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Cryptography Assignment 1(NKJV)

Contemporary Cryptography

Cracking Daniel Chapter 7 (ALL ANSWER IN THE BIBLE ITSELF)

Symbols: Wind, Sea, Beasts, Lion, eagle wings, Bear, three ribs, leopard with four heads, terrible
beasts with iron teeth, seven heads, 10 horns, little horn with mouth like a man.

a. What does the sea and the winds represent in this context?
b. What does the beast represent?
Example: Daniel 7:23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth
kingdom that will appear on earth.

Beast represents Kingdoms.

c. What does the lion with eagle wings represent?

d. Why this beast has eagle wings.
e. State the historical time line that the lion reign. (period of its existence: dates).
f. What does the bear represent?
g. Why the bear has three ribs on its mouth?
h. State the historical time line that the bear reign. (period of its existence: dates).
i. What does leopard represent?
j. Why leopard has four heads and four wings?
k. State the historical time line that the leopard reign. (period of its existence: dates).
l. What does the terrible beast with iron teeth represent?
m. Why does the terrible beast have 7 heads?
n. State the historical time line that the terrible beast reign. (period of its existence: dates).
o. What does the 10 horns represent.
p. State the historical time line that the 10 horns in power. (period of its existence: dates).
q. State some characteristics of the little horn that rose other 10 horns.
r. Identify the little horn.
s. Little horn uproots three horns identify them.
t. State the historical time line that the little horn reign. (period of its existence).

Hint: Time, times and half a time.

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