An Analysis Paper of Hacienda Luisita Massacre

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Jazie Mhel C.

Gabunada BSMT 1-H

TTH 10:30-12:00 February 26, 2019
An Analysis Paper of Hacienda Luisita Massacre
The massacre showed a biased thing to the poor who have rights and rich who has a great
power. The farmers of Central Azucarera de Tarlac and Hacienda Luisita were not given justice of the
massacre done by the police and army attack. They did not achieve the justice they want for their
sufferings and killed by the cruel people who were so thirsty of the riches.
Cojuangcos were so selfish of the land of Hacienda Luisita and to realize that the farmers have
the biggest part of their wealth. They did not keep their promise to the farmers that after ten years,
they should have a part of the land. It underlies fraud of democracy and the right to live for the
farmers. While the Cojuangcos were enjoying the riches and spending a lot of money in nonsense
things, there were farmers who refit the nine pesos and fifty cents in one day and forgotten the
hunger they have felt. They should not used asperity in fighting to the farmers and at least listen to
them. The massacre was more significant because the Department of Labor and Employment
Secretary, Patricio Sto. Tomas ordered directly the Assumption of Jurisdiction and the police and
army attack to the farmers. On the other side, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo responded to
killing with empty platitudes and prayers and did not do anything for the issue. It was a legitimate
exercise of state of power according to the spokesmen of the Hacienda. Destruction of the hacienda
system of large landholdings will not be accomplished by begging the capitalist rulers to break up
their profitable estates and hand land titles over the impoverished peasantry. The stock distribution
option was also a fraud to the farmers as I have said above that the farmers will become stock
owners and are given the rights to purchase capital stocks, equities or shares from the corporate
landowners and association but nothing happened. And when the police was interviewed, they have
denied that they did not use a gun and asperity to the massacre and they were set free after the
investigation. As showed in the documentary video, power overcomes the rights of people and it is a
sad truth for everyone.
The massacre must be a lesson to all of us Filipinos. Haven’t we learned from the civilization?
Many have died because fighting for the rights. And many are dazzled of wealth and don’t mind other
people sufferings and sacrifices just to be heard by them like what happened on hacienda luisita
massacre. We must not wait that someone has to be killed because of the unexplained and unjustified
situation and the root of it was power. If given the power, we must not abuse it. We must be
responsible and selfless. Rights must be seen first before power so that no one will get hurt and no
one will sacrifice their life again.

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