If we need more training, I will re-evaluate my schedule and arrange for more training in the area's that need

8e You’ve received feedback from your Manager. He is happy with your results so far, so has asked you to
take on the responsibility of purchasing for the next six months. What new skills will you need and how
will they help you to maintain your competency as a Manager?

Purchasing responsibilities

Purchasing skills needed Maintaining Managerial competencies

Coordinate business resources Business system understanding: Understand and map
the spending patterns for goods and services

Manage customer needs Customer field understanding: Understand the needs

of end users , manage relationship with the cusatomer

Select providers and develop contracts. Understanding of Contracts: legal and contractual
relationship, control, monitor contractor performance.
Manage claims and variations to the contract

Negotiate contracts. Supply Market understanding:

Identify products critical to the business needs.

Recognise the factors that shape the supply markets

Supplier replationship understanding : key product

,key components understanding

Plan purchasing Management skills improvement: Manage to secure

supply and high or low relative expenditure

Conduct online transactions Computer skills improvement: online transaction

procedures. Analyse international markets.
Conduct international purchasing

Plan procurement. Procure goods and services Procedural knowledge: Ability to Trace goods
delivery from purchasing order via suppliers via
transportation to the company and to end user.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 10

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Submission Checklist
Completed responses to all questions

Personal Development Plan: including any reviews and other documents as needed

Completed VAK questionnaire

Unit of competency identified using

Draft of an email seeking feedback on plans

November 2015 v1.3 Page 11

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Appendix A- Accessing accredited courses
To gain a qualification (this could be a certificate, diploma or advanced diploma) means you would successfully complete each
required unit of competency within that qualification.

For example: To complete a diploma of business, you need to study a total of eight units of competency.

The site uses the term ‘course’; which applies to the study of units of competency within certificate, diploma
and advance diploma qualifications.

Course Unit
This term is used on the site to represent the unit of competency (or units of study) that are approved within
the qualification. Some units will be core units (meaning they are compulsory); some will be elective units (meaning you may
select the elective units that best suit your needs).

The following steps will assist you.

1. Visit
2. Select the ‘Course & training providers’ section (web page moves to
3. Enter details of the course you are interested in or your desired career.
4. You will see a list of qualifications that relate to your interest or career.
5. Select a qualification to find out more information. Ensure the qualification you select does not have superseded
under the unit code. As this means it is no longer available.
6. At the top of the page there are a number of tabs available: ‘Course Overview’, ‘Training providers’ and, ‘Career
Pathway’, ‘Student outcomes’, ‘Course details’. You should explore all of these tabs. Read all the information available
on the qualification. You should then click on the tab course details. Scroll down this page and you will see all the
units of competency that are able to be completed within the qualification.
7. Select a unit of competency by clicking on the blue unit title.
For example: Promote innovation in a team environment. BSBINN301
8. Now you will see more information on that unit of competency. Repeat steps 5-7 until you find a unit of competency
you are interested in which, matches your identified development needs.
9. Make a note of the unit code and title.
10. Now go back to
11. Select ‘National Register of VET’
12. In the ‘Quick Search’ box to the right of the screen, enter your unit code or unit title in the search field.

13. Click on the code for your unit of competency

14. On this screen you will see all the information you require to fully understand the elements and performance criteria
that apply to this unit of competency.

You can phone the training organisation to find about more about the course and if they deliver it in a face to face classroom
learning environment.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 12

Assignment Written Responses Student Instructions
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Appendix B
Personal Development Plan – use more than one of these forms if needed for your own development.


Give details of an organisational goal you have identified in your business plan and job description

Describe the ‘Personal Work Goal’ you wish to set for yourself so you can achieve the above organisational goal


What needs to How long will How will you measure success?
What action is to be taken?
be done? this take? Use S.M.A.R.T. formula.

November 2015 v1.3 Page 13

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