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3rd Year Undergraduate or 1st Year Master of Teaching


Student ID
Pre-service Teacher Lisa Majetic 2158312

School Reynella East College

Name: Learning Area: Year Level
Narayani Mcardle Mathematics and Science Years 8 and 9
Mentor Teacher(s)
Name: Learning Area: Year Level

School Co-ordinator Nicole James

Liaison Coordinator
University Sam Schulz Zoe Christopher

Teaching Days 5 introductory days + 20 day block: 25 days

CONTEXT Please add brief context statements about the school and class:
School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.

Reynella East College is an R-12 school divided over 2 campuses. It caters for over 1700 students
from all year levels. It is a DECS school which accommodates students from the Adelaide South
district. The class sizes vary depending on the subject but generally have 20-30 students per class. We
see ourselves as preparing students of all abilities who are independent and interdependent learners,
active citizens, enterprising and prepared to meet the challenge of the 21st century. As a school, we
are aiming to become a community of learners, where we learn from each other. We make strong
connections to our local community, and our students are actively engaged with the community. We
host International students as exchange - short term and long term. Our focus is on the student as a
member of a local, national and global community. The school setting at Reynella, a southern suburb of
Adelaide, has extensive gardened grounds, sporting and learning facilities, and provides an ideal
environment for a focused, well-rounded preparation for life.
Class (including children with special needs)

Year 8 and 9 Science, Year 8 Mathematics

Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-service teacher
towards each of the standards at this time.


Standard 1 Know students and how they learn

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 6 Engage in professional learning

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

I X I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate
SUMMARY STATEMENTS (You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics)
School Coordinator/Principal
Lisa has developed excellent professional relationships with staff, students and the wider school
community. She has been a valuable member of our school community during her time with us
and I believe will be an asset to any school where she continues her teaching career.
Name: Nicole James Date: 31/8/17

University Liaison
Lisa used this placement to good effect to apply and extend aspects of her emergent pedagogical
identity. She is extremely organised, a respectful professional, provides clear instructions and has a
pleasant demeanour, which translates well in the classroom. Lisa did a very good job during
observations of starting lessons by recapping and diagnosing existing knowledge before introducing
new learning. Her lessons are clearly-framed and move students through whole-group and
independent learning experiences, which work logically toward key outcomes. Moving forward, Lisa
may consider strengthening her approach by: positioning students more frequently as active rather
than passive participants by seeding diagnostic questions throughout lessons; seeking evidence of
depth of thinking on a more regular basis, particularly with respect to students on the periphery of
the room who are prone to disengagement; occupying the available space by moving about the
room, and in so doing, extending presence as a proactive means of touching base with students on
the periphery; stimulating student thinking by linking the learning to students’ worlds outside the
classroom (i.e. when talking about sodium chloride, you might say … we know sodium chloride by a
household name – can anyone tell me? Clue: we might find it on the dining table. Salt. Ok, who can
tell me something useful or interesting about salt? In other words, find opportunities to link the
learning to students’ lived experiences rather than reproducing set or standardised knowledge, and
use this strategy to extend students who warrant it); having set an independent learning task,
consider stopping the class after a while to focus attention and pose 1 or 2 whole group questions to
ascertain depth of engagement; and finally, reduce long periods of independent work when students
are clearly starting to veer off track by varying tasks to re-establish engagement.
Overall, Lisa is clear, professional and committed in her approach and I have every confidence she
will be an asset wherever she works. I was most pleased with all aspects of Lisa’s performance.

Name: Sam Schulz Date: 31/8/17

SUMMARY STATEMENT(S) (May be used as a referee statement)
Learning Area: Science / Maths
RE: Lisa Majetic

Professional Knowledge

Lisa is increasing her knowledge and understanding of the concepts and issues which need to be
presented in Year 8 and 9 Science. In Maths, she understands the content which needs to be
delivered. Lisa demonstrated her willingness and ability to create activities and tasks which are
designed to cater for students of varying learning needs. She has organised curriculum content into an
effective learning and teaching sequence. Her learning plans are detailed. She has incorporated a
variety of delivery strategies – both written and visual.
Assessment tasks are easily read and clear in their intention. She has demonstrated her ability to
instruct students when undertaking practical tasks, clearly demonstrating the correct use of equipment
and emphasising safety requirements.

Development required in the areas of:

Lisa needs to use questioning techniques that lead students towards making real world connections
with scientific concepts. Also she needs to continually monitor students’ progress to check for

Professional Practice

Lisa uses activities which engage with the students’ prior knowledge with the aim of extending their
knowledge within Science. Activities allow the students to work individually and as a group. She has
selected ICT resources which allow the students to engage and motivates their learning. She has
utilised an array of methods to deliver the content to the class. She has adapted and created new
tasks. Lisa has organised classroom activities with clear directions for the students and relief teachers
to follow. Lisa is able to project her voice well in the classroom when instructing the class. She has a
great rapport with the students with the class and attempts to engage with each student through the

Development required in the areas of:

Lisa needs to continue to think about questions which can challenge the students’ thinking. She has
very clear expectations of behaviour which she wants the student show, but needs challenge their
behaviour on firm basis. She is also adapting different techniques to manage those challenging
behaviours within the class. Also, she must wait she has all the students attention on her when she is
providing instructions or teaching new concepts.

Professional Engagement

Lisa is always seeking constructive feedback on her teaching and learning – whether in the classroom
or on her programs. She reflects upon her teaching and is able to make suggestion as to how
improvements can be made. Lisa has started to include real world connections when questioning

Written by: Narayani McArdle Date: 1/09/2017

SUMMARY ASSESSMENT (To be agreed by the School Coordinator and the University Liaison)

In our opinion Lisa Majetic

(Please click on appropriate box below)

☒ has, on balance, attained the level of ‘emerging’ against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is ready to progress to the final professional experience.

☐ has not attained the overall level of ‘emerging’ against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is not ready to undertake the final professional experience.


The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of
acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always familiar
with South Australian nomenclature.

Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison.
Please DO NOT give a copy of this to the student as the report needs to be certified by the University.

Please submit the completed report within 2 weeks of completion of Professional Experience placement.

If this is not possible then please email it directly to:

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