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Clavería’s Catalogue
Pilipino Express • Vol. 2 No. 18
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
September 16, 2006

Filipino surnames can be con-

fusing for people who are not famil-
iar with Filipino culture and history.
While there are many indigenous
names in many native languages as
well as Chinese-derived names, the
prevalence of Spanish family names
leads many to believe that Filipinos
are Hispanic – as though they were
Mexicans who just happen to live in
Before Spain occupied the Phil-
ippines in the 1500s, most Filipinos
had just one name. Some were de-
scriptive while others had obscure,
or unknown meanings like most of
our names today. Most of the old Governor and Captain General of the The book that gave many Filipino
Philippines from 1844 to 1849, families their names:
names that appear in history books Narciso Clavería y Zaldúa made surnames the Alphabetical Catalogue of
belonged to rulers such the datus mandatory for Filipinos Surnames, 1849
Matanda, Lakandula, Lapu-lapu and
Humabon. Some Filipinos had a sec- bers. Also, with so many Filipinos male member of every family to
ond name that described a family choosing the same popular surnames choose a family name and have it
relationship but unlike the old Euro- like de los Santos and de la Cruz, it entered into the new civil register.
pean custom in which a man was was not easy for the government to Filipinos who already had sur-
referred to as “the son of so-and-so” track the movements of Filipinos – names could keep them as long as
(Johnson, Peterson etc.), in the Phil- making tax collection and law en- they were not on a list of banned
ippines, people were identified forcement difficult. names. To avoid any false claims to
through their children, as in “the special rights, taking the names of
A catalogue of surnames
mother or father of so-and-so.” ancient Filipino nobles like, Tupas,
So, after about 300 years of this Lakandula or Rajah Matanda was not
Filipino names – anything goes confusion, the government decided to allowed. However, families that al-
When Filipinos began to convert take action. In 1849, Governor Nar- ready had a restricted surname could
to Christianity, they took on the ciso Clavería began the process of keep it if they could prove that they
names of Catholic saints, symbols, making a civil register of the entire had been using it for at least four
sacraments, feasts and even popes. population. The first step was to sort generations.
When it came to naming a child or out the names that people already had Overused names like Cruz,
choosing one’s own Catholic name it and then to make rules so that Fili- Reyes, Santos and others were sup-
was “anything goes” – not much pino families would all have consis- posed to be banned, too, but Gover-
different from today except that Hol- tent surnames. nor Clavería did allow provincial
lywood was not an available source Clavería released the Catálogo officials and priests to use their own
of names yet. Many Filipinos back alfabético de apellidos or the Alpha- discretion in the matter. Judging by
then took two or three names and betical catalogue of surnames, which the huge numbers of these common
changed them whenever they contained 60,662 surnames, both surnames that are still around today,
wanted. Surnames were not strictly Spanish and indigenous, that had it seems that most officials let it slide.
applied to whole families and often been collected by parish priests In some areas, though, such as Que-
each family member would choose a throughout the country. The cata- zon and Albay, the whole law, includ-
Spanish surname that was different logue was distributed to the head of ing the alphabetical distribution of
from the rest of the family. The re- each province who was required to names, was so strictly enforced that
sulting confusion drove Spanish bu- figure out how many surnames each in some towns almost everybody’s
reaucrats crazy because, without town would need and then assign surname started with the same letter.
clear family lineages, legitimate them alphabetically. A list of the al- Filipinos who changed their
births and inheritances were often lotted surnames for each town was names after being registered faced at
hard to prove and the clergy worried given to its parish priest who in- least eight days in jail or a fine of
that Filipinos might be marrying their structed the barangay (neighbour- three pesos. School teachers were
own cousins or other family mem- hood) officials to summon the oldest instructed to keep a register of all
Paul Morrow • In Other Words • The Pilipino Express • September 16 - 30, 2006 2

their students’ surnames and to make meant that only one of the 28 had any (unshakeable). A favourite of mine is
sure that they matched their parents’ European ancestry. Also, the samples Lacanilao (Lakan+ilaw) or “noble
surnames. They also had to make were all taken from around Manila light.”
sure that the students used only their where the mestiso population is con- Native Filipino first names
registered names. If the rules were centrated. gained a measure of popularity in the
not enforced, provincial officials The reason that so many Filipinos 20th century with some nationalistic
were allowed to punish the teacher. have Hispanic last names is mainly parents giving their children Tagalog
because their ancestors changed their names such as Bayani (Hero), Mag-
Modern myths names when they became Catholics tanggol (Protector), Makisig (Hand-
Clavería’s decree is at the root of or when they had to choose a sur- some) and Diwa (Spirit) for boys, or
some myths and misunderstandings name for Governor Clavería’s civil Ligaya (Joy), Malaya (Free), Luwal-
that we have today about Filipino register in 1849. Taking a new name hati (Glory), Mayumi (Modest) and
names. Some people believe that the when a person became a Christian Luningning (Brilliance) for girls.
Spaniards forced Filipinos to give up was customary, just like it is for peo-
Chinese names
their own names and assume Spanish ple today who convert to Islam. Of-
names, but this is not true. Clavería’s ten a priest would choose the name, There are many Filipino sur-
catalogue listed all kinds of names but for many Filipinos it was the names that look Hispanic but are
that were collected from all over the “cool” thing to do, anyway. The really Chinese. Today most Chinese
Philippines. The purpose of the cata- Spaniards had the power, so taking a surnames have only one syllable, but
logue was not to get rid of native Spanish surname gave the illusion of until the 1800s, Chinese-Filipino
names but to set up a civil register so having a little prestige and style. Old families usually had three syllables in
that the government could keep track parish records show that some Filipi- their names because they used the
of the Filipino population for tax nos added their new Hispanic names complete name of their patriarch.
collecting, law enforcement and to their old native names but after a Other families may have come from
church records. To do that, Clavería few years, they would eventually northern China where two-syllable
needed Filipino families to have a drop the native part. names are not uncommon. These
surname. The origin of a surname did names became more Spanish sound-
Indigenous names survive
not matter as long as each family ing when they were written in the
member had the same one. Fortunately hundreds of native Spanish alphabet.
Another myth that some Filipinos Filipino names did survive. Some of One of the most famous of these
believe is that having a Spanish sur- these were high status names that is former president Corazon Aquino’s
name means having some Spanish belonged to important families that maiden name, Cojuangco. The head
ancestry. They assume, and in some kept them even when they converted, of the Cojuanco family at one time
cases they even claim, that one of while other names belonged to those was Ko Chi Kuan, who was respect-
their great-great grandmothers mar- Filipinos who had eluded Spanish fully addressed by adding Ko to the
ried a Spaniard, or came to have rule. end of his name and dropping his
children from a Spaniard through Some indigenous names have given name, Chi. Thus, Ko Chi Kuan
some sordid incident. The truth of the obvious meanings while others have was known as, Ko Kuan Ko, which
matter is that for most of the Spanish been obscured by time and the evolu- eventually became Cojuanco in the
era, there were very few Spaniards in tion of languages. Many families Spanish spelling.
the Philippines. In most provincial have original Filipino names that Some other hispanized Chinese
towns, the only Spaniard was the may not look Filipino because they names are Locsin (Xin Luk), Joson
local friar. According to the 2000 have retained the old Spanish spell- (Ho Sun), Lantin, Dizon, Quison,
census, 95% of the population in the ing – names such as Bondoc for bun- Vinzon, Licuanan, Landicho, Guing-
Philippines has an unmixed Malay dok (mountain) or the Ilokano name, canco, Lauchengco and Quisumbing.
heritage. Although mestisos (people Agcaoili (to hold on to), which These names were once Chinese, but
of mixed race) are extremely influen- would be spelled Agkawili in modern today they are uniquely Filipino and
tial in Filipino society, most estimates Filipino. not found in China.
put the combined number of all types Some names are not flattering to Whatever the origin – Hispanic,
of mestisos at no more than 2% or their owners but, for obvious reasons, Chinese or native – most Filipinos
3% of the entire population and only most of the native names that have today possess family names that only
about half of those are Spanish mes- survived are those that express the date back to 1849; and for that, they
tisos, who are based mainly in Ma- positive or powerful qualities of peo- can thank (or blame) Clavería’s cata-
nila and Cebu. Chinese-mestisos and ple. There is strength and fierceness logue.
full Chinese combined are estimated in names like, Macaraeg (maka+daig, E-mail the author at:
at only around 3%. able to win), Catacutan (fear), Pan- or
A 2001 Stanford University study ganiban (aware of danger), Agbayani visit for
showed a slightly higher percentage (Ilokano, to be heroic) and Mangubat more about Filipino history and
of Filipinos carrying European ge- (Cebuano, to fight). There is defiance language. Comments are also
netic material (3.6%), but the sample in Tagalog names like: Dimaapi welcome on Paul Morrow’s
size was only 28 people, which (“cannot be oppressed”), Dimayuga FaceBook page.
Paul Morrow • In Other Words • The Pilipino Express • September 16 - 30, 2006 3

Abella, Domingo & Norman Owen, Catálogo Alfabético de Apellidos (1849), National Archives Publication No.
D-3 (1973)

All Demographics of the Philippines,

philippines.htm. Retrieved September 5, 2006

Capelli, Christian et al. “A Predominantly Indigenous Paternal Heritage for the Austronesian- Speaking Peoples of
Insular Southeast Asia and Oceania.” American Journal of Human Genetics 68:432–443, 2001.

Philippines Genealogy Web Project. Surnames FAQ. Created on: October 11, 1997. Last updated: October 28,
2001. Retrieved August 29, 2006

Santos, Hector. Katálogo ng mga Apelyidong Pilipino (Catalog of Filipino Names) at
US, May 3, 1998. Retrieved August 28, 2006.

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