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To think about a perishing individual is a respect and benefit managed few in public. As for
clinicians, their principal objective is to decrease enduring while at the same time looking after awareness,
however, inevitable problems arise that lessen personal satisfaction. One of which is the ethical dilemmas
confronted by physicians, patients and caregivers. These can be avoided if there’s a good communication
between the patients, caregivers and the physicians. Physicians plays a vital role in end-of-life care. They
should apply the following principles in dealing this dilemma; (1) Autonomy. End-of-life care dialogues
and living will regarding medical treatment should be conducted by physicians so that patient’s autonomy
can still be preserved even when the patient’s capacity is lost. (2) Beneficence. Physicians must provide
best decision for the patient but should not also contradict with the patients will. (3) Nonmaleficence.
Physician assisted suicide should not be practice in dealing end-of-life care. (4) Justice. Physician should
treat their patients with professionalism and not discriminate the patient’s status (either because of its
illness or social stratification). (5) Fidelity. Physicians should be direct and honest to their patients in terms
of diagnosis and prognosis even when the patient has lost its capacity to comprehend things.

In dealing with end-of-life care ethical issues, one must look for different perspectives such as
worldview, local perspectives, political perspective, and religious perspective in order to provide a quality
near-to-death life. As for the worldview, ideally, understanding patients require entering a person’s soul,
mind and personality, past experiences, customs, beliefs and sociability, hence physicians should look at
this perspective to fully understand the patients sentiments in order for them to create a meaningful
impression to the patients as to what kind of life they had lived. Physicians should also provide an utmost
care or medical treatment to the patients with regard to his family and their opinions. Politics should also
take part wherein patients, especially those who are near to death, should at least experience greater
opportunities and express their dying wishes with the help of politics by implementing laws in favor of
end-of-life care. Aside from those, in religious perspective, it is the physicians’ role to address the patients
overall suffering as well as spiritual problem may occur.

Afterall, end-of-life care’s main purpose is to provide the needs and wishes of the patients who
are in their remaining moments. Ethical issues may arise however, the group believed that if there’s only
good communication and connection between the patient and the physician, ethical dilemmas can be



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