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Needs Analysis mr a oo peace ie SNe on nome = Pee aaa | | [Sees poe a oe fecad Paka ra eestor Rimsaape i = Nan oor Leaming Objectives ‘After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Im Describe the purpose ofa needs analysis Describe what a competency is and why itis useful 1n Explain the differences between proactive and reactive need analysis and the stu- ations favoring the use of one over the other List and descrbé the steps in conducting a needs analysis Describe the rationale for using performance appraisal information for a needs analysis and what typeof performance appraisal method is appropriate a Describe the relationship berween needs analysis and the design and evaluation of training 114 CHAPTERS Needs Analysis 115 f "jase a ol tang aed ih ese wp trig ent sinc stenting ven 8 competent and vel ied eager wa promot vie pee 3 mot ater i hough e had no HR experi ad been anette poduion mange adit ‘was hoped that he would provide a measure of credibilit to the HR department. In the pas. HR had been seen te deparinen ht foe iy es ne est ote Company witli understanding of owt mae te ees work. “With te nunker of am mean neve compen ide nk we ned one ign ond tie acta ien it one ets ting I wl be hh pola we can epitope eet bed ete Vos dojov tia Pn ern wert be ache” venereal afew anaes this morning andy were otha bout isthe tine Tae ee see anges ents M07 ‘ype of ang Do we have such ting package wale” "Na dont beleve sa Ch eed Wl si Ten, "we ee n-ne. It be intestine snd general al ager lay With hve dood op sang tat he iectag is oe Crs weno work esigig he tring She begaty going tothe ae wn sd ewig the ens meso aden Tose eamied ome books tt dea ith meting She ten ied sh bade oo en what made seetng een ten called Lay ent Slit Syremsoe wat eh Hetared vera copy ofa leche bad gen on he Vand ont anne meeting I wari broken vant tes par preneting meng a pot teeting That information od simulated meting (pve hands-on pact) Could make wp th oe da ining progam. Chtbad re tena smlaton tnd would ned some lp Se patina ton ofhersuborastes Kare, arent tniversiy graduate who had majored HR. Kaen would sel be sl lp develop a simulation Why Conduct a Training Needs Analysis? What is wrong with the situation at Westcan? It isa scene that epeats itself in some form every day. Te boss wants some trang, and the HR manager complies. Afterall the boss must know what kind of training employees need, right? Maybe not. Recall from Chapter 1 that a training needs analysis (TNA) isa systematic methoc for determining what caused per- formance tobe less than expected or required, The focus of trainig is performance improve- ‘meat,! which becomes obvious if you tur back tothe beginang ofthe chapter, and look atthe analysis phase figure, Not the “tigger” for doing a needs analysis isa organizational perfor- mance discrepancy (actual or expected) Is there one at Westcan? There may be. In this “trigger [0 Se Needy formance discrepancy ef be considered the such training doesnot ago. sivuatona VP suggesting ROE getion about Where 9 Sis Howeverto answer 6: a A gaizing an enthusiast OF seeds analysis requ y that question Lr Ta prolemis evident with me rh knowing BOW C0 Ta a ee ages fea the same oF 888 B orffow much do these managers ala acer tngsto be inefective? HOW cy setter cute mectagso et TO yedge? These and other eosin OI Oli cations need to be answered before Chris bens (04 in to devel \ {ucton pada ere ese what reged and Dts 19 fen Pe oe tng Yt Ci umes anacngaTNA to determine exacl what he oon based on thee sumption iy at we examine the proces of TNA, Would you want bein hrs ton? We eter back to this example throughout the chaper and atthe end We Sve You the ret ofthe story. 5 "A TNA is important because it help to determine whether a deficiency can by correct through tring lv some eases the TNA determines that employees lack necessary KSA (0 do the obs and trating is required. nother cases employees ave the KSAs odothe ob butroad- block to effective performance are discovered that need to be removed. Training professonsls rake sure the ight trainings provided to the right people by conducting a needs analysis Aswe indicated earier, Chris at Westean, is overlooking a cial part ofthe training process She did not complete a TNA, instead relying on her bos teling her what type of trainings needed. Ste 7 jumped rectly to the training desig phase. By fst conducting a TNA, she could accomplish NE srt ingoret ies * Increase the chances that the time and money spat on raining would be spent wise! ‘Determine the benchmark for evaluation of training. —2 + Increase the motivation of participants + Align her training activities with the strategic pan. Why spend thousands of dollars or more, ona training program no one needs With increzsed concern about cost in organizations today itis important tha all departments,ncluding human resources justify expenses. "A TNA provides a benchmark (pre-measute) of the skills trainees possess prior to training. Tis benchmark can be compared to a measure ofthe skills acquired in training (post-measure). With pre- and post-measures it is possible to demonstrate the cost savings tor value added as a result of training Although some evaluation designs do not require them, pretests provide a logical benchmark for evaluation, The needs analysis can provide that pretest, Itis always better if trainees are motivated to learn when they come to training, ATNA ensures that training focuses on KSAs the trainees really need. Training that is perceived as felevant is more likely to create interest. Consider the employees who ate sent for traning but do not need it. Are they going to take the training seriously? Probably not. In fac, theit Tack of interest may be distracting to those who need the training or, worse, may cause the ther trainees not to take the training seriously. The needs analysis also allows the trainer 10 explain at the stat of taining, how the training willbe useful. good TNA ensures that only those who need the training are included, and provides the data to show trainees why the training is needed. "As we discussed in Chapter 2, implementing a strategic plan requires careful analjss of th onganization’s uma resource capabilities. ATNA isthe process for determining the dees stich employees possess the necessary KSAS to carry out the stuategies The resulting ri chan then be designed to align with this strategic plan The TNA also provides HRD with inf fhe relevance of training to the strategie plan. mation as to ‘pasa Source Recommended Training Need 1 Waste eet Tpleation ‘Example ‘Waste tel increased by ta perent since we DexB® Downtime ‘ug parttime WorkETS ‘The Hi Hoe (a diez voachine) has been dove. for repairs four 105i times week since the ‘pew machine operator bh, Late deliveries aa it Repairs 5, Changes in System or Neworchanged equipment The ine was shut owt Subsystem ‘may present traning problem. day since Waste has doubled snes purchasing the new cute {ing tool. 6 Management Requestor Oneofthe mot common er TH production manager Mapagement Interrogation niques of entiation of Hnuicates a drop in quality performance discrepancies since te layotts 7, Exit Interviews Oeninformation not otherwise Almostall the production fvaiabe canbe obtained, ‘workers who quit ind- ‘specially in problem azeas tated the pressure for scaaayuniingneeds production as the main reason. 4g MBO orWork Panning Provides performance review, and Review Systems potential review, and long Ferm business objectives Pro- ‘ides actual performance data ‘ona recurring basi 0 that baseline measurements may ‘be know and subsequent improvement or deterioration ‘of performance canbe ident- fied and analyzed ini alae ego “unc Renee fo a ose to ean be oud ia Moers Mi 04 P Dun. 97a Training needs eeademy of Management Review 3552-4. i Reve eng Conducting a TNA Wy Chapter al ive phases ofthe taining model consist ofan input, ¢ +input” forthe analysis phase is made up ‘of organizational analysis, ‘operational analysis, and person analysis The “process” is where we determine the specific one ofthe PD, and its cause oF causes The output” provides us wit either training or non pathiog neds and in some cases—Poth NOW Me provide a general description ofthe three inputs as an overview of the whole ali prior o digging into the details of each, ‘Organizational analysis involves Oem atthe iternal envionment of the organization— id affect employee perfor ing its fit with organizational The Framework for Recall from Figure 1-6 in process, and an output. The“ mance —and determini tis is vides identification of PD at the organization,“ foatsand objectives [0 hit aml hat rev it become team orened ini ea Conny ABC a etc ot rats bone a ed it ‘capt pent oft pay rina pvt sve quota Ts oo individual productivity is ot in ine with the new goal ofa “team approach, and could cause ‘cam members tobe more concerned with thet individual performance." It needs tobe removed or changed to align withthe goals ofa team based approach. The organizational analysis is also an examination of how the internal envionment affect jb performance Inthe ABC example, ‘both Bil and Mary again do not come tothe team meeting, does it mean they are not inter. ested Pethaps butts more ikely they are working on beating their quotas so they will ecive the bonus pay. Finally the organizational analysis identifies constants on traning Consider the all business owner wh employs unskilled assembly-line workers who ae unable to ead wel {xe wishes to move toa more team-oriented approach. The owner doesnot ave the funds or {ine to develop a remedial resding course, which presents an organizational constraint and leas ‘othe development of traning that doesnot requie reading Phe ot ananlssramiaesspeicjobsto determin te requitement(KSAS) HERI, {oe the job don (.. expected job performance). This process is generally called ajob analysis} task analysand requires an extensive analysis of ajo to determine al the ianeensryd ferform the job at the expected level. fer all tasks ae idee, the net step ito dstereane shes necessary to perform each ofthe tasks Each ask needs be examed by asking the ‘Teation “What krowledge skills and attitudes are necessary to be able to petform this tack at Frnally person analysis examines those who oocupy the jobs to see whether they poses the ited KSAs necesary todo the job Here we measure the actual job performance of hove on ihe Jb to see whether they are perlorming at an acceptable eel, This task may seem ea) Snoushi simply look atthe supervisor's appraisal ofthe incumbents. As you wiles later hon ser, many problems can arise with performance appraisals completed by supervisors seek no jel lenieney,and other effects So,as result, other methods are alo used toca this type of information. Asking incumbents themselves, for example, or asking coworkers are two ether ‘methods All methods have strengths and weaknesses that will be discussed in more detal later ‘These “inputs” are conceptually distinc, but in practice much of the information is gathered at the same time ands closely interrelated, For example, information related to all thre type of analysis canbe collected fromthe job incumbents Questions would include "Do any particular organizational policies or procedures that you must follow negatively affect your job perfor mance?” (organization analysis); “Describe for me the tasks you perform when you fist rive at work" (operational analysis); “Do you believe you are lacking any skis that, if you had them, ‘ight enhance your ability to perform at a higher level?” (person analysis) Now let's examine ceach of these inputs to a INA in more detail, and thea look at some specific issues surrounding the two types, proactive and reactive. TIONAL ANALYSIS eA national analysis can be “trigeredin response to anew strategic plan ‘As noted eaten ot fed performance discrepancy (react) : (proactive) or some eT pack to Chapter 2, and ike state plnning proces HRD is Regarding the former, "rat those determining the trate plan have the necessary ved in tis process (0 terms ofthe direction the organization wil tke. inva in tion ro make the sgh Aes pon.then HRD must espond to that pan. The orga forma erates plans final) dei the ER deli if place the training in a particular context. Consider the Ford Engine Plant mission statement pre~ sented in Chapter 2, which stated “ut mission isto continually improve our products and ser nizational analysis in response to a strategic plan is a major it involves exam sition ofthe sate an (sn and satay ae anh ne rgnaio® wher tobeandhow wl ete Then escent nome! BO ‘vides information as to where the organization is currently. The discrepancy between these how hee an raion wih tbe (expec pera) and cone oil P= Se eee aes ape eee a ‘exept lose We ie ce curation We sna re ied SSO ‘worth fixing? If yes, then we know where to conduct our operational and person analysis. ‘Consider the organization that makes the decision to increase customer satisfaction through bet- ter integration of production and ales They wil purse this goal by adopting a team structure in these two areas The “wishes to be” (expected performance) is having these employees operating ‘within teams An organizational analysis of where the organization i atthe present time (actual aac) howl manger of cmplyesinrogicon acest PeanE jn teams and doing so effectively. However, no teams are operating atthe shop floor. The shop error brome te wet ol ce eran egzatona eas done in response ancy (reactive), itis usually of less magnitude than one done for strategic planning (proactive). Seer a cout ot wine elt nso meaty ears Rr mpl roan eek might ndate profactoe nen rew roped ey ove be ps2 mont 1s now 15 percent below expected, Production in Frank's units the PD. Now you begin looking for theta ote dsrepan osu on rucaton analysis oeases on he stats of he oraz the resources in the organization, the allocation of these resources andthe ttl internal environ- oat Taleo rte cer canton of cer pes ond ch, [abdnig vrk Sow process eer lc necro on employer obi {omeet ob pifrmanc cepa, Tas asaneat ares fo bp en te case of Spann oatay oe ve departs arnt ns ‘Accor to Nan Gorn TNA ners sat pret fal eqs for {eli edo red an la tre wa Thy We Instn: congenial etonne: tht ied x prevetde porpcnepok chavo Teng Acton) An patna esp sok be able to provide information about the following: to particular performance discrep ‘© The impact of the prevt a lopir rc ferring ; aTrdevlopng, proving, and trestrcing the KSAS to the job if training is the chosen solution to the PD * ie ie alas 9 Me ceeenenisa to SPD Mission and strategies the organizational analysis, an examination of the mission and strategies helps the analyst vices to meet our customers’ needs flowing us to prosper asa business and provide areason- able return to our stockholders” A st ‘on the team approach for continuous improve is training in problem solving Problem solving tive and is therefore in line with the team ap ing in traditional negotiation Traditional negotiations trainin but inst tegy that arose from that mission tatement was to focus sent. One type of training support tis strategy) training requires opennes and trust tobe effec- ach If the workers in the plant are offered train- h the team agproach? Perhaps not ful not to reveal all your information, urself (or your department) To offer pr 8 skill, is this in line wit g often teaches that its use 0 getthe best del for ead hold back and attempt sold 50 he would have a measure of thee. cess ofthe training After a tine he noticed no ‘Source: Adapted trom Johnson. 195. Making your such training would at best notre actually counteract it. fees: INCONGRUMTIES IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT increase occurred in sales Training did not result in an increase in sales. What went ‘wrong? ‘Analysis revecled that when tellers returned from training, they also returned to the same appraisal system in place before the ‘raining, Performance assessment was based largely on the number of customers the teller was able to process. Why would a teller risk ‘receiving alow perfamance rating in order to spend time telling customers about the prod- ucts and servies being offered by the bank? tang stick, HR Magazine, May p. 5-60. pt of opeiess and trust, and at worst, ide the priorities for training Training to here to spend the training budget. ows that development of KSAS relat- —_ Capital Resources | When the term resources is used sues of inane, equipment facies and the like usually come to mind, Recall in Chapter 2, during the strategie planning phase, decisions are made as to where money would be spent. Ifa large expenciture is made on new equipment for the ma ts or toward becoming IS) 9000 certified, these strategic decisions wil help determine the priorities for the HRD department. In the case of pirchasing new equipment for the machinists the priority is clea, we need to conceatrate onthe assessment ofthe machinist position. training to operate the new mgchiner. This strategic level. Likewise, the Strategic choice of becoming ‘We need to assess the machinists’ level of KSAs to determine whether they need focus is based on the {nancial decisions made atthe g ISO $000 certified indicates to the ct in that area. In both these cases, HRD department that it would need to prov significant company resources wll be directed tow. employees are not able to operate the new equipay certification, the money put toward those inititi ‘The other main concern for HRD is ba the required training is a function ofthe m versus internally developing training depen« cost. In the Westcan case, training might get better results, but provide the cds at Westcan, given her limited budget. training nee joney HRD has to spend. Hiri ds on a number of issves, not Chris decided to develop the tai ‘Chris would have to weigh tt se strategic initiatives Afterall ifthe ‘engage in the tasks required fr ISO be wasted sed onits own budget. Decisions as to how to provide ing external consultants the least of which the ining herself Hiring a consultant to that against other CHAPTERS NeedsAnais 125 ‘management wit information on the KSAsof te i ana ofthe current workforce, This information indicated soane tad eis asain act many ha eaig icaisso operating computer ines ‘concer, Because the strategic planing group knew ths information early in the strategie pl planning phase, they were able to make an informed decision about how to proceed, They considered the following choies: {+ Abandon the ies o purchasing such sing such euipmen and conser aerate sate pans. + Hire employees who had the silt operat such machinery. + Train current employees to operate the machine "Note the first choice isto abandon that particular strategic plan over one where existing sil of ‘the employees are available. That choice was not followed, nd Heinz choose to move forward withthe pla, and to trun employees (rather than hire new employes withthe skill), which again was a strategic decision. Because they addrested the ise etl, they gave themselves, plenty of time to train employees to perform tthe necessary kil evel ‘The strategic analysis provides a great deal of information about the capabilites ofthe workforce. This information assists in the decision as to what strategic plan wil be followed, However itis not enough. Once a decision ona strategic pln i approved the focus moves to ‘he area where priorities are identified from the strategic plan ‘This second stage—the specie TNA level, identified from the HR strategy focuses on those employees who are identified as facing performance discrepancies in ares important in the strategic plan. This fous would be the machinists in one ofthe eae examples Wat about in the Heinz example? Recall hat none ofthe Heinz employees show the required KSAS to ‘operate the machinery being proposed So, although they are effective employees atthe present ‘ime, a PD will develop when the new equipmeat arrives The HRD department priority i to provide the employees withthe requisite KSAs so when the ketchup machine arrives they will be prepared to operate it. Organizational Environment The other main objective ofthe organizational analysis o examine the variousstructures (eg, ‘mechanistic or organic) and designs (eg, pay systems and reward polices) operatinginan ors nization to determine how congruent they are withthe performance objectives of the unit in Which the discrepancies were identified, Identifying these incongruenis eal, nd changing them, will help ensure that when traning is complete, i wil transfer tothe job. Consider two organizations: Organization A decides to move toward amore eam oriented approach. Te mision and objectives refet this recent changin company pl. Among te peat rots the use of a suggestion bo, which provides ear for individ suggestions forimprow ing company performance. . a af and objectives canbe summed up as ua smost important Organ essai formance appraisals fr fistine manage- ment provide a measure o -e nothing related 10 4 measure veeds Analysis 126 cannes’ ive sytem reinforce oF hinder te, ative ss Ne ‘0 innovative des he team approach ciate imple ets approach? ILafter training and implemen fective? You cannot really nie eee aes rer eee pt otter 0s Ct ee ngs Rg) een ear einl ock ‘Gon ating th onrent ad en ea ea mi otiecoa ate apammemmrtee Om Show where organizational analysis could identi a rewar Aekdtoteadieaeino ne OEE ec Tn the second scenario, would you expect training in ar ing even ede? Theresa ny be taal by mp redesigning te psfrmanes PP Sapna quali Tes can iusto onding a analy of Be Or ‘ttl exvonmen a ets to perfomance dfeaies Cone oe ober pot. Ths jose {nals at the environment el shoud not be ordcted until you bavean tea what obs ar tee ier rth petra eecen ens of tt changes Ths ting allows certain dee offs when ou are concacting heals; you gather data tlevant to thos jos only Otherwise, you may ar anenormots aunt of information on Jobs that may be eleva and therefore a wast ol valuable resources. the individu ince ta the first scenario, does th a .__ Where to Collect Data Once a discrepancy is identified ina specific depariment or location, then the cause ofthe dis- repancy needs to be determined. The assumption isnot that taining is required to alleviate the slserepaney. Don't forget what Nancy Gordon said about 85 percent of traning requests turn ‘out to be solvable without training To gather data able 4-2 identifies potential individuals you ‘may wish to interview and points to raise with them. Note the similarity between the “What to ask" in Table 42 and Table 4 OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS ‘When a performance discrepancy is ideaifed, you conduct a operational analysis in conjunc- tion with the organizational analysis inorder to fully understand the nature ofthe discrepancy, The operational analysis determines exactly what i required of employees in order for them to be effective. Let's say you ae investigating why prafucton unit Ais showing a steady increase in rejects Th actual performance of unit Ais 15 rejets per thousand Expected performance is one reject per thousand. You note that the increase in rejets corresponds with the hiring of nine ‘new production workers You might be tempted to sey the problems the new employes did not receive enough taining. You might be right, but youeally donot know for sure The operational analysis helps you to: *+ Determine what KSAs are requited by employees in uit Ain order to meet the expected performance. ‘+ Determine the characteristics of the task environment (workflow, equipment functonabi- ity, ergonomic concerns, and so forth) that are required for performance tobe able to meet expectations, ‘Note that at this point, operational and organizational analysis overlap because they both exam- ine factors that can coatribate to a deficit in performance, Table 43 provides a number of sources for obtaining such information. Techniques or obtaining task and KSA data are usually some type of job analysis. and sources ae shown in Table 4-3. The most frequently used proces b icumbents and supervisors of the incumbents. Let’s now examine Jes questioning both the i Se aeorimalying a ob. and the Sus YoU need to consider inc his process of an x" ee and objectives of the 2 agement has been, at nyse initia eng Pet allcated to "Sean Sgeagteneerse Is there gener : je Feber understanding ofthese Social Influences ‘What is the genera feeting i tion regarding een he organiza ‘Top management objectives? Relevant department managers super- ‘What is the social pressure in your depart. ‘Mosantinsimbens ‘ment regarding these goals objectives, and productivity? SS Reward Systems ‘What ae the revards and howere they ‘Top management Zz Relavant department mana Ateanyienestiedtotegmiane AE Septem objectives? What specifically do high performers get as rewards? Job Design How are the jobs organized? Relevant supervisors and incumbents, per- haps relevant department managers Where does their work/material’ information come from and where do they send it when done? Does the design of the job in any way inhibit incumbents from being high performers? Job Performance 3 How do employees know what level of Relevant supervisors and incumbents performance is acceptable? « How do they find out if their level of per- formance is acceptable? Isa formal feedback process (eg, perfor- ‘mance appraisal) utilized? ‘Are there resources for help if required? Methods and Practices wel ae ; ae What are the policies/procedures/rules in levant department managers, super- the arganizaton? Which if any inhibit visors, and incumbents performance? “vonezueaio snok 01 weAajaa st Uuorreuzoyuy aims 2q 01 poay, iadns sty pue s2pj0y gol am) yiog ay se Pinoys injasn 99 o4 "EP ayemaoe aplaoid veo Ajjsaii09 auop uaym pur POUTPU pas UDY}oIs0}y -soqaeyog souanyu, paasasqo Bu19q Jo raed 294i 1eyp azeme 9q sn ‘ronomoy ‘ax2q1 u9Ag Sgot se Ayaan pot yeu ye su30009 ATES. pe Kreseo0u SI “ying got op 01 pambas i gl pa TES ssprepuris aoueusopiod euts0} aney row op suo ezie8i0 U>yjo 1nq"2Yes nope pue ajgeyteat 311942571 “sunajqoxd aures 2x9 03} Sans pue vOUEEESSP gol ayy Jo r9npord 24 AEH rpaunbat s veya yo Supueas -xapum aqui wn 1024 sang 3 tomas 4 Jpyninb dn aan sou “Duos wan pado|eseP ‘ous SURLIOI2p 03 P22N saunisnpur ayo wo1y 9 gor Sumasu0y amMyRIDIT] MOLDY“ agioads Hurunusay9p 40} ryasy sostasadns 24130 q 2pj0y gol aq je or aq ogy suoNs=ng YSy “9 Suyduwes Yoy4-gor 2412590 ‘sewosino 9q Sde8 208u0 aney 4fqeaidh swuowarbas 2o0e -topnd 2sne9q go 49] gor aq) auO}ag sprepuerg aoueuoysed “¢ -swvaqunaut got Jo sms pe 28p2}n01 “pn oy pusyr2 Kew suon, -wayjoadg suondussap qo! wey aod 2109490" 0} postnbas sti Pou suoneayoods gor 2 -aasenure 2g 0) uo ysoodsos puP oso gor “1 apasyang seams + svon sopnp read sof mn mr pnp ead aa or ann I PHS CHAPTERS Needs Anaysis 129 you need to ktow what tasks ae performed onthe ob. 1nd supervisors Incumbents are ask exactly what ass are being performed. few more years, they co After a number of ye supervisors to discus the expectations Although is spect between supervisors and their subordinates In reality, many jb incumbents leara about their job through working with other incumbents and through trial and erro. Who Should Select Incumbents The selection process should be done by the job analyst, not ay choose on the basis, 0, oF any other reasons, Who they prefer to give the oppor 130. CHAPTERS Needs Anayst ple. Perhaps more import ‘At a animus, talk 1 3 How you choose this sample ey Worker Oriented Approach The vortexed approach fects on th KSA that are require on th job athe han the tas or eave Fe 42 provides an eral of ach, asthe name implies ideaties tas are 1. — Fa visu itferentton (esing dit eng ctferencas ifthe object, events ot+ peat inion aig reread ot bes aml 2 Depth pore between objects, ‘operating ade tion judging tho estance rom the chsenvrto objet, rhe stances 25 they are positioned in pac; for exams operating rade, tits dil, handling and postonng objets a Color perception siterentiating orienting obacts mater, or deals theret on the basis of calor) ‘4 —Sound pattem recognition recogni eran pats or sequences of sounds; for ‘example, those involved in Mocs code, heartbeats, engines not functioning corey 5. —_Sound eitferentation recognting difernceso changes in sounds nth Bitch, andlor tone quay or exampl plan tuner, soundsytem ropa) poe aN, obtain by exami sare necesaty 10 cumbents and supervisors are fama from Figure 43,an example of an Figure 44. 1d KSAS Based on spats of the job ofa human resource professional s depicted in HRD Professional Job Te: HRD Professional Toss Subtasks Ae List tasks 1. Observe behavior 2. Select vero Have knowledge of action verbs: 7 Have grammatical skills 3. Record behavior ‘State so understood by others : : Record neatly 2.Listsubasks 1. Observe behavior Ustall remaining acts : Classify behavior 2, Select verb! 3, Reoord behavior 3, List knowledge 1. State what must be known ‘complexity ~~ Determiria whether skills represent ~ +, aseris of ats that must be learned ina sequence 3. Determine what metho diferent geograph ‘chosen. It would analyzed, Develop a questionnaire. Fora questionnaire tions from the various locations and fort How Important Is the Task {L Not Very Important Poor performance on ths tak wil nt affect ihe overall performance. 2 Somewhat Important Poor performance on this task wll moderately affect the overall, performance. {3 Important Poor performance on ths task wil affect the 4 Very Important Poor performance on this task performance. 6. Rate tsk importance for new hres The oth able to do the task sucessfully at the time of hire. The scale to how important it was tobe rating follows. Importance atthe Time of Hire 1 A person requires no specific capability inthis area when hired. Tsning willbe provided for ‘an individual to become proficient in this area. 2 A person requites only is ary Cae esate ine was sent 108 erences existed bet ene ie tt a edt, Reed a eat ba nd above were pct, 8 Amie d een ee ep wih amenaiago25 ay ais Those tasks fe. » Baten gua shat sctin a. re werabove 25 sion 25 |___ ‘Selection. Atorabove2s |” Tsideg Tsk Imponsnee below 25 és ‘Not important ee ee ee perform each ofthe important tasks and sibtasks ae identified. These aspects too should be ‘ated for importance to the job and importance atthe tine of hire. hat if the numberof incumbents is age and they are scattered across the country? ‘Tile 44 provides the proces wsed to identify the ass and KSAS for salespeople a a large ARarputer fm inthe United States with offices al across the couatry. Because ofthe breadth of [ne Job many different types of equipment (hardware) were sold—and the many diferent ations the needs analysis was a major undertaking. The effort was worthwbile however, pecans important information was obtained. For example twas determined that irrespective of type of hardware sold (cash register or computer similar tasks and identical KSAs were ‘equited. It was also determined thatthe job was the same in Los Angeles as it was in Detroit, the importance sale it was determined hata number of tasks and KSAs though performed, wee not critical to efecive job perfomance For example “knowledge ofcomputer operations” “knowledge of program language,” and"sbilty to wit simple compar progeme™ were beneficial but not necessary because twas posible to obtain such support nthe Bel, From these data the company vas able to refocus its selection procedures to include the KSAs necessary atthe tine of hire and to provide its trinng department wih lar picture of the training necessary afer the salespeople were hited To understand the difference between the worker-orented and task-oriented approaches, note the different results that would be obtained using each ofthese methods, depicted in Table +5, Garage attendant Checks tre pressure Obtain information from visual displays Machinist Checks thickness of crankshaft Use of a measuring device Dentist Drills out decay from teeth Use of precision instrumests Forklift driver Loads pallets of washers onto High level of eye-hand coordination trucks om thse ine ri ob, and ther sperisors perenne ecm their superizors to: that make : Focus on the ke “high performers” dtferent from average . 8pects that ti Formate sone tat ina he sex recon ot he conpay : the competeni * Verity the preceding ines os 49 With upper management competencies supervisor, mation wth nother roupofhigh performer and het * Link this information tojb an Sie KSAsthat mate coat Sainfomatin sind rm job toate se- compeeny Regating the tha cot Pint compteas mode os ta aman jb Liking albus ae ee At ft so wil aur athe competences are 0 aly need deve and oe Tage prvi you wih einai ou cut the KSASthat make phe cmpetny yo wil ot ee to deerin won nck ibe he KSA ht at ecg wl nt be ‘The dat gutheredin te opera says ar wed to dtm vba expected (ae thle) performance From ths infomation means a expert petoranes ness) se developed Deslopsent ofthese se inponant a tny rl eaedoar col ore how employees re dig bt aos one mean of aking ze Cieiondevopmen Appendix 41a hen is hp proses some depundenendagef he inves forthe advanced student aad athens in deelping gon exer, The appendix wiles bep you beter understand te citron isu dscused a Chaplet Son easton - PERSON ANALYSIS Once the tasks (or competencies) and KSAs required to meet performance expectations are clear (operational analy), th aeed aay determines whois ot meting these expectations. {A person analysis isthe methodology fr identifying those incumbent who are not meeting the petformance requirements Recall om thetrsning model te formula or a perfomance dis Crepany i Expected perfomance ~ Actual perfomance = Performance dsrepancy ‘A performance discrepancy is most often thought of in the reactive sense, that i asthe difer- ‘ence between expected performance and actual performance. For example, assume the standard ‘umber of snowmobile tales a “Bulder las 2" is expected to produce per day is 15. For the last 3 weeks three employees inthis lass are averaging 0.6 trailers per day The diseepancy is 09 trailers per day. Inthe proactive analysis the expected performance is what is needed in the future (and will likey require new KSA), and actual performance isthe current performance level (with present KSAs). Consider the trailer manufacturer in the preceding example. He decides to purchase equipment that will bend the trier frame to the correct shape eliminating a number of welds The enginering studies indicat that ths change in production proces wilncease the “Builder Class 2" output to 3 trailers per day. At the present KSA level “Builder Clas 2" employees are ——=—— onan e051 rau preted pstormnce tan cuarrers Necks Ane ay Here the P= site 1 rllers per day. Wa ay Va, qe prc 1S TE a eee Fer ears pe 29) Sources avaiable to btai person 20 ces wil be di

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